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Gregg Morrison, Dong Guoyi, Subhash Jaireth


Gregg Morrison, Dong Guoyi, Sub hash Jaireth

© Klondike Exploration Services

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criticism or review, as permitted under the copyri ght Act. no part may be reproduced by any
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ISBN 0 646 24142 7

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Page No




Primary growth textures 6
Recrystallisation textures 6
Replacement textures 7




Boiling zone 14
Mixing zone 15
Recrystallisalion and replacement 16





INTRODUCTION In simple veInS there is a consistent

pattern of distribu tion of textures and
Most recent exploration of epith ermal consistent assemblages of textures that
veins has utilised the analogy with can be used to define a vertical textural
geothermal systems to interpret fluid zoning model. Such a model can be
conditions and position within the system rat ionalised in terms of fluid evolution in
(e.g. Henley & Ellis, 1983). In particular, boiling geothermal systems and hence
laboratory studies on samples of wallrock directly compared with the model of
have bee n used to identify alterat ion Buchanan (1981) to define position
mineral assemblages which have then within the system and the most likely
been compared with assemblages in active locus of gold. In addition, an empirical
geothermal systems (e.g. Leach, 1987). evaluation has been made of a number of
The difficulty with this approach is that systems with significant assay data to
the field geologist cannot readily identify determine which textural assemblages
many of the critical minerals so that there most commonly have significan t gold
is a time la g between mapping or core grades. In mineralised simple veins th ere
logging and interpretation of the alteration are specific textural assemblages that
mineral ogy. Our experience with carry grade. [n complex multi phase
exploration of a wide range of vein types systems, ore shoots may contain several
in north Queensland is that the textures of textural assemblages that are distinct from
vein quartz offer the field geologist not the assemblages in the adjacent barren
on ly a rapid reconnai ssance too l to lode and have their own internal zoning
evaluate the character of minerali sing pattern . Thus the quartz model should be
environments but also a means of capable of detennining vertical position
iden tifying mineralised locii within vein within a boiling epithennal vein system
systems (Dowling & Morrison, 1990). and pred icting the loc us of gold
Recent reconnaIssance, coupled with
detailed work on selected occurrences In practice, development of a textural
suggests there is a consistent suite of zontng model for a prospect requires
textures that characterise many epithennal careful and systematic observations on
veins. Fonnal definition of these textures broken surface material, drill core or
provides a frame of reference for the chips. While recognition of all tex tural
systematic description of samples . types present is important, the relative
Petrologic work has allowed abundance of textural types and their
interpretation of the origin of many of the tim in g relationships are essential to
textures and the definition of genetic establishing textural assemblages. The
groups within the classification. textural assemblage concept is the same as for metamorphic facies or alteration

mineral as semblages. While individual textures into those ch arac teristic of

samples can be assigned to a textural zone cryptocrystalline qu artz (ma ss ive
based on their textural assemblage the chalcedonic, banded chalcedonic and
boundaries between zones are gradational conoform) and tho se ch aracteristic of
o r overlapping so that j udgement is crystalline quartz (saccharoidal, comb,
requ ired in defining zones th at will zoned crystals). The members of these
distinguish intervals of different origin or textural groups commonly occur together
gold grade. and in some cases there arc gradations
from o ne texture to anoth er.
The purpose of this guide is to provide an Recrystallisation textures reflect the
illustrated reference to the common transformation of amorphous silica or
textures in epi thermal veins, to provide a chalcedony to quartz. They are most
scale model for the distribution of textural comm only assoc iated with crypto-
assemblages within an idealised vein and crystalline quartz textures and may partly
to iden ti fy the textures and tc.xtural zones obscure them where rccrystall isation is
tha t most commonly host gold extensive. Rep lacement textures represent
mineralisation. partial or comp lete pseudomorphs of
other minerals by si lica minerals wi thi n
The form of individual grains rather than
The classification of epi thermal quartz
aggregates ca n also be a usefu l
tex tures has been developed from a
classificati on tool. Within an epithermal
r eview of textures described in the
vein there is a complete gradation from
literature and from an evaluation of our
amorphous silica to cryptocrystalline to
sample collections. The textures described
crystalline qu artz wi th a variety of crystal
are thos e readily identifie d in hand-
habits Cfable 2). Some textural classes
specimen M any also have distin ctive
such as mass ive ch alcedo nic or
features in thin -section which have been
saccharoidal are defined as consisting of
incorporated in th e definitio n where
only one grai n form. Other textural
appropriate (Ta ble I). The basis of the
cl asses, particul arly crustiform texture,
descriptive classification is the nature of
have combinations of grain forms. For
crystal aggregates but the tex tures have
th ese textures, estimates of the relative
been grouped into three major classes to
proportions of different grain forms are a
aid interpreta tion of th eir origin and
useful guide to pos ition within a textural
environment of formation Crable 1, Pl ates
zone. The overall progression is to more
1-22). Primary growth textures represent
crystalline quartz and to more equ ant
initial op en-space vein fill. There is a crystals with depth.
natural subdi vision of the Primary growth


Cryptocrystanine quartz with a waxy lustre and commonly a fib rous microscopic habit.
Mas sive chaleedonie (plates 1, 2)
A uniform dense aggregate of cryptocrystalline quartz.
Banded chaleedonie (agate) (plates 3,4)
Cryptocrystanine quartz characterised by colour hands with an irregular cloudy form.

SACC][AROIDAL (plates 5, 6)
Vitreous to milky massive granular aggregate hav ing the appearance of sligar in hand specimen. Uniform or
variable crystal size often wilh finer grained cures to ovoid suoaggrcgates.

COMB (plate 7)
Groups of parallel or subparallel crystals oriented perpendicular to vein wans thus resembling the teeth of a
eomb. Normally crystals have euhedral terminations at their free ends.

ZOl'."ED CR YSTALS (Plate 8)

Grou ps or bands of crystals where individual crystals have alternating clear and milky zones. Milky zones arc
usually crowded with fluid or solid inclusions.

COLLOFORM (plates 9, 1 I)
Fine rhythmic hands each with a kidn ey -like surface and commonly radiating internal form (i .e . reniform
habit). Typical of chalcedony in crustiform hands.

CRUSTIFORM (Plates 10,11)

SLlcccssivc bands oriented parallel to vein walls and defined by differences in mineralogy, texture or colour.
Cockade (Plate 12)
Com.:entric crustiform bands surrounding isolated rock fragmcnL"i.


MOSS (Plates 13, 14)
fine botryoidal (grape-like) aggregates wi th a massive irregular form sim ilar to moss vegetation. In thin
section individual spheres typically have a cryptocrystalline core and a crystalline rim . In the core, impurities
or fluid inclusions define a concentric or radiating pattern and in the rim the extinction is radiating .


A splintery or feath ery appearance within individual quartz crystals seen only as differences in maximum
extinction position when viewed under the microscope with crossed nicols.

