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FRIT 7231 Instructional Design

Design Document

Caitlin Seabolt

Dr. Purcell

Fall 2018

Identification of Learning Problem

Columbia Middle School is the largest middle school in the Columbia County School District

with approximately nine hundred students ranging from grades sixth through eighth. There are

four elementary schools that feed into CMS as well as students from out of state due to the recent

uptake in military families moving to Grovetown due to the US Army’s new Cyber Command

Headquarters at Fort Gordon. The state of Georgia requires students to take the Georgia

Milestones Assessment at the end of each school year. After reviewing data from the Georgia

Milestones Assessment, I realized that 31% of fifth grade students in the state of Georgia are

listed as beginning learners in science, this being the highest percentage of all four subjects taken

in the fifth grade. Out of my current ninety-two students who took the Georgia Milestones

Assessment last year, fifty-nine students scored below grade level in science (categorized as

beginning or developing learners). This highlighted the major need for my students to be taught

the skills and content knowledge to be able to think like a scientist and apply this knowledge to

grade level material.

Target Audience

The target audience for the learning problem is the fifty-nine students who scored at the

achievement level of two or below, beginning or developing learner, on the Georgia Milestones

Assessment taken at the end of the 2017-2018 school year. These students have proven to be

behind grade-level in science and seem to lack the scientific knowledge and reasoning skills that

are needed to be successful in this fast-growing technological society that we live in today.

Goal of Instruction
The goal for instruction is to move 10% of the students behind grade level up one level. This

goal will be accomplished by implementation of rigorous fast-paced instruction, conducting and

planning experiments and the use of technology to conduct research on a weekly basis. I will

measure this goal by conducting a pre-test and post-test assessing grade-level science content at

the beginning and end of this school year. Instruction will be differentiated according to all

students needs and interests, based on prior documentation and science interest inventories given

to each student at the beginning of the school year.

Learner Analysis

General Characteristics

The targeted learners for this module will be sixth grade science students in my class at

Columbia Middle School. These students range in age from ten to thirteen years of age. The

population of students at this school includes a wide range of diversity in culture, race, socio-

economic levels, military students, English-language learners and students with disabilities.

Twenty-three of the students in my target audience are female and thirty-two are male. Out of

these fifty-nine students, twenty-two come from economically disadvantaged families and six

come from military families. There are nineteen students who are Black (not of Hispanic origin),

twelve Hispanic students, twenty-one white students (not of Hispanic origin), one Hawaiian or

Pacific Islander and four students who are classified as being of two or more races.

Typical Entry Characteristics

Many students in the targeted learners group have little to no knowledge of the scientific

method or how to plan and carry out an experiment. These students are able to make

observations of the world around them on a daily basis but are not yet able to make inferences
based on those observations. These students display very little problem-solving skills and

struggle to self-advocate for themselves due to the recent advancement in technology in our

society. Since many of these students rely on some type of electronic or Google to answer

questions, they are unable to problem-solve on their own. I have easily recognized these students

that have very little prior knowledge of Earth Science, but they seem to have a positive attitude

about science and seem eager to learn new information. I am planning on increasing the rigor of

the content tremendously throughout the year.

Typical Academic Information

Several of the students in my target audience have been “passed on” from elementary school,

despite failing the grade level. These students have taken all academic subjects throughout

elementary school and now that they are in middle school, many of them are put into an intensive

or strategic reading class because they struggle to read on grade level. The students in the

intensive reading program have two language arts classes back-to-back. It is unclear to me yet if

they struggle in science due to their low reading level or if it is because they were pulled out of

class in elementary school to attend an Early Incentive Program Class. I believe the requirement

to learn science is greatly diminished in grades K-5 due to the concentration on student success

in math and reading.

Personal and Social Characteristics

Out of the 59 students in my target audience, many of them are unable to participate in

extra-curricular activities due to lack of family income or the fact that they do not have the

grades needed to participate. Several of these students are enrolled in the after-school program

which helps them communicate and interact with their peers in a school environment. Although
the oldest student in my target audience is thirteen, most of the students in this group are

extremely immature complicating their ability to focus which affects their ability to problem

solve. They also struggle to complete assignments in a noisy environment with competing

stimuli, so they are often pulled in a small group with teacher-assistance.

