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Marine Biology (1998) 131: 703±718 Ó Springer-Verlag 1998

L. A. Ferry-Graham

Feeding kinematics of hatchling swellsharks, Cephaloscyllium ventriosum

(Scyliorhinidae): the importance of predator size

Received: 17 June 1997 / Accepted: 6 March 1998

Abstract Capture, manipulation, and transport of prey the sheer size of the 1 yr-old sharks allows a greater
were quanti®ed from high-speed video of hatchling amount of force to be generated, that will ultimately
swellsharks, Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. Kinematic draw the prey to the open mouth. Thus, there are ab-
variables were contrasted with those of 1 yr-old swell- solute consequences of size for feeding behaviors.
sharks. Hatchling prey-captures were ram-dominated,
while 1 yr-old prey-capture events had a detectable
suction component. Timing di€erences between kine- Introduction
matic patterns of the age groups were not detected.
Signi®cant di€erences in displacement maxima of kine- The importance of predatory experience to the devel-
matic variables between the two age groups during opment of feeding behaviors has been investigated for
feeding were detected, but were consistent with the ex- many teleost ®shes (e.g. Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar,
pectations of isometry; they doubled in accordance with Coughlin 1991; largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides,
a doubling in shark length. A scaling analysis con®rmed Colgan et al. 1986; anchovy, Engraulis mordax, Hunter
that swellsharks grow isometrically. A simple model of 1972). These studies have demonstrated that predatory
the head during prey capture con®rmed that buccal ex- experience may be a primary determinant of prey-cap-
pansion scaled isometrically between age groups. Thus, ture mode (Coughlin 1991, 1994) and feeding success
this study suggests that hatchlings generally perform the (Hunter 1972; Colgan et al. 1986; Coughlin 1991;
suite of movements necessary for suction generation Wanzenbock 1992). The majority of these studies,
within the buccal cavity during feeding. A suction however, have addressed changes in behavior over major
component to the strike, however, was generally not ontogenetic transitions, mainly the morphological tran-
detected by the ``ram:suction index''. It appears that sition from larva to juvenile (for an exception see Cook
although it is probably generated within the buccal 1996). Thus, it is dicult to discount alternative hy-
cavity, suction has little e€ect on the prey item and potheses that may explain changes in feeding behavior,
makes a minimal contribution to prey capture. Suction such as a change in maneuverability with size (see
may be ine€ective due to the highly active nature of the Blaxter and Staines 1971), or a change in mouth size or
hatchlings. During a strike, a hatchling's forward loco- structure with age (see Liem 1990).
motion may be sucient to overwhelm any suction Swellsharks, Cephaloscyllium ventriosum (Carcharhi-
produced by the expanding buccal cavity; thus, the niformes: Scyliorhindae), were chosen as subjects to in-
swimming shark e€ectively ``scoops'' the prey up in its vestigate hypotheses related to predatory experience and
open mouth (i.e. ram feeding) before the prey can be its e€ect on prey capture and transport behaviors be-
entrained in the ¯ow of water entering the mouth (i.e. cause, like all sharks, they do not have a larval stage of
suction feeding). It is also likely that the hatchling sharks development. Thus, their development does not include
are suciently small to render any suction generated an extreme morphological transition after the onset of
ine€ective. Even though the sharks scale isometrically, exogenous feeding that could potentially confound be-
havioral observations. In nature, eggs are laid and then
abandoned by the female shark. Long tendrils attach the
Communicated by M.F. Strathmann, Friday Harbor drifting egg cases to benthic vegetation and sessile or-
ganisms (Castro 1983; Compagno 1984). After hatching,
L.A. Ferry Graham
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
the yolk reserves are depleted (Edwards 1920; Ferry-
University of California, Irvine, Graham personal observations) and acquisition of en-
California 92697-2525, USA ergy is paramount for survival. Frazzetta and Prange

(1987) hypothesized that, in general, due to a lack of minimum e€ort in terms of egg maintenance. For the kinematic
experience, young sharks should use suction to capture study, egg cases of C. ventriosum were obtained from aquaria or
collected o€ the coast of Santa Barbara, California, USA. They
prey items. The alternative, ram feeding, whereby the were tagged and housed together in a 400-liter recirculating tank in
predator overtakes and engulfs the prey item in its open the laboratory and maintained at 18 °C ‹ 2 C°. At hatching,
mouth, should require more stealth, and presumably sharks were sexed and measured (see following paragraphs), and
more skill or predatory experience. Feeding by hatchling then placed into 80-liter tanks, maintained at 18 °C ‹ 0.5 C°, for
®lming. Food was o€ered to the hatchling sharks daily or every
or newborn sharks of any species has not previously other day until the ®rst prey capture occurred.
been described. The prey o€ered, thawed shrimp (Caridea) and smelt (Ather-
In this paper, I describe the kinematic pattern of inidae), were chosen to facilitate comparison with previous work
capture, manipulation, and transport of prey by hatch- (see Ferry-Graham 1997) and to re¯ect the natural prey these
ling Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. I also examine the hy- sharks might encounter (see Compagno 1984). Prey pieces were cut
into cubes with sides approximately one-half of the width of the
pothesis that predatory experience is of major individual shark's mouth. Prey items were o€ered by placing the
importance by contrasting the kinematic patterns of piece of meat on the base of the tank by means of forceps, which
hatchlings with the previously studied kinematics of were then removed as quickly as possible. The shark, initially sta-
1 yr-old, predatorily experienced C. ventriosum. Di€er- tionary or swimming, was videotaped as it approached and cap-
tured (the ®rst bite that contacted the prey, also referred to as the
ences detected between age groups, however, does not strike), manipulated (additional bites), and transported (taking the
necessarily prove that there is an e€ect of predatory prey fully into the esophagus) the prey. Each food-o€ering event
experience. I therefore tested for the potential con- was videotaped at 250 ®elds s)1 with a NAC HSV-500 high-speed
founding e€ect of changing predator morphology by video camera (described in detail by Ferry-Graham 1997). Two
video cameras were used to simultaneously record a lateral and
using a scaling analysis of morphometric data across a ventral view of the feeding sharks. Individual sharks were allowed
wide size range of C. ventriosum; the null hypothesis is to return to their pre-feeding behavior prior to introduction of
that the species grows isometrically, and there are no another prey item. Four individuals (average total length
morphological changes between the hatchling and 1 yr- (TL) ˆ 15.8 cm; range ˆ 15.5 to 16.3 cm) were successfully vid-
old life-history stage. If behavioral changes between age eo-taped. Four feeding sequences were obtained from each indi-
vidual in which the head and jaws were clearly visible and the shark
groups do not scale in a manner consistent with the remained nearly perpendicular to the cameras.
pattern of growth, e€ects of predatory experience can be Analysis of video sequences followed the protocol described by
inferred. Ferry-Graham (1997). Landmarks (Fig. 1) were digitized on the
To understand the functional consequence of poten- video images at 0.024 s intervals starting at ``time zero'' (t0), 0.072 s
prior to the onset of rapid mouth opening. The digitized frame rate
tial kinematic and morphologic di€erences between age was increased to 0.012 s intervals just prior to maximal mouth
groups of sharks, I constructed a simple model of the opening, or maximum gape angle, and throughout prey transport.
relaxed and fully expanded buccal cavity for both At the onset of prey transport, or rapid mouth re-opening, t0 was
hatchling and 1 yr-old Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. The again determined so that the duration of the two events could be
compared. The coordinate data obtained from the digitized frames
model allows investigation of the potential e€ects of were used to calculate cephalic displacements or kinematic vari-
both changes in displacement maxima and changes in ables. The rostral margin of the orbit was used as a reference to
morphology. The model is not dynamic, and is meant determine relative movement of two other points on the head (see
only to serve as a tool for visualizing any e€ects of be- Fig. 1a: lateral view). By subtracting the resting orbit-to-buccal
havior or morphology on the buccal cavity. Isometric expansion point distance, absolute displacements (cm) of the hyoid
and buccal region were determined for each time interval (see Ta-
growth, used as the null hypothesis (H0) in the scaling ble 1). Head thickness or depth, and head width were measured at
analysis, predicts that volume changes rapidly, scaling as the ®rst gill arch and at the pectoral ®n insertion (Fig. 1a). Jaw
the cubed function of length. Buccal volume must be width was also determined for reference. Head angle (degrees) was
proportionately much greater in 1 yr-olds than in measured as a positive or negative angle relative to the midline of
the body, and gape angle was the angle created between the upper
hatchling sharks. Since such a di€erence could have an and lower jaws (Fig. 1b). How these points on the shark head
impact on the total suction produced, the model was correspond to actual cartilaginous elements can be seen in Fig. 2.
also used to estimate change in buccal volume during Strike variables were also determined for prey capture and
prey capture. Thus, the questions examined are: (1) Are transport events if possible. Instantaneous predator velocity
(cm s)1) was calculated for the ®rst three digitized frames of both
there di€erences in feeding behaviors between hatchling the capture and transport phases of the feeding event and an av-
and 1 yr-old C. ventriosum? (2) Can they be explained erage value at each t0 is presented. The forward distance moved was
by growth alone? (3) Is growth alone enough to cause calculated from the ventral view of the pectoral ®n insertion-point.
performance consequences? (4) Or are there indications Predator±prey distance (cm) during capture was determined by
of an e€ect of predatory experience on feeding behav- measuring from the anterior tip of a shark's lower jaw to the
leading edge of the prey item. When possible, the ram:suction index
iors? (RSI; Norton and Brainerd 1993) was used to determine propor-
tionally how much ram or suction behavior contributed to a prey
capture event. For this;
Materials and methods ÿ  ÿ
RSI ˆ Dpredator ÿ Dprey : Dpredator ‡ Dprey ;

