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Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 17, 197-21 8 (1996)


Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, Boston, Massa-
chusetts, U.S.A.

Why might firms be regarded as astutely managed at one point, yet subsequently lose their
positions of industry leadership when faced with technological change? We present a model,
grounded in a study of the world disk drive industry, that charts the process through which
the demands of a firm ’s customers shape the allocation of resources in technological innovation-
a model that links theories of resource dependence and resource allocation. We show that
established firms led the industry in developing technologies of every sort-even radical ones-
whenever the technologies addressed existing customers’ needs. The same firms failed to develop
simpler technologies that initially were only useful in emerging markets, because impetus
coalesces behind, and resources are allocated to, programs targeting powetjid customers.
Projects targeted at technologies for which no customers yet exist languish for lack of impetus
and resources. Because the rate of technical progress can exceed the performance demanded
in a market, technologies which initially can only be used in emerging markets later can
invade mainstream ones, carrying entrant firms to victory over established companies.

Students of management have marveled at how and Sun Microsystems, both entrants to the indus-
hard it is for firms to repeat their success when try. The pioneers of the portable computing mar-
technology or markets change, for good reason: ket-Compaq, Zenith, Toshiba and Sharp- were
there are lots of examples. For instance, no lead- not the leaders in the desktop segment.
ing computer manufacturer has been able to repli- And yet even as these firms were missing
cate its initial success when subsequent architec- this sequence of opportunities, they were very
tural technologies and their corresponding markets aggressively and successfully leading their indus-
emerged. IBM created and continues to dominate tries in developing and adopting many strategi-
the mainframe segment, but it missed by many cally important and technologically sophisticated
years the emergence of the minicomputer archi- technologies. IBM’s leadership across generations
tecture and market. The minicomputer was of multi-chip IC packaging, and Sun Micro-
developed, and its market applications exploited, systems’ embrace of RISC microprocessor
by firms such as Digital Equipment and Data technology, are two instances. There are many
General. While very successful in their initial other examples, discussed below, of firms that
markets, the minicomputer makers largely missed aggressively stayed at the forefront of technology
the advent of the desktop computer: a market development for extended periods, but whose
which was created by entrants such as Apple, industry leadership was later shaken by shifting
Commodore and Tandy, and only later by IBM. technologies and markets.
The engineering workstation leaders were Apollo The failure of leading firms can sometimes be
ascribed to managerial myopia or organizational
lethargy, or to insufficient resources or expertise.
Key words: innovation; resource allocation; strategy For example, cotton-spinners simply lacked the
change; technological change; failure human, financial and technological resources to

CCC 0 143-2095/96/030 197-22 Received 20 September 1993

0 1996 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Final revision received 26 May 1995
198 C.M. Christensen and J.L. Bower

compete when DuPont brought synthetic fibers cedures in successful organizations provide impetus
into the apparel industry. But in many instances, for innovations known to be demanded by current
the firms that missed important innovations suf- customers in existing markets. We find that estab-
fered none of these problems. They had their lished firms in a wide range of industries have
competitive antennae up; aggressively invested in tended to lead in developing and adopting such
new products and technologies; and listened innovations. Conversely, we find that firms pos-
astutely to their customers. Yet they still lost sessing the capacity and capability to innovate may
their positions of leadership. This paper examines fail when the innovation does not address the fore-
why and under what circumstances financially seeable needs of their current customers. When the
strong, customer-sensitive, technologically deep initial price/performance characteristics of emergmg
and rationally managed organizations may fail to technologies render them competitive only in
adopt critical new technologies or enter important emerging market segments, and not with current
markets-failures to innovate which have led to customers, resource allocation mechanisms typically
the decline of once-great firms. deny resources to such technologies. Our research
Our conclusion is that a primary reason why suggests that the inability of some successful firms
such firms lose their positions of industry leader- to allocate sufficient resources to technologies that
ship when faced with certain types of technologi- initially cannot find application in mainstream mar-
cal change has little to do with technology itself- kets, but later invade them, lies at the root of the
with its degree of newness or difficulty, relative failure of many once-successful firms.
to the skills and experience of the firm. Rather,
they fail because they listen too carefully to their
customers- and customers place stringent limits EARLIER VIEWS OF FACTORS
on the strategies firms can and cannot pursue. INFLUENCING PATTERNS OF
The term ‘technology’, as used in this paper, RESOURCE ALLOCATION IN THE
means the processes by which an organization trans- INNOVATION PROCESS
forms labor, capital, materials, and information into
products or services. All firms have technologies. Our research links two historically independent
A retailer such as Sears employs a particular ‘tech- streams of research, both of which have contrib-
nology’ to procure, present, sell, and deliver pro- uted significantly to our understanding of inno-
ducts to its customers, while a discount warehouse vation. The first stream is what Pfeffer and Salan-
retailer such as the Price Club employs a different cik (1978) call resource dependence: an approach
‘technology’. Hence, our concept of technology which essentially looks outside the firm for expla-
extends beyond the engineering and manufacturing nations of the patterns through which firms allo-
functions of the firm, encompassing a range of cate resources to innovative activities. Scholars
business processes. The term ‘innovation’ herein in this tradition contend that firms’ strategic
refers to a change in technology. options are constrained because managerial
A fundamental premise of this paper is that discretion is largely a myth. In order to ensure
patterns of resource allocation heavily influence the survival of their organizations, managers lack
the types of innovations at which leading firms the power to do anything other than to allocate
will succeed or fail. In every organization, ideas resources to innovative programs that are required
emerge daily about new ways of doing things- of the firm by external customers and investors:
new products, new applications for products, new the entities that provide the resources the firm
technical approaches, and new customers-in a needs to survive. Support for this view comes
manner chronicled by Bower (1970) and Burgel- from the work of historians of technological inno-
man (1983a, 1983b). Most proposals to innovate vation such as Cooper and Schendel (1976) and
require human and financial resources. The pat- Foster (1986). The firms they studied generally
terns of innovation evidenced in a company will responded to the emergence of competitively
therefore mirror to a considerable degree the pat- threatening technologies by intensifying their
terns in how its resources are allocated to, and investments to improve the conventional techno-
withheld from, competing proposals to innovate. logies used by their current customers-which
We observe that because effective resource allo- provided the resources the firms needed to survive
cation is market-driven, the resource allocation pro- over the short term.
The Failure of Leading Firms 199
The second stream of ideas, originally taught when a proposed innovation addresses the needs
by Bower (1970) and amplified by Burgelman of small customers in remote or emerging markets
(1983a, 1983b), describes the resource allocation that do not supply a significant share of the
process internal to the firm. These scholars sug- resources a firm currently needs for growth and
gest that most strategic proposals-to add survival, firms will find it difficult to succeed
capacity or develop new products or processes- even at innovations that are technologically
take their fundamental shape at lower levels of straightforward. This is because the requisite
hierarchical organizations. Bower observed that impetus does not develop, and the proposed inno-
the allocation of funding amongst projects is sub- vations are starved of resources.
stantially shaped by the extent to which managers Our findings build upon the work of earlier
at middle levels of the organization decide to scholars who have addressed the question of why
support, or lend impetus, to some proposals and leading firms may fail when faced with techno-
to withhold it from others. Bower also observed logical change. Cooper and Schendel (1976)
that risk management and career management found that new technologies often are initially
were closely linked in the resource allocation deployed in new markets, and that these were
process. Because the career costs to aspiring man- generally brought into industries by entering
agers of having backed an ultimately unsuccessful firms. They observed that established firms con-
project can be severe, their tendency was to back fronted with new technology often intensified
those projects where the demand for the product investment in traditional technical approaches,
was assured. and that those that did make initial resource
Our study links these two streams by showing commitments to a new technology rarely main-
how the impetus that drives patterns of resource tained adequate resource commitments. Foster
allocation (and hence innovation) within firms (1986) noted that at points when new technologies
does not stem from autonomous decisions of risk- enter an industry, entrants seem to enjoy an
conscious managers. Rather, whether sufficient ‘attacker’s advantage’ over incumbent firms.
impetus coalesces behind a proposed innovation Henderson and Clark (1990) posited that entrant
is largely determined by the presence or absence firms enjoyed a particular advantage over incum-
of current customers who can capably articulate bents in architectural technology change.
a need for the innovation in question. There We hope to add additional precision and insight
seems to be a powerful linkage from: (1) the to the work of these pioneering scholars, by
expectations and needs of a firm’s most powerful stating more precisely the specific sorts of techno-
customers for product improvements; to (2) the logical innovations that are likely initially to be
types of innovative proposals which are given or deployed in new applications, and the sorts that
denied impetus within the firm and which there- are likely to be used in mainstream markets from
fore are allocated the resources necessary to the beginning; and to define the types of inno-
develop the requisite technological capabilities; to vation in which we expect attackers to enjoy an
(3) the markets toward which firms will and will advantage, and the instances in which we expect
not target these innovations; which in turn leads incumbents to hold the upper hand. By presenting
to (4) the firms’ ultimate commercial success or a model of the processes by which resource
failure with the new technology. commitments are made, we hope partially to
A primary conclusion of this paper is that explain a puzzle posed but not resolved by each
when significant customers demand it, sufficient of these authors: why have incumbent firms gen-
impetus may develop so that large, bureaucratic erally intensified their commitments to conven-
firms can embark upon and successfully execute tional technology, while starving efforts to com-
technologically difficult innovations-even those mercialize new technologies-even while the new
that require very different competencies than they technology was gaining ground in the market?
initially possessed.’ Conversely, we find that