Cultural Information and Disabilities

Six of the students in my target audience are included in the Special Education Program

and have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) with accommodations to ensure that their needs

are met to help them be successful. Several others have a 504 plan with accommodations to help

them stay focused and receive assignments that meet their needs. Modifications need to be

provided for these students for them to have an equal opportunity to succeed. Eighteen of the

students in my target audience are in a co-taught class with extra support from a special

education para-professional. This allows us to provide instruction in a smaller group setting and

to provide appropriate interventions as needed.

Task Analysis

To help at least 10% of my students move up one grade level in growth, students have to have a

good background on the nature of science. In 6th grade, students are just becoming accustomed to

being in a laboratory setting and are encouraged to think like scientists. A topic analysis provides

a breakdown of the concepts that students will need to master in order to be great scientists. A

topic analysis is used to define the facts, concepts, principles, and rules that will make up the
final instruction. This is usually done in layers. For this learning module, I will serve as the

instructional designer as well as the SME (as it is done in most educational settings). The

concepts that will be the focus in the topic analysis are the scientific method and science process

skills. These skills will be taught so that students can be proactive scientists; it is crucial for

students to apply the methods to everyday situations/concepts (both inside and outside of science

class). Details can be seen below in the task analysis.

I. Scientific Method

A. What is the Scientific Method?

a. A way in which scientists answer and solve problems

B. Steps of the Scientific Method

1. Problem

a. Make observations (use 5 senses)

b. Ask a question that can be solved through experimentation

c. What do you want to know?

2. Research

a. Gather information about your problem

b. Find out what is already known

c. Use reliable sources

3. Hypothesis

a. Predict a possible answer to the problem or question

b. What do you think will happen?

c. Educated guess

d. Usually written as an IF… THEN… BECAUSE statement

4. Experiment

a. How will you test your hypothesis?

b. Plan your investigation (must be measurable)

c. List the materials you will need for your experiment

d. List the steps that you will follow in your experiment

5. Analyze Data

a. What did the experiment tell you?

b. Record the data – what happened during the experiment?

c. Data can be qualitative (observations) or quantitative (numbers)

d. Modify the procedure if needed

e. Include tables, graphs, and photographs

6. Conclusion

a. Review the data and compare to your hypothesis

b. Was your hypothesis correct or incorrect?

-If correct, repeat your experiment to confirm results

-If incorrect, change your hypothesis and test again

c. Make recommendations for further study and possible improvements to the procedure

II. Science Process Skills

A. Vocabulary Terms and Meanings

1. Observation: The use of one or more of the 5 senses to gain information about the world

around you

2. Classification: Grouping people or things in a systematic way

3. Measurement: A method of determining quantity, capacity or dimension; an amount or

degree of something

a. What can you measure? Volume, Weight, Mass, Temperature, Length, etc.

b. Different measurement units: Standard or Metric System

c. How to determine the best unit of measure

4. Inference: A conclusion or opinion that is formed because of known facts or evidence

5. Prediction: An act of saying what will or might happen in the future

6. Theory: A general rule offered to explain a scientific phenomenon; an idea or option that is

presented as true

7. Quantitative: Data that involves the measurement of quantity or amount (usually expressed

in numbers)

8. Qualitative: Data expressed in words/categories; involves quality or kind

B. Lab Safety

1. Rules and Procedures

a. Read the entire lab before you begin and follow all instructions exactly as explained by

your teacher

b. No horseplay

c. If you are unclear on any portion of the lab, ask your teacher

d. Any accident, regardless of the severity must be reported to the teacher immediately

e. Eating and drinking in the lab is forbidden at all times; only eat, drink, smell or taste an

item if told to do so by your teacher

f. Report any damaged or broken equipment to your teacher immediately

g. Check cords and plugs for damage and keep the area dry when working with electrical


2. Clothing

a. No baggy clothing; long hair and baggy clothing must be neatly secured while performing

any experiment

3. Equipment

a. Know the location of all safety equipment in the classroom, including: goggles, eye wash

station, fire blanket, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, MSDS folder, safety charts, waste disposal


b. Safety goggles must be worn when working with any form of heat, chemicals, sharp

objects or any time the teacher instructs you to do so

4. Heat

a. Attend to heat sources at all times

b. When heating a substance, use proper equipment and never point it towards you or anyone

around you

c. Do not place heated glassware in cold water – it will break

d. Wear protective gear (gloves, goggles, etc.)

