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The ability to create honest value
as a guiding star for successful leadership




friend once said, a man is nomenon itself is sustained by a coop- When senior leaders do this, they are and steer their teams away from en- sounding boards in the form of ex- of scientific approaches to self-devel-
honoured for what he gave erative mix of the five basic elements: directly shaping the corporate mindset ergy draining emotional conversa- ecutive coaches and mentors can be opment. Finally, in the high-paced
and not for what he re- ether, air, fire, water and land. and culture. Automation and artificial tions and negativity. Views that work instrumental to sustainable success. digital world with minimal attention
ceived. That seems like a common Corporate leaders have choices intelligence initiatives require focused is radically distinct from life and can This can in turn enable better choices spans and little reflection time, having
thread with great personalities we to make – whether they want to cre- change management along these lines. also be significantly harmonised with and approaches towards sustainability sounding boards in the form of coach-
adore – be it reformists, scientists, ate wholesome outcomes for their A brilliant leader once opened up an approach of considering all daily and responsibility from a planet, cus- es and mentors might be an indispen-
political heroes or business leaders. co-workers in a fast-paced world where whole new possibilities for a great soft- activity. tomer and societal perspective. The sable necessity of co-workers and sen-
We remember them for the positive joy is short lived, or if they want to in- ware architect by encouraging and en- Actions and reactions, causes and Nordic countries, as champions of sus- ior leaders alike – to help them to go
change that they have created not spire and produce more such leaders or abling him to apply himself beyond his effects. Positive energy naturally re- tainability efforts, could possibly pave beyond themselves in a targeted and
just in our lives, but for many gen- if they want to make a real difference to legacy focus, and to create unforeseen flects back positivity. Unscrupulous the way here as well. At IKEA, for ex- contextual manner.
erations. Drawing leadership lessons the many. If so, it is possible to incor- value as the enterprise made forays into indulgence in corporate politics, focus ample, creating a positive impact for
from their ways may be especially porate many lessons from the above. new ways of doing business. The ability on short-term wins over others’ heads people, society and the planet is a key
beneficial to the corporate world in With an acute awareness of their to create real value as the business generate negative energy, long-last- business priority – co-workers and the
today’s digital age. motivations and actions, senior lead- evolves has then become a guiding star ing grudges and tit-for-tat behaviour. working environment are central to
ers need to objectively examine where for ‘super heroes’ who in the past held People have an amazing ability to see achieving it.
Leaders that we cherish typically work they are self-directed versus driven by knowledge close to their chests. through the means very clearly and will Adopting some of the above con-
towards goals much greater than them- the common good. This demands a That ‘harmonisers are the heroes’ bring a natural resistance, even if hid- siderations will likely yield a number of
selves. They are passionate about mak- high level of alertness and willingness might apply more aptly to corporate den, to the agenda of leaders that get benefits. To organisations, it can bring
ing a real difference in the lives of the to rise above the narrow self, hypocrit- situations of today. Thankfully, many ahead by hook or by crook. A win also a mindset of a holistically defining
many – fame and material riches are ical ways and the focus on short term of us are not dealing with survival. naturally means that there is a loss – their strategies and execution plans. In
only by-products of their efforts. They wins. The gap between thought, word Recognising the natural inter-depend- and most wins are so short lived in the the digital world, keeping up with the
work tirelessly, because pursuing a pas- and deed narrows, and leading comes ency and coexistence in all of life ena- digital world. The clichéd ‘win-win’ is individual and changing fragments is
sion or working for a great cause moti- naturally. This is perhaps the only way bles strong leaders to identify the key rarely worked towards with a full heart. not sustainable in the least. This un-
vates them, even if it is gruelling. Work to inspire in the attention-deficient moving parts, both internal and exter- We quite commonly see this at play derstanding can open up new possi-
and life are generally not viewed as dis- day and age that we live in. Mahatma nal, and harmonise the dependencies in client-supplier negotiations. When bilities and better the lives of the many.
tinct aspects that they feel compelled Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Martin between them. The level of success both parties bring self-fulfilling agen- The focus is on the long term with a
to constantly balance – life happens at Luther King Jr. are our inspiration here. reflects the depth to which this is un- das to the table beneath the veil of cre- well-oiled and adaptable ecosystem of
work, too, where at least a third of the This also lends itself to keeping a focus derstood and orchestrated selflessly by ating a win-win, it drains tremendous interdependent levers. A positive envi-
day is typically spent. Even when their on simplification in a constantly evolv- the leaders. The digital movement aims energy out of the teams while gaining ronment coupled with a sustainability
initial goals are reached, they seek fur- ing complex web of digitally-driven en- to meet customers as well as co-work- little real benefit for either parties in focus leads to a greater alignment of
ther fulfilment through philanthropic terprises, and sets the tone for others to ers wherever they are, whenever and the long run. All in all, creating a pos- plans and actions, thus reducing stress
actions and by seeing others fulfilled. follow. Living up to company values is however they want. Hence, the num- itive environment that encourages the and enhancing sensitivity and respon-
Coexistence and interdependency are a case in study. ber of entities and movements between right means of achieving success is a siveness to each other and to the organ-
natural underlying themes of their Individuals generally want to go them is exponentially increasing and sustainable choice. isational needs.
journeys. beyond themselves when they feel ad- constantly changing at the same time. Sustainability and corporate so- Senior Leaders can take the op-
In day to day life too, seemingly equately secure. They would like to Technology may be an enabler, but the cial responsibility efforts typically portunity to review their current ap-
small and random acts of kindness and have a purpose in their career, make ability to stay on the real pulse of the tend to focus on the planet and on less proaches to digitalisation in light of
cooperation can make a big difference a difference and be seen as a key con- organisation, understanding and re- privileged social groups outside of an some of the above considerations and UMASANKAR DIDDI
and seem to lift up the energy of the tributor in one way or the other, big or sponding to complex situations in an enterprise. However, a view that sus- streamline them to be more agile, sus- Umasankar Diddi is a management
givers, recipients as well as the indi- small. By relating to this fundamental agile, sustainable and humane manner tainability really starts with the indi- tainable and effective. This can be done consultant with focus on IT and digi-
viduals around them. The sustainable need in every individual, enabling and will become a clear differentiator of ef- viduals within an enterprise can be a in a structured manner using the right tal strategy, agile and lean organisa-
efficiencies being achieved in the Nor- empowering them in an appropriate fective leaders. Jeff Immelt has written game changer. By inspiring a positive assessments and tools. Additionally, tions and change management. He
dics and other Western European manner, leaders can unleash tremen- of the imperative for leaders to adopt work environment and outlook, we leadership development in the digital is a certified executive coach and a
Cosmonaut of The Group of Analysts.
countries are clearly reflective of dous potential in individuals for the ‘systems thinking’ to be successful with are able to focus the collective ener- age and focus on the ‘employee experi-
Umasankar helps organisations and
an alignment and bi-directional greater good. Tapping into this aspect digital transformations. Harmonis- gies of the teams in a sustainable and ence’ are steps that many organisations individuals work towards their goals in
flow between interdependent at a fundamental level also builds trust ers, sufficiently empowered, can place effective manner. Creating a culture are taking. This can be further fortified a simple yet meaningful and effective
elements. The natural phe- and strong long-term relationships. a clear focus on functional activities that respects reflection time, provides with some oriental wisdom in terms manner.


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