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mªóvi mÜv‡bmZ¨f~Z MÖ‡š’i Ask we‡kl

msw¶ß agv© ‡jvPbv (A Brief History Of Religions)

By Md. Mostafijur Rahman, Bangladesh.
E-mail:, Website:
bs a‡g©i bvg cÖeZ©‡Ki bvg DrcwË Kvj DrcwË ¯’j ag© MÖ‡š’i bvg ag©v¤^jxi msL¨v weeZ©‡bi µgaviv mv`„k¨ gZev` m„wóKZ©vi msL¨v m„wóKZ©vi bvg ag©xq Drme/cÖv_©bv
No Name of Name of Development Area of Name of Holy Books Number of Evolution Similarities Ideology/ Number of Name of Major Religious
Religion Founder Period Origin Adherents with others doctrine Creator Creator Festival

1 ¯^qs Avj−vn B¾‡Z mywói m~Pbv j‡Mœ0 mgMÖ Avmgvb cweÎ †KviAvb kixd- cÖvq 1.4 wewjqb gnvb Avj−vn cvK Bmjvg a‡g©i G‡Kk¦iev`x GK Avj−vn cÖavb `yÕwU Abyôvb nj
1 iveŸyj Avjvgxb [At the Ges mgxb hv gvbe m„wói c~‡e© [Approximate n‡Z mv‡_ Bqvû`x [Monotheistic] [ONE] [ALLAH] C`yj wdZi I C`yj
[nhiZ Av`g beginning of the e¨wß wjwce×vKv‡ii cÖ_g 1.4 Billion] [From Allah Ges Lªxóvb a‡g©i Avh&nv| GQvovI Av‡Q
(Avt) †_‡K nhiZ creation of the [In the Avmgvb jvI‡n (swt)] wKQ~Uv wgj Av‡Q igRvb, jvBjvZzj K`i,
Universe]0 Earth and msL¨vMwiô ¯’vb g~jgš¿/wek¦vm
gynv¤§` (mt) ch©š— gvndz‡R msiw¶Z wQj| Locations A.A G A‡_© †h Zviv Principle/Believes nR¡ BZ¨vw`|
the sky and
1 j¶ 24 nvRvi the whole
[The Holy QURAN
Avie, BivK, GK Ck¦iev`x [Major festivals
gZvš—i 2 j¶ 24 written by Allah at Ges bex - Eidul- Fitir and Eidul
Bmjvg ag©

the very beginning of Bivb, cvwK¯—vb, Adha. Beside these
nvRvi ciMv¤^‡ii B‡›`‡bwkqv, evm~‡ji gva¨‡g
Is l a m

the creation of Ramadan, Laylat al-

gva¨‡g] Human being and wmwiqv, WyevB, ag© cÖPv‡i Òjv-Bjvnv Bj−vj−vû gynvgv`yi ivmyjyj−vnÓ Qadr, Milad-un-Nabi,
[Allah1 Establish hosted it in the first wek¦vmx| Pilgrimage to Mecca
Islam through sky ‘Louhe Mahfuz’.]
evsjv‡`k, cÖf„wZ A_©t Avj−vn Qvov †Kvb Bjvn& †bB, gynv¤§` (mt) Zuvi etc]
[Arabia, Iraq, [Judaism and
124 thousand or
Iran, Pakistan, Christianity ivm~j|
224 thousand inheritance
Prophets Indonesia, “La ilaha illallahu muhammadur rasullulla.”
(Prophet Adam MÖ‡š’i g~j fvlv Syria, Dubai, some cÖZxK/wPý
Bangladesh, attributes from Translation: There is Nothing Worthy of Worship Symbol/Indication
pbuh to Prophet Language
etc] Islam such as except GOD, and Muhammad is His
Muhammad Aviex Unity of GOD Messenger.
pbuh)] [Arabian] and Prophetic
2 wbw`©ó K‡i Kv‡iv 2900-2500 fviZ, (wm›`y ‡e` (F„K, mvg, 900 wgwjqb 2900- 2500 ‡eŠ×, ˆRb I eû Ck¦iev`x mv‡o 33 †KvwU fMevb g~wZ© cyRv
2 bvg ejv nq wb| Lªxóc~e2© b`xi Zx‡i), hhy,A_©e); [900 Million] wLªóc~e©v‡ã bvmi wkL ag© G‡m‡Q [Polytheistic] [335 Million] [Bhagwan] [Idol worship]
Z‡e 10 Rb [bex nhiZ b~n [India, near kªxg™¢Me` MxZv; cyivY, bvgK wKQz e¨w³i wn›`y ag †_‡K| gnvgvqv `~Mv© c~Rv,
AeZvi, 360 Rb (Avt) Gi g„Zy¨i the river of Dcwbl`, ivgvqb, msL¨vMwiô ¯’vb g~wZ© ˆZix Kiv nq| [Buddhism, g~jgš¿/wek¦vm M‡Yl cyRv, we`¨vi‡`ex
Sindhu] Jainism and ¯^i¯^ZxcyRv, j²xcyRv,
fMevb, Ges mv‡o wKQzKvj c‡i g~wZ© mswnZv, gnvfviZ, Locations A.A ZL‡bv g~wZ© ¸‡jvi Principle/Believes
fviZ, †bcvj, Sikhism are Ò†mB wek¦g~wZ©i AmsL¨ D`i, e`b I aŸs‡mi †`ex KvjxcyRv,
33 †KvwU †`eZvi c~Rvi m~Pbv nq| kªxK…ò KxË©b cÖf„wZ| c~Rv Kiv nZ bv| the three
K_v D‡j−L Av‡Q Avi wn›`y kãwUi [Veda-Rig, Sama, kªxj¼v, Kvjµ‡g g~wZ© branches of bqb, AmsL¨ A™¢~Z A™¢~Z e¯‘ Zvnv‡Z mc©‡`ex gbmvcyRv,

ag©MÖ‡š’| DrcwË nq Lªxóc~e© Joyjur, Atharva; evsjv‡`k, wdwR, m¤ú‡K© Ávb we¯§„Z Hinduism] we`¨gvb| Zvnv me©Ztc~Y© me©e¨vcx - †MvcvjcyRv, wkecyRv,
wn›`y ag©

