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A. Background

Reading is a window to see the world. Within reading, we will know details of

the information more than what our sensory can catch. So, reading is the important

thing for our life. For instance in a daily, reading could not separate in each act. For

the example,checking the schedule,checking the messages from our mobile

phone,reading for some instruction from our new tools,reading billboards on the

road,searching the womb or expiration date of food or beverage products that have

just been purchased and many more of it. Without us realizing, actually there are so

many reading activities that we do. Reading will not be separated from our daily


Base on Oxfoard dictionary, reading is noun pattern from “read” means look

at and understand something written or printed. Reading is act of reading something.

Reading also means book, articles, et cetera that was intended to be read, reading is

way in which something is understood.1 Reading is one of four skills. It is a receptive

skill like listening. It’s mean to involve responding to text, rather than producing it.
Very simply we can say that reading involves making sense of text. To do it we need

to understand the language of the text at the word level, sentence level and whole-

text. We also need to connect the message of the text to our knowledge of the world. 2

Reading is skills of knowing and understanding of writes in structure of graphic

Oxfoard Learners Pocket Dictionary, 4th Edition. (Oxford University press, 2008), P. 365-
Mary Spratt,at al . The TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test) Course (UK. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2008), P. 21.


symbols and the changes to meaningful of speaks in silent understood or louder

speaks. Reading is process to do and to use of readers to get some message which

writer will tell by word or spoken language

Surely, reading is becoming more important in a student’s daily life. Reading

is like a key to all knowledge that will be received and stored in the memory of

knowledge. However, a study conducted by UNESCO in 2012 proved that in our

country Indonesia, interest in reading was very lack. There are more than 60 countries

that have been the object of surveys of interest in reading, Indonesia in 60th rank

position out of 61 countries. Of the 1000 people in our country, there is only one

person who is serious in reading.

From the case above, we get an important fact that Indonesian people is lack

of reading interesting.

But now, as the latest technology grows, reading activities are more

developing with the discovery of various reading media that make it easier for people.

One of the media as well as a multifunctional tool that almost everyone has is a

mobile phone or smart phone or mobile device. Mobile phone is a multi-functional

tool that is equipped with a variety of features available. Its use can be done

anywhere and anytime.


From the phenomena above, raises various speculations and opens up various
opportunities for researchers to explore this phenomenon. So the author also feels that

reading skills at MAN 2 Bone. The initial goal of this study was to find out how far

the students' perceptions especially on their motivation in using mobile games,

usually if they make it as a media to spend the time.

From the point of, researcher chooses MAN 2 Bone school with consideration

and from the pre-observation that had been done. MAN 2 Bone has become one of
the superior schools with the accreditation of their school A. However,

By reason above, the researcher considers this research is properly to be

studied. This research has many benefits that can be the references for all readers.

This will be studied for three months.

B. Problem Statement

Based on this background, the formulation of the issues raised by researcher

1. What is SQ3R Method?

2. How far is the effect of SQ3R toward students’ reading skill

3. How far is SQ3R the students’ perceptions toward mobile games in learning

English especially in their reading skill at the eleventh grade in MAN 2 Bone?

C. Definition Of Terms

The title of this term is “The Effectiveness of SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read,

Recite, and Recall) Method toward Students’ Reading Skill at The Eleventh Grade of

MAN 2 Bone”. To understand about the meaning, the researcher gives some

explanations of some key terms;


- Analyzing is study or determined the nature and relationship of the parts of

(something) by analysis. Or analyzing is subject to scientific or grammatical

analysis chemically analyze a specimen analyze a sentence.3

- Effectiveness is noun pattern from “Effect” it means change that somebody or

something causes in somebody or something else, result, and particular look,

sound or impression that somebody.

- Survey
- Question

- Read

- Recite

- Recall

- Method

- Perception is the way you think about or understand someone or something or

the ability to understand or notice something easily or the way that you notice

or understand something using one of your senses. 4 Perception is the

recognition and understanding of events, objects, and stimuli through the use
of sense (sight, hearing, touch, etc.).

- Educational Media is refers to channels of communication that carry messages

with an instructional purpose.5

Merriam Webster.
retrieved on, November 7th, 2018.
Merriam Webster.
retrieved on, November 7th, 2018.
Omodara O.D. and Adu E.I., “Relevance of Educational Media and Multimedia Technology
for Effective Service Delivery in Teaching and Learning Processes”, IOSR Journal of Research &
Method in Education Volume 4, Ver. I , Mar-Apr. 2014, P.50.

