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TUGAS 1.2 Praktik Membuat Bahan Ajar

Wisnu Andhika
PPG DALJAB angkatan III 2019


Setelah mengenal bahan ajar, silakan Anda coba buktikan pemahaman Anda dengan
mengerjakan tugas Praktik Membuat Bahan Ajar

Apa yang harus Anda lakukan dalam tugas ini? Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

1. Pilihlah salah satu topik atau materi yang akan Anda ajarkan. Jika harus
menggunakan bahan ajar untuk topik tersebut, bahan ajar mana sajakah yang tepat
untuk Anda gunakan?

2. Buatlah bahan ajar tersebut sesuai dengan jenis bahan ajar yang Anda pilih!


A. Identitas

Sekolah : SMP Negeri 247 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Satuan Pendidikan : SMP
Kelas/Semester : IX/2


Let me tell you a story, ... .

B. Standar Kompetensi

1. Mendengarkan
 Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal pendek
sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar
 Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana
berbentuk Narrative dan report untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
2. Berbicara
 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal
lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek
sederhana berbentuk Narrative dan report untuk berinteraksi dengan
lingkungan sekitar.

3. Membaca
 Memahami makna dalam esai pendek sederhana berbentuk berbentuk
Narrative dan report untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

4. Menulis
 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei sederhana
berbentuk Narrative dan report untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

C. Materi Pembelajaran:

 Speech functions : Carrying out transactional or interpersonal conversation

involving expressions of :
 Expression of politeness
 Monolog : Listen Tell, read and write various narratives texts
 Short Functional text : Read and write short functional text : Personal letter
 Language features : Past tenses review, Conditional sentences

D. Uraian Materi Ajar :


A. Building knowledge
A.1. Speech Functions (Listening and Speaking)
A.1.1. Expression of Politeness

Activity 1.
Observe the dialogue

Mr. John, would you mind All right, madam. I’ll

writing the story about write it in Indonesian
Cinderella in different version, version.
Activity 2.
Listen your teacher’s reading the dialogue
Adi : Have you ever read “Aesop’s Fables”?
Andi : Not yet. How about you?
Adi : I have read it twice
Andi : What kind of book is it?
Adi : It’s a fable. You know.. animal story.
Andi : Sorry, what did you say?
Adi : Animal story.
Andi : Wow. mean story which the main characters are animal?
Adi : You are right.
Andi : Why do you like fables?
Adi : First, the story is very amusing. Second, it has moral value that is useful for our
Andi : That’s interesting. Could you lend me some of your books?.
Adi : With pleasure!
Andi : Thanks.

Answer these questions

1. Who are they?
2. What are they talking about?
3. What book has Adi read ? ______________________________________________________________________

4. What did Andi say when he didn’t understand Adi’s words?

5. What did Andi say when he wanted to borrow Adi’s books?
6. Do you think that Andi’s expressions are polite or impolite?
7. Can you mention the other examples of expression of politeness?

Activity 3.
Learn these expressions

Expression of politeness Responses

- Could you ……….
- Please, …………. All right
- Would you mind repeating that ? With pleasure
- Sorry, what did you say ?
No thank you
More examples
- Would you please pass me my dictionary ?
- Could you give me the information about your
friend’s identity, please !
- Do you mind accompanying me to the
supermarket ?
- Would you please open the door ?
- Do you mind taking my bag ?

Activity 4.
Fill the blank with suitable expression of politeness or its responses
1. Sonia : ……………………..give me the eraser?
Khan : All right. Here you are.

2. Sandy : …………………………………me to the doctor please. I am cold.

Aulia : Lets go. I’ll take my car first.

3. Amin : Do you mind …………( cook) the eggs for me? I am very hungry.
Ari : Sorry, I can’t. I am busy with my home work. Ask someone else.
Amin : All right.

4. Kane : Could you …….. (pass) me some sugar, please?

Ary : here you are

5. Andi : Would you mind bringing my bags, please?

Rika : ……………………… Where I have to bring them?