Sree Matbhagavad `w¶b-Avwd«Kv, Zvnvi Avw` bvB, Aš— bvB, ga¨ bvB|Ó mbœ¨vmcyRv, m~hc© yRv,
[Not identified 6 mv‡j| ] Gita; Puranas; n‡j g~wZ© ¸‡jv
any specific [2900-2500 BC, Upanishads; c~e© Avwd«Kv c~Rvi e¯‘‡Z (\ kªxg™¢Me`MxZvt kªxRM`xk P›`ª †Nvl\ c„ôvt lôxcyRv, SvcoxcyRv,
name of the BZ¨vw`| 255)
Idol worship is Samhita, cwiYZ nq| WvjcyRv, wke wj½cyRv,
founder of first introduced me©ag©vb& cwiZ¨R¨ gv‡gKs kiYs eªR|
Ramayana; Maha [India, Nepal, [From the K…‡òi Rb¥vógx cÖf„wZ|
in the era of Bharata; Sree Sri-Lanka, Fiji, Abyev`t ÒmKj ag© cwiZ¨vM Kwiqv Zzwg GKgvÎ
except 10 Noah pbuh and Krishna Kirtana etc] South Africa,
follower of Noah cÖZxK/wPý
Avatar, 360 the word Hindu
pbuh, known as AvgviB kiY jI| (m~Ît kªxg™¢Me`MxZv, 18 Aa¨vq, †k−vK 66) Symbol/Indication
East Africa Nasor10]
Bhagban and is derived from "Sharba Dharma Paritejjaya Mamekang Sharan Braja:
33.5 million Sindhu river in Auhang twang Sharba-papoveya Makkhamiami Mashucha:"
Devota’s 6th BC]
MÖ‡š’i g~j fvlv (Ref: Sloakas from Vagabat Gita: 18:66:)
denoted in Language Translation: Leaving every kind of religious
Hindu scripture.] ms¯‹…Z worshiping (i.e. idol worshiping etc.), concentrate
[Sanskrit] only in my remembrance and worship me alone.
bs a‡g©i bvg cÖeZ©‡Ki bvg DrcwË Kvj DrcwË ¯’j ag© MÖ‡š’i bvg ag©v¤^jxi msL¨v weeZ©‡bi µgaviv mv`„k¨ gZev` m„wóKZ©vi msL¨v m„wóKZ©vi bvg ag©xq Drme/cÖv_©bv
No Name of Name of Development Area of Name of Holy Books Number of Evolution Similarities Ideology/ Number of Name of Major Religious
Religion Founder Period Origin Adherents with others doctrine Creator Creator Festival

3 Ggivb Zbq 1445-1405 wgk‡ii ‡ZŠivZ (Avw` MÖš)’ 14.1 wgwjqb bex nhiZ g~mv Bmjvg Ges G‡Kk¦iev`x GK BqvI‡q, cv‡mvfvi (wgkixq‡`i
3 nhiZ g~mv (Avt) Lxóc~e©v‡ãi g‡a¨| †Mvlvb [Torah (Old [14.1 Millions] (Avt) Gi Dci Lªxób ag© [Monotheistic] [ONE] †R‡nvfv `vmZ¡ †_‡K gyw³
Rb¥t 1445-1405 [Between 1445- kn‡ii| Testament)] bvwhjKzZ †ZŠivZ [Islam and [Yahweh, D`&hvcbKvix Bû`x
Lxóc~e©vã †ZŠivZ 1405 BC] [Goshen, MÖš’ †_‡K| Christianity] Jehovah] ag©xq Esme), Bû`x
Abymv‡i| Egypt] MÖ‡š’i g~j fvlv msL¨vMwiô ¯’vb [From the holy g~jgš¿/wek¦vm beel©, wKÏ~m (wekªvg
Language Locations A.A book (Torah) of Principle/Believes
gvB‡µvmd&U w`e‡mi cÖv_©bv-
wneª“ ‡Ri“mv‡jg Prophet Moses
ÒAvj−vn& g~mv‡K ej‡jbt Avwg gvey`|
G¨vbKvU©v g‡Z (pbuh9).] Lªxóvb‡`i Rb¨ iweevi
[Hebrew] [Jerusalem] me©kw³gvb Avj−vn& wnmv‡e Avwg Beªvwng,
1270 Lxóc~e©vã| Avi Bû`x‡`i Rb¨
BmnvK I BqvKze‡K †`Lv w`Zvg, wKš‘

Rb¥¯’vbt wgk‡ii kwbevi),

gvey` wnmv‡e Avwg †h wK Zv Zv‡`i

†Mv‡lb| Passover, Sabbath2,

[Moses (pbuh), Kv‡Q cÖKvk KiZvg bvÓ Rosh Hashanah
son of Amran, (m~Ît †ZŠivZ kixd, wnRiZ ce©, 6:2-3; (Jewish New Year),
Between 1445- Kiddush- (a prayer
evsjv‡`k evB‡ej †mvmvBwU, XvKv)
1405 BC in recited on the
Goshen, Egypt, Ex:6:2: And God spoke unto Moses, and said Sabbath, festivals,
according to unto him, I am the LORD: and the New Year.)
Torah & Bible. Ex: 6:3: And I appeared unto Abraham, unto
1207 BC Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God cÖZxK/wPý
according to Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not Symbol/Indication
Microsoft known to them.
Encarta.] (Ref: Old Testament, King Jams Version, Exodus: 6:

4 ‡Rviv÷vi Kv‡iv Kv‡iv g‡Z cvim¨ ‡R›`-Av‡e¯—v cÖvq 2.6 wgwjqb wn›`y ag© >> Bmjvg, Bqvû`x, G‡Kk¦iev`x GK Aûiv-gvR&`v AwMœ c~Rv (AwMœ wQ‡jb
4 Rb¥t 600 Lªxóc~e© 1400 †_‡K (eZ©gvb [Zand-Avesta, [Approximate ‡Rviv‡÷ªBwbRg& Lªxóvb [Monotheistic] [ONE] ev Ag©vRW mªóv Aûiv gvR`vi cyÎ)
[Zoroaster1 or 1200 Lªxóc~e©v‡ã Bivb) Written in 300 AD] 2.6 Million] [Hinduism >> [Islam, [Ahura- [Agni (Fire) worship:
Zarathushtra2 Avevi Kv‡iv Kv‡iv [Persia Zoroastrianism] Judaism, Mazda or Agni (Fire) was the
1. Zoroaster=Greek; Christianity] Ohrmazd] son of Ahura-
2. Zarathushtra = g‡Z 600 (Present
Avestan ] Iran)] msL¨vMwiô ¯’vb g~jgš¿/wek¦vm Mazda]
Lªxóc~e©v‡ã| Z‡e
‡Rviv‡÷Bª wbRg&

Locations A.A Principle/Believes

`vk©wbK g‡Z 600 Bivb (45000),
Lªxóc~e©vã4 Bqvmœv Av‡e¯—v‡Z (Yasna Avesta)
fviZ (76400), mªóvi cwiPq m¤ú‡K© ejv n‡q‡Q t
AwaKZi KvbvWv (20000),
MÖnY‡hvM¨| mªóv Aûiv-gvR&`v (Ahura-Mazda) cÖZxK/wPý
MÖ‡š’i g~j fvlv kªxj¼v, Bsj¨vÛ,
[Approximately, Language
`xwßgvb, gwngvwš^Z, gnvb, m‡e©vËg, Symbol/Indication
between 1400-
cvwK¯—vb (2800), AwZg‡bvig, `„XwPË, Ávbgq, wbfy©j
1200 BC or 600 Av‡gwiKv, I Ges D`vivZ¥v|
BC (most Av‡ew¯—qvb ¯‹Uj¨vÛ (4000)
(m~Ît Bqvmœv Av‡e¯—v, Abyev`t Max Mueller, ed. op. cit.
acceptable)] [Iran, India, 31: 195-196)
Canada, Sre-
Lanka, Ahura-Mazda, the creator, radiant and glorious, the
America, greatest and the best, the most beautiful, the most
Pakistan, firm, wisest, most perfect, the most bounteous spirit!
England, (Max Mueller, ed. op. cit. 31:195-196)
Scotland etc]
bs a‡g©i bvg cÖeZ©‡Ki bvg DrcwË Kvj DrcwË ¯’j ag© MÖ‡š’i bvg ag©v¤^jxi msL¨v weeZ©‡bi µgaviv mv`„k¨ gZev` m„wóKZ©vi msL¨v m„wóKZ©vi bvg ag©xq Drme/cÖv_©bv
No Name of Name of Development Area of Name of Holy Books Number of Evolution Similarities Ideology/ Number of Name of Major Religious
Religion Founder Period Origin Adherents with others doctrine Creator Creator Festival

5 wjD-UzRy 570 Lªxóc~e©vã| Pxb UvI-‡U-wPs, 300 cÖvq 50 wgwjqb ‡eŠ×, Ck¦‡i wek¦vmx D‡j−L bvB D‡j−L bvB WªvMb Dsme Ges
5 Rb¥t 570 †_‡K [570 BC5 [Chain] Lªxóc~e©v‡ã wjD-UzRy [Approximate KbwdDkwbRg bq [No [No AvURb Agi ag©¸i“i
490 Lªxóc~e©v‡ã, approximately] KZ©„K wjwce× nq| 50 Millions] [Buddha, {Atheistic} mentioned] mentioned] ¯§„wZ Pvib
eZ©gvb Px‡b| Kv‡iv Kv‡iv g‡Z 100 Confucianism]
msL¨vMwiô ¯’vb g~jgš¿/wek¦vm [Dragon,
[Lao-tzu, around Lªxóc~e©v‡ã wjwLZ nq| Eight Immortals,
Locations A.A6 Principle/Believes
570 to 490 BC popular deities in
[Tao-te Ching, Pxb (nvs, U¨vs, gnvRvMwZK UvI A`„k¨, ewai, Chinese religion.
in China.] written by Lao-tzu Bqvs, Ry AmsÁvwqZ, Ae¨³, AeY©bxq|
around 300 BC-to
Ta o i s m

100 BC] m¤cÖ`vq),

The cosmic Tao is invisible,
inaudible, unnamable,
MÖ‡š’i g~j fvlv wdwjcvBb, undiscussable, inexpressible cÖZxK/wPý
Language KvbvWv BZ¨vw` (Max Mueller, ed., Sacred Symbol/Indication
PvBwbR [Chain (Hun, Books of the East, London: Krishna Press,
Tang, Yuan, 1879-1910, 40:68, 69).
Dynastry), UvI GB wek¦evþÛ Ges ¯^‡Mi mªóv Ges wZwbB mKj
Korea, wKQz RbKx|
Canada etc.] Tao is the Originator of heaven and earth; and
is the Mother of all things.

