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Financial Econometrics Using Stata 9 wnat ne watouce oot $46.00 wasouce Asie preven Copyne 2016 ‘Comment from the Stata technical group ‘nana Eonenercs Ung Sat by Sans Sf ane Gotan Lisa poe accretions ness aa oo dn Sata Sie eae mt ries gan ste many potas et tec ns ny ma Discovering Structural Equation Modeling Using Stata Discovering Structural Equation Modeling Using Stata: Revised Edition ‘lan Ceo a September 19,2013 by Stata Press Reference -206 Pages 1s QW 5781597181396 cave N11029, Discovering Structural Equation Modeling Using Stata Table of contents View table of contents >> Dedication List of tables List of figures List of boxes Preface Acknowledgments 1 Introduction to confirmatory factor analysis 4.1 Introducton 1.2 The "do not even think about it" approach 1.3 The principal component factor analysis approach 1.4 Alpha reliability for our nine-item scale 1.5 Generating a factor score rather than a mean or summative score 1.6 What can CFA add? 1.7 Fitting a CFA model 1.8 Interpreting and presenting CFA results 1.9 Assessing goodness of fit 1.9.1 Modification indices 1.9.2 Final model anc estmating scale reliability 1.10 A two-factor model 1.10.1 Evaluating the depression dimension 110.2 Estimating a two-factor model 4.11 Parceling 4.12 Extensions and what is next 113 Exercises +.AUsing the SEM Builder to run a CFA TA Drawing the model +LA2 Estimating the moce! 2 Using structural equation modeling for path models 21 Introduction 2.2 Pain model terminology 2.2.1 Exogenous predictor, endogenous outcome, and endogenous mediator variables 2.2.2 A hypothetecal path model 2.9 A substantive example of a path model 2.4 Eslimating @ model with correlated residuals 2.4.1 Eslimating direct, inltect, and total eftects 2.4.2 Strengtnening our path model and adaing covariates 2.6 Auciary variables 26 Testing equality of coefficients 27 Across-lagged pane! design 2.8 Moderation 2.9 Nonrecursive models 2.9.1 Worked example of 2 nonrecursive model 2.9.2 Stabitty of a nonrecurswve mode! 2.9.3 Model constraints 2.9.4 Equality constraints 2.10 Exercises: 2.6 Using ine SEM Bullver to run patn models 3 Structural equation modeling 91 Introduction 3.2 The classic example of a structural equation mode! ‘3.2.1 Identification of a ful structural equation model 3.2.2 Filing a ful structural equation model 3.2.3 Modifying our mode! 3.2.4 Inatrect emrects: 9.3 Equality constraints 3.4 Programming constraints 35 Structural model nith formative indicators 3.5.1 identification and estmation of a composite latent variable 8.52 Muliple indicators, multiple causes mode! 36 Exercises: 4 Latent growin curves 41 Discovering growth curves 4.2. simple groutn curve mace! {43 identiying a growin curve mode! 4.3.1 An intultve ea or laentmeation 4.8.2 identifying a quadratic growin curve 44 An example ofa linear latent grovih curve 44.1 latent gronth curve model for BO 44.2 Graphic representation of individual raectores (optional 4448 Intraciass correation (ICC) (optional) 44.4 Fiting a latent growth curve 445 Aading correlated adjacent error terms 4.4. Adding a quadratic iatentstope growtn factor 447 Aang a quadratic talent siope and eorrelaing adjacent exrar tx 45 How can we ade time-invariant covariates fo aur mace? 44511 Inlerpreting a moce! ith tinesnvarant covariates 46 Explaining the random emtects—tine-varying covariates “46.1 Fiting a model wit tme-Awarant ana time-varying covanates 4.6.2 ntertetng a moce! min timeanvanant anc time-varying covariates 47 Constraming vanances of error terms to De equal (optional) AB Exercises: 5 Group comparisons 5:1 Inieraction as atractional approach to muttiple-aroup comparisons. 