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Report Assignment 2


ADE SARI TRIANA (1506673284)
SABIQ MUFARRID (1506730981)
YUSUF EFENDI (1506673460)


MARCH 2018

Meat analogue, also called as alternative meat, meat substitute, or imitation

meat is understood to mean a food made from non-meats, sometimes without other
animal products differentiation such as dairy product. This product approximates
certain aesthetic qualities, flavor, appearance, and chemical characteristics of
specific meat. Commonly, this meat is made of specific base ingredient such as
banana skin, soybean, spinach, banana flower, banana skin, et cetera. These
ingredients can easily be found almost in all continent around the world. For
example banana heart, a kind of edible vegetable which is enriched with fiber,
antioxidant, vitamins, minerals, and many more good benefits.
From the customer needs that have been interpreted in the last assignment,
the concept of vegetarian meat that easily served in small amount of time and also
has some healthy benefits is formulated. The concept formulations are combination
of the existing vegetarian meat in the contemporary market and the genuinely new
from brainstorming activity and results 72 product concepts which varied from beef
sausage to chicken rendang which has certain health benefits.
Those concepts are then selected by RVF method to eliminate the unrealistic
concepts where 30 product concepts are eliminated and leaving 42 product
concepts. Those product concepts are selected by two-stage concept selection
methodology which are concept screening and concept scoring.
During the concept screening method, 42 product concepts is marked with
“+”, “0”, and “-“ compared to a reverence for several criteria such as practicability,
durability, the ease of manufacturing process, taste, and texture where concepts
number 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, and 24 are passed through the
screening process.
Those concepts are then scored by 13 criteria which are the ease of product
serving, the amount of time to serve the product, the need of supplementary
ingredients, the period length of storage, the complexity of manufacturing process,
the complexity of equipment used in manufacturing process, the variation of
ingredients used in manufacturing process, the availability of main ingredients, the
existence of flavouring content, the resemblance to the meat texture, the richness of
ii Universitas Indonesia
fiber content, the ability to reduce blood cholesterol level, and the ability to lower
risk of cancer. Those criteria have certain weight which are determined by value
engineering methodology. The 12 product concepts are rated with “1”, “2”, “3”,
“4”, and “5” where each of rating is described for each criteria which have been
mentioned. Each rating are multiplied with its weight and summed to get the final
score. The final score for each concepts are then compared to rank the concept and
result concept number 17 and 18 as the best concept. Since both of them has the
same final score, it is better to merge those concepts. From this selection
methodology, the selected concept is precooked vegetarian chicken rendang meat
which contains low cholesterol and high antioxidant.
To see whether the concept propose fulfilled consumer’s needs and to see
their interest on the selected concept, concept testing is conducted towards 40
respondents. The results are most respondents show interest in single step food
preparation, serving time below 5 minutes, no additional ingredients during product
preparation, low LDL cholesterol, high level of antioxidant, the price of $3.49 for
the product, long storage period, rendang flavour, and high similarity texture to
meat. Therefore, it is concluded that the product concept is accepted by the
The final product specification is then determined based on the previous
data where it is categorized from practicability, storage, properties, ingredients, and
economy aspects. To find out about the new product’s position and chance in the
market, a perceptual mapping is generated to depict the product’s existence relative
to the available similar products. This product is compared to Tofurky Italian
Sausage and Beyond Meat Chicken’ Strips Grilled. The parameters used to compare
these products are practicability, durability, price per 550 grams serving, taste, and
texture. The results are shown in a conceptual map where the product excels in
practicability, price per 550 gram serving, and taste aspects. Therefore, it can be
forecasted that the product would be well accepted in the food market industry.
In conclusion, the product needs to undergo several process which are
concept generation, concept selection, and concept testing to determine the final
product specification in order to meet the customer needs which have been
interpreted in the previous assignment.
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EXCECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................ ii

LIST OF CONTENT ........................................................................................... iv
LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................. v
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................... vi
CHAPTER 1: CONCEPT GENERATION ........................................................ 1
1.1 Background .............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem Decomposition ........................................................................... 2
1.3 Product Concept ....................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 Existing Concept ............................................................................... 3
1.3.2 New Concept ..................................................................................... 5
1.3.3 Combined Concept............................................................................ 6
1.3.4 Concept Selection by RVF Method ................................................ 15
1.3.5 Remaining Concept ......................................................................... 24
CHAPTER 2: CONCEPT SELECTION .......................................................... 30
2.1 Concept Screening.................................................................................. 30
2.1.1 Concept Screening Matrix Preparation ........................................... 31
2.1.2 Rate the concepts ............................................................................ 32
2.1.3 Concept Screening Matrix .............................................................. 33
2.1.4 Concept Ranking and Concept Selection ........................................ 36
2.2 Concept Scoring ..................................................................................... 36
2.2.1 Concept Screening Matrix Preparation ........................................... 37
2.2.2 Concept Rating................................................................................ 39
2.2.3 Concept Scoring Matrix .................................................................. 43
2.2.4 Concept Ranking and Concept Selection ........................................ 46
CHAPTER 3: CONCEPT TESTING ............................................................... 47
3.1 Concept Testing...................................................................................... 47
3.1.1 Concept Testing Purposes ............................................................... 47
3.1.2 Survey Population ........................................................................... 47
3.1.3 Survey Method ................................................................................ 47
3.1.4 Concept Communication Method ................................................... 47
3.1.5 Customer Response Measurement .................................................. 48
3.2 Result Interpretation ............................................................................... 52
CHAPTER 4: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ..................................................... 53
4.1 Final Specification.................................................................................. 53
4.2 Product Description ................................................................................ 55
4.2.1 The Additives .................................................................................. 57
4.2.2 Packaging Method .......................................................................... 57
4.2.3 Product Serving Method ................................................................. 58
4.3 Product Positioning ................................................................................ 58
CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION........................................................................... 60
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 62

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Figure 1.1 Existing Vegetarian Meat Concept ........................................................ 4

Figure 1.2 New Vegetarian Meat Concept.............................................................. 6
Figure 1.3 Combined Vegetarian Meat Concept .................................................. 14
Figure 1.4 Remaining Concept Map ..................................................................... 25
Figure 3.1 The Customer Interest in Single Step Food Preparation ..................... 48
Figure 3.2 The Costumer Interest in Serving Time Below 5 Minutes .................. 48
Figure 3.3 The Customer Interest in No Additional Ingredients During Product
Preparation ............................................................................................................ 49
Figure 3.4 Customer's Interest in Low LDL Cholesterol Food Products ............. 49
Figure 3.5 Customer's Interest in High Level of Antioxidant Food Products ...... 50
Figure 3.6 Customer's Opinion About The Price for This Product ($3.49) .......... 50
Figure 3.7 The Customer Interest in Long Storage Period (8-12 Months) ........... 51
Figure 3.8 The Customer Interest in Chicken Vegetarian Meat with Rendang
Flavor .................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 3.9 The Customer Interest in Vegetarian Meat which has A Very Similar
Texture to Meat ..................................................................................................... 52
Figure 4.1 Conceptual Map ................................................................................... 58

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Table 1.1 Brief Description of Existing Vegetarian Meat Concept ........................ 4

Table 1.2 Brief Description of New Vegetarian Meat Concept .............................. 6
Table 1.3 Brief Description of Combined Vegetarian Meat Concept................... 15
Table 1.4 RVF Selection of Vegetarian Meat Concept ........................................ 22
Table 1.5 Brief Description of Remaining Vegetarian Meat Concept .................. 26
Table 2.1 Remaining Concepts after RVF Method............................................... 30
Table 2.2 List of Criteria ....................................................................................... 32
Table 2.3 Concept Screening ................................................................................ 34
Table 2.4 Concepts Selected from Screening Process .......................................... 36
Table 2.5 Scoring Selection Criteria ..................................................................... 37
Table 2.6 Rating The Concept Ideas ..................................................................... 39
Table 2.7 Description of Rating Score .................................................................. 40
Table 2.8 Concept Scoring Matrix ........................................................................ 44
Table 4.1 Product Specification ............................................................................ 53
Table 4.2 Product Description .............................................................................. 55

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1.1 Background
Meat has so many main function such as the main source of protein, fat,
vitamins, minerals, and daily nutrients for body. These substances are required by
body for growth and cells regeneration. However, not only meat, body also needs
substances which are contained by vegetables.
The existing products of vegetarian meat are commercially consumed by
some people with vegetarian dietary and normal dietary. However, the existing
products are still lacking of actual meat nutrients such as mineral contents, vitamins,
fat, sugar, and some other substances which only meat has. Not only nutrients that
are contained by this existing product and actual meat, people need a quite long
preparation time to prepare meat until they can eat the meat with proper taste. In
order to solve these problems, vegetarian meat is made by using vegetable materials
which are harmless, healthy, and conveniently instant.
The new product concepts have specifications which are related to the
previous needs and specifications which are stated in the first assignment.
According to the needs interpretation, the respondents were hoping that this product
can fulfill their daily nutrition needs, harmless to diabetes, rich of fiber, prevent
anemia, and reduce cholesterol but also practically easy to be served. Therefore the
new product is planned to use herbal ingredients which contain all substances that
can fulfill those specifications and is designed to be served in under 5 minutes.
Before determining the product’s concept, the first step to do is making a
list of existing concept which has been used in markets which can be improved to
increase its value. In the next step, brainstorming is done in order to extract the
ideas which are used as new concepts for the product where all the ideas are
determined based on customer needs data. In the current steps, is generated by
problem clarification, problem decomposition, interviewing lead users, searching
for patent, benchmarking related products, making analogies, wishing and
wondering, using related stimuli, and using unrelated stimuli which are done in a
systematical method explained later.
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All the new and existing concepts are combined and selected to eliminate
the unfeasible concepts by using some parameters. The concept selection is done
by two-stage concept selection methodology. The first stage is called concept
screening and the second stage is called concept scoring. Each is supported by a
decision matrix which are used to rate, rank, and select the best concept(s).
The selected concept(s) is tested by survey method to gather the interest
level of the lead customers which are represented by a survey population which has
been determined before. The survey population has to be characterized in order to
represent the target customer. The survey format has to be designed to gather data
effectively. Next, the survey data are measured and interpreted to ascertain the
customer interest level towards the selected concept(s). The final specification is
then determined based on all concept preparation sequence which has been done to
make sure that the product meets all the customer needs.
1.2 Problem Decomposition
In determination of this ready to eat vegetarian meat, there are few steps
that must be done to get the best product’s concept. The first step is to decompose
the problem into some sub problems, so that the product’s sub functions can be
easily analyzed. This step is quite helpful in creating many innovative concepts
that are acceptable by the buyer candidates. The sub problems of this products are
“ready to eat” and “vegetarian meat” as seen on the list below.
1.2.1 Vegetarian Meat
 What is vegetarian meat?
 What is the function of vegetarian meat?
 What are the ingredients of vegetarian meat?
 Is vegetarian meat tasty?
 How is the process of making vegetarian meat?
 What is the benefit of consuming vegetarian meat?
 What is vegetarian?
 How do vegetarians fulfill their daily nutrition?
1.2.2 Instant
 What is the meaning of instant meal?

