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UTUTYA LISYA WIJAYA 25010115130206
INTAN HARDIAN PUTRI 25010115140325
Nomor : 137
Tahun : 2016
IDENTITAS JURNAL Halaman : 124-130
Tingkat Kuartil : Q2
Penulis : G. Castaneda, T.E.
Barnett, E.K. Soule,
M.E. Young
Metode : Data dari enam wawancara kelompok fokus dengan perokok
hookah berusia antara 18 dan 24 tahun dianalisis menggunakan
pendekatan grounded theory. Kelompok fokus terbagi rata antara
pengguna hookah yang sering dan jarang, dan sebagian besar terdiri
dari mahasiswa, dengan dua kelompok pengguna hookah yang terdiri
dari 18 dan 24 tahun status non-siswa.

Desain Studi : Kualitatif

• Literatur telah mengindikasikan efek kesehatan jangka panjang dan jangka
pendek yang terkait dengan merokok hookah, termasuk kanker paru-paru,
penyakit pernafasan, dan peningkatan paparan racun. Misalnya, dua studi
kondisi desain crossover mengungkapkan bahwa rokok hookah yang
diproduksi tingkat karboksihemoglobin (COHb) tertinggi tiga kali lebih
tinggi daripada yang diamati dalam satu sesi rokok, dan tingkat nikotin
plasma yang serupa dengan yang diamati dalam merokok. Selanjutnya,
data topografi puff dan analisis asap hookah menunjukkan 45 menit sesi
hookah yang dihasilkan. lebih dari 40 kali lipat volume asap yang dihasilkan
dari satu batang rokok dan, selain karbon monoksida (CO) dan nikotin, asap
mengandung paparan berbagai racun termasuk hidrokarbon aromatik
polisiklik karsinogenik, aldehida volatil, dan berbagai logam berat.
Meskipun penelitian yang tersedia menunjukkan hubungan yang kuat antara
merokok hookah dan hasil kesehatan yang buruk, tingkat prevalensi merokok
hookah menimbulkan kekhawatiran kesehatan global yang meningkat,
terutama di kalangan remaja dan dewasa muda. Berbagai studi cross
sectional berbasis universitas telah menggunakan penggunaan hookah yang
meningkat. tingkat prevalensi berkisar antara 20% hingga 40% untuk
penggunaan seumur hidup dan 5e20% untuk penggunaan saat ini.59
Selanjutnya, penggunaan ganda hookah dan rokok telah dilaporkan sebesar
58,7% dalam sampel studi universitas. Selain itu, tren pada hookah merokok
dini, seperti yang diamati dalam studi longitudinal 13 bulan, menunjukkan
tren naik bertahap di hookah peserta yang pernah digunakan dari prakondisi
(29%) ke tahun pertama kuliah (34%), dan dari akhir tahun akademik (41%)
ke akhir musim panas (45%) .
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji keyakinan dan sikap
normatif positif dan negatif normatif pengguna hookah saat ini,
sehubungan dengan penggunaan hookah, untuk lebih menjelaskan
peningkatan prevalensi merokok hookah di kalangan dewasa muda,
dan membantu mengungkap mengapa kegiatan konsumsi tembakau ini
dirasakan berbeda. Temuan penelitian ini diharapkan untuk
menginformasikan pendekatan kesehatan pendidikan yang ditargetkan
serta pemrograman penghentian untuk orang dewasa muda.
Pengguna Hookah pada Millennial dilihat dari perilaku niat, sikap, dan
norma subyektif. Selanjutnya, Model Integratif dari Prediksi Perilaku
meluas ruang lingkup norma subjektif dengan mengakui peran
keterampilan dan kendala lingkungan dan / atau fasilitator sebagai
moderator dari hubungan niat perilaku selain:
• Sikap (evaluasi individu terhadap preferensi perilaku);
• norma yang dirasakan (tekanan sosial yang diharapkan dari perilaku
• self-efficacy (kemampuan yang dirasakan untuk berhasil melakukan
Ketika dilihat bersamaan dengan model integratif, pengamatan pada
inisiasi merokok hookah di antara generasi millennial mengungkapkan
sebagian besar pengguna hookah tidak memiliki keterampilan yang
diperlukan (misalnya, persiapan perakitan dan pipa, metode inhalasi,
dll) untuk pengalaman merokok awal mereka. Oleh karena itu, faktor-
faktor kontekstual seperti dukungan jaringan sosial dan sebagian besar
anggota jaringan sosial individu juga terlibat dalam perilaku sebagai
fasilitator yang berpengaruh untuk proses inisiasi perilaku di antara
kelompok usia ini.
Selain itu, merokok hookah digambarkan sebagai pengalaman sosial
yang unik dengan karakteristik budaya yang sangat mirip dengan
Generasi Milenial. Banyak hubungan positif antara karakteristik
generasional dan penggunaan hookah muncul sebagai faktor penentu
utama dari inisiasi perilaku dalam data. Tren yang paling menonjol
diamati dalam kategori budaya, yang mencakup karakteristik Millenial
berikut: otonomi, personalisasi, daya tarik baru, kenyamanan,
berorientasi global, hiburan, kolaborasi, kesadaran kesehatan, dan
menilai jaringan sosial mereka.
• Otonomi
Mayoritas pengguna hookah menunjukkan perasaan yang kuat tentang
kontrol yang dirasakan atas penggunaan hookah mereka; faktor ini