MOLD (Plates 16, 23, 24)
The impression left by the dissolution or partial replacement of a soluhle phase within a quartz vein. Typical
of carbonmes, sulfates or adularia.

Crystalline or cryptocrystalline quartz aggregates arranged in a bladed or platy form. Three sUhtypes arc
defined by the morphology of the bladed agg rega te.
Lallice-bladed (Plates 17, 18)
A network of intersecting blades with polyhedral cavities partly or totally filled with quartz crystals . In
thin section each blade consists of aggregates which arc usuall y arranged along a set of parallel or
subparallel planes.
Ghost-bladed (Plates 19, 20).
B1adcs arc dispersed randomly within a granular aggregate and arc differentiated from the matrix by the
grain size of the included quartz and/or by outlines of impuri ties.
Parallel-bladed (plates 21, 22)
Blades are parallel within a group hut adjacent groups may have different orientation s thus giving an
overall granular pattern in handspccimen.


Silica that lacks crystalline structure or a characteristic external fonn .

Crystals that arc too small to be distinguished under the ordinary microscope

Needle shaped or acicular crystals with a c-axis to a-axis ratio greater than 10: 1.

Crystals with one dimension markedly longer than the other two.

Long Prism: crystal with a c-axis to a-axis ratio of 5 to 10: 1

Nonnal Prism: (.Tystal with a c-axis to a-axis ratio of 2 to 5: 1
Squat Prism: crystal with c-axis to a-axis ratio less than 2 to I

Crystal s with the same or nearly the same diameter in all directions.
All axial ratios less than 1.5: 1

For the purpose of the classification, only (l985a), quartz is the most stable form of
textures within veins have been silica in hydrothermal systems. Faceted
considered. Altered, particularly silicified quartz crystals gene rall y grow in
wallrock which is a common consitituent solutions which are slightly sup er-
of many epithermal lodes docs not exhibit saturated with respect to quanz, indicating
a range of textures useful for classi- relatively slowly changing conditions.
fic atio n and so is treated as part of Where quartz preci pitates in open space
wallrock alteration. Breccias which are direc tl y from hydrothermal solution, it
common in both lodes and vcins, nced exhibits crystal faces and locally with
also to be trcatcd separately. Tcctonic growth zones of inclusions and all c-axes
breccias dominatcd by wallrock fragments of quartz arc roughly perpendicular to thc
and variably overprinted by hydrothermal surface upon which growth initially
alteration ca nnot be evaluated from the occurred.
point of view of quartz textures. How-
ever, hydrothermal brecci as developed Chalcedony may form either by direct
within veins or by overprinting of precipitation from hydrothermal solution
existing veins do commonly have infil! or by tran sformation of amorphou s silica
quartz textures that can be compared with to crystalline material. Intermediate silica
the classification. In dcsignating tcxtures supersaturation with respect to quartz is
or textural assemhl ages in breccias a required for chalcedony to precipitate
dist inction is madc between clasts and directly from solution, and it appears to
matrix, and symbols are added to form and persist only at temperatures
designate areas within lodes or veins below about I80 a C.
where breccias are prcsent. The clast and
matrix textural assemblages can normally Th e dep ositio n of amorph ous silica
be compared with those in the host vein requires a high degree of silica
so that the degree of clast movement and supersaturation with respect to quartz. In
the timing of hydrothern1al brecciation can detail, where the degree of silica
be evaluated. supersaturation in respect to amorphous
silica reaches a factor of about 2.5,
THE ORIGIN OF SOME QUARTZ homogeneous nucleation is likely to occur
TEXTURES throughout a solut ion (Weres el al.,
1982). Silica polymers grow past critical
The origin of quartz textures can panly be nucleus size, and finally coagulate or
explained by interpretation of th e flocculate, producing gelatinou s material
behaviour of quartz, chalcedony and which later is transformed to amorphous
amorphous silica in hydrothermal silica. The amorphous silica which
solutions. As summarised by Fournier formed through this procedure usually

contains a large amount of water and is slightly supersaturated with respect to

sometimes exhibits spheroidal ge l quartz, but undersaturated with respect to
structure. If degrees of supersaturation chalcedony (Fournier, 1985a). This slight
are not great enough to allow the silica supersaturation is possibly brou ght
formation of colloidal particles, the about by slow cooling of the system and
deposition of amorphous silica takes place uniform growth from multiple nucleii
directly on pre-existing solid surfaces along a vein wall.
from aqueous solutions. The rcsulting
material is dense, vitreous silica which Zoned cryst als imply mildly fluctuating
contains much less water than that initially environments during crystal growth
deposited from gelatinous material. marked by zones of fluid and/or solid
inclusions in the crystal.
Primary growth textures
Colloform texture in chalcedonic quartz is
Massive cha kedonic texture forms under inhe rited from original silica gel. The
conditi ons of intermediate si lica super- strong surface tension of the silica gel is
saturation with respect to quartz. Low responsible for the rounded or kidney-like
temperature (below about 180°C) during external surface.
and after deposition is responsible for the
low cryst allinity maintained in this Crustiform texture is so common that it is
texture. co nsidered a diagnostic feature of
epithermal veins (Buchanan, 1981 ).
A gate (fibrous banded chalcedonic quartz) Repetitive ban ds of different composition
is formed by crystallisation from an or texture reflect fluctuating concen-
initially uniform lump of silica gel when trations of elements in solution and
differentiation (or self-organisation) is fluctuating fluid conditions durin g
well developed during the crystallisation. precipitation. These fluctuations are
At low temperatures, because of the commonly ascribed to period ic boiling of
extreme slowness of nucleation rates of the hydrothermal fl uid.
silica min erals, high degrees of silica
supersaturation can be maintained in the Recrystallisation textures
solution for quite long periods of time.
Th is favours the deve lopment of All silica minerals except quartz are
oscillatory differentiation of gelatin ous metastable. After deposition, they have a
material, forming agate banding. tendency to transform to quartz. The size
and general appearance of qUartz formed
Comb texture is typically formed in open after amorphous silica or chalcedony
space from a hydrothermal solution which depends upon many factors including the

