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Gastroenteritis outbreaks of Shigella organisms, and Aeromonas species

Bacterial gastroenteritis has many causes, can range are associated with exposure to the marine environment.
from mild to severe, and typically manifests with
symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal Animal-borne bacteria
discomfort. It is usually self-limited, but improper Animals can transmit particular bacteria. Exposure to
management of an acute infection can lead to a young dogs or cats is associated
protracted course. with Campylobacter transmission. Exposure to turtles is
associated with Salmonella transmission.
Signs and symptoms
An index of suspicion can be generated for a specific set Travel-associated infections
of potential causative pathogens by considering the Travel history is an important and useful clue in
following stool characteristics: determining bacterial etiology. Enterotoxigenic E coli is
 Appearance
the leading cause of traveler's
 Volume
diarrhea. Rotavirus, Shigella, Salmonella,
 Frequency
and Campylobacter species are prevalent worldwide and
 Presence or absence of blood
need to be considered, regardless of specific travel
 pH
 Presence or absence of reducing substances
The risk of contracting diarrhea while traveling is the
 White blood cell (WBC) count
highest in Africa. Travel to Portugal, Spain, and Eastern
 Serum WBC count
European countries is also associated with a relatively
high risk. Organisms associated with travel to particular
Food-borne bacteria locations are as follows:
Particular foods are associated with certain bacteria.  Nonspecific - Enterotoxigenic E
Ingestion of raw or contaminated food, particularly raw coli and Aeromonas, Giardia, Plesiomonas,
milk and meat, is a common cause of bacterial Salmonella, andShigella species
gastroenteritis. The following list outlines organisms that  Developing tropics - C perfringens
cause food poisoning:  Africa - Entamoeba species and Vibrio cholerae
 Dairy - Campylobacter, Salmonella, Listeria,  Americas (South and Central)
and Staphylococcus species - Entamoeba species and V cholerae
 Eggs - Salmonella species  Asia - V cholerae
 Meats - C  Australia, Canada, Europe - Yersinia species
perfringens and Salmonella, Aeromonas, Campylo  India - Entamoeba species and V cholerae
bacter, and Staphylococcusspecies  Japan, North America (Atlantic coast [8] ) - V
 Ground beef - Enterohemorrhagic E coli parahaemolyticus
 Poultry - Campylobacter species  Mexico - Aeromonas, Entamoeba,
 Pork - C perfringens and Y enterocolitica Plesiomonas, and Yersinia species
 Seafood  New Guinea - Clostridium species
- Aeromonas, Plesiomonas, Vibrio species, and
astrovirus Bacteria associated with preexisting conditions
 Oysters - Plesiomonas and Vibrio species and
Preexisting medical conditions can predispose patients to
calicivirus infections with particular organisms. The following list
 Vegetables - Aeromonas species and C
outlines such medical conditions and their associated
perfringens organisms:
 C difficile - Hospitalization with antibiotic
 Alfalfa sprouts - Enterohemorrhagic E
coli and Salmonella species administration
 Plesiomonas species - Liver diseases or
 Fried rice - Bacillus species
 Custards, mayonnaise - Staphylococcus species
 Salmonella species - Intestinal dysmotility,
A study by Calbo et al reported a foodborne nosocomial
outbreak due to extended-spectrum β-lactamase malnutrition, achlorhydria, hemolytic anemia
(ESBL)–producing Klebsiella pneumoniae. [20] This may (especially sickle cell disease),
be the first reported hospital outbreak that provides immunosuppression, and malaria
 Rotavirus - Hospitalization
evidence that food can be a transmission vector for
 Giardia species - Agammaglobulinemia, chronic
ESBL K pneumoniae.
pancreatitis, achlorhydria, and cystic fibrosis
Water-borne bacteria  Cryptosporidia - Immunocompromise and
Water is a major reservoir for many organisms that cause immunosuppression
diarrhea. Swimming pools have been associated with
Enteritis is the inflammation of your small intestine. mual atau muntah. Penyakit malaria sebagian besar
terjadi di daerah pedesaan.
 Hepatitis
Some common bacteria that cause enteritis include:
Merupakan penyakit endemik yang terjadi di beberapa
negara, disebabkan oleh infeksi virus hepatitis. Hepatitis
 Salmonella terbagi dalam 5 jenis, yaitu hepatitis A, B, C, D, dan E.