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 Why should food be made instant?

 How long the instant food can still be eaten?
 What kind of packaging should instant meal have?
 What are the advantages of instant?
1.3 Product Concept
Analogue meat (vegetarian meat) means meat-like food made from non-
meat or sometimes without animal product. Mostly, this product is made of soy
bean as its main ingredient. These alternatives are also generally very low in total
fat and saturated fat, making them subsequently lower in calories. However, it's
important to note that certain fillers or additives added to these products can be high
in carbohydrates, making the caloric content of soy alternatives vary between
From the customer needs that have been interpreted in the last assignment,
the concept of vegetarian meat that easily served in small amount of time and also
has some healthy benefits is formulated. The concept formulations are combination
of the existing vegetarian meat in the contemporary market and the genuinely new
from brainstorming.
1.3.1 Existing Concept
Generally, fast serving vegetarian meat that available in the market are
divided into two servings: precooked meal and ready to eat. Precooked ones are
those vegetarian meat which are already seasoned and cooked in the making
process, yet it must be fried/boiled/baked/heated into microwave if it’s served due
to frozen preservation method. This type comes in meatball, rendang, and minced
meat. The ready-to-eat vegetarian meat is served in a way that consumer can eat it
directly without another cooking process, although reheating might be necessary
for better serving. This type comes in many famous snacks such as sausage, steam
bun, and meat jerky.
From these concepts that existed, it could be concluded that contemporary
vegetarian meats are analogue meat that shaped into daily meat servings with some
culture decorative adding in some region. The concept of analogue meat is still only

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on how to eat vegetables with meat sensation. The existing concept map of
vegetarian meat is shown in Figure 1.1 below.

Figure 1.1 Existing Vegetarian Meat Concept

The table below describes the existing concept map briefly.

Table 1.1 Brief Description of Existing Vegetarian Meat Concept

No Concepts Brief Description
Vegetarian jerky which has beef taste and texture. It has
Ready to eat
1 been cooked so the customer is able to eat it directly. It is
beef jerky
formed into bigger size to be eaten as side dish
Ready to eat
Steam bun which is filled with cooked vegetarian meat. It
2 meat steam
is able to be eaten directly
Vegetarian beef meat which is precooked in rendang
3 spices. The customer only need to heat it in the
beef rendang

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Table 1.1 Brief Description of Existing Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-1)

No Concepts Brief Description

Precooked Vegetarian chicken meat which is precooked in rendang
4 chicken spices. The customer only need to heat it in the
rendang microwave
Ready to eat
Unflavoured vegetarian chicken sausage which has been
5 chicken
Ready to eat Unflavoured vegetarian beef sausage amount of fiber
beef sausage which has been precooked
Flavoured vegetarian minced meat amount of fiber which
7 has beef taste and has been precooked so the customer
minced beef
only need to heat it in the microwave
Vegetarian chicken meatball which has been precooked. It
8 chicken
does not include any flavour powder nor paste sauce

1.3.2 New Concept

After looking and breaking down the existing concepts, it is clear that
vegetarian still can be improved further. Vegetarian meat can be formed to any form
of food, such as rousong, soup, satay, etc. It can also be made in form of meat jam
and meat juice. Its function can also be more beneficial such as contain high
antioxidant level, rich in fiber, and also low in cholesterol. The new concept map
of of vegetarian meat is illustrated in Figure 1.2 below.

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Figure 1.2 New Vegetarian Meat Concept

The table below describes the new vegetarian meat concept mapt briefly.

Table 1.2 Brief Description of New Vegetarian Meat Concept

No Concepts Brief Description
1 Ready to eat beef jam Vegetarian meat which is formed into jam texture
which is high in fiber and taste like beef which contains high amount of
2 Ready to eat beef jam Vegetarian meat which is formed into jam texture
which contains low and taste like beef which contains low amount of
cholesterol cholesterol

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Table 1.2 Brief Description of New Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-1)

No Concepts Brief Description
3 Ready to eat beef jam Vegetarian meat which is formed into jam texture
which contains and taste like beef which contains antioxidant
4 Ready to eat chicken Vegetarian meat which is formed into jam texture
jam which is high in and taste like chicken which contains high amount
fiber of fiber
5 Ready to eat chicken Vegetarian meat which is formed into jam texture
jam which contains and taste like chicken which contains antioxidant
6 Ready to eat chicken Vegetarian meat which is formed into jam texture
jam which contains and taste like chicken which contains low amount
low cholesterol of cholesterol
7 Ready to eat meat Blended vegetarian meat which can be drunk
juice which is high in directly which contains high amount of fiber
8 Ready to eat meat Blended vegetarian meat which can be drunk
juice which contains directly which contains low amount of cholesterol
low cholesterol
9 Ready to eat meat Blended vegetarian meat which can be drunk
juice which contains directly which contains antioxidant
10 Ready to eat chicken Vegetarian jerky which has chicken taste and
jerky which is high in texture and contains high amount of fiber. It has
fiber been cooked so the customer is able to eat it
directly. It is formed into bigger size to be eaten as
side dish

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Table 1.2 Brief Description of New Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-2)

No Concepts Brief Description
11 Ready to eat chicken Vegetarian jerky which has chicken taste and
jerky which contains texture and contains low amount of cholesterol. It
low cholesterol has been cooked so the customer is able to eat it
directly. It is formed into bigger size to be eaten as
side dish
12 Ready to eat chicken Vegetarian jerky which has chicken taste and
jerky which contains texture and contains antioxidant. It has been cooked
antioxidant so the customer is able to eat it directly. It is formed
into bigger size to be eaten as side dish
13 Ready to eat chicken Vegetarian rousong that contains high amount of
rousong which is fiber which has chicken meat taste and is able to be
high in fiber eaten directly
14 Ready to eat chicken Vegetarian rousong that contains low amount of
rousong which cholesterol which has chicken meat taste and is able
contains low to be eaten directly
15 Ready to eat chicken Vegetarian rousong that contains antioxidant which
rousong which has chicken meat taste and is able to be eaten
contains antioxidant directly
16 Ready to eat beef Vegetarian rousong that contains antioxidant which
rousong which has beef taste and is able to be eaten directly
contains antioxidant
17 Ready to eat beef Vegetarian rousong that contains high amount of
rousong which is fiber which has beef taste and is able to be eaten
high in fiber directly
18 Ready to eat beef Vegetarian rousong that contains low amount of
rousong which cholesterol which has beef taste and is able to be
contains low eaten directly

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Table 1.2 Brief Description of New Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-3)

No Concepts Brief Description
19 Precooked chicken Vegetarian powder that contains low amount of
powder to be meat cholesterol which transforms into chicken textured
which contains low meat when it is mixed with hot water
20 Precooked chicken Vegetarian powder that contains high amount of
powder to be meat fiber which transforms into chicken textured meat
which is high in fiber when it is mixed with hot water
21 Precooked chicken Vegetarian powder that contains antioxidant of
powder to be meat fiber which transforms into chicken textured meat
which contains when it is mixed with hot water
22 Precooked beef Vegetarian powder that contains low amount of
powder to be meat cholesterol which transforms into beef textured
which contains low meat when it is mixed with hot water
23 Precooked beef Vegetarian powder that contains high amount of
powder to be meat fiber which transforms into beef textured meat
which is high in fiber when it is mixed with hot water
24 Precooked beef Vegetarian powder that contains antioxidant of
powder to be meat fiber which transforms into beef textured meat
which contains when it is mixed with hot water
25 Precooked beef Vegetarian beef that contains high amount of fiber
cream soup which is which has been precooked is packed with cream
high in fiber soup powder. The customer need to mix and boil
the ingredients in water

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Table 1.2 Brief Description of New Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-4)

No Concepts Brief Description
26 Precooked beef Vegetarian beef that contains low amount of
cream soup which cholesterol which has been precooked is packed
contains low with cream soup powder. The customer need to mix
cholesterol and boil the ingredients in water
27 Precooked beef Vegetarian beef that contains antioxidant which has
cream soup which been precooked is packed with cream soup powder.
contains antioxidant The customer need to mix and boil the ingredients
in water
28 Precooked chicken Vegetarian chicken meat that contains high amount
cream soup which is of fiber which has been precooked is packed with
high in fiber cream soup powder. The customer need to mix and
boil the ingredients in water
29 Precooked chicken Vegetarian chicken meat that contains low amount
cream soup which of cholesterol which has been precooked is packed
contains low with cream soup powder. The customer need to mix
cholesterol and boil the ingredients in water
30 Precooked chicken Vegetarian chicken meat that contains antioxidant
cream soup which which has been precooked is packed with cream
contains antioxidant soup powder. The customer need to mix and boil
the ingredients in water
31 Precooked chicken Vegetarian chicken meat that contains high amount
porridge which is of fiber which has been precooked is packed with
high in fiber dried rice porridge. The customer need to mix and
boil the ingredients in water
32 Precooked chicken Vegetarian chicken meat that contains low amount
porridge which of cholesterol which has been precooked is packed
contains low with dried rice porridge. The customer need to mix
cholesterol and boil the ingredients in water

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Table 1.2 Brief Description of New Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-5)

