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Atkins Diet:
The Ultimate Guide for
Rapid Weight Loss with
Atkins Diet. Proven
Scientific Techniques and
Book Description

Mankind has long search for the answer, how to lose weight in the safest,
easiest and fastest way? The famous cardiologist and psychologist Dr. Robert
Atkins in the mid-20th century came up with the answer to this question,
presenting the world something truly revolutionary - Atkins Diet.

For the first time in the history, one could eat everything that the doctors
strictly forbade as unhealthy, and this diet really takes off weight with ease,
800gr - 1kg on a daily basis.

This regime or diet has been under scrutiny, but scientists and
nutritionists found that a diet regime that involve high intake of meat, fish and
eggs in the long run take off the weight, improves blood counts and contributes to
a better feel of the whole organism. In addition, it is good for those with high
blood sugar or for those who have high blood pressure

Allowed foods are exactly those you would never expect. You can enjoy
the steak kebab, fried chicken, beef, meat products, fish and seafood. Here you
have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with some of the finest recipes that
contain a low percentage of carbohydrates.

The revolutionary regime of diet from Dr. Robert Atkins eventually

engulfed almost all parts of the globe, so with the help of this regime many
celebrities lost weight, such as Kim Kardashian, Fergie, Queen Latifah, Tyra
Banks and many others.

Every scientist who dealt with the biology, anatomy and nutrition in
terms of the human body, can say that human body exists in a perfect way, as a
brand of high-quality Swiss clock. When the balance in the body is disturbed, it is
necessary to engage profession that will eliminate that problem. If we consider
that the human body in its functionality is perfect, we can say that the correct
combination of foods guarantees health and slim body.
Today, we live in a world where big fast food chains, manufacturers of
sweets and many others are racing to bring a hundred better, prettier and tastier
products in order to be closer to customers from all over the world. It is clear that
maintaining the slim and healthy life is not always so possible. Simply, it is hard
to resist a variety of treats that have been served to us, almost in every place
where we go.
Modern era is the era of rapid globalization and expressed capitalism. In
order to survive in such an accelerated society, one must fully dedicate himself to
the job, and this often requires very little or no time that can be dedicated to you,
your health and appearance. Due to money chase, we have little or no time at all
so we indulge in junk food products, and that lead to excess weight. Excess weight
can, as it is known, to cause various disorders of which are the hardest heart and
lung diseases.
And lastly, there is stress that follows daily life of majority of the
population on the planet. In most individual cases, stress counterproductively
affects human body and increase intake of food, especially those with high caloric
content. That creates additional problems for even doing everyday tasks.
The man has managed over time and the development of civilization to
devise many things that have managed to facilitate and extend our lives, from
drugs for various diseases, to space Shuttles which explore Universe. It was only a
matter of time to find a solution to a centuries-old problem of humanity.
The solution is found by the famous psychiatrist and cardiologist Dr.
Robert Atkins, who designed the entire system of food intake that effortlessly
reduces body weight at the desired level in the shortest period of time. Even
though many think this diet is controversial, Dr. Robert Atkins has been named
one of the ten most influential figures by Time magazine poll in 2002. And his
Atkins diet attracted millions of people over the decades. About what the Atkins
diet is and how it works will be discussed in the following chapters. First problem
that we are dealing with is certainly obesity as one of the modern diseases that
majority of mankind is dealing with.
Chapter 1 – Obesity as a global problem