Activity 5.
Work in pairs. Make a sustained conversation that contains expression of politeness based
on the following situation.

You and your mother are cooking in the kitchen. You help your mother preparing for

You : What will we have for dinner, mom?

Mom : Uhm…let me see. I have bought some meat and vegetables. I think I’ll cook soup.
You : Soup! For dinner? That will be nice mom.
Mom : Of course. Could you help me to prepare the soup please?
You : With pleasure. What should I do first.
Mom : ______________________________________________________________________________
You : ______________________________________________________________________________
Mom : ______________________________________________________________________________
You : ______________________________________________________________________________
Mom : ______________________________________________________________________________
You : ______________________________________________________________________________
Mom : ______________________________________________________________________________
You : ______________________________________________________________________________
Mom : ______________________________________________________________________________
(continued by your group)

A.2. Listening
Activity 6
Fill in the blank with the words you heard.


On a hot day, a thirsty crow flew over a field looking for water. For along time, she
(1) _______ not find any. She felt very exhausted, almost giving up. Suddenly, she (2)
________ a water jug below her, she flew straight down to see if there was any water inside.
It (3)_________ a surprise because there was some water inside the jug!
The crow (4) ________ to push her head into the jug. Sadly, she found that the neck
of the jug was too narrow. Then, she tried to push the jug down for the water to flow out
but she (5) ________ that the jug was too heavy.
The crow thought hard for a while. Then looking around her, she saw some
pebbles. She suddenly (6) _________ a good idea. She (7) _________ picking up the pebbles
one by one, dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebbles filed the jug, the water
level (8) ___________ rising. Soon it was high enough for the crow to drink, “It’s working!”
she said.
(Adapted from : Mahayana : 2004))
Activity 7
What is the moral of the story ?

Activity 8.
We have the following words in the story above. Find their meaning in your dictionary.
1. exhausted : _________________________
2. giving up : _________________________
3. suddenly : _________________________
4. jug : _________________________
5. flow out : _________________________
6. pebbles : _________________________
7. Picking up : _________________________
8. filed : _________________________

Activity 9
Fill in the blank with the suitable words from activity 12. Make tense adjustment if
1. When I was young I usually shot birds using ______________with my slingshot.
2. I saw some women _____________the tea leaves when I visited tea garden last week.
3. My friends and I were driving along the empty road when _____________ a car hit us from
our back.
4. After The farmers had harvested all the paddy, they ___________ the piles with it.
5. In the countryside, people usually use __________ to serve tea because teapot is rarely
6. I was so ____________________after I had run about 10 miles around the stadium.

A.3. Grammar Focus

A.3.1. Simple Past Tense Review. (Irregular verbs)
From the listening text above we have these sentences.

1. A thirsty crow flew over a field looking for water

2. She felt very exhausted, almost giving up
3. Sadly, she found that the neck of the jug was too narrow.

From the examples above we observe that the verbs used are in irregular form. So, you
learn the simple past tense with irregular verbs.
V base V past V base V past V base V past
Begin Began Eat Ate Have Had
Buy Bought Fall Fell Hear Heard
Bring Brought Find Found Know Knew
Come Came Fly Flew Lose Lost
Cost Cost Get Got Make Made
Do Did Give Gave Meet Met
Drink drank go went Put Put

Activity 10
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs. When you have finished, read
your work aloud.

The two wanderers and a bear

Two persons were traveling to a town from their village when ,suddenly, a bear (1)
_________(run) to them fiercely.
One of the men hurriedly climbed up a mango tree and (2) ____________(hide) among
the branches. The other, feeling that he would be attacked, (3) _____________(fall) flat on the
The bear (4) ________ (come) up and (5) ____________ (feel) him with his snout, and (6)
(smell) him all over. The man (7) _________ (hold) his breath, and pretended to be dead.
The bear soon (8) __________ (leave) him, because it is (9) __________ (say) that bears
will not touch a dead body.
Feeling safe, they continued their travel till they (10) ___________ (meet) their
(Bahan Pelatihan Terintegrasi: M.Yusack . 2004)
Activity 11.
In pairs, make sentences using the words below.
Example : fly - We flew to Hong Kong Yesterday.
1. to think : _________________________________________________________________
2. to shoot : __________________________________________________________________
3. to sweep : __________________________________________________________________
4. to keep : __________________________________________________________________
5. to see : __________________________________________________________________