‘Evidence supporting this conclusion is provided below. In upon, the competence of the firm.We observe that established
making this statement, we contest the conclusions of scholars firms, though often at great cost, have led their industries in
such as Tushman and Anderson (1986), who have argued that developing critical competence-destroying technologies, when
incumbent firms are most threatened by attacking entrants the new technology was needed to meet existing customers’
when the innovation in question destroys, or does not build demands.
200 C.M. Christensen and J.L. Bower
Finally, by examining why established firms do turing companies. Those interviewed included
these things, we hope to provide insights for how founders; chief executives; vice presidents of
managers can more successfully address different sales and marketing, engineering and finance; and
types of technological change. engineering, marketing and managerial members
of pivotal product development project teams.
The firms whose executives were interviewed
RESEARCH METHODS together account for over 80 percent of the disk
drives produced in the world since the industry’s
Three very different classes of data were used in inception. Data from these interviews were used
this study, to establish solid construct validity to reconstruct, as accurately as possible, the
(Yin, 1989). The first was a data base of the decision-making processes associated with key
detailed product and performance specifications innovations in each company’s history. Wherever
for every disk drive model announced by every possible, accounts of the same decision were
firm participating in the world industry between obtained from multiple sources, including former
1975 and 1 9 9 h v e r 1400 product models in employees, to minimize problems with post hoc
all. These data came from DisWTrend Report, the rationalization. Multiple employees were inter-
leading market research publication in the disk viewed in 16 of the 21 companies.
drive industry, and from product specification The DisWTrend data enabled us to measure the
sheets obtained from the manufacturers them- impact that each new component and architectural
selves. The tables and other summary statistics technology had on disk drive performance. Fur-
reported in this paper were calculated from this thermore, it was possible to identify which firms
data base, unless otherwise noted. This data set is were the first to develop and adopt each new
not a statistical sample, but constitutes a complete technology, and to trace the patterns of diffusion
census of companies and products for the world of each new technology through the world indus-
industry during the period studied. try over time, amongst different types of firms.
The second type of information employed in the When analysis of the Disk/Trend data indicated
study relates to the strategies pursued, and the a particular entrant or established firm had promi-
commercial success and failure, of each of the nently led or lagged behind the industry in a
companies that announced the development of a particular innovation, we could determine the
rigid disk drive between 1976 and 1990. Disk/Trend impact of that leadership or followership on the
reported each firm’s rigid disk drive sales in each subsequent sales and market shares, by product-
of these years, by product category and by market market segment, for each company.
segment. Each monthly issue between 1976 and Analysis of these data essentially enabled us to
1990 of Electronic Business magazine, the most develop a theory of what will happen when differ-
prominent trade publication covering the magnetic ent types of technological change occur-whether
recording industry, was examined for information we would expect entrant and established firms to
about disk drive manufacturers, their strategies and take leadership in their development. We then used
products. We used this information to verify the our interview data to write case histories of key
completeness of the DiskLbend data,* and to write decisions in six companies to understand why those
a history of the disk drive industry describing the patterns of leadership and followership in tech-
strategies and fortunes of firms in the industry nology development occur. These case studies
(Christensen, 1993). covered entrant and established firms, over an
The third type of information employed in this extended period of time in which each of them
study came from over 70 personal, unstructured made decisions to invest, or delay investing, in a
interviews conducted with executives who are or variety of new technologies. These cases were
have been associated with 21 disk drive manufac- selected in what Yin (1989) calls a multi-case,
nested experimental design, so that through pattern-
DiswTrend Report identified 133 firms that participated in matching across cases, the external validity of the
the disk drive indusny in the period studied. The search of study’s conclusions could be established?
Electronic Business magazine yielded information on one
additional firm, Peach Tree Technology, that never generated
revenues and somehow had escaped detection by the ’Table 3 (which refers to Yin, 1989: 35-37) describes this
UisWrend editors. partem-matching.
The Failure of Leading Firms 201
We studied the disk drive industry because its six changes in architectural technology, sustained
history is one of rapid change in technology and or reinforced established trajectories of product
market structure. The world rigid disk drive mar- performance improvement. Two examples of such
ket grew at a 27 percent annual rate to over $13 technology change are shown in Figure 1. The
billion between 1975 and 1990. Of the 17 firms left-most graph compares the average recording
in the OEM industry in 1976, only one was still density of drives that employed conventional par-
in operation in 1990. Over 130 firms entered the ticulate oxide disk technology and femte head
industry during this period, and more than 100 technology, vs. the average density of drives that
of them failed. The cost per megabyte (MB) of employed new-technology thin film heads and
the average drive in constant 1990 dollars fell disks, that were introduced in each of the years
from $560 in 1976 to $5 in 1990. The physical between 1976 and 1990. The improvements in the
size of a 100 MB drive shrank from 5400 to 8 conventional approach are the result of consistent
cubic inches over the same period. During this incremental advances such as grinding the femte
time, six architecturally distinct product gener- heads to finer, more precise dimensions; and
ations emerged, and a new company rose to using smaller and more finely dispersed oxide
become market leader in four of these six gener- particles on the disk’s surface. Note that the
ations. A description of disk drive technology improvement in areal density obtainable with
that may be helpful for some readers is provided femte/oxide technology began to level off in
in Appendix 1. the period’s later years-suggesting a maturing
technology S-curve (Foster, 1986). Note how thin
film head and disk technologies emerged to sus-
TYPOLOGIES OF TECHNOLOGICAL tain the rate of performance improvement at its
CHANGE historical pace of 35 percent between 1984 and
Earlier scholars of technology change have argued The right-most graph in Figure 1 describes a
that incumbent firms may stumble when techno- sustaining technological change of a very differ-
logical change destroys the value of established ent character: an innovation in product architec-
technological competencies (Tushman and Ander- ture. In this case, the 14-inch Winchester drive
son, 1986), or when new architectural techno- substituted for removable disk packs, which had
logies emerge (Henderson and Clark, 1990). For been the dominant design between 1962 and
present purposes, however, we have found it use- 1978. Just as in the thin film-for-femte/oxide
ful to distinguish between those innovations that substitution, the impact of Winchester technology
sustained the industry’s rate of improvement in was to sustain the historically established rate of
product performance (total capacity and recording performance improvement. Other important inno-
density were the two most common measures), vations, such as embedded servo systems, RLL &
and those innovations that disrupted or redefined PRML recording codes, higher RPM motors and
that performance trajectory (Dosi, 1982). The fol- embedded SCSI, SMD, ESDI and AT interfaces,
lowing two sections illustrate these concepts by also helped manufacturers sustain the rate of his-
describing prominent examples of trajectory-sus- torical performance improvement that their cus-
taining and trajectory-disrupting technological tomers had come to expect.“ Hereafter in this
changes in the industry’s history. The subsequent
sections then describe the role these innovations
played in the industry’s development; the pro- 4The examples of technology change presented in Figures 1
cesses through which incumbent and entrant firms and 2 in this paper introduce some ambiguity to the unquali-
fied term ‘discontinuity’, as it has been used by Dosi (1982),
responded to these different types of technological Tushman and Anderson (1986), and others. The innovations
change; and the consequent successes and failures in head and disk technology described in the left graph of
these firms experienced. Figure 1 represent positive discontinuities in an established
technological trajectory, while the development of mjectory-
disrupting technologies charted in Figure 2 represent negative
discontinuities. As will be shown below, established firms
Sustaining technological changes seemed quite capable of leading the industry over positive
discontinuities. The negative ones were the points at which
In the disk drive industry’s history, most of the established firms generally lost their positions of industry lead-
changes in competent technology, and two of the ership.
202 C.M. Christensen and J.L. Bower
Impact of Thin Film Disks & Heads
in Sustaining Density Improvements

1-e- Oxtde / ferr8fe +Thin film -8 Disk Pack +Wmchester 1


Figure 1. Examples of sustaining technological change in componentry (left) and product architecture (right).
Reprinted with permission from Business History Review, 1993, 67, p. 557.