No Concepts Brief Description
33 Precooked chicken Vegetarian chicken meat that contains antioxidant
porridge which which has been precooked is packed with dried rice
contains antioxidant porridge. The customer need to mix and boil the
ingredients in water
34 Precooked chicken Vegetarian dried chicken meat that contains high
soup which is high in amount of fiber which is packed with soup paste.
fiber The customer need to mix and boil the ingredients
35 Precooked chicken Vegetarian dried chicken meat that contains low
soup which contains amount of cholesterol which is packed with soup
low cholesterol paste. The customer need to mix and boil the
36 Precooked chicken Vegetarian dried chicken meat that contains
soup which contains antioxidant which is packed with soup paste. The
antioxidant customer need to mix and boil the ingredients
37 Precooked beef soup Vegetarian dried beef meat that contains high
which is high in fiber amount of fiber which is packed with soup paste.
The customer need to mix and boil the ingredients
38 Precooked beef soup Vegetarian dried beef meat that contains low
which contains low amount of cholesterol which is packed with soup
cholesterol paste. The customer need to mix and boil the
39 Precooked beef soup Vegetarian dried beef meat that contains
which contains antioxidant which is packed with soup paste. The
antioxidant customer need to mix and boil the ingredients
40 Precooked chicken Flavored vegetarian chicken satay that contains
satay which is high in high amount of fiber which has been precooked so
fiber the customer only need to heat it in the microwave

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Table 1.2 Brief Description of New Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-6)

No Concepts Brief Description
41 Precooked chicken Flavored vegetarian chicken satay that contains low
satay which contains amount of cholesterol which has been precooked so
low cholesterol the customer only need to heat it in the microwave
42 Precooked chicken Flavored vegetarian chicken satay that contains
satay which contains antioxidant which has been precooked so the
antioxidant customer only need to heat it in the microwave
43 Precooked beef satay Flavored vegetarian beef satay that contains high
which is high in fiber amount of fiber which has been precooked so the
customer only need to heat it in the microwave
44 Precooked beef satay Flavored vegetarian beef satay that contains low
which contains low amount of cholesterol which has been precooked so
cholesterol the customer only need to heat it in the microwave
45 Precooked beef satay Flavored vegetarian beef satay that contains
which contains antioxidant which has been precooked so the
antioxidant customer only need to heat it in the microwave
46 Precooked fried Vegetarian pluck meat that contains high amount of
sambal ati-ampela fiber which has been precooked is packed with fried
which is high in fiber sambal sauce. The customer need to mix and stir-
fried the ingredients
47 Precooked fried Vegetarian pluck meat that contains low amount of
sambal ati-ampela cholesterol which has been precooked is packed
which contains low with fried sambal sauce. The customer need to mix
cholesterol and stir-fried the ingredients
48 Precooked fried Vegetarian pluck meat that contains antioxidant
sambal ati-ampela which has been precooked is packed with fried
which contains sambal sauce. The customer need to mix and stir-
antioxidant fried the ingredients

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1.3.3 Combined Concept

The existing and new concepts that have been mentioned before are then
merged into one concept map. This new combined concept map is presented in
Figure 1.3 below. This map merged the performance to every branch of the form
and the existing concepts are marked with green check sign.

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Figure 1.3 Combined Vegetarian Meat Concept

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The table below describes the combined concept map briefly.

Table 1.3 Brief Description of Combined Vegetarian Meat Concept

No Concepts Brief Description
1 Ready to eat beef jam Vegetarian meat which is formed into jam texture
which is high in fiber and taste like beef which contains high amount of
2 Ready to eat beef jam Vegetarian meat which is formed into jam texture
which contains low and taste like beef which contains low amount of
cholesterol cholesterol
3 Ready to eat beef jam Vegetarian meat which is formed into jam texture
which contains and taste like beef which contains antioxidant
4 Ready to eat chicken Vegetarian meat which is formed into jam texture
jam which is high in and taste like chicken which contains high amount
fiber of fiber
5 Ready to eat chicken Vegetarian meat which is formed into jam texture
jam which contains and taste like chicken which contains antioxidant
6 Ready to eat chicken Vegetarian meat which is formed into jam texture
jam which contains and taste like chicken which contains low amount
low cholesterol of cholesterol
7 Ready to eat meat Blended vegetarian meat which can be drunk
juice which is high in directly which contains high amount of fiber
8 Ready to eat meat Blended vegetarian meat which can be drunk
juice which contains directly which contains low amount of cholesterol
low cholesterol
9 Ready to eat meat Blended vegetarian meat which can be drunk
juice which contains directly which contains antioxidant
10 Ready to eat chicken Vegetarian jerky which has chicken taste and
jerky which is high in texture and contains high amount of fiber. It has
fiber been cooked so the customer is able to eat it
directly. It is formed into bigger size to be eaten as
side dish

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Table 1.3 Brief Description of Combined Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-1)

No Concepts Brief Description
11 Ready to eat chicken Vegetarian jerky which has chicken taste and
jerky which contains texture and contains low amount of cholesterol. It
low cholesterol has been cooked so the customer is able to eat it
directly. It is formed into bigger size to be eaten as
side dish

12 Ready to eat chicken Vegetarian jerky which has chicken taste and
jerky which contains texture and contains antioxidant. It has been
antioxidant cooked so the customer is able to eat it directly. It
is formed into bigger size to be eaten as side dish

13 Ready to eat beef Vegetarian jerky which has beef taste and texture
jerky which is high in and contains high amount of fiber. It has been
fiber cooked so the customer is able to eat it directly. It
is formed into bigger size to be eaten as side dish

14 Ready to eat beef Vegetarian jerky which has beef taste and texture
jerky which contains and contains low amount of cholesterol. It has been
low cholesterol cooked so the customer is able to eat it directly. It
is formed into bigger size to be eaten as side dish

15 Ready to eat beef Vegetarian jerky which has beef taste and texture
jerky which contains and contains antioxidant. It has been cooked so the
antioxidant customer is able to eat it directly. It is formed into
bigger size to be eaten as side dish

16 Ready to eat chicken Vegetarian rousong that contains high amount of

rousong which is high fiber which has chicken meat taste and is able to be
in fiber eaten directly
17 Ready to eat chicken Vegetarian rousong that contains low amount of
rousong which cholesterol which has chicken meat taste and is
contains low able to be eaten directly
18 Ready to eat chicken Vegetarian rousong that contains antioxidant
rousong which which has chicken meat taste and is able to be
contains antioxidant eaten directly
19 Ready to eat beef Vegetarian rousong that contains antioxidant
rousong which which has beef taste and is able to be eaten directly
contains antioxidant
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Table 1.3 Brief Description of Combined Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-2)

No Concepts Brief Description
20 Ready to eat beef Vegetarian rousong that contains high amount of
rousong which is high fiber which has beef taste and is able to be eaten
in fiber directly
21 Ready to eat beef Vegetarian rousong that contains low amount of
rousong which cholesterol which has beef taste and is able to be
contains low eaten directly
22 Ready to eat meat Steam bun which is filled with cooked vegetarian
steam bun which is meat that contains high amount of fiber. It is able
high in fiber to be eaten directly

23 Ready to eat meat Steam bun which is filled with cooked vegetarian
steam bun which meat that contains antioxidant. It is able to be eaten
contains antioxidant directly
24 Ready to eat meat Steam bun which is filled with cooked vegetarian
steam bun which meat that contains low amount of cholesterol. It is
contains low able to be eaten directly
25 Precooked chicken Vegetarian powder that contains low amount of
powder to be meat cholesterol which transforms into chicken textured
which contains low meat when it is mixed with hot water
26 Precooked chicken Vegetarian powder that contains high amount of
powder to be meat fiber which transforms into chicken textured meat
which is high in fiber when it is mixed with hot water

27 Precooked chicken Vegetarian powder that contains antioxidant of

powder to be meat fiber which transforms into chicken textured meat
which contains when it is mixed with hot water
28 Precooked beef Vegetarian powder that contains low amount of
powder to be meat cholesterol which transforms into beef textured
which contains low meat when it is mixed with hot water
29 Precooked beef Vegetarian powder that contains high amount of
powder to be meat fiber which transforms into beef textured meat
which is high in fiber when it is mixed with hot water

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Table 1.3 Brief Description of Combined Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-3)

No Concepts Brief Description
30 Precooked beef Vegetarian powder that contains antioxidant of
powder to be meat fiber which transforms into beef textured meat
which contains when it is mixed with hot water
31 Precooked beef cream Vegetarian beef that contains high amount of fiber
soup which is high in whish has been precooked is packed with cream
fiber soup powder. The customer need to mix and boil
the ingredients in water

32 Precooked beef cream Vegetarian beef that contains low amount of

soup which contains cholesterol whish has been precooked is packed
low cholesterol with cream soup powder. The customer need to
mix and boil the ingredients in water

33 Precooked beef cream Vegetarian beef that contains antioxidant whish

soup which contains has been precooked is packed with cream soup
antioxidant powder. The customer need to mix and boil the
ingredients in water

34 Precooked chicken Vegetarian chicken meat that contains high

cream soup which is amount of fiber whish has been precooked is
high in fiber packed with cream soup powder. The customer
need to mix and boil the ingredients in water

35 Precooked chicken Vegetarian chicken meat that contains low amount

cream soup which of cholesterol whish has been precooked is packed
contains low with cream soup powder. The customer need to
cholesterol mix and boil the ingredients in water

36 Precooked chicken Vegetarian chicken meat that contains antioxidant

cream soup which whish has been precooked is packed with cream
contains antioxidant soup powder. The customer need to mix and boil
the ingredients in water

37 Precooked chicken Vegetarian chicken meat that contains high

porridge which is amount of fiber which has been precooked is
high in fiber packed with dried rice porridge. The customer
need to mix and boil the ingredients in water

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Table 1.3 Brief Description of Combined Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-4)

No Concepts Brief Description
38 Precooked chicken Vegetarian chicken meat that contains low amount
porridge which of cholesterol which has been precooked is packed
contains low with dried rice porridge. The customer need to mix
cholesterol and boil the ingredients in water

39 Precooked chicken Vegetarian chicken meat that contains antioxidant

porridge which which has been precooked is packed with dried
contains antioxidant rice porridge. The customer need to mix and boil
the ingredients in water

40 Precooked beef Vegetarian beef meat that contains high amount of

rendang which is high fiber which is precooked in rendang spices. The
in fiber customer only need to heat it in the microwave

41 Precooked beef Vegetarian beef meat that contains low amount of

rendang which cholesterol which is precooked in rendang spices.
contains low The customer only need to heat it in the microwave
42 Precooked beef Vegetarian beef meat that contains antioxidant
rendang which which is precooked in rendang spices. The
contains antioxidant customer only need to heat it in the microwave