A.3.1. Conditional Sentence

From the listening text above we have this sentence:

She flew straight down to see if there was any water inside

The pattern of the sentence above is present conditional. Means that someone makes a
supposition of his/her real condition he/she faces now. The general pattern of Conditional
sentences is as follow:
No Type: If Clause Main Clause Examples:
1. Future If Present Present future If You come to the party, I will come
condition tense: S + shall/will + too
al S + V1/ V1 s-es Vi If Rina is rich, She will buy a
sentence Is, am, are Will be mansion
2. Present If Past tense Past future If you came to the party, I would
Condition S + V2 S + would + V1 come too
al were Would be If Rina were rich, she would buy a
sentences mansion
3. Past If Past Perfect Past Future If you had come to the zoo, I would
Condition S + had + V3 Perfect have come too
al Had been S + would have If Rina had been rich, She would
Sentence V3 have bought a mansion
Would have

Activity 12
Put the verb in the correct form.
Example If Sari had some money , she ……………..(visit) her parents
If Sari had some money, she would visit her parents.

1. If my sister …………(be) here, I will be very happy.

2. If Linda did her homework, the teacher …………..(praise ) her.
3. If I had finished my study, I ……………(travel) around the world.
4. If Doni …………(kick) the ball correctly, the goal keeper could not catch it.
5. If the farmer …………..(spray) their plants properly. The crops would have been well
6. Mr. Andi would go to Paris on a vacation if he …………(get) a lot of money.
7. We wouldn’t have been able to catch the thief if he ………….(not, jump) to the river.
8. If you didn’t hurry, we (be) late for class.

B. Modeling of Text
Activity 13
Read the text aloud using proper intonation and pronunciation !

Why Doesn’t a Bear Have a Long Tail?

One afternoon, a mouse deer was sitting in a pit, eating nuts. He heard a tiger
was coming closer and he thought the tiger was going to eat him.
The mouse deer was very scared and his heart beat so hard.
Then, an idea came to his mind and he made a loud noise of chewing nuts, saying, "Wow,
how delicious is this tiger's eye!"
He repeated it for five times.
Tiger, the king of jungle, was so scared to hear that and he moved back.
Tiger met a bear on the way and he said, "Hey, Bear. Do you hear what did the animal
on the pit over there, eating tiger's eyes?"
Bear said, "I don't know, Your Majesty,"
Tiger said, "Then let's see."
Bear replied "But I'm scared, Your Majesty"
Tiger said, "Don't worry. Let's make a deal with me. We're going to stay together, uniting
our tails. If anything happens, both of us will face it."
Tiger and Bear tied their tails and moved into the pit with full cautions because they
were expecting to see a big enemy.
The mouse deer was surprised again.
He thought quickly and yelled, "Oh, that's the glutton tiger! His father owes us a white bear,
now he will pay us with a black bear. Come on black, over here."
Bear was so surprised. "Hey, it's a Tiger's trick! He wanted to use me to pay his father's
Bear went into a panic, which also made Tiger panic because they were tied each other.
Accidentally, Tiger stepped on the Bear's tail, then jumped. Bear was beaten on the ground
hard, and his tail was cut off.
That's why Bear doesn't have long tail.
Thus the mouse deer escaped from the tiger twice.
(Sahadadi Mulyana: 2004)

The story you’ve just heard is a narrative text. Someone tells a

narrative text in order to entertain, stimulate emotion or to teach.

