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stated that he “contacted the MVBC elders and they agreed that a Council would be helpful.”19
Don Lindblad, pastor of Trinity Reformed Baptist Church in Kirkland, WA, also indicates that
the Informal Council resulted from “the suggestion of Walt Chantry.”20

On November 20, 2000, the MVBC elders began “to pursue an ARBCA Church Council”
presumably after Mr. Selph called them.21 On November 27, 2000, the MVBC elders requested
Bob Selph, ARBCA Coordinator, “to organize an ‘informal’ church council for Miller Valley.”22

In a meeting on December 5, 2000, the Administrative Council appointed Pastor Rich Jensen,
Mr. Mike McMcKnight, and Pastor Tedd Tripp to serve as “a fact finding committee from
ARBCA” to go to MVBC.23

After the Informal Council was requested, Mr. Chantry asked Donald Lindblad, pastor of Trinity
Reformed Baptist Church in Kirkland, Washington, to accompany him to Arizona to meet with
the Informal Council.

The Conduct of the Informal Council

During the period of December 13-16, 2000, the Informal Council met with the MVBC elders,
Mr. Chantry and Mr. Lindblad, the parents of the children involved, and the children who had
been spanked by Mr. Chantry. They interviewed all the people with whom they met and, with
the parents’ permission, interviewed the children privately. After conducting all of the
interviews, the Informal Council met with the MVBC elders as well as Mr. Chantry and Mr.
Lindblad, to discuss their findings and present their recommendations. On December 16, 2000,
the Informal Council, the MVBC elders, Mr. Chantry, and Mr. Lindblad met to sign the “Report,
Conclusions and Recommendations of the Informal Council.”24 Mr. Lindblad was not present
during the interviews of the MVBC elders, the parents, or the children. He was only present
during the Informal Council’s interview of Mr. Chantry and during the final meeting on
December 16, 2000, with the Informal Council, the MVBC elders, and Mr. Chantry.25 Mr.
Lindblad did not have access to the information in the Level 1 Report or the Complete Report
until January 2017 when he was called to be a witness in Mr. Chantry’s trial, at which time he
was provided a copy of these reports.
The Informal Council’s Reports

The Informal Council prepared the following four reports: 1) Confidential Report and
Recommendations (hereinafter “Level 1 Report”), 2) Report, Conclusions and Recommendations
(hereinafter “Level 2 Report”), 3) Report of the Informal Council (hereinafter “Level 3 Report”,
and 4) Complete Report.

Attachment 5.
Private Document 16.
Private Document 1.
Private Document 1.
Attachment 2 – AC Minutes dated December 5, 2000.
Attachment 1.
Attachment 3.

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