paper, technological changes that have such a was just emerging in 1980-82. It was small and
sustaining impact on an established trajectory of lightweight-important features for this appli-
performance improvement are called sustaining cation. And it was priced at around $2000, which
technologies. means it could economically be incorporated in
desktop machines. Hereafter in this paper, techno-
logies such as this, which disrupt an established
Disruptive technological changes trajectory of performance improvement, or rede-
Most technological change in the industry's his- fine what performance means, are called disrup-
tory consisted of sustaining innovations of the tive technologies.
sort described above. In contrast, there were just In general, sustaining technological changes
a few trajectory-disrupting changes. The most appealed to established customers in existing,
important of these from a historical viewpoint mainstream markets. They provided these cus-
were the architectural innovations that carried the tomers with more of what they had come to
industry from 14-inch diameter disks to diameters
of 8, 5.25 and then 3.5 inches. The ways in which
these innovations were disruptive are illustrated in Table I . The disruptive impact on performance
Table 1. Set in 1981, this table compares the improvement of the 5.25-inch, vs. the 8-inch architec-
attributes of a typical 5.25-inch drive-a new ture
architecture that had been in the market for less
than a year at that time-with those of a typical 8-inch 5.25-inch
Attribute drives drives
8-inch drive, which by that time had become the
standard drive used by minicomputer manufac- Capacity (megabytes) 60 10
turers. Note that along the dimensions of perform- Volume (cubic inches) 566 150
ance which were important to established minic- Weight (pounds) 21 6
omputer manufacturers-capacity , cost per Access time (ms) 30 160
megabyte, and access time-the 8-inch product Cost per megabyte $50 $200
Total unit cost $3000 $2000
was vastly superior. The 5.25-inch architecture
did not address the needs of minicomputer manu- Key: Attributes valued highly in the minicomputer market in
facturers, as they perceived their needs at that 1981 are presented in boldface.
time. On the other hand, the 5.25-inch architec- Attributes valued in the emerging desktop computing
market in 1981 are shown in italics.
ture did possess attributes that appealed to the Source: Anaiysis of DiNTrend Report data: from Christensen
desktop personal computer market segment that (1992a: 90).
The Failure of Leading Finns 203
expect. In contrast, disruptive technologies rarely segment, over time.5 The dashed lines emanating
could initially be employed in established mar- from points B, C, and D in Figure 2 measure
kets. They tended instead to be valued in remote trends in the average capacity that disk drive
or emerging markets. This tendency consistently manufacturers were able to provide with each
appears not just in disk drives, but across a range successive disk drive architecture. Note that with
of industries (Rosenbloom and Christensen, the exception of the 14-inch Winchester architec-
1995). ture, the maximum capacity initially available in
each of these architectures was substantially less
than the capacity required for the typical com-
THE IMPACT OF SUSTAINING AND puter in the established market-these were dis-
DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES ON ruptive innovations. As a consequence, the 8,
INDUSTRY STRUCTURE 5.25 and 3.5-inch designs initially were rejected
by the leading, established computer manufac-
The history of sustaining and disruptive techno- turers, and were deployed instead in emerging
logical change in the disk drive industry is sum- market applications for disk drives: minicomput-
marized in Figure 2. It begins in 1974, the year ers, desktop PCs and portable PCs, respectively.
after IBM’s first Winchester architecture model Note, however, that once these disruptive archi-
was introduced to challenge the dominant disk tectures became established in their new markets,
pack architectural design. Almost all drives then the accumulation of hundreds of sustaining inno-
were sold to makers of mainframe computers. vations pushed each architecture’s performance
Note that in 1974 the median-priced mainframe ahead along very steep, and roughly parallel, tra-
computer was equipped with about 130 MB of jectories6
hard disk capacity. The typical hard disk storage Note that the trajectory of improvement that
capacity supplied with the median-priced main- the technology was able to provide within each
frame increased about 17 percent per year, so architecture was nearly double the slope of the
that by 1990 the typical mainframe was equipped increase in capacity demanded in each market.
with 1300 MB of hard disk capacity. This growth As we will see, this disparity between what the
in the use of hard disk memory per computer is technology could provide and what the market
mapped by the solid line emanating from point demanded seems to have been the primary source
A in Figure 2. This trajectory was driven by of leadership instability in the disk drive industry.
user learning and software developments in the
applications in which mainframes were used
(Christensen and Rosenbloom, 1995). LEADERS IN SUSTAINING AND
The dashed line originating at point A measures DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGICAL
the increase in the average capacity of 14-inch INNOVATIONS
drives over the same period. Note that although
the capacity of the average 14-inch drive was To better understand why leading firms might
equal to the capacity shipped with the typical successfully pioneer in the development and
mainframe in 1974, the rate of increase in adoption of many new and difficult technologies,
capacity provided within the 14-inch architecture and yet lose their positions of industry leadership
exceeded the rate of increase in capacity by failing to implement others, we compared the
demanded in the mainframe market-canying this innovative behavior of established firms with that
architecture toward high-end mainframes, scien- of entrant firms, with respect to each of the
tific comwters. and suDercomDuters. Furthermore.
note how the new 14-inch Winchester architecture 5 These najectories represent ~e disk capacity demanded in
sustained the capacity trajectory that had been - -
each market because in each instance, greater disk cauacitv
established in &e earlier - removable disk pack could have been supplied to users by th; computer manufac-
turers, had the market demanded additional capacity at the
architecture. Appendix 2 describes how these tra- for which it could be at the time,
jectories were calculated. 6The parallel impact of sustaining innovations across these
The solid trajectories emmating from points B, architectural generations results from the fact that the same
sustaining technologies, in the form of componentry, were
and represent the average hard disk capacity available simultaneously to manufacturers of each generation
demanded by computer buyers in each market of disk drives (Christensen, 1992b).
204 C.M. Christensen and J.L. Bower
Hard Disk
Capacity (Mb)
3000 t










1 . 1 f I t I I 1

sustaining and disruptive technological inno- technology being analyzed. This approach was
vations in the history of the disk drive industry. used because of this study’s longitudinal charac-
Building upon the approach employed by Hender- ter, looking at the performance of incumbents
son and Clark (1990),established firms were and entrants across a sequence of innovations.
defined as firms that had previously manufactured In spite of the wide variety in the magnitudes
drives which employed an older, established tech- and types of sustaining technological changes in
nology, whereas entrant firms were those whose the industry’s history, the firms that led in their
initial product upon entry into the industry development and adoption were the industry’s
employed the new component or architectural leading, established firms. Table 2(a) depicts this
The Failure of Leading Firms 205

leadership pattern for three representative sustain- try along those trajectories even though many of
ing technologies. In thin-film head technology, it these were competency-destroying progressions in
was Burroughs (1976), IBM (1979), and other terms of technologies, skills and manufacturing
established firms that first successfully incorpor- assets required (Tushman and Anderson, 1986).
ated thin-film heads in disk drives. In the 1981- In contrast, the firms that led the industry in
86 period, when over 60 firms entered the rigid introducing disruptive architectural technol-
disk drive industry, only five of them (all com- ogies-in the moves to points B, C and D in
mercial failures) attempted to do so using thin- Figure 2-tended overwhelmingly to be entrant,
film heads as a source of performance advantage rather than established firms. This is illustrated
in their initial products. All other entrant firms- in Table 2(b). It shows, for example, that in 1978
even aggressively performance-oriented firms an entrant offered the industry’s first 8-inch drive.
such as Maxtor and Conner Peripherals-found By the end of the second year of that architec-
it preferable to cut. their teeth on femte heads ture’s life (1979), six firms were offering 8-
in the entry products, before tackling thin-film inch drives; two-thirds of them were entrants.
technology in subsequent generations. Likewise, by the end of the second year of the
Note the similar pattern in the development 5.25-inch generation’s life, eight of the 10 firms
and adoption of RLL codes-a much simpler offering 5.25-inch drives were entrants. Entrants
development than thin-film head technology- similarly dominated the early population of firms
which consumed at most a few million dollars offering 3.5-inch drives. In each of these gener-
per firm. RLL enabled a 30 percent density ations, between half and two-thirds of the estab-
improvement, and therefore represented the type lished manufacturers of the prior architectural
of inexpensive path to performance improvement generation never introduced a model in the new
that ought to be attractive to entrant firms. But architecture. And those established drivemakers
in 1985, 11 of the 13 firms which introduced that did design and manufacture new architecture
new models employing RLL technology were models did so with an average two-year lag
established firms, meaning that they had pre- behind the pioneering entrant firms. In this fast-
viously offered models based on MFM tech- paced industry, such slow response often proved
nology. Only two were entrants, meaning that fatal.
their initial products employed RLL codes. Table These patterns of leadership and followership
2(a) also notes that six of the first seven firms in sustaining and disruptive technologies are
to introduce Winchester architecture drives were reflected in the commercial success and failure
established makers of drives employing the prior of disk drive manufacturers. The ability of estab-
disk pack architecture.’ lished firms to lead the industry in the sustaining
The history of literally every other sustaining innovations that powered the steep technological
innovation-such as embedded servo systems, trajectories in Figure 2 often were technologically
zone-specific recording densities, higher RF’M difficult, risky and expensive. Yet in the history
motors and the 2.5-inch Winchester architecture- of this industry, there is no evidence that the
reveals a similar pattern: the established firms led firms thzt led in sustaining innovations gained
in the adoption of sustaining technology be it in market share by virtue of such technology leader-
componentry or architecture. Entrant firms fol- ship (Christensen, 1992b). This leadership enabled
lowed. In other words, the failure of leading firms them to maintain their competitiveness only
to stay atop the disk drive industry generally was within specific technological trajectories. On the
not because they could not keep pace with the other hand, entrant firms’ leadership advantages
industry’s movement along the dashed-line tech- in disruptive innovations enabled them not only
nological trajectories mapped in Figure 2. The to capture new markets as they emerged, but
leading incumbent firms effectively led the indus- (because the trajectories of technological progress
were steeper than the trajectories of performance
demanded) to invade and capture established mar-
Note that the statistics shown in Table 2 are not a sample- kets as well.
they represent the entire population of firms in each of the Hence, all but one of the makers of 14-inch
years shown offering models incorporating the technologies
in question. For that reason, tests of statistical significance drives were driven from the mainframe computer
are not relevant in this case. market by entrant firms that got their start making
206 C.M. Christensen and J.L. Bower
Table 2. Trends in technology leadership and followership in sustaining vs. disruptive technologies

