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(Trabajo De Investigación)
Línea de investigación:
Optimización De Procesos En La Industria Textil Y De Confecciones
Proyecto de investigación formativa
Presentado por:
Paucar Mamani Cristian Juan
Quispe Calisaya Lizbeth
Quispe Calisaya Lizeth
Calderón Llanque Elam
Típula Yanqui Nerio Luy Andy

Semestre académico: V
Curso: ingles I
El informe presentado describe la N-metilol dimetil fósforo propionamida (MDPA) que es
uno de los acabados más resistentes al fuego (FR) más utilizados para telas de algodón,
utilizada como parte de una formulación con trimetilol melanina (TMM) para adquirir
mejores reticulaciones y mejores propiedades de FR. Los parámetros del sistema del
tratamiento de acabado se actualizaron para obtener mejores propiedades de FR y una
baja pérdida mecánica para el tejido mediante la estrategia experimental diseñada por
Box-Behnken estadístico de la superficie de respuesta.
. Las condiciones óptimas al predecir los reactivos de FR que enfocaban las propiedades
mecánicas intactas del tejido se estudiaron adicionalmente. Se encontró que los
parámetros de los agentes de reticulación en la formulación de FR tienen un papel
primordial en las propiedades generales de FR de los tejidos de algodón. Las estimaciones
de R cuadrado de la cantidad considerable de respuestas fueron superiores al 92%, lo que
demuestra el nivel de relación entre los valores pronosticados por los marcos de trabajo
de Box-Behnken y los resultados reales de las pruebas.


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N-methylol dimethyl phosphonopropionamide (MDPA) is one of the most

