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Proyecto Expats

*La descripción detallada de las actividades se puede revisar en el benchmarking de abajo.

Actividad Notas Responsable

Nombre y logo Nombre y logo. Albane y Lucy
Página web Página informativa (wix?), Albane e isa.
minimal y sencilla.
Dominio y hosting Dominio de la página y Pepe
servidor de hospedaje.
Desarrollo de página Desarrollo de las secciones: Equipo
web. About us, team, contact, blog.
Short term Hoteles o lofts amueblados. Lucy
accommodation. Costos, duraciones de
contratos, amueblados o no?.
Landing needs. Traslados, recoger gente, etc. Equipo
Immigration services Diferentes tramites, costos, Pepe
tiempos, Mauricio.
Home finding. Casas ajustadas a Lucy
presupuesto. Cuantas
opciones, zonas, rangos de
precios, tramite de
terminación de contrato.
Servicios Conexión y desconexión. Manuel
Costos, días de trámite, etc.
Escuelas Guardería, kinder, primaria, Albane y Lucy.
secundaria, prepa.
Renta de muebles Existe? Preguntar a gente que Lucy
renta mobiliario de fiesta.
Social adaptation Todo lo que involucra el Albane y Lucy.
socializar. Catalogo.
Cultural adaptation Tours, vacaciones, Lucy, Manuel y Albane.
informaciones extras.
Formalities on arrival Licencias de conducir, Manuel y Ernesto L.
seguros, cual otro? Costos,
Run the house Buscar equipo de gente de Manuel.
confianza que pudiera ayudar.
Blog Temas. Albane.

Página web – benchmarking (expat point)

Propuesta de 5 secciones: About us, services, team, contact, blog.
*Las notas vienen en Amarillo.

1. About us:

 Misión, visión y valores.

 Profesionalismo!
 Equipo joven, multicultural.
 Seguimiento personalizado y bilingüe.
 Legal, social and cultural landing.
 Before (preparation), during (follow-up, tracking) and after (follow up,

2. Services:

Descripción de servicio: bilingual assistance to individuals (desarrollar mas).

Oferta y Manera de cobrar; paquetes?, costo por tramite?, costo individual por servicio?,
Horarios de asistencia; 24h 365 días?, horario de lunes a sábado, algún teléfono para
emergencias 24/7.
Medios de comunicación; telefónica, WhatsApp, correo electrónico.
Documentos de apoyo.

Look and see trip (optional):
 Welcome Package useful information about the city and country, cost of living, tips,
schools, desirable expat neighborhoods, and more.
 Airport transfers
 City Orientation Tour
 Schooling Overview
 Housing and Living Area Overview
 Tour showing medical services, shopping areas, leisure facilities, banks,
supermarkets, pharmacies, etc

Short term accommodation

 when they are not able to move into their permanent residence straight away or
their assignment period is too short to commit to a normal rental property.
 stay-at-home comfort and to save on hotel Costs (the view lofts, hotels?).
 Secure fully furnished accommodation for periods of 1 week to 6 months.

Immediate landing needs: Transport, lodging, safety, car rental.

Service includes:
 ONE airport ride.

 English or native-speaking liaison officer will be available to welcome your assignees

and answer their questions.
 A comfortable vehicle will take your assignees from City airport to any part of the

Immigration services

high quality service and expertise in assisting assignees and their families to obtain their
visas and work permits, renew documents and complete any other immigration

We provide guidance from the beginning to the end of the process, facilitate all related
procedures and minimize the action required by the assignees. Our specialists
coordinate with the Mexican migratory authorities, monitor the progress of assignees’
applications and take care of all paperwork and related procedures until the process is

Our service includes:

 Specialized Immigration and legal counseling.

 Management of applications with Mexican authorities.

 Sending a renewal reminder 45 days before the expiry of each migratory permit.????
 24hr Point of contact for immigration issues and legal support.????

Orientation tour (Si o no?)
 Comprehensive introduction to life in the specific city, covering a wide range of
 Orientation tour of local area.
 Help with any problems /queries.
 6-8hrs of service per day.
 Printed orientation material.
 Native language or English - speaking liaison officer.

Home finding
 Several real estate solutions adjusted to budgeting.

 We coordinate and negotiate with landlords and managers representing and

promoting your interests.

 Water / electricity / gas / telephone / cable or satellite TV / Internet

 Contracting / buying a cell phone

 Opening a bank account / obtaining a debit card
 Establishing direct billing for services
 Que mas?

 Schools preferred by expatriate families,
 Provide Information on availability,
 Coordinate and visit schools
 Advice with the completion of the registration process

Furniture rentals (existe?)

Renta de muebles y lo necesario para la casa.

Social adaptation.
 Clubs deportivos, yoga.
 Iglesias (hay misa en ingles?)
 Clases de pintura ( en ingles), español, etc.
 Cafés, restaurants, malls, supermarket.
 Peluqueria, uñas, barberías.
 Partner and kids assistance- clubs de expats (lori jones)

Cultural adaptation.
History, city center.
Week-end trips.

Formalities on arrival.
Driving license.
Que más?

Run the house.

 Plomeros, carpinteros, redes, muchachas, niñeras, choferes, seguridad.

 Que más?


Terminate lease and deposit return.

 Notification to terminate the rental contract according to the contract conditions.

 Our team will perform an inspection to prepare the house/apartment for
handover and oversee the return of the security deposit.

 If you own a house or an apartment, we can also help you make arrangements for
its sale or leasing.

Disconnection of utilities:

 Electricity,
 Gas,
 Telephone,
 Internet and cable,
 Give notice to any memberships and subscriptions you have.

Drop off.
Airport transportation.
3. Team (foto y pequeño CV)
Albane Gautier – Marketing
Lucy Santos – Ventas
Manuel Rocha – Administración
Pupa Maack – Relaciones públicas
José Santos – Consultor
Luz Ma. Lastras – Consultor legal (Si o no?)

4. Blog
 Eventos.
 Tips.
 Mexico (pueblos mágicos, huasteca, museos, actividades)
 Seguridad.
 Política.
 Panorama internacional.

5. Contacto.

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