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GHS Globally Harmoised System of Classificaiotion/Labelling of CHemicals

1JAN17 full effect

Classified as hazardous
SDS updates

Hazardous Chemicals
Physical - Flammables, Corrosives, Pressure, Explosive and Oxidation
Health - Toxic,Skin Corrosion, Irritation, Carcinogenic, Respiratory
Environmental - Air Soil Water Bio (Flora/Fauna) Pollution

Dangerous Goods
Immediate hazard to people, property and or environment
Physical chemical and toxic properties
Fire Corrision Explosion

9 Class Labels - Diamond Signs

GHS Changes
Signal Words
Hazard Statements
Precuationary Statements

Attend Training
Follow Procedure
Perform Risk Assessments
Notify HSR of new hazards
Use PPE as required

Managers must provide instruction training and supervision

Ensure worker understanding of safe chemical handling
Ensure completion of risk assessments
Ensure access to required resourses

Human Chemical INgress

Mucous Membranes - Eyes Nose Mouth, splashing, gasses, touching after handling
Ingestion - hands onto food
Skin absorbption - cuts and abrasions in skin

Effects on Environment
Species extinction
air pollution
soil and water contaminatino

Property damage via fire explosion and corrosion

Environmental ingress
through intentional application
unintentional byproduct
domestic activity
waste disposal

Identify chemical
Propertis and health hazards
Safe handling and storage procedure
Emergency procedures
Transport info
Disposal considerations

Consult SDS before using a chem, and when conducting risk assessment

SDS needs to be revised every 5 years

If no SDS, notify manager to request SDS

not use chem until SDS available

Labels inform hazards and risk assessments

Control risks during the use handling and disposal of chem
always read label

when unlabelled ontainer found, caution do not use unknown substance, isolate until
identified, label if hazardous, if unidentify, dispose

GHS Labels must be firmly fixed, in english and contain

1. Product Name/ ID + Hazardous ingredients
2. Diamond
3. Signal Word
4. Hazard statement
5. Precautions and pictograms / first aid
6. Name and address of company

risk assessment
prior to introduction of new chemicals into workplace
when new info becomes available

basic assessment
review of label and sds of chems and assess risks
decide whether chemicals are already controlled or if further measures are
necessary based on SDS or other reliable source

detailed assessment
needed when significant risk to health due to high risk chems
more specific to work conducted, focuses on already identified hazards within your
speific environment

e.g. chems used

whether ornot working in isolation
working with particular equipment
provide recommended controls and policies, advice regarding notification of HSR

blank form available on

aim to eliminate risk first - i.e avoid using or handling entirely
substitute - use less hazardous alternative (dilute instead of concentrate) (paste
instead of powder)
isolate - separate workers from hazards by distance or barriers, enclosed with
extraction, isolate chemicals from eachother if hazardous
engineering - physical controls (mechanical devices or processes) to minimise
hazard to people and environment/property i.e robotic process, enclosed ventilated
admin - safe work policy and procedure, training and signage
ppe - protective gear

LAbel printing resource
Chemical Register
Chemical MAnifest

According to SDS,
segregate incompatible chemicals
at correct temperature
do not keep large qtys on site
adequate ventilation
appropriate warning signs
spill and leak containment, spill kits

to provide effective management, reduce risk of spill and fire, prevent mixing and
prevent exposure
restrict access to storerooms

to local and state regulations ie epa
appropriate containers and labelling
as much infomration as practicable
avoid combination of incompatible substances

aware of environment
check for trip hazards
regular cleanup to avoid buildup
inspect storage
clean up spills immediately

reduce exposure
never handle contact lenses, cosmetics smoke eat or drink while using chems
remove ppe prior to leaving work area
remove or replace gloves before using other equipment
wash hands viorously after removing gloves and beforexiting work area mild soap 20


Incident Response
MQ EMergency Management Plan
INcident Repsonse Equipment Locations

Report nearmisses to manager verbally and button, incident report form

EVacuation due to fire

equipment breakdown
civil disturbance
false alarm

chemical storage rooms are equipped with

fire extinguishers hoses and blankets
emergency stop cease electrity or gas supply in emergency
spill for quick response, consider risk to human health and volume of spill
first aid unlocked and labelled, contents appropriate to area
safety showers and eyewash station/kits to wash affected area

in case of fire caused by chmical

alert immediate vicinity
contact local security services
9999 give building and room location
000 if no response from 9999
106 text based emergency contact
local building warden
use extinguisher most suitable to fight fire if trained and safe to do so
activate manual call point

spill mangement
alert people
review sds for advice and first aid
9850 9999 for assitance or specialised equipment
if safe clean spil
report incident

first aid
seek treatment from nearest first aid officer
cuts and wounds - take note of chemical contact, wash with soap and water for
several mins, seek advice from first aid officer, obtain medical attention if

chemical contact - refer to SDS, or respnonse plan, flood with water from tap or
safety shower for 15 mins, remove contaminated clothing, seek advice from first aid
officer, 000 if needed

eye splash - sds, emergency , 15minutes rinse inner surface of eyelid and eyeball
hold eye open to wash, seek advice, 000 if needed

ingestion - sds, reponse plan, poisons info centre, first aid officer, do not
induce voming unless advised to do so by sds or poisons info centre, 000 if needed

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