43 Precooked chicken Vegetarian chicken meat that contains high

rendang which is high amount of fiber which is precooked in rendang
in fiber spices. The customer only need to heat it in the
44 Precooked chicken Vegetarian chicken meat that contains low amount
rendang which of cholesterol which is precooked in rendang
contains low spices. The customer only need to heat it in the
cholesterol microwave

45 Precooked chicken Vegetarian chicken meat that contains antioxidant

rendang which which is precooked in rendang spices. The
contains antioxidant customer only need to heat it in the microwave

46 Ready to eat chicken Unflavoured vegetarian chicken sausage that

sausage which is high contains high amount of fiber which has been
in fiber precooked

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Table 1.3 Brief Description of Combined Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-5)

No Concepts Brief Description
47 Ready to eat chicken Unflavoured vegetarian chicken sausage that
sausage which contains low amount of cholesterol which has been
contains low precooked
48 Ready to eat chicken Unflavoured vegetarian chicken sausage that
sausage which contains antioxidant which has been precooked
contains antioxidant
49 Ready to eat beef Unflavoured vegetarian beef sausage that contains
sausage which is high high amount of fiber which has been precooked
in fiber
50 Ready to eat beef Unflavoured vegetarian beef sausage that contains
sausage which low amount of cholesterol which has been
contains low precooked
51 Ready to eat beef Unflavoured vegetarian beef sausage that contains
sausage which antioxidant which has been precooked
contains antioxidant
52 Precooked chicken Vegetarian dried chicken meat that contains high
soup which is high in amount of fiber which is packed with soup paste.
fiber The customer need to mix and boil the ingredients

53 Precooked chicken Vegetarian dried chicken meat that contains low

soup which contains amount of cholesterol which is packed with soup
low cholesterol paste. The customer need to mix and boil the
54 Precooked chicken Vegetarian dried chicken meat that contains
soup which contains antioxidant which is packed with soup paste. The
antioxidant customer need to mix and boil the ingredients

55 Precooked beef soup Vegetarian dried beef meat that contains high
which is high in fiber amount of fiber which is packed with soup paste.
The customer need to mix and boil the ingredients

56 Precooked beef soup Vegetarian dried beef meat that contains low
which contains low amount of cholesterol which is packed with soup
cholesterol paste. The customer need to mix and boil the
57 Precooked beef soup Vegetarian dried beef meat that contains
which contains antioxidant which is packed with soup paste. The
antioxidant customer need to mix and boil the ingredients

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Table 1.3 Brief Description of Combined Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-6)

No Concepts Brief Description
58 Precooked chicken Flavored vegetarian chicken satay that contains
satay which is high in high amont of fiber which has been precooked so
fiber the customer only need to heat it in the microwave

59 Precooked chicken Flavored vegetarian chicken satay that contains

satay which contains low amount of cholesterol which has been
low cholesterol precooked so the customer only need to heat it in
the microwave
60 Precooked chicken Flavored vegetarian chicken satay that contains
satay which contains antioxidant which has been precooked so the
antioxidant customer only need to heat it in the microwave

61 Precooked beef satay Flavored vegetarian beef satay that contains high
which is high in fiber amount of fiber which has been precooked so the
customer only need to heat it in the microwave

62 Precooked beef satay Flavored vegetarian beef satay that contains low
which contains low amount of cholesterol which has been precooked
cholesterol so the customer only need to heat it in the
63 Precooked beef satay Flavored vegetarian beef satay that contains
which contains antioxidant which has been precooked so the
antioxidant customer only need to heat it in the microwave

64 Precooked fried Vegetarian pluck meat that contains high amount

sambal ati-ampela of fiber which has been precooked is packed with
which is high in fiber fried sambal sauce. The customer need to mix and
stir-fried the ingredients

65 Precooked fried Vegetarian pluck meat that contains low amount of

sambal ati-ampela cholesterol which has been precooked is packed
which contains low with fried sambal sauce. The customer need to mix
cholesterol and stir-fried the ingredients

66 Precooked fried Vegetarian pluck meat that contains antioxidant

sambal ati-ampela which has been precooked is packed with fried
which contains sambal sauce. The customer need to mix and stir-
antioxidant fried the ingredients

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Table 1.3 Brief Description of Combined Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-7)

No Concepts Brief Description
67 Precooked minced Flavoured vegetarian minced meat that contains
beef which is high in high amount of fiber which has beef taste and has
fiber been precooked so the customer only need to heat
it in the microwave

68 Precooked minced Flavoured vegetarian minced meat that contains

beef which contains low amount of cholesterol which has beef taste and
low cholesterol has been precooked so the customer only need to
heat it in the microwave

69 Precooked minced Flavoured vegetarian minced meat that contains

beef which contains antioxidant which has beef taste and has been
antioxidant precooked so the customer only need to heat it in
the microwave
70 Precooked chicken Vegetarian chicken meatball that contains high
meatball which is amount of fiber which has been precooked. It does
high in fiber not include any flavour powder nor paste sauce

71 Precooked chicken Vegetarian chicken meatball that contains low

meatball which amount of cholesterol which has been precooked.
contains low It does not include any flavour powder nor paste
cholesterol sauce
72 Precooked chicken Vegetarian chicken meatball that contains
meatball which antioxidant which has been precooked. It does not
contains antioxidant include any flavour powder nor paste sauce

1.3.4 Concept Selection by RVF Method

From the combined concepts above, some are need to be disqualified due to
impractical reasons. Therefore, assessment need to be made in order to eliminate
the unrealistic concepts. The RVF Method is used to determine which concept
should be set aside and which one should stay. The RMV is provided in Table 1.2.

Table 1.4 RVF Selection of Vegetarian Meat Concept

No Concepts RVF
1 Ready to eat beef jam which is high in fiber V
2 Ready to eat beef jam which contains low cholesterol V
3 Ready to eat beef jam which contains antioxidant V
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Table 1.4 RVF Selection of Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-1)

No Concepts RVF
4 Ready to eat chicken jam which is high in fiber V
5 Ready to eat chicken jam which contains antioxidant V
6 Ready to eat chicken jam which contains low cholesterol V
7 Ready to eat meat juice which is high in fiber F
8 Ready to eat meat juice which contains low cholesterol F
9 Ready to eat meat juice which contains antioxidant V
10 Ready to eat chicken jerky which is high in fiber A
11 Ready to eat chicken jerky which contains low cholesterol A
12 Ready to eat chicken jerky which contains antioxidant A
13 Ready to eat beef jerky which is high in fiber A
14 Ready to eat beef jerky which contains low cholesterol A
15 Ready to eat beef jerky which contains antioxidant A
16 Ready to eat chicken rousong which is high in fiber A
17 Ready to eat chicken rousong which contains low cholesterol A
18 Ready to eat chicken rousong which contains antioxidant A
19 Ready to eat beef rousong which contains antioxidant A
20 Ready to eat beef rousong which is high in fiber A
21 Ready to eat beef rousong which contains low cholesterol A
22 Ready to eat meat steam bun which is high in fiber V
23 Ready to eat meat steam bun which contains antioxidant V
24 Ready to eat meat steam bun which contains low cholesterol V
Precooked chicken powder to be meat which contains low
25 R
26 Precooked chicken powder to be meat which is high in fiber R
Precooked chicken powder to be meat which contains
27 R
Precooked beef powder to be meat which contains low
28 R
29 Precooked beef powder to be meat which is high in fiber R
30 Precooked beef powder to be meat which contains antioxidant R
31 Precooked beef cream soup which is high in fiber V
32 Precooked beef cream soup which contains low cholesterol V
33 Precooked beef cream soup which contains antioxidant V
34 Precooked chicken cream soup which is high in fiber V
35 Precooked chicken cream soup which contains low cholesterol V
36 Precooked chicken cream soup which contains antioxidant V
37 Precooked chicken porridge which is high in fiber F
38 Precooked chicken porridge which contains low cholesterol V
39 Precooked chicken porridge which contains antioxidant V
40 Precooked beef rendang which is high in fiber A
41 Precooked beef rendang which contains low cholesterol A
42 Precooked beef rendang which contains antioxidant A
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Table 1.4 RVF Selection of Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-2)

No Concepts RVF
43 Precooked chicken rendang which is high in fiber A
44 Precooked chicken rendang which contains low cholesterol A
45 Precooked chicken rendang which contains antioxidant A
46 Ready to eat chicken sausage which is high in fiber A
47 Ready to eat chicken sausage which contains low cholesterol A
48 Ready to eat chicken sausage which contains antioxidant A
49 Ready to eat beef sausage which is high in fiber A
50 Ready to eat beef sausage which contains low cholesterol A
51 Ready to eat beef sausage which contains antioxidant A
52 Precooked chicken soup which is high in fiber A
53 Precooked chicken soup which contains low cholesterol A
54 Precooked chicken soup which contains antioxidant A
55 Precooked beef soup which is high in fiber A
56 Precooked beef soup which contains low cholesterol A
57 Precooked beef soup which contains antioxidant A
58 Precooked chicken satay which is high in fiber A
59 Precooked chicken satay which contains low cholesterol A
60 Precooked chicken satay which contains antioxidant A
61 Precooked beef satay which is high in fiber A
62 Precooked beef satay which contains low cholesterol A
63 Precooked beef satay which contains antioxidant A
64 Precooked fried sambal ati-ampela which is high in fiber F
Precooked fried sambal ati-ampela which contains low
65 F
66 Precooked fried sambal ati-ampela which contains antioxidant F
67 Precooked minced beef which is high in fiber A
68 Precooked minced beef which contains low cholesterol A
69 Precooked minced beef which contains antioxidant A
70 Precooked chicken meatball which is high in fiber A
71 Precooked chicken meatball which contains low cholesterol A
72 Precooked chicken meatball which contains antioxidant A
1.3.5 Remaining Concept
After the impractical concepts are eliminated, the remaining concepts are
left and ready to be rated. The remaining concept map is presented in Figure 1.4

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Figure 1.4 Remaining Concept Map
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The table below shows the brief description of the remaining concepts

