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Graphic organizer: Genes Process Map

Directions: With a partner, look at each of the boxes of the flow chart. Open, research, and explore the
websites linked, then Watch the video on genetic mutations to find the information to fill out the boxes
in the flow chart. Use complete sentences when filling out the gene process map. (12 Points)

Genes – Are sets of instructions

inside DNA which tells a cell Mutations – Are when genes have been changed.
how to make a specific protein. Mutations can be inherited from a parents, from the
environment, or by errors during replication.

DNA - It is a long thin molecule

that holds the instructions for
our cells.
Types of Mutations

Replication - The process

where DNA makes a copy of

Complex disorders,
Transcription - The process Chromosomal
where there are
where DNA is copied to RNA. Single-gene disorders, where
mutations in two or
disorders, where a chromosomes (or
more genes. Often
mutation affects one parts of
your lifestyle and
gene. chromosomes) are
environment also
missing or changed.
Translation - The process play a role.
where protein is created from

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