(a) Numbers of established and entrant firms introducing models employing selected trajectory-sustaining techno-

1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988

Thin-film Entrants 1 1 2 1 1 4
heads Established ’ 1 1 1 3 5 6 8 1 2 1 5 1 7 2 2
RLL codes Entrants 1 2 3 6 8
Established 4 11 20 25 26
Winchester Entrants 1 4 9
architecture Established 1 3 3 7 1 1

(b) Numbers of established and entrant firms introducing models based upon disruptive architectural
1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19801981 1982 1983 1984 I985 19861987 1988

8-inch Entrants 1 4 6 8
Established 0 2 5 5
5.25-inch Entrants 1 8 8 1 3
Established 1 2 8 1 1
3.5-inch Entrants 1 2 3 4
Established 0 1 1 4

Note: Data are presented in these tables only for those years in which the new technologies were gaining widespread
acceptance, to illustrate tendencies in technology leadership and followership. Once the technologies had become broadly
accepted, the numbers of fink introducing models using them are no longer reported. Twelve years are covered in the thin-
film head category because it took that long for thin film heads to become broadly used in the marketplace. Only 5 years
of history are reported for RLL codes because by 1988 the vast majority of established and entrant firms had adopted RLL
codes. Four years of data are shown for new architectures, because any established firms that had not launched the new
architecture within 4 years of its initial appearance in the market had been driven from the industry.

8-inch drives for minicomputers. The 8-inch driv- leading established firms, this advantage enabled
emakers, in turn, were driven from the minicom- attacking entrant firms to topple the incumbent
puter market, and eventually the mainframe mar- industry leaders each time a disruptive tech-
ket, by firms which led in producing 5.25-inch nology emerged.*
drives for desktop computers. And the leading To understand why disruptive technological
makers of 5.25-inch drives were driven from change was so consistently vexing to incumbent
desktop and minicomputer applications by makers firms, we personally interviewed managers who
of 3.5-inch drives, as mapped in Figure 2. played key roles in the industry’s leading firms,
We began this paper by posing a puzzle: why as incumbents or entrants, when each of these
it was that firms which at one point could be disruptive technologies emerged. Our objective in
esteemed as aggressive, innovative, customer-sen- these interviews was to reconstruct, as accurately
sitive organizations could ignore or attend belat- and from as many points of view as possible,
edly to technological innovations with enormous the forces that influenced these firms’ decision-
strategic importance. In the context of the preced- making processes relating to the development and
ing analysis of the disk drive industry, this ques- commercialization of disruptive architectural tech-
tion can be sharpened considerably. The estab- nologies. We found the experiences of the firms,
lished firms were, in fact, aggressive, innovative, and the forces influencing their decisions, to be
and customer-sensitive in their approaches to sus-
taining innovations of every sort. But why was We believe this insight-that attacking firms have an advan-
it that established firms could not lead their indus- tage in disruptive innovations but not in sustaining ones-
try in disruptive architectural innovations? For it clarifies but is not in conflict with Foster’s (1986) assertions
about the attacker’s advantage. The historical examples Foster
is only in these innovations that attackers demon- uses to substantiate his theory generally seem to have been
strated an advantage. And unfortunately for the disruptive innovations.
The Failure of Leading Firms 207

remarkably similar. In each instance, when con- A MODEL OF THE RESOURCE-

fronted with disruptive technology change, ALLOCATION PROCESS IN
developing the requisite technology was never a ESTABLISHED FIRMS FACED WITH
problem: prototypes of the new drives often had DISRUPTIVE CHANGE
been developed before management was asked to
make a decision. It was in the process of allocat-
ing scarce resources amongst competing product 1. Although entrants were the leaders in commer-
and technology development proposals, however, cializing disruptive technology, it did not start
that disruptive projects got stalled. Programs out that way: the first engineers to develop
addressing the needs of the firms’ most powerful the disruptive architectures generally did so
customers almost always pre-empted resources while employed by a leading established firm,
from the disruptive technologies, whose markets using bootlegged resources. Their work was
tended to be small and where customers’ needs rarely initiated by senior management. While
were poorly defined. architecturally innovative, these designs almost
In the following section we have synthesized always employed off-the-shelf components.
the data from case studies of the six firms we For example, engineers at Seagate Technology,
studied in particular depth, into a six-step model the leading 5.25-inch drive maker, were the
that describes the factors that influenced how second in the industry to develop working
resources were allocated across competing pro- prototype 3.5-inch models, in 1985. They
posals to develop new sustaining vs. disruptive made over 80 prototype models before the
technology in these firms. The struggle of Seagate issue of formal project approval was raised
Technology, the industry’s dominant maker of with senior management. The same thing hap-
5.25-inch drives, to successfully commercialize pened earlier at Control Data, the dominant
the disruptive 3.5-inch drive, is recounted here to 16inch drivemaker. Its engineers had designed
illustrate each of the steps in the model. Short working 8-inch drives internally, nearly 2
excerpts from a fuller report of other case histor- years before they appeared in the market.
ies (Christensen, 1992a) are also presented to 2. The marketing organization then used its habit-
illustrate what happened in specific companies at ual procedure for testing the market appeal of
each point in the process. Table 3 describes how new drives, by showing prototypes to lead
the findings from each of the case studies support, customers of the existing product line, asking
or do not support, the principal propositions in them to evaluate the new models.’0 Again
the model. In Yin’s (1989) terms, the high degree drawing on the Seagate case, marketers tested
of literal and theoretical replication shown in the new 3.5-inch drives with IBM and other
Table 3, and the extent of ‘pattern matching’ makers of XT and AT-class desktop personal
across case studies where more than one firm computers---even though the drives, as shown
encountered the same technological change, lend in Figure 2 above, had significantly less
high degrees of reliability and external validity capacity than in the mainstream desktop mar-
to the model.’ ket demanded.

9For readers who are unfamiliar with the work of scholars

such as Yin (1989) and Campbell and Stanley (1966) on ‘OThis is consistent with Burgelman’s observation that one
research methodology, a literal replication of a model occurs of the greatest difficulties encountered by corporate
when an outcome happens as the model would predict. A entrepreneurs was finding the right ‘beta test sites’, where
theoretical replication of the model occurs when a different products could be interactively developed and refined with
outcome happens than what would have been predicted by customers. Generally, the entre to the customer was provided
the model, but where this outcome can be explained by by the salesman who sold the firm’s established product lines.
elements in the model. In the instance here, the success of This helped the firm develop new products for established
entrants and the failure of established forms at points of markets, but did not help it identify new applications for its
disruptive technology change are directly predicted by the new technology (Burgelman and Sayles, 1986: 76-80). Pro-
model, and would be classed as literal replications. Instances fessor Rebecca Henderson pointed out to us that this tendency
where an established firm succeeded in the face of disruptive always to take new technologies to mainstream customers
technological change because it acted in a way that dealt reflects a rather narrow marketing competence-that although
with the factors in the model that typically precipitated failure, these issues tend to be framed by many scholars as issues of
would be classed as theoretical replications of the model. technological competence, a firm’s disabilities in finding new
Several of these instances occurred in the industry’s history, markets for new technologies may be its most serious innov-
as explained later in this paper. ative handicap.
208 C.M.Christensen and J.L. Bower
Table3. Support of key elements of model found in each of six in-depth case studies
Entrant firms which In response to
initially sold entrants’ anack.
New firms are product only in established firms
Prototypes of Marketers show Project to established to new market belatedly introduce
disruptive early prototypes to commercialize commercialize improve disruptive product.
architecture drive lead customers of disruptive product disruptive performance faster Sales are largely to
developed prior architecture; is shelved; company architecture; they than initial market existing customers,
internally, well they reject product; aggressively pursues find new markets, requires, enabling cannibalizing sales
before widespread marketing issues sustaining where product’s them to attack of prior architecture
industry adoption pessimistic forecast innovations athibutes are valued established markets producu.
Companies Studied (model step I ) (model step 2) (model step 3) (model step 4) (model step 5) (model step 6)

Quantum Corp. L L. T L. T
Conner Peripherals L L
Miniscribe L
Seagate Technology L L L
Micropolis T L.T T
Conuol Data L L,T L.T
~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~

Nore: An ‘L’ in the matrix indicates that this step was a clear, explicit element in that firm’s case history-in Yin’s (1989)
terms, a ‘literal replication’. Where ‘T’ is shown, the firm avoided the fate described in the model by explicitly recognizing
the factors in the model, and dealing with them in the manner described in the final section of this paper. These constitute
what Yin calls ‘theoretical replications’ of the model. Where no ‘L’ or ‘T’ is shown, that step was not a clear or prominent
part of the finn’s encounter with the disruptive technology being studied. Some firms studied confronted only one disruptive
architecture. Miniscribe, for example, started making 5.25-inch drives generally in the pattern indicated by our model; and
was subsequently driven from the industry. Other firms, such as Quantum and Control Data, confronted a series of disruptive
innovations, and dealt with some of them differently than they did with others, as described in the last section of the paper.
In such instances, an ‘L’ and a ‘T’ are entered in the mamx. As Yin points out, when multiple case studies are used to
support a multi-element model, as in this study, each cell in a mamx such as this constitutes an independent ‘observation’.
Hence, the model is supported in 32 of the 36 observations.