5.2 The range of applications of Stata's mutiple-group comparisons wih sem 152.1 A.mutple ndeators, maliple causes model 522. measurement mode! 52.3 tl structural equation model 159. measurement mace! appleation 15.3.1 Step 1: Testng for invariance companng woren ana men 3.2 Step 2. Testing for invariant loadings 3.8 Step 3: Testing for an equal loadings and equal errorvanances mode! 5.9.4 Testing for equal intercepts 5.3.5 Comparison of models 5.366 Step 4. Comparison of means £.2,7 Step 5: Comparison of variances and covariance of latent variabies ‘5.4 Mulfiple-group path analysis 5.4.1 Wnal parameters are cinterent? £.42 Fitting the model with the SEM Bulder 5.43,A standardized solution 5.4.4 Constructing tables for publications 5.5 Muttple-group comparisons of structural equation models 86 Exercises 6 Epilogue—what now? 6.1 What is next? A The graphical user intertace ‘At Introduction 2 Menus for Windows, Unie, and Mac ‘2.1 The menus, explained ‘A22 The vertical graming toolbar A Designing a structural equation model ‘Ad Drawing an SEM model ‘A Fiung 2 structural equation model ‘AS Postestimation commands 7 Clearing preferences and restoring the defaults, B Entering data from summary statistics Reterences ‘Author index Subject index An Introduction to Stata Programming, Second Edition amor Casoer San ewok || nae ua: tare Cont 2018 $62,000 apes: 41: pape ma ce: 6200 Anse proven eve Sauna ‘Comment from the Stata technical group Chr F nt Anno Sins Pagan, Seco or 3 pel tence fr anyone wo wns nS paging ‘um ssn rence have oe fmt nh Sh, eae wow eo program hh ook ccs, He begs y nea reranmig concep ane base bos Moe saad panning oes sth a rhees and piss ana lnc anion cravat ust Naa Soaraoshrosce trate bot some amps An Introduction to Survival Analysis Using Stata, Revised Third Edition ‘nae so cone 28 es ot ost Aint prover ‘sows tani rae ‘Comment from the Stata technicsl group ‘29 touconw Sart nays Ung Sa, Rese Td Ens ees ss roksan wo ware. eam sun 95 ‘ere etme cr ef we een sua ana bu ea 3 eco mig Safes Se Ths ako wes as ‘Siutretrenccte mane assis senna pence ong sta ana ae an “Terese eatin hs eon pee or Sia 14 ates are econ neve mats ac gral neh ements ‘2SSGn insvausue nego poses wma eters te margins aarp oman sane eon Manes Introduction to Time Series Using Stata == [= scons om re] =F $2200 oops = mee Side ee rete even ov a oak Heme S25 Comment from the Stata technical group mca Tae Sores Us Sat, oan Behe prone a ace 9461 Wong Wn Ne ss aug Send ppl aOR ‘age of es, Te may rages coe eaten hat ts en Fun ape seat aot en oars ates cee UI So'sere metas mae Cok ng ate scaemk oes ba abo patos n sy end overnee ‘The eak apppritcbo fray Sila ots analoreperencedunets ta mene tm see sa Cases ros ami ett pea arocuteno Sala. high ale eae user nots eo get stata wing Saar te sens ‘ones Chap 28a uck eee cn eeston end Wpoteaslestng anak etos hy concep Suna ite ove, uso an ap eo Flexible Parametric Survival Analysis Using Stata: Beyond the Cox Model shrs: ate Royson and PC me —— Coo 2 $5000 me tig ore serorss Freee) Pages: 7, panera Anace even ‘Comment from the Stata technical group esearnes using 1 egiesson os Surv daz have np asa ne ut ask of nos been he Cox ade aptamer sua {Soon eout vise Cr ner mats nal sang autem ste bane as nn eon ae eed ‘rete agen Sto coats hdres ck aesmptons Me esig esse ves ee ht an co hoses hte [Rona secuvtenenihe sored te timer Parmeter once anh eae by asm. unsenl am tiehaad et

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