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innovation . entrepreneurship . social change

Social Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century:

Creating New Values and Partnerships
for Co-Development


International Symposium
“A Dinner to Remember - Dialogue with Leading Social Entrepreneurs”

Asia Social Innovation Award


“Dialogue in the Dark” Workshop


A Power Lunch for NGO Leaders

高能量社企午宴 - 加一把勁的社企效益

Social Investment Forum


Half-Day Visit to Local Social Enterprises


Post-Summit Activity - SE Pavilion@TDC World SME Expo

社企博覽館 - 後社企高峰會展覽

MaD@Social Enterprise Summit


HONG KONG 香港 19 – 21 . 11 . 2010

ht t p : / / www. s o c i a l-e nte rp rise
ocial Enterprise has become a major force of social change, community improvement as well as
investment opportunities in recent years in both economically advanced and developing nations alike.
Its importance is being recognized increasingly by more people around the world while its potentials are
yet to be fully fathomed and developed.

The Social Enterprise Summits 2008 and 2009 witnessed the joining of hands by different members of the Hong
Kong community successfully organizing a series of activities, which received the full support of the government.
Drawing from the successful experiences in the past two years, major organizations from different sectors of
the community, namely business, social services, academic institutions, think tanks and social enterprises, are
working together this year to organize a number of activities, including a two-day symposium for Hong Kong,
Taiwan, China mainland and Macau. This year, the Home Affairs Bureau of the HKSAR government has joined
as one of the co-organizers.

The Social Enterprise Summit 2010 aims to achieve the following:

a. Cultivating more in-depth and practical methodologies for Social Entrepreneurship by developing impact
measurement and inculcating business capabilities, with a view to helping all stakeholders, including
government and NGOs, to achieve their own objectives;
b. Establishing a bridge for funding bodies, investors, social enterprises;
c. Probing into practical ways to arouse greater business interest in social entrepreneurship as an investment
d. Building up an effective platform for cross-sector partnership among government, academics, NGOs,
business & investors, think tanks and social enterprises;
e. Further promoting the cause of social entrepreneurship as a modern feature of civil society and corporate
citizenship, including raising awareness among the young people; and
f. Capturing the dynamics of change in the region, especially in Hong Kong, Taiwan, China mainland and

The main theme in 2010 is ‘Social Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century: Creating New Values and
Partnerships for Co-Development’. At the Symposium, talks by world-renowned experts on the subject will
be complemented by experience sharing of participants from Hong Kong, Taiwan, China mainland and Macau.
There will also be sessions designed to involve the youth and the business sector. The Summit will be another
landmark event for the promotion of the cause of social entrepreneurship in Hong Kong and the region.

在 今天,社會企業已成為社會改革、社區改善和投資的一股強大動力。不論在先進或發展中國家,社會企


1. 通過建立社企的效能量度準則和企業能力,推廣實用的社企商業模式;
2. 為投資 / 贊助機構、投資者和社企之間建立橋樑;
3. 研究吸引工商界進一步認識社企為投資機會;
4. 建立跨界別參與和伙伴合作,包括商界、社會服務機構、學界、民間智庫、社會企業等多個團體的互動平台;
5. 進一步推廣社會企業為公民社會及企業公民的發展要素;
6. 了解兩岸四地社會企業的最新發展情況。


2010社企民間高峰會 • 顧問及籌備委員會成員
Advisers 顧問 (in alphabetical order of surname)
Ms. Teresa Au Prof. Anthony Cheung Bing Leung, SBS, JP Ms. Sophia Kao Ching Chi, JP
區佩兒女士 張炳良教授 高靜芝女士
Mr. Bernard Charnwut Chan, GBS, JP Prof. Nelson Chow, SBS, JP Dr. Tam Wing Kun, BBS, MBE, JP
陳智思先生 周永新教授 譚榮根博士
Dr. Darwin Chen, SBS Prof. C.F. Lee, SBS, JP Mr. Wilfred Wong Ying Wai, SBS, JP
陳達文博士 李焯芬教授 王英偉先生
Mr. Cheng Yiu Tong, GBS, SBS, JP Mr. Joseph Lee, SBS, JP
鄭耀棠先生 李宗德先生

Organizing Committee Members 籌備委員會成員

Chair 主席 Members (in alphabetical order of surname)
Dr. Jane Lee 委員 (依英文姓氏次序排列)
李正儀博士 Mrs. Selina Cheng Ms. Jenny Luo
鄭林綺琪女士 羅草茹女士
Deputy Chairs 副主席
Mr. Patrick Cheung Mr. Timothy Ma
Mr. Chua Hoi Wai 張瑞霖先生 馬錦華先生
Ms. Brianna Hui Mr. Francis Ngai
Dr. KK Tse 許彬彬女士 魏華星先生
Mr. Kee Chi Hing Mr. Antony Pang
紀治興先生 彭桓基先生
Ms. Amy Leung Miss Winnie Tse
梁愛梅女士 謝詠誼小姐
Ms. Doris Leung Mr. Houghton Wan
梁淑儀女士 尹子信先生
Mr. Ian Li Ms. Marina Wong
李志輝先生 黃汝璞女士
Mr. Howard Ling Mr. Raymond Yim
凌浩雲先生 嚴俊民先生
Dr. Michael Luk Dr. Alice Yuk
陸人龍博士 郁德芬博士

