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School Leader Entry Plan:

(Within the First 30/60/90 Days)

Brian Michael
Oakland University
EL 6960
Brian Michael
EL 6960
07 June 2019
School Leader Entry Plan

Within the First 30 Days:

I. Connect with Individuals:
A. Connect and meet with other Assistant Principals and/or other Building Administrators (i.e.
Behavior/Discipline Deans)
B. Connect and meet with other Administrators in the District
C. Connect and meet with Central Office personnel and departments
1. Meet with Human Resources and/or HR Director to determine staffing/hiring needs
a) Review applications and learn about the district hiring process for screening
applicants and hiring qualified candidates
D. Connect and introduce yourself to members of the Board of Education
E. Connect and introduce yourself to Department Heads/Chairs
1. If they are unavailable to meet, make a phone call(s) to introduce yourself
F. Connect and introduce yourself to Building Teachers, Counselors, and Staff
1. Personally introduce yourself to School Secretaries and Custodial Staff
2. If during summer, send an introductory letter/postcard and/or make an introductory call
G. Jot/Take BRIEF notes on all individuals to help with remembering them in the future

II. Analyze & Review Documents and Data:

A. Review and take notes on School Improvement Plan
1. Look for focus areas, areas of need for establishing goals
B. Review and take notes on Student/School Handbooks and Codes of Conduct
1. Understand school, building, and district policies for students
C. Review and take notes on Staff Handbook/Code of Conduct
1. Understand school, building, and district policies for staff
D. Review School Budget for the upcoming school yeaR
1. Begin preparing list of questions to discuss with Finance/Business Director
E. Review State School Index Data
1. Begin looking for gaps and/or potential focus areas for continued work
F. Review the School’s Mission and Vision Plans
G. Review the organization and layout/access to information on the school/district’s website

III. Actions & To-Do Items:

A. Move in to the Principal’s Office; get settled in
B. Begin preparing any forms/documents/registration items for the new school year
C. Assist and/or Execute any summer school-related/sponsored events
D. Assist and/or monitor school Summer School program (if applicable)
E. Begin dividing Administrative Responsibilities with Administrative Team
F. Meet with Superintendent and Central Office personnel to begin setting goals for the school year
G. Begin to establish “Welcome” or “Meet and Greet” nights for students, families, and the

IV. Goal-Setting:
A. Begin to understand implement the budget for the upcoming school year
B. Begin making decisions, as related to budgeting
C. Begin to establish goals for the upcoming school year
1. Goals for Students
2. Goals for Staff
3. Goals for Parents/Families
4. Goals for Achievement & Academics
5. Goals for Building School Culture
6. Goals for Community Partnerships
D. Plan for walking/canvassing neighborhoods and the community to talk to community members
and families
Brian Michael
EL 6960
07 June 2019
School Leader Entry Plan

Within the First 60 Days:

I. Connect with Individuals:
A. Connect and meet with other Assistant Principals and/or other Building Administrators
(i.e. Behavior/Discipline Deans)
1. Create an Administrative Division of Responsibilities for the Administrative team
a) Decide who will do what/who will be in charge of what
b) Create a calendar for determining who will supervise/chaperone student activities
and events
c) Determine who will evaluate which departments and/or individuals
2. Evaluate and determine the most critical items of attention/need/focus
a) “What needs our most immediate need and/or attention?”
b) “What needs to be done first?”
3. Determine Leadership needs
a) What do Assistant Principals/Principals need from each other?
b) What are the Administrative team’s goals?
c) What are the Administrative team’s “non-negotiables?”
d) “What does the staff and/or school culture look like vs. what do we want it to look
e) Important items to know about staff members
B. Connect and meet with other Administrators in the District
1. Understand what is going on at feeder schools (elementary and/or middle schools)
2. Evaluate what connections (or disconnections) exist among different schools among the
3. Determine (if not already in place) a plan/schedule for meeting with other School
Administrators during Administrator Meetings with the Superintendent
C. Connect and meet with Central Office personnel and departments
1. Meet with Human Resources and/or HR Director to determine staffing/hiring needs
a) Review applications and learn about the district hiring process for screening
applicants and hiring qualified candidates
b) Complete the hiring process to ensure all staffing positions are filled in
preparation for the new school year
c) Participate in the interview/hiring process for hiring and interviewing qualified
2. Meet with Facilities/Operations Director to assess the building and school, in terms of
a) Learn and/or inquire about any building projects that need to be done
D. Connect and introduce yourself to members of the Board of Education
1. Attend Board of Education Meetings
2. Interview Board of Education Members to discuss and gather their thoughts, input, and/or
feedback on the school/district and goals/initiatives they would like to see implemented
E. Connect and introduce yourself to Department Heads/Chairs
1. If they are unavailable to meet, make a phone call(s) to introduce yourself
2. Learn about what types of work are done in each department
3. Learn about what curriculums exist for each department
4. Inquire with department heads about their goals and what they’d like to see (learn their
vision and hear their goals)
5. If possible and if funds allow, inquire with Department Heads if they need anything
(realistic) in preparation for the new school year
F. Connect and introduce yourself to Building Teachers, Counselors, and Staff
1. Personally introduce yourself to School Secretaries and Custodial Staff
a) Try to treat School Secretaries and Custodians to lunch before the new school
year begins to express your appreciation for their hard work over the summer in
preparing for the new school year
2. If during summer, send an introductory letter/postcard and/or make an introductory call
G. Jot/Take BRIEF notes (written or mental) on all individuals to help with remembering
them in the future