The first question that poses itself is what it is obesity? Obesity is excess
body weight caused by the increase of adipose tissue in the body, above 30% for
women and over 25% for men. The precise percentage of fat (adipose tissue
mass/body mass) was determined in two ways-using special instruments called
caliper or by using special scales, such as the Omron BF-510th
First way was used for decades and it is required caliper instrument that
measures the thickness of the skin fold on at least 4 different spots on the body.
Then we use the mean value of these measurements and put them into the
formula along with the worth of the current body weight and age. Thickness of
the skin fold is thickness of skin and subcutaneous tissue that was caught with
caliper. This type of body measurements is used only in specialized institutions
and it is not in everyday use.
Other way is more precise and easier. Percentage of body fat is measured
with special scales that are using small volume current. Based on the speed of
passing current through the body, taken into account body weight, body height,
and the age, Omron BF-510, for instance, is counting the percentage of fat,
because of the current’s slower passing through adipose tissue. This current can’t
be felt and does not induce pain of any kind. Only people with medical devices
such as pacemakers should not use this scales in order not to interfere with
function of their devices.
Obesity is a disease. The international classification for obesity is the code
a) Obesity is known as an important factor in the development of
atherosclerosis, which the World Health Organization in 1997 ranked as epidemic
b) Persons with excessive body mass have 20% shorter lifespan compared
to peers with similar health condition but with normal weight.
c) Obesity is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes; it reduces sensitivity of
tissues to insulin, and type 2 diabetes worsened atherosclerosis.
d) Reduction in body weight of 11kg and more considerably reduces
systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
e) Daily walk of 6 km considerably reduces LDL and increase HDL

The first sign of obesity is the changes in appearance of the body, or an
increase in weight. The first symptom is the discontent which produces
undesirable changes in appearance. It is also the most common reason why
people want to lose weight.
Other symptoms and signs are, in fact, the consequences since obesity is
sometimes spreads down very quietly and unobtrusively (2-3 pounds per month).
Those symptoms are:
- Faster fatigue during work
- Pain in joints during movements
- Spontaneous decrease in physical activity
- Higher risk for inflammation of the gallbladder, especially in obese middle-aged
- High blood pressure
- There is a higher risk for getting some more serious diseases
Risk Factors
Risk factors for obesity include:
- Genetically factors for 8-60%
- Too high caloric intake and/or bad combination of foods (carbohydrates
combined with concentrated fat or protein concentrate)
- Insufficient physical activity or no physical activity at all
- Social factors - flour, sugar and fat are inexpensive foods and fruits; meat and
vegetables are more expensive (they have fewer calories and are more difficult to
- Cultural factors - the cult of fatty foods
- Additional factors - they refer to some peripheral factors such as smoking
cessation, stressful life events, teenage age etc.
Chapter 2 – Revolutionary regime of Dr. Robert
Atkins’s diet

Let’s start from the very beginning and say a few sentences about diets
in general. If each person has to enter a certain number of calories in the body
during the day, only to have the body to function normally, it is clear that any
intake of calories, which is less than anticipated (special methods are used to
determine how much calories body needs on a daily basis, including age, height
and current weight) causes weight loss, and any intentional or consciously
insufficient intake of calories in the body is called the Diet.
Of course, during the diet, one can use different methods for boosting
metabolism which will further enable rapid digestion, and therefore rapid weight
loss. One can insert into daily schedule morning or evening jogging, going to the
gym, at-home exercises, various “natural beverages” which will allow weight loss,
but as we all know, the road is long, difficult and quite uncertain. It requires a lot
of sacrifice and for the result, it should be waited a months and no one can
guarantee a better appearance and loose of body weight.
Doctor Robert Atkins has created something truly revolutionized that is
remembered as the Atkins diet. In his youth, before he decided to practice
medicine, he dealt with various jobs, he was a shoe salesman, worked as an
entertainer - comedian and also worked at a local radio station. He became
interested in nutritional problems when, due to stress and poor eating, gained
lots of fat. At age 33, according to him, he had over 100 kg. It made him to decide
to try something he read about in some previous articles of one of his colleagues.
Dietary regimen that he wanted to test implied reduced intake of sugar (all
types) and starch. While trying to patent regime diet that would be healthy and
acceptable to all, he managed to lose weight but also managed to help dozens of
patients. They were very thankful for allowing them to reach the desired weight
almost without a little effort. In 1970 his research and nutrition plan was
published in Vogue magazine. This gave rise to unprecedented interest among
readers, especially among men and a long time after this, diet has been known
only as The Vogue Diet.
Due to the great interest of the people for this diet that almost exclusively
mean intake of protein and fat in the body, Doctor Atkins raised his practice to a
higher level. In Manhattan he opened the Atkins Center for Complementary
Medicine, which brings in millions of dollars and tens of thousands of satisfied
patients. By the mid 90s, the hospital has employed nearly 100 people and has
more than 50 000 satisfied patients.
Chapter 3 – What Atkins Diet dos and how it

