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Disusunoleh :

Rizky Dwi Prasetya (171321061)




I. Perhitungan Teknis Untuk Menentukan Komponen

Diketahui Motor 3 fasa 110 Kw, cos 𝜑 = 0.92

 Ib =
√3 × V × cos𝜑 × η

Ib = = 189,70 𝐴𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑒
√3 × 380 × 0.92 × 0.955

 Pemilihan Kabel

KHA = 125% × Ib

= 125% × 189,69

= 237,12 Ampere (NYY 4 × 70 mm2)

 Pemilihan MCB

MCB = 115% × (Ib × 80%)

= 115% × 151,76

= 174,52 Ampere (MCB 180 A)

 Pemilihan TOLR

TOLR = 80% × Ib

= 151,76 Ampere

 Pemilihan Kontaktor

Kontaktor = 115% × Ib

= 115% × 189,69

= 218,15 Ampere
Motor Fasa P motor Faktor Eficiency Tegangan I Line I Fasa KHA MCB Kontaktor TOLR
(kW) (%) (V) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A)
1 3 5,5 0,88 89,6 380 10,57 6,10 13,21 9,72 12,15 8,46
2 3 4 0,82 88,1 380 8,39 4,84 10,49 7,72 9,65 6,71
3 3 110 0,92 95,5 380 189,70 109,52 237,12 174,52 218,15 151,76
4 3 5,5 0,88 89,6 380 10,57 6,10 13,21 9,72 12,15 8,46
5 3 45 0,96 94,2 380 75,40 43,53 94,24 69,36 86,71 60,32
6 3 1,5 0,84 85,6 380 3,16 1,82 3,95 2,91 3,63 2,53
7 3 55 0,86 94,6 380 102,43 59,14 128,04 94,24 117,80 81,94
8 3 4 0,82 84,7 380 8,73 5,04 10,91 8,03 10,03 6,98
9 3 45 0,93 94,2 380 77,83 44,93 97,28 71,60 89,50 62,26
10 1 3 0,8 75,6 220 22,55 - 28,18 20,74 25,93 18,04

Tabel 1.1 (Perhitungan sesuai dengan contoh)

Kw CB Kontaktor Star Kontaktor Delta Kontaktor Line TOLR

110 TMD160D LC1E160 LC1E160 LC1E160 LRE482
55 TMD100D LC1E160 LC1E160 LC1E160 LRE482
45 TMD100D LC1D95** LC1D95** LC1D95** LRD3363
45 iC60L 63A LC1E65A** LC1E65A** LC1E65A** LRE359
5,5 iC60L 10A LC1D09** LRD14
5,5 iC60L 10A LC1D09** LRD14
4 iC60L 10A LC1D09** LRD14
4 iC60L 10A LC1D09** LRD14
4,5 iC60L 4A LC1D09** LR2K0312
3 Domae 20 A LC1K0610** LRD22

Tabel 1.2 (Pemilihan Komponen Sesuai Dengan Perhitungan)

II. Drop Voltage

Drop Voltage yang

di perbolehkan
maksimal adalah
4% dari Tegangan
1. Menghitung Drop Voltage pada Motor 1
 Inominal = 10.57 Ampere
 Cos φ = 0,88
 Kabel yang Digunakan = Kabel NYY 4 x 1,5 mm2
 Panjang Kabel = 15 meter

∆U = √3 𝐼𝐵 (𝑅 cos φ + X sin φ) 𝐿
∆U = √3 × 10,57 × (1,35) × 1000

∆U = 0,37 %

Berikut merupakan drop tegangan pada kabel motor dalam keadaan normal dengan arus 10,57
A dan Panjang kabel 15 meter yaitu sebesar 0,37 Volt

