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The Effect of Story Pyramid…(Suci Febrina) 1


Suci Febrina
Student of English Tadris Department,
Department Faculty
culty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training
State Islamic University (UIN) Imam Bonjol Padang

Dr. Besral, M.Pd

Lecturer of English Tadris Department,
Department Faculty
culty of Education and Teacher Training
State Islamic University (UIN) Imam Bonjol Padang

Yuhardi,S.Pd M.Pd
Lecturer of English Tadris Department,
Department Faculty
culty of Education and Teacher Training
State Islamic University (UIN) Imam Bonjol Padang

This research is aimed to give a significant effect towards students’ writing skill. skill This was an
experimental research type with one group pre-test
pre and post-test design. The population of this research
was all of the students at class XI IPS of State Islamic Senior High School 1 Padang that consists of 85
students. Then researcher took class XI IPS 3 taken as a sample of the research by using cluster random
sampling. The sample classes were taken by giving the lottery.lottery Writing test was used to collect the data.
The treatment was done for six meetings. The data of this research was analyzed by using the Statistical
Product and Service Solution (SPSS)-20
(SPSS) Program. In collecting data, the researcher used a writing test.
Those tests are pre-test and post--test where pre-test
test was given in the first meeting and post
post-test was given
after applying Story Pyramid strategy for six meetings. The result of this study showed that the mean
score of students’ writing in post
post-test (76.48)
48) was higher than the mean score of students’ writing in pre-
test (52.4). While, t-obtained (28.
28.82) was also bigger than t-table (1.664). Moreover, each component of
writing have improved. It can be seen from the comparison of students’ mean scores in pre-test and post-
test.. Statistically, it is showed that teaching writing by Story Pyramid Strategy could give a significant
effect towards students’ writing skill.This
skill This improvement suggested that exploring and sharing the ideas
were very beneficial to the students’ writing. In conclusion, story pyramid can be used in teaching
writing narrative text for eleventh grade. It is useful to help the students to keep their ideas that they want
to describe as their intention.

Key Words: Effect, Story Pyramid,

Pyramid Writing skill, Narrative Text

Writing is one of the ways to transmit the world. Furthermore, English is often used in
thoughts or ideas to the other people (Nguyen writing science books, journals, or articles about
Thanh,2015:53) Writing is also the important knowledge and technology. Among those four
skill in studying English, which need great skills, writing is the most difficult skill to learn
investment from the students.. English as one of and to master, because writing is an active or
the subjects in schools has an important role productive skill so that students who are
because English is a foreign language, an learning writing have to learn
le how to find ideas
international language which is widely used in and express them into writing. Richards and
communication by people in most countries in Renandya (2002: 30) state that “There is no
The Effect of Story Pyramid…(Suci Febrina) 2

doubt that writing is the most difficult skill for

L2 learners to master. The difficulty lies not
only in generating and organizing ideas but also
in translating these ideas into readable texts”.
Heaton (1988:135) adds that writing skill is
complex and sometimes difficult to teach.
Requiring mastery not only about the
grammatical and rhetorical device but also
conceptual and judgment.
In addition,
ddition, students also got a handicap
in writing a simple story even a simple The figure above is evidence that writing
paragraph. Their writing purpose is not clear is still difficult for students at class XI of
and they also unable to make a good Islamic Senior High School (MAN) 1 Padang
organization of the story and confused to choose which is researcher got from the early
the appropriate language features or grammar in observation at class XI IPS of MAN 1 Padang.
their writing. The figures below, one of
student’s writing product on observation:
Table 1.1
Students’ Writing Mean Score
Source Preliminary Test at First Semester (2017/2018)
The Total of Mean Score Total
Students Score
C(30) O(20) V(20) L(25) M(5)
SUM 46.98 32.1 35.7 31.72 9.59 203,2