- Mobile game is all games that are played on a mobile device are mobile

games. Most of the games that we have evaluated during the years could be

played on different platforms, but for us they were mobile games because we

played them on mobile devices. There are also examples where the same

game is available on different platforms.6

D. Objective and Significance of The Research

1. Objective of The Research

Base on problem statement that have been concluded before, the objective of

the research is to know The Effectiveness of SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite,

and Recall) Method toward Students’ Reading Skill at The Eleventh Grade of MAN 2


2. Significance of The Research

The result of the research is expected to be valuable input in teaching learning

process of English. The significance of the research was described below:

a. Theoretically, this research is to be a good start in term of Reading and

social Research.
b. Practically, the writer expected that the research will be useful for the

writer herself, so it will broaden her knowledge in teaching English

reading, this research is expected to be one of the sources of knowledge

and information.

Hannu korhonen, Evaluating Playability of Mobile Games with the Expert Review
Method,(Finland: Juvenes print,2016)P.12.

1) For teachers, the result of this research is expected to give some

contribution and information for English teachers especially at the

eleven grade of MAN 2 Bone.

2) For students, this research is expected to be able to help students in

learning Reading and can motivate them in learning English. The

researcher hope the student would get a new experience how to learn

English on their game mobile.

3) For the next researcher, this study is aimed to be additional reference for

the next researcher to make good research. It also can be consideration

to make a new research that has similarity of this research.

E. Previous Related Findings
Ms. Zakia Ali Chand has conducted a research entitled “Using SQ3R (Survey,

Question, Read,Recite and Review) Method to improve reading comprehension

abilities”. This paper describes an action research project. It is a case study of a class

seven ESOL student in a Fiji secondary school who received private tuition for a

period of six weeks. The student named Alan had intermediate level of English

proficiency. His cultural background is Chinese. As a result, his grade was falling in

Social Science and it was noticed that this was affecting his motivation levels in his

English tuition sessions. As part of the assessment, Alan was required to take short

tests at the completion of each 4 chapter of his Social Science reading material.

Therefore, in order to prepare Alan to take these tests successfully, it was important

to look for a strategy that would help him better comprehend and retain the Social

Science content..7

Abdul Gafur Marzuki has conducted a research entitled “Developing

Students’ Reading Skills on Islamic Texts through SQ3R Method in an EFL Class”

The result showed that the SQ3R method could develop students’ reading skills. This

fact was supported by the result of achievement test. There were 19 students out of 24

(75%) who got score greater than 80, there were 6 students who could not reach the

score. The research was stopped after the third meeting of cycle 1 in which the result

of students’ achievement test had met the criteria of success. Based on this finding,

the researcher concludes that the implementation of SQ3R method in teaching and

learning process can develop students’ reading skills on Islamic texts.8

Sheng-Jie YANG, Yu-Hsuan LEE, Gwo-Dong CHEN, Liang-Yi LI & Yoko

YANG have conducted a research entitled “Reconstructing the contextual cues

(space) of a textbook for building a study guide on the e-book-based SQ3R method”.

This study thus employs an SQ3R reading strategy to enable users to utilize more

cues, and consequently presents a design of an e-book system with integrated

contextual cues (space) and the SQ3R method. The results of the experiment shows

that the proposed e-book system can help students enhance their learning and

Musmuliadi, “The Students’ Perception Analyzing the Educational Value in Lean on Me
Movie at English Study Program of STAIN Watampone” (Thesis, Program Stata Satu STAIN,
Watampone,2018), P. x.
Jeroen Bourgonjon , Martin Valcke, and Ronald Soetaert “Students’ Perceptions about the
Use of Video Games in the Classroom”P. xi

reviewing performances, and reduce the time to revisit information compared to a

typical e-book..9

Ahmad Bakhtiar has conducted a research entitled “Improving Students’

Reading Comprehension by Using SQ3R Method at the 11th grade of MA. Mutmainah

Bogor” Based on the results of the research, in cycle I the percentage of students who

achieved Minimum Accomplishment Criteria (MAC) 75 was 63%. In other words, 24

students had achieved Minimum Accomplishment Criteria (MAC), while 14 students had

not reached MAC. In cycle II, all of students have reached Minimum Accomplishment

Criteria (MAC). The result showed, in cycle II all of the students could comprehend the

text and determine the main idea and reached Minimum Accomplishment Criteria

(MAC) in reading it is 75. Thus, the hypothesis in this research is acceptable. It means,

there is a significant improving in using SQ3R to increase the students’ reading

comprehension at the 11th grade of MA. Mutmainah Bogor. Therefore, the research was

discontinued on the second cycle.10

The similarities and the differentiation among the previous research above

with this research: the first research with the same material is talk about.