Kinematics where D distance traveled by either the predator or the prey from
the onset of mouth opening to the time at which the prey item ®rst
Cephaloscyllium ventriosum is an ideal species for study because enters the mouth. Dpredator was measured from a reference point on
adults are oviparous and eggs are easily collected and reared in the the background grid to the tip of the lower jaw. This avoided any
laboratory. Hatching in the laboratory is generally successful, with confounding e€ect of upper-jaw protrusion. Dprey was measured

FO HDfin

LJ Lateral


1 cm


b HA

Rostral Orbit
GA Lateral cartilages
Hyomandibula Hyoid
Palatoquadrate Ceratohyal elements
(upper jaw)
(lower jaw)
Fig. 2 Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. Camera lucida drawings of dorsal
and lateral views of skull and related morphological elements from
Fig. 1 Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. Traces from NAC video-camera cleared and stained hatchlings (N ˆ 3). Specimens did not remain
image of shark biting a prey item. a Simultaneous lateral and ventral intact through clearing and staining process, so x-radiographs of a
views; relevant distances calculated between digitized points (black similarly sized individual were used to determine intact position of jaw
dots) are two head-depth measurements (HDgill1 and HD®n), front of cartilages
orbit (FO) to hyoid element (H), and FO to ventral surface of buccal
region at the center of expansion (VB); note that hyoid is depressed in
this image, and the resting FO to H distance would be subtracted to model that contained all interaction terms was used to test for
determine absolute hyoid displacement; lower jaw tip (LJ), and upper signi®cant interaction among the factors and covariate (Super-
jaw tip (UJ) are also labeled; ventral view shows the two head-width ANOVA statistical software package). When interactions were not
(HW) measurements, and the jaw-width (JW) measurement. b Head detected, the results of the model without the interaction terms was
angle (HA), with a plane parallel to tank base (dashed line), and gape used. Cochran's tests (Winer 1971) veri®ed that variances were
angle (GA). c Polygon used to estimate functional buccal volume homogeneous within these variables at the smallest level tested; the
(dotted lines indicate thicknesses measured by transecting the heads of age ´ phase ´ head length interaction. It was assumed that these
preserved individuals); points used for digitizing have been removed analyses were robust to deviations from normality (Underwood
from Graph c for clarity (Modi®ed after Ferry-Graham 1997) 1981).
Prey manipulation was not included in the phase factor of the
above analysis because manipulation bites did not always occur.
from the same reference point to the edge of the prey nearest the Instead, a repeated measures ANCOVA (Systat statistical soft-
shark's mouth. RSI can take on values between 1 (a purely ram ware) was used to detect trends between subsequent bites on the
strike) and )1 (a purely suction strike). Values between 1 and )1 prey item. Bites 1 ( ˆ capture) and 2 ( ˆ manipulation) were in-
re¯ect a combination of behaviors. cluded in the repeated measures analyses, since second bites oc-
Cephalic displacement maxima and timing variables (times of curred with enough frequency for suitable replication (N ˆ 14
maxima and minima) for hatchling sharks were contrasted with a feeding events with ³2 bites). Only ®ve feeding events from both
previous study of feeding by 1 yr-old Cephaloscyllium ventriosum age groups combined contained 3 bites, and a single event from a
(N ˆ 5; average TL ˆ 30.0 cm; range ˆ 23.6±37.0 cm). Princi- 1 yr-old individual had a total of 4 bites. Bite number was treated
pal-components analysis (PCA) was used on the entire data set to as a ``within'' factor in the analysis, while the ``among'' factor of
reduce the many cephalic variables to three independent linear age and the covariate, head length, were also included in the re-
combinations of variables that could be used in a multivariate peated measures ANCOVA model. Prior to performing the
analysis of covariance (MANCOVA; see Table 2). The MANC- ANCOVAs, PCA was again used to reduce the multiple-bite da-
OVA is limited to three variables by the level of within-cell taset to a few non-correlated variables (see Table 3). This separate
replication. The correlation matrix was used to determine princi- PCA was required because the dataset available for this portion of
pal-component (PC) scores so that variable groupings would not be the global analysis was small and the previous analyses would
a€ected by the units of measure (i.e. cm, degrees). The MANCOVA have been reduced to a trivial amount of data had a single, uni®ed
was used to compare the ®xed factors of feeding phase (capture vs PCA been attempted. Signi®cance levels for these ANCOVAs
transport) and age (hatchling vs one-year old sharks). The covar- were corrected using a Bonferroni correction for conducting sep-
iate of head length was also included in the analyses to account for arate tests of the same null hypothesis on multiple dependent
the size di€erence between age groups that necessarily exists. A full variables.