menunjukkan dirinya sebagai penggerak untuk niat perilaku yang lebih
besar. Tren dalam data menunjukkan bahwa pengguna hookah
Millennial umumnya memegang keyakinan bahwa penggunaan hookah
tidak membuat ketagihan dan menganggap penggunaan berulang
mereka sebagai perilaku sementara yang merupakan bagian dari
pengalaman kuliah mereka.
• Personalisasi
Dari proses persiapan pipa hookah hingga pencampuran rasa dan trik
merokok, kemampuan untuk mempersonalisasi pengalaman merokok
hookah adalah fitur merokok yang sangat menarik yang berkorelasi
dengan keinginan Generasi Millenial untuk personalisasi, kreativitas,
dan individualitas dalam kelompok.
Mayoritas peserta mengungkapkan daya tarik mistik
yang terkait dengan ketidakbiasaan awal mereka
dengan merokok hookah dan perannya sebagai
• Daya Tarik Baru praktik budaya. Dari dekorasi khas lounge hookah
hingga pencahayaan yang redup dan tempat duduk
yang nyaman, suasana yang diciptakan oleh setelan
merokok hookah dianggap sebagai novel dan ada
tingkat penghormatan yang penting yang terikat
untuk mengambil bagian dalam kebiasaan budaya
asing ini.
• Kenyamanan
Para peserta menegaskan kembali kemudahan dan kemudahan
memperoleh akses ke bar hookah atau membeli pipa hookah itu
sendiri. Banyak pengguna hookah menunjukkan bahwa persediaan
hookah tersedia secara massal di toko-toko bata-dan-mortir, online,
dan bahkan di pom bensin. Selain itu, pengguna Millennial juga
mencatat bahwa legalitas merokok hookah di dalam ruangan serta
batas usia 18 tahun adalah driver yang signifikan untuk digunakan di
kalangan individu di bawah usia 21 tahun.
• Berorientasi global
Terkait erat dengan hal-hal baru yang dirasakan dari kebiasaan budaya
asing, tingkat toleransi dan apresiasi yang tinggi terhadap keragaman
budaya juga ditemukan memainkan peran di antara inisiasi pengasuh
hookah para peserta. Banyak peserta mengungkapkan kerinduan untuk
pengalaman etnis otentik yang sangat mencirikan kelompok-kelompok
sebaya multikultural Generasi Milenium. Misalnya, seorang peserta
menyatakan: 'Sesuatu yang Anda lakukan dalam budaya mereka,
daripada,' Oh, saya merokok tembakau
• Kolaborasi
Seluruh proses perakitan hookah pipa, persiapan, dan merokok
sessionwas digambarkan sebagai upaya terorganisir. tugas yang
berbeda-beda dibagikan (seperti pengepakan mangkuk, pembersihan,
dan perakitan pipa. Kontingensi untuktingkat keterampilan yang
diperlukan minimal pada perakitan pipa dan persiapan juga kondusif
untuk withingroup peran bimbingan selama tahap awal transfer
pengetahuan dan keterampilan akuisisi.
• Sadar Kesehatan
Keyakinan perilaku yang terutama pada persepsi bahwa hookah
merokok adalah alternatif yang sehat (memiliki kurang racun)
dibandingkan dengan merokok. Hookah varietas produk alami juga
dijelaskan berkontribusi untuk ini persepsi komparatif sehat dari
merokok hookah dibandingkan dengan bentuk lain dari konsumsi
tembakau. Selain itu, keyakinan komparatif sehat yang diselenggarakan
oleh milenium juga dikaitkan erat dengan estetika hookah pipa, aroma
yang menyenangkan, 'halus ' merokok (untuk pejalan kaki dan perokok
sama), dan kemungkinan rendahnya penggunaan sehari-hari,
dibandingkan dengan rokok.
• Jaringan Sosial Nilai
Pengguna hookah Seribu terutama menggambarkan pengalaman
merokok hookah sebagai interaksi sosial rekreasi diterima sangat
dominan diprakarsai oleh rekan kuat dan (diikuti oleh) keluarga
pengaruh-pengaruh. Keluarga pengaruh-pengaruh sering digambarkan
sebagai sama sosial menekan pertemuan kecil dan intim, dengan
banyak anggota keluarga (misalnya, orang tua, sepupu, dan nenek).
Dengan demikian, keyakinan keampuhan yang ditingkatkan melalui
sosial pengaruh-pengaruh serta karakteristik hookah erat sesuai
dengan orang-orang dari budaya generasi millennium.
Sementara fasilitator tampaknya lebih
besar daripada peserta kendala
• Akses Lingkungan lingkungan, orang-orang yang
diungkapkan oleh milenium termasuk
faktor-faktor yang terkait dengan
kenyamanan, seperti keterjangkauan dan
• Pengalaman merokok hookah
Digambarkan sebagai pengalaman yang sangat kolaboratif, dengan
mayoritas group members mengungkapkan kesediaan mereka untuk
berbagi keterampilan hookah dan pengetahuan di antara anggota
kelompok memulai.
Meskipun mayoritas peserta memulai merokok hookah tidak memiliki
mantan pengalaman merokok, Selain itu, data peserta dengan
frekuensi hookah merokok lebih besar ditunjukkan tren dalam
menyuarakan lebih dari aspek-aspek negatif yang mungkin dari
merokok hookah, dibandingkan dengan merokok rekan-rekan frekuensi
yang lebih rendah.
Temuan penelitian ini menyoroti pengaruh kuat faktor lingkungan
