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(Kowalsky, Analysis!

Theme : Digital Soil Mapping For Maintaining Soil Security
Budiman (USU, University of Sydney, Schools Sciences : Art &
Social Sciences) /(Reseach Sydney Institude of Agriculture)
Issues : Global Issues (food security (2050), energy
sustainabilty (need more), water security (, climate
change(landuse), biodiversity protection (-), ecosystem
service delivery(vulnerability), soil security(allofthem))
1. Soil Security : Resource for The Issues
2. Reliable Estimate : Soil Condition, Availability of
arable land, stores and fluxes water carbon nutrien and
solutes, rates of change
2a. Existing Soil Maps : Static, Inflexible for
quantitative, scale os seldom, data model is difficult to
integrate with other spasial data, unfounded asumption
about mapping units, contemporary developments in soil
mapping, Digitasation of legacy, Creation of digital soil
2b. Digital soil mapping : formulasi menggunakan metode
statistic “Soil = function (soilexisting : legacy soil
data,climate precipitaion/temperature,organic
Intencity),n(spatial coordinate) + Ɛ”
3. Input : field and laboratory observational (Field
Observation+Rater Covariantes), Process : soil inference
(Challenges DEM dynamic land use :
SRTM;2000,ALOSW3D;2010,TANDEM-X;2015) Landsat ; Predicted
Tree Height; Corrected SRTM DEM, Output : Geographical
information system (Peat Extent and Depth Maps)
4. Data Science : New Observational data (Tools). Spatial
Infrastructres (SRTM, RS, Webserves), Quantitative
Mapping(Geostatistic,Machine System) , Computational
Facillities (Notebook and Computer)
5. Predictive Mapping or Data Driven Mapping, (Factor :
Overlay : SVMachine Learning, Model)
6. First Step is Existing Map : Mapping Unit (polygon is
not representing true data), Next Step is Field Survey,
Probable. Second Step Field Observation (Collation,
Intersection, Modelling, Prediction)
7. Analysis : Water Limited Wheat, FAO, Relevance :
8. Using Snetinel-1 Data : (Mapping Paddly Rice ; Rice :
Flooding Down and Peak Up)/ Temporal ;
9. Conclutions :
-. Digital Mapping Provides; Reliable
Theme : Soil Spectroscopy and fertiliser recommendations
Budiman (USU, University of Sydney, Schools Sciences : Art &
Social Sciences) /(Reseach Sydney Institude of Agriculture)
1. Cocoa yeild remains stagnant about 0.4
2. Soil managemnt may be a contributer
3. Soil is different in any soil types (Andisols-P)
4. Sampling, Utilized, Testing (
5. Time Consuming, Expensive
6. Spectral Signature for different material
7. Wavelength 400-1100nm for SOM, 400-980 for Clay, 200nm
for clay, 1800 and 2004 nm carbonate
8. Soil data, BMP, Compsot, Tenching, Ferlitise, Adopt BMP
Recomendation, 4rsm Quedts, Validating,
9. 4 cocoa producing provinces, soil types, Kunai Grassland
10. Physical, Chemical, Macro and Micro, Ligth Source
11. ASD Machine to take soil scanse 350-2500nm
12. Chemometric Analysis ; Pre-processing of spectra,
Calibration and Validation data, Chemometric Model
13. Predictions LCC
14. Good Representation for tacking sample data for one
site and all in 4 site

What’s is primary Variablity withn sites 4

What’s is the primary
Fertiliser model “ Soil Diagnosis”
- Physical soil texture, Chemical Analysis, Nutrient
Thressholds, Most Inportant Rations are K, Ca, and
I want two ask for
Second Speaker
Because I’m very interesting in spectroscopy
We have two ways metodh of analysis, the first one is
observed chemical data in laboratory and the second one is
the NIR Predictid in Spectroscopy?
We have practices in imagery satelite data and we recognice
soma spectral signature too, so the question is if can we do
this in in another vegetation like banana or something else.
can we do that in the same metodh?

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