 Escherichia coli (E. coli) Indonesia merupakan negara dengan jumlah
 Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) penderita hepatitis B terbesar kedua di negara Asia
 Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) Tenggara setelah Myanmar.
 Shigella  Kusta
 Yersinia enterocolitica (Y. enterocolitica) Kusta atau dikenal juga sebagai lepra adalah penyakit
 Bacillus species yang disebabkan oleh infeksi Mycobacterium
leprae. Kusta menyerang beberapa bagian tubuh, di
You can also get enteritis when you come into close antaranya adalah saraf dan kulit. Gejala yang
contact with other people or animals that are infected. ditimbulkan dari penyakit kusta antara lain kulit
This is less common. mengalami bercak putih atau merah seperti panu, dan
kesemutan hingga mati rasa pada saraf tepi. Di
Indonesia, pria lebih banyak menjadi penderita kusta
Symptoms of enteritis can start anywhere from a few
dibandingkan wanita.
hours to a few days after infection. Symptoms may
 Filariasis
Filariasis atau dikenal sebagai penyakit kaki
gajah adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan infeksi
 diarrhea cacing filaria yang ditularkan melalui gigitan nyamuk
 nausea and vomiting sebagai perantara penyakit ini, dan menyebar hampir di
 loss of appetite semua wilayah di Indonesia. Filariasis dapat menyerang
 abdominal cramps and pain semua golongan tanpa mengenal usia dan jenis kelamin.
 pain, bleeding, or mucus-like discharge from the Filariasis dapat menimbulkan kecacatan seumur hidup
rectum dan rasa tidak nyaman akibat pembengkakan di berbagai
 fever bagian tubuh. Edukasi yang kurang mengenai kondisi ini
Dx pada lapisan masyarakat tertentu, menyebabkan
Clinical dx: berdasar gejala medis + keluhan pasien, penderitanya kerap dikucilkan oleh lingkungan sekitar.
drpd diagnostic test
Lab dx: berdasar kpd hasil lab / tes drpd PF. India
Radiology dx: berdasar kpd hasil imaging 1. Malaria:
Principal dx: 1 Dx yg paling relevan sama keluhan The risk of getting malaria extends to almost the entire
utama pasien / kebutuhan Tx population in India (almost 95 percent). The following
Admitting dx: Dx yg diberikan sebagai alasan knp states that have the highest number of malaria cases are
pasien masuk RS, bisa beda sama masalah sebenernya Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Karnataka,
ato dari discharge Dx (Dx yg recorded saat pasien Rajasthan, Assam, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh.
discharged) 2. Typhoid:
DDx: proses identifikasi semua kemungkinan Dx yg Indian Statistics Typhoid fever is endemic in India.
nyambung sama SnS, lab, kemudian rule out” sampe Health surveys conducted by the Central Ministry of
ketemu yg final. Health in the community development areas indicated a
Endemik Indo morbidity rate varying from 102 to 2,219 per 1, 00,000
Selain penyakit DBD, ada beberapa penyakit endemik population in different parts of the country. A limited
lainnya di Indonesia, di antaranya adalah sebagai study in an urban slum showed 1 percent of children up
berikut: to 17 years of age suffer from typhoid fever every year.
 Malaria Carriers of Typhoid Fever Typhoid infection is mainly
Malaria adalah penyakit yang ditularkan melalui gigitan acquired from persons who are carriers of the disease.
nyamuk Anopheles betina yang Carriers are the people who continue to excrete
mengandung plasmodium, yaitu parasit penyebab salmonella through their urine and feces a year after an
malaria. attack of typhoid. A chronic carrier state develops in
Penyakit ini dapat menyerang semua kelompok umur, about 2 to 5 percent of the cases. The organisms in such
termasuk laki-laki maupun perempuan. Gejala yang cases make the gall bladder their habitat.
dikeluhkan meliputi demam, menggigil, sakit kepala,
3. Hepatitis: Diarrhoea is a major public health problem in
Hepatitis is the inflammation of liver. It can be caused developing countries. Diarrhoeal diseases cause a heavy
by viruses (five different viruses— termed A, B, C, D economic burden on health services. About 15 percent of
and E cause viral Hepatitis), bacterial infections, or all pediatric beds in India are occupied by admissions
continuous exposure to alcohol, drugs, or toxic due to gastroenteritis. In India, diarrhoeal diseases are a
chemicals, such as those found in aerosol sprays and major public health problem among children under the
paint thinners, or as a result, of an auto-immune age of 5 years. In health institutions, up to a third of total
disorder. pediatric admissions are due to diarrhoeal diseases.