kontekstual, seperti budaya generasi individu, sehubungan dengan
persepsi yang sesuai terhadap dan inisiasi merokok hookah. Temuan
dari penelitian ini konsisten dengan literatur yang menunjukkan
persepsi yang sebelumnya dipegang tentang merokok hookah sebagai
bentuk konsumsi tembakau yang kurang toksik (jika dibandingkan
dengan merokok) di antara individu berusia 18-24 tahun. Secara
keseluruhan , tanggapan peserta mencerminkan keselarasan dengan
teori inisiasi perilaku yang ada.
Determinan budaya generasi yang diidentifikasi diamati untuk
memperkuat inisiasi perilaku merokok hookah, tingkat keterampilan
merokok perorangan, serta kendala lingkungan (misalnya
keterjangkauan) atau fasilitator (aksesibilitas), ditemukan sebagai
inisiasi pengasapan hookah di kalangan Generasi Millenial.
Keterbatasan termasuk format yang sangat terstruktur di mana
wawancara kelompok fokus dilakukan, sehingga mengurangi kekayaan
Misalnya, para peserta tidak dapat membentuk kategori mereka sendiri
untuk mengkategorikan kata-kata seperti yang dikembangkan dari
literatur. Demikian pula, meskipun penggunaan probe efektif
moderator selama wawancara kelompok fokus, latihan peringkat
(untuk masing-masing kategori hookah yang ditentukan sebelumnya)
menghambat pembuatan tanggapan yang lebih rumit dari peserta.
Selain itu, mengingat komposisi sampel, menggambar mahasiswa (4
kelompok, 30 peserta) vs kelompok non-siswa (2 kelompok, 10 peserta)
perbandingan adalah keterbatasan studi lain. Sementara upaya
dilakukan untuk merekrut orang dewasa muda yang tinggal di
komunitas, sangat sedikit yang menghubungi tim peneliti untuk
berpartisipasi dalam studi.
Perbedaan generasi, bagaimanapun, harus melampaui kuliah vs status
non perguruan tinggi dan dengan demikian mungkin tidak perbedaan
penting untuk penggunaan hookah, Mengingat data yang diteliti
memberikan pemahaman tentang faktor-faktor utama yang
mendorong inisiasi merokok hookah di kalangan populasi dewasa
muda, implikasi masa depan untuk temuan penelitian ini termasuk
peningkatan pencegahan merokok dan program penghentian merokok
yang memanfaatkan promosi perilaku kesehatan positif yang
mendukung dan / atau sejajar dengan karakteristik Milenial.
Untuk pengembangan intervensi, determinan budaya generasi yang
diidentifikasi dalam penelitian ini dapat berfungsi sebagai skema
generatif yang menyampaikan konstruksi memotivasi yang lebih luas
yang kondusif bagi pilihan Milenial untuk memulai merokok hookah.
Dengan menggunakan pendekatan generatif, inisiatif promosi
kesehatan kampus dapat berupaya mengembangkan model intervensi
yang memuaskan skema budaya generasi Milenial. Sesuatu positif yang
ideal akan mendorong peluang seperti otonomi, personalisasi, daya
tarik baru, kenyamanan, berorientasi global, hiburan, kolaborasi,
kesadaran kesehatan, dan jaringan sosial yang berharga untuk
berkembang di kalangan orang dewasa muda.
Selain itu, upaya promosi kesehatan pada kampus juga harus berusaha
untuk menghilangkan mitos yang berlaku mengenai merokok hookah
sebagai alternatif yang lebih sehat untuk merokok. Selain itu, prakarsa
pendidikan kesehatan anti hookah merokok harus dipaksakan oleh
upaya kebijakan yang bertujuan untuk memasukkan merokok hookah
dalam semua peraturan bebas asap rokok saat ini.
Kurangnya kebijakan membatasi merokok hookah di dalam ruangan
telah memperparah konsepsi yang salah mengenai keamanan merokok
hookah, dan pendirian hookah terus tetap dikecualikan dari undang-
undang udara dalam ruangan yang bersih. Upaya kebijakan dapat
membantu mengekang miskonsepsi dewasa muda mengenai
keamanan penggunaan hookah dan mengurangi aksesibilitas. Contoh
implikasi kebijakan untuk pengurangan inisiasi merokok hookah dan
penggunaan berkelanjutan di antara populasi dewasa muda dapat
meliputi: meningkatkan batas usia bar hookah, pembatasan untuk
merokok dalam ruangan, dan membatasi kepadatan kafe hookah di
sekitarnya dengan populasi dewasa muda yang tinggi, seperti dekat
kampus Universitas.
Pengguna hookah Millennial membutuhkan perhatian penuh baik pada
alasan negatif dan positif yang berasal dari penggunaan hookah yang
berkelanjutan; Namun, yang terpenting adalah keyakinan perilaku
terutama terpaku pada persepsi bahwa merokok hookah adalah
alternatif yang lebih sehat untuk merokok. Implikasi masa depan untuk
temuan penelitian ini termasuk menghasilkan cara yang lebih positif
untuk mengekspresikan sifat-sifat ini untuk orang dewasa muda;
implikasi kebijakan termasuk meningkatkan batas usia bar hookah,
menerapkan larangan merokok dalam ruangan, dan membatasi
kemudahan aksesibilitas untuk membeli persediaan hookah.