These customers showed little interest in the were becoming firmly established in laptops.
disruptive drives, because they did not address ‘We needed a new model,’ recalled a former
their need for higher performance within the Seagate manager, ‘which could become the
established architectural framework. As Figure next ST412 (a very successful product generat-
2 shows, the established customers needed new ing $300 million sales annually in the desktop
drives that would take them along their exist- market that was near the end of its life cycle).
ing performance trajectory. As a consequence, Our forecasts for the 3.5-inch drive were under
the marketing managers were unwilling to sup- $50 million because the laptop market was
port the disruptive technology and offered just emerging-and the 3.5-inch product just
pessimistic sales forecasts. didn’t fit the bill.’ And earlier, when engineers
Generally, because the disruptive drives at Control Data, the leading 14-inch drive
were targeted at emerging markets, initial fore- maker, developed its initial 8-inch drives, its
casts of sales were small. In addition, because customers were looking for an average of 300
such products were simpler and offered lower MB per computer, whereas CDC’s earliest 8-
performance, forecast profit margins were also inch drives offered less than 60 MB. The 8-
lower than established firms had come to inch project was given low priority, and engin-
require. Financial analysts in established firms, eers assigned to its development kept getting
therefore, joined their marketing colleagues in pulled off to work on problems with 14-inch
opposing the disruptive programs. As a result, drives being designed for more important cus-
in the ensuing allocation process resources tomers. Similar problems plagued the belated
were explicitly withdrawn, and the disruptive launches of Quantum’s and Micropolis’s 5.25-
projects were slowly starved. inch products.
For example, when Seagate’s main cus- 3. In response to the needs of current customers,
tomer, IBM’s PC division, rejected Seagate’s the marketing managers threw impetus behind
3.5-inch prototypes for insufficient capacity, alternative susruining projects, such as
sales forecasts were cut and senior managers incorporating better heads or developing new
shelved the program-just as 3.5-inch drives recording codes. These would give their cus-
The Failure of Leading Finns 209

tomers what they wanted, could be targeted at the frustrated engineering teams from estab-
large markets, and generate the sales and pro- lished firms, were formed to exploit the disrup-
fits required to maintain growth. Although they tive product architecture. For example, the
generally involved greater development founders of the leading 3.5-inch drivemaker,
expense, such sustaining investments appeared Conner Peripherals, were disaffected
fur less risky than investments in the disruptive employees from Seagate and Miniscribe, the
technology, because the customers were there. two largest 5.25-inch manufacturers. The foun-
The rationality of Seagate's decision to shelve ders of 8-inch drive maker Micropolis came
the 3.5-inch drive in 1985-86, for example, is from Pertec, a 14-inch manufacturer; and the
stark. Its view downmarket (in terms of Figure founders of Shugart and Quantum defected
2) was at a $50 million total market forecast from Memorex. The start-ups were as unsuc-
for 3.5-inch drives in 1987. What gross mar- cessful as their former employers in interesting
gins it could achieve in that market were established computer makers in the disruptive
uncertain, but its manufacturing executives architecture. Consequently, they had to find
predicted that costs per megabyte in 3.5-inch new customers. The applications that emerged
drives would be much higher than in 5.25- in this very uncertain, probing process were
inch products. Seagate's view upmarket was the minicomputer, the desktop personal com-
quite different. Volumes in 5.25-inch drives puter, and the laptop (see Figure 2). These are
with capacities of 60-100 MB were forecast obvious markets for hard drives in retrospect.
to be $500 million in size by 1987. And But at the time, whether these would become
companies serving the 60-100 MB market significant markets for disk drives was highly
were earning gross margins of 3540 percent, uncertain. Micropolis was founded before the
whereas Seagate's margins in its high-volume market for desk-side minicomputers and word
20 MB drives were between 25 and 30 per- processors, in which its products came to be
cent. It simply did not make sense for Seagate used, emerged. Seagate was founded 2 years
to put resources behind the 3.5-inch drive, before IBM introduced its PC, when personal
when competing proposals to move upmarket computers were simple toys for hobbyists. And
to develop its ST251 line of drives were also Conner Peripherals got its start before Compaq
actively being evaluated. knew the portable computer market had poten-
After Seagate executives shelved the 3.5- tial. The founders of these firms sold their
inch project, it began introducing new 5.25- products without a clear marketing strategy,
inch models at a dramatically accelerating rate. essentially to whomever would buy them. Out
In the years 1985, 1986 and 1987, the numbers of what was largely a trial-and-error approach
of new models it introduced each year as a to the market, the ultimately dominant appli-
percentage of the total number of its models cations for their products emerged.
on the market in the prior year were 57, 78, 5. Once the start-ups had found an operating base
and 115 percent, respectively. And during the in new markets, they found that by adopting
same period, Seagate incorporated complex sustaining improvements in new component
and sophisticated new component technologies technologies,'2 they could increase the capacity
such as thin-film disks, voice coil actuators, of their drives at a faster rate than was
RLL codes, and embedded, SCSI interfaces. required by their new market. As shown in
In each of our other case studies as well, the Figure 2, they blazed trajectories of 50%
established firms introduced new models in annual improvement, fixing their sights on the
their established architectures employing an large, established computer markets irnmedi-
array of new component technologies at an
accelerating rate, after the new architectures
' I Ultimately, nearly all North American manufacturers of
began to be sold. The clear motivation of the
disk drives can trace their founders' genealogy to IBM's San
established firms in doing this was to win the Jose division, which developed and manufactured its magnetic
competitive wars against each other, rather recording products (Christensen, 1993).
l2 In general, these component technologies were developed
than to prepare for an attack by entrants
within the largest of the established firms that dominated the
from below. markets above these entrants, in terms of the technology and
4. New companies, usually including members of market trajectories mapped in Figure 2.
210 C.M. Christensen and J.L. Bower
ately above them on the performance scale. of the firms we studied was ever able to win
As noted above, the established firms’ views a significant share of the new market whose
downmarket, and the entrant firms’ views emergence had been enabled by the new archi-
upmarket, were asymmetrical. In contrast to tecture; the new drives simply cannibalized
the unattractive margins and market size the sales of older, larger-architecture products with
established firms saw when eyeing the new existing customers. For example, as of 1991
markets for simpler drives as they were emerg- almost none of Seagate’s 3.5-inch drives had
ing, the entrants tended to view the potential been sold to portableAaptop manufacturers: its
volumes and margins in the upscale, high- 3.5-inch customers still were desktop computer
performance markets above them as highly manufacturers, and many of its 3.5-inch drives
attractive. Customers in these established mar- continued to be shipped with frames permitting
kets eventually embraced the new architectures them to be mounted in XT and AT-class com-
they had rejected earlier, because once their puters that had been designed to accommodate
needs for capacity and speed were met, the 5.25-inch drives. Control Data, the 14-inch
new drives’ smaller size and architectural sim- leader, never captured even a 1 percent share
plicity made them cheaper, faster, and more of the minicomputer market. It introduced its
reliable than the older architectures. For exam- 8-inch drives nearly 3 years after the pion-
ple, Seagate, which started in the desktop per- eering start-ups did, and nearly all of its drives
sonal computer market, subsequently invaded were sold to its existing mainframe customers.
and came to dominate the minicomputer, Miniscribe, Quantum and Micropolis all had
engineering workstation, and mainframe com- the same cannibalistic experience when they
puter markets for disk drives. Seagate, in turn, belatedly introduced disruptive-technology
was driven from the desktop personal com- drives. They failed to capture a significant
puter market for disk drives by Conner and share of the new market, and at best succeeded
Quantum, the pioneering manufacturers of 3.5- in defending a portion of their prior business.
inch drives.
6 . When the smaller models began to invade There are curious asymmetries in the ex post
established market segments, the drivemakers risks and rewards associated with sustaining and
that had initially controlled those markets took disruptive innovations. Many of the sustaining
their prototypes off the shelf (where they had innovations (such as thin-film heads, thin film
been put in step #3), and defensively intro- disks, and the 14-inch Winchester architecture)
duced them .to defend their customer base in were extremely expensive and risky from a tech-
their own market.13 By this time, of course, nological point of view. Yet because they
the new architecture had shed its disruptive addressed well-understood needs of known cus-
character, and had become fully performance- tomers, perceived market risk was low; impetus
competitive with the larger drives in the estab- coalesced; and resources were allocated with only
lished markets. Although some established prudent hesitation. Yet, although these inno-
manufacturers were able to defend their market vations clearly helped the innovators retain their
positions through belated introduction of the customers, there is no evidence from the indus-
new architecture, many found that the entrant try’s history that any firm was able to gain
firms had developed insurmountable advan- observable market share by virtue of such tech-
tages in manufacturing cost and design experi- nology leadership.l4
ence, and they eventually withdrew from the On the other hand, disruptive innovations were
market. For those established manufacturers technologically straightforward: several estab-
that did succeed in introducing the new archi- lished firms had already developed them by the
tectures, survival was the only reward. None time formal resource allocation decisions were