A narrative text has tree elements or parts: the orientation,

complication and resolution. The orientation introduces main characters
in a setting of place and time. The complication tells the problems of the
story and how the main characters solve them. The resolution tells the
ending of the story.
1. What does the story tell you?
2. Who are the main characters of the story?
3. Where is the setting of the story ?
4. Why did the mouse deer feel so scared?!
5. What did the mouse deer do to frighten the tiger?
6. How did the bear lose his tail? Tell us!
7. Is there any moral value of the text above? Mention!
C. Joint Construction of Text
Activity 14
In group, rearrange the following jumbled paragraphs into the meaningful story.

Ever since then, foxes have had their homes in holes in the ground and buffaloes have had humped
shoulders. (A)

The foxes, thinking to escape from Nanabozho, ran away, dug holes in the ground, and hid
themselves. But Nanabozho found them and gave them their punishment, "Because you where unkind
to the birds, you shall always live in the cold ground." (B)

One day when Buffalo was racing across the plains, he went in the direction of the place where little
birds live on the ground. They called to him and to the foxes that he was going where their nests were,
but neither paid any attention to them. Buffalo raced on and trampled the bird's nest under his heavy
feet. Even when he heard the birds crying, he ran on without stopping. (C)
No one knew that Nanabozho was near. But he had heard about the birds' ruined home, and was
sorry for them. He ran ahead, got in front of Buffalo and the foxes, and stopped them. With his stick he
hit Buffalo on the shoulders, hard. Fearing that he would receive another blow, Buffalo humped up his
shoulders. But Nanabozho only said, "You shall always have a hump on your shoulders, from this day
forth. And you shall always carry your head low for shame." (D)

Long ago, when the world was very young, the buffalo had no hump. He got his hump one summer
because of his unkindness to birds. He liked to race across the prairies for fun. The foxes would run
ahead of him and tell the little animals that their chief, the buffalo, was coming. (E)

(Sahadadi Mulyana : 2004)

Activity 15
Answer the questions based on the text above

1. Who were the participants of the story?

2. Why did the buffalo get his hump?
3. What did the birds warn to the buffalo and the foxes?
4. Why did Nanabozho hit the buffalo and the foxes?
5. What punishment did Nanabozho give to the foxes?

D. Independent Construction of Text

Activity 16
Retell the following story with your own words!
The Frog Prince
Long ago there was a king who had a beautiful daughter. He loved her very much.
Everyday the Princess would sit by the old palace well and toss a golden ball high in the air
and let it drop. She loved to play this One day she accidentally tosses her ball too high.
When it came down she could not catch it. It fell deep into the well. The Princess began to
cry. “Why are you crying?” said a voice behind her. The Princess looks down. She saw a
frog. “Oh, please, Frog”, said the princess, “I lost my ball down the well. If you bring it back
to me, I will do anything you want.” “Anything at all?” asked the frog. “Yes, anything”, said
So the frog dived into the well and gave the ball back to the princess. “I don’t want money
or property”, said a frog. “Let me live with you and be favourite friend.” The princess didi
not really want to let the frog came and live with her as her favourite friend but she was an
honest princess. When she made a promise she kept it. So the frog came back with her to
the palace. One day the princess discovered that the frog had turned into a handsome
prince so they got married and live happily ever after.
(Panduan Materi UAN SMA 2004)
Start your story like this
Well, I have a very interesting story. This story is titled “The Frog Prince ”. Once upon a
time there lived…….………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Name : ________________________ Student Number: ________________________

Low (45-59) Average (60-75) Good (76-100)
1. Pronunciation
2. Intonation
3. Stress
4. Gestures
Total Score

A. Building Knowledge of text
A.1. Explore your knowledge
Activity 1
Who is this?

____________________ _______________________ ___________________________

Activity 2
Find as many words or phrases related to “characters “in a narratives texts.