MEAN 15.66 10.7 11.9 10.57 3.19 67.74

The table above shows the data on as a strategy in teaching writing where students
students’ achievement in writing. It is assessed can use Story Pyramid Strategy to write and
based on the Jacob’s writing criteria. The data make them easier to catch the main point of a
reveal that students are facing some problems story.
dealing with English. It can be known fromf the According to Macon et al. (1991) in Eileen
writing mean score of 67.74,, which does not (2004:57) add that a Story Pyramid helps the
reach the KKM whereas the KKM at the school is students pinpoint highlights of a story and
75. It is also an indicator that the students have describes the important parts using the limited
not produced writing product succesfully yet. number of the words. This is a strategy used to
The students get poor in the components
component of help students improve their reading. Moreover,
writing such as content (19). ). Besides, they get Story Pyramid also helps students promote
very poor on the rest of writing components comprehension and writing. It means that Story
including organization (7), ), vocabulary (7),( Pyramid strategy is a technique to improve
language use (5), ), and mechanics (2). students’ reading comcomprehension and writing
Commonly,the the students have not mastered the skill by catching and describing the important
writing skill. They still have no sufficient ability points of a text by using the limited number of
to write well. words.
From this point of view, to improve Story Pyramid Strategy can give some
students writing ability and to build
bu students’ benefits in its uses. Chaes Strategies in Ayu
interest in writing, it is needed an effective and (2014) explains the benefits of Story Pyramid
simple method or technique for students. In this Strategy
rategy are as follows:
case, the researcher suggested Pyramid Strategy 1. Story Pyramid Technique helps students
The Effect of Story Pyramid…(Suci Febrina) 3

promote comprehension and writing. It

means that Story Pyramid Strategy can one word for
help students to improve their
two words
understanding of the text they have read describing the
main character

and their writing skill by summarizing three words describing the

the text using the outline of Story
Four words stating the problem
2. Through Story Pyramid Technique, Five words describing one main event

students will be able to capture essential

Six words describing a second main event
information about the book or reading
selection. It means that by using Story Seven words describing a third main event

Pyramid Technique, students will be

Eight words stating the solution to the problem
able to catch the main point of the text
3. Students are also able to organize their
ughts to create writing pieces. It Some studies show that teaching writing
means that by using Story Pyramid through pyramid strategy can help students
strategy, students will be helped to improve their writing skill, the result of using
organize their thought to write because pyramid strategy in teaching writing show that
the story pyramid provides some the pyramid strategy provides students with an
directions to guide them to determine the interesting,
ting, challenging and enjoyable
main point of the text. Therefore, they atmosphere inn classroom activities and also
can write a summery base on the outline contributes to absorbing materials more easily
of the story pyramid strategy (Yulia, 2014). Another study portrays the
effectiveness of using pyramid strategy in
By using Story Pyramid strategy, teaching narrative text, the result shows that
students can describe the important information Pyramid Strategy encourages
encoura students to learn
like the main character, the setting, the major much more about words are given, therefore,
events and the solution of the story. It becomes they get more understanding about the text
their guide to write a summary. Here steps of (Angella, 2011). Pyramid strategy can be an
Story Pyramid strategy: appropriate strategy which is useful to help
students in writing narrative text. In other
a. Line 1. First name of the main
words, it can help students to generate more
ideas, explain the topic clearly and help to write
b. Line 2. Two words describing the
in detail.
main character
c. Line 3. Three words describing
A. Research Design
the setting This research used quantitative research
d. Line 4. Four words stating the method. The research design was Pre
problem Experimental research with Pre-Test and Post-
e. Line 5. Five words describing one tes Design. Gall,Gall & Borg in Setyosari
main event (2010:174) stated one-group
one pre-test and post-
f. Line 6. Six words describing a test consist of 3 steps, (1) conducting pre
pre-test to
second main event measure dependent variable, (2) experiment
g. Line 7. Seven words ds describing a application, (3) conducting post-test
post to measure
third main event the result toward dependent variable Sugiyono
h. Line 8. Eight words stating the (2008:76), illustrates the research design as
solution to the problem follows:
The Effect of Story Pyramid…(Suci Febrina) 4

