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All my life I have struggled with a particular characteristics of being impulsive; inattentiveness to

details before making decisions. In major decisions I have simply jumped, just as I was about to

crash, I would fumble around to find my parachute.

My father once told that me that his dad who is my grandfather had the same attribute. I was

delighted to know that I was not the only one with such attribute.

In one impulsive disaster, I hired a drug addicted contractor to work on my home without checking

him out first. He stole from me and ruined my floors and walls. It was then I realized that I had

brought crisis upon myself by jumping into transaction without first seeking counsel from my

father who was into project management and maintenance.

The problems that arouse from my independent decisions ended up bothering people around me

that asking them for advice ever could have.

I am thankful to say that I have learned from many impulsive disasters. Acknowledging my

weakness of impulsive has helped me to control it somewhat, especially by seeking the counsel of

non-impulsive people. For example, in decisions related to home maintenance, I have repeatedly

consulted my father.

Knowing one of my traits as being impulsive has proven very helpful to me as it has taught me

how to deal with my weakness more effectively.

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