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SCHOLARSHIP FOR FUTURE LEADER 2019 MASTER IN MANAGEMENT Faculty of Economics and Business UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA “Two mayor benefits of studying in MMUGM are practical leaning and global connection. Asa scholarship grantee, i realize that it is very valuable to study here, | improve my analytical skill through practical and case based learning. also develop my soft skill by joining student clubs. | gain global connection and awesome experience through the exchange program to Germany. MMUGM unlock mystrength and diminishes my weakness". IFTI WULANSARI (MMUGM scholarship awardee Distributor Manager Trade retail channel PT Philips Indonesia, ©@ _cumlaude dari Universitas bereputasi baik © BEAsIsWwA MELIPUTI: (Akreditasi BAN-PT minimal B). - Biaya pendidikan program reguler © Memiliki Prestasi di bidang Akademik dan - Biaya malam pelepasan calon wisudawan Non Akademik (bisnis/organisasi/seni budaya) 1. Skor Tes Potensi Akademik (PAPS/TKDA) 550) TIDAKTERMASUK: 2. Skor Tes Bahasa Inggris (TBI): ~ Biaya buku - Skor AcEPT Minimal 307 - Biaya hidup - Skor TOEP Minimal 59 - Biaya penulisan tesis eo Memiliki Prospektif Leadership Development Plan. CONTACT PERSON EVES GI NT Le CH (LC OM IPP ELI) (, 1S, Jakarta: Eno (0813 1844 9088) 41 MEI 2019 Kampus Yogyakarta Kampus Jakarta Jl, Teknika Utara No. 1 Yogyakarta 55281 JI. Dr. Saharjo No. 83 Tebet, Jakarta Selatan 12850 Telp. (0274) 556 912, 515 536, 562 222, 511 036,589 384 —_Telp. (021) 8370 0333, 8370 0339, 83700340 Faks. (0274) 564 388 Faks. (021) 8370 0372 HOTLINE 0811 282 3806 HOTLINE 0813 1844 9088

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