Table 3.1 Research Concept While post-test is the process of giving the test
after giving the treatment. It is aimed to conclude
O1 X O2 the contribution of Story Pyramid technique in
teaching and learning writing process to
students’ writing skill.
O1: Pre Test Score (before treatment were given) E. Technique of Data Analysis
O2: Post Test Score (after treatment were given) Finally, the data of post test of both classes
X: Treatment (teaching through Story Pyramid were analyzed through T T-test formula which
strategy) proposed by Sudjana (1996). Before using the T-
B. Population test formula,
rmula, still there was a couple of steps
The population of the research was Eleventh must be carried out in advance:
grade nine students of Islamic Senior Se High 1. Analyzing students’ mean score in post
School 1 Padang that consist of 85 students test
∑F X
which were distributed into three classes. X1 = ∑ 1F 1 (Pre-Test)
C. Sample
∑ F2 X2
Technique in deciding the sample was X2 = (Post-Test)
∑ F2
Cluster Random Sampling,, “which is intact
groups, not individuals, are randomly selected. 2. Analyzing the standard deviation
An intact group of population members with n  1S12  n2  1S22
ar characteristics”, Gay (2012:135).
(2012: S2  1
n1  n2  2
Before deciding the class sample by using
3. Prerequisite tests for hypothesis testing
he cluster random sampling, there were some
a. Normality Test
steps must be followed in advance:
The normality test was aimed to know
1. Collecting students’ writing score of all
whether students’ writing ability in both classes
had normal distribution or not. Researcher used
2. Do the normality test with SPSS
SPSS software which requires the significance
3. Do the homogeneity test with SPSS
level must be higher than 0.05 to signify the
The data were considered to be normal and
normal class.
homogeneous if the significant level value is
b. Homogeneity of Variances Test
higher than 0.05. After did all the steps above, it
The homogeneity of variance test was aimed
was time to decide the sample by using Cluster
to know whether students’ writing ability in both
Random Sampling.
classes had homogeneous variance or not.
It was discovered that Class XI IPS 3 as the
Researcher also used SPSS software and it
experimental class with 25 students
signifies the homogeneous variance if the
D. Technique of Data Collection
The data of this research were collected by significance level is higher than 0.05.
giving writing test. The data of this research is 4. Hypothesis testing
student’s score in pre-test and post
post-test. The pre- The formula of T-test
T is as follows:
test is the process of identifying the students’
ability before giving the treatment. Treatment is t= With
(n − 1)s + (n − 1)s
S =
the process of implementing Story Pyramid as a n +n −2
strategy in teaching and learning process to
improve the student’s writing ability. The class
conducted for six meetings and the material is a Where:
X1= Mean score of post-test
narrative text by implementing Story Pyramid
X2= Mean score of pre-test
strategy. In this section, the researcher prepared
an instructional design for each meeting.
The Effect of Story Pyramid…(Suci Febrina) 5

N1= Number of students in pre-test

N2= Number of students in post--test Interval (Students' writing F Percentage
S12 = Standard deviation of pre-test
34-39 1 4%
S22 = Standard deviation of post-test
40-45 2 8%
If the value of tobserved is higher than the 7 28%
value of ttable, the hypothesis is accepted then.
52-57 7 28%
Conversely, if the value of tobserved is the same
58-63 7 28%
with or smaller than the value of ttable, then the
hypothesis is rejected. 64-69 1 4%

