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 help you learn new things

Telling jokes and playing word games is a fun way to build this skill. Reading together every day
also helps improve vocabulary.

 Go on an adventure without living your house

We don’t really sit down and read a novel just to develop our imagination and be more
creative. Most of us read to escape this world. We enter the world of the writer and live a
different life, for a short time, through the characters in the book. We want to be entertained
by the world the writer creates and the characters that populate that world. This is one of the
attractions of great fantasy novels.

 Expand your vocabulary

Reading exposes us to more words and ideas within a context that provides meaning and
proper usage. At the same time, those new words help us to better understand the root of
similar words, thus further expanding the vocabulary and our language usage.

 Learn for someone else

reading can improve our memory. when you read, you're engaging more than a few brain
functions, such as phonemic awareness, visual and auditory processes, comprehension, fluency,
and more.

 Sharpens your brain

Reading daily could help keep your brain in shape as you reach old age. Research suggests that
reading books, writing and participating in brain-stimulating activities at any age may preserve

 Helps you grow

Reading stimulates your mind. Studies have shown over and over again that reading is a
powerful exercise for the brain. Reading can offer up encouragement. Reading is also gives us
first hand, specialized knowledge and information.

 Relaxes you

Reading is the best way to relax and even six minutes can be enough to reduce the stress levels
by more than two thirds, according to new research.
 You can try different genres

First you're missing out on great books. Second You'll be smarter. Third You'll be less
judgmental. Fourth You'll have a broader worldview. And last You'll understand your
favorite genre better.

 Helps your spelling

Another fun way of learning spelling without even realising it is to read plenty of things in
English. Simply being exposed to English words on a regular basis will help new spellings sink in
and improve your vocabulary, but reading things you enjoy will make it much easier to absorb
this new information.

 Makes you happier

Reading makes you feel happier with yourself and your life. Readers reported being less
stressed and less depressed, and having higher levels of self-esteem and a greater ability to
cope with challenges

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