5. Chemicals

a. Any chemicals splashed on skin or eyes should be reported to teacher immediately and

flushed with water

b. No chemicals should ever leave the lab setting

c. When smelling any chemical substance, do so by wafting.

d. Only mix chemicals in the order listed in your procedure

6. Lab Cleanliness

a. Always keep lab area clean and neat

b. Dispose of chemicals properly and never return materials to the original container

c. All equipment should be thoroughly cleaned at conclusion of the lab

d. Wash your hands at the end of each lab

Figure 1. Flowchart of a procedure (Scientific Method)

Instructional Objectives

Objective #1. Students will define a problem or research question to be tested by a scientific

investigation and formulate a hypothesis to explain it using logical reasoning. (cognitive domain)
Objective #2. Students will follow and use the steps of The Scientific Method with 90%

accuracy to investigate the problem or questions in their experiment design. (cognitive and

psychomotor domain)

Objective #3. After conducting an experiment, students will make conclusions by interpreting

and analyzing the data with 80% accuracy. (cognitive domain)

Development of Assessments

According to Morrison, Ross, Kalman and Kemp, “The broad purpose of evaluation is to

determine to what extent the objectives of the instruction are being attained. The assessments

used to inform the evaluation should therefore have a direct relationship with the objectives.”

(p.258). I will use a variety of assessment types for each objective throughout this module.

Since the goal of my instruction is for students to think like a scientist, students will have to

develop and obtain the use of science processing skills. It is important that the assessments

require students to not only answer questions but to think critically in order to reflect and justify

their responses.

Since instruction is given online without direct input from the instructor, it is imperative that all

parts of the online module (including assessments) are easy to maneuver, engaging and

accessible to students of all ability levels. Students will be able to pace themselves at their own

rate and monitor their progress throughout the learning experience. Students with documented

disabilities that require accommodations will receive these accommodations on all assignments

and assessments as listed in their IEP or 504 Plan. In this assignment I have identified three
learning objectives. All objectives will contain formative assessments to quickly assess their

understanding and remediate if needed. Objectives #2 and #3 will also be assessed through an

authentic performance task and will be differentiated by product, process and the learning


Assessment on Objective #1. Students will define a problem or research question to be tested by

a scientific investigation and formulate a hypothesis to explain it using logical reasoning.

Assessment: Formative assessments during related modules will require students to answer brief

questions throughout the learning process in order to remediate as needed. At the end of the

learning process for this objective, students will be given scenarios in relation to the current topic

being taught in class. Given the scenarios, students will read the scientific question related to the

scenario and write a possible hypothesis for the experiment. Samples of these scenarios can be

found in Appendix A.

Assessment on Objective #2. Students will follow and use the steps of The Scientific Method

with 90% accuracy to investigate the problem or questions in their experiment design.

Assessment: After completion of the corresponding module, students will be given a scenario (a

problem). First, they will be required to list the steps of the scientific method in the appropriate

order. They will not be able to move on to the next step until this is completed correctly. Since it

is difficult to observe this objective without the instructor being available and present, I felt that

it was necessary to assess this objective using an authentic performance task. After completing

part 1 (correctly identifying the steps of the scientific method), students will next create a plan to

follow and conduct each step of the scientific method by experimentation. They will be required
to fill out a lab report to collect their data and results of their experiment. Students will be scored

using the rubric provided in Appendix B (from

Assessment on Objective #3. After conducting an experiment, students will make conclusions by

interpreting and analyzing the data with 80% accuracy.

Assessment: Since Objective #3 is a continuation of Objective #1 and #2, students will be

assessed using a simple rubric from This rubric will assess their ability to

accurately make conclusions by interpreting and analyzing the data from their experiment. This

requires them to interpret their results by making a claim, backing their claim up with evidence

and reasoning appropriately. This rubric is listed below in Appendix C.

Content Sequencing and Instructional Strategies

Sequence Description Objective

1 Students will make 1

observations in order to
define a problem or research
question to be tested

2 Students will formulate a 1

hypothesis using logical

3 Students can correctly 2

identify the steps of the
Scientific Method

4 Students will follow and use 2

the steps of The Scientific
5 Students will form 3

6 Students will analyze and 3

interpret data

The learning sequence above is based off of students having some prior knowledge of the

content but further expands on the learned material as they progress. According to Wittrock

(2010), “people tend to generate perceptions and meanings that are consistent with their prior

learning” (p.41) (Morrison, Ross, Kalman, Kemp, 2013). Sixth graders are just beginning to

make observations about the world around them and ask higher-level questions. These skills

come naturally to most but it is important that we help students build this skill so that they can

use it throughout their lives.