Morphometrics and scaling tistical software package G-Power (Macintosh Verson 2.1.1;
A. Buchner, F. Faul, E. Erdfelder, University of Trier, Germany).
A morphometric scaling analysis was used to investigate potential For all power analyses, the power to detect an e€ect size of 20%
changes in the head and jaws with size, and potentially to remove was estimated.
shape as a confounding factor in other analyses. Preserved indi-
viduals (N ˆ 12) were placed on a marked reference grid and
imaged by a SVHS video camera mounted on a tripod. Dorsal, Modeling the buccal cavity, and potential hydrodynamic e€ects
lateral and ventral views were obtained. Still images of live indi-
viduals (N ˆ 2; not used in the kinematic analysis) were obtained To determine the change in buccal volume, this was estimated for a
with the two-camera system described in the previous subsection. relaxed (pre-feeding) condition and multiple fully expanded con-
Individuals ranged in size from 14.7 to 77.8 cm TL. A truss net- ditions (at the time of peak hyoid depression, peak buccal expan-
work (sensu Bookstein et al. 1985) was created to determine 13 sion, and peak gape if they did not occur simultaneously) in each
pertinent distances on the head and body (Fig. 3). The resulting individual used in the kinematic analysis. Coordinate data were
morphometric variables included many of the measurements in the used to estimate the maximum functional buccal volume, rather
kinematic analysis as well as additional lengths on the head and than an absolute estimate obtained by ®lling the buccal cavity with
body of the shark for determining general growth relationships (see a molding agent. Maximum functional buccal volume, veri®ed by
Table 4). viewing video footage, is considerably smaller than the absolute
Regressions (Systat statistical software) were used to contrast maximum volume that can be measured through direct manipula-
each morphometric variable (dependent variable) against TL (in- tion of dead specimens. Kinematic coordinates for the following
dependent variable). All data were log-transformed. The slopes and variables were used: the tip of the upper jaw (UJ), tip of the lower
®t (r2) of the resulting regressions were determined. Student's t-tests jaw (LJ), hyoid (H), ventral buccal surface at the point of maxi-
determined if the observed slopes were signi®cantly di€erent from mum depression of the region during the kinematic analysis (VB),
1, since linear morphologic features should grow at the same rate as and the pectoral ®n insertion-point combined with the point im-
TL if isometric growth is occurring. A Bonferroni correction was mediately dorsal to the pectoral ®n insertion (HD®n on Fig. 1). To
used to determine the signi®cance of individual tests. In addition to convert external coordinate data to internal coordinate data, three
a severe reduction in power caused by the Bonferroni correction, additional preserved individuals of sizes approximately represent-
this analysis su€ered, as might be expected, from collinearity ing hatchling and 1 yr-old sharks (18.3 to 27.1 cm) were transected,
among the multiple dependent variables. To rectify this, a multi- and the thickness of the dorsal and ventral musculoskeletal ele-
variate analysis that is similar in logic to the two PCAs described ments at the hyoid, the ventral buccal expansion region, the pec-
earlier was also performed on the entire dataset. Bookstein et al. toral ®n insertion, and the dorsal surface over the pectoral ®n
(1985) described a PCA method whereby the covariance matrix is insertion were determined (see Fig. 1c). This thickness, expressed as
used to estimate component loading-scores. The raw variables must a percentage of total head depth, was consistent among the three
be in the same units (e.g. cm), and must be log-transformed to sharks measured. This value was used to adjust the Y coordinates
approximately standardize them to their respective means. If all of the appropriate kinematic variables in order to recreate the in-
variables load positively and equally on the ®rst principal compo- ternal shape of the buccal cavity in lateral view. The internal shape
nent, then isometry can be assumed. The primary strength of this of the cavity was modeled by plotting the sets of coordinates on a
analysis was that it was not dependent upon acceptance of a null standard Cartesian coordinate grid to form a polygon (Fig. 1c).
hypothesis to show isometry, as were the regression analyses. The polygon was subsequently divided into triangular sections for
Variables from the kinematic analysis were subsequently se- the determination of surface areas which were then combined to
lected (post-hoc) to determine if movements by the sharks con- estimate a two-dimensional (lateral or X, Y view) buccal-surface
formed to the predictions of isometry. Since a doubling in length area. This surface area was multiplied by mouth diameter to esti-
(TL) occurred between the two age groups used in the kinematic mate buccal volume. This had the e€ect of modeling the mouth
analysis, values for a displacement variable for 1 yr-old sharks opening as a rectangle. This estimate provided values '20%
could be tested using Student's t-tests against double the value for greater than if a circle had been used to approximate the area of the
the variable for hatchling sharks; the prediction being that the open mouth and the buccal volume calculated as a cylinder; how-
values should have doubled over the age groups studied. Power ever, it is presumed that the former is more accurate, because the
analysis was performed on all non-signi®cant tests using the sta- shape of the mouth, open or closed, is not circular.

Fig. 3 Cephaloscyllium ven-

triosum. Trace of still image
used to create truss network
of measurements for mor-
phometric analysis. Lateral
and ventral views were ob-
tained separately. Continuous
straight lines indicate dis- Lateral
tances calculated for each
individual; dashed lines indi-
cate endpoints used to mea-
sure head length and total
length. Paired distances
(those measured on both
right and left side of each
individual) were averaged
and mean was used in anal-


Changes in buccal volume were used to approximate a ``¯ow entered the mouth, or Dpredator, was 0.63 cm (Table 1).
index'' for water drawn into the newly expanded buccal region. This means that the prey items were pushed an average
This provides an estimate independent from the actual movement
of the shark or the prey item (which is a€ected by its own density of 0.44 cm and that RSI values were often >1 (Table 1).
and surface area, and the position of the shark as it moves for- Thus, the ram:suction index is generally not appropriate
ward). Thus, it is free of the problems associated with RSI values. for analyzing the mode of prey capture used by hatch-
The ¯ow index (cm s)1) was calculated by ®rst estimating an ``ex- ling sharks. For 1 yr-olds, capture of similarly scaled
pansion index'', or the change in buccal volume divided by the
surface area of the open mouth. The change in volume was deter-
prey was also ram-dominated, but a suction component
mined as the maximum volume (cm3) estimated by the model minus was evident from the ram:suction index; RSI values fell
the starting ( ˆ minimum) volume. Surface area of the mouth was between )0.58 and 0.86 (Table 1). Extremely limited
determined as the jaw width multiplied by the peak gape (cm2). The RSI data suggested that hatchling sharks probably could
expansion index (cm) divided by the time taken for expansion(s) produce suction during prey capture, as four strikes
estimated the ¯ow index. Index estimates for the two age groups
were compared using a Student's t-test. from three di€erent individuals were recorded with RSI
values from 0.09 to 0.85. Presumably, during these
strikes the hatchlings' locomotory behavior did not
Results overwhelm the generation of suction by the expanding
buccal region. These particular events were not neces-
Kinematics of prey capture sarily the last feeding events recorded (i.e. Strike 4) for a