Organizer 主辦機構

Co-organizers 合辦機構

Home Affairs Bureau

HKSAR Government Ashoka
香港特別行政區政府 愛創家

Hong Kong Social

Entrepreneurship Forum

KEEP-Consulting Ltd Roundtable Community

科普策略顧問有限公司 圓桌研究及教育協會

Social Ventures Hong Kong

SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM 研討會程序 Y-Theatre, The Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road,

DAY 1 第一天
Chai Wan, Hong Kong
Nov 19, Friday | 11月19日(星期五) 香港柴灣柴灣道238號 青年廣場 Y綜藝館

Time 時間 Program 節目
8:30am Registration 入場登記
9:00am Opening Ceremony 開幕儀式
Guest-of-honor: Mr. Tsang Tak-sing, JP 主禮嘉賓:香港特區政府民政事務局長
Secretary for Home Affairs, HKSAR Government 曾德成先生
Performance by Henry & Roger Chung 表演嘉賓:鍾一諾、鍾一匡
9:30am KEYNOTE SESSION 1: 主題演講一:
Mr. Ian Robinson 英國駐華大使館文化教育處一秘(文化)暨
First Secretary (Cultural) and Director of Society and 社會與發展總監
Development, Cultural and Education Section, British 羅炳升先生
Embassy, Beijing
Respondent: 回應:
Ms. Caroline Watson 北京花旦創始人及總監
Founder and Director, Hua Dan, Beijing 羅琳女士
Moderator: 主持:
Dr. Tse Ka Kui 社會創業論壇主席
Chair, Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum 謝家駒博士

10:30am Networking & Coffee Break 交流及茶點

11:00am Plenary Session 1: 全體會議一:
Social Entrepreneurship in the Region 兩岸四地社會企業新精神
• Ms. Fang Zhang • 廈門市五齊人文職業培訓學校創辦人及理事
Founder & CEO, Wu Qi Career Training School, Xiamen 張芳女士
• Ms. Pui-yee Chan • 澳門貓空間創辦人
Founder, Meow Space, Macau 陳沛而女士
• Ms. Priya Chen • 台灣光原社會企業公司總經理及
General Manger, Aurora Social Enterprise Company Limited; 瑪納有機文化生活促進會班員
General Secretary, Manna Organic Life Association, Taiwan 陳雅楨 女士
• Mr. Ned Tozun • 香港 D. Light Design 創辦人暨主席
President & Co-founder, D. Light Design, Hong Kong Ned Tozan 先生
• Mr. Roger Li • 香港樂天集團銀杏館創辦人暨總裁
Founder & CEO, Everbright Groups Limited, 黎明輝先生
Gingko House, Hong Kong
Moderator: 主持:
Ms. Ada Wong JP 香港當代文化中心總監
Chief Executive, Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary Culture 黃英琦女士
12:30pm Networking & Lunch 交流及午膳
2:00pm Performance by Manna Organic Life Association Ali Shan 表演嘉賓:台灣社團法人瑪納有機文化生活促
Zhou Tribe Indigenous People, Taiwan 進會阿里山鄒族原住民
2:10pm KEYNOTE SESSION 2: 主體演講二:
Mr. Yong-guang Xu 中國南都公益基金會副理事長暨秘書長
Vice Chairman & General Secretary, Narada Foundation, China 徐永光先生
Respondent: 回應︰
Mr. Stephen Lee 香港彼得.德魯克管理學院院長
President, Peter F. Drucker Academy, Hong Kong 李志剛先生
Moderator: 主持:
Dr. Darwin Chen, SBS 香港大學專業進修學院校友會會長
President, HKU SPACE Alumni 陳達文博士
3:00pm Plenary Session 2: New Dynamics in Greater China 全體會議二:大中華社企動力
• Mr. Jaff Shen • 北京富平學校執行理事暨校長
Principal, Fuping Development Institute, Beijing 沈東曙先生
• Prof. Michael Lee • 台灣天主教輔仁大學管理學研究所所長
Dean, Graduate Institute of Management, 李天行教授
Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
• Dr. KT Chan • 香港理工大學第三部門教研中心主任及
Convenor, Center for Third Sector Studies; 應用社會科學學系副教授
Associate Professor, Department of Applied Social 陳錦棠博士
Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Moderator: 主持:
Dr. Kin-man Chan 香港中文大學亞太研究所公民社會研究中心董事
Director, Centre for Civil Society Studies, 陳健民博士
3 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Y-Theatre, The Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road,
Chai Wan, Hong Kong
香港柴灣柴灣道238號 青年廣場 Y綜藝館