nucleation mechanism, initial water ei ther; recrystallisation of chalcedony or

content of amorphous silica, temperature, amorphous silica which formed a coating
and composition of the pore so lution. on euhedral quartz; or by accumulation of
Time, high temperature, high pH, high domains of quartz crystallites which grew
salinity and the presence of dissolved Mg individually in open space before being
have all been found to favour the coated. Th e first point (recrystallisation)
transformation of amorphous silica to perhaps is also applicable to thos e
chalcedony or quartz (Fournier, 1985a). samples which show well developed
Amorphous silica that is deposited at plumose extinction throughout quartz
depth is likely to convert relatively rapidly crystals and scattered randomly within
to chalcedony or quartz , owing to high granu lar quartz aggregates. In this case,
temperature. micro-plumose texture perhaps represents
either an inrerme dia te stage of
M os s texture preserves an original recrystallisation or the product of
spheroidal ge l texture during re- imperfect recrystallisation.
cry sta llisati on to chalcedony or qu artz.
The sp heroidal gel structure may be Replacement textures
formed either by rhythmic deposition of
si lica gel around a nucleus such as a From the comparison of morphological
foreign particle, or an early silica particle, features between quartz and possible
or by secondary di ffu sion durin g drying primary minerals (like carbonate, sulfate,
of water-rich gelatinous materi al. Very etc.) we suggest that most lattice bladed
high degrees of silica supersaturation, texture results from replacement of bladed
which lead to the formation of highly carbonate by quartz. The extreme thinness
viscous gelatinous material, and relatively of blades, lamellar partings, rhom-
hi gh temperatures, which favour re- bohedral cleavage and wedge-like
crystallisation, are required for the termination are characteristics of primary
formation of moss texture. braded carbonate. The transformation
appears to involve overgrowth of the
\1icroplumose texture has been noted by blade by fine comb-like quartz grains as
Adams (1920), who called it "feathered" well as comb-like growth along lamellar
or "fl amboyant", and considered it to be partings within the blade, presumably
restricted to surficial environments. during its dissolution (Plate 18).
Sander er al. (1988) illustrated samples
from some epithermal veins, which show In ghost-bladed texture the blade form is
plumose extinction in the rim o f comb on ly defined by concentrations of
quartz with a clear euhedral core. They impurities retained from the original
sugg es t this texture could result from mineral during replacement by quartz

(Plate 19). The replacing quartz 1S most common in epithermal veins as

granular and interlocking and not white or pink rhombic crystals lining
influenced in grain form or distribution by comb quartz veins or in crustiform bands
the original bladed texture (Plate 20). (Plates 25, 34). It has also been observed
as moss aggregates associated with moss
Parallel bladed texture, could result from quartz and chalcedony in crustiform
replacement of granular calcite by quartz bands (Plate 32) and as aggregates of
along repeated lamellar parting planes. needles forming discrete crustiform bands
The lamellar parting, which is parallel to (Plate 23). In many examples, the
the basal pinacoid of carbonate crystals, is adularia is variably replaced by kaolinite
thc most prominant of all morphologic or quartz.
features of carbonate in epithermal
environments. Replacement proceeds Amethyst is a transparent to translucent
along these planes more easily than along purple to pale violet variety of crystalline
rhombohedral cleavage planes, as noted quartz. Its colour is generally interpreted
by Adams (1920). This selective to result from the presence of Fe. It is
replacement yields a set of parallel common in epithermal veins, particularly
structures within bladed pseudomorphs in crustiform bands where carbonate is
which are displayed under the microscope present and in bladed replacement of
either by different grain size of quartz, by carbonate (Plate 19). However, it is not
preferred orientation· of quartz grains or consistently part of or limited to these
by different contents of impurities (Plate associations and hence has not been a
22). The orientation of cleavage planes of very useful guide to textural zones.
individual blades is the same within each
group, which indicates that each group Carbonate minerals are common in
represents a single carbonate crystal. epithermal veins and exhibit a wide range
of compositions and textures that can be
OTHER MINERALS used to interpret textural zones. In
addition, most carbonate minerals may be
Minerals other than quartz are common in dissolved and replaced by quartz under
epithermal veins. Their distribution and epithermal conditions so that there is also
their textures are a useful aid to the a range of quartz replacement textures that
interpretation of textural zones 10 aid interpretation of textural zones. Some
epithermal veins. other relatively soluble minerals such as
sulfates, fluorides and zeolites also occur
Adularia is a variety of K-feldspar with a in epithermal veins and they also exhibit a
weakly triclinic crystal structure and a range of primary and replacement
pseudo-orthorhombic crystal form. It is textures. However, they are not common

enough for their full textural variation to galena) are most co mmonly ass ociated
be described. with crystalline quartz in massive or
crustiform ag),'Tegates (Plate 27)
for carbonates, crystalline and granular
aggregates, bladed aggregates (Plate 28) TilE TEXTURE ZONING MODEL
and moss aggregates are most common .
Crystalline c arbonate forms massive A systematic evaluation of the vertical and
zones associated with chalcedony in some horizontal distribution of textures within a
veins. It is commonly replaced by parallel number of epi thermal veins has led to the
bladed quartz. More discrete crystals may devclopment of a textural model (Fig. I).
be dispersed through chalcedony (Plate Seven textural zones have been defined
16) or grow in crustiform ba nds or from th e recognition of textural
cavities associated with crystalline quartz assemblages and these have been b'TOuped
(Plate 36). Bladed carbonate occurs on its into three superzones. The superzones
own (Plate 28) in association with represent fundamental changes in
massive cha lcedo nic quartz where it is predominant textures whereas the zones
variably replaced by quartz (Plates 17, within each superzone are defined by
18, 29) or in crustiform bands where it is changes in su bsid iary minerals or the
also variably replaced (Plates 19, 20). relative proportions of textural types . No
Fine granular and moss carbonate is texture is necessarily excluded from any
associated with moss quartz 1n of the zones but the zones are named for
crustiform~colloform bands. the predominant textures.

S u lfid e minerals define a distin ct Th e Cha lcedonic Supcrzo ne (CB) is

mineralo gical and chemical zon ing pattern dominated by chalccdonic quartz. The
that is an integral pan o f Buchanan's three zones within it are defined by the
epithermal vein model (Fig. 1) At hand relative proporti o ns of associated
sp ecimen scale there are on ly general carbonate or bladed pseudomorphs after
textural vari ations. Fine grains of carbonate. The uppcrmost or Ca rbo nate
disseminated pyrite occur in samples with Zon e has not often been observed and
massive chalcedonic, bladed and moss~ may be obscure in outcrop because of
saccharoidal quartz. Delicate bands and weathering of carbonate. Th e zone
patches of very fine grained sulfides, con sists of massive crystalline or granular
sulfosa lts and selenides arc associated carbon ate with bands or masses of
with coll oform-crustiform banded quart z chalcedony. Weathering pits or mold s
(Plate 26, 32, 34). Discrete, euhcdral after carbonate crystals may be present
grains of simple sulfides (Pyrite, (Plate Hi) in the chalcedony and may
arsen opyrite, chalcopyrite, sph alerite , include some parallel bladed quartz

o [ 00 Empty (CJ~)'s)

Rc.n; gold
\ 7.c:olitc'i, Calrite
CI .. ys (Ag~te)
CR YSTALLINE CARBO:-.lATJ: (± agate ± par;dkl bladed ± molds)

LAlTICE BlAl)ED -I BlADED CARBO:'-';ATE (± agate± amethyst)