utilized fire resistant(FR) finishes for cotton fabrics, utilized as part of a
formulation with trimethylol melamine (TMM) to acquirebetter crosslinking
and enhanced FR properties. The system parameters of the finishing
treatment wereupgraded for better FR properties and low mechanical loss
to the fabric by the response surface methodologyutilizing Box-Behnken
statistical designed experimental strategy. The impacts of concentration on
the cottonfabric’s properties (fire resistance and mechanical properties)
were assessed with the regression equations.The optimum conditions by
predicting the FR reagents focusing intact mechanical properties of the
fabricwere additionally studied. It was found that the parameters of
crosslinking agents in the FR formulation havea prime role in the general FR
properties of the cotton fabrics. The R-squared estimations of the
considerablenumber of responses were above 92%, demonstrating the
level of relationship between the predicted values bythe Box-Behnken
frameworks and the real test results.Key words: Organophosphorus, Fire
resistant, Cotton, Mechanical properties, Box-Behnken INTRODUCTION Fire
resistant (FR) has been utilized for a longwhile to build the chances of
survival against fire orflame by limiting its propagation. A part of types,
FRtextiles are utilized for diminishing their combustibility, in children
attires, car seats and pushchairs, and soon. (Blum et al., 1978). Cotton
fabrics being exceedingly combustible are treated with FRs. Among several
chemical finishes being applied to impart FR propertiesto cotton fabrics,
very few create finished fabrics thatcan withstand FR properties after
being launderedseveral times. N-methylol dimethyl phosphono
propionamide (MDPA) is among the majorFR materials utilized for the
cotton fabrics (Ravichandrana et al., 2011). In FR finishes, crosslinking
agents are added to enhance the fire resistance and durability by
building up a phosphorus-nitrogen synergistic impact (Uddin, 2013).
Thecrosslinking agents for cotton are typically formaldehyde based, for
example, trimethylol melamineTMM and dimethylolurea (DMU) (Uddin,
2013). TheTMM or DMU is used to increase the nitrogencontent for
the synergistic effect with the phosphorus group of the MDPA FR. The
bonding ofMDPA to the cellulosic fabrics with the help of TMMas a
crosslinker in the presence of acidic conditions can be seen in Fig. 1. This FR
treated cotton fabrics withstands an incredible number of launderings, dry
cleanings or other cleaning methods (Van der Veenand de Boer, 2012).
However, these FR finishes arelinked with the formaldehyde release
(Katovic et al.2012).In the present, formaldehyde reagents are used
incommercially available FR finishes, as they are costeffective and
extremely potent crosslinking agents forcellulosic fabrics. However,
according to different legislations concerning the maximum formaldehyde
level that can be released from textiles, has allowed textile industries to use
it. For instance, the Oeko-Tex
314Sohail, Y. et al.Standard 100 and the American Apparel and Footwear
Association (AAFA) have given the adequate limit of75 ppm of
formaldehyde release from the textiles suchas, in apparels. In addition,
Oeko-Tex Standard 100recognized that textiles for babies up to two years
oldshould release less than 20 mg/kg (Piccinini et al. 2007).These standards
and legislations can control the formaldehyde release problem; however,
it requires along set of experiments to achieve the desired resultswith
limited release information, particularly informulations having numerous
reagents or in the synergistic interactions with different fabric weight, the
gram per square meter (GSM). Apart from the formaldehyde release,
specific concentration ofreagents is needed according to the cotton
fabric’sGSM. A slight variation in the reagent concentrations can lead to
higher formaldehyde release and significantloss to the mechanical
properties of the fabric.Furthermore, there is a very limited research on
theformulation and optimization of FR application processes, especially
with statistically designedexperiments.In this study, a statistical
experimental designsystem is used to optimize the performance of
cottonFig. 1. Schematic illustration of MDPA bonding with cellulose and
crosslinking agent TMM under acidconditionsfabrics treated with the
organophosphorus FR bypredicting an effective concentration of
finishingreagents with a minimum loss to the mechanicalproperties. The
prediction information wasstatistically obtained from the Box-Behnken
designto compare with the experimental results. For a factorialdesign of
four independent variables, 25 experimentswere necessary to estimate.
Optimization of the FRsystem for the textiles can be attained by
statisticallydesigned experiments with several reagents additiveswithin the
specific boundaries (Antia, 1982: Cullis,1991).MATERIALS &
METHODSMDPA FR (Aflammit KWB), the reagentsincluding,
formaldehyde crosslinking agents(Quecodur dm 70) and modified
DHDMEU (Quecodurslf conc) were provided by Thor, France. The
plainwoven fabric (150 GSM) was utilized and were cut into32 x 18 cm
measurements. The FR was applied by pad-dry-cure process. The drying
and curing temperaturewas kept at 100oC and 150oC for 4–5 minutes
separately.To neutralize the treated cotton fabric, it was dippedinto
Na2CO3 bath to evacuate deposits and the impactsof acidic conditions
The mechanical properties were carried out tocheck the fabric strength
utilizing MTS (2/M) testingframework. The samples were cut into 30 x 5 cm.