Hepatitis A: 7. Amoebiasis:
Hepatitis A is a self-limiting disease that is found all Amoebiasis is an infection caused by a parasite
across the world. It is usually transmitted through oral ‘Entamoeba Histolytica. The intestinal disease varies
ingestion of infected material (mainly water), but from mild abdominal discomfort and diarrhoea to acute
sometimes transmitted parenterally; most cases resemble fulminating dysentery. Extra intestinal amoebiasis
the symptoms of a mild flu attack and jaundice is mild includes involvement of the liver (liver abseess), lungs,
too. brain, spleen, skin, etc.
Hepatitis B: Amoebiasis is a common infection of the human
Hepatitis B is an acute vital disease. It primarily spreads gastrointestinal tract. It has a worldwide distribution. It
parenterally, but sometimes orally as well. However, the is a major health problem in the whole of China south-
main mode of spread is intimate contact and from east and west Asia and Latin America, especially
mother to the new born. Fever, anorexia, nausea, Mexico. It is generally agreed that amoebiasis affects
vomiting are the initial symptoms, and they soon lead to about 15 percent of the Indian population. Amoebiasis
severe jaundice, urticarial skin lesions, arthritis, etc. has been reported throughout India.
Some patients become carriers or even remain 8. Cholera:
chronically ill, even though most patients recover in Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal disease caused by V.
about three to four months. Cholera (classical or El T). It is now commonly due to
Hepatitis C: the El T or biotype. The majority of infections are mild
Hepatitis C is a viral disease commonly occurring after or symptomatic. Epidemics of cholera are
transfusion or parenteral drug abuse. It frequently characteristically abrupt and often create an acute public
progresses to a chronic form that is usually asympto- health problem. They have a high potential to spread fast
matic, but may involve liver cirrhosis. and cause deaths. The epidemic reaches a peak and
Hepatitis D: subsides gradually as the ‘force of infection declines.
Hepatitis D or Delta Hepatitis is caused by the Hepatitis Often, when time control measures are instituted, the
D virus. It usually occurs simultaneously with or as a epidemic has already reached its peak and is waning.
super infection in case of Hepatitis B, thus increasing its 9. Brucellosis:
severity. Brucellosis is one of the major bacterial zoonoses, and in
Hepatitis E: humans is also known as undulent fever, Malta fever or
Hepatitis E is transmitted by the oral fecal route; usually Mediterranean fever. It is occasionally transmitted to
by contaminated water. Chronic infection does not occur humans by direct or indirect contact with infected
but acute infection may be fatal in pregnant women. animals.
4. Jaundice: It is endemic wherever cattle, pigs, goats and sheep are
5. Leptospirosis: raised in large numbers. The important endemic areas for
Leptospirosis is a disease caused by a type of bacteria Brucellosis exist in Mediterranean zones, Europe,
and is associated with animals. It is more common in the Central Asia, Mexico and South America. Animal
tropical countries. The disease is also known as Brucellosis has been reported from practically every
canefield fever; cani- cola fever, field-fever, mud fever, state in India. However, no statistical information is
seven day fever and swineherd disease. Leptospirosis is available about the extent of infection in humans in
caused by different strains of bacteria of the genus various parts of the country. The prevalence of human
Leptospira. Of all the varieties that cause disease, Brucellosis is difficult to estimate. Many cases remain
Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae is the most serious type. undiagnosed either because they are not apparent, or
6. Diarrhoeal Diseases: because physicians in many countries are unfamiliar
The term gastroenteritis’ is most frequently used to with the disease.
describe acute diarrhoea. Diarrhoea is defined as the 10. Hookworm Infection:
passage of loose, liquid or watery stools. These liquid Hookworm infection is defined as: ‘any infection caused
stools are usually passed more than three times a day. by Ancylostoma or Necator’. They may occur as single
The attack usually lasts for about 3 to 7 days, but may or mixed infections in the same person through various
also last up to 10 to 14 days.
factors, which have to be prevented. Hookworm mosquitoes, their longevity and also determines the
infection is widely prevalent in India. development of parasite in the insect vector.
Necator americanus is predominant in south India, and 13. Tuberculosis:
Ancylostoms duodenal in north India. Recently, another Tuberculosis remains a worldwide public health
species, A. ceylanicum has been reported from a village problem, particularly in the Third World countries.
near Calcutta. The heavily infected areas are found in Tuberculosis is India’s biggest public health problem.