\ Zeolites
Ag," CII
/ Subnite
\ PR /
Gold in pYlitc
MASSIVE CHALCEDONIC (± lattice bladed ± mosS±agate)

200 \ / Pyrite
(Dar, H) MOSS + ClfAlCH){):--'lC > C:RYSTAI.L~·E (± lattice bladed
200 Pyrargyrite
Proustite ± sulfide bands ± moss adularia)

\ / Argentite

\ AD
CR YSTALLIKE > MOSS + CHALCEDON!C (± needle ;ldularia
i - sulfide bar.ds}_ disseminated s!llfides)
L"lTERVAI. A'Em,_"
1O0 l'Ylite
(Cal, ChI, Fl)

1 G,"",

i Cmmm> "".n "om_ '.,"U~ "~"CM"

250 CRYSTALLLNE QUART/. + CARBONAl1:: (crustiform)

DEVIl I T("c) Fig_!: Scale m{xlel for zoning of textures, alteration, ore and gangue mim:ralogy in a typical ooiling zone cpnhcrmal VCln_ Based on the model of
1M) Buchanan (1981) with temperature reflecting the level for boiling under hydrostatic conditions of a fluid containing 2.84% NaCL Alteration
zoncs PR = propylitic; SI = Silica; AD = Adularia; ILL = Illite; SER = Sericite; eEL = Celadonite; AI. c_ Alunite-kaolinite pyrite. Sec Buchanan
(1981) f or details.(?'1pitallettcrs in texture column refer to super zones: CH = ChaJcedonic; CC Crustifonn-Collofonn; X = Crystallinc

formed by primary or second ary Superzone but they are almost entirely
replacement of the carbonate. The overall disposed within bands. The Superzone is
texture is massive to crudely banded. somewhat arbitarily divided into two
zones based on the relative proportions of
The Bladed Zone grades from the bands with chalcedonic and moss textures
Carbonate Zone by an increase in the as opposed to crystalline (saccharoid al,
relative proportion of bladed to massive comb and zoned crystal) textures. The
carbonate and associated pseudomorphs. upper zone has chalcedonic and moss
The most common form is massive bands dominant over crystalline bands
chalcedonic quartz with patches or crude and has associated moss adularia, bladed
bands of lattice-blades (Plate 29). Clear carbo nate, lattice blades and fine grained
crystalline quartz or amethyst may be banded sulfides (Plate 31, 32). Colloform
present be tween blades (Plate 29). banding is ben er developed in this zone
Toward the Carbonate Zone bladed because of the abundance of chalcedony.
carbonate, molds after bladed carbonate The lower zone has crystall ine ban ds
or part ially replaced blades may occur. dominant over chalcedonic and moss
Toward the Massive Chalcedonic zone the bands and has associated needle
proportion of lattice blades to chalcedony crystalline adularia and disseminated
decreases and the blades are generally crystalline sulfides as well as sulfide
smaller and more confined to bands. band s (Plates 33, 34). Within th e
Crustiforrn-Colloforrn Superzone there is
In the Massive Chalcedonic zone not only a change from dominan t
chalcedony dominates. In handspecimen chalcedonic to dominant crystalline quartz
the chalced ony appears massive but on but also a ch ange in dominant qu artz
polished surfaces an irregular swirling or crystal form from saccharoidal to zoned
crudely banded character is defined by crystals to clear comb (prismatic) crystal s
colour ch anges (Plate 30). In the upper going downward.
part of the zone some of the bands may be
laniee bladed. In the lower part of the The Crv s tall i ne Superzone IS

zone banding may be more reg ular and characterised by the association of
hence more like agate. Elsewhere the crystalline quartz with crystalline adularia,
chalcedony may have moss texture in sulfides and carbonate. Chalcedonic,
patches. colloform, moss and bladed textures are
virtually absen t, but crustiform bands are
The Crusti form ·Colloform Super70ne common. The crystalline quartz is
(CC) is marked by the development of dominantly clear and pri smatic but zoned
consistent banding. Th ere is a wide range crystals and saccharoidal quartz are
of textures and minerals within the present loc ally. Within the Superzone

there is a general decrease in the known zones , or adjusted using the

proponions of sulfides and adularia and equation provided by Buchanan (198\)
increase in the proponion of crystalline where fluid inc lusio n data allows
carbonate interstitial to crystalline quanz interpretation of salinity for the
going downward. The break to dominant occurrence.
interstitial carbonate is used to distinguish
the crvstalline quartz + adularia + sulfide In most well mineralised occurrences,
and c[ystalline quartz +carbonate zones. particularly bonanza veins, ore is
developed in discrete shoots within lower
The textural model (Fig. I) can be grade or barren veins or lodes. From
compared with the alteration, ore and experience to date, ore shoo ts are
gangue zoning model proposed by characterised by assemblages of texture
Buchanan (198 1). Empirically there is that distinguish them from th e adjacent
good comparison between the general veins. The ore shoots tend to be
sequence of minerals and textures and this dominated by textures from the
allows cross-checking when trying to Crustiform-Colloform Superzone and
establish vertical position within a often contain breccias with clasts and
system. Most occurrences represent only matrix whose textures also represent this
a portion of the idealised model and most Superzon e. The adjacent ve in may
well mineralised occurrences have represent any of the textural zones but is
addi tional complexities related to generally limited in terms of the number
brecciation and multiphase overprint. of zones present and the range of textures
within each zone. Many barren lodes also
In using the overall model the first step is consist of variab ly silicified and
to establish a spatial and paragenetic brecciated wallrock and this needs to be
zoning sequence for the depo sit being distinguished from chalcedonic or other
evaluated. Where good vertical exposure vein quartz before a textural evaluation is
or drill information is available a vertical attempted.
sca le can be assigned to the zones and
compared with the scale assigned by ORIGIN OF TEXTURAL ZONES
Buchanan (Fig. I ). The scale calculated
by Buchanan (198 I) assumes boiling of a The Buchanan model (Fig. I) is scaled as
fluid with an in iti al 2.84 weight per cent a single pass boi ling system and the
NaCI. This is an average for the deposits zoning patterns are interpreted in terms of
for which Buchanan compiled data and the behaviour of fluid undergoing boiling.
hence is a sensible but arbitary reference. Similarly the textural model can be
In evaluating occurrences the scale can be interpreted in relation to boiling. The
adjusted to reflect the actual position of Crystalline Superzone r epresent the