Activity 3.
Match the words in column A with their meaning in column B
No. A B
1. { } Knight The ruler of a kingdom
2. { } Prince Any human being that is smaller than common man
3. { } Princess A military servant of the king or other feudal superior
4. { } Fairy The daughter of a royal family
5. { } queen The son of a royal family
6. { } King Imaginary beings usually in human form with
supernatural powers
7. { } Dwarf A woman supposed to have supernatural powers
related to evils spirits
8. { } Witch The king’s wife

Activity 4
Complete the story with the words in the box.
Long time ago, _________(1) Arthur and his queen whished for a child. At last a
daughter was born. They named it Regina. To ________(2) the baby princess, the King
held a great party. Nobles and peasants, __________(3) and their ladies, were invited. All
were in the joyful moment. King Arthur also invited his good friend, Baron Camelot.
The Baron brought his young son, ______(4) Henry, with him.
Among the quests were one good ________(5). She was Catherine . She wished the
_________(6) with a gift. Waving her hand, Catherine said, “ My gift shall be…..,”
Before she could continue her speak, the _________(7) door flew open. It was the
devil ______(8) named Darkea. She was furious because the King didn’t invite her to
the_____(9) . “ And my gift for the child is,” said the witch, “ before the sun sets on her
seventeenth birthday, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and
sleep forever.”. Then she disappeared.
But Catherine was still there. She said, “ When there’s true love’s kiss, the
_______(10) shall break and the princess open her eyes.”.
(Adapted : http/

Castle spell feast King prince

Princess knights honor fairy witch

A.2. Grammar Focus

A.2.1. Review on Simple Past, Past Continuous and Past Perfect Tense

…. He knocked on the door, and an old woman opened it. She was crying. She said that the
devil had stolen her magic candle.

There are three kinds of tenses found on the sentences; knocked presented simple past,
was crying presented past continuous and had stolen presented past perfect tense. Let’s
learn summary.

No Name of tense Pattern Time references

1. Past Tense S + V2 Yesterday
Be : was,were Last…..
this morning
in…….(past years)
2. Past Continuous S+ was/were + V-ing While S + was/were + V-ing
Be: was,were As S + was/were + V-ing
When S + V2
3. Past Perfect Tense S + had + V3 Before S + V2
Be: had been When S + V

After ………. , S + V
As soon as ……., s+ V2

Activity 5
Put the verbs in the bracket into the correct form (past tense, past continuous or past
Example : I ……(walk) home when it began to rain.
I was walking home when it began to rain.
1. Mr. John Smith found window of his house open, although he…….(lock) it before.
2. Sari ….(water) the flowers when Dani came, He didn’t see her watering the flowers.
3. The new marriage couple couldn’t get a room at the Hilton hotel Denpasar because
they…..(not, make) reservation.
4. Mr. Joshua : “Why didn’t Brandon want to go home?”
Mr. Kent : “His father …….(blame) him for causing the car accident.”
5. Miss Kelly : “ When did you realize you had lost your purse?”
Miss Preston : “ When I ……..(need) the money to pay the bus fare.”
6. The Director : “So, you have finished typing those letters. When did you do it?”
The secretary : “When you ……(attend) the sales meeting.
7. Katrina : “ Did you get seats at the show last night?”
Pamela : “Not really, we came when the show……(start)
8. Susy : “When did you take the writing course?”
Dorothy : “Last year, after I ……(complete) Composition II
9. Kelly : “When did you meet John?”
Marissa : Oh, I ……..(meet) him in 2001
10. Kaydee : “When is the last time to submit our assignment?”
Jessica : Yesterday ……(be) the last day. You are late.

B. Modelling of text
B.1. Narrative Text
Activity 6
Enjoy this story
Text Organization A Bat and The Weasels Language Features

Orientation One evening, a bat went out to hunt for

- when food even though he was not well. As he Action Verbs
- who flew after some insects, he felt dizzy and (Highlighted)
- where fell to the ground in a field.
Complication Before he could get up, a weasel pounced
A crisis arises on him. “Please, Mr. Weasel,” the bat Saying Verbs
pleaded,” please let me go!”. The weasel (In Italics)
just laughed, “Certainly not! I am a great
hunter of birds!”
Resolution Thinking quickly, the bat replied,” Oh, but I
The crisis is am not a bird, I am a mouse. Look closely Feeling verbs
resolved at my face. Don’t I look like a mouse?”. The (in bold)
weasel agreed and let him go.
Complication A short time later, the bat fell to the Time conjunctions and
Another crisis ground again and was caught by a second connectives
arises weasel. Once again, he had to plead for his (underlined)
life. “Why shouldn’t I kill you? I hunt mice!
Exclaimed the weasel.
Resolution “Oh, but I am not a mouse,” he answered. “
The crisis is I am a bat. Have you ever a mouse with
resolved wings?” he asked, spreading his wings for
the weasel to see. The weasel was
convinced and set him free.
Rose Wilson,2003:12

Activity 7 . Understanding the text structure.