The Atkins diet is known by several names such as Ketones Diet, Diet
without carbohydrates, Protein diets, Atkinson diet ... First of all, to resolve the
enigma why such a large number of names for one and the same diet. The answer
is simple: this diet consists of intake of foods that contain a large amount of
protein with barely noticeable percentage of carbohydrates (hence the name:
Protein and Diet without carb’s). As far as Atkins and Atkinson - all these words
are formed from the name of the "inventor" (Dr Robert Atkins). In any case, the
name of the diet is the Atkins diet. Either way - it's one and the same diet with
more names, diet that is intended for persons who should lose a larger number of
The diet consists of three phases. There is also the fourth stage, which is in
fact maintaining of the achieved. In the first phase, the intake of carbohydrates is
restricted to just 20 grams per day. The length of this phase is 2 weeks. In phase
two there is gentle introduction of carbohydrates, especially the vegetables, and
in the third phase is formed optimal amount of carbohydrates that a person
should have to enter for a long period of time without gaining weight.
Persons who have held this diet is advised that after reaching the desired
weight, still continue with limited intake of carbohydrates and that is the fourth
stage. When you eliminate carbohydrates from daily meals, the liver converts fat
into glucose, and additional products of synthesis are toxic ketones. Ketones
suppress appetite, so eating less result in weight loss. Since the diet is not
considering intake of vitamins and minerals, it is recommended to take a vitamin
pills that will compensate for the obvious deficit of vitamins and minerals.
First phase
The first phase or the induction phase is most significant when you choose
this diet and serves to change the metabolism in the body. In this period is only
allowed to bring up to 20g of carbohydrates on a daily basis. It can be very hard,
especially after a long period of uncontrolled consumption of food. If we take into
account that the human brain needs a minimum of 40 -60 grams of
carbohydrates to function at all, this can create additional problems, but be
In this period, only can be eaten meat and fish in all possible ways (other
than fried) and eggs (in all ways) These are the three types of foods that are
dominant in the diet during the Retention diet regime that is devised doctor
Robert Atkins . This period lasts 14 days. Daily food intake should not exceed
2000 calories; this applies to all phases of the Atkins Diet.
The second phase
If you have successfully come out of the first phase, which is actually the
hardest, the second phase will be incomparably easier. Number of carbohydrate
intake is increased from 25 g a day to 35 grams, even 40. And of course, in this
period, which lasts seven days, types of foods that in the last two weeks couldn’t
be eaten are allowed. It mainly refers to the tomato, cucumber, mushrooms,
peppers, onions and some types of cheese which have up to 2.5 grams of
carbohydrates in 100 g. You can start putting milk in your favorite beverage.
The third phase
The third phase of this diet slowly return you to normal diet, the amount
of allowed carbohydrates increases to 60 grams a day, but one still need to be
careful. It is allowed to occasionally take fruit or nuts with a high degree of
The fourth phase
The fourth and final phase is designed to help people back to normal diet,
to start to eat normally. Carbohydrate intake should vary in the range of 90 -120
grams per day. But be careful; remember how much effort you put into achieving
the fourth phase and your diet plan should be accordingly organized.
Chapter 4 – Atkins Diet: Pros and Cons -
scientific approach