portion of the model below the level known to increase with increase in the
where boiling takes place. The Crusti- salinity of fluids (Fournier, 1985a). As
form-Colloform Superzone represents the II4Si04 remains the dominant form of
two phase or boiling interval and the dissolved silica in acidic to neutral fluids,
Chalcedonic Superzone represents the the solubility remains independent of
interval in which steam derived from the changes in pH. Observations based on the
boiling interval condenses or mixes with geothermal fluids have shown that at
the local groundwater. temperatures> 200°C quartz controls the
silica saturation in fluids. Chalcedony
The zoning of quartz (and calcite) textures which has higher solubility than quartz,
in general should depend on the solubility starts con trolling the silica-saturation at
of and the kinetics of dissolution and lower temperatures (Fournier, 1985a).
preci pit ation of various forms of silica Thus dep os ition of amorphous si lica,
and calcite. Although there is en ough which is a common precipitate in these
information on the solubility of silica and environments, requires high levels of
calcite in hydrothermal fluids (Fournier, silica-supersaturation with respect to
1985a) there are very limited data on the quartz. This can be achieved under
kinetics of dissol ution and precipitation of specific conditions in the epithermal
these minerals (Rimstidt & Barnes, 1980; environment.
Brady & Walther, 1990; Dove & Crerar,
1990; Morse, 1983). Tn contrast to silica, the solubility of
calcite (and other carbonates) is a function
Experimentally determined solubi lities of of not only T, P but also of the solubil ity
common silica minerals in pure water at of C02 in the fluids and partial pressure
vapor press ure increases with tem- of C02. At temperatures >175°C Henry's
perature. At each temperature amorphous law constant (KH ; Ratio of fugacity of
silica is more soluble than chalcedony and C02 and the mole fraction of C02 in the
chalcedony more than quartz (Fournier, fluid) increases with fall in temperature
1985a). At 25°C increased pressure has indicating that on cooling C02 partitions
little effect on the solubility of silica but at in favour of the gaseous phase. Below
higher temperatures (>300°C) the 175°C, KH falls with falling temperature
solubi lity rapidly increases with pressure. thereby reversing the trend and C02 starts
Below 300°C most dissolved salts except favouring the fluid phase (Ellis &
Na2S04 cause a sligh t decrease in the Golding, 1963). The experimentally
solu bility of amorphous silica. Addition determined solubility of calcite decreases
of l'\a2S 04 increases the solubility with increase in temperature (retrograde
apparently through the formation of silica- solubility) and increases with isothermal
sulfate complexes (Fournier, 1895a). increase in the salinity and partial pressure
Above 300°C the solubility of quartz is of C02 (Ellis, 1959; 1963). At a fixed

temperature the solubility of calcite in a gases. Pure water at 250°C will start
fluid in equilibrium with its vapour phase boiling at a hydrostatic depth of 460 m
increases with increase in the partial whereas 10 wt % eq NaCl fluid will boil
prcssure of C02 until me02 ~ 1 molelkg at a shallower depth of 390 m (Haas,
(Segnit et ai., 1962). At a fixed total 1971). In contrast, water containing
pressure, an isothermal increase in the dissolved C02 will start boiling earlier
conc entration of C02 increases the i.e. at greater depths. In the epithermal
solubility of calcite until me 0 2 ~ 1 environment, the compos ition of
mole/kg and decreases at higher successive batches of fluids moving
concentrations of C02 (Sharp & upwards is not expected to change much
Kennedy, 1965). These studies show that although lower temperatures of these
loss of C02 and dilution are the main fluids might move the zones of successive
factors controlling deposition of calcite, boiling upwards. Additi onall y, selective
whereas cooling of fluids makes the and partial sealing due to silicification of
fl uids undersaturated with respect to rocks at the shallower levels will also
calcite causing dissolution of earlier move the boiling zone upwards.
precipitated calcite.
13clow the immediate boiling zone, where
Boiling zone the fluid cools gradually by reversible
expansion, relatively slow conditions of
Typical epithennal fluid is a C02~bca ring, precipitation dominate and the silica
pH~neutral fluid with an average salinity saturation is con trolled by quartz.
of < 1 wt % eq NaCl (Hedcnquist & Therefore this zone is expected to be
Henley, 1985). Such a fluid, while characteri sed by the depos ition of
moving upwards along the channel way, crystalline quartz (Superzone X) which
undergoes reversible expansion and at could be accompanied by base metal
some point, when. the vapour pressure of sulfides .
the fluid exceeds the hydrostatic pressure,
starts boiling (irreversible adiabatic In the zone of boiling marked by rapid
expansion). Along the channelway, loss of volatiles, increase in pH and
dcpe ndin g on the shapes of the cooling, the condi tions of deposition are
channel way (constrictions and bulges) the much more rapid. Rapid loss of C02
fluid can undergo les s vigorous causes precipitation of calcite, whereas
irreversible expansion known as throttling increase in pH results in the formation of
(Barton & Toulmin, 1(63). The depth at potash~fcldspar. Significant cooling due
which th e ascending fluid undergoes to adiabatic expansion can make the fluid
boiling depends on the temperature, supersaturated with respect to chalcedony
salinity and the concentration of dissolved and amorphous silica and cause

amorphous (gel) silica to precipitate. Mixing zone

Rapid rates of crystallisation are also
reflected in the type of potash feld spar In geothermal systems shallow levels are
(adularia) characterised by a high degree marked by a well-developed zone of
of disorder in the crystal symmetry. mixing. In a large number of epithermal
Zones of crustiform+colloform banded deposits mixing between two different
quartz very common in the Superzone fluids has been indicated by fluid -
CC, reflect repeated episodes of boiling. inclusion and stable isotope studies
Breccia veins with fragments of earlier- (Hayba et ai., 1985; Hedenquist &
formed banded quartz also indicate Henley, 1985). Within geothermal
successive boiling events. systems, three end-member flu ids have
been recogn ised (Hedenquist & Hen ley,
If the adi abatic expansion is intensive and 1985): C02-bearing chloride fl uids (the
the flu id cools whi le rapidly ascend in g to main ore-carrying flu id); steam heated
the surface, it can become supersaturated meteoric fluids of acid sulfate-bicarbonate
with respect to amorphous silica and composition; and mix ed oxidising
deposit gel-silica in the form of sinters or chloride-sulfate fluids.
silicify the porous, groundwater-rich rock
generating the silica cap commonly In the epithermal environment the initial
observed in many epithermal deposits. mixing of near-neutral chloride fluids
rising rapidly after boiling and cooling
Experimental studies on the crys tal can lead to the formation of a silica-cap
growth of calcite have indicated that due to sil icification of the meteoric water-
calcite growing in fluids marked by fall in rich aquifer rock. This silica cap, due to
the activity of carbonate ions have acute high porosity and fracturing mainta ins
rhombohedral shapes (Kirov et ai., mass and heat transfer between the
1970). Therefore calcite depositing due to meteoric and near-neutral chloride fluids
boiling and loss of C02 and associated in the earlier stages of its formation.
drop in the activity of total carbonate and Subsequent boiling events result in the
increase in the activity of calcium are condensation of the acidic gases in to the
expected to form massive granu lar cooler, oxidiscd meteoric fluids causing
aggregates rather than tabular (bladed) argillic and advanced argillic alteration.
forms. Rapid deposition following rapid Experimental studies have shown that
nucleation will also assist in the formation quartz (a nd amorphous silica) in acid
of fine-grained granular aggregates. fluids at 200 0 to 350° C dissolves and
precipitates very slowly (Fournier,
1985a). The presence of 1-1+ ions in acidic
fluids also inhibits the polymerisation of