‘‘Chri~tensen (1992b) shows that there was no discernible

l3Note that at this point, because the disruptive innovation first-mover advantage associated with trajectory-sustaining
invading below had become fully performance-competitive innovations, to firms in the disk drive industry. In contrast,
with the established technology, the innovation had essentially there were very powerful first-mover advantages to leaders in
acquired the character of a sustaining innovation-it gave trajectory-disruptive innovations that fostered the creation of
customers what they needed. new markets.
The Failure of Leading Firms 211

made, But these were viewed as extremely risky, eering engineers in established firms that
because the markets were not ‘there’. The most developed disruptive-architecture drives were
successful of the entrants that accepted the risks innovative not just in technology, but in their
of creating new markets for disruptive innovations view of the market. They intuitively perceived
generated billions in revenues upon foundations opportunities for a very different disk drive.
of architectural technology that cost at most a But organizational processes allocated resources
few million dollars to put into place. based on rational assessments of data about
We argue that although differences in luck, returns and risks. Information provided by inno-
resource endowments, managerial competence, vating engineers was at best hypothetical: with-
and bureaucratic agility matter, the patterns of out existing customers, they could only guess
technology leadership displayed by established at the size of the market, the profitability of
and entrant firms in the disk drive industry accu- products, and required product performance. In
rately reflect differences in the fully informed, contrast, current customers could articulate fea-
rational ex ante perceptions of risks and rewards tures, performance, and quantities they would
held by managers in the two types of firms. In purchase with much less ambiguity. Because of
each of the companies studied, a key task of these differences in information clarity, firms
senior managers was to decide which of the many were led toward particular sorts of inno-
product and technology development programs vations-many of which were extremely chal-
continually being proposed to them should receive lenging and risky-and away from others. In
a formal allocation of resources. The criteria used the firms studied here, the issue does not seem
in these decisions were essentially the total return so much to be innovativeness per se, as it is
perceived in each project, adjusted by the per- what type of innovation the firms’ processes
ceived riskiness of the project, as these data were could facilitate.
presented to them by mid-level managers. Projects In light of this research, the popular slogan,
targeted at the known needs of big customers in ‘Stay close to your customers’ (which is sup-
established markets consistently won the rational ported by the research of von Hippel, 1988,
debates over resource allocation. Sophisticated and others), appears not always to be robust
systems for planning and compensation ensured advice. One instead might expect customers to
that this would be the case.I5 lead their suppliers toward sustaining inno-
The contrast between the innovative behavior vations, and to provide no leadership-or even
of some individuals in the firm, vs. the manner to explicitly mislead-in instances of disruptive
in which the firm’s processes allocated resources technology change. Henderson (1993) saw
across competing projects, is an important feature similar potential danger for being held captive
of this model.I6 In the cases studied, the pion- by customers in her study of photolithographic
aligner equipment manufacturers.
We close our discussion of the model with
‘s It is interesting that 20 years after Bower’s (1970) study a final note. Neglect of disruptive technologies
of resource allocation, we see in leading-edge systems for proved damaging to established drivemakers
planning and compensation the same bias against risk taking.
Moms and Ferguson’s description of how IBM allowed because the trajectory of performance improve-
Microsoft to gain control of FC operating system standards ment that the technology provided was steeper
is centered on the role of mainframe producers in IBM’s than the improvement trajectory demanded in
resource allocation process. In a 1990 interview with one of
the authors, one of the most successful innovators in IBM individual markets (see Figure 2.) The mis-
history recounted how time and again he was forced to battle match in these trajectories provided pathways
the controlling influence of middle-management’s commitment for the firms that entered new markets eventu-
to serve commercial mainframe customers.
I6 We are indebted to Professor Robert Burgelman for his
ally to become performance-competitive in
comments on this issue. He has also noted, given the sequence established markets as well. If the trajectories
of events we observed-where engineers inside the established were parallel, we would expect disruptive tech-
firms began pursuing the disruptive product opportunity before
the start-up entrants did-that timing matters a lot. It may be nologies to be deployed in new markets and
that when individuals in the established firms were pressing to stay there; each successive market would
their ideas internally, they were to0 far ahead Of the-markei constitute a relatively stable niche market out
In the year or two that it took them to leave their employers,
create new firms, and create new Droducts, the nascent markets of which technologies and firms would not
may have become more ready to accept the new drives. migrate.
212 C.M. Christensen and J.L. Bower

THE LINKAGE BETWEEN MODELS nology with extreme managerial effort, from
OF RESOURCE DEPENDENCE AND within the mainstream organization. This paper
RESOURCE ALLOCATION closes by summarizing these case histories and
their implications for theory.
We mentioned at the outset that a contribution
of this paper is that it establishes a linkage
Distinct organizational units for small drives
between the school of thought known as
at Control Data
resource dependence (Pfeffer and Salancik,
1978) and the models of the resource allocation Control Data (CDC) was the dominant manufac-
process proposed by Bower (1970) and Burgel- turer of 14-inch disk pack and Winchester drives
man (1983a, 1983b). Our findings support many sold into the OEM market between 1975 and
of the conclusions of the resource dependence 1982: its market share fluctuated between 55 and
theorists, who contend that a firm’s scope for 62 per cent. When the 8-inch architecture
strategic change is strongly bounded by the emerged in the late 1970s, CDC missed it by 3
interests of external entities (customers, in this years. It never captured more than 3 4 percent
study) who provide the resources the firm needs of the 8-inch market, and those 8-inch drives that
to survive. We show that the mechanism it did sell, were sold almost exclusively to its
through which customers wield this power is established customer base of mainframe computer
the process in which impetus coalesces behind manufacturers. The reason given by those inter-
investments in sustaining technologies, directing viewed in this study was that engineers and mar-
resources to innovations that address current keters kept getting pulled off the 8-inch program
customers’ needs. to resolve problems in the launch of next-gener-
But although our findings lend support to the ation 14-inch products for CDC’s mainstream
theory of resource dependence, they decidedly do customers.
not support a contention that managers are power- CDC also launched its first 5.25-inch model 2
less to change the strategies of their companies years after Seagate’s pioneering product appeared
in directions that are inconsistent with the needs in 1980. This time, however, CDC located its
of their customers as resource providers (Pfeffer 5.25-inch effort in Oklahoma City-according to
and Salancik, 1978: 263-265)’’ The evidence one manager, ‘not to escape CDC’s Minneapolis
from this study is that managers can, in fact, engineering culture, but to isolate the (5.25-inch
change strategy-but that they can successfully product) group from the company’s mainstream
do so only if their actions are consistent with, customers. We needed an organization that could
rather than in counteraction to, the principle of get excited about a $50,000 order. In Minneapolis
resource dependence. In the disk drive industry’s (which derived nearly $1 billion from the sale of
history, three established firms achieved a meas- 14-inch drives in the mainframe market) you
ure of commercial success in disruptive techno- needed a million-dollar order just to turn anyone’s
logies. Two did so by spinning out organizations head.’ Although it was late and never reascended
that were completely independent, in terms of to its position of dominance, CDC’s foray into
customer relationships, from the mainstream 5.25-inch drives was profitable, and at times it
groups. The third launched the disruptive tech- commanded a 20 percent share of higher-capacity
5.25-inch drives.
”In Chapter 10 of Pfeffer and Salancik’s (1978) book, for Having learned from its experience in Okla-
example, they assert that the manager’s most valuable role is homa City, when CDC decided to attack the 3.5-
symbolic, and they cite a hypothetical example. When external inch market it set up yet another organization in
forces induce hard times in a company, managers can usefully
be fired-not because bringing in a new manager will make Simi Valley, California. This group shipped its
any difference to the performance of the organization, but first products in mid-1988, about 18 months
because of the symbolic content of that action. It creates the behind Conner Peripherals, and enjoyed modest
feeling in the organization that something is being done to
address this problem, even though it will have no effect. The commercial success. The creation of these stand-
evidence from these case studies does not support this alone organizations was CDC’s way of handling
assertion about the ability of managers to change the course the ‘strategic forcing’ and ‘strategic context deter-
of their organizations. As long as managers act in u manner
consisrent with the forces of resource dependence, it appears mination’ challenges described by Burgelman
that they can, indeed, wield significant power. (1983b, 1984).
The Failure of Leading Firms 213
Quantum Corporation and the 3.5-inch as 1982, Micropolis’ founder and CEO, Stuart
Hardcard Mabon, intuitively saw the trends mapped in
Figure 2 and decided the firm needed to become
Quantum Corporation, a leading maker of 8- primarily a maker of 5.25-inch drives. While
inch drives sold in the minicomputer market, initially hoping to keep adequate resources
introduced its first 5.25-inch product 3 years focused on the 8-inch line that Micropolis could
after those drives had first appeared in the straddle both markets,’* he assigned the com-
market. As the 5.25-inch pioneers began to pany’s premier engineers to the 5.25-inch pro-
invade the minicomputer market from below, gram. Mabon recalls that it took ‘100% of his
for all of the reasons described above, Quantum time and energy for 18 months’ to keep
launched a 5.25-inch product and was tempor- adequate resources focused on the 5.25-inch
arily successful in defending some of its exist- program, because the organization’s own mech-
ing customers by selling its 5.25-inch drive to anisms allocated resources to where the cus-
them. But it never sold a single drive into the tomers were: 8-inch drives. By 1984 Micropolis
desktop PC market, and its overall sales began had failed to keep pace with competition in
to sag. In 1984 a group of Quantum engineers the minicomputer market for disk drives, and
saw a market for a thin 3.5-inch drive plugged withdrew its remaining 8-inch models. With
into an expansion slot in IBM XT- and AT- Herculean effort, however, it did succeed in its
class desktop computers-drives that would be 5.25-inch programs. Figure 3 shows why this
sold to end-users, rather than OEM computer .was necessary: in the transition, Micropolis
manufacturers. Quantum financed and retained assumed a position on a very different techno-
80 percent ownership of this spin-off venture, logical trajectory (Dosi, 1982). In the process
called Plus Development Corporation, and set it had to walk away from every one of its
the company up in different facilities. Plus was major customers, and replace the lost revenues
extremely successful. As sales of Quantum’s with sales of the new product line to an entirely
line of 8-inch drives began to evaporate in the different group of desktop computer makers.
mid- 1980s, they were offset by Plus’s growing Mabon remembers the experience as the most
‘Hardcard’ revenues. By 1987, sales of 8 and exhausting of his life. Micropolis aborted a
5.25-inch products had largely evaporated. 1989 attempt to launch its first 3.5-inch drive,
Quantum purchased the 20 percent of Plus it and as of 1992 the company still had not intro-
did not own; essentially closed down the old duced a 3.5-inch product.
corporation, and installed Plus’s executives in Table 4 arrays the experiences of the six
Quantum’s most senior positions. They then companies we studied in depth, as they
reconfigured Plus’s 3.5-inch products to appeal addressed disruptive technologies from within
to desktop computer makers such as Apple, just their mainstream organization, and through
as the capacity vector for 3.5-inch drives was independent organizations. Companies are
invading the desktop, as shown in Figure 2. By classed as having been successful in this table
1994 the new Quantum had become the largest if their market share in the new market enabled
unit-volume producer of disk drives in the by the disruptive disk drive technology was at
world. Quantum’s spin-out of the Hardcard least 25% of its percentage share in the prior,
effort and its subsequent strategic reorientation established market in which it was dominant.
appears to be an example of the processes of Hence, Control Data, whose share of the 14-
strategy change described in Burgelman (1991). inch mainframe computer disk drive market
often exceeded 60 percent, was classed as a
Micropolis: Transition through managerial
force The failure of MicroDolis to maintain simultaneous comDeti-
tive commitments to its established technology while
Managers at Micropolis C o ~ o r a t i o n ~ an adequately nurturing the 5.25-inch technology is consistent
8-inch drivemaker, employed
- - a very different with the technological histories recounted in Utterback (1994).
approach in which senior managemekt initiated Utterback found- historically that firms that attempted to
develop radically new technology almost always tried simul-
a disruptive program within the mainstream taneously to maintain their commitments to the old; and that
organization that made 8-inch drives. As early they almost always failed.
214 C.M. Christensen and J.L. Bower
1000 5 ‘A
600 3 A,’-