Total 25 100%
A. Research Finding
Table 4.2
1. Data Description
The Interval Data of Pre-Test
After conducting the research, the result of
students’ score in writing can be drawn as
The students’ writing score in pre-test
pre could
be drawn as follows:
Table 4.1
Student writing score in Pre-Test
Test and Post-
Number The The Standard Graph.1 The Interval of
Class Mean Deviatio
t Score
(X) n (SD)
Students' Writing Score
Pre- 25 66 34 52.84 7.14 In Pre-Test
Post- 25 90 53 76.48 9.98 8
Test 7
Based on the table above, the total score of 4
students’ writing in pre-test
test and post-test
post was 3
significantly different. The
he mean score of pre-
pre 2
test was 52.84,, the highest score was 66, the
lowest was 34 and the standard deviation was
34-39 40-45 46-51
46 52-57 58-63 64-69
7.14. In contrary, After giving treatment by
using Story Pyramid, the mean score of b. Post-Test
students’ writing in post-test
test became 76.48,
7 the Based on the result of calculation process of
highest score was 90,, the lowest was 53 and the mean and standard deviation of writing test in
Standard deviation was 9.98 post-test,, it was obtained that the students’ mean
2. Descriptive Data Analysis score was 76.48 and its standard deviation 9.98.
a. Pre-Test Students’ achiev
achievement in the post-test can
Based on the result of calculation process of be revealed through the interval data in the table
mean and standard deviation of writing test below:
experimental class, it was discovered that the
students’ mean score was 52.84 and its standard Table 4.4
deviation 7.14. The Interval Data of Post-Test
Students’ achievement in pre-test can be
(Students' F Percentage
presented through the interval data in the table writing Score)
below: 53-58 2 8%
59-64 2 8%
The Effect of Story Pyramid…(Suci Febrina) 6

65-71 1 4% To explain more

mor about Story Pyramid in
72-77 7 28% improving students’ writing skill, it can be seen
78-83 6 24% from the comparison of students’ mean score
84-89 6 24% both pre-test
test and post
post-test in several indicators,
such as content, organization, vocabulary,
90-95 1 4%
language use and mechanics. The calculation of
Total 25 100% those aspects can be explained as the table
The data of experimental class post-test
score could be drawn as follows:

Graph.2 The Interval of

Students' Writing Score
in Post-Test
53-58 59-64 65-71 72-77 78-83
83 84-89 90-95

Table 4.10
The Calculation of Comparison of Means Score Pre
Test and Post Test
No Component Pre-Test Post-Test Difference
1 Content 15.56 22.12 6.56
2 Organization 10.32 15.72 5.4
3 Vocabulary 13.04 16.92 3.88
4 Language use 11.52 18.72 7.2
5 Mechanic 2.4 3.4 1
From the table of calculation of comparison was 13.04 while in post-test was 16.92.
of means post test of experimental and control Furthermore, students’
tudents’ mean score on language
class in content, organization, vocabulary, use in pre-test was 11.52, while in control class
language use and mechanics,, it can be explained was 18.72 and students’ mean score on
that: mechanics in pre-test
test was 2.4 while in control
Students’ mean score in pre-test
pre for content class was 3.4.
was 15,56 while in post-test was 22.12. Then, Moreover, the comparison of means post
students’ mean score in pre-test for organization test of experimental and control class
cl in content,
was 10.32 while in post-test was 15.72. Next, organization, vocabulary, language use and
students’ mean score on vocabulary in pre-test mechanics could be seen in the following graph:
The Effect of Story Pyramid…(Suci Febrina) 7

4 pre-test

3 post-test

34-39 40-45 46-51 52-57 58-63 64-69 70-76 77-83
83 84-90

The explanation above showed that the ( ) 1 ( )
S2 =
students’ writing skill in both pre
pre-test and post-
( ))( . ) ( )( . )
test notably in aspects of content, organization, S2 =
vocabulary, language use and mechanics has ( )( ) ( )(
. . )
really developed and the use of Story Pyramid S2 =
strategy has guided students to develop their . .
S2 =
ideas and organize them into a good paragraph. . .
3. Inferential Data Analysis S2 =
a. Prequisite Tests for Hypothesis Testing S2 = 8.56
1) Normality Test S = √ 8.56
S = 2.92
After did the normality test, it was
discovered that both samples were normal. So, it So that,
could be continued to the next step.
2) Homogeneity of Variance Test
After did the homogeneity of variance test, =
it was obtained that both samples had ㌰
homogeneous variance.. Then, it was a time to . .
have the hypothesis testing.
B. Hypothesis Testing
Because the samples were distributed =
normal and homogeneous, to know whether the .
hypothesis is accepted or rejected, the t-test
t .
formula which is popularized by Sudjana (1996) .
was used, the formula is below:
. .√ .
X1 = 76.48 X2 = 52.84 .
S21 = 9.98 S22 = 7.14 . .
n1 = 25 n2 = 25 .
= 28.82
2 ( ) ( )
S =
The Effect of Story Pyramid…(Suci Febrina) 8