Answer the following questions
1. What does the writer want with the story?
2. In which part does the writer identify the main character of the story?
3. In which part does the writer identify the time and place where the story happened?
4. Who are the characters in this story?
5. Who is the main character?
6. When did the story happen?
7. Where did this story take place?
8. What do you learn from the complication?
9. What do you learn from the resolution?
10. What moral do you learn from this story?

The text above is organized in Narrative form. The text organization


1. Orientation : Introducing the characters of the story, the time and

the place the story happened. (Who/What, When and


B.2. Short Functional Text (Personal letters)

Activity 8
Read the following letter then answer the questions.

Surakarta, 20 Juli 2007

Perum Dosen UNS 1 Jati Jaten

Jalan Literari no. 80

Andrea Richmond

Downing street 10


Dear friend,

It has been two months I haven’t written letters for you. How are you? I hope you

are fine here. Give my best regard to your father, mother and your sister Anna.

Oh yeah. In my last letter I promised to tell you about popular stories in my

Country, Indonesia. Actually, we have a lot of famous stories. Each of tribes in

Indonesia has its folklore. You know, we have many tribes. But, among others, there

are several famous stories, those are: Sangkuriang from West Java, Timun Mas from

Central Java, the legend of Banyuwangi from East Java, Malin Kundang from West

Sumatra, and many more. I am trying to make a list of the stories now. When I
1. Who writes the letter?
2. Where does he live?
3. Who is his pen pal?
4. Where does his pen pal live?
5. What does the letter about?

Task 9
Suppose you are Andrea Richmond. Answer the letter above.

C. Joint Construction of Text

Activity 10
> Make a group of four
> Read this jumbled story, then arrange it into correct order

(a) The underworld went to Hades (Pluto). He is not only called the God of Death but also
the God of Wealth because of the precious metals hidden in the earth.
(b) The story goes that Cronus learned that one of his children would overthrow him. To
prevent this, every time Rhea gave birth to a child he would swallow it. However,
when their son Zeus (Jupiter) was born, Rhea had him hidden on the island of Crete.
Then she presented Cronus with a stone, instead of the baby, wrapped in swaddling
clothes. Cronus swallowed the stone, and Zeus grew to manhood. Zeus then forced his
father to disgorge his brothers and sisters, and with their help overthrew Cronus and
the other Titans.
(c) The greatest power in this new universe went to Zeus, who ruled over all gods and men
from his palace high on mount Olympus. He was the God of justice and the God of oaths
and hospitality. He married his sister Hera, and together they became the heads of a
divine family made up of themselves and ten other gods and goddesses.
(d) In the beginning, according to the ancient Greeks, there was Chaos – a great mass of
darkness without shape or sound or meaning. Out of this grew Night and Erebus, the
shadowy world under the earth, which is the home of death. The came a wonderful
thing called Love, which produced Light and Day. Mother earth, called Gaea, appeared
next with Heaven’s blue, star-studded dome on high.
(e) One brother, Poseidon, ruled the sea. He always carried a three-pronged spear. When
he drove his golden chariot over the waters, they became calm and smooth before him.
(f) Now that Zeus and his brothers and sisters had power over the universe, they drew lots
to see who should control different kingdoms
(g) Monsters first inhabited this mythological world, but in time giants called Titan drove
them out. Cronus was the ruling Titan, and Rhea, his sister, was his queen
(Buku Paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas III Program Bahasa:
Put the result of your discussion into this chart.
1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
4. __________
5. __________
6. __________
7. __________

Activity 11.
Work in the same group, put every part of the story in its text structure.
Orientation …………………………………………………………………………………………
Complication …………………………………………………………………………………………
Resolution …………………………………………………………………………………………

D. Independent Construction of Text

Activity 12
Planning a Story
 Work in groups of four
 Use the key words in the boxes to create a story.
 This story is taken from a famous fairy tales “ Cinderella”.