Time 時間 Program 節目

4:00pm Networking & Coffee Break 交流及茶點

4:30pm Concurrent Sessions 1: 分組專題討論一:

Beyond Business, Beyond Philanthropy 生意經和善心之外
1. Constructive Social Caring 1. 建設式社會關懷
• Dr. Andreas Heinecke • 德國黑暗中對話創辦人
Founder, Dialogue in the Dark, Germany 海勒奇博士
• Dr. Common Chan • 香港中文大學崇基學院神學院教授
Professor, Divinity School, 陳龍斌博士
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
• Mr. Navy Liu • 深圳殘友集團總裁
CEO, CANYOU, Shenzhen 劉海軍先生
Moderator: 主持:
Father James Vyathappan, Associate Professor, 台灣天主教輔仁大學兒童與家庭學系副教授
Child and Family Studies, Fu-Jen Catholic University 鄭穆熙神父

2. Social Entrepreneurship through 2. 以慈善資本和社會資本成就社會企業

Philanthropy and Social Capital
• Dr. Rob John • 英國Asia Venture Philanthropy Network
Co-Founder, Asia Venture Philanthropy Network, UK 創辦人
Rob John博士
• Ms. Mona Sinha
Director of Strategic Initiatives for Shujog, Impact •新加坡 Impact Investment Exchange Asia
Investment Exchange Asia, Singapore ‘Shujog’ 策略倡議董事
Mona Sinha女士
• Ms. Jennifer Meehan
CEO, Asia Region, Grameen Foundation, USA • 美國格萊珉基金會亞洲區總裁
Jennifer Meehan女士
• Mr. Eric Berkowitz
Chief Investment Officer, Bamboo Finance, Switzerland • 瑞士竹金融首席投資總監
Eric Berkowitz先生
Moderator: 主持:
Dr. Raymond Yeung 瑞士再保險公司亞洲業務部副總裁
Vice President, Swiss Reinsurance Company 楊宇霆博士

3. From Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to 3. 從企業社會責任到企業社會投資

Corporate Social Investment (CSI)
• Mr. Jacky Kwan • 香港百本專業護理服務主席
Chairman, Bamboos Professional Nursing Services, 關志康先生
Hong Kong
• Ms. Carrie Tan • 香港迪士尼樂園度假區社區關係經理
Manager (Community Relations), 陳晶晶女士
Hong Kong Disneyland Resort
• Ms. Lavin Chan • 香港移動通訊有限公司
Head of Corporate Affairs function, CSL, Hong Kong 企業事務及傳媒關係主管
Moderator: 主持:
Ms. Doris Leung 香港社會創投基金行政總監
Executive Director, Social Ventures Hong Kong 梁淑儀女士
6:00pm “Dialogue with Leading Social Entrepreneurs” Dinner and “與傑出社會企業家對談”晚宴 暨
Asia Social Innovation Award Presentation Ceremony 社企創新獎頒獎典禮
Performance by Kapok Clubhouse - Heart to Music 表演嘉賓:紅棉社 - 鼓動人心
hDinner Sponsored by Hong Kong Women Professionals & h晚宴由香港女工商及專業人員聯會贊助g
Entrepreneurs Associationg

Y-Theatre, The Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road,
DAY 2 第二天 Nov 20, Saturday | 11月20日(星期六)
Chai Wan, Hong Kong
香港柴灣柴灣道238號 青年廣場 Y綜藝館

Time 時間 Program 節目
8:45am Registration 入場登記
9:00am Performance by Arts with the Disabled Association 表演嘉賓:香港展能藝術家 - 森林樂
Hong Kong Artist - Fun Forest
9:05am KEYNOTE SESSION 3: 主題演講三:
Dr. Elizabeth Hausler 美國愛創家 Fellow -Build Change 創辦人暨行政總裁
Founder & CEO of Build Change, ASHOKA Fellow, USA Elizabeth Hausler 博士
Respondent: 回應︰
Mr. Ryan Dick 上海循綠行政總裁
Director, Green Ideas Green Actions, Shanghai 狄瑞安先生
Moderator: 主持︰
Mr. Scott Lawson 心苗(亞洲)慈善基金有限公司項目發展董事
Chief Executive Officer, SOW Asia Foundation, Hong Kong 勞思國先生