Considering that with the help of the Atkins Diet one can lose on a daily
basis between 800 g-1000 g, it is reasonable to question medical and scientific
justification for this diet. The main disadvantage of all other modes of nutrition
in relation to Atkins is that the regime of Dr. Atkins is based on the protein diet
and bringing the body into ketone balance, which is not the case with the other.
Ketone state allows the body to converts fat into energy very rapidly. The body
begins with its own forces to break the existing fat into energy which is then used
for normal activities.
When asked what is the state of ketosis or ketone state, one of the best
experts on the human organism, Jonathan Deprospo says: '' Ketone bodies are
formed in the liver by a process called the Krebs Cycle or citric acid cycle (cycle of
tricarboxylic acid). When there is no more glycogen, the pancreas secretes
glucagon. Glucagon is a catabolic hormone, since it serves for the breakdown of
tissues in order to release energy. In our case, glucagon is very important because
it converts free fatty acids to ketones. Ketones are the free fatty acids which are
decomposed in a process that includes glucagon, and carnitine. After the last free
fatty acids went through liver, fat transforms into beta-hydroxy-butyric and
aceto-acetic acid, or more commonly, "ketones".
We are frequently met with a number of questions from the people who
would have started the first phase of the Atkins diet, but are not sure that this
would be the right solution for them. First of all, they are interested in scientific
and medical reason for this diet.
The first thing is related to fatigue and malaise that you will surely feel
during the initial phases of the Atkins diet, due to reduced carbohydrate intake.
Sometimes, people are concerned about this phenomenon and afraid that it could
permanently influence their health. Everyone should keep in mind that it occurs
when the true source of energy is replaced with ketones, which are not true
sources of energy. But in time you will get used to this regime and high protein
diet will not be hard.
Another dilemma is related to the level of cholesterol in the body due to
the ingestion of high-calorie foods and high saturated fat. For some people, this
diet regime is lowering the cholesterol levels, while in some it is being built, but
that part of the regime has not yet been thoroughly explored. One thing is for
sure, no one had any problems because of it.
The third dilemma is because of reduced intake of vitamins in the body
due to a high intake of protein and fat. And this observation is correct, a majority
of vitamins is found in fruits and vegetables. During this diet, these foods are not
used, but medicine has progressed and today there are plenty of supplements and
dietary supplements that can easily replace vitamins from ordinary foods. Only
people who really have a vitamins and minerals problem should be consulting
doctors before beginning.
The dilemma number four is the most significant and concerns the
possibility of coming to the point of ketoacidosis i.e. when the amount of ketones
in the blood grows over permissible amount, which can cause death. This
problem is only related to diabetics and they should apply this diet regime only in
accordance with doctor’s advice. The organism mostly maintains the level of
ketones in the blood, so healthy people should not worry about this.
Benefits of Ketone or the Atkins diet are manifold as evidenced by
thousands of people around the world who, with the help of this regime and
dietary habits, were able to reach their desired weight.
For start, this diet regime enables use of body weight. Extra pounds are
used as fuel, as energy for the body. In this way it creates a kind of perpetual
motion, because the body uses its fat stores to destroy the same.
Secondly, there is the feeling of satiety. During ketone state, body almost
has no need for food, as if someone turns off the feeling of hunger. So it also
accelerates the removal of fat.
This part of the presentation will be finished with medical facts of that
there is no need to paraphrase:” The state of ketosis is for the most part
controlled by insulin, glucagon and the amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood.
Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas in the presence of carbohydrates.
Its function is to keep the blood glucose level under control, taking glucose from
the blood into the cells. When insulin is not secreted, the blood sugar level is out
of control and this is not good for the body.
On the other end of the spectrum is glucagon, which is antagonistic
hormone to insulin and is also secreted from the pancreas when insulin levels are
very low, which mainly happens when you skip a meal, or not getting the proper
amount of carbohydrates over a longer period of time. When this happens, the
pancreas secretes glucagon to convert glycogen stored in the liver in usable form
of glucose. But what happens when we run out of glycogen in the liver? This is
where the metabolic state of ketosis starts, because the pancreas can also convert
fatty acids into useful energy source, known as ketones or ketone bodies.”
Chapter 5 – Food and nutrition plan

Diet in the period of the Atkins diet should not need to be a bit
different from the usual diet. As with any special diets, it is important that
you take care of regular and quality of sleep, at least 8 hours a day. Quality
sleep will help facilitate the induction phase of the Atkins Diet. In addition, it
is important to drink as much water during the day; over 3l every day. A
large quantity of water will enable a better functioning of the kidneys, which
together with the liver are most exposed during this process.

The most important ingredient is certainly the meat. During Atkins Diet
you can eat beef, chicken, veal, pork, lamb, goose, duck, turkey, all kinds of
venison… Meat could be boiled, baked or barbecued. Only is forbidden to eat
fried meat.

