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The primary colors or light are Red, Green, and Blue; They create white when mixed

all together (the presence of light), without any of them, you have black (the
absence of light), and all light is a mixture of those colors.
The primary colors of pigment are Cyan, Yellow, and Magenta; when combined, they
create Black (The presence of color) and without any of them, you have White (The
absence of color), and all pigments are a mixture of those colors.
The colors of pigment are a direct inversion of the colors of light; this is
because pigments REFLECT light- a pigment appears as the colors it doesn't absorb-
Black absorbs all light, White reflects all light, cyan pigments absorb red light,
magenta pigments absorb green light, and yellow pigments absorb blue light.

RBG creates white in LIGHT, and not as a pigment on paper

Black absorbs all the colors, reflecting no light into our eyes. Light is how we
see color. Therefore, shouldn't black be the absence of color?
---Light is made up of colors, and the colors we see are whatever light the object
we're looking at didn't absorb.
In light, yes, black is the absence of color, (ergo, darkness) but pigment is an
inversion of the spectrum of light, so white (the presence) becomes what black is
(the absence) and vice-versa.
And finally, not to be rude, but some of your responses are just incorrect.
The spectrum of visible light is the only evidence needed to prove light doesn't
equate color (it's made up of colors; rub a bit of water on the screen of your
phone, and see how red/blue/green can create white)
And while it's true it's DIFFICULT to create a pigment that matches what we think
of as black, it's not impossible (and it doesn't make the absolution of pigments
brown either). THO green is a combination of yellow and blue, green is a primary
color of LIGHT.

CMYK which is the color set you use if you want to print out something. RGB is ONLY
for web use. RGB has a wider color range then CMYK but CMYK is what we can print in
a printer

RGB is what your eye detects when it is seeing light and because CYMK is
subtractive, it would be the inverse of the additive RGB

Take three photos in "black and white" use a red gel on one ,A green gel on one and
blue gel on one. Composite the three photos together. You will have a full color

Generate a CMYK file in photoshop and view it in a web browser. It either won't
load or the colours will just be bright, over saturated with the wrong hue.

PAINT PRINT DESIGN SHIT: CMY(K): Start with white, add stuff to make it darker.
RGB: Start with white, subtract stuff to make it darker.
Which is correct? BOTH. But paint is inherently an additive system.

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