Objective #1. Students will define a problem or research question to be tested by a scientific

investigation and formulate a hypothesis to explain it using logical reasoning.


Initial Presentation: Students will watch a short video that explains how to be observant and

curious about the world around them. The video will show several examples and require the

students to make their own observations in given scenarios. Students will then have to formulate

a hypothesis to be tested.

Strategy: Demonstration, Elaboration, Application (Morrison, Ross, Kalman, Kemp, 2013)

Differentiation: In order to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all learners, the students

can watch several different videos available to them. They can also pause and re-watch the

videos if needed. On the application section, students will be given multiple opportunities and

will be given an option to receive hints. If students are struggling to formulate their own
hypothesis, they will be provided with an example and a scaffolded sentence structure. They will

also have a word bank to fill in the sentence as needed.

Objective #2. Students will follow and use the steps of The Scientific Method with 90% accuracy

to investigate the problem or questions in their experiment design.


Strategy: Elaboration (Morrison, Ross, Kalman, Kemp, 2013)

Initial Presentation: Students will watch a brief video clip in order to recall the steps of the

scientific method. After watching the video, they will have to list the steps of the scientific

method with 90% accuracy before moving on to the next step.

Differentiation: There will be a video with scaffolding in it where it will start out with basic

skills and elaborate more on the scientific method. Instead of having the students list the steps of

the scientific method, it will require them to arrange the provided steps in order. If they continue

to struggle, two steps will be given to them and they will have to arrange the others based on

those steps. The listed steps will be worded on the students reading-level to further meet their


Generative Strategy: The student will be provided with a problem/research question. The student

will explain the steps that they will take to solve the problem using the scientific method.

Strategy: Elaboration, Practice, Integration (Morrison, Ross, Kalman, Kemp, 2013)

Differentiation: Some students will complete a module that is scaffolded to their ability level. It

will provide them with a procedure and pose questions/hints as they work through the scientific

method. If the students are still struggling, they will be provided with the procedural steps as

they complete them and walk them through the complete process.
Objective #3. After conducting an experiment, students will make conclusions by interpreting

and analyzing the data with 80% accuracy.


Initial Presentation: Students will watch a video clip about the different types of data and how to

interpret each type on a case-by-case basis. The video will also show students how to recognize

if data is skewed and explain what to do in these instances. The video will first give students an

example of a data set and demonstrate how to make a conclusion from the data and publish the

results in an appropriate manner.

Strategy: Model, Elaboration, Practice (Morrison, Ross, Kalman, Kemp, 2013)

Differentiation: The student will be given additional examples of how to make conclusions and

interpret data sets. Instead of the student having to apply this to their own method, they will be

given a filled-in example with a couple parts missing for the student to fill in. It will walk the

student through the process as they progress.

Generative Strategy: The student will be given a blank chart to fill in their data from the

experiment. They will have to explain the steps to take in forming their conclusion and publish

their data in an appropriate graph.

Strategy: Integration (Morrison, Ross, Kalman, Kemp, 2013)

Differentiation: Students will be given a completed data chart. They will be guided through each

step as they graph the data appropriately. They will also be given a pre-labeled graph so that they

only have to transfer over the data.

Design of Instruction
Gaining Learner’s Attention: Students will be engaged throughout this unit by incorporating

several different learning strategies that will maintain the interest of the students. Throughout the

unit, students will watch lesson specific videos. Each video will introduce the topic and activate

their prior knowledge so that students can form connections. Students will be given

comprehension questions, virtual lab activities, constructed response questions and fill in data

charts. As they complete each lesson, they will be given a visual of their progress so that they

can take ownership of their learning and work at their own pace. Students will learn skills, apply

previously learned skills to new things, answer questions and assess their learning. Students will

have to formulate potential solutions in order to reflect on their hypothesis. This will allow them

to be active learners in order to apply the content to their everyday lives in order to become super


Informing Learners of Objectives: Each module will begin by listing the related learning

objectives and a brief description of how the objectives relate to all the activities and content in

the module. This will serve as an introduction in order to not only inform the students of what

they will be learning but to also catch the students’ attention and make the content relevant to

their every day lives.