Assam (tea gardens). An estimated that 5, 00,000 deaths annually are reported
West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil due to this disease, while a similar number of persons
Nadu, Kerala and Maharashtra. More than 200 million get cured.
people are estimated to be infected in India. It is believed Widal
that 60 to 80 percent of the population of certain areas of Pemeriksaan serologi ini ditujukan untuk mendeteksi
West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Punjab, and adanya antibodi (didalam darah) terhadap antigen
the eastern coast of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh are kuman Samonella typhi / paratyphi (reagen). Uji ini
infected with hookworms. merupakan test kuno yang masih amat popular dan
11. Influenza: paling sering diminta terutama di negara dimana
Influenza is an acute respiratory tract infection caused by penyakit ini endemis seperti di Indonesia. Sebagai uji
influenza virus of which there are three types—A, B and cepat (rapid test) hasilnya dapat segera diketahui. Hasil
C. All known pandemics were caused by influenza A positif dinyatakan dengan adanya aglutinasi. Karena itu
strains, due to various factors. Influenza is found all over antibodi jenis ini dikenal sebagai Febrile
the world. agglutinin.Hasil uji ini dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor
In India alone, over six million people died during this sehingga dapat memberikan hasil positif palsu atau
pandemic. This pandemic was caused by what is now negatif palsu. Hasil positif palsu dapat disebabkan oleh
known as the swine influenza virus. Recent pandemics faktor-faktor, antara lain pernah mendapatkan vaksinasi,
occurred in 1957-58 owing to the influenza A (H2N2) reaksi silang dengan spesies lain (Enterobacteriaceae
and in 1968 owing to the influenza A (H3N2). Outbreaks sp), reaksi anamnestik (pernah sakit), dan adanya faktor
of influenza B also occur annually with epidemics rheumatoid (RF). Hasil negatif palsu dapat disebabkan
occurring at intervals of407 years. Influenza brought on oleh karena antara lain penderita sudah mendapatkan
by the type C virus occurs sporadically as small terapi antibiotika, waktu pengambilan darah kurang dari
outbreaks. 1 minggu sakit, keadaan umum pasien yang buruk, dan
12. Filariasis: adanya penyakit imunologik lain.
It is caused by a parasite, which belongs to the nematode Diagnosis Demam Tifoid / Paratifoid dinyatakan bila
family Filariasis. According to WHO reports, an a/titer O = 1/160 , bahkan mungkin sekali nilai batas
estimated 751 million people are at ‘risk’ for infection, tersebut harus lebih tinggi mengingat penyakit demam
and 120 million have actually been infected. The public tifoid ini endemis di Indonesia. Titer O meningkat
health problem of lymphatic filariasis is greatest in setelah akhir minggu.
China, India and Indonesia. These three countries Melihat hal-hal di atas maka permintaan tes widal ini
account for about two-thirds of the estimated world total pada penderita yang baru menderita demam beberapa
of persons infected. hari kurang tepat. Bila hasil reaktif (positif) maka
Filarial Problem in India: kemungkinan besar bukan disebabkan oleh penyakit saat
Filariasis is a major public health problem in India. itu tetapi dari kontrak sebelumnya.
There are an estimated six million attacks of acute
filarial disease per year, and at least 45 million persons PENILAIAN TES WIDAL
currently have one or more chronic filarial lesions. Titer widal biasanya angka kelipatan : 1/32 , 1/64 , 1/160
Heavily infected areas are found in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, , 1/320 , 1/640.
Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and – Peningkatan titer uji Widal 4 x (selama 2-3 minggu) :
Gujarat. dinyatakan (+).
The infection is acquired from a person who has – Titer 1/160 : masih dilihat dulu dalam 1 minggu
filariasis. The maximum infectivity is when the kedepan, apakah ada kenaikan titer. Jika
organisms are circulating the blood. The largest number ada, maka dinyatakan (+).
appears in the blood at night time, and retreats from the – Jika 1 x pemeriksaan langsung 1/320 atau 1/640,
blood stream during the day. Their usual habitat is in the langsung dinyatakan (+) pada pasien dengan gejala
lymph nodes. klinis khas.
