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Mamta Sharma | Female, 52 Yrs.

Order ID: 1618893497

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86 Mamta Sharma
SCORE 52 yrs. | Female Order ID: 1618893497
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TSH Ultra-sensitive Everything looks good

Your Latest result
2.31 ?IU/mL
8th Jun 2019 0.35 4.94


Mamta Sharma
52 yrs. | Female Order ID: 1618893497


prune juice, prunes, watermelon, spinach, green leafy

vegetables, dates, raisins, broccoli
Suggested Avoid oily fatty food, processed foods and carbonated


Daily exercise for 1/2 hour

Manage treatment and monitoring schedule so as to
minimise any unnecessary impact on normal daily activity Suggested
Maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly


Complete Hemogram - Every 3 Month

Iron Studies - Every 3 Month
Suggested Liver Function Test - Every 2 Month

FUTURE Urine Routine & Microscopy - Every 2 Month



Please fill your Health Karma to know your BMI results
Patient Name : Mamta Sharma 1618893497 Barcode : H2147557
Age/Gender : 52/Female Sample Collected On : 08/Jun/2019 07:00AM
Order Id : 1618893497 Sample Centrifuged On : 08/Jun/2019 02:19PM
Referred By : Dr. Sample Received On : 08/Jun/2019 03:32PM
Customer Since : 08/Jun/2019 Report Generated On : 08/Jun/2019 05:51PM
Sample Type : SERUM Sample Temperature : Maintained

Test Name Value Unit Bio. Ref Interval

Serum Uric Acid

Serum Uric Acid 5.1 mg/dl 2.6 - 6.0
Method: Uricase

Causes of Increased levels
* High Protein Intake.
* Prolonged fasting,
* Gout
* Lesch nyhan syndrome.
* Type 2 DM.
* Metabolic syndrome.

Causes of decreased levels

* Low Zinc Intake
* OCP’s
* Multiple Sclerosis

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SIN No:H2147557
Patient Name : Mamta Sharma 1618893497 Barcode : H2147557
Age/Gender : 52/Female Sample Collected On : 08/Jun/2019 07:00AM
Order Id : 1618893497 Sample Centrifuged On : 08/Jun/2019 02:19PM
Referred By : Dr. Sample Received On : 08/Jun/2019 03:32PM
Customer Since : 08/Jun/2019 Report Generated On : 08/Jun/2019 05:51PM
Sample Type : Urine Sample Temperature : Maintained


Test Name Value Unit Bio. Ref Interval


Colour Pale Yellow Pale Yellow
Method: Visual
Volume 20.00 mL
Method: Visual
Specific Gravity 1.020 1.001 - 1.035
Method: Pka change
Appearance Slightly Turbid Clear
Method: Visual
pH 6.5 4.5 - 7.0
Method: Double ludicator
Urine Protein Negative Negative
Method: Protein Error-of-indicator
Glucose Negative Negative
Method: Glucose Oxidase Peroxidase
Ketones Negative Negative
Method: Legals
Urobilinogen Normal Normal
Method: Erlichs
Bilirubin Negative Negative
Method: AZO-Coupling Reaction
Nitrite + Negative
Method: Strip Based
Blood Negative Negative
Method: Peroxidase
Pus Cells 2-3 /HPF 0-5
Method: Light Microscopy
Epithelial cells 1-2 /HPF 0-2
Method: Microscopy
RBCs Nil /HPF Nil
Method: Light Microscopy

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SIN No:H2147557
Patient Name : Mamta Sharma 1618893497 Barcode : H2147557
Age/Gender : 52/Female Sample Collected On : 08/Jun/2019 07:00AM
Order Id : 1618893497 Sample Centrifuged On : 08/Jun/2019 02:19PM
Referred By : Dr. Sample Received On : 08/Jun/2019 03:32PM
Customer Since : 08/Jun/2019 Report Generated On : 08/Jun/2019 05:51PM
Sample Type : Urine Sample Temperature : Maintained


Test Name Value Unit Bio. Ref Interval

Casts Nil Nil

Method: Microscopy
Crystals Nil Nil
Method: Microscopy
Bacteria Present Absent
Method: Microscopy
Others (Non Specific) Nil

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SIN No:H2147557
Patient Name : Mamta Sharma 1618893497 Barcode : H2147557
Age/Gender : 52/Female Sample Collected On : 08/Jun/2019 07:00AM
Order Id : 1618893497 Sample Centrifuged On : 08/Jun/2019 02:19PM
Referred By : Dr. Sample Received On : 08/Jun/2019 03:32PM
Customer Since : 08/Jun/2019 Report Generated On : 08/Jun/2019 04:59PM
Sample Type : Whole Blood EDTA Sample Temperature : Maintained

