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I- Choose the correct answer from the word pool.

Myth fiction folklore drama fairy tale informational writing

Fable autobiography historical fiction non- fiction

1. A story, traditional belief, or custom that is passed through generations by word of mouth.
2. A literary work that is invented. It describes imaginary events and people.
3. A narrative fiction or semi- fiction that includes subgenres such as romantic drama, tragedy, and comedy.
4. A writing that is factual, informative, or persuasive.
5. A short story with talking animals, conveying a moral.
6. A story typically involving supernatural beings or events that usually explains a natural or social phenomenon.
7. A story with magic or enchantments that usually starts with “once upon a time”.
8. A fictional story whose plot is based on or around important people or events from the past.
9. A type of nonfiction writing that conveys information, usually found in newspapers or reference books.
10. A written account of one’s own life story.
II- Choose the letter of the correct answer.
11. Which is intended to give the reader an idea of what the reading material is about?
A. Making predictions b. previewing c. identifying main idea and details
d. activating prior knowledge
12. Which is intended to give the reader a new overall understanding of a certain topic?
A. Synthesizing b. putting text information in an outline c. summarizing d. asking
13. Which is most useful in appreciating descriptive and narrative texts?
a. Drawing conclusions b. asking questions c. visualizing d. comparing and
14. Which is most useful for understanding the emotion connected with a poem?
a. Recognizing mood in poetry b. recognizing patterns in poetry c. understanding vivid words
d. understanding prior knowledge
15. Which is useful in reading persuasive and expository texts by recalling what you already know about the topic being
a. Understanding sequence of events b. activating prior knowledge c. paraphrasing
d. putting text information in an outline
16. Which is very useful in understanding the relationship between general and specific ideas by putting them in order?
a. Putting text information in an outline b. identifying cause and effect c. understanding
sequence of events d. visualizing
17. Which reading strategy is very useful in knowing what one condition produced and how a condition was produced by
another condition?
a. Paraphrasing b. comparing and contrasting c. asking questions d. identifying cause
and effect
18. Which is very useful in reading all kinds of texts because it helps you understand and remember the important ideas?
a. Previewing b. understanding sequence of events c. summarizing d. comparing and
19. Which involves determining which ideas are broad and which ones are specific?
a. Comparing and contrasting b. identifying main ideas and details c. identifying cause and
effect d. drawing conclusions and recommendations
20. Which helps the reader understand difficult parts of a text by simplifying complex ideas?
a. Previewing b. summarizing c. paraphrasing d. synthesizing
21. To which text type does a definition essay belong?
a. Narrative b. descriptive c. expository d. persuasive
22. To which text type does a problem- solution essay belong?
a. Narrative b. descriptive c. expository d. persuasive
23. Which text types use sensory details?
a. Narrative and descriptive b. descriptive and expository c. expository and narrative
d. persuasive and expository
24. What kind of text type is a memoir?
a. Fiction descriptive b. writing for media c. fiction expository d. non- fiction narrative
25. Which kind of writing requires sound reasoning?
a. Narrative and descriptive b. descriptive and expository c. persuasive and narrative
d. persuasive and expository
26. What kind of text type is a critical review?
a. Workplace and technical writing b. persuasive writing c. response to literature
d. expository
27. Which of the following is a form of writing for media?
a. I-search report b. documentary c. resume d. op-ed
28. Which of the following is a form of research writing?
a. I- search report b. documentary c. resume d. op-ed
29. In which of the following kinds of text type is it most important to ha an intended audience and use polite language?
a. Response to literature b. narrative c. workplace and technical writing
d. descriptive
30. Which of the following is an example of persuasive writing?
a. Resume b. op-ed c. i- search d. documentary
31. Which writing trait enables the writer to connect with the reader through the author’s personal writing style and
through the use of unique words and phrases?
a. Convention b. voice c. development of ideas d. focus and coherence
32. A piece of writing keeps to the topic and is clearly supported by well- chosen details. This piece of writing has _____.
a. Convention b. voice c. development of ideas d. focus and coherence
33. A piece of writing displays correct use of all spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, usage, and sentence
structure rules. This piece of writing shows proper _____________.
a. Convention b. voice c. development of ideas d. focus and coherence
34. Which component of writing can be achieved through proper use of sequence words, cause- effect, degree of
importance, or spatial order words?
a. Transition b. introduction c. elaboration d. conclusion
35. Which component of good writing provides specific, relevant, and appropriate supporting details to the main idea or
thesis statement through the use of facts and statistics, descriptions, anecdotes, examples, or quotations?
a. Transition b introduction c. elaboration d. conclusion
36. Which step in the writing process is intended to generate ideas for the writer?
a. Editing b. drafting c. prewriting d. revising
37. Which step in the writing process is intended to see how well the issues of purpose, audience, and genre have been
addressed as well as checking if there are ways of improving the style, word choice, figurative language, sentence
variety, subtlety of meaning?
a. Conclusion b. drafting c. prewriting d. revising
38. Which step in the writing process involves making decisions about which form will best reach the intended audience
and accomplish the intended purpose?
a. Publishing b. conclusion c. drafting d. prewriting
39. Which of the following is NOT part of the prewriting step?
a. Keep an article file for future reference
b. Edit spelling, punctuation, and grammar
c. Create a cluster map of main and supporting ideas
d. Write reflections about activities right after each activity
40. Which step in the writing process involves turning the prewriting notes and sentences into paragraphs?
a. Publishing b. conclusion c. drafting d. prewriting

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