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Through the Looking-Glass

(Silenced Bodies in the works of women-authors of

Academic Film Center Belgrade)
Academic Kino Club was founded by students at the University of Belgrade in
1958. In 1976 it became known as Academic Film Center (AFC) at Culture
Centre “Studentski grad” in Belgrade. One of the most important of the film
clubs in the former Yugoslavia, it left its mark on experimental film culture in
Yugoslavia and Serbia through the work of the artists associated with it. By
the „artists” all the publications and history notes of the club have always
named the male authors. Invisible and unheard up until recently, women
authors of AFC add a different aesthetics and imaginary to the pages of the
Bojana Vujanović, PUTOVANjE, 1972, 2:00

Smilja Tadić, OLIMP, 1989, 8:00

Julijana Terek, Miroslav Bata Petrović, LIČNA DISCIPLINA, 1983, 30:00

Jelena Bešir, OGLEDALO, 2005, 8:00

Salise Hughes, YUGOSLAVIAN HOME MOVIES, 2013, 12:00

Nadin Poulain, SKY LINES, 2014, 10:00

Nina Kreuzinger, WECHSELSTROM, 2015, 12:30

Marija Kovačina, DOGS, MOON RIVER AND BAUDELAIRE, 2018, 4’   

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