Thetensile strength of every cotton test was carried outby repeating the
test no less than 5 times as per Frenchstandard test system NF EN ISO
13934-1; 2013.The FR classification to assess the fire resistancewas done
on cut samples (15 x 30 cm) as per Frenchstandard NF-G 07-113;1972. In
which, a sample isclamped from both sides and at the center fire
isintroduced. Classification of the samples is calculatedin the damaged
area (cm2) and classes are givenaccordingly (Table 1).Table 1. Flame
retardant classifications according to French standard norm NF-G 07-
113;1972ClassesSurface of damaged areaAUp to 10 cm2B10-40 cm2C40-
100 cm2edge must not be reachedD100-200 cm2or below 100 cm2if the
edge has been reachedEAbove 200 cm2Response surface methodology is
an empiricalmodelization technique utilized to find a relationshipof
controlled experimental factors and observed results(Annadurai & Sheeja,
1998). The strategy includes amodel base knowledge achieved earlier by
set ofexperiments, more information is formulated based onexperimental
or statistical outcomes. In this study, theorganophosphorus FR finish was
utilized, with theingredients such as: Aflammit KWB, Quecodur slfconc,
Quecodur dm 70 and the phosphoric acid agentwere taken as substantial
variables A, B, C and D (Table2). The low, middle, and high levels of each
variablewere arranged as -1, 0, and +1 separately. Theconcentrations of
FR finish used, were taken as thecoefficients of experimental design of the
said variables.The predicted yield (Y) is calculated from the equationof
quadratic polynomial mathematical relationship offour independent
variables A, B, C and D on theresponse system. The experimental design
was adoptedby Box-Behnken, considering three experimental
results(damaged area, tensile strength and elongation) as theresponse
parameters of the model. used and the measure of reagents utilized in the
finish.At first, a set of experiments was performed utilizingthe
organophosphorus FR, later a response surfaceexperimental design was
applied to decide the ideal oroptimal concentrations of the finish by the
empiricaland observational conditions. The system variables,the physical
properties such as, damaged area, tensilestrength and elongation of the FR
treated fabric at everystage are outlined in Table 2.Table 3 demonstrates
the empirical relationshipsbetween the FR (Aflammit KWB) A, Quecodur
dm 70B, Quecodur slc conc C and phosphoric acid D. Theregression
equation was acquired after theinvestigation of finish reagents utilized
against thephysical properties of the cotton fabric as a componentof
damaged area, tensile strength and elongationparameters.Here Y1, Y2
and Y3 are the anticipated responsesfor the damaged area, tensile strength
and elongationby the Box-Behnken experimental design. The criticallevel
of the regression equations and squareregressions of the considerable
responses are givenin Table. The R2 is the coefficient of determination
ofthe model, models with R2 values above 60% is viewedas legitimate or a
valid model. Though, the variety ofprobability (P) > F estimations of a
model demonstratesthe coefficient of significance and a
relationshipbetween the variables. Lower the P values, higher willbe the
significance of the relating coefficient (Cui et al.2006).Table 3 showed that
the analysis of variance (F-test) for the experimental results, and the
coefficient ofdetermination (R2) was shown above 92% in all theresponses
of finish reagents used. As the modelsconceded the minimum R2 value
(60%), which is theratio of significance, indicates the precision and
overallability of the polynomial models to be accepted forfurther analysis.
Whereas, the P-values in both modelsare up to the mark, it can be seen
that the value of
‘‘probability (P) > F’’ is less than 0.0500 in all theresponses, suggesting the
model is highly significant.The response equations for predicting yield Y,
showsthe reliability of the process over the assortedexperimental
conditions of both formulations with adegree of accuracy.For a general
view, the combustibility of FR cottonfabric treated with the most reduced
reagents of theorganophosphorus FR finish (Run 3 – Table 2) hasbeen
diminished to 6.8% from 100%. While, finish withthe highest reagents
(Run 22 – Table 2) of theorganophosphorus FR treated cotton fabric
losesmechanical properties to 40% and 16.05% in elongationand tensile
strength. This radical change in themechanical properties can be
controlled by achievingthe optimal finishing reagents statistically.
Previouslystated, the model is satisfactory and the surface plotscan be
utilized for evaluating the estimations of surfaceresponse for ideal or
optimal finishing reagents for theyield response parameters with the
decreased damagearea and enhanced mechanical properties of the
FRcotton fabrics.The three-dimensional (3D) response surface plotsare
utilized for better examination and finish impacts offour variables on
physical properties of the cottonfabric. As found in Fig. 2, the individual
impact of theparameters, for example, crosslinking reagents(Quecodur
dm 70 and Quecodur slc conc) has a lesscritical impact on the
combustibility of theorganophosphorus FR for the cotton fabric.
However,the consolidated impact of the FR and crosslinkingreagents has a
potent impact on the combustibility, asthe damaged area is diminished
with the increasedcrosslinking reagents utilized as a part of the
finish.Indeed, formaldehyde as a crosslinking agent build astrong bonding
among the MDPA and cellulose (Wuet al., 2005). Besides, it can be seen
that theconcentration of phosphoric acid likewise has lessindividual
