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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

July 9-13, 2018

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. identify the phonetic symbols of vowel sounds;
b. EN7F-I-a-3.11: observe the correct production of vowel and consonant sounds, diphthongs,
blends, glides, etc. through tongue twisters;
c. EN7F-I-a-3.11.1: read words phrases, clauses, sentences and paragraphs using the correct
production of vowel and consonant sounds, diphthongs, blends and glides;
d. use the correct stress when reading passages;
e. recognize vowel signs in the dictionary;
f. contruct a poem showing the vowel sounds and deliver it creatively.


The vowel sounds of English

a. Chalk and board d. Speaker
b. Worksheets e. DLP
c. Laptop
Reference: Gonzales, C & Francisco, N. (2015). Essential English: Worktext in literature and
language. Manila, Philippines: Rex Book Store. Pp. 5-9.
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. 2017. English Learner’s Material. Pasig City,
Philippines: Department of Education Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR).

A. Motivation
1. Flash tongue twisters to the class:
 She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
The shells she sells are surely seashells.
So if she sells shells on the seashore,
I'm sure she sells seashore shells.
 A flea and a fly flew up in a flue.
Said the flea, "Let us fly!"
Said the fly, "Let us flee!"
So they flew through a flaw in the flue.
 How much wood would a wood-chuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?
 Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot We'll be together whatever the
weather, whether we like it or not.
 How many cans can a canner can if a canner can can cans?
2. Let the students read the tongue twisters orally.
B. Presentation
1. Present the seven basic vowel sounds of English:
IPA /i/ /I/ /e/ /Ɛ/ /æ/ /u/ /U/
Symbol /ē/ /i/ /ā/ /e/ Ƌ ü ů
C. Discussion
It is the study of speech sounds and their physiological production and acoustic qualities. It
deals with the formations of the vocal tract used to produce speech sounds (articulatory phonetics),
the acoustic properties of speech sounds (acoustic phonetics), and the manner of combining sounds
so as to make syllables, words, and sentences (linguistic phonetics).
These sounds are called phonemes.
D. Oral Exercises
Practice each word carefully. Note that you should pronounce the vowel sounds correctly and apply
the proper stress.
/i/ (ē – Dictionary Symbol)
 Fee  money  seen
 cheese  meat  seed
 cheek  speak  feed
 teeth  read  need
 meal  meek  jeans
 lead  key  mean
 seat  meet  eat
 seize  street  valley

/I/ (i – Dictionary Symbol)

 bin  pig  pit  rim
 dim  lit  lip  nip
 fin  Kim  kid  kit
 gig  hip  jib  Jim
 hit  him  his  hid
 kin  fig  fit  in
 lid  did  dig  bit
 pin  bid  big  dip

/æ/ (Ƌ – Dictionary Symbol)

 tag  sat  tab
 sad  rag  rat
 map  pan  pad
 hat  jam  man
 gap  gas  ham
 fan  fat  fad
 cab  dad  Dan
 bad  bag  cat
 act  van  bat

/Ɛ/ (e – Dictionary Symbol)

 pest  pen  set
 net  red  pet
 let  men  met
 keg  led  leg
 hen  hem  jet
 gem  get  gel
 bet  den  fed
 Ben  bed  beg

/u/ (ü – Dictionary Symbol)

 movie  brutal  wooden
 true  crude  cruel
 loot  stool  shoot
 pool  tool  fool
 boot  blue  cool

/U/ (ů – Dictionary Symbol)

 pudding  butcher  courier
 bullet  cushion  bushes
 tooth  book  woman
 look  cook  pull
 shook  wood  full
 pull  stood  bush
/e/ (ā – Dictionary Symbol)
 sachet  exposé  sauté
 steak  April  Mesdames
 gauge  weigh  bouquet
 brae  attaché  entrée
 fate  say  prey

E. Exercise 1
Sound it right: Pronounce the following words correctly. Read the words horizontally to contrast the
sounds of each word.
/i/ /I/ /e/ /Ɛ/ /æ/ /u/ /U/
 meat  mitt  bait  bet  mat  boon  rook
 liter  litter  bane  Ben  latter  route  boor
 keen  kin  Dane  den  can  tooth  took
 deem  dim  dame  them  dam  suit  soot
 dean  din  cane  Ken  Dan  flew  flu
 bean  bin  later  letter  ban  pool  pull
 beat  bit  mate  met  bat  fool  full

F. Evaluation
Part I. Vowel Distinction: Identify which vowel sound is being produced on the following words. The
sounds to be identified are italicized. Letters only.
/i/ /I/ /e/ /Ɛ/ /æ/ /u/ /U/
1 valley 11 kin
2 sauté 12 latter
3 ban 13 flew
4 gel 14 letter
5 crude 15 Mesdames
6 woman 16 Butcher
7 seize 17 Jeans
8 gauge 18 Loot
9 route 19 courier
10 soot 20 bat

Part II. Identify the word that does not belong in the series. The sounds to be compared are italicized.
Letters only.
____1. A. myth B. drip C. scythe
____2. A. steak B. breath C. meant
____3. A. haste B. caste C. past
____4. A. bus B. blush C. bush
____5. A. thought B. loaf C. caught
____6. A. chew B. beau C. sew
____7. A. eyes B. lies C. thus
____8. A. alias B. banal C. canal
____9. A. pudding B. culture C. nourish
____10. A. cashier B. cabin C. chaos
____11. A. contain B. delicate C. villain
____12. A. sauce B. wrote C. caught
____13. A. pleasant B. fearsome C. measure
____14. A. loony B. loosen C. cookies
____15. A. bass B. class C. hair
____16. A. fool B. food C. stood
____17. A. prunes B. June C. full
____18. A. rove B. toll C. move
____19. A. crucial B. bullion C. plumage
____20. A. lapel B. maniac C. latent
Vowel Sounds in Action: To further improve the enunciation skills of the students, they will be using the
lesson they have learned through poem construction.
1. Group the class into six.
2. A drawing of lots will be done to identify which group will take what vowel sound.
3. Each group will list words which have the same sound to the one they have chosen and use these
words to create a four stanza poem.
4. A creative presentation will follow which will be judge accordingly:

Creative Poem Presentation Rubrics

Criteria Description Points
Quality of
 Poetic devices
Poetry demonstrates full understanding of elements of poetry. The
and/or figurative
poet's message is clear, yet creatively, evident. The poetry
language 10
communicates a tone and the writing is unique to the poet
 Sensory images
or emotion
 Graphics
 Form
Students produced one outstanding poem that is insightful and
exceeds expectations for grade 7.
Effort OR 8
Students produced a four-stanza poem that reflects
understanding of quality poetry.
The title is creative. It sparks interested and it is related to the
Title 2
The students have memorized the entire poem. There is no need
Memorization 5
for notes and the performers speak with confidence.
Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, and
Speaks Clearly 7
mispronounces no words.
The performers use posture appropriate for the poem, looks
Posture and Eye
Contact relaxed and confident. They establish eye contact with all 3
members of the audience during the presentation.
Volume is loud enough to be heard by all audience members
throughout the presentation. Performers speak clearly and paces
Volume/Voice 6
performance. They are easily understood by all audience
members all the time.
Creativity and
The group develops a creative and unique presentation; ideas
Uniqueness of 9
Concepts display innovation different from other groups.
Prepared by: Noted:


Subject Teacher Head Teacher, Communication Arts Dep’t

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