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At Academia: Retreblement - A Systematic Apocatastasis &

Pneumatological Missiology
At Scribd: Retreblement - A Systematic Apocatastasis &
Pneumatological Missiology
Our participatory imaginations gift us, integrally & relationally, unity,
beauty, goodness, freedom & truth, forming our dispositions (senses
& sensibilities) toward various ways of belonging, desiring, behaving,
transcending & believing, as expressed in our attitudes regarding &
personal commitments to others, the cosmos, God & even our own selves,
as told & retold in our stories.

One, who’s thus properly disposed & committed, can then imaginatively
engage others thru inspired storytelling, thereby, in turn, fostering others’
healthy participations, dispositions & commitments.

Such storytelling may, more or less, lend itself to a more rigorous cognitive
map-making, foundationally, which is to say, historically, exegetically,
scientifically, philosophically & metaphysically. Theologically, such
foundations can then systematically underwrite our ecclesiologies,
soteriologies, sacramentologies, sophiologies & eschatologies.

There are countless pastors, homilists & spiritual directors from diverse
faith traditions, who’ve articulated robustly pneumatological ecclesiologies,
radically inclusive soteriologies, profusely incarnational sacramentologies,
remarkably polydoxic sophiologies & universally efficacious eschatologies -
as awakened & enlivened by human solidarity & compassion & retold in
personal stories, thus implicitly grounded in their collective participatory

Some are better than others, when it comes to explicitly mapping such
dispositions, systematically & foundationally. Make no mistake, though, it
can be done, especially, it seems to me, by those who recognize certain
resonances between Franciscan, Scotist sensibilities & Eastern Orthodox
sophiological approaches.

For example, however harshly one might wish to critique certain of Fr

Richard Rohr’s explicit foundational apologetics, far more importantly &
deserving of way more emphasis, implicit in the collective oeuvre of his
lifetime’s ministry, is precisely such an ecclesiology, soteriology,
sacramentology, sophiology & eschatology that I would to defend in my
Retreblement: A Systematic Apocatastasis & Pneumatological

This is to suggest that one shouldn't ever miss the concrete, dispositional,
participatory theophanic, theopoetic, theopoietic & theotic forests for the
abstract, propositional, cognitive theological, metaphysical trees. As it is,
robustly metaphysical descriptions & rigorous theological formulations
necessarily elude us, in principle, while vaguely semantical references &
broad heuristical contours guide us, in practice. Following Ignatius, we
must charitably presuppose the most orthodox interpretations of our
theological interlocutors, not reflexively & habitually construing
ambiguities & inadequate or inartful expressions against them.

Integrally, Fr. Rohr’s robustly pneumatological ecclesiology, radically

inclusive soteriology, profusely incarnational sacramentology, remarkably
polydoxic sophiology & universally efficacious eschatology are grounded in
his Franciscan (common) sensibilities, Scotistic meta-heuristic (common)
sensicalities & Eastern sympathies, both Orthodoxy’s sophiological
tradition as well as the Orient’s nondual traditions. All of these presuppose,
then, certain outlooks, theologically (i.e. paterological, Christological,
pneumatological & Trinitological approaches) and anthropologically (as,
continuous with all vestigia Dei & uniquely as imagines Dei, theotic
intimacization invites each person to progress via similitudo Dei).

To wit:

A. implicatory trinitarian theology (of divine esse naturale):

 1) interpersonal propria
 2) intimate idiomata
 3) invitatory (ad intra ur-kenosis) relata

B. intertwined temporal missions of creation, conservation &

consummation (mutually entailing acts of ad extra kenosis) via tri-
personal presences (multi-form unitive revelations, i.e. mutual intimaci-
zations not mani-fold encounters of separate exemplifications), where

C. inseparable "opera ad extra" are tri-personal while also especially

revealing of particular exemplifications via their "proper roles" where the

D. immensity of the divine universal presence, which is variously

im/mediate, in/visible & intense, the effects of which are tri-personally
operative as well as personally appropriated in the theophanic operations of
our creaturely "exitus" or production from God in divine creation, i.e.
trinitologically & anthropologically ... or as an
E. intensity of the particular divine presence via hypostatic
extensions, the effects of which are - not only tri-personally operative &
personally appropriated, but - personally "proper," i.e. united to a given
divine exemplification, in the theotic missions of our creaturely "reditus"
or return to God in divine consummation, i.e. sophiologically &
eschatologically ... with the

F. immediacy (Emmanuel, God is with us!) of the divine mercy &

urgency of its prompt succor, bringing about manifold & multiform
proleptic creaturely realizations of the divine telos, as it's entailed in these
theotic missions. Such realizations anticipate & guarantee the divine
missions' universal efficacy, ecclesiologically & sacramentally, thereby
effecting - in this eternal now - our creaturely salvation, redemption &
reconciliation by God through divine conservation, i.e soteriologically.

G. implicated theological anthropology (of divine esse intentionale):

 1) indwelling vestigia
 2) imaginal uniqueness (essential nature of imago Dei)
 3) intentional & incremental theosis (dynamical & progressive
intimaci-zation of secondary nature of kenotic similitudo Dei)

tags: interreligious dialogue, polydoxy, panentheism, pansemioentheism,

retreblement, john sobert sylvest, richard rohr, universal christ,
pneumatological missiology, apocatastasis, apokatastasis, david bentley
hart, russian sophiology, joseph bracken, divine matrix, norris clarke,
personalist thomism, charles sanders peirce, donald gelpi s.j., amos yong,
palamas, duns scotus, logical problem of the trinity, richard rohr, michael
morrell, perichoresis, universalism, universal salvation, free will,
libertarian free will, cappadocians, emergentism, semiotic realism

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