dissolved silica. Therefore it is possible meteonc f1uids within the aquifer might
that the acid sulfate-bicarbonate fluids cause these fluids to become saturated
keep silica dissolved, the concentration of with respect to calcite ' beeause the
which in the fluids might additionally solubility of calcite decreases with
keep on increasing due to argillic Increase In temperature. If the
alteration of silicates, causing extreme groundwater aquifer is represented by
supersaturation with respect to calcareous rocks, mixing of the meteoric
amorphous silica. The formation of silica- fluids with hot fluids moving upwards
sulfate complexes might be an additional along the channelway could induce calcite
factor increasing silica-supersaturation of deposition.
the fluids. Mixing of these acidic fluids
with ncar-neutral chloride fluids (pH Overprinting by later, more silica-
neutralising) will precipitate amorphous saturated acid-sulfate fluids will start
silica, recrystallising into massive dissolving calcite and replacing them with
chalcedony (Superzone CH). amorphous silica, later recrystallising into
chalcedony or fine-grained crystalline
Superzone CH is characterised by large quartz. The presence of amethyst in this
quartz blades replacing carbonate. The zone can also be related to mixing where
precipitation of calcite at shallow levcls is Fe+ 3, due to more oxidising conditions,
very problematic, mainly due to the dopes silica giving it a purple colour
retrograde nature of its solubility. It is (Fournier, 1985a). The breakdown of
possible that mixing of C02 released due iron-bearing carbonates can serve as a
to boiling of fluids at deeper levels with good source of iron.
cooler meteoric fluids might cause
precipitiation of calcite due to an increase Recrystallisation and replacement
in the total carbonate concentration in the
fluids. At lower temperatures most of the Replacement textures commonly seen in
partitioning of C02 goes in favour of the gangue minerals of epithermal deposits
fluid phase. Therefore C02 dissolves are mostly related to the replacement of
more readily to give l-I2C03 which at calcite (carbonates) by quartz. Calcite and
lower temperatures dissociates more all other carbonates can be easily replaced
intensively, leading to an increase in the by silica due to their retrograde solubility.
activities of I-IC03- and C03-2 ions. If Thus overprinting by cooler f1uids will
this is true, then the experimental studies dissolve carbonate precipitated earlier and
of (Kirov et al., 1970) suggest favourable reprace it with silica. The large amounts
conditions for the formation of bladed of C02 released from boiling fluids move
aggregates of calcite. It is possible that faster than the residual fluid due to their
bubbling of hotter plumes of C02 in the higher volatility. These channels of C02

gas will readily. dissolve any carbonate which is poorly mineralised overlies the
because the isothermal solubility of well mineralised Crustiform-Colloform
carbonate increases with increase in the Superzone. In mineralised systems the
partial pressure of C02. general experience is that samples from
the Chalcedonic Superzone carry
Moss and microplumose textures formed anomalous gold grades whereas samples
by recrystallisation of amorphous silica from the Chalcedonic Superzone 1Il

are most common in the massive poorly mineralised systems are barren.
chalcedonic and moss-chalcedonic zones.
Experimetal studies have indicated that Poor assays of samples from the
time, high temperature, high pH, high Crustiform -Colloform Superzone are
salinitiy and the presence of dissolved Mg generally discouraging for the system as a
favor recrystallisation of amorphous silica whole, but ore shoot characteristics,
(Fournier, 1985a). The plumes of hot particularly vein breccias, should be
vapour, with C02 and H2S released due carefully checked. Within the Crustiform-
to boiling, passing through the columns Colloform Superzone, subsidiary
of earlier precipitated silica could be a textures, particularly sulfide bands and
good source of high temperature needed moss or needle adularia, are strongly
for recrystallisation. In addition, the associated with high b'Tades in a number
residual fluid which is relatively more of studied systems. The ideal sample for
saline and has a higher pH could also grade has well developed crustiform and
cause recrystallisation. colloform bands, with or without breccia
texture, but with good sulfide bands,
DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD moss or needle adularia and saccharoidal
GRADE or zoned crystal quartz.

In the Buchanan model there are specific Assaying of character samples has
intervals that host base and precious metal demonstrated that within individual
deposits there is a consistent grade range
mineralisation (Fig. 1). In the textural
for each texture assemblage. For
model the precious metal interval
example, at Wool gar the assemblage
essentially corresponds to the Crustifoffil-
bladed carbonate + bladed pseudomorphs
Colloform textural Superzone and the + massive chalcedonic which char-
basemetal interval overlaps the crystalline acterises the surface exposure of the Lost
> moss + ehaleedonic zone and the World vein rarely has grade better than
crystalline quartz + adularia + sulfide 0.7 glt Au. In contrast, the assemblage
zone (Fig. I). In practice this crustiform + colloform + zoned crystals +
moss adularia + sulfide bands intersected
generalisation holds very well. Most
in drill core in the same vein typically
importantly, the Chalcedonic Superzone
assays better than 4 glt Au. Character

sampling of this type can be used to textural model more appropriate to these
establish a grade distribution model that is systems needs to be established.
uscful for evaluating untested veins or
parts of veins within the same system. REFERENCES

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of vein quartz: Econ. Geo!., v. 15, p.

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Some mechanisms for cooling
both Buchanan's (1981) model and the hydrothermal fluids: U. S. Geological
textural model presented here would be Survey, Professional Paper, 424-D,
classified as adularia-sericite type veins in p. 348-352.
the scheme of Hayba et al . (1985). For Brady, P. Y., & Walther, 1. Y., 1990.
acid-sulfate deposits the mineralisation is Kinetics of quartz dissolution at low
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replacement bodies and irregular lodes
than in discrete simple veins. The veins Buchanan, L. J., 1981. Precious metal
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those in the lower half of the mode!. 237-261.
Similarly there are a number of studied
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is a predominance of crystalline and hydrothermal mixed flow reactor:
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, v. 54,
saccharoidal quartz, more carbonate p. 955-970.
sulfates and sulfides in crustiform and
cockade textures, less adularia and less Dowling, K. & Morrison, G.W., 1990.
Application of quartz textures to the
chalcedonic, bladed and moss textures. classification of gold deposits using
The common geologic features of these North Queensland examples:
occu; rences is a setting in andesitic Econ.Geo!. Monograph 6, pp 342-
stratovolcanoes and/or a close genetic link
between veins and intermediate to alkalic Ellis, A. J., 1959. The solubility of
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Am.J.Sci., v. 257, p. 354-365.
many geothermal systems hosted in
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temperature, have a greater magmatic calcite in sodium chloride solutions at
high temperatures: Am.J.Sci., v. 261,
fluid component and have a different p. 259-267.
hydrologic regime compared with their
counterparts in rhyolitic calderas (e.g. Ellis, A. J. & Golding, R. M., 1963. The
solubility of carbon dioxide above
Henley & Ellis, 1983). These differences
100°C in water and in sodium
are reflected in the texture and mineralogy . chloride solutions: Am.J.Sci.,v.261,
of the associated epithermal veins. A p.47-60.