Figure 3. The disruptive impact of 5.25-inch drives on the market position of Micropolis Cop.

failure in its attempt to sell 8-inch drives, every instance except Micropolis’ 5.25-inch
because its share of minicomputer disk drives entry, firms that fought the forces of resource
never exceeded 3 percent. Its share of 5.25- dependence by attempting to commercialize dis-
inch drives sold to the desktop workstation ruptive technology from within their main-
market, however, reached 20 percent, and it stream organizations failed, as measured by
was therefore classed as a success in that effort. Dismrend data. And the firms that accounted
An organization was defined as being inde- for the forces of resource dependence by spin-
pendent from the mainstream if it was geo- ning out independent organizations succeeded.
graphically separated; was held accountable for Note in Table 4 that there do not seem to
full profit and loss; and included within it all be strong firm or managerial effects, compared
of the functional units of a typical company: to the organizational effect. Control Data,
sales and marketing, manufacturing, finance, Quantum, and Micropolis encountered multiple
human resources, engineering, and so on. disruptive technologies; and the same general
In addition to the six firms studied in depth, managers sat atop these organizations across
Table 4 lists other firms, shown in italic type, each of these transitions. What seems to have
whose histories were researched through public distinguished these firms’ successful from failed
sources and a more limited number of personal attempts to commercialize these disruptive tech-
interviews. The ‘L’ and ‘T’ shown next to each nologies was not the talent of the managers
company in the table, as in Table 3, denotes per se, but whether the managers created
whether that firm’s experience lends literal or organizationally distinct units to accomplish the
theoretical support (Yin, 1989) to the prop- task-where the forces of resource dependence
osition that managers can effect a strategy could work in their favor, rather than against
change despite resource dependence, by creating them. The successful cases cited here are the
independent organizations that depend exclus- only ones in the industry’s history in which a
ively upon resources in the targeted market. leading incumbent stayed atop its market when
Micropolis’ transition from 8 to 5.25-inch faced with disruptive technological change-
drives is classed as a theoretical replication, and as a result, the number of data points in
because of the enormous managerial effort that the top half of the matrix is limited. But these
was required to counteract the force of resource
dependence in that transition.” Note that in
firms managed the launch of disruptive technology products
from within their mainstream organization, or through an
I9The success or failure of these other firms at each point organizationally separate unit, was a matter of public record
of disruptive technology change was unambiguously determin- and general industry knowledge. Hence, there were no subjec-
able from DislJTrend Report data. Similarly, whether these tive judgments involved in constructing Table 4.
The Failure of Leading Firms 215
Table 4. The success and failure of companies required for sustaining technological change.
addressing disruptive technologies through mainstream Importantly, because sustaining technologies
vs. independent organizations
address the interests of established firms’ existing
Succeeded Control Data 5.25- Micropolis 5.25-inch customers, we saw that technological change
inch (L) (TI could be achieved without strategy change.
Control Data 3.5- Conversely, when technological competence
inch (L) existed, but impetus from customers was lacking,
Quantum 3.5-inch we saw consistently that firms were unable to
(L) commercialize what they already could do. This
Martor 3.5-inch ( L )
Failed Control Data 8-inch is because disruptive technologies initially tend
(L) to be saleable only in different markets whose
Quantum 5.25-inch economic and financial characteristics render them
(J-1 unattractive to established firms. Addressing these
Miniscribe 3.5-inch technologies therefore requires a change in strat-
(L) egy in order to attack a very different market. In
Seagate 3.5-inch (L)
Micropolis 3.5-inch the end, it appears that although the stumbles
(L) of these established firms are associated with
Memorex 8-inch (L) technological change, the key issue appears to be
Memorex 5.25-inch firms’ disabilities in changing strategy, not tech-
(L) nology.
Priam 5.25-inch (15)
Century Data 8-inch Our model is not presented as the path every
(0 firm follows when faced with disruptive tech-
Ampex 8-inch (L) nology. We believe, however, that it may contrib-
Ampex 5.25-inch (L) ute several insights for scholars interested in the
factors that affect strategic change in firms. First,
Commercialized Commercialized it notes that the allocation of resources to some
from within from within
an independent the mainstream product development and commercialization pro-
organization. organization. grams, and the denial of resources to others, is
a key event or decision in the implementation of
strategy. The model highlights the process by
which impetus and consequent resources may be
findings do suggest that, while the forces of denied to technological opportunities that do not
resource dependence act as strong constraints contribute to the needs of prominent customers.
on managerial discretion, managers can in fact These findings suggest a causal relationship might
manipulate those constraints effectively in order exist between resource allocation processes, as
to achieve strategic change. modeled by Bower (1970) and Burgelman (1983a,
1983b), and the phenomenon of resource depen-
dence (Heffer and Salancik, 1978). Our findings
CONCLUSIONS suggest that despite the powerful forces of
resource dependence, however, managers can, in
This study highlights an important issue for man- fact, wield considerable power, and wield it effec-
agers and scholars who strive to understand the tively, in changing the strategic course of their
reasons why strong, capably managed firms stum- firms in directions other than those in which its
ble when faced with particular types of techno- resource providers are pulling it. By understand-
logical change. While many scholars see the issue ing the processes that link customer needs,
primarily as an issue of technological competence, impetus, and resource allocation, managers can
we assert that at a deeper level it may an issue align efforts to commercialize disruptive tech-
of investment. We have observed that when com- nology (which entails a change in strategy) with
petence was lacking, but impetus from customers the forces of resource dependence. This involves
to develop that competence was sufficiently managing disruptive technology in a manner that
strong, established firms successfully led their is out of the organizational and strategic context
industries in developing the competencies of mainstream organizations-where of necessity,
2 16 C.M. Christensen and J.L. Bower