impact on the combustibility of the fabric,as seen in Fig. 2C, yet the
aggregate impact with FRfinish has an average effect on the fabric. The
cellulosicfabrics respond effectively with MDPA in acidiccatalyzed
conditions, utilizing phosphoric acid (Yanget al., 2006). In addition, clearly
the organophosphorusFR finishing has a notable control over
combustibilityof the fabric, when the amount of reagents is right. Inany
case, the general effectiveness of theorganophosphorus FR finish
indicated less damagedarea of the cotton fabric, as seen in Fig. 2, which
isbecause of a synergistic impact of nitrogen conveyedfrom formaldehyde
sources in the occurrence ofphosphorous (Edward et al., 2008).The
anticipating yield from the empiricalequation for the damaged area
(Y1) for theorganophosphorus FR finishing reagents for cottonfabric,
recommends that for the combustibilityconsider; A, B and C are the
significant parametersof the model (see Table 3).Fig. 3 and Fig. 4,
demonstrates the impacts of FRfinishing reagents on the cotton fabric‘s
mechanicalproperties. It can be seen, that the tensile strength
andelongation indicated reduced, yet stable propertieswith the
organophosphorus FR finish. In the mean time,as the concentration of
phosphoric acid increased, theelongation and tensile strength was reduced,
as seenin Fig. 3C and Fig. 4C, which is obvious that the
phosphoric acid has adverse effects on the cottonfibers. From the empirical perspective,
for the tensilestrength (Y2) predicting yield, parameter A and for theelongation (Y3)
predicting yield, A C, BD and A2 arethe significant parameters (see Table 3).The optimal
concentrations for theorganophosphorus FR finish was investigated from thenumerical
optimization approach with the assistanceof software Design-Expert form 7.0.0 (StatEase,
trialversion) and is shown in Table 4. As the aim of thisstudy was to get the optimal or
ideal finishconcentration for the organophosphorus FR cottonfabric having certain GMS
with least combustibility andmaximum mechanical properties. Finally, a test wascarried at
the optimal concentrations with anticipatedresults taken from the model can be found in
the Table4. It was observed that in the organophosphorus FRwith concentrations of
Aflammit KWB [296g/l],quecodur dm 70 [40g/l], quecodur slf [56g/l] andphosphoric
corrosive [25g/l] will give the optimalresults, dependent to wanted parameters. It
isinteresting to see that the optimal concentrationsfocusing singular parameters are not
the same as eachother, which is clear for a reason that for bettercombustibility the
fabric needs more FR andcrosslinking reagents. While, lower concentrations ofFR and
crosslinking reagents gives better mechanicalproperties of the cotton fabric.The related
experimental and predicted valueswere analysed and the percentage errors
werecalculated to be 5.41% for damaged area, 2.04% forelongation and 0.68% for
tensile strength, in theorganophosphorus FR finish. The negligibledifference between
the anticipated and actual resultsare within the permissible limits indicating the
finishconcentration obtained by the response surfacemethodology were
practical.CONCLUSIONSIn this work, a response surface methodology wasemployed to
study the effects of reagentconcentrations on the finishing process andoptimization
of the parameters to attain the optimalformulation using Box-Behnken design. The R-
squaredvalues of the responses were above 92%, confirmingmodel is significant.
Nevertheless, the synergisticimpact of each reagent utilized have immediate orpeculiar
importance on combustibility or the mechanicalproperties. The experimental estimations
of the ideal oroptimal conditions chosen, were comparably similar tothe predicted values
in the formulation indicates theadequacy of the model.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThis work
was comprehended in the framework ofprogramme SMDTex which is financed by
theEuropean Commission under Erasmus Mundus.REFERENCESAnnadurai, G. and Sheeja,
R.Y. (2006). Use of BoxBehnken design of experiments for the adsorption ofverofix
red using biopolymer. Bioprocess engineering, 18(6), 463-466.Antia, F.K., Baldry, P. and
Hirschler, M. (1982).Comprehensive study of the effect of composition on theflame-
retardant activity of antimony oxide and halogenatedhydrocarbons in thermoplastic
polymers. EuropeanPolymer Journal, 18, 167-175.Blum, A., Gold, M.D., Ames, B.N.,
Kenyon, et al. (1978).Children Absorb Tris-Bp Flame Retardant from Sleepwear- Urine
Contains Mutagenic Metabolite, 2, 3-Dibromopropanol. Science, 201 (4360), 1020-
1023.Cui, F.J., Cui, Y., Xu Z., Xu, H., Sun, K. and Tao, W. (2006).Optimization of the medium
composition for productionof mycelial biomass and exo-polymer by Grifola
frondosaGF9801 using response surface methodology. BioresourceTechnology, 97, 1209–
1216.Cullis, M.M., Hirschler, C., and Tao, Q. (1991). Studies ofthe effects of phosphorus-
nitrogen-bromine systems on thecombustion of some thermoplastic polymers.
EuropeanPolymer Journal, 27, 281-289.Edward, D. and Weil-Sergei, V.L. (2008). Flame
Retardantsin Commercial Use or Development for Textiles. Journal ofFire Science,26,
243.Katovic, D., Grgac, S. F., Bischof-Vukusic, S. and Katovic,A. (2012). A Formaldehyde
Free Binding System for FlameRetardant Finishing of Cotton Fabrics. Fibers & Textiles
inEastern Europe, 94-98.NF EN ISO-13934-1, “Tensile properties of fabric-part-
1,determination of maximum force and elongation using stripmethod,” 2013.NF-G 07-113.
“Methods for assessing the burning behaviourof textiles Classification of damaged area,”