6 wm×vZ© †MŠZg ey× 560-480 jyw¤^bx, wÎwcUK cÖvq 376 wn›`y ag© >> †eŠ× K. wn›`y ag© mbœ¨vm- D‡j−L bvB D‡j−L bvB †eŠ× c~wY©gv (wm×v_©
6 Rb¥- g„Zz¨t 560- Lªxóc~e©vã †bcvj (c~‡e©© (Tipitaka) wgwjqb ag© a. [Hinduism] eªZ/Ck¦‡i [No [No †MŠZg ey‡×i Rb¥ w`b),
480 Lªxóc~e©vã, [560-480 BC] jyw¤^bx wÎ= wZb, wcUK= Szwj [Approximate [From the L. ey× wn›`y a‡g© wek¦vmx bq mentioned] mentioned] gvNx c~wY©gv, Avlvpx
jyw¤^bx, †bcvj| fvi‡Zi A_v©r wZbwU Szwj 376 Millions] polytheistic Rb¥ MÖnY K‡i- [Monastic or c~wY©gv, gay c~wY©gv,
[Ti means THREE religion : wQ‡jb wVKB, atheistic]
[Siddhartha mxgvbveZx© Hinduism >> cÖeviYv c~wY©gv BZ¨vw`|
Gautama wQj)|
and Pitaka means msL¨vMwiô ¯’vb Buddhism] wKš‘ wn›`y a‡g©i g~jgš¿/wek¦vm [Buddha’s Birth day,
Buddha, 560- BASKET, so, ‘Trip
[Lumbini, taka’ means Three
Locations A.A eY©ev` I eû- principle/Believes Full moon of
480 BC, †bcvj, fviZ, wm×v_© †MŠZg ey× e‡jb t Ò†Kvb wKQzB Vesakha (April/May)]
Nepal] Basket] Ck¦iev‡`i †Nvi
Nepal ] wZeŸZ, Pxb, we‡ivax wQ‡jb| Avcbv-Avcwb m„wó nq bv; cÖ‡Z¨KwUB

Rvcvb, kÖxj¼v b. [The c~e©vci †Kvb Drm †_‡K Av‡m|Ó

‡eŠ× ag©

wm×v_© †MŠZg ey× _vBj¨vÛ, Buddha

Buddha says that, nothing exists
†Kvwiqv, rejected
e‡jb t Òwf¶zMY ! priesthood,
on its own, but always has come
`ytLB nj mZ¨| K‡¤^vwWqv, castes
from earlier circumstances.
MÖ‡š’i g~j fvlv [Dependant Origination] cÖZxK/wPý
Rb¥‡Z `ytL, ZvBIqvb, systems, and
Language Symbol/Indication
g„Zz¨‡Z `ytL, g½jxqv BZ¨vw`| denied the Ò‡q †KwP cvY fyZwÌ, Zmv ev _veiv ev Abem‡mv;
cvwj [Nepal, India, validity of the `xNv ev †he gnš—v, gvRwSgv i¯mKv AbyK_~jv|
e„×ve¯’vq- [Pali] Vedic
Amy¯’¨Zvq `ytL|Ó
Tibet, China,
w`U&Vv iv †he Aw`UVv, †h P `~‡i emwš— Awe`~‡i,
Japan, Korea,
Ref: Microsoft f~Zv e m¤¢‡emx e, m‡eŸ mËv feš‘ mywLZËv |Ó
Encarta 2004
Taiwan, Sre- (†gË m~‡Î ewY©Z)
Lanka, Korea, A_©t †h mKj cÖvYx fxZ ev AfxZ, `xN©, n«¯,^ ga¨g,
Mongolia, m~¶ A_ev ¯’~j, `„k¨ ev A`„k¨, †h¸‡jv `~ievmx Ges
etc] †h¸‡jv mgxcevmx, Avi hviv R‡b¥‡Q ev Rb¥MÖnY Ki‡e
†mB mKj cÖvYxmn RM‡Zi mKj cÖvYx myLx nDK|
bs a‡g©i bvg cÖeZ©‡Ki bvg DrcwË Kvj DrcwË ¯’j ag© MÖ‡š’i bvg ag©v¤^jxi msL¨v weeZ©‡bi µgaviv mv`„k¨ gZev` m„wóKZ©vi msL¨v m„wóKZ©vi bvg ag©xq Drme/cÖv_©bv
No Name of Name of Development Area of Name of Holy Books Number of Evolution Similarities Ideology/ Number of Name of Major Religious
Religion Founder Period Origin Adherents with others doctrine Creator Creator Festival

7 gnvivRv gnvexi 527 Lªxóc~e©vã fviZ Zv_&fv_© m~Î cÖvq 4 wgwjqb wn›`y ag© >> ˆRb †eŠ× ag© wØ-Ck¦iev`x `yB Awinvš— Ges gvnvex‡ii g~wZ© cyRv
7 Rb¥t 599 †_‡K [527 BC [India] [Tattvartha Sutra] [Adherents ag© [Buddhism] [Dualistic] [TWO] wm× [Idol worship for
527 Lªxóc~e©vã, approximately] around 4 (four) Mahavir]
[Hinduism >> `yBwU ¯^Ë¡vi [Both
fviZ| Jainism] Arihants and
(Awinvš— Ges Siddhas7 are
[Load Mahavir, wm×) AP©bv considered
around 599 to
527 BC in
K‡i| Gods of Jain
MÖ‡š’i g~j fvlv msL¨vMwiô ¯’vb g~jgš¿/wek¦vm cÖZxK/wPý
‰Rb ag©

Language Locations A.A Principle/Believes Symbol/Indication

ms¯‹…Z fviZ, Awnsmv-B cig ag© Ges Rxeš‘ Rxe‡K
[Sanskrit] Av‡gwiKv, nZ¨v K‡iv bv| ‰Rb †Kvb Ck¦‡i
†bcvj BZ¨vw`| wek¦vm K‡i bv hw`I Rxeb Pjvi c‡_
bvbvb †`e-‡`eZvi Avivabv K‡i
Nepal etc.] _v‡K|
Jainism's core belief is ahimsa, or
noninjury to all living things.
Jainism has no belief in a creator god, though
there are a number of lesser deities for various
aspects of life.