II. Analyze & Review Documents and Data:

A. Review and take notes on School Improvement Plan
1. Look for focus areas, areas of need for establishing goals
2. With Administrative team, determine who will be in charge of overseeing the School
Improvement Committee
3. Learn about which individuals are typically part of the School Improvement Committee
and which ones are School Improvement Chairs
B. Review and take notes on Student/School Handbooks and Codes of Conduct
1. Understand school, building, and district policies for students
2. Prepare a list of any questions and research answers with Administrative Team,
Superintendent, and/or District lawyer(s)
C. Review and take notes on Staff Handbook/Code of Conduct
1. Understand school, building, and district policies for staff
2. Prepare a list of any questions and research answers with Administrative Team,
Superintendent, and/or District lawyer(s)
D. Review School Budget for the upcoming school year
1. Begin preparing list of questions to discuss with Finance/Business Director
2. Make budgeting decisions so that the building is prepared and has all materials for the
start of the new school year
E. Review State School Index Data
1. Begin looking for gaps and/or potential focus areas for continued work
2. Research department curriculums, work, and/or initiatives for inquiring about the work
being done to address the School Index Data
F. Review the School’s Mission and Vision Plans
1. Think about how to personalize the school mission and vision plans to match your goals
and initiatives
G. Review the organization and layout/access to information on the school/district’s website

III. Actions & To-Do Items:

A. Move in to the Principal’s Office; get settled in
1. Be ready to meet with individuals at a moment’s notice (if possible)
2. Prepare a tentative calendar or daily schedule and/or to-do list
B. Begin preparing any forms/documents/registration items for the new school year
1. Meet with Secretaries to discuss how Registration/Enrollment documents are mailed out
and/or received
C. Assist and/or Execute any summer school-related/sponsored events
1. Promote community and family engagement through summer events
a) Examples:
(1) Back-to-School Fair
(2) Meet the Principal Night
(3) Movie Night
(4) Summer Athletic events
D. Assist and/or monitor school Summer School program (if applicable)
1. Ensure that Summer School program is cleaned-up and that the building/rooms are
prepared for the start of the new school year
E. Prepare a Final Agenda to be shared with staff for Staff Professional Development Days
during staff’s first few days back before students return
1. Determine how PD days will be spent for staff
2. Organize and prepare agendas
3. Organize and prepare presentations
4. Determine an Introduction to the Staff, Opening Statements, and focuses to share with
staff for the start of the new school year
F. Meet with Superintendent and Central Office personnel to begin setting goals for the
school year
1. Hold a goal-setting meeting with the Superintendent
a) May be part of Administrator evaluation component

IV. Goal-Setting:
A. Begin to understand implement the budget for the upcoming school year
1. Begin preparing list of questions to discuss with Finance/Business Director
2. Make budgeting decisions so that the building is prepared and has all materials for the
start of the new school year
3. Reevaluate and assess the current budget and anticipated budgeting needs for the
remainder of the school year
B. Establish and begin to implement goals for the upcoming school year
1. Goals for Students
2. Goals for Staff
3. Goals for Parents/Families
4. Goals for Achievement & Academics
5. Goals for Building School Culture
6. Goals for Community Partnerships
C. Travel and Walk nearby neighborhoods and streets to talk to community members and
1. Introduce oneself and meet them
2. Ask them their thoughts and get their opinion on the school/district
3. If possible, present them with a small gift or invite them to the next school event (i.e. an
upcoming summer football game)
Brian Michael
EL 6960
07 June 2019
School Leader Entry Plan

