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Writing Worksheet

Name: Date:

The Loch Ness Monster

The Loch Ness Monster story is very old. There are some people who
believe it is true. There are also some people who think it’s a myth.

To believe…
The people who believe a monster lives in the loch say it’s because of the:

1. Consistency of the descriptions of the sightings

 dark body
 long neck
 small, sheep-like head
 two humps on its back
2. Reliable eyewitnesses
3. Possible sonar evidence

…or not to believe.

The people who don’t believe a monster lives in the loch say:

If there is only one large monster, the one St. Columba saw 1,400 years
ago would have died by now. If there are many, there must be a breeding
colony, and the loch lacks a food supply to support a group of large
animals. Besides, if there are many, how do they all keep from being seen
when sonar is used?

Can you tell me, do you believe in the Loch Ness Monster? Can you tell me









Why do you think people want to keep the story alive?





Can you think of any other stories like this? Ones that some people think

are true and some people think are myths.





Would you like to visit Loch Ness? Would you go swimming?




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