8 Kb&wdDk&vm& 479 Lªxóc~e© [479 Pxb G¨vbv‡j±m& [Analects, cÖvq 600,000 U‡qvRg >> ‡eŠ× U‡qvRg, †eŠ× Ck¦‡i wek¦vmx D‡j−L bvB D‡j−L bvB Kb&wdDk&vm& Gi wbwg‡Ë
RxebKvjt 551- BC] [China] Written in 470 BC by [Six hundred ag© >> ag© bq [No [No cï ewj
lun yu, vol-12] thousand Kb&dzwmqvwmRg& [Taoism, [Atheistic] mentioned] mentioned] [Animal Sacrifice for
479 Lªxóc~e©vã, approximate] Buddhism] the founder-
[Taoism >>
Pxb| Buddha >> Confucius]
[Confucius or MÖ‡š’i g~j fvlv msL¨vMwiô ¯’vb Confucianism] g~jgš¿/wek¦vm
Kung Fu-tzu,
Language Locations A.A Principle/Believes
Life: 551?-479?
PvBwbR b_© A¨v‡gwiKv
& wz mqvwmRg&

BC] Ck¦‡i wek¦vmx bq eis gvbweKZv Ges

[Chinese] (26000), Pxb. ciwnZ mvab B a‡g©i g~j K_v|
†Kvwiqv, Rvcvb,
The core idea is ren
BZ¨vw`| ("humaneness," "benevolence"),
[North- signifying excellent character in
America, accord with li (ritual norms),

China, Korea, zhong (loyalty to one's true nature), shu cÖZxK/wPý

Japan etc] (reciprocity), and xiao (filial piety). Together Symbol/Indication
these constitute de (virtue).
bs a‡g©i bvg cÖeZ©‡Ki bvg DrcwË Kvj DrcwË ¯’j ag© MÖ‡š’i bvg ag©v¤^jxi msL¨v weeZ©‡bi µgaviv mv`„k¨ gZev` m„wóKZ©vi msL¨v m„wóKZ©vi bvg ag©xq Drme/cÖv_©bv
No Name of Name of Development Area of Name of Holy Books Number of Evolution Similarities Ideology/ Number of Name of Major Religious
Religion Founder Period Origin Adherents with others doctrine Creator Creator Festival

9 g¨vÛvwb‡qRg&iv 1 Lªxóvã cvim¨ wm`ªv Wv Bqvwnqv, wMÄv cÖvq 65,000 Av`g >> e¨vcwURg& wØ Ck¦iev`x `yB - Av‡jv Ges cvZvwKj (wek¦ iweev‡ii e›`bv
9 ‡hvnb e¨vcw÷ †K (g¨vÛvwb‡qRg& (eZ©gvb iev nvRvi g¨vÛvwb‡qRg& [Baptism] [Dualism] A&ÜKvi gÛ‡ji [Worship on
AbymiY K‡i| Av‡M bv, Lªxó ag© Bivb) Ges [Sidra d yahia, Ginza [Approximate, [Adam >> [TWO- m„wóKZ©v), Ck¦i Sunday]
Zviv g~mv, Cmv, Av‡M G‡m‡Q - G †g‡mvcUwgqv Rba] 65,000 Mandaeanism] Darkness and [Ptakil
thousand] Light] (Darkness),
†gvnv¤§` (mvt) ‡K wb‡q wfbœ gZ (eZ©gvb
GOD (Light)]
bex wnmv‡e ¯^xKvi i‡q‡Q|) BivK)
MÖ‡š’i g~j fvlv msL¨vMwiô ¯’vb g~jgš¿/wek¦vm
K‡i bv| [1 AD] (There is [Persia

some confusion (Iran) and Language Locations A.A Principle/Believes


believe that that the Mesopotam g¨vwÛK Bivb, BivK, g¨vÛvwbR iv Beªvnxg, g~mv, hxï, †gvnv¤§` (mt) ‡K bex
Abraham, Mandaeans ia (Iraq)] [Mandaic] cÖf„wZ| wnmv‡e ¯^xKvi K‡i bv| Zviv ‡hvnb e¨vwÞ÷ †K
Moses, Jesus, came after John [Iran, Iraq,
the Baptist.) etc.]
AbymiY K‡i| g¨vÛvwbR ‡hvnb e¨vwÞ÷ Gi Av‡M
and Muhammad
were false G‡m‡Q bv c‡i G‡m‡Q G wb‡q gZvš—i i‡q‡Q|
prophets; g¨vÛvwbR iv `vex K‡i Zv‡`i ag© G‡m‡Q mivmwi
instead they Av`g (Avt) †_‡K|
John the Mandaeans believe that Abraham, Moses,
Baptist.] Jesus, and Muhammad were false prophets;
instead they acknowledge John the Baptist,
whom they see as one of their greatest
teachers. There is some confusion that the
Mandaeans came after John the Baptist, while
in fact they existed before him; according to
Mandaean dogma, Mandaeanism was the
original religion of Adam.
10 gwiqg cyÎ cweÎ- 4 Lªxóc~e©vã †_‡K †e‡_jnvg, evB‡ej (cweÎ BwÄj cÖvq 2.1 wewjqb Bmjvg >> Bû`x hw`I Bmjvg, G‡Kk¦iev`x GK ‡R‡nvfv/ MW eo w`b (25 †k
10 AvZ¥v BwÄj 29 Lªxóvã (whï †Ri“Rv‡jg wKZv‡ei bZzb ms¯‹iY) [Approximate, >> Lªxóvb Bû`x [Monotheistic] [ONE] [Jehovah or wW‡m¤^i), wekªvg w`em,
AwaKvix whï Lªxó Lªx‡ói Rb¥ †_‡K (eZ©gvb [Bible (New 2.1 billion] [Islam >> Jewish Gi mv‡_ mv`„k¨ GOD] jWm& †cÖqvi|
[Jesus, Son of Bs‡iRx Lªxóvã Bmªv‡qj) Testament)] >> Christian] j¶¨ Kiv hvq| [Christmas Day (25th
Marry] MYbv ïi“ [Bethlehem, MÖ‡š’i g~j fvlv msL¨vMwiô ¯’vb wKš‘ cÖK…Zc‡¶, g~jgš¿/wek¦vm December, Birth of
Jerusalem Language Locations A.A Principle/Believes Christ), Sabbath
n‡qwQj) Lªxóvb a‡g©i g~j (Day of rest), Lord’s
(Israel)] wneª“ j¨v.Av‡gwiKv, gvK© iwPZ mymgvPv‡i 12 t 29 G ejv
[4? BC - AD wek¦vm (wÎgyLx) Prayer etc.]