p u b l i c h e a l t h 1 3 7 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 2 4 e1 3 0

Available online at

Public Health

journal homepage:

Original Research

Hookah smoking behavior initiation in the context

of Millennials

~ eda a,*, T.E. Barnett b, E.K. Soule c, M.E. Young d

G. Castan
Social and Behavioral Sciences, College of Public Health and Health Professions, University of Florida, USA
Department of Epidemiology, College of Public Health and Health Professions & College of Medicine, University of
Florida, USA
Department of Psychology, Center for the Study of Tobacco Products, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Department of Occupational Therapy, College of Public Health and Health Professions, University of Florida, USA

article info abstract

Article history: Objectives: This study aims to examine current hookah users' perceptions, attitudes, and
Received 1 July 2015 normative beliefs regarding hookah smoking to further elucidate the rise in hookah
Received in revised form smoking prevalence among young adults (aged 18e24 years) and reveal why hookah
19 January 2016 smoking is perceived as less harmful than other forms of tobacco consumption.
Accepted 13 February 2016 Study design: Qualitative.
Available online 20 April 2016 Methods: Data from six focus group interviews with hookah smokers aged between 18 and
24 years were analyzed using a grounded theory approach. Focus groups were evenly split
Keywords: between frequent and infrequent hookah users, and were predominantly composed of
Young adult tobacco use college students, with two groups of hookah users consisting of 18e24 year olds of non-
Hookah student status.
Qualitative research Results: Hookah users shared a much larger set of positive hookah smoking behavioral
beliefs as opposed to negative behavioral beliefs. Generational traits served as the over-
arching commonality among the behavior performance initiation determinants observed.
The most notable generational trends observed were within the cultural category, which
included the following millennial characteristics: autonomy, personalization, novelty ap-
peal, convenience, globally oriented, entertainment, collaboration, health conscious, and
valuing their social network.
Conclusions: Millennial hookah users revealed mindfulness regarding both potential nega-
tive and positive reasons stemming from continued hookah use; however, behavioral be-
liefs were primarily fixated on the perception that hookah smoking was a healthier
alternative to cigarette smoking. Future implications for this study's findings include
generating more positive ways to express these traits for young adults; policy implications
include raising hookah bar age limits, implementing indoor smoking restrictions, and
limiting the ease of accessibility for purchasing hookah supplies.
© 2016 The Royal Society for Public Health. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author. Social and Behavioral Sciences, College of Public Health and Health Professions, PO Box to 100182, University of
Florida, Gainesville, FL, 32610-0182, USA. Tel.: þ1 (352) 273 6745; fax: þ1 (352) 273 6048.
E-mail address: (G. Castan ~ eda).
0033-3506/© 2016 The Royal Society for Public Health. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
p u b l i c h e a l t h 1 3 7 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 2 4 e1 3 0 125

inform targeted educational health approaches as well as

Introduction cessation programming for young adults.

