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Holcim Filipina
Pabrik Lugait

Hubungi Corporate OH&S untuk detilnya

Terjadi kejadian hampir celaka...

Pada tanggal 18 April 18, di lokasi proyek penggilingan semen jalur 2, sepotong besi seberat 60 kg jatuh dari lantai
3 ke lantai 2 (jatuh sekitar 10 meter). Hal ini terjadi pada saat seorang kontraktor berusaha menyeret potongan
besi tersebut keluar dari lift ke area kerja, pada saat dia keluar dari lift, potongan besi tersebut lepas dari
pegangannya dan jatuh melewati sebuah lobang sempit antara lantai dan lift. Potongan besi jatuh ke tingkat di
bawahnya, menembus atap dan mendarat di titik keluar lift di lantai 2.

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Foto 1: Reka ulang kejadian

Foto 2: Atap yang bolong di titik keluar lift di lantai 2
Foto 3: Potongan besi yang terjatuh

Inti Pembelajaran
Jika memungkinkan, pertimbangkan hal-hal berikut ini::
Sampaikan ke personel potensi cedera dan cara pengendalian resiko terkait dengan pekerjaan manual dengan
menekankan hal-hal berikut:
• Metode aman untuk pemindahan dan membawa barang, termasuk batas beban dan posisi tubuh
• Gunakan alat bantu - troli, alat bantu drum, dll.
Periksa tempat kerja di tingkat di atasnya, lakukan penilaian potensi material jatuh; perhatian khusus untuk
memastikan bukaan/lobang di lantai ditutup dengan aman dan baik - pertimbangkan hal-hal berikut:
• Lantai yang berlobang dan bukaan akibat/untuk pekerjaan struktur besi, pipa dan saluran listrik
• Tepian lantai yang terbuka dimana material bisa jatuh ke tingkat yang lebih rendah
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai pencegahan benda terjatuh, silahkan merujuk pada FPE1 Working at

Periksa dan pastikan hal ini tidak terjadi di tempat anda!

Form No. SF1042
1 May 2012 Ver. 1.4

Holcim Philippines
Lugait Plant

Contact OH&S Corporate for more details

Near miss incident has happened…

On April 18, 2012 at the line 2 cement mill slag project site, a section of mild steel plate weighing approximately 60
kg fell from 3rd floor to the 2nd floor (fell a height of 10 meters).The incident occurred as the contractor employee
attempted to drag the section of cut mild steel plate from the elevator to the work area, as he exited the elevator
the plate slipped from his hands through the narrow gap (opening) between the floor and the elevator. The plate
fell through to the lower level penetrating the roof on the 2nd floor and landed on the elevator landing area on the
2nd floor.

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Photo 1: Re-enactment of the incident

Photo 2: Damaged roof of the 2nd floor elevator landing
Photo 3: Steel Cut Plate that fell

Key Learnings
If applicable, please consider the following aspects:
Inform personnel on the potential for injury and the forms of risk control associated with manual handling by
highlighting the following:
• Safe methods for physical carrying or transferring loads, including load limits, lifting posture
• Use and availability of manual handling aids – hand and platform trolley, drum handlers etc
Review all upper level work areas to assess the potential for falling objects and material; specific emphasis on
ensuring openings in floors are adequately safeguarded – consider the following:
• Penetrations through floors caused by structural steel work, pipelines, electrical conduit etc
• Exposed edges on floors which material can be inadvertently knock to lower levels
For further information on preventing falling objects and material refer to FPE1 Working at Heights.

Please check and ensure this cannot happen in your workplace!

Form No. SF1042
1 May 2012 Ver. 1.4

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