10:00am Networking & Coffee Break 交流及茶點

10:30am Forum: 論壇:
Promoting Partnerships of Government, Business, 推展政府、商界、學術機構及非政府組織的社企
Academic Institutions and NGOs for Social 夥伴合作
• Ms. Florence Hui, JP • 香港特區政府民政事務局副局長
Under Secretary for Home Affairs, HKSAR Government 許曉暉女士
• Mr. Howard Ling • 香港社聯—匯豐社會企業商務中心高級經理
Senior Manager, HKCSS- HSBC Social Enterprise Business 凌浩雲先生
Centre, Hong Kong
• Mr. Patrick Cheung • 香港黑暗中對話榮譽董事長
Honorary Executive Director, Dialogue in the Dark, Hong Kong 張瑞霖先生
• Mr. Siu Chor Kee, MH, JP • 香港海皇國際有限公司執行董事
Director, Ocean Empire International Ltd., Hong Kong 蕭楚基先生
• Dato Dr. Kim Tan • 英國SpringHill Management Ltd. 主席
Chairman, SpringHill Management Ltd., UK 拿督陳金獅博士
• Mr. Mingles Tsoi • 香港中文大學創業研究中心項目總監
Project Director, Center for Entrepreneurship, 蔡明都先生
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Moderator: 主持:
Dr. Jane Lee 香港大學專業進修學院常務副院長;
Deputy Director, HKU SPACE; 香港政策研究所董事
Director, Hong Kong Policy Research Institute 李正儀博士
12:30pm Networking & Lunch 交流及午膳
2:15pm Concurrent Sessions 2: 分組專題討論二:
Starting Social Enterprise Ventures in HK 在香港開展社企投資
1. Developing Platforms and Incubating Strategies 1. 發展運作平台與培育策略
• Mr. Cliff Prior • 英國 UnLtd 行政總裁
Chief Executive, UnLtd., UK Cliff Prior 先生
• Mr. Jonathan Robinson • 英國 The Hub 創辦人暨執行董事
Co-Founder & Executive Director, The Hub, UK Jonathan Robinson 先生
• Ms. Sheena Pentin • 英國 ClearlySo, Business Development &
Business Development & Sponsorship Executive, Sponsorship Executive
ClearlySo, UK Ms. Sheena Pentin
Moderator: 主持:
Ms. Yvonne Yeung 香港明途聯繫有限公司總經理
General Manager, Mentalcare Connect Company Limited, Hong Kong 楊建霞女士
2. Finding the Gateways 2. 尋找社企商機
hSponsored by Hong Kong Business Intermediary Co. Ltd.g h由香港商機有限公司贊助g
• Mr. Jimmy Chiu • 香港神託會行政總裁
Chief Executive, Stewards, Hong Kong 趙立基先生
• Mr. Wai-Shing Chung • 香港心理衛生會總主任(教育)
Chief Officer (Education), The Mental Health Association of 鍾偉成先生
Hong Kong
• Mr. Desmond Chan • 香港商機有限公司副總裁
Vice President, Hong Kong Business Intermediary Co. Ltd. 陳健恒先生
Ms. Joey Wan 主持:
Senior Manager, Business Consulting, 香港商機有限公司業務顧問部高級經理
5 Hong Kong Business Intermediary Co. Ltd. 溫志娟女士
Y-Theatre, The Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road,
Chai Wan, Hong Kong
香港柴灣柴灣道238號 青年廣場 Y綜藝館

Time 時間 Program 節目
3. Empowering the Volunteers 3. 建立義務工作者的能量
• Ms. Wendy W Y Tsui • 香港上海匯豐銀行有限公司工商業務
Division Head, Business Banking, HSBC, Hong Kong 商務理財分部主管
• Mr. Kee Chi-hing • 香港基督教豐盛職業訓練中心董事
Director, Fullness Christian Vocational Training Centre, 紀治興先生
Hong Kong
• Mr. Timothy Ma • 香港長者安居服務協會總幹事
Executive Director, Senior Citizen Home 馬錦華先生
Safety Association, Hong Kong
Moderator: 主持人:
Mr. Chua Hoi-wai 香港社會服務聯會業務總監(政策研究及倡議)
Business Director, HKCSS Policy Advocacy & 蔡海偉先生
International Network, Hong Kong