Within the First 90 Days:

I. Connect with Individuals:
A. Maintain a positive working relationship with Assistant Principals and/or the
Administrative Team
1. Begin to implement and execute an Administrative Division of Responsibilities for the
Administrative Team
a) Decide who will do what/who will be in charge of what
b) Create a calendar for determining who will supervise/chaperone student activities
and events
c) Determine who will evaluate which departments and/or individuals
(1) Present to the school staff
(2) Begin holding Goal-Setting Meetings for the annual evaluation cycle
d) Evaluate and determine the most critical items of attention/need/focus
(1) “What needs our most immediate need and/or attention?”
(2) “What needs to be done first?”
e) Avoid and dispel any notions of gossip and/or negativity in the Office; maintain
professionalism at all times
B. Establish a positive and collaborative relationship with Other Administrators in the
1. Understand what is going on at feeder schools (elementary and/or middle schools)
2. Evaluate what connections (or disconnections) exist among different schools among the
3. Determine (if not already in place) a plan/schedule for meeting with other School
Administrators during Administrator Meetings with the Superintendent
C. Establish positive and professional relationship with Other Administrators from Nearby
Districts and/or Consortium Districts
1. If part of a consortium/partnership, learn about what programs they offer and how
students participate and/or engage with their programs
2. Learn about their policies and programs if they affect your students
3. Brainstorm and explore any potential for collaborating on activities and/or events
a) Examples: Theme Football game night, Observing Title I nights at each other’s
schools, etc.
D. Establish positive and professional releationships with Central Office personnel and
1. Ensure that all staffing needs are completed with Human Resources and HR Director
2. Personally thank Human Resources staff for their assistance in completing hiring and
staffing needs
3. Reflect and debrief with HR Director on this year’s hiring process
a) If necessary, set goals for future hiring and/or anticipated needs
4. Meet with Facilities/Operations Director to assess the building and school, in terms of
a) Learn and/or inquire about any building projects that need to be done
b) Frequently touch-base with Facilities/Operations Director to discuss building
needs and/or improvements
E. Establish positive and professional relationships with members of the Board of Education
1. Attend all Board of Education Meetings
2. Prepare any items, if necessary, to present on at Board of Education Meeting
a) Examples: Curriculum Presentations; Recognizing sports teams; New Programs
3. Interview Board of Education Members to discuss and gather their thoughts, input, and/or
feedback on the school/district and goals/initiatives they would like to see implemented
F. Establish positive and professional relationships with Department Heads/Chairs
1. Learn about what types of work are done in each department
2. Learn about what curriculums exist for each department
3. Inquire with department heads about their goals and what they’d like to see (learn their
vision and hear their goals)
4. If possible and if funds allow, inquire with Department Heads if they need anything
(realistic) in preparation for the new school year
G. Establish positive and professional relationships with Building Counselors, Custodians, and
1. Personally introduce yourself to School Secretaries and Custodial Staff
a) Try to treat School Secretaries and Custodians to lunch before the new school
year begins to express your appreciation for their hard work over the summer in
preparing for the new school year
2. If during summer, send an introductory letter/postcard and/or make an introductory call
H. Establish positive and professional relationships with Teachers and Staff
1. Try to meet (briefly) with every teacher
a) Could possibly tie into goal-setting meetings for evaluation process/cycle
2. Learn at least one (1) thing about every teacher and/or staff member
a) Either personal or professional
3. If possible, work to maintain an “Open-Door Policy” for teachers and staff
4. Begin evaluation cycle/process/goal meetings for staff members that you’re in charge of
I. Jot/Take BRIEF notes (written or mental) on all individuals to help with remembering
them in the future