The literature has indicated both long and short-term haz-

ardous health effects associated with hookah smoking, Methods
including lung cancer, respiratory illness, and increased
toxicant exposure.1e4 For instance, a two condition study Six focus groups were conducted with hookah smokers aged
crossover design revealed that a single hookah smoking 18e24 years. Focus group size ranged from 5 to 9; totaling 40
episode produced peak carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) levels participants in the study. Four groups were composed of col-
three times higher than those observed in a single cigarette lege students from a large university in southeastern United
session, and similar peak plasma nicotine levels to those States, and two groups included non-college student young
observed in cigarette smoking.3 Furthermore, puff topog- adults. Focus groups were split between frequent and infre-
raphy data and hookah smoke analyses indicated a 45 min quent hookah users. Hookah use frequency was defined as
hookah session produced over 40-fold the smoke volume of infrequent for individuals who had smoked hookah three
that produced from a single cigarette and, in addition to times per month or less and frequent for those who had
carbon monoxide (CO) and nicotine, the smoke contained smoked more than three times per month, approximately
exposure to various toxicants including carcinogenic poly- once a week or more. Participant recruitment consisted of: 1)
cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile aldehydes, and flyers posted around the community (targeted young adult
various heavy metals.3 high traffic areas, such as movie theatre parking lots, bars,
Despite the available research indicating strong associa- malls, and restaurants); and 2) on-campus flyers posted at bus
tions between hookah smoking and adverse health outcomes, stops, housing complexes, and near dorms. IRB approval was
hookah smoking prevalence rates pose a rising global health obtained from the university prior to focus group data
concern, particularly among adolescents and young adults.3 collection and all participants received full study disclosure
Various university-based cross sectional studies have estab- from the research team before consenting to participate. The
lished rising hookah use prevalence rates ranging from 20% to data were analyzed using a grounded theory approach.12
40% for lifetime use and 5e20% for current use.5e9 Further- Participant demographics included a mean age of 19 years
more, dual hookah and cigarette use has been reported at (SD 1.4) with just over half (55%) females. Overall, participants'
58.7% in a university study sample.9 Moreover, trends in early racial background was predominantly white (72%), followed
hookah smoking, as observed in a 13-month longitudinal by Asian (10%), and black (7.5%). The ethnic composition
study, indicated a gradual upward trend in participant hookah included 30% who identified as Hispanic, and 12.5% who
ever use from precollege (29%) to freshman year of college identified as Middle Eastern descent. Additionally, occupation
(34%), and from the end of the academic year (41%) to the end status primarily consisted of full-time students (75.5%); with
of summer (45%).8 part-time workers (15%), full-time workers (10%), and unem-
Nonetheless, while downward trends have been observed ployed individuals (5%).
in college students' cigarette use, evidence based findings All six focus groups were structured in the same manner
suggest that hookah use has synchronously been on the and averaged 40 min in duration. Following past work using
rise.10,2 This polarized phenomenon across cigarette users Outcome Expectancy Theory applied to cigarettes,13 partici-
and exclusive hookah users suggests attitudinal differences pants were asked to complete a word elicitation exercise,
among both forms of tobacco consumption. Cross-sectional whereby participants were asked to complete the phrase
studies examining hookah smoking risk perceptions among ‘Hookah smoking is ____’. The word elicitation exercise was
the college population have noted that positive perceptions followed by a categorizing process, wherein participants were
toward hookah smoking as well as perceptions of reduced asked to categorize the list of words that had been generated
health risks (relative to cigarette smoking) were both signifi- during the word elicitation activity as either positive or
cantly associated with current hookah use and intention to negative and into the following five hookah literature themes
use hookah tobacco in the future.6,11,5 For instance, a cross- identified by the researchers: social, harmful, toxins, socially
sectional study among first and second year undergraduate acceptable and other. Next, participants were asked to rank
and graduate college students examining positive and nega- each category in descending order with respect to level of
tive attitudes as well as normative beliefs regarding hookah importance. Lastly, participants were asked to individually
use indicated positive attitudes toward hookah use were describe their first hookah smoking experience, whether or
significantly associated with current hookah use and inten- not they currently owned a hookah pipe, and if so, how they
tion to use hookah tobacco in the future.5 On the other hand, had obtained the hookah pipe.
results regarding negative attitudes toward hookah yielded The research team conducting each focus group consisted
non-significant findings, for both current hookah use and of one professor with expertise and training in qualitative data
future intentions to engage in hookah use. collection (moderator) and one graduate research assistant
The purpose of this study was to examine current hookah who took notes and audio recorded the focus group session;
users' positive and negative normative beliefs and attitudes, recordings were then transcribed verbatim for data analysis.
with respect to hookah use, in order to further elucidate the The analysis was first performed by reading the data once
rise in hookah smoking prevalence among young adults, and and listing the words elicited under the categories stated by
help uncover why these tobacco consumption activities are participants. All six focus groups indicated a much larger set
perceived differently. These study findings are expected to of positive perceptions and behavioral beliefs, with respect to
126 p u b l i c h e a l t h 1 3 7 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 2 4 e1 3 0

