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Name: __________________________________ __________

Class:Teacher’s Signature

“Being excellent school that Grade 4
produces intelligent beings, virtuous,
creative, innovative, resourceful of science Test Term-4 Parent’s Signature
and technology,
based on faith and piety”. 2017 - 2018

Class: 4
Duration: 120 minutes


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Name: __________________________________ Class: __________

Section A: Multiple choice questions!

Cross (X) a, b, c or d for the correct answer!

1. Crater on moon surface is formed by ……………………………..

a. rain.
b. meteor.
c. storm.
d. moon gravity.

2. High tide and low tide occur …………… time (s) in in one day.
a. three
b. one
c. four
d. two

3. The sun will set on the …… by making reddish color on the sky.
a. north
b. south
c. east
d. west


The picture shows that the moon is in ……………………………………………………… phase.

a. crescent moon
b. full moon
c. gibbous moon
d. new moon

5. The moon is called dark sky object because the moon cannot make its own light thus
only reflect the light from …………….
a. sun
b. planet
c. comet
d. asteroid

6. Some stars we see in the night sky are bright, others are faint. The difference is
caused …………………

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Name: __________________________________ Class: __________

a. the light released.

b. the size of the stars.
c. the distance between the stars and the earth.
d. The light of the stars that reach by another sky object.

7. Astronauts can see the earth from the space because ……………………..
a. earth reflects the sun light.
b. earth makes its own light.
c. earth shines just like stars.
d. the space is bright.

8. The soil erosion due to sea wave is called ……………….

a. tide.
b. erosion.
c. abrasion.
d. eruption.

9. The wrong statement about the consequences of forest fires is ……………………………..

a. bare land.
b. air pollution.
c. the animals that live in there can be dead.
d. can prevent landside.

10. Look at the following picture.

The change of physical environment shown in the picture is caused by ……………………

a. sea wave.
b. wind.
c. water.
d. sun light.

11. Look at the following picture.

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Name: __________________________________ Class: __________

The change of physical environment shown in the picture is caused by ………………..

a. water
b. wind
c. sea wave
d. sun light

12. Breakwater on the beach is one way to prevent ………………………………..

a. rosion.
b. abrasion.
c. eruption.
d. corasion.

13. The following are the ways to prevent erosion, except ………………………………………
a. afforestation.
b. terrace system on the sloppy land.
c. the building of house on the hill.
d. no illegal logging.

14. The following are the effect of abrasion, except ………………………………….

a. decreasing land size.
b. the damage of coastel ecosystem.
c. the damage of coral reef.
d. forest damage.

15. Making good water canal is one way to prevent …………………………………..

a. flood
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b. landside
c. erosion
d. abrasion

16. The example of human activity that causes the change of physical environment is
a. tornado that destroys forest.
b. forest fire due to sun heat.
c. heavy rain.
d. illegal logging.

17. The natural resource that often used by field agriculture is …………………………..
a. farm product
b. oil.
c. agriculture product.
d. landscape.

18. The following are the function of forest for humans, except ………………………………
a. reducing air pollution.
b. preventing landside.
c. the place for human to live in.
d. prevent soil erosion.

19. The following picture is the symbol of ……………………………….

a. rycle.
b. forest conservation.
c. animal conservation
d. secure sign.


Extinction of the living things above can be prevented by ………………………………

a. Use product made of their body.
b. Wear outfit made of their fur or skin.
c. Build industrial land in the forest.
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Name: __________________________________ Class: __________

d. Make a wild life research.

21. We need to make people realize about the importance of protecting and conserving
flora and fauna so that ……………………………………
a. living things can reproduce faster.
b. living things can continue to live on earth
c. there will be more living things.
d. the environment could be more beautiful.

22. (1) The extinction of flora.

(2) The extinction of fauna.
(3) Flood.
(4) Balancing forest ecosystem.
Illegal logging can cause ……………………………………
a. 1, 2, and 3.
b. 4.
c. 3 and 4.
d. 1, 2, 3 and 4.


The picture above shows ship that disposed of used oil into the sea. The effect from
the activity is ……………………..
a. erosion.
b. abrasion.
c. flood.
d. the life of aquatic plants and animals are in danger.

24. Animals and plants are classified as renewable natural resources because............
a. they are everlasting
b. they can reproduce
c. they will never extinct
d. they can live forever

25. The following are some conservation effort, except....

a. recycle
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Name: __________________________________ Class: __________

b. rare animal trade.

c. national park or wildlife reserve.
d. afforesation.

B. Complete the following sentences with correct answer!

Lengkapilah kalimat dibawah ini dengan jawaban yang tepat!

26. The change of water level in ocean is called ………………………………………………………………

27. The sky object that produces its own light and heat is ………………………………………………

28. The sky object that is the earth satellite is …………………………………………………………………

29. The time needed by the moon to complete one revolution around the earth is

………………………………………………………………… days.

30. The moon light comes from ………………………………………………………………………………………

31. Untuk mencegah terjadinya erosi, maka akan lebih baik jika di tanah yang miring di

buat ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

32. Hujan yang lebat dapat menyebabkan ……………………………………………………………………….

33. Segala sesuatu yang berasal dari alam dan digunakan oleh manusia untuk

mencukupi kehidupannya disebut ……………………………………………………………………………..

34. Bagian dari tumbuhan atau pohon yang paling sering digunakan untuk membuat

perabotan rumah tangga adalah ……………………………………………………………………………....

35. ………………………………………………………………. berarti penanaman kembali lahan yang

telah gundul.

C. Essay.

Answer the following questions briefly!

Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan uraian singkat.
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Name: __________________________________ Class: __________

36. Dalam budidaya padi, beberapa teknologi modern telah dikembangkan dan
digunakan oleh Negara maju dan Negara berkembang. Sebutkan 3 contoh pemakain
teknologi tersebut!
a. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….
b. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
c. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

37. Tuliskan tiga dampak kerusakan hutan bagi makhluk hidup dan lingkungan!
a. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…….
b. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
c. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

38. Look at the following pictures! Write down the prevention action to each picture!

a. Can be prevented by…………………………………………

b. Can be prevented by ……………………………………………….


Can be prevented by …………………………………………

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Name: __________________________________ Class: __________

39. The goods in the following picture are made of non-environmental friendly material.

Think of any material that is easy to get, environmental friendly and renewable to
substitute the non-environmental friendly material. Explain the reason why you
choose the substitute material!
a. Substitute material:
b. The reason why you choose the material:
c. What will happen if people still use plastic bag in a long period?

40. The wrong exploitation river and sea product will caused bad impact. Explain the
effect of the use of:
a. Trawler:
b. Bomb, poison, and electricity:
c. The way to prevent the sea and river damage are


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Name: __________________________________ Class: __________

End of paper.
Have you checked your answers?

Setter: Ms. Upi.

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