1972.Piccinini, P., Senaldi, C. and Summa, C. (2007) EuropeanCommission Joint Research
Centre. European Survey onthe Release of Formaldehyde from Textiles: Selection
ofProducts. Saarbrucken: Dictus Publishing.Ravichandrana, S., Bouldinb, R.M., Kumarc,
J. andNagarajan, R. (2011). A renewable waste material forthe synthesis of a novel non-
halogenated ûame retardantpolymer. Journal of Cleaner Production, 19 (5), 454-
458.Uddin, F. (2013). Recent Development in Combining FlameRetardant and Ease-Care
Finishing for Cotton. CelluloseChemistry and Technology, 47 (5-6), 469-477.Van der Veen,
Boer, D.J. (2012). Phosphorus flameretardants: properties, production, environmental
phosphoric acid has adverse effects on the cottonfibers. From the empirical perspective,
for the tensilestrength (Y2) predicting yield, parameter A and for theelongation (Y3)
predicting yield, A C, BD and A2 arethe significant parameters (see Table 3).The optimal
concentrations for theorganophosphorus FR finish was investigated from thenumerical
optimization approach with the assistanceof software Design-Expert form 7.0.0 (StatEase,
trialversion) and is shown in Table 4. As the aim of thisstudy was to get the optimal or
ideal finishconcentration for the organophosphorus FR cottonfabric having certain GMS
with least combustibility andmaximum mechanical properties. Finally, a test wascarried at
the optimal concentrations with anticipatedresults taken from the model can be found in
the Table4. It was observed that in the organophosphorus FRwith concentrations of
Aflammit KWB [296g/l],quecodur dm 70 [40g/l], quecodur slf [56g/l] andphosphoric
corrosive [25g/l] will give the optimalresults, dependent to wanted parameters. It
isinteresting to see that the optimal concentrationsfocusing singular parameters are not
the same as eachother, which is clear for a reason that for bettercombustibility the
fabric needs more FR andcrosslinking reagents. While, lower concentrations ofFR and
crosslinking reagents gives better mechanicalproperties of the cotton fabric.The related
experimental and predicted valueswere analysed and the percentage errors
werecalculated to be 5.41% for damaged area, 2.04% forelongation and 0.68% for
tensile strength, in theorganophosphorus FR finish. The negligibledifference between
the anticipated and actual resultsare within the permissible limits indicating the
finishconcentration obtained by the response surfacemethodology were
practical.CONCLUSIONSIn this work, a response surface methodology wasemployed to
study the effects of reagentconcentrations on the finishing process andoptimization
of the parameters to attain the optimalformulation using Box-Behnken design. The R-
squaredvalues of the responses were above 92%, confirmingmodel is significant.
Nevertheless, the synergisticimpact of each reagent utilized have immediate orpeculiar
importance on combustibility or the mechanicalproperties. The experimental estimations
of the ideal oroptimal conditions chosen, were comparably similar tothe predicted values
in the formulation indicates theadequacy of the model.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThis work
was comprehended in the framework ofprogramme SMDTex which is financed by
theEuropean Commission under Erasmus Mundus.REFERENCESAnnadurai, G. and Sheeja,
R.Y. (2006). Use of BoxBehnken design of experiments for the adsorption ofverofix
red using biopolymer. Bioprocess engineering, 18(6), 463-466.Antia, F.K., Baldry, P. and
Hirschler, M. (1982).Comprehensive study of the effect of composition on theflame-
retardant activity of antimony oxide and halogenatedhydrocarbons in thermoplastic
polymers. EuropeanPolymer Journal, 18, 167-175.Blum, A., Gold, M.D., Ames, B.N.,
Kenyon, et al. (1978).Children Absorb Tris-Bp Flame Retardant from Sleepwear- Urine
Contains Mutagenic Metabolite, 2, 3-Dibromopropanol. Science, 201 (4360), 1020-
1023.Cui, F.J., Cui, Y., Xu Z., Xu, H., Sun, K. and Tao, W. (2006).Optimization of the medium
composition for productionof mycelial biomass and exo-polymer by Grifola
frondosaGF9801 using response surface methodology. BioresourceTechnology, 97, 1209–
1216.Cullis, M.M., Hirschler, C., and Tao, Q. (1991). Studies ofthe effects of phosphorus-
nitrogen-bromine systems on thecombustion of some thermoplastic polymers.
EuropeanPolymer Journal, 27, 281-289.Edward, D. and Weil-Sergei, V.L. (2008). Flame
Retardantsin Commercial Use or Development for Textiles. Journal ofFire Science,26,
243.Katovic, D., Grgac, S. F., Bischof-Vukusic, S. and Katovic,A. (2012). A Formaldehyde
Free Binding System for FlameRetardant Finishing of Cotton Fabrics. Fibers & Textiles
inEastern Europe, 94-98.NF EN ISO-13934-1, “Tensile properties of fabric-part-
1,determination of maximum force and elongation using stripmethod,” 2013.NF-G 07-113.
“Methods for assessing the burning behaviourof textiles Classification of damaged area,”
1972.Piccinini, P., Senaldi, C. and Summa, C. (2007) EuropeanCommission Joint Research
Centre. European Survey onthe Release of Formaldehyde from Textiles: Selection
ofProducts. Saarbrucken: Dictus Publishing.Ravichandrana, S., Bouldinb, R.M., Kumarc,
J. andNagarajan, R. (2011). A renewable waste material forthe synthesis of a novel non-
halogenated ûame retardantpolymer. Journal of Cleaner Production, 19 (5), 454-
458.Uddin, F. (2013). Recent Development in Combining FlameRetardant and Ease-Care
Finishing for Cotton. CelluloseChemistry and Technology, 47 (5-6), 469-477.Van der Veen,
Boer, D.J. (2012). Phosphorus flameretardants: properties, production, environmental.