Climate is an important factor in the epidemiology of Uji Widal didasarkan pada :
filariasis. Regions which are damp and moist and have – Antigen O ( somatic / badan )
stagnant water all year round afford a good breeding – Antigen H ( flagel/semacam ekor sebagai alat gerak )
ground for mosquitoes. It influences the breeding of
Jika masuk ke dalam tubuh kita, maka timbul reaksi and ~25 % is concentrated in the salivary glands and re-
antigen-antibodi. ANTIBODI terhadap : secreted into the mouth (Deri et al., 2005). Around 30 %
Antigen O : setelah 6 sampai 8 hari dari awal penyakit. (~0.3 mM) of this nitrate is reduced to nitrite by the oral
Antigen H : 10-12 hari dari awal penyakit. microbiota on the tongue (O’May et al.,
Uji ini memiliki tingkat sensitivitas dan spesifitas sedang 2005a, b; Deri et al., 2005). Acidification of the nitrite in
(moderate). the stomach generates nitric oxide: at the gastric level,
Pada kultur yang terbukti positif, uji Widal yang this molecule has antibacterial properties, and increases
menunjukkan nilai negatif bisa mencapai 30 persen. gastric motility, mucus production and mucosal blood
Tes Widal negative palsu dapat terjadi pada: flow (Deri et al., 2005).
Breakdown of the aforementioned defence mechanisms
1. Carrier tifoid leads to bacterial overgrowth in the upper
2. Jumlah bakteri hanya sedikit sehingga tidak gastrointestinal tract (stomach and duodenum)
cukup memicu produksi antibody pada host. (O’May et al., 2005a, b), with the degree of overgrowth
3. Pasien sudah mendapatkan terapi antibiotika dependent upon the elevation of the gastric pH
sebelumnya. Pemberian antibiotika yang (Kerckhoffs et al., 2006).
dilakukan sebelumnya (demam –> kasih In addition to the numerous defence mechanisms
antibiotika –> tidak sembuh dalam 5 hari –> tes associated with the stomach, protection of the rest of the
Widal) sehingga dapat menghalangi respon digestive tract from foreign microbes comes in the form
antibodi. Padahal sebenarnya bisa positif jika of hepatic and pancreatic secretions and secretions from
dilakukan kultur darah the small intestine. Bile acids are synthesized (500–700
Tes Widal positif palsu dapat terjadi pada: ml per day) by the liver from cholesterol and secreted
from the liver or gallbladder into the duodenum in the
1. Imunisasi dengan antigen Salmonella conjugated form (Dunne et al., 2001). These bile acids
2. Reaksi silang dengan Salmonella non tifoid. are chemically modified (i.e. deconjugated,
Beberapa jenis serotipe Salmonella lainnya dehydroxylated, dehydrogenated or deglucuronidated)
(misalnya S. paratyphi A, B, C) memiliki by gut bacteria. Both conjugated and deconjugated forms
antigen O dan H juga, sehingga menimbulkan of bile acids have been shown to have antibacterial
reaksi silang dengan jenis bakteri lainnya, dan properties, with the deconjugated forms being more
bisa menimbulkan hasil positif palsu. Padahal inhibitory and Gram-positive bacteria more sensitive
mungkin yang positif yaitu kuman non S. typhi than Gram-negative bacteria (Dunne et al., 2001). The
(bukan tifoid). difference in sensitivity between Gram-positive and
3. Infeksi malaria, dengue atau infeksi Gram-negative bacteria is largely due to differences in
enterobacteriaceae lain, tetanus, sirosis, dan the composition of their cell walls. An intact ileocaecal
lainnya. valve is also an important barrier to backflow of colonic
bacteria into the ileum
The upper digestive tract has several innate defences to
protect you from your own secretions and from
microbial invaders. These defences include mucus and
gastric acid, enterosalivary nitrate circulation, peristalsis
and lymphoid tissue in the form of Peyer’s patches.
Mucus, a bicarbonate-rich slimy substance secreted by
superficial epithelial cells throughout your stomach,
protects you from foreign microbes, and protects you
from your gastric acid. In general, bacteria and other
microbes that you ingest are destroyed by their exposure
to gastric (stomach) acid (Shaffer, 1997; Holzapfel et al.,
1998; Dunne et al., 2001; Guarner & Malagelada, 2003).
For this reason, the stomach is viewed as the main
barrier against entry of foreign microbes into the
gastrointestinal tract. However, it is important to note
that, even with its acidic environment, the stomach is not
Not chewing your food properly leads to reduced
peristalsis and reduced production of gastric acid and
saliva (O’May et al., 2005a, b). Inorganic nitrate
ingested as part of the diet is absorbed in the stomach

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