As might be expected, hatchling sharks rarely missed the

Fig. 4 Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. Composite of two-camera video
non-elusive prey items provided in this experiment. Prey images of successful strike by hatchling swellshark. Time (min:s:ms) is
capture by hatchling Cephaloscyllium ventriosum con- indicated in upper left corner of each image; background grid contains
sisted of a ram-dominated strike (Fig. 4), whereby the 2 cm squares. Frames A±D Prey capture: mouth opening (beginning
prey item was often actually pushed away by the lower in Frame A), maximum gape angle (reached in Frame B), and hyoid
depression (evident by Frame C); note that prey item moves forward
jaw of the shark as it swam forward. Hatchling sharks with the shark, as indicated by diminishing distance between arrows
generally swam slowly around the tank prior to feeding, identifying trailing edge of prey item (leading edge is entering shark's
and a fairly constant velocity of 3 cm s)1 was main- mouth) and a reference point. Bite is complete in Frame D, and prey
tained throughout the feeding event (Table 1). The av- item is held in the teeth. In Frame E Transport initiation: mouth is
opening again and prey will be taken into the mouth (F). Frames G±H
erage predator±prey distance at the onset of the strike Mouth closure: closing in Frame G and fully closed by Frame H.
was only 0.19 cm (Table 1), yet the distance moved by (Note that forceps used to present prey item are not actually holding
the predator from the onset until the time the prey prey item in the frames shown)

Table 1 Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. Means (‹SE) of cephalic sharks (Superscript percentages timing of events expressed as %
displacement variables and strike variables quanti®ed for prey cycle time; D distance traveled; RSI ram:suction index; t0 time zero)
capture and transport for hatchling (N = 4) and 1 yr-old (N = 5)

Variable Capture Transport

Hatchlings 1 yr-olds Hatchlings 1 yr-olds

Max. hyoid depression (cm) 0.49 1.06 0.50 1.28

(0.09) (0.14) (0.58) (0.13)
Max. buccal expansion (cm) 0.42 1.10 0.52 1.54
(0.08) (0.11) (0.10) (0.17)
Max. gape angle (°) 88.96 80.03 97.66 75.90
(4.73) (7.89) (4.27) (1.85)
Time to max. hyoid depression (s) 0.2175% 0.3187% 0.0635% 0.0426%
(0.01) (0.03) (0.01) (0.01)
Time to max. gape angle (s) 0.2175% 0.3187% 0.0528% 0.0320%
(0.01) (0.04) (0.01) (0.01)
Time to max. buccal expansion (s) 0.2383% 0.3597% 0.1161% 0.0743%
(0.03) (0.04) (0.02) (0.01)
Time to min. gape angle (s)a 0.28100% 0.36100% 0.18100% 0.16100%
(0.01) (0.04) (0.03) (0.01)
Initial predator velocity (cm.s)1) at t0 3.16 1.73 3.90 7.60
(0.07) (0.47) (0.50) (1.42)
Predator±prey distance (cm) at t0 0.19 1.15 ± ±
(0.11) (0.21)
Dpredator 0.63 0.80 ± ±
(0.17) (0.25)
RSI 2.417 0.18 ± ±
(0.93) (0.13)
Total number of manipulation bites 1.69 1.20 ± ±
(0.28) (0.56)
Holding time of prey in jaws (s) 0.29 0.30 ± ±
(0.04) (0.02)
equals cycle time, as this event always occurred last in the preceding series of events listed

given individual, and additional regression analysis and occurred. Hyoid depression and buccal expansion re-
repeated measures ANOVA (data not given here) failed mained constant until gape angle reached a minimum (at
to ®nd a signi®cant trend among subsequent strikes that this point the prey item was held in the teeth). Head
might indicate learning. The greatest evidence for suc- width appeared to increase slowly and by small incre-
tion-producing ability in hatchlings, however, was ob- ments throughout the strike. In general, most of the
tained from the kinematic pro®les. displacement events occurred with a larger magnitude in
In hatchling sharks during prey capture, mouth 1 yr-old sharks than in hatchlings.
opening (increased gape angle) appeared to precede only For statistical comparison of the kinematic patterns
slightly the start of hyoid depression (Fig. 5a). Head between age groups, the PCA grouped the kinematic
angle was highly variable within and among strikes and variables into three factors (Table 2). All the variables
among individuals; however, it generally reached a loaded greater than 90% on their respective principal
maximum near maximum gape angle. Maximum hyoid components. The ®rst PC described 55% of the variance
depression appeared to occur coincident with maximum in the dataset and contained all the timing variables. The
gape, which was followed by maximum buccal expan- second described 26% of the variance and contained
sion. Increases in head depth and width were small, but maximum hyoid depression and maximum buccal ex-
present. A trend can be seen in Fig. 5a that suggests a pansion. Maximum gape loaded alone on the third
wave of expansion passing posteriorly along the head, principal component and described 14% of the variance.
and generally indicating the production of suction. The MANCOVA model detected signi®cant age e€ects
In 1 yr-old sharks, the pattern of kinematic events within the principal components (F ˆ 9.69 df ˆ 3, 60;
during prey capture showed only a few di€erences from p < 0.0001), despite the presence of equally signi®cant
those of hatchlings (Table 1). 1 yr-olds were generally e€ects of the covariate head length (F ˆ 10.89 df ˆ 3,
stationary prior to feeding and thus had a slower in- 60; p < 0.0001). Investigation of the univariate ANC-
stantaneous predator velocity at t0 during capture. 1 yr- OVAs on each principal component indicated signi®cant
olds tended to lunge forward to capture the prey item, as di€erences between hatchlings and 1 yr-olds in the
evidenced by the increased velocity still present at t0 amount of maximum hyoid depression and maximum
during prey transport. Mouth opening was initiated buccal expansion (Table 2: PC 2). This separation of age
more than a centimeter from the prey item, and Dpredator groups is presented graphically in Fig. 6. The maximum
was 0.80 cm. A more noticeable increase in head depth hyoid depression and buccal expansion produced by
at both the ®rst gill arch and the pectoral ®n insertion 1 yr-olds, however, was not signi®cantly di€erent from

a b
120 120
Gape angle (°)

100 100
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
10 10
Head angle (°)

0 0
-10 -10
-20 -20
-30 -30
Hyoid (cm)

1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
0 0
Head depth Buccal exp.