hookah use, as opposed to negative perceptions and behav- skills (e.g., assembly and pipe preparation, inhalation
ioral beliefs. Closer examination comparing all six groups' lists methods, etc.) for their initial smoking experience. Therefore,
of positive and negative categories (derived from the word contextual factors such as social network support and the
elicitation process) eventually uncovered trends in intersect- large extent to which members of the individual's social
ing generational characteristics between hookah use and network were also engaging in the behavior served as influ-
positive perceptions and behavioral beliefs as key influencers ential facilitators for the behavior initiation process among
for hookah smoking initiation. this age group. For instance, one participant noted the
The data analysis was conducted using selective coding following regarding his initial hookah smoking experience: ‘It
procedures.12 Coding consisted of concepts that emerged from was also in a big group, people I was comfortable with, I
each groups' list of positive and negative categories, such as probably would have been more nervous and embarrassed
beliefs regarding hookah smoking's non-addictive nature, when I didn't know what I was doing. Yeah, it was fun.’
ability to choose a variety of flavors and mix them, and Additionally, hookah smoking was described as a unique
perception of a foreign cultural practice. The emergent iden- social experience with cultural characteristics closely aligning
tification of generational identity as an overarching phe- to those of the Millennial Generation. Numerous positive links
nomenon within participants' hookah smoking behavior between generational characteristics and hookah use
allowed the researchers to draw across both positive and emerged as key determinants of behavior initiation in the
negative categories. data. As illustrated in Fig. 1, Millennial characteristics15 served
The purpose of the project was to solicit hookah users to as the overarching commonality among the hookah smoking
provide outcomes associated with hookah smoking. Specif- initiation characteristics observed in this sample. The most
ically, the analysis aimed to uncover why hookah smoking is notable trends were observed within the cultural category,
appealing to the 18e24 years age group. During analysis which included the following Millennial characteristics: au-
emerging similarities in generational traits to hookah smok- tonomy, personalization, novelty appeal, convenience, glob-
ing characteristics within the data steered the analysis to a ally oriented, entertainment, collaboration, health conscious,
focus on hookah smoking behavior initiation in the context of and valuing their social network.
the Millennial Generation, those born from 1977 to 1995
(demonstrated in Results section). Autonomy
Emerging theme analyses and interpretations were
confirmed via a peer review process until no new themes The majority of hookah users expressed a strong sense of
could be identified. This process led to the development of perceived control over their hookah use; this factor presented
nine major themes: autonomy, personalization, novelty ap- itself as a driver for greater behavioral intention. Trends in the
peal, convenience, globally oriented, entertainment, collabo- data suggested Millennial hookah users had commonly held
ration, health conscious, and valuing their social network. beliefs that hookah use was non-addictive and viewed their
Each of these themes represented key cultural determinants recurrent use as a transient behavior that was a part of their
which were explored as dimensions of the central phenome- college experience. As one student stated: ‘Sometimes I will
non: hookah smoking initiation among the Millennial smoke hookah a couple days a week, and then other times I'll
Generation. go several weeks or several days without doing it or consid-
ering it. I wouldn't say hookah is addictive.’

Results Personalization

Millennial hookah users shared a much larger set of positive From the hookah pipe preparation process to mixing flavors
behavioral beliefs, as opposed to negative behavioral beliefs, and performing smoke tricks, the ability to personalize the
with respect to hookah use, as evidenced by the data. These hookah smoking experience was a highly attractive smoking
observations are best understood through the application of feature that correlated with Millennials' desire for personali-
the Integrative Model of Behavioral Prediction (see Fig. 1).14 zation, creativity, and within-group individuality. Young Mil-
The Integrative Model is a revision of the reasoned action lennials noted the hookah pipe's preparation process as one
approach, which adds control beliefs as a predictor of that catered to a wide array of smoker preferences ranging
behavioral intention to the original three constructs: behav- from thicker smoke to longer lasting tobacco. For instance,
ioral intention, attitude, and subjective norm. Furthermore, one participant noted ‘So, if you put two coals down you'll get
the Integrative Model of Behavioral Prediction extends the thicker smoke, but the tobacco will burn faster; it's kind of like
scope of subjective norm by acknowledging the role of skills a preference.’
and environmental constraints and/or facilitators as moder- Similarly, participants communicated the ability to further
ators of the intentionebehavior relationship in addition to: 1) personalize the preparation process by experimenting with
attitude (individual's evaluation of behavior favorability); 2) combining flavor elements in the hookah pipe's setup process.
perceived norms (social pressure expected from behavior For instance, several preparation flavoring options noted
performance); and 3) self-efficacy (perceived capability to included: carving an orange or an apple to use as a bowl, and
successfully perform the behavior).14 using ice, wine, milk, or energy drinks in the water bowl that
When viewed concurrently with the integrative model, serves to cool the smoke for the user. However, apart from the
observations on hookah smoking initiation among Millennials wide variety of flavor choices and the ability to mix flavors,
revealed the majority of hookah users lacked the necessary some flavoring options were also distinguished as catering to
p u b l i c h e a l t h 1 3 7 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 2 4 e1 3 0 127

Fig. 1 e The integrative model of behavioral prediction in the context of millennial hookah smoking initiation.

particular ethnic preferences. For instance one participant supplies were widely available in bulk at brick-and-mortar
stated: shops, online, and even at gas stations. In addition, Millen-
nial users also noted that the legality of hookah smoking in-
And also like, as your culture too, cause like we smoke ‘pan’. But doors as well as the 18-year age limit were significant drivers
a lot of, like if you go to shops that are owned by I would say for use among individuals under the age of 21 years.
maybe like just Americans or that they probably wouldn’t have
that flavor, but if you go to a shop that is owned by like Indian Globally oriented
people, they would definitely have that flavor.
Closely tied to the novelty perceived from a foreign cultural
These three distinct versatile areas of ‘expertise’ (prepa- custom, a high level of tolerance and appreciation for cultural
ration, flavor mixing, and smoke tricks), as termed by partic- diversity was also found to play a role among participants'
ipants, also served as both an opportunity to promote within- hookah smoking initiation. Many participants expressed a
group individuality (via a reputation corresponding to their yearning for authentic ethnic experiences strongly charac-
level of skill), as well as an opportunity for a dynamic expe- terizing the multicultural peer groups of the Millennial Gen-
rience, thus creating a ‘unique [hookah smoking] experience eration. For instance, one participant stated: ‘Something you
every time’. do in like their culture, rather than, ‘Oh, I'm smoking tobacco’.