incentives and resource allocation processes are strategy-making and organizational adaptation: The-
ory and field research’, Organization Science, 2,
designed to nourish sustaining innovations that pp. 239-262.
address current customers’ needs. In this way, Burgelman, R. and L. Sayles (1986). Inside Corporate
the model and these case studies illustrate the Innovation. Free Press, New York.
mechanisms through which autonomous and Campbell, D. T. and J. C. Stanley (1966). Experimental
induced strategic behavior (Burgelman, 1983a) and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research.
Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA.
can affect, or fail to affect, a company’s course. Christensen, C. M. (1992a). ‘The Innovator’s challenge:
Much additional research must be done. Efforts Understanding the influence of market demand on
to explore the external validity and usefulness processes of technology development in the rigid
of the model through studies of sustaining and disk drive industry’. Unpublished DBA dissertation.
disruptive technological change in other industries Graduate School of Business Administration, Harv-
ard University.
has begun (Rosenbloom and Christensen, 1995), Christensen, C. M. (1992b). ‘Exploring the limits of
but much more is required. In addition, we hope the technology S-curve’, Production and Operations
that future researchers can develop clearer models Management, 1, pp. 334-366.
for managerial action and strategic change in the Christensen, C. M. (1993). ‘The rigid disk drive indus-
face of disruptive technology change that are try: A history of commercial and technological tur-
bulence’, Business History Review, 67, pp. 53 1-588.
consistent with the principles of resource depen- Christensen, C. M. and R. S. Rosenbloom (1995).
dence and the processes of resource allocation. ‘Explaining the attacker’s advantage: Technological
paradigms, organizational dynamics, and the value
network‘, Research Policy, 24, pp. 233-257.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Cooper, A. and D. Schendel (February 1976). ‘Strategic
responses to technological threats’, Business Hor-
izons, 19, pp. 61-69.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support Data Sources: The Comprehensive Guide to the Infor-
of the Harvard Business School Division of mation Processing Industry (annual). Ziff-Davis
Research in conducting the research for this Publishing, New York.
paper, and thank the editors of DisWli-end Report DiskRiend Report (annual). DiskiTrend, Inc., Mountain
for sharing their industry data with us. We are View, CA.
Dosi, G. (1982). ‘Technological paradigms and techno-
indebted to Professors Robert Burgelman of Stan- logical trajectories’, Research Policy, 11, pp. 147-
ford University, Rebecca Henderson of the Mas- 162.
sachusetts Institute of Technology, David Garvin Foster, R. J. (1986). Innovation: The Attacker’s Advan-
and several of our other colleagues at the Harvard tage. Summit Books, New York.
Henderson, R. M. (1993). ‘Keeping too close to your
Business School, as well as the anonymous ref-
customers’, working paper, Sloan School of Manage-
erees, for invaluable suggestions for improving ment, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
earlier versions of this paper. Any remaining Henderson, R. M. and K. B. Clark (1990). ‘Architec-
deficiencies are our sole responsibility. tural innovation: The reconfiguration of existing sys-
tems and the failure of established firms’, Adminis-
trative Science Quarterly, 35, pp. 9-30.
Pfeffer, J. and G. R. Salancik (1978). The External
REFERENCES Control of Organizations: A Resource Dependence
Perspective. Harper & Row, New York.
Bower, J. (1970). Managing the Resource Allocation Rosenbloom, R. S. and C. M. Christensen (1995).
Process. Irwin, Homewood, IL. ‘Technological discontinuities, organizational capa-
Burgelman, R. (1983a). ‘A model of the interaction of bilities, and strategic commitments’, Industrial and
strategic behavior, corporate context, and the concept Corporate Change, 4, pp. 655-685.
of strategy’, Academy of Management Review, 3( l), Tushman, M. L. and P. Anderson (1986). ‘Technologi-
pp. 61-69. cal discontinuities and organizational environments’,
Burgelman, R. (1983b). ‘A process model of internal Administrative Science Quarterly, 31, pp. 439-465.
corporate venturing in the diversified major firm’, Utterback, J. (1994). Mastering the Dynamics of Inno-
Administrative Science Quarterly, 28, pp. 223-244. vation. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA.
Burgelman, R. (1984). ‘Designs for corporate von Hippel, E. (1988). The Sources of Innovation.
en?’,preneurship in established firms’, California Oxford University Press, New York.
Management Review, 26, Spring, pp. 154-166. Yin, R. K. (1989). Case Study Research: Design and
Burgelman, R. (1991). ‘Intraorganizational ecology of Methods. Sage, Newbury Park, CA.
The Failure of Leading Finns 217


Rigid disk drives are comprised of one or more
rotating disks-polished aluminum platters coated The trajectories mapped in Figure 2 were calcu-
with magnetic material-mounted on a central lated as follows. Data on the capacity provided
spindle. Data are recorded and read on concentric with computers in the mainframe, minicomputer,
tracks on the surfaces of these disks. Readwrite desktop personal computer, and portable computer
heads-ne each for the top and bottom surfaces classes were obtained from Data Sources, an
of each disk on the spindle-are aerodynamically annual publication that lists the technical specifi-
designed to fly a few millionths of an inch over cations of all computer models available from
the surface of the disk. They generally rest on each computer manufacturer. Where particular
the disk’s surface when the drive is at rest; ‘take models were available with different features and
off as the drive begins to spin; and ‘land’ again configurations, the manufacturer provided Data
when the disks stop. The heads are positioned Sources with a ‘typical’ system configuration,
over the proper track on the disk by an actuator with defined RAM capacity, performance specifi-
motor, which moves the heads across the tracks cations of peripheral equipment (including disk
in a fashion similar to the arm on a phonograph. drives), list price, and year of introduction. In
The head is essentially a tiny electromagnet instances where a given computer model was
which, when current flows in one direction, ori- offered for sale over a sequence of years, the hard
ents the polarity of the magnetic domain on the disk capacity provided in the typical configuration
disk’s surface immediately beneath it. When the generally increased. Data Sources divides com-
direction of current through the electromagnet puters into mainframe, minumidrange, desktop
reverses, its polarity changes. This induces an personal, portable and laptop, and notebook com-
opposite switch of the polarity of the adjacent puters. For each class of computers, all models
domain on the disk’s surface as the disk spins available for sale in each year were ranked by
beneath the head. In this manner, data are written price, and the hard disk capacity provided with
in binary code on the disk. To read data, changes the median-priced model was identified, for each
in magnetic field on the disk as it spins beneath year. The best-fit line through the resultant time
the head are used to induce changes in the direc- series for each class of computer is plotted as
tion of current-essentially the reverse process of the solid lines in Figure 2. These single solid
writing. Disk drives also include electronic cir- lines are drawn in Figure 2 for expository simpli-
cuitry enabling computers to control and com- fication, to indicate the trend in typical machines.
municate with the drive. In reality, of course, there is a wide band around
As in other magnetic recording products, areal these lines. The leading and trailing edges of
recording density (measured in megabits per square performance-the highest and lowest capacities
inch of disk surface area, or mbpsi) was the pervas- offered with the most and least expensive com-
ive measure of product performance in the disk puters- were substantially higher and lower,
drive industry. Historically, areal density in the respectively, than the typical values mapped in
industry has increased at a steady 35 percent annual Figure 2.
rate. A drive’s total capacity is the product of the The dotted lines in Figure 2 represent the best-
available square inches on the top and bottom fit line through the unweighted average capacity
surfaces of the disks mounted on the spindle of of all disk drives introduced for sale in each
the drive, multiplied by its areal recording density. given architecture, for each year. These data were
Historically, the capacity of drives in a given pro- taken from DisWrend Report. Again, for exposi-
duct architecture has increased at about 50 percent tory simplification, only this average line is
annually. The difference between the 35 percent shown. There was a wide band of capacities
increase in areal density and the 50 percent increase introduced for sale in each year, so that the
in total capacity has come from mechanical engin- highest-capacity drive introduced in each year
eering innovations, which enable manufacturers to was substantially above the average shown. Stated
squeeze additional disks and heads into a given in another way, a distinction must be made
size of drive. between the full range of products available for
218 C.M. Chrisrensen and J.L. Bower

purchase, and those in typical systems of use. trajectories in Figure 2 represent the capacities
The upper and lower bands around the median ‘demanded’ in each market. In other words, the
and average trajectories in Figure 2 are generally capacity per machine was not constrained by
parallel to the lines shown. technological availability. Rather, it represents a
Because higher-capacity drives were available choice for hard disk capacity, made by computer
than the capacities offered with the median-priced users, given the prevailing cost.
systems, we state in the text that the solid-line

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