3:45pm Networking & Coffee Break 交流及茶點

4:15pm Performance by The Elderly African Drum Performing Team, 表演嘉賓:基督教香港崇真會福禧長者中心
Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Jubilee Social Centre 長者非洲鼓樂隊
4:25pm Social Investment Forum and The Most Promising Award 社企投資論壇 暨
Presentation Ceremony 最具潛質計劃大獎獎項頒獎典禮
hFirst Prize Sponsored by The SBI E2-Capital Charitable h冠軍獎項由軟庫金匯慈善基金贊助g
Presentations by SIF Finalists (Hong Kong) 社會企業投資計劃書(香港)決賽入圍者簡報
Presentation by SIF Award Winner (China mainland) 社會企業投資計劃書(內地)得獎者簡報
Panel Judges for Hong Kong Proposals: 香港計劃書決賽評判:
• Mr. Tony Tsoi Tong Hoo • 香港精電國際行政總裁
CEO, Varitronix, Hong Kong 蔡東豪先生
• Mr. Cliff Cheung • 香港社企投資會主席
Social Investors Club, Hong Kong 張亮航先生
• Dato Dr. S J Wong • 香港軟庫金匯慈善基金創辦人暨
Founder & Trustee, The SBI E2-Capital Charitable 受託管理人
Foundation, Hong Kong 拿督黃森捷博士
• Ms. Alice Lau Chit Ning • 廣州中山大學社會學與人類學學院公民與社會
Executive Director and Research Fellow of the Institute for 發展研究中心研究員兼執行理事
Civil Society, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 劉小綱小姐
• Mr. Stephen Fisher • 前香港特別行政區政府社會福利署署長
Former Director of Social Welfare Department, HKSARG 余志穩先生
Sharing by Previous Award Winners 前得獎者分享
• Mr. Jack Soon • 香港博士寵物服務有限公司董事
Director, Dr. Grooming Pet Services Ltd., Hong Kong (2009社企投資論壇得獎者)
(2009 Social Investment Forum Award Winner) 孫英傑先生
• Mr. Freddy Law • 跨文化教育創辦人
Founder & Director, Inter-Cultural Education, Hong Kong (香港中文大學社會企業挑戰賽2009/10得獎者)
(Champion of Social Enterprise Challenge 2009/10, 羅偉鴻先生
The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Speech: 演講:
• Mr. Cliff Cheung • 香港社企投資會主席暨
Chairman, Social Investors Club and 盈滔資本有限公司行政總裁
CEO, InterLeader Capital Limited, Hong Kong 張亮航先生
Moderator: 主持:
Mr. Water Cheung 思博資本(香港)有限公司高級合伙人
Senior Partner, CEO Asia Pacific, StormHarbour Securities 亞太區行政總裁
(Hong Kong) Limited 張宗永先生
6:15pm Concluding Remarks 總結
Languages: Cantonese (Simultaneous interpretation services in English and Putonghua and sign language will be available)
研討會語言:廣東話(大會將提供英語及普通話和手語服務即時傳譯) 6
Hong Kong Women Professional and Entrepreneurs Association presents:
“A Dinner to Remember –
Dialogue with Leading Social Entrepreneurs”
Date日期: Venue 地點: Time 時間:
Nov 19, 2010 (Fri) Good Fortune Seafood Restaurant Registration 登記 6:30 – 7:00pm
福囍海鮮酒家 Dinner 晚餐 7:00 – 9:30pm
2010年11月19日 (星期五)
Shop 1, G/F, Wan Tsui Shopping Centre, Chai Wan

In most conferences, participants do not usually have the opportunity to have in-depth dialogue with the speakers. As there will be a large
number of social entrepreneurs attending this Summit and many of them are leading practitioners and role models, we are designing a unique
dinner format to facilitate dialogue between the participants and leading social entrepreneurs.

The Dinner Gathering will be held on the first day of the Summit on 19 November 2010. There will be at least one leading social entrepreneur
together with one upcoming social entrepreneur serving as hosts for each table of 6-8 participants. In addition, there will be a facilitator at each
table to ensure that the participants will get the most from the dialogue with social entrepreneurs. This small group setting will make possible
a relaxed, intimate and enlightening discussion which will become A Dinner to Remember for all participants.

With the generous sponsorships of Hong Kong Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Association, registration fee for this Dinner is only



* Seats are limited, first-come-first-served. 名額有限,額滿即止。

Registration Enquiry 登記查詢: Tel: 2374 1289 | Fax: 2396 6451 | Email:

Asia Social Innovation Award

The Asia Social Innovation Award is a competition that calls for “level-zero” innovative ideas that can solve some of our most pressing urban
social problems. First successfully organised by Social Venturs Hong Kong (SVhk) in 2008 (then named the Social Innovation Award), the Award
has been advocating a socially innovative culture involving everyone who hopes to generate creative and feasible ideas towards the solution of
social issues common in Asian cities. To participate in the Award, please visit


Enquiry 查詢: Tel: 6168 6404 | Fax: 3013 8637 | Email: |

“Dialogue in the Dark” Workshops
Date日期: Venue 地點: Time 時間:
Nov 20, 2010 (Sat) The Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong Session 1 第一場) 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
2010年11月20日 (星期六) 香港柴灣柴灣道238號 青年廣場 Session 2 第二場) 3:45 – 5:45 p.m.

Dialogue in the Dark (Hong Kong) was set up by Mr. Patrick Cheung and Dr. Tse Ka 「黑暗中對話」香港於2008年由張瑞霖先生及謝家駒博
Kui in 2008 with an aim to promote equal rights, diversity and achieve sustainability. 士建立,致力促進社會的平等、多元及可持續發展。

Mission of Dialogue in the Dark is to: 我們的使命包括:

1. Bridge the gap between disabled groups and the rest of society. 1. 促進傷健共融和溝通
2. Create dignified jobs for the visually impaired 2. 為視障人士提供具尊嚴的工作
3. Raise awareness and tolerance in society towards disadvantaged groups 3. 提高公眾對殘疾人士的認識和包容,縮窄殘疾社群和
“Dialogue in the Dark” Workshops create new experiences and reflection through a
total darkness journey, participants can: 「黑暗中對話」工作坊透過『黑暗』新體驗,參加者可

• Think out of the box and build up a wider worldview 以﹕

• Get new inspiration about life • 突破思想框框

• Learn to face different challenges • 啟發思維,發掘潛能
• Explore the unknown potential of themselves • 學習應對不同的挑戰
• Enhance empathy • 發掘自身未知的潛能
• Build up trust with people around and facilitate team cooperation • 加強同理心
• 與身邊的人建立互信,加強團隊協作