Activating Prior Knowledge: Reflections and/or discussions included in each module will require

students to form connections between their prior knowledge and their experiences in not only the

classroom, but in their everyday lives. Since most students at this age do not have a good

background knowledge on scientific reasoning skills, they will be taught several strategies that

will assist the learning process. Since there will be students who struggle, there will be additional

activities to assist them with a deeper background knowledge in science.

Content Delivery: The teacher will use a Google Classroom webpage to serve as a resource page

for most activities and videos throughout the unit. Several different Google apps will be used as

well as additional online resources to display the content in a variety of different ways.

Differentiation and Universal Design for Learning: Students will be assessed in various ways

throughout this unit in order to demonstrate mastery of each lesson. These assessments will help

determine if they need additional help or remediation on the content. Students interests, learning

styles, strengths and other things will come into play when differentiating content to meet their

needs. Principles of UDL will be embedded in course modules which will assist in providing

opportunities for student choice.

Activity Goal Objective Differentiation/UD Assessme Feedback

L nt
Initial Orient student Objective students can watch Students Hints and
Presentation: to the unit’s #1. several different will scaffolded
Students will content and Students videos available to formulate examples
watch a short sequencing will define them. They can a
video that a problem also pause and re- hypothesis Narrated
explains how to or research watch the videos if text with
be observant question to needed. explanatio
and curious be tested by n of an
about the world a scientific On the application appropriat
around them. investigatio section, students e
The video will n and will be given hypothesis
show several formulate a multiple
examples and hypothesis opportunities and
require the to explain it will be given an
students to using option to receive
make their own logical hints.
observations in reasoning.
given scenarios. If students are
Students will struggling to
then have to formulate their
formulate a own hypothesis,
hypothesis to they will be
be tested. provided with an
example and a
Strategy: scaffolded
Demonstration, sentence structure.
Elaboration, They will also
Application have a word bank
(Morrison, to fill in the
Ross, Kalman, sentence as
Kemp, 2013) needed.
Strategy: Learner Objective Video with Student
Elaboration identifies the #2. scaffolding in it will list
(Morrison, steps of the Students where it will start the
Ross, Kalman, Scientific will follow out with basic Scientific
Kemp, 2013) Method and use the skills and Method
steps of elaborate more on
Initial The the scientific
Presentation: Scientific method.
Students will Method
watch a brief with 90% Instead of having
video clip in accuracy to the students list
order to recall investigate the steps of the
the steps of the the problem scientific method,
scientific or it will require
method. After questions in them to arrange
watching the their the provided steps
video, they will experiment in order.
have to list the design.
steps of the If they continue to
scientific struggle, two steps
method with will be given to
90% accuracy them and they will
before moving have to arrange the
on to the next others based on
step. those steps.

Generative The listed steps

Strategy: The will be worded on
student will be the students
provided with a reading-level to
problem/researc further meet their
h question. The needs.
student will
explain the Some students will
steps that they complete a module
will take to that is scaffolded
solve the to their ability
problem using level. It will
the scientific provide them with
method. a procedure and
questions/hints as
they work through
the scientific

If the students are

still struggling,
they will be
provided with the
procedural steps as
they complete
them and walk
them through the
complete process.
Initial Student can Objective The struggling
Presentation: form a #3. After student will be
Students will conclusion and conducting given additional
watch a video interpret/analy an examples of how
clip about the ze data experiment, to make
different types students conclusions and
of data and how will make interpret data sets.
to interpret conclusions
each type on a by Instead of the
case-by-case interpreting student having to
basis. The and apply this to their
video will also analyzing own method, they
show students the data will be given a
how to with 80% filled-in example
recognize if accuracy. with a couple parts
data is skewed missing for the
and explain student to fill in. It
what to do in will walk the
these instances. student through
The video will the process as they
first give progress.
students an
example of a
data set and
how to make a
from the data
and publish the
results in an

Ross, Kalman,
Kemp, 2013)
Generative Students can Objective Students will be
Strategy: The publish results #3. After given a completed
student will be from an conducting data chart. They
given a blank experiment an will be guided
chart to fill in appropriately experiment, through each step
their data from students as they graph the
the experiment. will make data appropriately.
They will have conclusions They will also be
to explain the by given a pre-labeled
steps to take in interpreting graph so that they
forming their and only have to
conclusion and analyzing transfer over the
publish their the data data.
data in an with 80%
appropriate accuracy.

