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Long Answer Questions

1. Describe the cavernous sinus under the following headings:

situation, extent, boundaries, relations, contents, connections and applied
2. Describe the tongue under the following headings:
Situation and parts, Blood supply, Lymphatic drainage, Histology and
3. Describe the interior of right atrium and correlate it with its development
4. Explain thyroid gland under the following headings:
a) Location and parts b) Coverings c) Relations d) Blood supply
e) Histology f) Development g) Applied Anatomy.
5. Explain the typical intercostal space.
6. Describe the superolateral surface of the cerebral hemisphere under the
Sulci and Gyri, functional areas.
7. Describe the arch of aorta under the following headings:
Extent, Relations, Branches and microscopic anatomy
8. Describe the parotid gland under the following headings :
a) Location and parts b) Relations c) Covering d) Nerve Supply
e) Applied anatomy.
9. Describe in boundaries, contents and clinical anatomy of Posterior triangle
of Neck.
10. Describe in detail about blood supply of brain
11. Describe submandibular salivary gland under following heading:
parts, relations, blood supply, nerve supply, lymphatic drainage and clinical
12. Classify the White matter of cerebrum and describe
internal capsule under the following headings:
a. Parts and Relations b. Constituent fibres c. Arterial supply
d. Applied Anatomy.
13. Describe the Temporomandibular joint under the following headings:
(a) Type of joint
(b) Articular surfaces
(c) Articular disc
(d) Ligaments
(e) Movements and the muscles producing them
(f) Applied Anatomy.
14. Describe palatine tonsil under the following headings:

1. Location and external features

2. Relations
3. Arterial supply
4. Applied anatomy

15. Describe facial nerve under the following headings:

a Functional components
b Course
c Branches and distribution
d Applied aspect

16. Describe hypoglossal nerve under the following headings:

a Functional components
b Course
c Branches and distribution
d Applied aspect

17. Describe oculomotor nerve under the following headings:

a Functional components
b Course
c Branches and distribution
d Applied aspect

18. Describe the blood supply of heart. Add a note about its clinical
19. Describe the pancreas under the following headings:
parts, relations, blood supply, development and histology.
20. Describe the mammary gland and give its blood supply lymphatic drainage
and applied anatomy.
21. Describe the relations, Blood supply and microscopic structure of
22. Describe the uterus under the following headings:
a) Position & parts b) Relations c) Blood supply d) Ligaments & supports
e) Development f) Histology g) Applied anatomy.
23. Describe the hip joint under the following headings:
a) Articular surfaces b) Ligaments c) Relations d) Muscles & movements
e) Applied Anatomy.
24. Describe the urinary bladder under the following headings surfaces and
relations, blood supply, histology and applied aspects.
25. Describe the shoulder joint under articular surfaces, capsule, ligaments,
and muscles causing them, applied aspects
26. Describe the stomach under the following headings:
parts, relations & stomach bed, blood supply, lymphatic drainage and
applied aspects.
27. Describe the brachial plexus in detail under the following headings:
formation, branches and applied anatomy.
28. Describe the arches of foot in detail.
29. Describe the Femoral triangle under the following headings:
a. Boundaries b. Contents c. Femoral sheath d. Applied aspect
30. Describe portal vein under
Formation, termination, course, tributaries and relations.

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