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Operations Research LPP Problems – Individual assignment – 1

LPP Problems: June 2019

Rules to solve LPP problems:

Step 1. Mark the unknowns in the given linear programming by x and y.

Step 2. Formulate the objective function.

Step 3. Translate all the constraints in the form of equalities.

Step 4. Solve these equalities simultaneously.

Step 5. Find the values of x and y for which the objective function z = ax + by has maximum or
minimum value (as the case may be).

1. Question 2: A blacksmith makes sickle and plough. Each sickle can be sold for a profit of Rs.30
and each Plough for a profit of Rs.10. The blacksmith can afford to spend up to 40 hours per week
working and takes six hours to make a sickle and three hours to make a plough. Customer demand
requires that he makes at least three times as many plough as sickle. Sickle take up four times as
much storage space as plough and there is room for at most four sickle each week. Formulate this
issue of goldsmith as a linear programming problem.

Let : xS = number of sickle made per week

xP = number of plough made per week

Constraints total work time 6Xs + 3Xp ≤ 40 customer demand Xp ≥ 3Xs storage space
(Xp4) + Xs ≤ 4, and Xs , Xp ≥ 0

Objective maximize 30Xs + 10Xp

The solution lies at the intersection of

Xp4 + Xs = 4 and 6Xs + 3Xp = 40

Solve for Xs and Xp

Xp4 + Xs = 4 ................(i)

and 6Xs + 3Xp = 40 ....................(ii)

From (i), Xs = 4 - Xp4, put in (ii)

6( 4 - Xp4) + 3Xp = 40

=> 24 - 3Xp2 + 3Xp = 40

Operations Research LPP Problems – Individual assignment – 1

=> 24 + 3Xp2 = 40

=> 3Xp2 = 40 - 24 = 16

or Xp = 323 = 10.667

Plug the value of Xp in equation (i)

10.6674 + Xs = 4

Xs = 4 - 10.6674 = 1.333

Solving these two equations simultaneously we get Xp = 10.667, Xs = 1.333.

And the profit = 30Xs + 10Xp = 30(1.333) + 10(10.667) = Rs.146.667

Rules to solve LPP in graphical method:

1. Draw the graph of the constraints.
Determine the region which satisfies all the constraints and non-negative constraints
(x > 0, y > 0). This region is called the feasible region.

2. Determine the co-ordinates of the corners of the feasible region.

3. Calculate the values of the objective function at each corner.

4. Select the corner point which gives the optimum (maximum or minimum) value of
the objective function. The co-ordinates of that point determine the optimal solution.

Problem 1:- Use graphical method to solve the following linear programming problem.

Maximize Z = 2x + 10 y; Subject to the constraints 2 x + 5y < 16, x < 5, and x > 0, y > 0.

Operations Research LPP Problems – Individual assignment – 1

Since x > 0 and y > 0 the solution set is restricted to the first quadrant.|

i) 2x + 5y < 16 Draw the graph of 2x + 5y = 16

2x + 5y = 16


x 8 0 3
y 0 3.2 2

Determine the region represented by 2x + 5y < 16

ii) x < 5 Draw the graph of x = 5

Determine the region represented by x < 5.

Shade the intersection of the two regions. The shaded region OABC is the feasible region

B(5, 1.2) is the point of intersection of 2x + 5y = 16 and x = 5. The corner points of OABC

are O(0,0), A(5,0), B(5,1.2) and C(0,3.2).

Corners O(0,0) A(5,0) B(5,1.2) C(0,3.2)

Z = 2x + 10 y 0 10 22 32
Operations Research LPP Problems – Individual assignment – 1

Z is maximum at x = 0, y = 3.2

Maximum value of Z = 32.

2. Problem 2: Use graphical method to solve the following linear programming problem.

Maximize Z = 20 x + 15y

Subject to 180x + 120y < 1500,

x + y < 10,

x > 0, y > 0


Since x > 0 and y > 0, the solution set is restricted to the first quadrant.

i) 180x + 120 y < 1500

180x + 120y < 1500 => 3x + 2y < 25.

Draw the graph of 3x + 2y = 25

3x + 2y = 25
Operations Research LPP Problems – Individual assignment – 1


x 0 5

y 0 5

Determine the region represented by 3x + 2y < 25.

ii) x + y < 10 Draw the graph of x + y = 10

x + y = 10 ⇒ y =10 - x

x 0 10 5
y 10 0 5

£Determine the region represented by x + y < 10

Shade the intersection of the two regions. The shaded region OABC is the feasible region.

B(5,5) is the point of intersection of 3x + 2y = 25 and x + y = 10. The corner points of OABC

are O(0,0), A( , 0), B (5,5) and C(0,10).

Corners O(0,0) B(5,5) C(0,10)

A( ,0)
Z = 20x + 15 y 0 166.67 175 150

Z is maximum at x = 5 and y = 5. Maximum value of Z = 175.

1. A advertising agency wishes to reach two types of audiences, Customers with annual
income > Rs. 40,000- Target audience A, and Customers with annual income of < Rs,
40,000 – Target audience B. The total advertising budget is Rs. 2,00,000. One
programme of TV advertising costs Rs. 50,000; One programme of radio advertising
costs Rs.20,000. For contract reasons atleast 3 programmes ought to be on TV and the
number of radio programmes must be limited to 5.Surveys indicate that a single TV
programme reaches 7,50,000 customers in the target audience A and 1,50,000 in target
audience B. One Radio Programme reaches 40,000 in target audience A and 2,60,000 in
target audience B;

Formulate this as a linear programming model and determine the media mix to
maximise the total reach.
Operations Research LPP Problems – Individual assignment – 1

2. A farm is engaged in breeding sheep, The sheep’s are fed on various products grown on
the farm. In view of the need to ensure certain nutrient constituents (call them X, Y & Z).
It is necessary to buy two additional products say A and B. One unit of product A
contains 36 units of X, 3 Units of Y and 20 units of Z. One unit of product B contains 6
units of X, 12 units of Y and 10 units of Z. The min requirement of X, Y and Z is 108 units,
36 units and 100 units respectively .
Product A costs Rs.20 per unit and product B Rs.40 per unit.

Formulate using the LPP model to minimise the total cost by graphical method;

3. Lets assume that you have inherited Rs. 1L from your Grandfather, that can be invested
in a combination of only 2 stock portfolios, with the maximum investment allowed in
either portfolio set as Rs.75,000. The first portfolio has an average rate of return of
10%.whereas the second has second has 20%. In terms of risk factors associated with
these portfolios, the first one has a risk rating of 4 ( In a scale of 0 – 10 ) and the second
has a risk rating of 9.since you wish to maximise your return, you will not accept an
average rate of return below 12% or a risk factor above 6.
How much should you invest in each portfolio ? Formulate this as LPP and solve by
graphical method .

End of assignment

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