Table 1.5 Brief Description of Remaining Vegetarian Meat Concept

No Concepts Brief Description
1 Ready to eat Vegetarian jerky which has chicken taste and texture
chicken jerky and contains high amount of fiber. It has been
which is high in cooked so the customer is able to eat it directly. It is
fiber formed into bigger size to be eaten as side dish
2 Ready to eat Vegetarian jerky which has chicken taste and texture
chicken jerky and contains low amount of cholesterol. It has been
which contains cooked so the customer is able to eat it directly. It is
low cholesterol formed into bigger size to be eaten as side dish
3 Ready to eat Vegetarian jerky which has chicken taste and texture
chicken jerky and contains antioxidant. It has been cooked so the
which contains customer is able to eat it directly. It is formed into
antioxidant bigger size to be eaten as side dish
4 Ready to eat beef Vegetarian jerky which has beef taste and texture
jerky which is and contains high amount of fiber. It has been
high in fiber cooked so the customer is able to eat it directly. It is
formed into bigger size to be eaten as side dish
5 Ready to eat beef Vegetarian jerky which has beef taste and texture
jerky which and contains low amount of cholesterol. It has been
contains low cooked so the customer is able to eat it directly. It is
cholesterol formed into bigger size to be eaten as side dish
6 Ready to eat beef Vegetarian jerky which has beef taste and texture
jerky which and contains antioxidant. It has been cooked so the
contains customer is able to eat it directly. It is formed into
antioxidant bigger size to be eaten as side dish
7 Ready to eat Vegetarian rousong that contains high amount of
chicken rousong fiber which has chicken meat taste and is able to be
which is high in eaten directly
8 Ready to eat Vegetarian rousong that contains low amount of
chicken rousong cholesterol which has chicken meat taste and is able
which contains to be eaten directly
low cholesterol
9 Ready to eat Vegetarian rousong that contains antioxidant which
chicken rousong has chicken meat taste and is able to be eaten directly
which contains
10 Ready to eat beef Vegetarian rousong that contains antioxidant which
rousong which has beef taste and is able to be eaten directly

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Table 1.5 Brief Description of Remaining Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-1)

No Concepts Brief Description
11 Ready to eat beef Vegetarian rousong that contains high amount of
rousong which is fiber which has beef taste and is able to be eaten
high in fiber directly
12 Ready to eat beef Vegetarian rousong that contains low amount of
rousong which cholesterol which has beef taste and is able to be
contains low eaten directly
13 Precooked beef Vegetarian beef meat that contains high amount of
rendang which is fiber which is precooked in rendang spices. The
high in fiber customer only need to heat it in the microwave
14 Precooked beef Vegetarian beef meat that contains low amount of
rendang which cholesterol which is precooked in rendang spices.
contains low The customer only need to heat it in the microwave
15 Precooked beef Vegetarian beef meat that contains antioxidant
rendang which which is precooked in rendang spices. The customer
contains only need to heat it in the microwave
16 Precooked Vegetarian chicken meat that contains high amount
chicken rendang of fiber which is precooked in rendang spices. The
which is high in customer only need to heat it in the microwave
17 Precooked Vegetarian chicken meat that contains low amount
chicken rendang of cholesterol which is precooked in rendang spices.
which contains The customer only need to heat it in the microwave
low cholesterol
18 Precooked Vegetarian chicken meat that contains antioxidant
chicken rendang which is precooked in rendang spices. The customer
which contains only need to heat it in the microwave
19 Ready to eat Unflavoured vegetarian chicken sausage that
chicken sausage contains high amount of fiber which has been
which is high in precooked
20 Ready to eat Unflavoured vegetarian chicken sausage that
chicken sausage contains low amount of cholesterol which has been
which contains precooked
low cholesterol
21 Ready to eat Unflavoured vegetarian chicken sausage that
chicken sausage contains antioxidant which has been precooked
which contains
22 Ready to eat beef Unflavoured vegetarian beef sausage that contains
sausage which is high amount of fiber which has been precooked
high in fiber

Table 1.5 Brief Description of Remaining Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-2)

No Concepts Brief Description
23 Ready to eat beef Unflavoured vegetarian beef sausage that contains
sausage which low amount of cholesterol which has been precooked
contains low
24 Ready to eat beef Unflavoured vegetarian beef sausage that contains
sausage which antioxidant which has been precooked
25 Precooked Vegetarian dried chicken meat that contains high
chicken soup amount of fiber which is packed with soup paste. The
which is high in customer need to mix and boil the ingredients
26 Precooked Vegetarian dried chicken meat that contains low
chicken soup amount of cholesterol which is packed with soup
which contains paste. The customer need to mix and boil the
low cholesterol ingredients
27 Precooked Vegetarian dried chicken meat that contains
chicken soup antioxidant which is packed with soup paste. The
which contains customer need to mix and boil the ingredients
28 Precooked beef Vegetarian dried beef meat that contains high
soup which is amount of fiber which is packed with soup paste. The
high in fiber customer need to mix and boil the ingredients
29 Precooked beef Vegetarian dried beef meat that contains low amount
soup which of cholesterol which is packed with soup paste. The
contains low customer need to mix and boil the ingredients
30 Precooked beef Vegetarian dried beef meat that contains antioxidant
soup which which is packed with soup paste. The customer need
contains to mix and boil the ingredients
31 Precooked Flavored vegetarian chicken satay that contains high
chicken satay amont of fiber which has been precooked so the
which is high in customer only need to heat it in the microwave
32 Precooked Flavored vegetarian chicken satay that contains low
chicken satay amount of cholesterol which has been precooked so
which contains the customer only need to heat it in the microwave
low cholesterol
33 Precooked Flavored vegetarian chicken satay that contains
chicken satay antioxidant which has been precooked so the
which contains customer only need to heat it in the microwave

Table 1.5 Brief Description of Remaining Vegetarian Meat Concept (Cont’d-3)

No Concepts Brief Description
34 Precooked beef Flavored vegetarian beef satay that contains high
satay which is amount of fiber which has been precooked so the
high in fiber customer only need to heat it in the microwave
35 Precooked beef Flavored vegetarian beef satay that contains low
satay which amount of cholesterol which has been precooked so
contains low the customer only need to heat it in the microwave
36 Precooked beef Flavored vegetarian beef satay that contains
satay which antioxidant which has been precooked so the
contains customer only need to heat it in the microwave
37 Precooked minced Flavoured vegetarian minced meat that contains high
beef which is high
amount of fiber which has beef taste and has been
in fiber precooked so the customer only need to heat it in the
38 Precooked minced Flavoured vegetarian minced meat that contains low
beef which amount of cholesterol which has beef taste and has
contains low been precooked so the customer only need to heat it
cholesterol in the microwave
39 Precooked minced Flavoured vegetarian minced meat that contains
beef which antioxidant which has beef taste and has been
contains precooked so the customer only need to heat it in the
antioxidant microwave
40 Precooked Vegetarian chicken meatball that contains high
chicken meatball amount of fiber which has been precooked. It does
which is high in not include any flavour powder nor paste sauce
41 Precooked Vegetarian chicken meatball that contains low
chicken meatball amount of cholesterol which has been precooked. It
which contains does not include any flavour powder nor paste sauce
low cholesterol
42 Precooked Vegetarian chicken meatball that contains
chicken meatball antioxidant which has been precooked. It does not
which contains include any flavour powder nor paste sauce

2.1 Concept Screening

After eliminating some of the concepts that are not feasible by RVF Method,
it has been gotten fewer concepts remaining. These concepts then go onto screening
process. The main goals of screening the concept is to narrow the number of concept
quickly and improve the concept. In this screening process, the concepts are
compared with some criteria that comes from the customer needs data. There are
some steps to do in this process, they are:
 Prepare the selection matrix
 Rate the concepts
 Rank and select the concepts
The remaining concepts which undergo screening is listed in the table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Remaining Concepts after RVF Method

No Concepts
1 Ready to eat chicken jerky which is high in fiber
2 Ready to eat chicken jerky which contains low cholesterol
3 Ready to eat chicken jerky which contains antioxidant
4 Ready to eat beef jerky which is high in fiber
5 Ready to eat beef jerky which contains low cholesterol
6 Ready to eat beef jerky which contains antioxidant
7 Ready to eat chicken rousong which is high in fiber
8 Ready to eat chicken rousong which contains low cholesterol
9 Ready to eat chicken rousong which contains antioxidant
10 Ready to eat beef rousong which contains antioxidant
11 Ready to eat beef rousong which is high in fiber
12 Ready to eat beef rousong which contains low cholesterol
13 Precooked beef rendang which is high in fiber
14 Precooked beef rendang which contains low cholesterol

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Table 2.1 Remaining Concepts after RVF Method (Cont’d-1)

No Concepts
15 Precooked beef rendang which contains antioxidant
16 Precooked chicken rendang which is high in fiber
17 Precooked chicken rendang which contains low cholesterol
18 Precooked chicken rendang which contains antioxidant
19 Ready to eat chicken sausage which is high in fiber
20 Ready to eat chicken sausage which contains low cholesterol
21 Ready to eat chicken sausage which contains antioxidant
22 Ready to eat beef sausage which is high in fiber
23 Ready to eat beef sausage which contains low cholesterol
24 Ready to eat beef sausage which contains antioxidant
25 Precooked chicken soup which is high in fiber
26 Precooked chicken soup which contains low cholesterol
27 Precooked chicken soup which contains antioxidant
28 Precooked chicken soup which is high in fiber
29 Precooked chicken soup which contains low cholesterol
30 Precooked chicken soup which contains antioxidant
31 Precooked chicken satay which is high in fiber
32 Precooked chicken satay which contains low cholesterol
33 Precooked chicken satay which contains antioxidant
34 Precooked beef satay which is high in fiber
35 Precooked beef satay which contains low cholesterol
36 Precooked beef satay which contains antioxidant
37 Precooked minced beef which is high in fiber
38 Precooked minced beef which contains low cholesterol
39 Precooked minced beef which contains antioxidant
40 Precooked chicken meatball which is high in fiber
41 Precooked chicken meatball which contains low cholesterol
42 Precooked chicken meatball which contains antioxidant

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2.1.1 Concept Screening Matrix Preparation

Concept screening matrix consists of concept column and selection criteria.
The selection criteria should be considered based on the consumer needs data. By
these criteria, the concept ideas will be compared with the reference concept. The
reference concept is one of the remaining concept which is the most common idea
among consumer and already exists in commercialized product. Ready to eat beef
sausage which is high in fiber, which is concept number 22, is chosen as the
reference concept since sausage product is the most common meat product in the
market and widely consumed.
2.1.2 Rate the concepts
Rating the concept is done by comparing a concept with the reference
concept. Those concepts will be compared by some criteria. These criteria are
selected by discussing with all of the group member. In the table 2.2 has been listed
the five criteria to be used in rating concept process.