 Tejidos de algodón
 Microscopio
 Placa de Petri
 Pinzas
 Mechero
 PC

Estructuras gramaticales

 Present time

A part of types, FRtextiles are utilized for diminishing their combustibility,in children
attires, car seats and pushchairs, and soon. (Blum et al., 1978)
Cotton fabrics being exceedinglycombustible are treated with FRs.
In FR finishes,crosslinking agents are added to enhance the fireresistance and
durability by building up a phosphorus-nitrogen synergistic impact (Uddin, 2013).
N-methylol dimethyl phosphonopropionamide (MDPA) is among the major FR materials
utilized for the cotton fabrics (Ravichandrana et al., 2011).
The TMM or DMU is used to increase the nitrogen content for the synergistic effect with
the phosphorus group of the MDPA FR.

 Pass Time
The prediction information was statistically obtained from the Box-Behnken design to
compare with the experimental results.
The plain woven fabric (150 GSM) was utilized and were cut into 32 x 18 cm
The experimental design was adopted by Box-Behnken, considering three experimental
results (damaged area, tensile strength and elongation) as the response parameters of the
For a factorial design of four independent variables, 25 experiments were necessary
The mechanical properties were carried out to check the fabric strength utilizing MTS
(2/M) testing framework.
 Future Time

Lower the P values, higher will be the significance of the relating coefficient (Cui et al.

VI. Conclusiones

1. Se encontró un artículo “Optimizing Organophosphorus Fire Resistant Finish for

Cotton Fabric UsingBox-Behnken Design” que ayudo en la optimización de la
fabricación de fibra con mayor resistencia el calor en la industria textil.

2. Terminología técnica:En el articulo se encontró palabras pertenecientes a la

terminología textil, aquí algunas de ellas:
- Tissue
- Finishes
- Fire Resistance
- Mechanical Properties Regression
- Equations
- Crosslinking Agents
- Cotton Fabrics
- Results of Actual Tests
- Heavy Duty Finishes

3. Se encontraron algunas estructuras gramaticales como el “past time”, present

time”y “future time”.

VII. Bibliografía

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