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Ministerul Educatiei Al Republicii Moldova

Liceul Teoretic “XXXXXXXXXXXXX”

Strada xxxxxxxx Nr. XX, Orasul XXXXXX


Reference Letter

After having known John Smith for three years, I can say – with no doubt – that he is one of the best students I have met
during my professional career. Not only does he have exceptional results in the academic field, but is also involved in a
quite impressive number of extra-curricular activities, which contribute greatly to his development.

As a student, John Smith has shown remarkable work-power, perseverance, ambition and restlessness. He is very
thoughtful, thorough and methodical and always considers both sides of an argument carefully, sometimes finding
surprisingly creative solutions to problems. Yet, he demonstrates a special gift of approaching a topic in a very complex
and ingenious way. What is special about John Smith, as a learner, is the way in which his very calculated nature
combines with his swift mind to produce an unexpected solution to the problems he has to solve.

Mr. John Smith has a passion for International Relations and is interested in studying politics and security issues,
diplomacy and history, foreign languages and public relations. He successfully combined the study of these fields, by
mixing it with his studies in Economics at the National College of Economy “Andrei Bârseanu” in Braşov, Romania.
Although at a first glance these two areas of study are different, John Smith has managed to combine them in an original
manner, applying concepts of economical development in the study of International Relations and vice versa. For his
original input, he was (and still is) an invaluable asset for our undergraduate program.

During our seminars together, I could appreciate John Smith’s well-developed logic: even when he did not hold all the
information on a certain topic, he was capable of making inferences. His deductive skills recommend John Smith for a
career in academic research. Moreover, after working together in several extra-curricular projects, I was impressed by his
knowledge of the English language, and his presentation skills. He also has a passion for Great Britain, which he is
always giving as example of participatory democracy and steady political system in his works. When speaking in front of
audiences, John Smith never shows his emotions or nervousness, speaking in a natural manner, he has an innate talent
for public speaking.

John Smith is very hard-working and very well-organized: the fact that he pursued a double major in his education has
contributed to the development of his time-management and „prioritization” skills. He is people-oriented both in his
studies and in his every day life, being very much involved in every department of our institution. The applicant’s strengths
are his original thought and creativity, his common sense and respect, his maturity and wisdom, together with his
outstanding potential to cope with new environments, new challenges and new prospects. He is highly adaptable, his
team-spirit is very good and he works very well with his superiors and peers and has a winner attitude surely. As well as
this, John Smith is a very flexible and open-minded person.

For all these reasons I strongly recommend John Smith , as an applicant to an undergraduate program course in the
United Kingdom.

If I can answer any further questions regarding Mr. John Smith please contact me on the data you will find below.


Nume Prenume Profesor,

Profesor de XXXXXXXX,
E-mail: , Phone: +123 456789

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