Once upon a time young girl Cinderella stepmother two sister
Bad tempered treated badly hardest work scrubbing
Old ragged dress on the other hand many handsome dresses

Once upon a time ______________________________________________________________


Received an invitation a ball son of the king exited sad could not help
Stepsisters left palace

One day, the two stepsisters _____________________________________________________


Fairy godmother go to the ball help magically changed pumpkin
Mice coachman and two footman taped beautiful gown
Pretty glass slipper midnight

Why are you crying Cinderella?____________________________________________________


Wonderfully good time danced again and again prince clock strike
Ran as quickly as came off left behind

Cinderella was having______ _____________________________________________________


King’s son proclaimed marry fitted the glass slipper came
Try the slippers to small to big fit perfectly
Marry happily ever after

A few days later________________________________________________________________


No. Structure Yes No

A. Have I written 1. The characters of the story? 
2. The time when the story took place?
3. The place where the story took place?
4. The problem(s) faced by the character(s)?
5. The way out of the problem(s) faced by the
6. The ending of the story?
Language features
B. Did I use…. 1. The first person?
2. The past tenses ?
3. Active verbs (e.g. action verbs, thinking
verbs…) ?
4. Conjunction or linking verbs?
5. adjectives and adverbs?


A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b,c,d or e

Text. 1
The Princess and the Bowling Ball
Once upon a time there was a Prince. And this Prince’s dad and mum somehow got it
into their royal heads that no princess would be good enough for their boy unless she could
feel a pea trough one hundred mattresses .
So it should come no surprise that the Prince had a very hard time finding a
Princess. Every time he met a nice girl, his mum and dad would pile one hundred
mattresses on top of a pea and then invite her to sleep over.
When the Princess came down for breakfast, the queen would ask, “How did you
sleep dear?”.
The Princess would politely say, “Fine, thank you.”
And the King would show her to the door.
Now this went for three years. And of course nobody ever felt the pea under on
hundred mattresses .Then the Prince set up a plan. He invited a Princess to sleep over in
the palace. The Prince told her what must she said in the next morning.
When the Princess came down for breakfast the next morning, the Queen asked, “
How did you sleep, dear?”.
“This might sound odd” said the Princess. “But I think you need another mattress. I
felt like I was sleeping on a lump as big as bowling ball.”
The King and Queen were satisfied, and the Prince and The Princess were married.
And everyone lived happily, though maybe not completely honestly, ever after.
(Paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SMA jurusan Bahasa, 1994)
01. Dina : What kind of text is it?
Arif : It is … text.
a. Procedure c. narrative
b. Recount d. report

02. Shania : What is the purpose of this text?

Dania : It is used to ……
a. explain the audience how or why something occur
b. tell about embarrassing or unforgettable experience
c. tell about funny stories
d. amuse or entertain the audience

03. Sandra : If I’m not mistaken, our teacher had explained about the generic structure of
the text above. But, I forget it. Can you tell me?
Dyah : Of course, they are…
a. Orientation, events, re-orientation.
b. Orientation, events, twist
c. Orientation, complication, resolution
d. Issue, argument for, argument against, conclusion.

04. Alifa : What kind of tense is mostly used in the text?

Aliya : It uses ……..
a. simple present tense c. present continuous tense
b. simple past tense d. past continuous tense

05. Sherly : How long did the Prince have hard time to find the suitable Princess for
Carly : It took about …
a. two years c. four years
b. three years d. five years

06. Rina : How the King and the Queen tested the princess for their Prince?
Nadia : They asked the Princess…..
a. to have breakfast with them
b. to sleep over in the palace.
c. To talk about their personal experience
d. To sleep through 100 mattresses to feel a pea.