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5
0 0
2.5 2.5
2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0 0
Head widths (cm)

2.5 3.0
2.0 2.5

1.5 2.0
0 0
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
Time (s) Time (s)

the values predicted if movements were isometric (i.e. the Fig. 5 Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. Selected variables quantifying
maximum displacements doubled). The power of these cephalic displacement during prey capture by hatchling (a) and 1 yr-
old (b). a Single representative hatchling (16.0 cm female); b repre-
two tests was '89% and >60%, respectively. Thus, the sentative 1 yr-old individual (23.6 cm female; after Ferry-Graham
degree of head expansion linearly appears to scale with 1997) capturing prey items of similar size relative to diameter of
length isometrically between the two size classes. mouth. Values are means for four strikes; sampling rate has been
Within the capture cycle, however, many events oc- reduced to 24 ms (0.024 s) between images. Plots of head depth show
depth measured at ®rst gill (j), and depth measured at point of
curred relatively later for 1 yr-olds (see values, expressed pectoral ®n insertion (d); plots of head width show jaw width (j),
as % cycle time, Table 1). It took longer both in width of head at the ®rst gill (d), and width at pectoral ®n insertion
absolute time and % cycle time for 1 yr-olds to reach (m) (error bars are ‹1 SE) (Note that Y-axes in head-width plot are
maximum hyoid depression, which was reached simul- slightly di€erent in order to increase resolution)
taneously with maximum gape angle for both ages.
Maximum buccal expansion occurred about 35 ms later
than these two events for both ages, making the relative Kinematics of prey manipulation
time for prey capture for 1 yr-olds slightly longer. The
ANCOVA, however, did not detect signi®cant di€eren- The general patterns described for prey capture were
ces in the timing between the two age groups. This was often repeated in subsequent bites (manipulation bites)
true if the MANCOVA on PC scores was used or if on the prey item (Fig. 7). Repeated measures ANCOVA
separate univariate ANCOVAs were performed on the indicated that maximum hyoid depression and buccal
timing variables. expansion increased during manipulation bites on the

Table 2 Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. Results of univariate AN- which it comprises. All variables loaded ³90% on their respective
COVAs following MANCOVA analysis in which age, phase, and PCs. No signi®cant interactions were detected by full MANCOVA
covariate head length were signi®cant ( p < 0.0001) on ®rst three model. For all e€ects shown, F-ratio was calculated over error term
principal components (PC ). The three PCs cumulatively described (df = 1, 62: six replicates were excluded because of a missing val-
95% of variance in dataset. Beneath each PC are listed variables ue); F-ratios and p values are given

Principal component Age e€ect Phase e€ect Head length e€ect

F p F p F p

PC 1: timing variables 0.71 0.400 112.64 0.0001 3.939 0.059

time to max. gape angle (s)
time to max. hyoid depression (s)
time to max. buccal expansion (s)
time to min. gape angle (s)
PC 2: head expansion variables 29.97 0.0001 0.488 0.487 8.41 0.005
max. hyoid depression (cm)
max. buccal expansion (cm)
PC 3: max. gape angle (°) 1.88 0.168 1.57 0.211 12.72 0.0007

prey item (Table 3: PC 2), although this result was non- already held in the teeth. Head expansion began with
signi®cant after Bonferroni correction. A trend of in- maximum gape angle increasing only slightly to allow
creasing head expansion with head length for capture passage of the prey item into the oral cavity (Fig. 9a).
bites was absent for manipulation bites (Fig. 8), as in- Maximum hyoid depression was small, as the hyoid
dicated by the signi®cant interaction between the main stayed partially depressed throughout manipulation and
e€ect and the covariate. The trend between bites is into transport. The buccal cavity expanded initially and
consistent with the ®ndings of the previous MANCOVA then appeared to increase slowly throughout transport.
analysis of head expansion (see Table 2). The manipu- Head depth increased throughout the transport cycle
lation event was slower than the capture event (Table 3: and appeared to reach a maximum during mouth closure
PC 1), although a signi®cant interaction was also de- (decreased gape angle).
tected with the covariate. Fig. 8 illustrates that timing of The MANCOVA model detected signi®cant phase
prey-manipulation bites was related to head length while e€ects (F ˆ 39.267 df ˆ 3, 60; p < 0.0001) and inv-
the timing of events during the capture bite was not, the estigation of the univariate analyses revealed that
latter ®nding being consistent with the previous changes in the timing of the events described above were
MANCOVA analysis of timing e€ects (see Table 2). responsible (Table 2: PC 1 and Fig. 6). Prey transport
Generally, 1 yr-olds made fewer prey-manipulation was signi®cantly shorter in duration than prey capture
bites than hatchlings (Table 1). An e€ect of age was (Tables 1 and 2). For all strikes combined, the mouth
detected in the timing of kinematic events between bites opened more quickly during transport than during prey
(Table 3: PC 1), which is graphically presented in Fig. 8. capture (Table 1; also note steeper slope on Fig. 9a,
This should not be confused with the highly non-signi- gape-angle plot), which was followed rapidly by hyoid
®cant age e€ect presented in Table 2 for the MANC- depression and then mouth closure.
OVA analysis. The repeated measures analysis suggests For 1 yr-olds, prey transport was also more rapid
that the manipulation event occurs much more slowly than prey capture ± even more rapid than the hatchling
than the capture event in 1 yr-olds, while the manipu- transport event. In Table 1, the time to maximum hyoid
lation event occurs only slightly more slowly than the depression occurs about 50 ms earlier than maximum
capture event in hatchlings (Fig. 8; Table 3). buccal expansion for hatchlings, but only 30 ms earlier
for 1 yr-olds. Maximum hyoid depression occurs by 35%
of the transport cycle time in hatchlings, but by 26% of
Kinematics of prey transport the cycle time for 1 yr-olds. Maximum buccal expansion
occurs by 61% of the transport cycle time in hatchlings,
Following manipulation, the prey item was held in the but by only 43% of the cycle in 1 yr-olds. A signi®cant
teeth with the jaws at a minimum gape angle for '0.3 s interaction, however, was not detected by MANCOVA.
by both hatchlings and 1 yr-olds (Table 1). Re-opening
of the mouth after this phase signi®ed the initiation of
prey transport. Sharks were generally not actively Morphometrics and scaling
swimming during transport, but at the initiation of
transport were often still moving forward due to the A majority of the morphometric variables had slopes
momentum of the strike. nearly equal to one, and Fig. 10 shows several variables
Prey transport in hatchlings was a suction-dominated particularly relevant to feeding and the good ®t of the
event, as it had to be to move into the esophagus an item individual regressions to the data, despite the small

slower 3.5 a

Gape angle
Principal component 1


One-year 60
2.0 olds 40
1.5 20
1.0 Hatchlings 100

Head angle
0.5 90

0 70
-0.5 60

-1.0 1.0

Buccal exp. Hyoid

-1.5 0.5
-2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0
less more -0.5
expansion expansion 1.0
Principal component 2