29? [Hebrew] hy³ivóª, †jfvbb, Av‡Qt M'r:12:24: And Jesus

wZbwU avivq
Lxª óvb ag©

approximately] hy³ivR¨, answering said unto them, Do ye

(The English wef³| A_©vr,
†WbgvK©, not therefore err, because ye
Calendar was gmxn Ck¦‡ii know not the scriptures, neither
first introducing cyÎ Ges †gwi the power of God?
from the birth of †Ri“Rv‡jg, cÖZxK/wPý
Zuvi mnawg©Yx| A_© t 29hxï DËi Kwi‡jb, cÖ_gwU GB, Ò‡n Bmªv‡qj,
Christ) [L.America, Symbol/Indication
USA, UK, [Its principal ïb; Avgv‡`i Ck¦i cÖfy GKB cÖf|y Ó
Denmark, tenets are that
Vatican City, Jesus is the ÒAvi BnvB Abš— Rxeb †h, Zvnviv †Zvgv‡K, GKgvÎ
Lebanon, son of God. mZ¨gq Ck¦i‡K, Ges Zzwg huvnv‡K cvVvBqvQ, Zvunv‡K,
Trinity= GOD,
Jerusalem, hxï Lªxó‡K, Rvwb‡Z cvq|Ó
etc] Merry &
Jesus.] Joh: 17:3: And this is life eternal, that they might
know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ,
whom thou hast sent.
bs a‡g©i bvg cÖeZ©‡Ki bvg DrcwË Kvj DrcwË ¯’j ag© MÖ‡š’i bvg ag©v¤^jxi msL¨v weeZ©‡bi µgaviv mv`„k¨ gZev` m„wóKZ©vi msL¨v m„wóKZ©vi bvg ag©xq Drme/cÖv_©bv
No Name of Name of Development Area of Name of Holy Books Number of Evolution Similarities Ideology/ Number of Name of Major Religious
Religion Founder Period Origin Adherents with others doctrine Creator Creator Festival

11 bex gwb 216-276 Lªxóvã Biv‡Ki DËi AvR©nvb cÖvq 2 wgwjqb g¨vÛvwb‡qRg& >> ‡Rviv‡÷ªBwbRg&, wØ Ck¦iev`x `yB - Av‡jv Ges Ck¦i
11 RxebKvjt 210- [216-276 AD] cÖ‡`k [Arzhang] [Approximate, g¨vwb‡PBRg& g¨vÛvwb‡qRg [Dualism] A&ÜKvi [GOD]
275 Lªxóvã [Southern 2 Million] [Mandaeanism [Zoroastrianism, [TWO-
Babylonia >> Manichaeism] Mandaeanism] Darkness and
(Iraq)] Light]
, DB‡KwcwWqv
MÖ‡š’i g~j fvlv msL¨vMwiô ¯’vb g~jgš¿/wek¦vm
g‡Z), 216-276 Language Locations A.A Principle/Believes

Lªxóvã cvim¨ Qwb, `w¶Y


(gvB‡µvmd&U g¨vwb‡PBRg& `yBRb Ck¦‡ii Aw¯—‡Z¡ wek¦vmx|

[Persian] Avwd«Kv, †ivg, g¨vwb‡PBRg& gZ Av‡jvKgq iv‡R¨i AwaKZv© n‡jb
G¨vbKvU©v g‡Z)| †¯úb, d«vÝ,
[Prophet Mani Ck¦i Avi AÜKvi iv‡R¨i KZ©v n‡jb kqZvb| RM‡Zi
is the Founder
`w¶Y BZvjx, mKj Kvh©vw` GKK †Kvb mË¡vi Dci b¨v¯— bq|
of Shintoism, fviZ, wZeŸZ
The fundamental doctrine of Manichaeism is its
born in western [China, North
dualistic division of the universe into contending
Persia Africa, Rome,
realms of good and evil: the realm of Light
approximately Spain, France,
(spirit), ruled by God, and the realm of Darkness
210-275 AD North Italy,
(matter), ruled by Satan.
according to India, Tibet]
(© 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation.)
and 216-276
according to
12 wm‡›Uv 552 Lªxóvã wbàb cÖK…Zc‡¶ wbw`©ó †Kvb cÖvq 4 wgwjqb ‡eŠ× ag© >> ‡eŠ×, eû Ck¦iev`x D‡j−L bvB D‡j−L bvB m~h©‡`‡ei cyÎ
12 Rb¥t 200 Lªxóvã [552 A.D] (eZ©gvb bvg MÖš’ bvB, Z‡e ‡KvwRwK [Approximate, wm‡›UBRg& KbwdDkwbRg [Polytheistic] [No [No AwgZvmy‡ii c~Rv/cÖv_©bv
[Shinto, Birth of Rvcvb), Ges wb‡nv½x MÖš’ 4 Million] [Buddha >> [Buddha, mentioned] mentioned] [Worship of sun
Date- 200 AD] wbàb ev `yÕwU‡K we‡kl ag©xq Shintoism] Confucianism] goddess, Amatemsu]
Rvcv‡bi gh©v`v cÖ`vb Kiv nq|
RvZxq Ges 712 Lªxóv‡ã ‡KvwRwK msL¨vMwiô ¯’vb g~jgš¿/wek¦vm
Locations A.A Principle/Believes
cÖavb Ges 720 Lªxóv‡ã
wm‡›UvBRg& ag©

