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2) United States Patent oy (71) Applicant: GE ENERGY POWER CONVERSION TECHNOLOGY LID, Rugby (GB) (72) Inveator: Richard fan Stephens, Rugby (GB) (93) Assignee: GE ENERGY POWE CONVERSION TECHNOLOGY LID. (GB) (4) Notice: Subjoct to any disclaimer the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 USC. 154(b) by 30 days, (21) Appl. Nos 14095,952 (22) Filed: Now. 21,2013 ws) Prior Publication Data $ 201510142227 AL May 21, 2015 eC. Gasp im (2006.01) (2006.01), GOS 1/0208 (2013.01); B63H 29/42 (201301) (58) Field of Classification Search CPC -.... B6SH 25/42; BOSH 25/425: BOSH 25/48 63H 25/46; BOSH 25/465; BOSH 25/48 uspc 0121 Se aplication ile for complete search history. 56) References Cited USS. PATENT DOCUMENTS ostsan2 BL S686 BE 05 Bekker 73009, Wilson eta 'US009195234B2 a0) Patent No.: US 9,195,234 B2 (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 24, 2015 7818.03 B2 102010 Johansen ta Hin te "S012 keel — SoroomNsos) AL 43010 Stephens eal Zoisoow Ale 12013 Farer a ferry FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS au a0072ssoas 12.2007, ca Bess? 52012 eS o1essiso 3.2010 &N 11302 eS 12012 DE 42011 EP ist 2007 iP tet 32008 i go2ns 23009 P dieise 3/2010 i e201 1p $2012 (Continved) OTHER PUBLICATIONS Kongsberg, “Optimizing Complex Vessel Operstins", Kongsberg K-Pos Dynami Positioning, Page No. 31, May 2006 * (Continsed) Primary Examiner Pacey Jabr Assistant Examiner — Aaron L, Troost (74) Attornes, Agent, or Firm (Operation; Catherine J. Toppin GE Global Patent on Dynamic positioning systems and methods for controlling thrusters ofa vessel. dynamic positioning system inclides ‘acontollercontigured o predict positon and heading ofthe ‘vessel and efficiently control the the thrusters based on the predicted position and heading. ABSTRACT 18 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets oa aa |] _ Postion Paar, Pe Conroe wwferggagen tere i) ces, [iemree| Sir un | ‘MODEL APPLICATION | eo ~| THrusrens on | Fait Fut! ing " ‘CONTROL r cae US 9,195,234 B2 Page 2 66) References Cited wo wo20l10m@s + e201, 3 Womans” 630i Wo Wooonrzero —soaott FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS. Wo Nouoibesies "23018 Wo Wonottom——@a012 we rsoeu 3208 5 Bet ct 5s apps Sa OTHER PUBLICATIONS mows 112003 Kongsberg. “A New Cost for Fl Tight DP Con, Dynamic CS et Pouloning Conf, Sop. 119.200 Wo Wonoororor Toon Wo | Wo2o7lns37 122007 * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Nov. 24, 2015 Sheet 1 of 6 US 9,195,234 B2

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