F. Conceptual Framework

Based on the theoretical framework explained before, the conceptual

framework is concluded by the writer as follows:

Mark Anthony Camilleri and Adriana Caterina “The Students' Perceptions of Digital Game-
Based Learning”
Ahmad Bakhtiar “Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension by Using SQ3R Method at
the 11th grade of MA. Mutmainah Bogor”






On the conceptual framework above, it can be know that the researcher will

conduct a research about Analyzing Students’ Perception toward Mobile Games as an

Educational Media in Reading Skill. In analyzing students’ perception about mobile

games, the researcher will give to students a few simple test that related with game on

mobile phone. One of reading test is about narrative test that related with history of

the games. Another test is procedure test that related with the step how to play or how
to complete the mission on the games. The end of the research is the researcher

analyzing the students’ perception about what they feel after they learn that talk fully

about game on mobile phone

G. Research Methodology

1. Research Methods

The method of this research will apply descriptive qualitative. Qualitative

research is the collection and analysis, interpretation of comprehensive narrative and


visual data to gain insight into a particular phenomenon of interest. The central focus

of qualitative research is to provide an understanding of a social setting or activity as

viewed from the perspective of the research participants. Data is collected through

questionnaire survey, interviews, and reading test.

2. Location

This research will take place in MAN 2 Bone, especially at the eleven graded.
It is located in M.H. Tamrin streets, Bone regency, South Sulawesi province.

3. Subject of Research

The subject of this research will take 20 students at the eleven graded by using

purposive sample. Purposive sampling is sampling techniques for data sources with

certain considerations. The certain considerations such as the person who is

considered to know the best about what we expect, or maybe he/she is the master. So

that it will be easier for researcher to explore the object or social situation. 11 It has a

pre-observation in MAN 2 Bone, and the result of it that not at all the eleven grade

student like playing games on them mobile phone. That is way the researcher using

purposive sample.

4. Data and Source of Data

a. The primary data is collected by the researcher herself. Primary data

includes information collected from observation, test, questioner and


b. The secondary data refers to the data that collected by someone else, some

books, journals and documents that are relevant to the research.

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan ( Bandung, Alfabeta : 2015), p. 300

5. Instrument

There are three instruments that will be used in this research, they are:

a. Reading test

In reading test the researcher will take by reading narrative text of game

than playing group game to complete procedure of game with analysing also

the capture level of game that has researcher serve.

b. Questionnaire

In this questionnaire section, the researcher will serve a few question about

how students’ perception especially in their motivation in learning reading

English toward mobile games.

c. Interview

In this interview the researcher will take by structured interview, the

researcher which has a specified set of questions that elicits the same

information from the students.12 This interview is done by the researcher to

students that will make from the explanation of their perception about
students’ perception toward mobile games.

6. Procedure of Collecting Data

This procedure of collecting data of the research will follow the procedure as


a. Reading Test

L.R. Gay, et al., Educational Research P. 387.

The researcher will prepare the material about narrative text, procedural

text and a few capture levels of games “Where is my water?” Then, the

researcher will explain to the students about narrative text, procedure text and

ask the students to write down and complete the task about them. The research

will be focused to the step to playing mobile games or how the step they

finish it in the last test.

b. Questionnaire

The researcher will prepare a few questions about their perception after

learning mobile games and connect with their knowledge about mobile

games. That is way the students can answer the question with more perceptive


c. Interview

The researcher has to know the name and the class of the students. The

researcher has to meet directly. The researcher makes a good conversation

with the students. Before that, the researcher will ask the students’ perception

in learn reading with this way and maybe takes a few question. After that, in
the second, the researcher will be focused to analyze the students’ perception

after learn narrative text, procedural text and analyze on a few capture level.

The researcher will describe the result of the students’ perception.

7. Technique of Data Analysis

The qualitative data analysis suits this research is from Miles and Huberman.

The approach was familiarly called ‘transcendental realism’ and the main

components of their analysis are data reduction, data display, and verification data.

The explanation of the main components is explained as follows:13

a. Data reduction

Data reduction occurs continually throughout the analysis. This stage, the

researcher edits and reduces the result of the students’ reading explanation on

mobile games that they have chooses. The objective of data reduction is to

reduce the data without loss of information. In qualitative analysis, an

additional important component of not losing information is.

b. Data display

Data display is a stage to display the data. In this stage, the researcher

collects the data either by using tables, graphs or diagrams. The data is

obtained from the results of data reduction.

c. Data verification

The reasons for reducing and displaying data are to assist in drawing

conclusions. The results of editing, coding and classification of students’

perception are losing of information and displaying all the data that the

researcher found from analyzing the students’ perception. In the data

Keith F. Punch, Introduction to Research Methods in Education (Singapore: SAGE, 2009),
P. 174-175.

verification, the researcher will conclude and verify the truth of the data that

has been obtained.

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