Meat is one of the most valuable foods in the human diet. It provides
necessary nutritional and building blocks for all age groups in the population. At
the same time, the meat is very sensitive food, being subject to rapid failure
unless they are provided all the necessary hygiene conditions in breeding
animals. The quality of the meat depends on many factors, such as: race, gender,
and diet of animals. Then, procedures during slaughtering, primary processing,
using of certain cooling solutions, duration of post-mortem processes and
relationships between certain tissues that make basic composition of meat are
also very important.

After the meat, the most important ingredient in this process is the fish.
All kinds of fish can be consumed during this period. Fish is considered a
universal food items because it contains proteins of high biological value with
very little fat and is rich in minerals and vitamins.

Nutritional value mainly depends on the type of fish, as well as its age,
which contributes to increased fat percentage. Bigger nutritional value had fish
with more proteins and less fat and inversely. Hake meat has a 0.5% fat but eels
can have up to 21 % of fat. In comparison with other types of meat, fish belongs to
"lighter" categories and caloric value of fish meat is similar to beef. Percentage of
proteins in fish meat can range from 15 % like with trout to 25 % in tuna fish.

Unique is the example of dried cod which has 80 % of proteins. Proteins

from fish are with high biological value because of good amino acid composition
and a high degree of usability which contributes to the creation and regeneration
of cells in human body.
Eggs should not be forgotten as one of the essential food during this
process. Eggs proteins are with high biological value, they contain all the
essential amino acids, so they can meet the needs of the organism for grow
and development. Biological value of protein in food is measured by
comparison with egg, because it amounts to 93.7% of protein. There are only
traces of carbohydrates in egg and it has plenty micro minerals and vitamins.
An egg is an excellent source of phosphorus, selenium, riboflavin,
pantothenic acid, vitamin B12, A and D. Eggs are good source of iron, zinc,
vitamin B6 and folate. Eggs are average source of calcium, magnesium,
potassium, thiamine and vitamin E. Thanks to shell, the egg is only natural
food that keeps all the nutritional value when cooked, while those nutritional
values are lost with frying.

During this period, one can eat vegetables but only those with a very low
percentage of carbohydrates. In very small quantities is allowed milk low in
carbohydrates. From drinks is advisable to drink as much water, but is
occasionally allowed to drink lemonade. Of course, coffee and tea can be
drink in unlimited quantities.

To be easier to look at the whole process, we will present a seven-day plan

for Atkins diet along with the menu.

The seven-day plan

Day 1

Breakfast: Omelet made with 3 egg whites, chopped mixed paprika and cup of

Inter-meal: 100g chicken (of course, do not fry it and remove the skin), and half
red paprika

Lunch: 1 grilled chicken breast, fresh mixed salad with red peppers, green beans
and 1 tablespoon olive oil

Inter-serving: 100 g turkey breast with ¼ of fresh cucumber

Dinner: 100g grilled turkey breast with steamed broccoli

Day 2

Breakfast: 100g baked chicken breast with kale

Inter-meal: 100g turkey breast with half green paprika

Lunch: fried cod fillets with a mixed green salad, and a half tablespoons of olive

Inter-meal: 100g turkey breast with steamed broccoli

Dinner: Grilled salmon with chopped dill and steamed broccoli
Day 3

Breakfast: 100g smoked salmon with spinach

Inter-meal: 100g chicken breast with half yellow peppers

Lunch: 1 grilled chicken breast with seasonal salad and one-half tablespoons olive

Inter-meal: 100g turkey breast with ¼ of avocado

Dinner: 1 or 2 lamb chops-made grilled, steamed broccoli and spinach

Day 4

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs (one whole egg and 2 egg whites), tomatoes, green

Inter-meal: 100g turkey with ¼ of fresh cucumber

Lunch: Baked cod with lettuce, tomatoes, spinach and one-half tablespoons olive

Inter-meal: 100g chicken breast with ½ grilled zucchini

Dinner: 100g chicken breast with Chinese vegetable mixture (add ½ tablespoons
olive oil) and lettuce