1.5 b 120

Gape angle
Principal component 2

1.0 One-year
olds 80

0 40
-0.5 0
-1.0 100
Head angle

Hatchlings 90

-1.5 80

-2.0 60

-2.5 50
-2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Buccal exp. Hyoid

smaller larger
gape gape -0.5
Principal component 3


3.0 0

2.5 -0.5
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55
2.0 Time (s)
Principal component 3

1.0 Fig. 7 Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. Samples of individual strikes used
to estimate average strike of hatchling shown in Fig. 5a. a Third, and
0.5 b fourth prey-capture events. Manipulation bites that occurred
0 following each strike are included as a second peak in each variable.
-0.5 Capture Manipulation bites did not occur in every strike, thus mean kinematic
-1.0 plots such as in Fig. 5a are not provided. Notice, in particular,
di€erences in path of head angle between strikes


-2.5 The Bookstein-method PCA performed using the co-
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 variance matrix provides further evidence that this spe-
faster slower cies grows isometrically over the size range studied. All
Principal component 1 the variables loaded positively and similarly on the ®rst
PC (Table 4), and that PC alone explained 91% of the
Fig. 6 Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. Principal-components plots. Clus-
ters are outlined according to separations among data detected in
variance in the dataset.
analyses (s, h hatchlings; d, j 1 yr-olds; s, d prey capture; h, j
prey transport)
Buccal-cavity model and hydrodynamics
sample sizes. After Bonferroni correction, Student's
t-tests indicated that only the slopes of head width (at Despite potential morphological changes with growth,
the pectoral ®n insertion) and jaw width against total the simple, schematic models of the expanded buccal
length deviated signi®cantly from the expected slope of cavities of hatchling and 1 yr-old sharks were similar
1.0 (Table 4). The Bonferroni correction, however, (Fig. 11). In models for both ages, the relaxed buccal
makes detection of signi®cant di€erences dicult, and cavity in lateral view was roughly rectangular in shape.
caution is warranted in assuming that overall isometric At the time of maximum buccal volume, the buccal
growth has been demonstrated from this analysis alone. space became more like a triangle, with its base at the

Table 3 Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. Results of separate repeated- ³79% on their respective PCs; F-ratios and p values are given. For
measures ANCOVAs on ®rst three principal components (PC) all e€ects shown, F-ratio was calculated over error term (df = 1,
associated with prey manipulation. In this analysis, initial prey 11) (* p-values £0.017 are considered signi®cant at 0.05 probability
capture bite is contrasted with ®rst manipulation bite. This is a level according to Bonferroni correction; Superscripts a, b sig-
separate analysis from that in Table 2 because of limited sample ni®cant interactions detected by full ANCOVA model and included
size (N = 6 hatchlings; N = 8 one-year-olds), although the vari- in model: a head length ´ bite interaction: F = 12.18; p = 0.010; b
ables still grouped identically (see Fig. 8). The three PCs cumula- head length ´ bite interaction: F = 6.75; p = 0.021)
tively described 93% of variance in dataset. All variables loaded

Principal component Bite e€ect Age e€ect Head length e€ect

F p F p F p

PC 1: timing variablesa 9.39 0.011* 7.54 0.016* 0.67 0.432

time to max. gape angle (s)
time to max. hyoid depression (s)
time to max. buccal expansion (s)
time to min. gape angle (s)
PC 2: head expansion variablesb 6.50 0.032 1.51 0.251 0.17 0.689
max. hyoid depression (cm)
max. buccal expansion (cm)
PC 3: max. gape angle (°) 0.03 0.867 1.97 0.187 5.25 0.040

mouth. Generating this shape are the positions of the item (a reduced head angle) while gape angle is at a
selected cephalic components that move in concert to maximum; across all individuals, this head depression
allow food to be taken into the mouth. In the hatchling often occurred slightly after maximum gape angle (see
shown in Fig. 11a, the snout is bent towards the prey Table 1). At this time, the hyoid is not only depressed


Principal component 1

1.5 bite One-year olds
lat ion)
1.0 nipu
0.5 Sec
0 re) bites
First (captu

-1.0 Hatchlings
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
less more
expansion expansion
Head length (cm) Principal component 2



Principal component 2

1.0 ) bite
cap ture
0.5 First (
0 Second (manipulation) bites


2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
smaller larger
gape gape
Head length (cm) Principal component 3