ag©gZ| wb‡nv½x wjLv nq| wm‡›UBRg& g‡Z m„wói m~Pbv j‡Mœ wKQz msL¨K Kvwgi

[Shinto, the [There is no specific D™¢e nq| cÖavb `yBRb Kvwg RvbvswM Ges Rvbvwg me©
national Holy book of cÖ_g Rvcvb †K m„wó K‡i| GB KvwgivB cieZx© mKj
religion of Shintoism but Ko-ji- Rb‡Mvôxi wcZv wnmv‡e L¨vZ nb wm‡›UBRg& a‡g© g‡Z|
Nippon or ki and Nihongi are
Japan. considered as holy According to Shinto myths, in the beginning a
Nippon, a books, written in certain number of kami simply emerged, and a
historical 712-720 AD] pair of kami, Izanagi and Izanami, gave birth to
name of MÖ‡š’i g~j fvlv the Japanese islands, as well as to the kami cÖZxK/wPý
Japan.] who became ancestors of the various clans.
Language Symbol/Indication
bs a‡g©i bvg cÖeZ©‡Ki bvg DrcwË Kvj DrcwË ¯’j ag© MÖ‡š’i bvg ag©v¤^jxi msL¨v weeZ©‡bi µgaviv mv`„k¨ gZev` m„wóKZ©vi msL¨v m„wóKZ©vi bvg ag©xq Drme/cÖv_©bv
No Name of Name of Development Area of Name of Holy Books Number of Evolution Similarities Ideology/ Number of Name of Major Religious
Religion Founder Period Origin Adherents with others doctrine Creator Creator Festival

13 ¸i“ bvbK 1539 Lªxóvã cvÄve ¸i“ MÖš’ mv‡ne ev Avw` cÖvq 22 wgwjqb wn›`y + Bmjvg ag© wn›`y I Bmjvg G‡Kk¦iev`x GK GK-IgKvi11 ¸i“ bvbK †`e Rxi
13 RxebKvjt 1469- [1539 A.D] [Panjab MÖš’ mv‡ne (†gvU(†k−vK [Approximate, = wkK ag© [Hinduism, [Monotheistic] [ONE] ev I‡n ¸i“ 12 Rb¥w`b, ˆekvLx Dsme|
1539 Lªxóvã (meaning 5 ev c‡`i msL¨v 22 Million] [Hinduism + Islam] [ek-omkara13 [Guru Nanak's
Rivers)] Islam = Sikhism] or wahe Birthday (full moon
[Guru Nanak, 29,480 wU)
Life: 1469-1539 Guru14 ] day of Kartik
[Guru Granth Sahib
AD] or Adi Granth Sahib msL¨vMwiô ¯’vb g~jgš¿/wek¦vm Baisakhi (first day of
(Total Verses Locations A.A Principle/Believes
29,480) ] the solar month of
fiZ kªx¸i“ MÖš’ mv‡ne G D‡j−L Av‡Q t Baisākh (Sanskrit
wkL ag©

[India] Vaisakha) (April))]

AvZ¥vi m„wóKvix †KejgvÎ GKRb-B|
Avwg wK Zv‡K KL‡bv fyj‡Z cvwi|
MÖ‡š’i g~j fvlv 2: 48: there is only the One, the cÖZxK/wPý
Language Giver of all souls. May I never Symbol/Indication
cvÄvex forget Him! ||5||
[English translation of Guru Granth Sahib, Jub- part-2]
kªx¸i“ MÖš’ mv‡ne G D‡j−L Av‡iv Av‡Q t
mygnvb †mB mªóvi bvg me©v‡c¶v DËg, m‡e©v”P
5 : 220: Highest of the High, above all is His

14 ‡b¸ fvb wPDB 1920 Lªxóvã wf‡qZbvg cÖvq 4 wgwjqb Bmjvg + wn›`y + ‡eŠ×, G‡Kk¦iev`x GK WvB WvI Ck¦‡ii P¶z e›`bv (‡b¸
14 [Officially [1920 AD] [Vietnam] [Approximate, Lªxóvb + ‡eŠ× + Kb&wdDk&wbRg& [Monotheistic] [ONE] [Dai Dao] fvb wPDB †K Ck¦i `k©b
founded by Ngo 4 Million] Uv‡qv + ˆRb + [Buddhism, w`‡qwQ‡jb Pz¶ i“‡c)
Van Chieu] Confucianism]
Kb&wdDk&wbRg& = [Prayer of the Divine
KvDwWqvRg& Eye of GOD.]
[Islam + cÖZxK/wPý
msL¨vMwiô ¯’vb Hinduism +
Locations A.A Christianity + Principle/Believes Symbol/Indication
Cao Daism

Buddhism + cÖ‡Z¨vKwU a‡g©i cÖeZ©K i‡q‡Q wKš‘

KvbvWv, Taoism +
KvDwWqvRg a‡g©i †Kvb cÖeZ©K
Av‡gwiKv, Geniism,
Confucianism = †bB| ¯^qs Ck¦i-B gZ©¨fywg‡Z `k©b
A‡÷ªwjqv Cao Daism] w`‡q‡Qb ag© cÖwZôvi Rb¨| KvD‡K
cÖf„wZ| cvwV‡q ‡`bwb Zvui ag© cÖPv‡ii Rb¨|
[Vietnam, Ck¦‡ii P¶zjxjv| Ck¦i
Canada, The major world religions have
generally been revealed in China, India, and the mivmwi c„w_ex‡Z `k©b
Australia etc.] Middle East. CaoDaiism's roots in South w`‡qwQ‡jb Pz¶z cÖZxK
Vietnam combined with its directness with God †e‡k|
makes it an extremely unique religion. However,
a main theme in CaoDaiism is that all religions
are one. This is a strong tie that binds
CaoDaiism to all the other religions that God
has revealed.
bs a‡g©i bvg cÖeZ©‡Ki bvg DrcwË Kvj DrcwË ¯’j ag© MÖ‡š’i bvg ag©v¤^jxi msL¨v weeZ©‡bi µgaviv mv`„k¨ gZev` m„wóKZ©vi msL¨v m„wóKZ©vi bvg ag©xq Drme/cÖv_©bv
No Name of Name of Development Area of Name of Holy Books Number of Evolution Similarities Ideology/ Number of Name of Major Religious
Religion Founder Period Origin Adherents with others doctrine Creator Creator Festival