If, pre-test, the students’ mean score (52.84) was

lower than post-test
test (76.48).
df = (n1 + n2 - 2) α = 0.05
In the pre-test,
test, the researcher found that
= (25 + 25 - 2)
from 25 students in the experimental class, there
df = 48
was only 1 student who able to write a narrative
text, while 24 other students get a score below
70. It indicated that almost students got
ttable = t(1 – α) (df) difficulties in writing narrative text especially in
= t(1 – 0.05) (48) developing their ideas to be a good paragraph.
As we see the students’ writing score on pre-test
= t(0.95) (48) (see appendix 4), students’ mean score in
ttable = 1.6772 Content was only 15.72 which mean their ability
in developing their ideas was fair to poor.
The result was tobserved is bigger than ttable. Meanwhile, on the post-test,post The
researcher also found that from 24 students in
tobserved > ttable post-test,
test, there were 20 students who able to
28.82 > 1.6772 write narrative text well with score 70 above. At
Since α = 0.05 and df = 48,, it was found that this stage, it showed there is any difference in
tobserved = 28.82 while ttable = 1.6772 in the number of students who got treatment. The
confidence level of 95%, it means that the value two mean scores also represent a difference. The
of tobserved was higher than the value of ttable. mean difference of post
post-test was higher (76.48)
Then, the hypothesis was accepted. It means that than the mean difference of pre-test
pre (52.84). It
the students’’ writing skill improved after were shows a 10.8 % improvement in students’
taught through Story Pyramid. In other words, It writing ability. The significant improvements of
means that the use of Story Pyramid Strategy can students’ writing skill in this study as shown in
give a significant effect
ct on the students’ writing the findings above, indicated that students
competence significantly and can be an effective writing skill improves in all components of
strategy in teaching writing at the eleventh writing. The further explanation would be
grade students of Islamic State Sen Senior High described below:
School 1 Padang in writing the Narrative text.
text The first component which increased
C. Discussion significantly
ficantly was the Language Use. It dealt with
The discussion focus on the question of this the use of tense, pronouns, article, modals, and
experimental study ,where
where the primary issue is to also the verb. In this study, the researcher found
find out whether or not the Story Pyramid that the students’ writing score both of tests in
Strategy could give a significant effect towards language use had differences 7.2 points between
students’ writing skill at class XI IPS of Islamic pre-test and post-test,
test, where 11.52 points in the
Senior High School MAN 1 Padang. The answer pre-test and it increased to 18.72 points in the
to this research question could be explained post-test.
test. In using Story Pyramid researcher
based on the result of the tests. As we know, a guides the students to write the correct tense,
series of test (pre-test
test and post-test)
post had been pronouns, article, and word to be a keyword in
conducted in the same class, XI IPS 3 as the each line of Story Pyramid graphic
gra organizer so
sample. The researcher has analyzed the students can make good statement and
students’ writing by emphasizing on 5 aspects of construction in writing
writing, they are content,, organization, grammar, The second component was content. It
vocabulary, and mechanic. As the result, on the dealt with the writer’s development of their
ideas. It should be a relationship between the
The Effect of Story Pyramid…(Suci Febrina) 9