07. Satrio : And everyone lived happily, though maybe not completely honestly, ever
after. What is
the closest synonym for the underlined word?
Sari : I think it is …. .
a. Lasting c. ended
b. forever d. forward

Text 2.
A frightening Experience
Hadi felt happy and excited on the day of his first mountain-climbing trip. His
friends had told him that it would be easy, and this was true enough at the ……(8). There
were steps to help them. Then, the climb became more difficult; and, to worsen things, it
began to drizzle. The rocks were now slippery, and Hadi had to go extra carefully.
Suddenly, the stones under his feet loosened and began ……(9). Hadi lost his
foothold and screamed as he slipped downwards. He managed to grab a bush to stop his
fall, and was hanging there …….(10).
His friends quickly came down to help him. Luckily, Hadi was not hurt much except
for ……(11) bruises on his legs. However, the experience had given him a great fright. After
a short discussion, the boys decided to stop climbing and go home immediately.
(Darwis, et all, 2005)

08. a. begin c. begins

b. to begin d. beginning

09. a. rolling up c. rolling away

b. rolling door d. rolling over

10. a. dangerously c. danger

b. dangerous d. to danger

11. a. much c. a little

b. many d. a few

12. Danielle : You looked fresh, When did you take a bath?
Michelle : I …………a bath when you waited me in my room.
a. Take c. was taking
b. took d. has taken

13. Fruit seller : Would you like to buy mangoes?

Erlina : No, I ___________ them this morning
a. to buy d. buyed
b. buy d. bought
14. The queen : “When did you put this ring, my dear?”.
The King said : Oh, If I don’t forget I _________ the ring last night
The Prince : She asked you ….
a. To put c. putting
b. puts d. put

15. Mr. Green : Why does the lamp still turn on in this class ?
Mr. Hua : One of our students … last night. He slept here.
a. Is c. are
b. Was d. were

16. Karina : The headmaster is angry with me?

Diana : Why?
Karina : I was late this morning. If I ... late today. He would not be angry with me.
a. Were c. had been
b. were not d. had not been

Text 3
Malang, 20 December 2006
Dear Susan,
Hi, how are you doing? You are probably happy with the school holiday right now.
Well, I hope You’ll enjoy your holiday.
In your last letter You asked me about my hometown. Now, I’m going to tell You about
it. My hometown is in Malang, East Java. It is the second biggest city in East Java.
Well, Malang is very nice and cool but there is a lot of traffic jam in the morning. So, I
have to walk to school very early in the morning, otherwise I will be late.
The city has many attractive sites. There is a large Safari Park. My family and I often
go there on holidays.
Okay, I think it is enough for now. Please, tell me about your hometown. Don’t forget to
send my warm regards to your parents.

Sincerely yours,


17. Where is the writer’s hometown?

a. Java. c. East of Java Island.
b. Malang, East Java. d. East of Island.
18. Is it the second biggest city in East Java?
a. Yes, it is. c. No, it isn’t.
b. Yes, it does. d. No, it doesn’t.
19. What is it like?
a. There is a lot of traffic jam. c. It is very nice and cool.
b. There are many attractive sites. d. There is a large Safari Park.

20. Who writes the letter ?

a. Linda c. I
b. Susan d. My

B. Essay
Change the (be) in the bracket into correct form
21. Budi : “If my father …………(be) alive I would not suffer like this”
Diana : What does he mean?

Change the verb in the bracket into correct form

22. Mr. Susilo : I …………(meet) a ghost last night!
Mr. Sudi : Really! I don’t believe it.

23. Teacher : Do you know what folktales is ?.

A new Student : As I know folktales is ……………………………………………….

24.. Fill in the blank with suitable expression of politeness.

Andika : ……………………………(open) the door, please.
Alina : All right.

25. Response the following expression

Lina : Dina, It’s hot inside. Could you please open the window?
Dina : ……………………………

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