Table 2.2 List of Criteria

No Criteria Parameters
The ease to serve and the amount of time
1 Practicability
to serve the healthy meat
The period length of storage of the healthy
2 Durability
The ease of
The complexity of manufacturing process
3 manufacturing
of the healthy meat
The existence of flavoring content in
4 Taste
healthy meat product
The texture resemblance of healthy meat
5 Texture
to the real meat
Some scores are used to give rating to the concepts and to compare with
reference concept. The scores consist of:
 Score plus (+) to indicate that the concept is better than reference concept.
 Score minus (-) to indicate that the concept is worse than reference concept.

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 Score zero (0) to indicate that the concept has the same quality with
reference concept.
2.1.3 Concept Screening Matrix
After having criteria and scoring method, the concept screening matrix can
be made. In this matrix, all of the concepts remaining will be compared with
reference concept. In this matrix, the concepts also will be ranked by summing all
of the criteria rating for each concept. Ranking the concept is used to get some of
best concepts based on the criteria. The concept screening matrix is showed in table
2.3 below.

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Table 2.3 Concept Screening
Screening Concepts
criteria 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Practicability 0 0 0 0 0 0 + + + + - + - - - - - - 0 0 0 0
Durability + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + + + + 0 0 0 0
The ease of
manufacturing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0 0 0
Taste - - - + + + - - - - + - + + + + + + - - - 0
Texture - - - - - - - - - - + - + + + + + + 0 0 0 0
Amount of + 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0
Amount of - 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 0
Amount of 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 5
Total Amount -2 -2 -2 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 0
Ranking 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 2
Selections No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes

34 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2. 3 Concept Screening (Cont’d-1)
Screening Concepts
criteria 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
Practicability 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Durability 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The ease of
manufacturing 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + 0 0 0
Taste 0 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + - - - 0 0 0
Texture 0 0 + + + + + + + + + + + + - - - 0 0 0
Amount of + 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0
Amount of - 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 2
Amount of 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3
Total Amount 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -3 -3 -3 -2 -2 -2
Ranking 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 4 4 4
Selections Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No

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2.1.4 Concept Ranking and Concept Selection

The concept ranking has been done in the screening matrix above.
By this ranking result will be determined the selected concepts and also
eliminated concepts. The concepts which are on the first and the second rank
are selected and qualified to the next step, which is concept scoring. The
first rank is the best concept based on the screening criteria. The second rank
is also qualified to the next step because the second rank concepts are also
good concepts based the criteria and also to enrich the choice of concepts.
Table 2.4 below shows the selected concepts which are qualified to the
concept scoring process.

Table 2.4 Concepts Selected from Screening Process

Index Concepts
4 Ready to eat beef jerky which is high in fiber
5 Ready to eat beef jerky which contains low cholesterol
6 Ready to eat beef jerky which contains antioxidant
13 Precooked beef rendang which is high in fiber
14 Precooked beef rendang which contains low cholesterol
15 Precooked beef rendang which contains antioxidant
16 Precooked chicken rendang which is high in fiber
Precooked chicken rendang which contains low
18 Precooked chicken rendang which contains antioxidant
22 Ready to eat beef sausage which is high in fiber
23 Ready to eat beef sausage which contains low cholesterol
24 Ready to eat beef sausage which contains antioxidant
2.2 Concept Scoring
The purpose of concept scoring is to select concept with a more specific
selection criteria and more accurate in describing the market needs and wants. At
this stage, do the scoring of some selected concept is needed to narrow it again to
get the best concept. In concept scoring, every selection criteria would have the

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weight factor based on their importance, comparison with existing products and the
need that has previously been obtained.
2.2.1 Concept Screening Matrix Preparation
The concept that has been selected on the screening concept need to be
refined to some extent and may be expressed in more detail so a deeper selection
criteria is needed for make analysis for every concept that has been selected before.
This metric contains concept ideas, criteria, and weight factor. The concept ideas
are concept that chosen after concept screening. Criteria in this metric are more
detailed and specific. Weight factor is stated in percentage value where it is
determined by the use of value engineering method. Criteria and weight factor are
based on their importance, comparison with existing products and the need that has
previously been obtained. The criteria and weight of each criteria are:

Table 2.5 Scoring Selection Criteria

No. Scoring Selection Criteria
1 The ease of product serving 6.6
2 The amount of time to serve the product 2.9
3 The need of supplementary ingredients 5.1
4 The period length of storage 2.9
5 The complexity of manufacturing process 11.0
The complexity of equipment that used in manufacturing
6 12.4
The variation of ingredients that used in manufacturing
7 6.6
8 The availability of main ingredients 11.7
9 The existence of flavouring content 8.8
10 The resemblance to the meat texture 11.2
11 The richness of fiber content 5.8
12 The ability to reduce blood cholesterol levels 8.0
13 The ability to lower risk of cancer 8.0
Then, the rule to giving score to each concept as shown at the equation below:

𝑠𝑗 = ∑ 𝑟𝑖𝑗 𝑤𝑖 (1)

𝑠𝑗 = total score for concept j
𝑟𝑖𝑗 = raw rating for concept j for the ith criteria
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𝑤𝑖 = weighting for the ith criteria

𝑛 = number of criteria
And below are the detailing of criteria used:
 The ease of product serving (6.6%)
This criteria determines whether the product is simple to be prepared or
complicated to be prepared.
 The amount of time to serve the product (2.9%)
This criteria means how much time required to serve the product until ready
for consumption.
 The need of supplementary ingredients (5.1%)
This criteria determines how much the product needs for supplementary
 The period length of storage (2.9%)
This criteria means how long the product should have a long shelf life that
can be used up before it expires.
 The complexity of manufacturing process (11.0%)
This criteria determines whether the product has to be treated with many of
complex techniques or does not have to be treated with many of complex
techniques to achieve the target specification.
 The complexity of equipment that used in manufacturing process (12.4%)
This criteria determines whether the product has to be treated with many of
complex equipment or does not have to be treated with many of complex
techniques to achieve the target specification.
 The variation of ingredients that used in manufacturing process (6.6%)
This criteria means how much variety of ingredients is needed in the product
manufacturing process.
 The availability of main ingredients (11.7%)
This criteria means whether the main ingredient is easy to be obtained or
hard to be obtained.
 The existence of flavouring content (8.8%)

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This criteria means whether the product contains many spices or does not
have any flavouring agents.
 The resemblance to the meat texture (11.2%)
This criteria determines the level of resemblance between the product
texture and meat texture.
 The richness of fiber content (5.8%)
This criteria means how much the product contains with fiber.
 The ability to reduce blood cholesterol levels (8.0%)
This criteria determines whether the product contains with high cholesterol
or does not contain cholesterol and has the ability to reduce blood
cholesterol level.
 The ability to lower risk of cancer (8.0%)
This criteria determines whether the product able to lower risk of cancer or
not able to lower risk of cancer.
2.2.2 Concept Rating
After the criteria and weight factor have been prepared, the concept is rated.
In this report, five parameters for each criteria are given. The scoring parameter for
each criteria are presented in metric. After determining the rating of each concept,
calculation of the total score of each concept is done by multiplying the weight with
the rating of each criterion. Then the concept of the total score is sorted.

Table 2.6 Rating the Concept Ideas

Rating Criteria
1 Much worse reference concept
2 Worse than reference concept
3 Same as reference concept
4 Better than reference concept
5 Much better than reference concept
The parameters used for each criterion with their respective rating is presented in
Table 2.7 below.

Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.7 Description of Rating Score
The complexity The variation
The amount
The ease of The need of The period The complexity of equipment of ingredients
of time to
product supplementary length of of that used in that used in
Rating serve the
serving ingredients storage manufacturing manufacturing manufacturin
(6.6%) (5.1%) (2.9%) process (11.0%) process g process
(12.4%) (6.6%)
The product has The product has
The product acts
to be treated to be treated by
The product as the main
with many of many of The product
is very ingredients and
complex complex contains a very
1 complicated >25 minutes does not contain <3 days
techniques to equipment to high variation
to be any
achieve the achieve the of ingredients
prepared supplementary
target target
specification specification
The product
needs to be
The product has
added with The product has
to be treated
The product primary (water, to be treated by
with several The product
is milk, etc), several complex
complex contains a high
2 complicated 20-25 minutes secondary 3-7 days equipment to
techniques to variation of
to be (seasoning), and achieve the
achieve the ingredients
prepared tertiary target
supplementary specification
(herbs, etc)

40 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.7 Description of Rating Score (Cont’d-1)

The amount The complexity The variation of

The period
The ease of of time to The need of The complexity of of equipment ingredients that
length of
Rating product serving serve the supplementary manufacturing that used in used in
(6.6%) product ingredients (5.1%) process (11.0%) manufacturing manufacturing
(2.9%) process (12.4%) process (6.6%)
The product needs
to be added with The product has to The product has to
primary (water, be treated with a be treated by a few The product
The product is
milk, etc) and few of complex of complex contains a fairly
3 simple to be 15-20 minutes 1-4 weeks
secondary techniques to equipment to variation of
supplementary achieve the target achieve the target ingredients
ingredients specification specification
The product needs The product has to The product has to
to be added with be treated with a be treated by a The product
The product is very
primary single complex single complex contains a few
4 simple to be 10-15 minutes 1-12 months
supplementary techniques to equipment to variation of
ingredients (water, achieve the target achieve the target ingredients
milk, etc) specification specification
The product does
The product does
not have to be
The product does not have to be The product
The product is treated by any
not need any treated with any contains a low
5 extremely simple to <10 minutes >1year complex
supplementary complex techniques variation of
be prepared equipment to
ingredients to achieve the ingredients
achieve the target
target specification

41 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.7 Description of Rating Score (Cont’d-2)
The availability of The existence of The resemblance to The ability to reduce The ability to lower
The richness of fiber
Rating main ingredients flavouring content the meat texture blood cholesterol risk of cancer
content (5.8%)
(11.7%) (8.8%) (10.2%) levels (8.0%) (8.0%)
The main ingredient The product does not The product contains a The product not able
The product does not The product does not
1 is very hard to be contains any very high amount of to lower risk of
have meat texture contain any fiber
obtained flavouring agents cholesterol cancer
The product has
certain flavour but is
The main ingredient The product has a The product contains a
not strong enough The product has a
2 is hard to be little meat-like high amount of -
thus needs many low fiber content
obtained texture cholesterol
additional flavouring
The product is
The main ingredient flavoured with spices
The product has The product has a The product is low in
3 is quite hard to be but still needs a few -
meat-like texture fairly fiber content cholesterol
obtained additional flavouring
The product contains
The product is low in
The main ingredient several spices but still The product has quite
The product is high in cholesterol and has a
4 is easy to be need additional similar texture to -
fiber little ability to reduce
obtained flavouring agents meat
blood cholesterol level
(pepper, etc)
The product contains The product does not
The main ingredient many spices and does The product has a contain any The product not able
The product is very
5 is very easy to be not need any very similar texture cholesterol and has the to lower risk of
high in fiber
obtained additional flavouring to meat ability to reduce blood cancer
agent cholesterol level

42 Universitas Indonesia

2.2.3 Concept Scoring Matrix

Metric table of concept scoring for concepts that got in screening process is
shown in the Table 2.8 below.

Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.8 Concept Scoring Matrix
No Scoring Selection Criteria Weight 4 5 6 13 14 15
1 The ease of product serving 0.066 5 0.330 5 0.330 5 0.330 5 0.330 5 0.330 5 0.330
2 The amount of time to serve the product 0.029 5 0.145 5 0.145 5 0.145 5 0.145 5 0.145 5 0.145
3 The need of supplementary ingredients 0.051 5 0.255 5 0.255 5 0.255 5 0.255 5 0.255 5 0.255
4 The period length of storage 0.029 4 0.116 4 0.116 4 0.116 4 0.116 4 0.116 4 0.116
5 The complexity of manufacturing process 0.110 2 0.220 2 0.220 2 0.220 2 0.220 2 0.220 2 0.220
The complexity of equipment that used in
6 0.124 3 0.372 3 0.372 3 0.372 4 0.496 4 0.496 4 0.496
manufacturing process
The variation of ingredients that used in
7 0.066 2 0.132 2 0.132 2 0.132 2 0.132 2 0.132 2 0.132
manufacturing process
8 The availability of main ingredients 0.117 3 0.351 3 0.351 3 0.351 3 0.351 3 0.351 3 0.351
9 The existence of flavouring content 0.088 5 0.440 5 0.440 5 0.440 5 0.440 5 0.440 5 0.440
10 The resemblence to the meat texture 0.102 5 0.510 5 0.510 5 0.510 5 0.510 5 0.510 5 0.510
11 The richness of fiber content 0.058 5 0.290 1 0.0580 1 0.058 5 0.290 1 0.058 1 0.058
12 The ability to reduce blood cholesterol levels 0.080 1 0.080 5 0.400 1 0.080 1 0.080 5 0.400 1 0.080
13 The ability to lower risk of cancer 0.080 1 0.080 1 0.080 5 0.400 1 0.080 1 0.080 5 0.400
Total 3.321 3.409 3.409 3.445 3.533 3.533
Rank 8 7 7 6 4 4

44 Universitas Indonesia
Table 2.8 Concept Scoring Matrix (Cont’d-1)

No Scoring Selection Criteria Weight 16 17 18 22 23 24
1 The ease of product serving 0.066 4 0.264 4 0.264 4 0.264 5 0.330 5 0.330 5 0.330
2 The amount of time to serve the product 0.029 5 0.145 5 0.145 5 0.145 5 0.145 5 0.145 5 0.145
3 The need of supplementary ingredients 0.051 5 0.255 5 0.255 5 0.255 4 0.204 4 0.204 4 0.204
4 The period length of storage 0.029 4 0.116 4 0.116 4 0.116 5 0.145 5 0.145 5 0.145
5 The complexity of manufacturing process 0.110 4 0.440 4 0.440 4 0.440 5 0.550 5 0.550 5 0.550
The complexity of equipment that used in
6 0.124 4 0.496 4 0.496 4 0.496 4 0.496 4 0.496 4 0.496
manufacturing process
The variation of ingredients that used in
7 0.066 2 0.132 2 0.132 2 0.132 2 0.132 2 0.132 2 0.132
manufacturing process
8 The availability of main ingredients 0.117 3 0.351 3 0.351 3 0.351 4 0.468 4 0.468 4 0.468
9 The existence of flavouring content 0.088 5 0.440 5 0.440 5 0.440 3 0.264 3 0.264 3 0.264
10 The resemblence to the meat texture 0.102 5 0.510 5 0.510 5 0.510 3 0.306 3 0.306 3 0.306
11 The richness of fiber content 0.058 5 0.290 1 0.058 1 0.058 5 0.290 1 0.058 1 0.058
12 The ability to reduce blood cholesterol levels 0.080 1 0.080 5 0.400 1 0.080 1 0.080 5 0.400 1 0.080
13 The ability to lower risk of cancer 0.080 1 0.080 1 0.080 5 0.400 1 0.080 1 0.080 5 0.400
Total 3.599 3.687 3.687 3.490 3.578 3.578
Rank 2 1 1 5 3 3

45 Universitas Indonesia

2.2.4 Concept Ranking and Concept Selection

From the concept scoring, will obtained the ranking from total concepts that
got in screening process. Based on concept scoring results, obtained 8 ranks from
12 total concepts. The first rank are concept 17, precooked chicken rendang which
contains low cholesterol, and concept 18, precooked chicken rendang which
contains antioxidant. Concept 17 and concept 18 has the same rank position because
both of concepts has the same highest total score.
The first rank can be selected as the best concept that will develop further.
Concept 17 and concept 18 are merged to be one concept that is “precooked chicken
rendang which contains low cholesterol and high antioxidant”. The reason for
merging concept 17 and concept 18 is the two concepts have the same position rank
and total score. Besides, with merging the two concept, will be developed a product
which has multifunction, those are reduce blood cholesterol level and lower risk of

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3.1 Concept Testing

3.1.1 Concept Testing Purposes
The purposes of concept testing were to see whether the concept proposed
fulfilled consumer’s needs and to see their interest on the product. To answer the
question respondents which are the market target are asked with list of questions
about acceptance of the concept through an interview. They also will be given a
brief explanation about the concept that proposed; flavor, ingredients, texture,
mechanism, and packaging.
3.1.2 Survey Population
To get a representative opinion related to this product, the survey was
distributed to several respondents who became market target. The survey was
conducted in the form of an online questionnaire which was distributed to 40
respondents. The respondents came from some ages, occupations, and residencies
who are potential to buy this product.
3.1.3 Survey Method
The method of survey used was online questionnaire. Before asking the
respondent’s opinion, the detail of the product concepts are explained. This method
is expected to avoid misunderstanding to the respondents related to the concepts of
this product so that respondents can give an appropriate opinion.
3.1.4 Concept Communication Method
The concept is communicated in the following ways.
 Written description
The concept of the product described in short paragraph.
 Picture
Picture will provide a better understanding of a concept.
These methods are used because of some limitations and consideration for
the easiest method to be done. Besides, these methods still give a good response if
questions are given appropriately.

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3.1.5 Customer Response Measurement

Survey results are used to determine customer responses to product concepts
that has been designed. It aims to know whether the product is acceptable or not.
The survey results will be shown on the diagrams below.



50% 3

Figure 3.1 The Customer Interest in Single Step Food Preparation



Figure 3.2 The Costumer Interest in Serving Time Below 5 Minutes

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35% 1


Figure 3.3 The Customer Interest in No Additional Ingredients during Product Preparation
Figure 3.1, figure 3.2, and figure 3.3 show the respondent’s opinion on the
practicality of this ready-to-eat product. Scale 1 to 5 shows the level interest where
scale 1 means respondents are very interested and scale 5 means respondents are
not interested. Most respondents prefer if the product can be served quickly, easily,
and do not need other additional ingredients.

5% 3%

Extremely interested
Very Interested
50% Interested
Fairly Interested
Not Interested

Figure 3.4 Customer's Interest in Low LDL Cholesterol Food Products

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Extremely interested
17% 40%
Very Interested
Fairly Interested
Not Interested


Figure 3.5 Customer's Interest in High Level of Antioxidant Food Products

Figure 3.4 and figure 3.5 show how much interest of respondents to food
products with high level of antioxidant and low cholesterol content. Most
respondents liked if the product contains high level of antioxidant and low


Extremely Interested
Highly Interested


Figure 3.6 Customer's Opinion about The Price for This Product ($3.49)
Figure 3.6 shows the respondent’s opinion about the price for this product.
Most respondents agree if the product is priced at $3.49.

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Extremely Interested
Highly Interested

25% Interested
60% Fairly Interested

Figure 3.7 The Customer Interest in Long Storage Period (8-12 Months)
Figure 3.7 shows the interest of respondents to the product that has long
enough endurance. Most respondents prefer if this product has an expiration
period for 8 – 12 months.

18% 7%

Extremely Interested
Very Interested
Fairly Interested
Not Interested


Figure 3.8 The Customer Interest in Chicken Vegetarian Meat with Rendang Flavor
Figure 3.8 shows the respondents interest to the variant of this product.
Figure 3.8 shows the respondent’s interest to the variant of this product. Most
respondents feel attracted to the variant of this product, that is Chicken Vegetarian
Meat with Rendang Flavor.

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Extremely Interested
Very Interested
Fairly Interested
65% Not Interested

Figure 3.9 The Customer Interest in Vegetarian Meat which has A Very Similar Texture to
Figure 3.9 shows the respondent’s interest in vegetarian meat which has a
similar texture to meat. Most respondents feel extremely interested with vegetarian
meat product that has the closest similarity to animal meat in terms of texture.
3.2 Result Interpretation
From the customer response calculation, it is shown that the product concept
got a good response from the potential customer. Respondents liked the concept of
this product that has a quick serving time, has not additional ingredients, has a very
similar texture with meat, has a low cholesterol content, and has a high antioxidant
content. Survey result also shows that chicken vegetarian meat with rendang flavor
can be accepted by respondents.

