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Mikiyah Brown

English Honors 10


Rights to Your Own Skin

As an American citizen, there are certain rights that everyone is entitled to that

can not be violated by individuals as well as the government. These rights are special

and give a meaning to life, as they can not be taken away. The two most important

rights are the right to freedom of speech and the right to not be judged by who you are

based on gender, religion, and ethnicity. These rights are most important because they

allow people to feel comfortable in their own skin and enable people to express

themselves as individuals.

The right to freedom of speech is important because human beings should feel

comfortable and safe in their own skin. Every individual person was made uniquely and

unlike anyone else. No one should feel obligated to confine themselves to one mindset

or way of thinking just because that’s what society or the government views as

idealistic. Society as a whole is so beautiful and diverse as it is because of everyone’s

uniqueness and different ideas. Without freedom of speech, the world would be a bland

place to live.

The right to not be judged by who you are based on gender, religion, and

ethnicity is also very important when it comes to expressing yourself and being

comfortable in your own skin. A person should not be denied a chance because of what

they were born with or what they believe in. No one can change the color of their skin,
and no one should be punished based off of gender or what religion they decide to

partake in. The idea of being confident and unstoppable stems from this right and

everyone is entitled to that feeling of self worth.

In conclusion, the most valuable rights human beings have are the right to

freedom of speech and the right to not be judged based upon gender, religion, or

ethnicity. Everyone is born different, and these differences should be embraced, rather

than hidden or confined. Different ideas is what makes our society so diverse in this

generation and we will only continue to grow as our differences are celebrated.


In the second draft of this essay, I completely changed the thesis statement as

well as the topic sentences. This was done so that the essay would be properly

formatted and the topic sentences would introduce my arguments as they are presented

in my thesis statement. I also tweaked my conclusion paragraph along with multiple

sentences in other paragraph to give the essay a nicer flow.

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