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UPG/IPG/TDDH - Proiect de diplomă Burduja Gheorghe

In the theme on paper "The design of the mixing pipe linking the 1837 probe to
the 34 Talpa park with the study of the various parameters that alter the corrosion speed"
research has covered the factors that characterize the behavior of the mixture under the
action pipeline corrosion due to the working environment, and other factors (pressure, the
operating temperature of the transported fluid etc.). This paper addresses the issue of
sustainability of relatively small pipes connecting the probe mixture park extraction of
crude oil separation and implementing solutions based on the study to brainstorm probe
Talpa 1837. Through the analyses of oil extracted and based on the history that we have
related to the average lifespan of a mixing lines, we were drawn to a number of
conclusions about growth sustainability of triphasic mixing pipe.
Researchers in the literature state that soil corrosion may be related to a number
of factors including soil resistivity, the level of dissolved salts, moisture content, pH level,
oxygen concentration and the presence of bacteria. However the only factor that is
consistently found to control corrosion of ferrous metals is soil moisture content.
In chapter 1 flow line 1837 sole probe mixture separation park is presented where
the oil is analyzed and measured. Also in this chapter presents data placement of pipe
mixture in relation to underground electrical cables, underground telephone cables etc.
In the next chapter the constructive design of the mixing pipe with the laying of
pipe sections is presented inner diameter of the pipe based on hydraulic calculation, wall
thickness and pipeline verification.
In the 3rd chapter we discuss ways to combat pipe corrosion, we exemplify types
of corrosion, mixing lines were presented with general information and examples related
to different types of protection, polarization and cathodic protection anode extra (for
This chapter details the corrosion of oil pipelines, corrosion protection system,
information on the mixture pipe insulation, cathodic protection training approaches. This
chapter also presents information about devices called isolating spools and their
installation, grounding and cathodic protection line mixture and current demand
calculation of the pipeline.

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