* Seats are limited, first-come-first-served. 名額有限,額滿即止。

Registration Enquiry 登記查詢: Tel: 2891 0438 | Email:

Wofoo Social Enterprises presents:

A Power Lunch for NGO Leaders (by invitation)
和富社會企業呈獻:高能量社企午宴 -- 加一把勁的社企效益 (經邀請參與)
Date日期: Time 時間:
Nov 20, 2010 (Sat) 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
2010年11月20日 (星期六)

The organizer makes a special plan to invite more than 10 social enterprise leaders from NGOs will share, exchange and learn from one another’s
experiences. With reflections on past failures and successes and further input from experts in the field, all will be empowered to drive for greater
successes in future.


Social Investment Forum
Date日期: Venue 地點: Time 時間:
Nov 20, 2010 (Sat) Y-Theatre, The Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong 4:15 – 6:15 p.m.
2010年11月20日 (星期六) 香港柴灣柴灣道238號 青年廣場 Y綜藝館

This year, Social Investment Forum is scheduled for the afternoon of 20 November 2010, the second day of Social Enterprise Summit 2010. A
number of funders/investors have been invited to be the panel judges.
At the Forum, owners/chief managers of the three finalists business proposals will be invited to present their business proposals to the Summit
audience. The potential funders/investors will question the presenters. Through the interchange of ideas, everyone will gain insight into what
are needed and how to attract investments in a social enterprise. In the Forum, panel judges will choose the most outstanding proposal and
the champion will be awarded the Most Promising Project Award of HK$50,000 and HK$25,000 will be granted to the other 2 runners-up.
Proposals of 10 semi-finalists will be published in the Summit brochure so that they will have the chance to attract the interest of or receive
funding from funders/investors or anyone else in the Summit.

Who Should participate? 誰可參與?

• The applicant must be the owner/chief manager of the social enterprise • 參加者必須是項目的東主或負責人,與非政府機構有無聯
project with or without any affiliations to an NGO. 繫均可。
• Projects which have received previous funding from any other sources can • 曾經獲得其他資助的項目亦可參加。
also apply. • 有關項目現正或將會在香港營運,歡迎新近創業或運作未
• The projects being run or will be run in Hong Kong. Start-up projects or 超過三年的社會企業參加。
those in operation for not more than three years are welcome. • 去年曾經參加是項比賽的項目亦可再次參加,但計劃書內
• Proposals submitted last year are also welcome, but improvement is 容應有所改善。
How to submit? • 計劃書可以用中文或英文書寫。
• The proposal could be either in Chinese or in English; • 計劃書的內容應包括:
• The proposal must consist of: 1. 撮要一頁(A4紙張);
1. One page (A4 size) executive summary, 2. 投資計劃書連同附件不超過20頁(A4紙張);
2. A business proposal of not more than 20 pages (A4 size) including 3. 簡報檔案不超過20張。
appendices and
3. A set of PowerPoint of not more than 20 slides.
Presentation and Award 計劃書發表及獎項
• The three finalist teams will be invited to present their proposals at the • 三隊獲選進入決賽的參賽隊伍,將會獲邀於2010社企民間高
Social Investment Forum of International Symposium of Social Enterprise 峰會中發表其投資計劃:
Summit 2010: • 最具潛質計劃大獎冠軍:港幣50,000(由軟庫金匯慈善基金
• The most outstanding proposal will receive the Most Promising Project 贊助),其他兩隊各得港幣25,000。
Award of HK$50,000 (Sponsored by The SBI E2-Capital Charitable
Foundation). HK$25,000 will be granted to each of the other 2 runners-up.

Important dates to note (for Hong Kong): 重要日期(香港):

30 Sept Deadline for submission of proposals 9月30日 截止收集計劃書
18 Oct Announcement of semi-finalists
10月18日 公佈準决賽入選者名單
23 Oct Interview with semi-finalists (compulsory)
10月23日 準決賽入選者簡介會(必須出席)
29 Oct Announcement of 3 finalists
10月29日 公佈3位決賽入選者名單
29 Oct – 12 Nov Mentoring/Consultancy programs for
finalists (compulsory) 10月29 – 11月12日 決賽入選者簡介會(必須出席)
19 – 20 Nov International Symposium of Social 11月19 – 20日 2010 社企民間高峰會
Enterprise Summit 2010

• All Social Investment Forum 2010 participants who wish to join the programs of SE Summit 2010 should register through the registry separately.
• Three members from each finalist team presenting their proposals in the 20 November Social Investment Forum (SIF) will be entitled to full refund
of their registration fee.
• One member from each semi-finalist team will be invited to join the “Dialogue with Leading Social Entrepreneurs” Dinner Gathering.