Test Name Value Unit Bio. Ref Interval

Complete Haemogram
Haemoglobin (HB) 12.7 g/dl 12.0 - 16.0
Method: Modified Drabkins Method
Total Leucocyte Count (TLC) 10,370 cells/µL 4000 - 11000
Method: Electrical Resistance Impedance
Hematocrit (PCV) 42 % 40-54
Method: Calculated
Red Blood Cell Count (RBC) 4.57 millions/cumm 4.50 - 6.50
Method: Automated Electrical
Mean Corp Volume (MCV) 91.9 fl 83-101
Method: Calculated
Mean Corp Hb (MCH) 27.8 pg 27-33
Method: Calculated
Mean Corp Hb Conc (MCHC) 30.2 gm% 30.0-35.0
Method: Calculated
RDW - CV 17.4 % 11.6 - 14.0
Method: Calculated
RDW - SD 58.50 fl 39 - 46
Method: Calculated
Mentzer Index 20.11 Ratio
Method: Calculated
Differential Leucocyte Count
Neutrophil 68.8 % 40 - 75
Method: Light scatter/Peroxidase
Lymphocytes 24.7 % 20 - 45
Method: Light scatter/Peroxidase
Monocyte 5.9 % 01 - 10
Method: Light scatter/Peroxidase
Eosinophils 0.3 % 01 - 06
Method: Light scatter/Peroxidase
Basophils 0.3 % 00 - 02
Method: Light scatter/Basophil
Absolute Leucocyte Count
Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) 7.1 10^3/uL 1.6 - 8.0

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SIN No:H2147557
Patient Name : Mamta Sharma 1618893497 Barcode : H2147557
Age/Gender : 52/Female Sample Collected On : 08/Jun/2019 07:00AM
Order Id : 1618893497 Sample Centrifuged On : 08/Jun/2019 02:19PM
Referred By : Dr. Sample Received On : 08/Jun/2019 03:32PM
Customer Since : 08/Jun/2019 Report Generated On : 08/Jun/2019 04:59PM
Sample Type : Whole Blood EDTA Sample Temperature : Maintained

Test Name Value Unit Bio. Ref Interval

Absolute Lymphocyte Count (ALC) 2.6 10^3/uL 1.4 - 3.5

Method: Calculated
Absolute Monocyte Count 0.61 10^3/uL 0.20 - 1.00
Method: Calculated
Absolute Eosinophil Count (AEC) 0.03 10^3/uL 0.04 - 0.44
Method: Microscopy
Absolute Basophil Count 0.03 10^3/uL 0 - 0.10
Method: Calculated
Platelet Count(PLT) 189 10^3/µl 150-410
Method: Automated Electrical Resistance/ Light Micoscopy
PDW 17.7 % 11 - 18
Method: Calculated
MPV 13.2 fl 6.0 - 11.0
Method: Calculated
PCT 0.25 % 0.19 - 0.39
Method: Calculated
ESR (Westergren) 46 mm/1st hour 00- 20
Method: Modified Westergren Method

A complete blood count is a blood panel that gives information about the cells in a patient's blood, such as the cell count for each cell type and the concentrations of
various proteins and minerals. It is done on automated cell counter. The cells that circulate in the bloodstream are generally divided into three types: white blood cells
(leukocytes), red blood cells (erythrocytes), and platelets (thrombocytes). Abnormally high or low counts may indicate the presence of many forms of disease, and hence
blood counts are among the most commonly performed blood tests in medicine, as they can provide an overview of a patient's general health status.

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SIN No:H2147557
Patient Name : Mamta Sharma 1618893497 Barcode : H2147557
Age/Gender : 52/Female Sample Collected On : 08/Jun/2019 07:00AM
Order Id : 1618893497 Sample Centrifuged On : 08/Jun/2019 02:19PM
Referred By : Dr. Sample Received On : 08/Jun/2019 03:32PM
Customer Since : 08/Jun/2019 Report Generated On : 08/Jun/2019 05:51PM
Sample Type : Serum Sample Temperature : Maintained

Test Name Value Unit Bio. Ref Interval

Thyroid Profile (Total T3,T4, TSH)

Tri-Iodothyronine (T3, Total) 0.77 ng/mL 0.64 - 1.52
Method: CMIA
Thyroxine (T4, Total) 6.80 ug/dL 4.87 - 11.72
Method: CMIA
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - Ultrasensitive 2.31 μIU/mL 0.35 - 4.94
Method: CMIA


TSH levels are subject to circadian variation, reaching peak levels between 2-4 a.m and at a minimum between 6-10 pm. The variation is of the order of 50%.Hence
time of the day has influence on the measured serum TSH concentrations.TSH stimulates the production and secretion of the metabolically active hormones,
thyroxine (T4)and trilodothyronine (T3).Failure at any level of regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis will result in either underproduction
(hypothyroidism) or overproduction(hyperthyroidism) of T4 and/or T3.

Bio Ref Range for TSH in uIU/ml (As per
For pregnant females
American Thyroid Association)
First trimester 0.1 - 2.5
Second trimester 0.2 – 3.0
Third trimester 0.3 – 3.0

*** End Of Report ***

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SIN No:H2147557

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