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Carbonates: mineralo g y and
Fournier, R. 0., 19 85b. Carbonate chemistry, Reviews in Mineralogy, v.
transp ort and depositi on in the 11, p. 227 -264.
epithennal environment in Berger B.
R.& Bethke, P. M. eds, Geology and Rimstidt, J. D., & Barnes, H. L., 1980.
geochemistry of epithennal systems: The kinetics of silica-water reactions:
Reviews in Econ. Geo!. v. 2, p. 63 - Oeochim. Cosmochim. Acta, v. 44,
71. p.1683-1699.

Haa s, J. L., Jr., 1971. The effec t of Sander, \1.Y. , 1988. Crystallisation and
sali nity on the max imum thermal rccrystall isation of growth· zoned vein
gradients of a hydrothermal system at quartz crystals from e pithermal
hydrostatic pressure: Econ. Geo!. , v. system s - imp li cat ion for fluid
66, p. 940-946. incl usion stud ies: Econ.Oeol. , v. 83,
p. 1052-1062.
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N. K., 1985 . Geologic, mineralogic Segnit, E. R., Holland. H. D., &
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volcanic -hosted epithenn al precious- of calcite in aqueous solutions - 1, The
metal deposits: in Berger, B. R., & solubility of calcite in water between
Bethke, P. M., (eds) Geology and 75° and 200°C at C02 pressures up
geochemistry of epithermal systems: to 60 atm: Geochim. Cosmochim.
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Central ExtendcdlWhite Hope areas of
th e Cracow Mining Region: for Costain Australia



Cryptocrystalline quartz (chalcedony) with a massive form, typical waxy
lustre and conchoidal fracture. Bimurra, North Queensland.


Dense heterogeneous aggregate of cryptocrystall ine quanz with local spherical
or banded domains and coarser (recrystallised?) patches. Quartz Hill , North
Queensland; crosscd polars, field of view 5.4 mm.


Delicately colour banded chalcedony (agate) with local co11oform bands and
cross-cutting crystalline (comb) quartz veins. Fragment in vcin breccia,
Quanz Hill, North Queensland.


Fibrous internal habit with fibres oriented orthogonal to band margins and
optical continuity of fibres between subbands. Typica l character of banded
and some massive chalcedony. Same sample as Plate 3, Quartz Hill, North
Queensland; cross polars, field of view 5.4 mm.

Massive fine grained crystalline quartz aggregate with thc appearance of
sugar. Grain size is variable and is highlighted by the coarser terminated
crystals in the cavities. Antamok Mine, Baguio district, Philippines.

Interlocking subhedral grains of near uniform grain size. Local finer grained
aggregatcs act as nucleii to crude rosettes of elongate crystals. Same specimen
as Plate 5; crossed nicols, field of view 5.4 mm.


Plate 7. COMB
Clear to l,'Tey quartz band consisting of tightly packed subparallel crystals
oriented perpendicular to the band wall giving the appearance of a comb.
Crystals have euhedral terminations at one end only (bottom side of this band)
and some internal banding defined by more milky quartz. Sample is
crustiform colloform banded vein with chalcedonic and comb quartz bands,
Quartz Hill, North Queensland.


Euhcdral quartz crystals witb alternating clear and milky zones parallel to
growing crystal faces. Milky zones are crowded with fluid inclusions. Note
the pale purple (amethystine) inner part of the band and the wedge-shaped
crystals formed by competition for space between adjoining crystals. Part of a
crustiform quartz vein, Quartz Hill, North Queensland.


Fine banded chalcedony with a botryoidal form in cross-section and a kidney-
like plan surface. This is the typical form of chalcedony in crustiform bands.
Quartz Hill, North Queensland.


Alternating fine bands parallel to vein walls consisting of clear-grey comb
quartz and white crystalline adularia. The internal part of the vein is more
crudely banded with moss and comb quartz. Scott Lode, Pajingo Mine, North


Classic examples of the crustiform (alternating) and colloform (botryoidal)
bands considered characteristic of epithermal veins. Blue and white bands are
chalcedony, grey and purple bands comb quartz (locally zoned crystals) and
creamy yellow bands adularia. Cirotan Mine, Java, Sample courtesy of D.J.

Plate 12. COCKADE

Crustiform bands of comb quartz, chaledony and sulfides overgrowing
wallrock and other vein fragments. Typical of vein breccia ore sboots
associated with crustiform-colloform veins. Ten level, Cirotan Mine, Java.
7 8

9 10

11 12

Plate 13. MOSS

Massive to crudely banded aggregate of spheroidal grains with an overall
appearance similar to moss vegetation. Pajingo, North Queensland, drill hole
JMD 173 at 27 m.

Plate 14. MOSS

Grape-like aggregate of spheroidal grains outlined by concentrations of
impurities. In the lower half of the plate the spheroids are overgrown and
variable replaced by clear crystalline quartz which partly preserves the
original spheroidal texture. Pajingo, North Queensland, drill hole JMD 173 at
46 m: plane polarised light, field of view 5.4 mm.


Feathery appearance in domains within quartz crystals related to formation of
crystallites during recrystallisation of chalcedony. Grand Central Vein,
Wool gar North Queensland; crossed nicols, field of view 5.4 mm.


Plate 16. MOLDS

Massive chalcedony with polygonal cavities representing weathered out
carbonate rhombs. Elsewhere such cavities may be partly or completely filled
with granular or bladed quartz aggregates due to hydrothermal or weathering
processes. Lost World Vein, Wool gar, North Queensland.


A network of intersecting blades with polyhedral cavities partly lined by
quartz crystals. This texture represents either direct pseudomorphs of original
bladed carbonate or partial replacement of massive crystalline carbonate along
fracture surfaces, cleavage or twin planes followed by dissolution of
rcmaining carbonate. Bimurra, North Queensland.


A network of intersecting blades where cach blade consists of a series of
parallel seams separated by quartz crystals or crystallites. The crystals and
crystallites have grown symmetrically about the seams and perpendicular to
them. Same sample as Plate 17, Bimurra, North Queensland; crossed nicols,
field of view 5.4 mm.
13 14

15 16

17 18


Blades identified in handspe~iment by concentrations of impurities rather than
the pattern of quartz crystallisation (c.f. Lattice-bladed). Original Fe carbonate
has been replaced by quartz, preserving a bladed form and highlighting it
with concentrations of red and yellow iron oxides. Replacement o~curred
prior to or during crystallisation of the adjacent crustiform band which
contains amethyst and zoned crystals. Woolgar, North Queensland.