Enquiry 查詢: Tel: 2396 6468 | Email:

Half-Day Visit To Local Social Enterprises
Date日期: Time 時間:
Nov 21, 2010 (Sun) 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
2010年11月21日 (星期日) 上午9時至下午12時30分

A half-day visit to 5 local social enterprises will be organized by the Hong 香港社會企業總會為「2010社企民間高峰會」參加者提
Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises Ltd., on November 21, 2010. 供半天的參觀社企機構活動,除了讓海外與會者及專家
The objectives are to enable overseas experts and local participants of Social 能對本地社企有更深入的認識,本地人士亦可了解社企
Enterprises Summit 2010 having in-depth understanding of social enterprises 的營運情況。有興趣者可選擇下列一個參觀單位:
in Hong Kong. Those who are interested may select one of the following five
1. 卓思廊復康生活幹線
1. Cheers Gallery Rehab Links (Fee: $50, 聘用精神病康復者營運及管理的復康用品零售店
A rehabilitation shop with employees mainly from the people with mental 2. 長者安居服務協會竹園中心
illness (費用$50,
2. Chuk Yuen Call and Care Service Centre of Senior Citizen Home Safety 透過24小時一線通平安鐘服務為長者及有需要者提供
Association (Fee: $50, 全面支援及關懷服務
Total care comprehensive service to elderly via 24-hour personal emergency 3. 黑暗中對話體驗館
link service (費用$200包括入場費$150,
3. Dialogue in the Dark Exhibition (Fee: $200 including entrance fee $150, www. 在一片漆黑的環境中體驗視障人士的生活
Experience the daily lives of visually impaired in a dark environment 4. 東華創藝蔬果加工及批發服務
4. Tung Wah Enterprise Vegetable & Fruit Processing and Supply Services (Fee: (費用$50,
$50, 為全港各食肆及院舍提供蔬果加工及送遞服務,當中
Customer-oriented processed fruits & vegetables and delivery services to 50%僱員為殘疾人士
caterers and residential care homes with 50% of employees are with disabilities 5. 挪亞方舟
5. Noah’s Ark (Fee: $150 including entrance fee $100, (費用$150包括入場費$100,
The world’s only full-sized replica of Noah’s Ark in which a SE souvenir shop is
located that sells a variety of products produced by the marginalized 全球唯一根據遠古記載原體積的方舟,當中紀念品店

Enquiry 查詢: Tel: 8201 2001 | Fax: 2396 6465 | Email:

Post-Summit Activity - SE Pavilion@TDC World SME Expo

Date日期: Venue 地點: Opening hours 開放時間:
Dec 2-4, 2010 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre December 2-3, 9:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
2010年12月2-4日 香港會議展覽中心 December 4, 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Organized by the HKCSS - HSBC Social Enterprise Business Centre, SE Pavilion is to promote social entrepreneurship, social franchise, social
business, venture philanthropy, cross-sector partnership, and corporate social sustainability to all sectors in the community. The SE Pavilion is
part of the HKTDC World SME Expo, which is organized by Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC). It is a unique annual event for
thousands of visiting SMEs and entrepreneurs to find business solutions and opportunities. The SE Pavilion will showcase 12 booths with SE
seminars and Social Entrepreneurs sharing sessions. Potential entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and business owners can learn more about
their economic and social impacts, and network with each other to create synergy for their businesses and the community. Those SEs who are
interested to participate in the Expo are welcomed to contact the organizer.


Enquiry 查詢: Tel: 2876 2491 | Email:

Summit Creating New Value & Partnerships
社企民間高峰會 for Co-Development
innovation . entrepreneurship . social change 創新價值 ·新夥伴關係 ·共同發展


Registration Fees per head
A) International Symposium 國際研討會 登記費用 (每位)
Please “√” the event(s) to be attended Registration Registration after
請 “√” 您要參加的活動 on or before Sept 30 Sept 30
9月30日或以前 9月30日後
Full Conference (Nov 19-20) HK$ 550 HK$ 660
兩天研討會 (11月19-20日)
Day 1 (Nov 19)
1 Day Only 一天研討會 第一天(11月19日)
(please select the day) Day 2 (Nov 20)
HK$ 380
(請選擇日期) 第二天(11月20日)

TOTAL 小計 (A) HK$

B) Social Enterprise Summit Activities
Date and Time Registration Fees per head
社企民間高峰會活動 日期及時間 登記費用 (每位)
Please “√” the event(s) to be attended 請 “√” 您要參加的活動
HKWPEA presents “A Dinner to Remember - Dialogue with Leading Nov 19
Social Entrepreneurs” 6:30-9:30pm
香港女工商及專業人員聯會呈獻「與傑出社會企業家對談」晚宴 HK$ 180
Preferred Table Language Cantonese Putonghua English
語言 廣東話 普通話 英語 晚上 6:30-9:30

Dialogue in the Dark Exhibition HK$200

(Including $150 entrance fee
黑暗中對話體驗館 已包括入場費$150)