Novelty appeal Entertainment

The majority of participants expressed a mystical appeal tied Many socially entertaining elements also emerged as key de-
to their initial unfamiliarity with hookah smoking and its role terminants of hookah smoking initiation. For instance, smoke
as a cultural practice. From the typical hookah lounge's de tricks such as blowing smoke rings or blowing smoke bubbles
to the dim lighting and comfortable seating, the atmosphere were commonly described as ‘fun’ and ‘visually stimulating’.
created by hookah smoking settings was perceived as novel Other subcategories identified within this theme included
and there was a notable level of respect tied to partaking in competition and creativity with respect to the hookah smoke.
this foreign cultural custom. One participant stated: Individuals noted the hookah smoke served as a vehicle to
express creativity and their competitive nature via smoke
Even if it’s not a part of your culture I feel like that’s something tricks. One participant stated: ‘It's entertaining. Like even just
that makes it more acceptable is like the, you can look at it from to watch other people do it. Actually, you know some people
the perspective that like you’re trying someone else’s, like like to compete about who can be the most creative, so… like
something from their culture. ‘O’s’.

The entire process of hookah pipe assembly, preparation, and
Participants reiterated the ease and convenience of obtaining smoking session was described as an organized effort. Varying
access to a hookah bar or purchasing a hookah pipe them- tasks were shared (such as packing the bowl, cleaning, and
selves. Many of the hookah users indicated that hookah pipe assembly) and assigned among group members.
128 p u b l i c h e a l t h 1 3 7 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 2 4 e1 3 0

Compromise played a key role in the process from taking hookah characteristics closely corresponding to those of Mil-
turns on assigned tasks to deciding flavor choices. Further- lennials' generational culture.
more, participants described an element of trust in each
member's ability to carry out their tasks properly so as to not Environmental access
ruin the group's hookah smoking experience via improper
setup or even breaking the hookah pipe. Similarly, an enjoy- While facilitators appeared to outweigh participants environ-
able hookah smoking experience was equally contingent on mental constraints, those that were expressed by Millennials
all members' willingness to share hoses within the group. included factors linked to convenience, such as affordability
Thus, the contingency for a minimal required skill level on and accessibility. For instance, one participant noted he had
pipe assembly and preparation was also conducive to within- discontinued use after his initial hookah smoking attempt
group mentorship roles during the initial stages of knowledge until after he arrived to the college environment.
transfer and skill acquisition.
I didn't really get a chance to do it again after [high school] that up
Health conscious until I got to college and one of the guys in the fraternity had one
and so I started back doing it again and then I eventually decided
Millennial hookah users were notably aware of both the to get my own.
negative and positive consequences that may stem from
continued hookah use; however, behavioral beliefs were pri- On the other hand, facilitators were abundant and typically
marily fixated on the perception that hookah smoking was a included: the density of hookah shops and hookah bars/
healthier alternative (had less toxins) as compared to cigarette lounges in surrounding neighborhood environments, legality,
smoking. For instance, when participants were asked to age limit, convenience of online hookah-related purchases,
classify the elicited words or phrases, the following words or affordability, sorority/fraternity affiliation, and college party
phrases were classified as both enjoyable and harmful: stress environment (e.g., house parties). Affordability emerged as
reliever, escape from other parts of the party, a lot of smoke at both a constraint and facilitator depending upon the partici-
once, light-headed, and complementary to other substances. pant's locality, with urban environments tending to have
In addition, natural hookah-related product varieties were higher price points. Additionally, findings also revealed
also described to contribute to this healthier comparative smoking skill level to moderate behavior performance,
perception of hookah smoking as compared to other forms of although social influences were typically strong enough to
tobacco consumption. One participant stated: ‘Can it be boost individuals' confidence in initiating hookah smoking
healthy too? There's like, instead of like fast acting coals despite their commonly low level of skill from the outset, as
there's natural coals that they use so I guess that people think many participants indicated that hookah smoking had been
that those are better.’ their first smoking experience.
Additionally, healthier comparative beliefs held by Mil- As previously mentioned, the hookah smoking experience
lennials were also closely associated with hookah pipe aes- was described as a highly collaborative experience, with the
thetics, pleasant scent, ‘smoother’ smoke (for passersby and majority of the group members expressing their willingness to
smokers alike), and low likelihood of daily use, as compared to share hookah skills and knowledge among initiating group
cigarettes. members. One participant stated:

Value social network Yeah the same, like, when they explain it to you, cause when you
don’t know how to do it, you breathe in through your lungs and
Millennial hookah users primarily described the hookah that’s when you cough. So, you just breathe in through your
smoking experience as a highly accepted recreational social mouth. When you get more used to it you get more confident. But
interaction predominantly initiated by strong peer and I wasn’t confident my first time.
(closely followed by) family influences. Participant self-
efficacy was shown to be significantly enhanced via these
intimate and small social group settings, where peers were Smoking experience
often described as supportive and encouraging of the in-
dividuals' hookah smoking initiation via comments such as Although the majority of participants initiating hookah
‘it's easy’, ‘this is what you do’ or ‘it tastes good’. Family in- smoking did not have former smoking experience, those who
fluences were often depicted as similarly socially pressing did evidenced higher levels of self-efficacy for hookah smok-
small and intimate gatherings, with many family members ing. Moreover, data on participants with greater hookah
(e.g., parents, cousins, and grandmothers) gifting hookah smoking frequency indicated trends in voicing more of the
pipes for birthdays and high school graduations. Such social possible negative aspects of hookah smoking, as compared to
influences were key drivers in shaping users' normative be- their lower smoking frequency counterparts. Topics uncov-
liefs regarding hookah use. Thus, these findings are consistent ered included: discontent with group compromise over flavor
with the behavior initiation process as described by the Inte- choice, boredom emerging from longer hookah sessions
grated Model of Behavioral Prediction, being that social in- (lasting more than 2 h), greater report of the negative side-
fluences played a key role on all three determinants of effects from prolonged hookah smoking (e.g., irritated
intention: outcome, normative, and efficacy beliefs.14 Thus, throat), and annoyance from others within the group (e.g.,
efficacy beliefs were enhanced via social influences as well as blowing too many smoke rings in another's face).
p u b l i c h e a l t h 1 3 7 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 2 4 e1 3 0 129

In addition, campus health promotion efforts must also

Discussion seek to dispel prevailing myths regarding hookah smoking as
a healthier alternative to cigarette smoking. Moreover, anti-
This study's findings highlight the powerful influence of hookah smoking health education initiatives should be rein-
contextual environmental factors, such as individuals' forced by policy efforts aiming to include hookah smoking in
generational culture, with respect to corresponding percep- all current smoke-free ordinances. The lack of policies
tions toward and initiation of hookah smoking. Findings from restricting hookah smoking indoors has exacerbated mis-
this study are consistent with the literature denoting a pre- conceptions regarding hookah smoking's safety, and hookah
dominantly held perception of hookah smoking as a less toxic bar establishments continue to remain exempt from clean
form of tobacco consumption (when compared to cigarette indoor air legislation.18,19 Policy efforts can help curb young
smoking) among individuals aged 18e24 years.6,11,5,16 Overall, adult misconceptions regarding the safety of hookah use and
participant responses reflected congruence with existing reduce accessibility. Examples of policy implications for the
behavior initiation theory. The nine generational culture de- reduction of hookah smoking initiation and continued use
terminants identified (autonomy, personalization, novelty among the young adult population could include: raising
appeal, convenience, globally oriented, entertainment, hookah bar age limits, restrictions for indoor smoking, and
collaboration, health conscious, and valuing their social limiting the density of hookah cafes surrounding areas with
network) manifested as key cultural determinants following high young adult populations, such as near University
the schema for behavior performance initiation described by campuses.
the Integrative Model of Behavioral Prediction.14 While the
generational culture determinants identified were observed to
strengthen hookah smoking behavior initiation, individuals'
smoking skill level, as well as environmental constraints (e.g., Author statements
affordability) or facilitators (accessibility), were found to
moderate hookah smoking initiation among Millennials. Acknowledgements
Study limitations included the highly structured format in
which the focus group interviews were conducted, thus All authors take full responsibility for the integrity of the data.
reducing data richness. For instance, participants were not
able to form categories of their own in which to categorize the Ethical approval
words as these were developed from the literature. Similarly,
despite the moderators' effective use of probes during the University of Florida Institutional Review Board.
focus group interviews, ranking exercises (for each pre-
determined hookah category) hindered the generation of Funding
more elaborate responses from participants. Moreover, given
the sample composition, drawing college student (4 groups, 30 This project was funded by the National Institutes of Health:
participants) vs non-student group (2 groups, 10 participants) National Cancer Institute (Grant Number CA165766, principal
comparisons was another study limitation. While efforts were investigator Tracey Barnett, PhD).
made to recruit community-dwelling young adults, very few
contacted the research team to participate in the study. Competing interests
Generational differences, however, should transcend college
vs non-college status and thus are perhaps not important None declared.
distinctions for hookah use.
Given the data examined provided an understanding of key
factors driving hookah smoking initiation among the young
adult population, future implications for this study's findings
include enhanced hookah smoking prevention and cessation
programming capitalizing on the promotion of positive health
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