Daya Motor Kabel yang Vnominal
Cos φ
Kabel IBeban (A)
∆U (V) ∆U
1 110 0,88 NYY 4 x 1,5 mm 15 10,57 380 0,378 0,099%
2 55 0,82 NYY 4 x 1,5 mm 23 8,39 380 0,478 0,126%
3 45 0,92 NYY 4 x 70 mm 20 189,7 380 8,692 2,287%
4 45 0,88 NYY 4 x 1,5 mm 15 10,57 380 0,378 0,099%
5 5,5 0,96 NYY 4 x 16 mm 12 75,4 380 1,949 0,513%
6 5,5 0,84 NYY 4 x 1,5 mm 24 3,16 380 0,186 0,049%
7 4 0,86 NYY 4 x 25 mm 19 102,43 380 4,704 1,238%
8 4 0,82 NYY 4 x 1,5 mm 20 8,73 380 0,432 0,114%
9 4,5 0,93 NYY 4 x 16 mm 24 77,83 380 4,227 1,112%
10 3 0,8 NYY 3 x 1,5 mm 5 22,55 220 0,282 0,128%
III. Breaking Capacity

Tripping-current ranges of overload and short-circuit protective devices for LV circuit-breakers

Performance curve of a circuit-breaker thermalmagnetic protective scheme

Ir : Overload (thermal or long-delay) relay trip-current setting

Im : Short-circuit (magnetic or short-delay) relay tripcurrent setting
Icu : Breaking capacity
Values of r as a function of the temperature, cableinsulation and cable core material, according
toIEC60909-0and Cenelec TR 50480 (in mΩ.mm²/m).

Recapitulation table of impedances for different parts of a power-supply system

Exmple of maximum short-circuit calculations for a LV installation supplied at 400 V (nominal) from a
1000 kVA MV/LV transformer

Berikut perhitungan nilai short circuit di masing – masing pengaman CB:

a) SDP 1

Jenis Kabel Panjang Kabel (m) RT (mΩ) XT (mΩ) 𝐈𝐬𝐜 =
√𝟑 × √𝑹𝒕𝟐 + 𝑿𝒕𝟐
NYY 4 x 50 mm 30 11,1 4 18,586
NYY 4 x 25 mm 20 14,8 2 14,683
NYY 4 x 50 mm 30 11,1 4 18,586
NYY 4 x 1,5 mm 45 555,3 0,12 0,395
(Tabel 3.1) Tabel Panel SDP-1 Arus Short Circuit
b) SDP 1.1

Jenis Kabel Panjang Kabel (m) RT (mΩ) XT (mΩ) 𝐈𝐬𝐜 =
√𝟑 × √𝑹𝒕𝟐 + 𝑿𝒕𝟐
NYY 4 x 1,5 mm 15 185,1 0,12 1,185
NYY 4 x 1,5 mm 23 283,8 0,12 0,773
NYY 4 x 70 mm 20 5,3 5,6 28,483
(Tabel 3.2) Tabel Panel SDP-1.1 Arus Short Circuit

c) SDP 1.2
Jenis Kabel Panjang Kabel (m) RT (mΩ) XT (mΩ) 𝐈𝐬𝐜 =
√𝟑 × √𝑹𝒕𝟐 + 𝑿𝒕𝟐
NYY 4 x 1,5 mm 15 185,1 0,12 1,185
NYY 4 x 16 mm 12 13,9 1,28 15,737
NYY 4 x 1,5 mm 24 296,2 0,12 0,741
(Tabel 3.3) Tabel Panel SDP-1.2 Arus Short Circuit

d) SDP 1.3

Jenis Kabel Panjang Kabel (m) RT (mΩ) XT (mΩ) 𝐈𝐬𝐜 =
√𝟑 × √𝑹𝒕𝟐 + 𝑿𝒕𝟐
NYY 4 x 25 mm 19 14,1 2 15,440
NYY 4 x 1,5 mm 20 246,8 0,12 0,889
NYY 4 x 16 mm 24 27,8 1,28 7,893
(Tabel 3.4) Tabel Panel SDP-1.3 Arus Short Circuit
e) SDP 1.4

Jenis Kabel Panjang Kabel (m) RT (mΩ) XT (mΩ) 𝐈𝐬𝐜 =
√𝟑 × √𝑹𝒕𝟐 + 𝑿𝒕𝟐
NYY 3 x 1,5 mm 5 61,7 0,12 3,556
(Tabel 3.5) Tabel Panel SDP-1.4 Arus Short Circuit

 Electrical installation guide

According to IEC international standards ; Schneider Electric
 PUIL 2011

 Electrical installation guide

According to IEC international standards ; Schneider Electric
 PUIL 2011

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