Ross, Kalman,
Kemp, 2013)

Formative Evaluation Plan

“Even the most talented and conscientious designer is not likely to develop the “perfect” lesson

or course the first time through. What seems excellent as a concept or idea may not work as well

as planned when actually put to use in the classroom.” (Morrison, Ross, Kalman, Kemp, 2013).

As an educator, this rings so true. No lesson, whether online or face-to-face, ever goes as

planned. What seems like a perfect lesson to the teacher may completely bomb or fall through.

Everyone has different perspectives and ideas to implement in the classroom. Therefore,

formative instruction is such a crucial part to the instructional design process. Not a single

teacher is perfect, and we all have so much room for improvement and new tools to add to our
toolkit. The formative evaluation plan will provide feedback that is crucial to addressing deficits

in the online module. By implementing the performance of a small group trial, expert review,

and learner surveys, strengths and weaknesses of the online program can be easily identified in

order to make necessary revisions.

The subject matter expert (SME) that will serve as an expert reviewer for this module will be

Jennifer Brock. Mrs. Brock has over 15 years of teaching experience and is highly qualified in

technology. Mrs. Brock’s review will include evaluating the module by responding to a survey

with three sections: content appropriateness and accuracy, completeness, and usability and

appeal. This survey will be rated on a 5-point Likert Scale: (5 – Strongly Agree, 4 – Agree, 3 –

Neither Agree/Disagree; 1 – Strongly Disagree).

Content Appropriateness and Accuracy

· Module learning objectives are aligned with content standards

· Learning objectives are clear and measurable

· Content and activities throughout the module are aligned with learning objectives

· Assessments measure learning objectives


· Adequate time is provided for learners to complete activities

· Activities, content and assessments are appropriate for the level of all learners

· Instructional content fully addresses all objectives

· Content adequately explained the knowledge, skills and concepts as it was presented

Usability and Appeal

· All activities promote engagement and active learning for all learners
· Material is sequenced correctly

· Course instructions are easily found and are clear/concise

· Students are provided with opportunities to self-assess and monitor their learning progress

· Instructional materials and course layout is consistent throughout the module, making the

module easy to navigate

Test Audience

A small group of sixth-grade students in my co-taught class will serve as a test audience for the

learner assessments in this module. Rather than receiving face-to-face instruction in their co-

taught classroom setting, a random sample of students wil complete the online module. Both the

students receiving face-to-face instruction and this small group of students will complete the

same assessments to demonstrate their mastery of the content. Assessment results will be

compared. If the results from the small group of students completing the online module are

similar or better, this will be an indication of the effectiveness of the online module.

Learner Survey

1. The online module was:

Easy Medium Hard

2. The online module was

Very Fun Fun Boring Very Boring

3. I feel like I learned new material by completing this module:

I learned nothing I learned a few things I learned a lot

4. Did you have any problems with technology or the website? Yes or no. If yes, explain
5. What part of the module was the most useful to you? Why?

6. Do you feel that you learned enough in this module to become a super scientist?

7. Do you feel that you learned how to solve a problem using the Scientific Method? Could

you complete the Scientific Method on your own?

8. What part of the module did you find to be the least useful? Why?

9. Would you rather learn new content on an online module like this one or from your

teacher? Explain.

10. How long did it take you to complete the online module?


Anthony, Joan, and Sheree Person-Pandil. “INQUIRY STUDENT SCORING RUBRIC.”

Nebraska Department of Education, 2001,

content/uploads/2017/07/Inquiry_Rubric.pdf.editmore horizontal

Meacham, Ben. “Implementing the Claim, Evidence, Reasoning Framework in the Chemistry

Classroom.” Chemical Education Xchange, Division of Chemical Education, Inc. of the

American Chemical Society., 14 Feb. 2017,


Morrison, G. R., Ross, S. M., Kalman, H. K., & Kemp, J.E. (2013). Designing effective

instruction (7th ed.) Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Ryland, Rachel. “File: 9 1 Hypothesis In Class Practice.” BetterLesson, 2018,
Objective #1

Hypothesis Practice


One of Ms. Ryland’s favorite foods is microwave popcorn. She loves microwave popcorn so

much that she can’t stand to waste the un-popped kernels in the bottom of the bag.