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4.1 Final Specification

After finishing a sequence of concept selection steps and concept testing,
the final specification of the product, precooked chicken vegetarian rendang meat
which contains low cholesterol and high antioxidant, is determined based on the
specification which has been stated in the previous assignment and concept testing
interpreted data. These specifications is measured in some quantitative parameters
which is shown in Table 4.1 below.

Table 4.1 Product Specification

Specification Unit Own Product
Number of preparation step step 1
Serving time minutes 3
Amount of additional supplementary
unit 0
Period length of storage months >12
cm x cm x
Box dimension 20 x 12 x 5
Sealed vacuum plastic thickness mm 0.7
Taste - *****
Meat-like Texture - ****
g in 100g of
LDL cholesterol content 0
mg in 100g
Antioxidant Content 27
of serving
Amount of vital wheat gluten flour g 100
Amount of banana heart g 30
Amount of oat bran g 8
Amount of candlenuts piece(s) 1
Amount of chopped garlic clove(s) 2
Amount of red chili g 50
Amount of onions g 40

53 Universitas Indonesia

Table 4.1 Product Specification (Cont-1)

Specification Unit
Amount of ginger g 8
Amount of galangal g 8
Amount of ground turmeric g 5
Amount of ground coriander g 1.5
Amount of salt g 2.5
Amount of sugar g 1
Amount of green cardamom pods piece(s) 2
Amount of cumin g 4
Amount of cloves piece(s) 2
Amount of kaffir lime leaves pieces(s) 1
Amount of turmeric leaves piece(s) 1
Amount of bashed lemongrass piece(s) 1
Amount of vegetable oil ml 14
Amount of coconut milk ml 80
Amount of potassium nitrate (preservative) mg 100
Net Weight g 550
Price $ 3.2

The product specifications from the practicability aspects has single step
preparation which only took 3 minutes and does not need any additional
supplementary ingredients. In the storage specifications, it is stated that the product
can be stored for more than 12 months and sealed in 0.7 mm thick vacuum plastic.
The product is then packed inside a box whose dimension is 20 cm x 12 cm x 5 cm.
The properties of the product are does not contain any LDL cholesterol and
high in antioxidant content which contained in the spices used. Furthermore, it has
a similar texture to chicken meat and rich in flavor since rendang uses a lot of spices.
The meat is made from vital wheat gluten and banana heart for its high in
fiber texture to enhance the similarity to meat texture and oat bran which reduces
LDL cholesterol blood level. The spices used in the product are candlenuts,
chopped garlic, red chili, onions, ginger, galangal, turmeric, coriander, sugar, salt,
green cardamom pods, cumin, cloves, kaffir lime leaves, turmeric leaves, bashed
lemongrass, vegetable oil, and coconut milk. This product is added with

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preservative compound, potassium nitrate, to extent the storage time. This product
are intended to be sold for $ 3.2 per 550 grams of serving.
4.2 Product Description
The product specifications which have been shown and explained are
combined with the final product concept to define the product description which is
listed in Table 4.2 below

Table 4.2 Product Description

Characteristic Brief Description
The product has rendang flavor with natural
ingredients such as turmeric, ginger, cumin, et
Flavor Rendang cetera which rich in flavor, high in
antioxidant, and could lower blood LDL
cholesterol level.
The product contains gluten which is a
vegetable protein that is commonly obtained
from wheat flour. Gluten will provide a
typical chewy texture of meat in plant flesh.
But for some people, the presence of gluten
can cause allergies.
Banana heart or banana blossom is an edible
flower from banana tree used in Southeast
Asian and Indian cooking, where they
Banana heart consider it as a vegetable. Banana heart is rich
in fiber which is good for digestion and also
Ingredient contains many antioxidants that can reduce
cancer risk.
The product use various ingredients to obtain
rendang flavor such as candlenuts, chopped
garlic, red chili, onions, ginger, galangal,
Rendang spices turmeric, coriander, sugar, salt, green
cardamom pods, cumin, cloves, kaffir lime
leaves, turmeric leaves, bashed lemongrass,
vegetable oil, and coconut milk.
The product is added with preservative
Preservatives compound, potassium nitrate to extent the
storage time.

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Table 4.2 Product Description (Cont-1)

Characteristic Brief Description

Material Plastic

Packaging The product weights 550 gram for each

Weight package to meet the usual amount of side
dish which Indonesian people consume.

with box
on the
The dimension of the box is 20 cm x 12
cm x 5 cm.
Chicken meat is the most popular variant
of meat. It does not offend certain beliefs.
Chicken-like The texture of chicken meat is made using
texture vegetable ingredients and processed by an
extruder. The use of extruder aims to form
fibers that resemble with chicken meat.
This product needs to be heated in a
Mechanism Serving method microwave as the product is frozen during
the storage period.
The product contains ingredients which
has the ability to absorb the LDL
Reduce blood LDL
cholesterol level thus lowering the risk of
cholesterol level
causing cholesterol while the customers
are still be able to taste meat texture.
The product contains high antioxidant
ingredients which can be found in the
Reduce the risk of
spices used to obtain rendang flavor
which are clove, turmeric, cumin, and

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4.2.1 The Additives

According to the Food Standards Agency, potassium nitrate is a
orthorhombic crystal compound found commonly in explosives, fireworks, rocket
propellants, fertilizers and tree stump removers. Yet, since the medieval ages,
potassium nitrate, also called salt peter, has been used to preserve meats. Potassium
nitrate is a partially effective food preservative that is more frequently used to cure
and smoke meats. (Princeton, 2017)
Potassium nitrate is a mineral which occurs naturally, and it is a source of
nitrogen and could be found in almost every vegetable. It is popularly used fot its
ability to preserve the color of the meat for a longer period of time. When it is
consumed in a small amount, it is considered as not harmful. The FDA considers it
to be non-toxic so does BPOM which limit the usage up to 180 mg. this product
only used potassium nitrate for only 100 mg since there are other substances which
also has the ability to preserve the product.
This product does not contain additives other than food preservatives since
the objective in creating the product is to lower any harmful diseases caused by
unhealthy eating habits.
4.2.2 Packaging Method
The method to preserve the product uses an air-tight bag where a vacuum
sealing system sucks the air out of the containers to eliminate any contaminants and
air which cause bacteria growth. Furthermore, vacuum-packing also lessens the
bulk of the product to reduce the product dimension. The product is then stored in
the freezer with temperature 30-40oF.
Vacuum packaging is being one of the most promising and most extensively
used to preserve food products. Vacuum packaging is a modern technique for
packaging food products. It involves the extraction of the air contained in the
package and then hermetically sealing it. In this way oxygen and all chemical and
biological contaminants such as pollution substances, bacteria and mold that are
normally present in the air, are eliminated from being in contact with the product.
This method is also found useful in preventing freezer burn which causing dried
and leathery appearance since the product is stored in low temperature condition.

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4.2.3 Product Serving Method

The product is served by heating it first inside a microwave for 3 minutes
without any additional supplementary ingredients. This concept is introduced to
increase its practicability.
4.3 Product Positioning
To find out about the new product’s position and chance in the market, a
perceptual mapping is generated to depict the product’s existence relative to the
available similar products. This product is compared to Tofurky Italian Sausage and
Beyond Meat Chicken’ Strips Grilled. The parameters used to compare these
products are practicability, durability, price per 550 grams serving, taste, and
texture. From Figure 3.1 below, the product is presented as a better product than
the existing product in several criteria.

Own Product Tofurky Italian Sausage Beyond Meat Chicken' Strips Grilled

Healt Benefits Durability

Texture Price per/550 gr


Figure 4.1 Conceptual Map

 Practicability
The own product excels in practicability aspect since it only requires heating
process inside a microwave while other products need to undergo several
cooking steps before it is ready to be consumed.
 Durability
Almost all products in the conceptual map have well durability where most of
them can last for more than 12 months.
Universitas Indonesia

 Price per 550 grams serving

Both Tofurky Italian Sausage and Beyond Meat Chicken’ Strips Grilled are
very expensive where each can be bought for more than $5 per 550grams of
serving while the own product only requires $3 per 550grams of serving.
 Taste
The own product has a very satisfactory taste since rendang is listed number
one in World’s 50 Best Foods by CNN Travel website and it surpasses other
 Texture
The texture of own product is under Tofurky and Beyond Meat specifications
since their technologies are more advance and they use chemical compound
which enhances their texture similarity to meats.
 Health Benefits
From the health perspectives, own product offers more beneficial health
function and can be categorized as nutraceutical food for its ability to lowers
blood LDL cholesterol level and reduces the risk of cancer. This health benefits
can be obtained as the own product uses natural ingredients and minimal
chemical compound thus minimalize the health issues while Tofurky and
Beyond Meat uses several chemical compounds to enhance other specification

Universitas Indonesia

a) From the customer needs that have been interpreted in the last assignment, the
concept of vegetarian meat that easily served in small amount of time and also
has some healthy benefits is formulated.
b) The concept formulations are combination of the existing vegetarian meat in the
contemporary market and the genuinely new from brainstorming activity and
results 72 product concepts.
c) The generated concepts are then selected by RVF method to eliminate the
unrealistic concepts where 30 product concepts are eliminated and leaving 42
product concepts.
d) Concept number 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, and 24 are passed through
in screening process where they are rated by 5 different criteria.
e) The 12 remaining concepts are then scored in concept scoring process where
they are rated by 13 different criteria.
f) Precooked vegetarian chicken rendang meat which contains low cholesterol and
high antioxidant is the selected product concept.
g) To see whether the concept propose fulfilled consumer’s needs and to see their
interest on the selected concept, concept testing is conducted towards 40
respondents where most respondents show interest in single step food
preparation, serving time below 5 minutes, no additional ingredients during
product preparation, low LDL cholesterol, high level of antioxidant, the price
of $3.49 for the product, long storage period, rendang flavour, and high
similarity texture to meat.
h) The final product specification is then determined based on the previous data
where it is categorized from practicability, storage, properties, ingredients, and
economy aspects
i) To find out about the new product’s position and chance in the market, a
perceptual mapping is generated to depict the product’s existence relative to the
available similar products where the product is compared to Tofurky Italian
Sausage and Beyond Meat Chicken’ Strips Grilled by practicability, durability,

60 Universitas Indonesia

price per 550 grams serving, taste, and texture as the parameter where the
product excels in practicability, price per 550 gram serving, and taste aspects.
j) It is be forecasted that the product would be well accepted in the food market

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