Subhedral interl oc king quartz gr ai ns with superimposed bladed texture
identified only by concentrations of iron oxides. Drill hole GCD8 at 27 m
Grand Central Vein Woolgar, North Queensland; crossed n i~ol s, field of
view 5.4 mm.


Parallel blades of quartz organised in groups such that adjacent groups have a
different orientation. Blades represent replacement along multiple lamellar
parting planes within original coarse carbonate grains. Lamellae in this
example represent both rhombohedral cleavage (two interesecting sets) and
basal pinacoid (one parallel set) . Blade groups define the original coarse
grains of massive carbonate. Bimurra, North Queensland.


Aggregate of quartz grains showing prcferred orientation in parallel sets and
through going partings between sets. Partings correspond to basal pinacoid
cleavage in a carbonate grain that has been completely replaced by quartz.
Photomicrograph of same sample as Plate 21, Bimurra, North Queensland;
crossed nicols, field of view 5.4 mm.

Plate 23. MOLD

Radiating ag6'Tegate of aciclllar (needle-like) cavities transgressing crustiform·
colloform banded quartz. Cavities here are highlighted by grinding powder
but do contain some granular quartz and kaolinite suggesting they represent
weathered adularia needles that originally 6'Tew in the banded quartz. Pajingo
Mine, Korth Queensland.

Plate 24. MOLD

Linear cavities and partings forming boundaries to aggregates of elongate fine
quartz grains and preserved as lin ear inclusion free zones in coarse quartz
grains. Cavities locally contain kaolinite and fine granular quartz. Suggests
partial hydrothermal replacement of adularia needles by quartz and partial
hydrothermal replacement or weathering of remaining adularia to kaolinite.
Same sample as Plate 23, Pajingo Mine, North Queensl and; crossed nicols
field of view 5.4 mm.
19 20

21 22

23 24

Plate 25. ADULARIA

Salmon pink crystalline adularia in crustifonn bands with chalcedony, comb
quartz and fine sulfides. Multiphase breccia lode in andesite, Golden Plateau
Mine, Cracow, Queensland.


Fine grained sulfides and silica as fracture fill and replacement in andesite host
(lower part of plate) as a margin to a crustiform-colloform band (lower centre)
and as fragments in vein breccia (centre and upper). Golden Mile Lode,
Cracow, Queensland.


Vein breccia clasts with bands and cockade overgrowths of coarse grained
marcasite, pyrite, sphalerite, galena and comb quartz. Cirotan Mine, Java.


A network of intersecting blades of calcite separated by polyhedral cavities.
The texture of lattice-bladed quartz (Plate 17) is directly comparable
suggesting it may originate as a pseudomorph of lattice-bladed calcite.
Komata Mine, Coromandel , New Zealand.


Plate 29. ZONE CHbl

Massive chalcedonic quartz with well developed lattice blades and parallel
blades. Partial rccrystallisation to clear crystalline quartz in lower half (grey)
and crystalline quartz infill to lattice. Lost World, Woolgar.

Plate 30. ZONE CHma

Massive cha1cedonic quartz with irregular swirling colour bands (centre left)
and weakly banded milky section (right). Lost World, Woolgar.
2S 26

27 28

29 30

Plate 31. ZONE CCma

Crustiform and colloform banded quartz with bands dominated by moss
texture (cream , pink). Bands of chalcedony (grey) and zoned quartz crystals.
Dark seams between bands represen t weathered sulfides. Typical of high
grade ore, Scott Lode, Pajingo, drillhole JMD 17323 .0 m (3 gltAu over I m)

Plate 32. ZONE CC

Crustiform--colloform with bands of saccharoidal-comb quart z (white) with
d isscmi nated su lfides; massive to moss chalcedonic qu artz (buff); moss
adu laria (cream); and sulfide-sulphosalt partings (black). High grade Au-Ag-
Se ore, K ushikino, Japan. Sample courtesy Jo hn Dow, Newmon t.
Indones ia.

Plate 33. BRECCIA IN ZOt\'E CCsa

Clasts of crustifoml-colloform banded vein quartz-sulfide (centre and upper
right) and veined and silicified wall rock (left) ovcr!,'Town by crustiform bands
of fibrous chalcedony (grey) and saccharoidal quartz (white). are zone, Scott
Lode, Pajin go, drill hole JMD 242 at 63.5 m (7.92 glt Au over I m)


Clasts of silicified wall rock (righ t centre) and saccharoidal quartz-sulfide
(right upper) overgrown by crusti form bands and cockades of zoned quartz
and crysta lline adu laria. Golden Plateau open pit, Cracow, Queensland.

Plate 35. ZONE Xs

Multiphase, crudely crustiform vein consisting entirely of zoned quartz
crystals and coarse granular sulfides (sphalerite, pyritc, galena, chalcopyritc).
Silvcr-basemetal but gencrally not gold ore. Id arado vei n, San Juan
Mountains, Colorado. Sample courtesy of D.J. Kirwan.

Plate 36. ZONE Xca

Crystalline comb quartz with weak crustiform tex ture due to milky-clear
variation in quartz. Carbonate infill in vugs. Barren or low grade zone, Scott
Lode, Pajingo drill hole JMD 234 at 129 m (0.69 glt Au over 1 m)
31 32

33 34

35 36

This volume was originally produced in 1990 by the authors for the Gold Research Group at
James Cook University as part of AMlRA Project P247 - Epithermal Gold Deposits in

The classification and zoning model was synthesised from reconnaissance work on numerous
veins and sample suites (G.M., D.G. & N.M.Tate) and detailed studies on deposits (R. Bobis
- Scott Lode, Pajingo; J.Digweed - Wool gar; R.Porter - Pajingo outside lodes; M. Worsley -

Access to deposits, provision of sample suites and financial support for the overall research
project was provided through AMlRA by the following companies:

Aberfoyle Ltd Australian Consolidated Minerals Ltd

Aztec Mining Company Ltd Battle Mountain (Australia) Inc.
Carpentaria Exploration Company Central Pacific Minerals NL
Chevron Exploration Corporation Cracow Mining Venture
CRA Exploration Pty Ltd Cyprus Gold Australia Corporation
Dalrymple Resources NL Elders Resources
Geopeko Golden Shamrock
Hunter Resources Keela-Wee
Kidston Gold Mines Metana Minerals NL
Nedex Pty Ltd Newmont Australia
Billiton North Broken Hill Peko
Otter Exploration Pancontinental
Paragon Gold Pty Ltd Placer Pacific
Poseidon Ltd RGC Ltd
Ross Mining NL RTZ
Western Mining Corporation

The original edition was typed by S. Warren and mocked up in the Printery at James Cook
University.Thanks also to Jan Morrison and Nick Tate for the cover design. All this support is
gratefully acknowledged.

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