One time when Ms. Ryland went to the grocery store she bought all the types of microwave

popcorn that the store had. With these types of popcorn she conducted an experiment.

Read the question that Ms. Ryland was trying to answer with her experiment and then

write a possible hypothesis for this experiment.

Scientific Question: Does the amount of butter on the popcorn kernels affect the number of

kernels that pop?






Kelly and Jack are playing in the park. Jack rolls a marble down the small playground slide.

Kelly proposes the idea that the marble would travel at a faster pace if it is rolled down the

longer slide. This discussion leads to the following scientific question. What happens to the

speed a marble travels when the height of a ramp is changed?

Read the question that Kelly and Jack were trying to answer with their experiment and

then write a possible hypothesis for this experiment.





Objective #2 Investigating Problems using the Scientific Method


Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry:

1. Beginning 2. Progressing 3. Proficient 4. Exemplary
A. Identifying Testing the question is Formulates Formulates testable Formulates testable questions
Questions and not possible; hypothesis testable questions and and hypotheses that are specific,
Formulating is missing or unclear questions which hypotheses that lead based on scientific concepts, and
Hypotheses lead to a to scientific lead to scientific investigation
that May be scientific investigation
Examined investigation;
through even though the
Scientific hypotheses is
Investigations present it does
not directly
answer the
B. Designing Little attempt is made to Flaws are Identifies what Identifies what variable is
and control and manipulate evident in variable is controlled controlled and what variables are
Conducting a variables; design of identifying and what variables manipulated; design of
Scientific investigation contains variables; design are manipulated; investigation is sequential and
Investigation major flaws in sequence of investigation design of logical to the hypothesis;
and logic; extensive contains minor investigation is experimental design requires
teacher intervention is flaws; some sequential and minimal teacher guidance
necessary teacher logical; experimental
intervention is design requires
necessary minimal teacher
C. Using Collects and records Collects and Collects and records Collects and records data which
Appropriate invalid data; uses records objective complete and is complete, accurate, and
Tools and inappropriate equipment data; incorrectly objective data; uses objective; uses appropriate
Techniques to and techniques; data uses equipment appropriate equipment and techniques;
Collect and collected contains and techniques; equipment and requires minimal teacher
Record Data inaccuracies in requires some techniques; requires guidance
measurement which teacher minimal teacher
alter the results; intervention intervention
required extensive
teacher intervention or
D. Using Students are unable to Students draw Students draw Data is analyzed objectively;
Evidence to draw inferences faulty inferences inferences based on students draw logical inferences
Develop (interpretation of an based on patterns relationships, based on observed patterns and
Explanations observation) or previously perceived patterns, or relationships; inferences lead to
and Describe held ideas previously held ideas questions for future
Relationships investigations
Evidence and
E. Scientific information is Scientific Scientific information Scientific information is
Communicatin unclear; presentation information has is communicated communicated clearly and
g Procedures, lacks focus and some clarity; clearly; presentation precisely but may also include
Results, and organization; medium presentation has is focused and inventive/expressive dimensions;
Explanations hinders communication some focus and organized; medium presentation is effectively
of a Scientific organization; facilitates focused and organized (e.g.,
Investigation medium permits communication using tables, models, texts,
communication figures); a variety of media
enhance communication

Objective #3: Forming Conclusions and Analyzing Data

0 1 2

Claim Does not make Makes an Makes an

Statement or a claim, or accurate but accurate and
conclusion that makes an vague or complete
answers the inaccurate incomplete claim
original claim claim
0 1 2

Evidence Does not Provides Provides

Conclusion Scientific data provide appropriate but appropriate
Scientific that supports the evidence, or insufficient and sufficient
Explanation claim. The data only provides evidence to evidence to
needs to be inappropriate support claim. support claim.
appropriate and evidence May include
sufficient to (evidence that some
support the claim. does not inappropriate
support the evidence.

0 1 2

Reasoning Does not Repeats Provides

Justification that provide evidence and accurate and
links the claim reasoning, or links it to some complete
and evidence and only provides scientific reasoning that
includes reasoning that principles, but links evidence
appropriate and does not link not sufficient. to claim.
sufficient evidence to Includes
scientific claim. appropriate
principles to and sufficient
defend the claim principles.
and evidence.

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