but quite retracted, while the point of ventral buccal This wave-like pattern is re¯ected primarily in the
expansion is only slightly depressed. In the 1 yr-old times of peak movements, as the time of maximum bu-
model, a reduced head angle at the time of maximum ccal expansion (for example) is later than the time of
buccal volume is not evident, although the movement of maximum hyoid depression. Timing has been considered
the hyoid and ventral buccal region is similar. an important attribute of suction production; the faster
The buccal volumes estimated using the shape model an organism can expand the head posterior to the
suggest that the buccal cavity in hatchling sharks ex- mouth, the greater the velocity of suction produced
panded by 1 cm3 during the change from minimum to (Liem 1990). Although the strike duration is longer for
maximum volume (Table 5). The volume change for 1 yr-old Cephaloscyllium ventriosum, the absolute timing
1 yr-olds was >7 cm3. This is strikingly similar to the of kinematic events was not signi®cantly di€erent be-
value predicted for 1 yr-olds by isometry; assuming a tween age groups (Table 2). These results are contrary to
doubling in length, the volume should change from the predictions of Hill (1950), whose classic paper sug-
hatchlings to 1 yr-olds by a doubling raised to the third gested that timing should scale isometrically with length.
power (´23); the resulting prediction of buccal volume is Richard and Wainwright (1995) began one of the most
8 cm3. The maximum buccal volume estimated for 1 yr- comprehensive studies of scaling e€ects in ®shes by
olds was also not signi®cantly di€erent from the iso- proposing a hypothesis in opposition to Hill (1950) that
metric expectation (Table 5). The expansion index for stated that timing of kinematic events should not change
1 yr-olds was not signi®cantly di€erent from that ex- if morphological features scale isometrically. Although
pected if the indices for hatchlings are doubled in ac- the shark data appear to corroborate that hypothesis,
cordance with the assumption of isometry and a because a small size range of sharks was used the data
doubling of length. Across all individuals, the resulting should not be interpreted as absolute support of the
¯ow index for 1 yr-olds was approximately twice that hypothesis. Richard and Wainwright actually found that
for hatchlings, as predicted by a doubling in head size their data supported neither of the two models, and that
with no change in the timing of events (Table 5). timing variables scaled with an exponent of 0.33 with
increases in length. If the shark data are added to the
Richard and Wainwright data, they fall well within the
Discussion range of measurements reported by the researchers,
generally supporting their ®nding. Thus, how the timing
A large ram component to hatchling prey capture events of the expansive wave is changed in 1 yr-olds versus
was evident in Cephaloscyllium ventriosum; the hatch- hatchlings remains unclear, and timing may not be a
lings were very mobile and tended to push the prey useful metric for understanding suction-feeding perfor-
forward prior to overtaking it. When determining if mance in these sharks.
there are e€ects of predatory experience the question The amplitude of the expansive wave is an equally
remains: did the hatchlings also generate suction during important factor to consider when determining if suction
the strike, as did 1 yr-olds? A suction component to the can be generated. The maximum displacements of the
strike was measured in a few cases, suggesting that hyoid and the ventral buccal region were signi®cantly
hatchlings were capable of generating suction. For the di€erent between the two age groups. Both elements
cases in which the RSI could not tell us if suction was expand the buccal cavity posterior to the mouth, and
being produced, however, what must be determined is di€ering magnitudes of displacement could lead to dif-
whether hatchlings sometimes failed to perform the ferences in suction-producing ability (see Lauder 1983;
combination of movements that generate suction, or if Liem 1990). Comparison of the mean displacements for
the suction generated in the buccal cavity simply had no the kinematic variables (see Table 1), however, indicates
e€ect on the prey item (e.g. it was initiated too far from that they are what would be expected given isometry;
the prey item or was overwhelmed by the forward lo- they nearly double in accordance with length. Thus,
comotory component). The kinematic data suggest that changes in hyoid depression and ventral buccal expan-
suction-producing behaviors were always generated. In sion may be potentially attributable to growth alone.
both age groups, a general trend suggests a wave of What must be considered at this point is the nature of
expansion moving posteriorly in the head during prey the growth that occurs in this species. If growth is al-
capture, a pattern consistent with the generation of lometric, the changes that occur in single elements with
suction (Lauder 1985). subsequent changes in total length could lead to shape
di€erences in the head that impact suction production
b regardless of the behaviors performed. A majority of the
Fig. 8 Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. Principal-components plots from variables used indicated isometric growth. Of the few
the principal-components analysis on prey-manipulation variables that did not suggest isometry, the component changes in
(recall that manipulation data required separate analysis as dataset size with total length were on the order of 10%, and of
was quite small). Six feeding events with one or more manipulation questionable biological relevance to sharks of the sizes
bites occurred in hatchlings (s, h), while eight were recorded for 1 yr-
olds (d, j). Two signi®cant interactions with the covariate were studied here. Further, PCA suggests that isometric
detected in serial ``repeated measures'' ANCOVAs (s, d prey growth occurs for all variables considered. Other studies
capture; h, j prey manipulation) that have examined the scaling of morphological vari-

ables related to feeding in teleosts have found that ju- isometry in function. Shape is a measure of how much
venile and adult ®shes basically scale isometrically (see expansion can occur posterior to the mouth and,
Richard and Wainwright 1995; Cook 1996). therefore, the amount of suction that can be produced.
The simple shape model further illustrated the minor Maximum buccal volume, as estimated by the shape
impact of potential morphological allometries, and model, was not apparently di€erent between age groups
generally suggested not only isometry of form, but also when scaled in accordance with the predictions of

a 120 b 120

100 100
Gape angle (°)

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0

10 10
Head angle (°)

0 0

-10 -10

-20 -20

-30 -30

Hyoid (cm)

1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
0 0

Buccal exp. (cm)

1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
0 0

2.5 2.5
Head depth (cm)

2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0
0 0

Head widths (cm)

0 0
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Time (s) Time (s)

2.0 1.2
First gill

1.0 Fin insertion

log head length (cm)

log head depth (cm)





0 0
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0
log total length (cm) log total length (cm)

2.0 2.0
Front of orbit to hyoid Jaw width

Front of orbit to buccal expansion point Head width at first gill

1.6 1.6

Head width at pectoral fins

log distance (cm)

log width (cm)

1.2 1.2

0.8 0.8

0.4 0.4

0 0
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0
log total length (cm) log total length (cm)

isometry. The model also indicated that there were no Fig. 10 Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. Scaling plots of selected
deviations from the expectations of isometry in either variables in morphometric analysis. Values were log-transformed to
determine ®t of linear regression to data. Slope and intercept
the expansion or ¯ow-index estimates. The model can be information, as well as signi®cance and ®t of regression (r2) are given
criticized, among other simpli®cations, for not including in Table 4 [Filled symbols preserved individuals (N ˆ 12); open
a component of horizontal expansion at the posterior symbols live individuals (N ˆ 2): no obvious di€erences in size
margin of the buccal cavity (changes in head width at the between preserved and live individuals were noted]

®n insertion), however, additional analyses indicate that

b the change in head width during expansion across ages
Fig. 9 Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. Cephalic displacement during does not deviate signi®cantly from that predicted by
prey transport by hatchling (a) and 1 yr-old (b). Individuals are same isometry.
as in Fig. 5a, b. Plots standardized to begin at time of mouth
reopening (corresponding to Frame E in Fig. 4). Values are means for It should be mentioned that these models di€er from
four transport events. For clarity, sampling rate has also been reduced previous models: (1) The head was not modeled as an
to 24 ms (0.024 s) in these images. Plots of head depth show depth expanding cone (see Muller et al. 1982). Previous models
measured at ®rst gill (j), and depth measured at point of pectoral ®n have used a cone to typify the internal shape of the
insertion (d); plots of head-width show jaw-width (n), width of head
at the ®rst gill (d), and width at pectoral ®n insertion (m) (error bars
buccal cavity during suction production. This cone has
are ‹1 SE). [Note that Y-axes in head-width plot (b) are slightly its wider end at the rear of the cavity, indicating that the
di€erent to increase resolution] mouth opening remains small while the posterior ele-

Table 4 Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. Results of univariate re- r2 = adjusted r2; y = y-intercept of model; b slope coecient;
gression analyses of morphometric variables against total length t Student's t value for df = 13; PC shows score for analysis per-
(N = 14) [* p values £0.004 for sequential t-tests (null hypothesis, formed using covariance matrix (note that all are quite similar,
H0: slope = 1) considered signi®cant at 0.05 probability level; indicating isometry)]