Cheers Gallery Rehab Links

卓思廊復康生活幹線 Nov 21 HK$50
Local Social 9:00am-12:30pm
Enterprise Chuk Yuen Call and Care Service Centre of Senior Citizen
Visitation Home Safety Association 11月21日 HK$50
本地社企參訪活動 長者安居服務協會竹園中心 早上9:00 -下午12:30
Tung Wah Enterprise Vegetable & Fruit Processing and
Supply Services HK$50

Noah’s Ark 挪亞方舟

(Including $100 entrance fee

TOTAL 小計 (B) HK$



Name 姓名 (Prof./Dr./Mr./Ms 教授/博士/先生/女士)

Organization 機構名稱 Position 職位

Contact Phone Number 電話 Email Address 電郵

Mailing Address 通訊地址

At A Glance
Activities 高峰會活動概覽
Registration Fees
Registration Method
Activities 活動 Date 日期 Time 時間 per head
登記費用 (每位)

Nov 19 11月19日
International Symposium Nov 19-20 9:00am-6:00 pm
國際研討會 11月19-20日 Nov 20 11月20日
Fill in Registration Form
9:00am-6:30 pm
填寫報名表 /
HKWPEA presents“A Dinner to Online Registration
Remember - Dialogue with Leading Nov 19 6:30-9:30pm 網上登記 *
Social Entrepreneurs” 11月19日 晚上 6:30-9:30
During “A Dinner to
Asia Social Innovation Award Remember”- Dialogue
Presentation Ceremony
Nov 19 with Leading Social Free 全免
11月19日 Entrepreneurs”
Nov 19 11月19日
MaD@Social Enterprise Summit 2010 Nov 19-20 8:00pm-10:00pm $150
(Including snacks and Registration Link 登記網址:
MaD@社企民間高峰會2010 11月19-20日 Nov 20 11月 20日
light lunch
Session 1 第一場
Dialogue in the Dark Workshops Nov 20 1:30-3:30pm $200 Registration Link 登記網址:
「黑暗中對話」工作坊 11月20日 Session 2 第二場
Wofoo Social Enterprises presents:
A Power Lunch for NGO Leaders Nov 20 12:30-2:00pm By Invitation
和富社會企業呈獻:高能量社企午宴 -- 11月20日 下午12:30-2:00 經邀請參與
Social Investment Forum Nov 20 下午4:15-6:15
社企投資論壇 11月20日 (During the International Enquiry 查詢:2396 6486
Local Social Enterprise Visitation 本地社企參訪活動

Dialogue in the Dark Exhibition $200

(Including $150 entrance fee
黑暗中對話體驗館 已包括入場費$150)

Cheers Gallery Rehab Links

卓思廊復康生活幹線 $50

Chuk Yuen Call and Care Service Fill in Registration Form

Centre of Senior Citizen Home Safety Nov 21 9:00am -12:30pm 填寫報名表 /
11月21日 早上9:00-下午12:30
Association Online Registration
長者安居服務協會竹園中心 網上登記 *
Tung Wah Enterprise Vegetable &
Fruit Processing and Supply Services $50
Noah’s Ark 挪亞方舟 (Including $100 entrance fee

Post-Summit Activity - SE Pavilion@

Dec 2-4
TDC World SME Expo To be Announced 容後公佈
* 網上登記網址:


Please send crossed cheque payable to “The Hong Kong Policy Research Foundation Limited” (with participant’s name and
contact number on the back of the cheque) and mail to Social Enterprise Summit Registration, Unit A, 2/F, Ming Tak Centre,
135-137 Tung Chau Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

請將抬頭註明「香港政策研究基金有限公司」或“The Hong Kong Policy Research Foundation Limited”之劃線支票 (並於支票背

面寫上與會者姓名及聯絡電話),郵寄至香港九龍通州街135-137號明德中心二樓A室 社企民間高峰會登記處收。

Social Enterprise Summit Registration 社企民間高峰會登記處
Tel 電話:(852) 2374 1289 Fax 傳真: (852) 2396 6465
E-mail 電郵
2010社企民間高峰會 • 贊助及支持機構
Principal Sponsor 主要贊助機構

Home Affairs Bureau

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
香港特別 行 政 區 政 府

Gold Sponsors 金贊助

River Star Foundation

Silver Sponsors 銀贊助 Sponsors 贊助

Centro de Pesquisa
Estratégica para o
Desenvolvimento de Macau

SOW Asia Foundation


Dr. Raymond Yeung

Media Partner 媒體伙伴


Supporting Organizations 支持機構



The Hong Kong Polytechnic University



GIVE Venture Partners


HKSAR Government Home Affairs Bureau

Social Enterprise Advisory
Committee (SEAC)
innovation . entrepreneurship . social change

Social Enterprise Summit Secretariat

Address 地址:
3/F, SPA Centre, No. 55 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, HK.
香港灣仔駱克道 55 號恆澤商業大廈 3 樓
Tel 電話:(852) 2529 6321
Fax 傳真:(852) 2529 2311
E-mail 電郵

Pulp derived from commercially managed forest.


The content of this publication/exhibition only represents the opinion of our organizations.

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