topic and the content of their writing result. The The fourth component was vocabulary.
ideas of each paragraph should be developed It dealt with the use of vocabulary in their
logically. Based on research, the researcher writing. Good writing should include an
found that the students’ writing score both of appropriate vocabulary. Based on research, the
tests in content had differences 6.56 points researcher found that the students’ writing score
between pre-test and post-test, where 15.56 point bothh of tests in vocabulary had differences
in the pre-test and it increased to 22.12 points in 3.88points between pre pre-test and post-test, where
the post-test.After
test.After implementing Story Pyramid 13.04 points in the pre-test and it increased to
strategy in experimental class, the researcher 16.92 points in the post-test.
post In teaching writing
found that the students understood how to by using Story Pyramid researcher asked the
organize their ideas/arguments ts into coherent and students to write the summarized the story of a
cohesive paragraph. Besides, in the post-test,
post text that has given and develop it by using the
students’ message in the story became more story pyramid outline that they have filled. By
clear so it is easier to catch the main point of the these steps,, students accustomed to think the
story. words related to the keyword in the outline of the
The third, in Organization, the researcher story pyramid. If they had difficulties in looking
found that the students’ writing score both bo of for word meaning in English, they will be
tests in content had differences 5.4 points motivated to open a dictionary. So students
between pre-test and post-test.
test. where the means would know many vocabularies.
score for this component was 10.32 points in the Last, Mechanic, it had differences 1 point
pre-test and it increased to 15.72 points in the between pre-test
test and post-test.After
test. It proved that by using Story Pyramid implementing the Story Pyramid strategy,
Strategy can help the students to write easier students
udents could make the correct mechanic in
because it is a framework or outline that guide writing. Because after the students write their
and contains some instructions to describe the Pyramid strategy in a paragraph, the teacher did
important information from a story such as the correction their paragraph.
paragraph So students knew
main character, the setting and the major events what they should revise and write.
in the plot. This theory is supported by Katherine Finally, it can be said the findings of this
in Alfia (2017) states that Story Pyramid strategy research proved that using a story pyramid
is a graphic organizer which helps the student strategy give significant effect on students’
organize the story component which makes it a writing skill. Using Story Pyramid strategy in
useful prewriting. Besides, Alfia (2017) states writing instruction has created an interesting
that by using Story Pyramid strategy make learning atmosphere. In addition, it has assisted
students more understand the story based on the the students, particularly
articularly in both developing and
structure of the text and this activity can help organizing their ideas in learning writing.
students learn how to organize a text well since Therefore, the students’ writing skill improved
with this strategy, the students would analyze the by using this strategy. It supported the research
text from the easy one to the difficult one or hypothesis that using Story Pyramid could
from the highest to the lowest pyramid. improve students’ writing skill in narrative
na text.

Conclusion and Finding Senior

nior High School 1 Padang such as Content,
Conclusion Organization, Vocabula
Vocabulary, Language Use and
Based on the findings which have been Mechanic.
discussed in the previous section, it canca be The student’s writing skill on Post-test
concluded that Story Pyramid strategy can give by using Story Pyramid Strategy are; in pre-test
significant effect towars students’ writing skill got mean scores (52.84
52.84) while in post-test got
for the eleventh-grade students of State Islamic (76.48). It showed that the mean of writing
The Effect of Story Pyramid…(Suci Febrina)
Febrina 10

score in post-test had increased than pre-test. It 3. In using Story Pyramid strategy, the
showed Story Pyramid Strategy Effective to researcher should also be able to solve
Improve Students’ Writing Skill at Class XI IPS the problem when there are many
of Islamic Senior High School MAN 1 Padang. students who do not want to work in
However, the researcher does not deny that peer
there were weaknesses in using Story Pyramid
strategy in teaching writing at State Islamic
Senior High School 1 Padang. First, The Agustianingsih, Ayu. (2014). “The Effect of
Using Story Pyramid Strategy
weakness was the students’ writing, in pre-test
pre Technique on Summary Writing
and post-test, both
oth of them still very low in Achievement of Narrati
Narrative Text of the
Mechanic because they were not really focused
focus Eight Grade Students at SMPN 4
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