Day 5

Breakfast: 200g turkey breast with ¼ avocado and ¼ fresh cucumber

Inter-meal: 2 hard-boiled eggs and half a red pepper

Lunch: 150g grilled shrimp with lettuce and tomato, ½ tablespoons olive oil

Inter-meal: 100g turkey breast with 5 almonds

Dinner: 100g chicken breast with steamed broccoli

Day 6

Breakfast: 1 file of grilled cod with roasted peppers and zucchini

Inter-meal: 100g chicken with tomatoes

Lunch: 150g of turkey with lettuce, steamed broccoli and ½ tablespoons olive oil

Inter-meal: 100g chicken with 5 walnuts

Dinner: 150-200g steak with steamed broccoli and green beans

Day 7

Breakfast: Omelet made with 3 egg whites, grilled tomatoes, steamed spinach

Inter-meal: 100g turkey with 5 cashew nuts

Lunch: 150g chicken breast with asparagus and green salad

Inter-meal: 100g turkey with ¼ of fresh cucumber

Dinner: duck breast without skin and grilled broccoli

Chapter 6 – Recipes (Atkins Diet can be more
than delicious)

To show how the Atkins Diet can be very interesting and tasty in the last
chapter of this eBook we suggest you a few recipes.

Meat roll:

3 eggs

1 bag of dietary sweeteners

pinch of salt

a pinch of salt of tartaric acid (these make egg whites thicker)

90-100 g cream cheese

mayonnaise / or cream cheese

roasted meat

mushrooms fried with onions



Warm oven to 150 degrees of Celsius

Separate the eggs and add sweetener, salt and cheese in egg yolks

Whisk with mixer

In a separate bowl, whisk egg whites and salt of tartaric acid, until they become

Slowly add the mixture of egg yolks to egg whites, being careful to keep
everything tight

Bake in the oven, like a big biscuit

When cool, smear with mayonnaise or fresh cheese and stacked up chopped
roasted meat (pork, chicken).

Mushrooms fried with onions stacked up over meat and finally put chopped
pickles (also lettuce)

Rolled up everything

Greek casserole

2 large eggplants

250 g mixed minced meat

red onion

1 bay leaf

spices to taste (you can pour white wine)

red ground pepper

Concentrate Tomato


3-4 tablespoons of sour cream


Eggplants cut into sheets (longitudinal), put them in a pan to fry rapidly
(preferably on olive oil) on both sides

Minced meat stew with the onions, add the bay leaf and spices to taste (you can
pour white wine)

Finally, add a little red ground pepper and a bit of tomato concentrate

Salted to taste

arrange a layer of eggplants, red minced meat and repeat until you come to the
end of eggplants (it's around 3 rows)

Put in the oven at 200-220 degrees Celsius for 15-20 minutes

Finally, whisk the egg and sour cream and pour over casserole
Bake for 10 minutes

Mikado Cake


10 egg yolks

240 g of sugar replaced with sweetener powder

2 tablespoons of cocoa

120 g ground walnuts

120g ground almonds

2 teaspoons of ground coffee

10 egg whites whisked


6 dl cream

160 g of chocolate (with less carbohydrates)

1 full teaspoon of cocoa


All the ingredients for a cake mix and bake 45 minutes at 190 degrees of Celsius

The ingredients for the cream heat up until they boil

Cool and refrigerate

Cold mass mix until starts to thicken, then put in the fridge for 5 minutes and
then mix until the end

If the cream is not thick enough, it means that it is not cold enough so it should
come back again in the refrigerator, but be careful not to freeze

Put buttered cake for a few hours in the fridge

Complete cake has about 80 g carbs: 12 pieces = 6.6 g carbs per piece

In the last few chapters we presented the ultimate guide for losing weight.
Scientifically tested and empirically substantiated. This diet has managed to
provide a perfect life for thousands and thousands of people.
What may be emphasized here at the end of the story is that many people
who have problems with excess body weight, general never even heard of the
regime diet Dr. Robert Atkins. Due to inability to comply to a stricter diet regime
that implied reduced intake of all foods, grueling training for several times a day
during the week when they have enough work and stress, people usually give up
and surrender. They start to lose fight with overweight.
With the Atkins diet that battle should not be lost. Choosing a high protein
food fits into everyone's schedule. Quickly bringing the body into ketone state
actually leads to loss of sense of hunger, which further facilitates this regime. It is
important to mention motivational moment, when you eat your favorite food and
in the same time, remove weight in the safest possible way.

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