II. Analyze & Review Documents and Data:

A. Review and take notes on School Improvement Plan
1. Look for focus areas, areas of need for establishing goals
2. With Administrative team, determine who will be in charge of overseeing the School
Improvement Committee
3. Learn about which individuals are typically part of the School Improvement Committee
and which ones are School Improvement Chairs
4. Schedule and hold the first School Improvement Meeting of the new school year
a) Determine a convenient location and time
5. Based on notes with Administrative team, invite staff members to serve on the School
Improvement Team, if positions need to be filled
B. Review and take notes on Student/School Handbooks and Codes of Conduct
1. Understand school, building, and district policies for students
2. Prepare a list of any questions and research answers with Administrative Team,
Superintendent, and/or District lawyer(s)
3. Share Student/School Handbooks and Codes of Conduct with Students and Families
a) Share with Students during the first few days of school
(1) Hold grade-level meetings to present expectations and review school
policies with students
b) Share with Parents/Families at Open House within the first few weeks of the
school year
(1) Schedule Open House within the first few weeks of the school year
C. Review and take notes on Staff Handbook/Code of Conduct
1. Understand school, building, and district policies for staff
2. Prepare a list of any questions and research answers with Administrative Team,
Superintendent, and/or District lawyer(s)
3. Review Staff Handbook and expectations/reminders for staff during PD Back-to-School
Days during the first staff meeting
D. Review State School Index Data
1. Continue looking for gaps and/or potential focus areas for continued work
2. Research department curriculums, work, and/or initiatives for inquiring about the work
being done to address the School Index Data
3. Try to stop by every Department Meeting briefly to check-in and see what Departments
are doing
a) Share with Departments any relevant data/findings that relate to their content area
E. Review the School’s Mission and Vision Plans
1. Think about how to personalize the school mission and vision plans to match your goals
and initiatives
2. Begin to make the School’s Mission and/or Vision Plans a reality and continued focus
F. Review the organization and layout/access to information on the school/district’s website
1. Begin updating, organizing, and maintaining the school website
2. Share updates and exciting events with families and the community
3. If allowed with district policy and Central Office permission, post via social media about
updates/events/things going on in the classroom several times a week for families to see
and/or share
G. Review and approve/give feedback on Staff Professional Development Plans, as outlined in
the School Improvement Plan
1. Approve/Deny Staff PD requests
2. Ensure staff members have provided correct documentation for PD requests

III. Actions & To-Do Items:

A. Begin to feel comfortable and get settled in to the Principal’s Office
1. Be ready to meet with individuals at a moment’s notice (if possible)
2. Prepare a tentative calendar or daily schedule and/or to-do list
a) Share with Staff available times when you’re free vs. times when you’re busy in
B. Ensure all Student Enrollment Forms/Paperwork is Received
C. Work with Secretaries and Teaching Staff to ensure that Count Day procedures are
in-place, ready, and are being done correctly
D. Chaperone school-related/sponsored events
1. Promote student, parent/family, and community and family engagement through school
a) Examples:
(1) Registration Day
(2) Open House/Curriculum Night
(3) Back-to-School Fair
(4) Meet the Principal Night
(5) Movie Night
(6) Summer Athletic events
E. Prepare plans and/or agendas for upcoming Staff Meetings and/or Staff Professional
Development Plans
1. Determine how PD days will be spent for staff
2. Organize and prepare agendas
3. Organize and prepare presentations
F. Meet with Superintendent and Central Office personnel to begin setting goals for the
school year
1. Hold a goal-setting meeting with the Superintendent
a) May be part of Administrator evaluation component
2. Maintain frequent contact and/or communication

IV. Goal-Setting:
A. Begin to implement the budget for the new school year
1. Preparing an ongoing list of questions to discuss with Finance/Business Director during
upcoming meetings, as needed
2. Make budgeting decisions so that the building is prepared and has all materials, and to
maximize opportunities for students and student learning
3. Reevaluate and assess the current budget and anticipated budgeting needs for the
remainder of the school year
B. Begin to implement goals for the school year
1. Goals for Students
2. Goals for Staff
3. Goals for Parents/Families
4. Goals for Achievement & Academics
5. Goals for Building School Culture
6. Goals for Community Partnerships
C. Establish positive and professional relationships and/or partnerships with Community
Members, Families, and Community Businesses
1. Introduce oneself and meet them
2. Ask them their thoughts and get their opinion on the school/district
3. Connect with Community/Business Leaders
a) Explore any potential for future partnerships
b) Invite them (if applicable) to host a table at lunch or at an upcoming school events
c) If applicable, work with Central Office, Superintendent’s Office, and
Business/Finance Office to explore potential sponsorship opportunities
4. If possible, present them with a small gift or invite them to the next school event (i.e. an
upcoming summer football game)

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