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The advancements in technology have made a strong impact on almost all areas

of our society. It is making a serious difference in the way kids and parents perceive the

world and each other.

Have you ever thought about the impact of technology on family time?

Even when one can highlight how the reach of technology is breaking barriers

between parents and kids, the other side of technology is almost creating a family

divide. Most of the technologies we use today have changed from the perspective of just

a ‘want’ to a ‘necessity’ in one’s life.

The technology has moved forward from simple computer gaming, SMS,

chatting or emails to assignment completion tools and video calling. Parenting in digital

age has now become more challenging than ever before.

The situation prevailing currently in almost every household- If there are four

members, each of them will have a personal screen with which they spend most of the

time. When parents and children come back after office and school at the end of the

day, it is important to interact with each other. It helps maintain a personal bond and

fosters empathy for the apprehensions of the other.

It is important to share some quality time with your family. Today’s reality is

that even when parents pretend to play with children or share some family moments, the

emails or chatting is taking half of their attention. It is important to switch of your

devices for at least an hour or two and spend some quality time together. The habit of
bringing work home is one of the main reasons for many failing relationships as this

compromises time for intimacy.

It is good to share at least a meal together to have a good bonding with family

members. The morning breakfast is used to watching everyone rush to make it in time

for school and work. The dinner time too is interrupted by technology with people

choosing to eat as and when they finish of chatting or working. Even if they have dinner

at the same time, everybody will be giving their half focus on their personal screens.

The detrimental lifestyle with lack of proper exercise and unhealthy eating

habits is the prime reason for most of the problems. Technology has a real impact on the

way people have changed the healthy habits. As people are busy with their gadgets, they

have no time for outdoor activities. The sedentary life style is seriously causing health

issues for people of all ages. Kitchen and cooking is a rare sight for junk food is just a

call away. Children now prefer computer games to outdoor games which add the

problem of unhealthy eating.

Parents can guide kids to enjoy the life rightfully by weighing the pros and cons

of technology. Even schools are realizing the negative impacts of overuse of technology

and taking children out of the four walls of the classroom to give them an opportunity to

interact with the nature. Technologies have made life really easy for us as information

to anything under the sun is available at our finger tips. However, we should understand

that even when technology has made this a better place to live; we should not

compromise human values while enjoying it. (Edsys 2018)

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