Morphometric variable (cm) r2 y b SE t p PC

Head length 0.97 )0.84 1.04 0.046 0.89 0.389 0.221

Eye to lower jaw-tip distance 0.92 )1.56 1.14 0.098 1.45 0.171 0.252
Eye to upper jaw-tip distance 0.88 )1.59 1.15 0.121 1.26 0.231 0.238
Eye to hyoid distance 0.94 )1.19 1.02 0.076 0.26 0.797 0.227
Eye to buccal expansion point distance 0.95 )1.00 0.98 0.067 )0.22 0.826 0.219
Head depth at ®rst gill 0.93 )1.31 1.23 0.093 2.44 0.030 0.270
Head depth at pectoral ®n insertion 0.93 )1.32 1.27 0.102 2.61 0.022 0.279
Snout to base of neurocranium distance 0.91 )0.63 0.83 0.075 )2.29 0.039 0.182
Jaw width 0.97 )1.30 1.24 0.060 3.98 0.002* 0.269
Head width at Meckel's cartilages 0.98 )0.92 1.09 0.040 2.37 0.034 0.237
Head width at ®rst gill 0.98 )0.92 1.11 0.041 2.73 0.017 0.239
Head width at pectoral ®n insertion 0.99 )1.05 1.18 0.041 4.49 0.001* 0.255
Snout to Meckel's cartilage distance 0.96 )1.01 1.09 0.065 1.41 0.180 0.235

ments of the head expand. This prescribed shape was complicated mathematical formulations in an attempt to
avoided primarily because the opening of the mouth is accurately describe non-steady state ¯ows through the
not round, and given the very large mouth it is not buccal region. The use of such mathematics still poorly
presumed that only the posterior portion of the buccal approximates any dynamic e€ects (Lauder 1983), and
region should expand. (2) Muller et al.'s model used thus were avoided in the present study. The simple
model used here is more similar to the steady-state
model of Weihs (1980), who presumed that the ex-
a panding ®sh head is a sink into which water is ¯owing. A
primary limitation of Weihs' model is his assumption
that the gills remain closed during expansion; an as-
sumption that is probably not realistic for most feeding
®sh (Lauder 1980). This assumption may hold true for
Cephaloscyllium ventriosum, however, as bi-directional
¯ow (where the water taken in during feeding exits the
open mouth rather than the gills) has been documented
2 cm (Ferry-Graham 1997).
Returning now to the initial problem of determining
if suction was being produced by the hatchlings, it would
seem that kinematically hatchlings were performing the
b set of behaviors necessary for suction production. At
some level, however, this suction was ine€ective. There
are at least two potential reasons why this suction pro-
duction generally did not have an e€ect on the prey item
and, therefore, was not detected by the RSI analysis: (1)
Speci®c di€erences in the strike variables quanti®ed.
Hatchlings were more mobile in general, and prior to
and during prey capture they were rarely stationary, as
were 1 yr-old sharks. Although hatchlings began their
4 cm strike very close to the prey item, they were potentially
moving quickly enough to preclude any potential
movement of the prey item caused by suction. Thus,
although hatchlings may have produced suction within
the buccal cavity, it had no apparent or detectable e€ect
Fig. 11 Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. Models of representative hatch- and the item was subsequently captured by ram feeding.
ling of 15.6 cm total length (a), and 1 yr-old of 37.0 cm total length
(b). Note scale on each model to facilitate comparison. Images are (2) A suction component to the strike might not have
scaled so that their sizes relative to one another are accurate. For both been detected because of the physics of water and the
images, coordinate data were used to place the points and an image of manner in which suction feeding is generated. Suction
a shark was overlaid to help visualize shape changes and morpho- feeding is the result of drawing into the mouth a volume
logical movement [Grey shading relaxed or pre-feeding condition, a
generally rectangular shape; black shading new position of morpho-
of water in which a particle of food is entrained.
logical elements at peak buccal expansion (see Table 5), a more Movement of the food particle with the volume of water
triangular or cone-like shape] is due primarily to the drag force of the water acting on

Table 5 Cephaloscyllium ventriosum. Functional buccal volume, results of Student's t-tests to determine if parameters scale across
expansion index and ¯ow-index calculations for hatchling and 1 yr- age groups as predicted by isometry. All values are overall means
old sharks during prey capture. Included are several of functional (‹SE) of feedings for each age group (N = 4 hatchlings; N = 5
parameters relevant to calculation of maximum buccal volume and one-year-olds)

Age group Time to max. Max. gape Initial buccal Max. buccal Expansion index Flow index
expansion (s) (cm) vol (cm3) vol (cm3) (cm) (cm s)1)

Hatchlings 0.21 0.90 1.73 2.66 0.59 3.24

(0.01) (0.06) (0.29) (0.44) (0.13) (0.71)

1 yr-olds 0.31 1.68 11.56 18.96a 1.25b 5.70c

(0.04) (0.12) (2.90) (4.60) (0.15) (1.10)
a b
Not signi®cantly di€erent from value expected if value for Not signi®cantly di€erent from value expected given a doubling
hatchlings is multiplied by 8 (assuming a doubling in length, iso- of value for hatchlings; t = 0.55, df = 3; p = 0.813; power 59%
metry predicts that volume should change by 23); Student's c
Not signi®cantly di€erent from value expected given a doubling
t = 0.81, df = 3; p = 0.714; power 30% of value for hatchlings; t = 0.95, df = 3; p = 0.669; power 53%

the prey item. Drag is proportional to surface area, and Acknowledgements I thank G.V. Lauder, A. Cook, A.C. Gibb,
thus scales to the second power of velocity. Therefore, G.B. Gillis, C.D. Wilga, J. Sisneros, and M.H. Graham for advice,
assistance and thoughtful discussions regarding this work. N. Hol-
although the ¯ow index doubled as predicted, a doubling land, P. Wainwright and three anonymous reviewers also greatly
of the velocity of water entering the mouth corresponds improved this manuscript. This work was completed using equip-
to the generation of a drag force four times as large. It ment purchased under NSF Grants IBN 91-19502 and 95-07181 (to
may simply be that even if all aspects of shark-feeding GVL), and through grants from Sigma Xi, the American Museum
of Natural History, the University of California Reserve System/
scale isometrically, a smaller size entails absolute con- Mathias Foundation, and the International Women's Fishing As-
sequences for prey capture, and suction cannot be used sociation (IWFA). Egg cases were obtained from the Cabrillo
reliably by smaller sharks. Marine Aquarium (San Pedro, California, USA), and S. Anderson
The idea that hatchlings do not rely on suction to at the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA. Additional
capture prey contradicts the prediction of Frazzetta and preserved specimens were provided with the assistance of J. Seigel
and Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, USA.
Prange (1987) and has not previously been considered in Sharks used in the kinematics experiments are currently housed at
the shark literature. Cook (1996), however, showed that the Birch Aquarium at the University of California, San Diego,
a juvenile cottid species (Clinocottus analis) possessed a USA. All experiments were conducted with the approval of the
suction-feeding morphology (small mouth, large buccal Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of California,
Irvine, USA, and according to guidelines outlined in ``The Princi-
cavity), but still relied primarily on ram-dominated prey ples of Laboratory Animal Care'' (NIH Publication No. 86-23,
capture. Although kinematic variables were similar be- revised 1985).
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