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Chapter 28

After reading chapter 28, who do you think was most

responsible for the Cold War - the Western democracies or
the Soviet Union? Provide three examples to support your
The soviet union was the most responsible.
-they set up pro communist camps in Bulgaria
Romania and Poland. Expansion led to containment.
-Berlin Blockade and airlift, 1948
-Berlin Wall,
-denoted atomic bomv
Chapter 29
After reading chapter 29, compare the presidencies of
Truman and Eisenhower. Compare and/or contrast three
- General in WWII. Dwight Eisenhower served two
terms. Republican who got approval from many
Democrats, initially. Bipartisan. Military
background. Preserved programs of new deal and
extended them. 34th. Infrastructure. Everything
possible to keep us out of war. Little Rock decision.
Created NASA.
-Harry Truman only president with no college
degree in 20th century. Served in guard in WII.
FDR dies and he becomes president as Vp. Ended
segregation in military and public service. Common
sense. Blunt. People doubted him. in shadow of FDR.
Attack bomb on Japan to avoid costly land invasion
of Japan. The buck stops here. Integration of US
Military. The Truman doctrine and the Marshall
Plan to stop communism. Korean War. Stepped
down to Eisenhower. Hiroshima 33rd president.
Created NATO and appointed Eisenhower. The
Manhattan project. Lost China to communism.
-civil rights
-one fought wars and one didn't
-foreign vs domestic policies
Chapter 30
After reading chapter 30, Why did President Johnson get the
United States so deeply into Vietnam? What could he have
done to avoid going deeper into the quagmire? Provide three
points to support your answer.
-security of us
-11 years of commiting the American nation a
promise to stop communist
-had already lost China and then China backed N.
Vietnam and America wanted to back S. Vietnam
because we couldn't back out from commitment
Chapter 31
After reading chapter 31, compare and contrast th I'me
Watergate and the Iran-Contra scandals. Compare and/or
contrast three examples.
-iran contra Reagan called them the moral
equivalent to our founding fathers. Anti communist
contras in Nicaragua. Funded by cocaine trade.
Boland Amendement prevents DOD and CIA from
helping. Reagan said do it anyway and did it
through Iran. 7 hostages released from Iran for 30
mil dollars weapons trade. A 18 mil portion went to
the Contras. After saying he wouldn't negotiate with
terrorist. Al Shirraa reported the arms deal. Oliver
North confessed. “They were doing what they
thought I would have wanted them to do”

Broke into democratic national headquarters

wiretap offices and dig up dirt for reelection didn't
order it but covered it up in all ways possible. Quit
before impeached. Inherited the Vietnam problem
from Johnson. Wanted a landslide victory. The
Pentagon papers. Leaks. Plumbers went to jail.
CREEP OR CRP organization. Watergate Complex.
John Dean let the cat out of the bag. Won the
election but it came back to haunt him. Deep throat.
Demanded tapes from Nixon. Saturday night
massacre. Pardoned by Gerald Ford.

Chapter 32
After reading chapter 32, evaluate the Clinton administration.
What were some of the positive and negative aspects of his
presidency? Provide three examples to support your answer.


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