15 evnvDj−v (cÖK…Z 23 - †k †g cvim¨ wKZve-B-AvK&`vm cÖvq 6/7 wgwjqb wkqv (Bmjvg a‡g©i Bmjvg AmsÁvwqZ GK Avj−vn&
15 bvg wgR©v ûmvBb 1844 mvj| (eZ©gvb Bivb (cvim¨ fvlv) [Around 6/7 GKwU kvLv, hw`I [Islam] [Nondenomin [ONE] [Allah]
Avjx Ii‡d b~i) eZ©gvb evwnR‡gi cÖRvZš¿) Aviex‡Z ejv nq Avj& million] Bmjv‡g †Kvb ational]
evnvDj−v Aviex g~j avibvi [Persia wKZve- Avj& AvK&`vm| fMœvsk †bB ev G‡Kk¦iev`x
(Today’s [Monotheistic]
kã hvi A_© nj AeZvibv K‡ib 107 wU cÖkœ m¤^wjZ GB Bmjv‡gi †Kvb fvM
known as
Avj−vi cÖmswkZ| evweRg Gi Iran)] eBwUi 1873 mv‡j msL¨vMwiô ¯’vb bvB- Bmjvg g~jgš¿/wek¦vm
[Bahaullah (Full cÖeZ©K wgR©v Avjx evnvDj−v KZ©„K iwPZ Locations A.A †Kej-B Bmjvg- Principle/Believes
name Mirza †gvnv¤§` Ii‡d nq| Av‡gwiKv‡Z evm B&mjvg‡K wkqv- ‡n ivRb, Avcwb †mB
Husayn Ali of e¨ve| e¨v‡ei mybœx‡Z fvM Kiv
[ Kitab-i-Aqdas K‡i cÖvq mve©‡fŠg, me©kw³gvb
evweRg -B (Persian Language), hv‡e bv|)
Bahaullah = In Arabian language
142000 Rb, i¶vKZ©vi RcZc
Baha + Allah, cieZx©‡Z evwnRg Al-Kitab-al – Aqdas, Biv‡b evm K‡i [Shia (a major
K‡ib| GK Avj−vn Qvov
means the glory bv‡g cwiwPwZ jvf branch of
In English the Most 350,000 Rb, Islam).Note: Kv‡iv Dcvmbv Ki‡eb |
of GOD]
K‡i| Holy Book) another fvi‡Z evm K‡i Ges Dcvmbv Ki“b

there is no
English name is the

[23 cm 1844
Book of Aqdas. 2 wgwjqb| division in Islam. cÖxwZc~Y¨ g‡b (Mfxi
A.D.8 [Approximately Shia and Sunni
Mizra Ali Kitab-i-Aqdas, which
142,000 are vague idea Av‡e‡Mi mwnZ) Ges
consists of 107
Muhammad of adherents in in Islam. It Zvi mv‡_ †Kvb wKQzi
Bab is the questions submitted
to Baha'u'llah by America, should be Zzjbv Ki‡eb bv|
founder of 350,000 avoided by all]
Babism and Zaynu'l-Muqarrabin, O kings of the earth!
was Written around adherents in
later the He Who is the
Iran and
Babism is 1873 by Bahá'u'lláh, sovereign Lord of all
around 2
modified to the founder of the is come. The Kingdom is God's, the omnipotent
Bahai or Bahá'í Faith from Protector, the Self-Subsisting. Worship none
adherents in
Bahaism by Iran ] but God, and, with radiant hearts, lift up your
Mirza Hysayn MÖ‡š’i g~j fvlv faces unto your Lord, the Lord of all names. cÖZxK/wPý
Ali of Nur or Language This is a Revelation to which whatever ye Symbol/Indication
Bahaullah.] possess can never be compared, could ye but
Aviex know it.
[English translation of Holy Kitab I Aqdas]
m~Î /References:
1. Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2004
2. Hand Book of Today’s Religions by Josh McDowell, Don Stewart.
3. Max Meller, ed. Secret Books of the east, Oxford, Krislena Press, 1897-1910, 23:190,229,275
4. Sacred Liturgy and Gaths/Hymans of Zarathusthra
5. Sacred Books of the east, American Edition, 1898, Translated by L.H. Mills
6. This Believing World, By Browne, Lewis, New York, Macmillan Company, 1926.
7. The great religions, by Cavendish, Richard, New York, Arco Publishing Company, 1980
11. Contributed By: Alan Wilson Watts, © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

0. mywói m~Pbv j‡Mœ [At the beginning of the creation of the Universe] = Gi e¨vL¨v wb‡b¥ †`Iqv nj [The explanation is given below.)
1. Allah = ‘Al’ the definite article and ‘Llah’ the being who is worshipped
2. Lªxóc~e© = Lªx‡ói R‡b¥i c~‡e©
3. Sabbath = Jewish holiday celebrating the day Moses received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai, Feast of Weeks (alternate spelling for Shabuoth)
4. Lªxóc~e©vã = Lªxóc~e© + Aã > Lªxó + c~e© + Aã > Lªxó hxïi) + c~e© (R‡b¥i c~‡e©i) + Aã (eQi ev mvj)
5. BC = Before Christ
6. Locations A.A= Location According Adherents
7. Sidda=Load Mahavir’s Soul kwon as Sidha
8. A.D. (anno domini) = Latin phrase which designates the years since the reputed date of the birth of Christ
9. pbuh = peace be upon him
10. Nasor = Follower of Prophet Noah (honest person)
11. GK-IgKvi = GKRb mZ¨ Ck¦i
12. I‡n ¸i“ = me©kw³gvb Ck¦i
13. ek-omkara = the one true God
14. wahe Guru = the almighty

Reesseeaarrcchheedd B
Md. Mostafijur Rahman, Bangladesh.
Phone: 0088 011 99 080166, E-mail:, Website:
(†jL‡Ki AbygwZ Qvov eBwUi †Kvbi“c Kwc Kiv AvBbZ `Ûbxq Aciva)

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