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nnassi\.e than 13 Jupiter masses disco\.ered in it lvas criticized for faul8 methodology ( I ) .

) . showing that genes play a major role in the

Orion and Perseus \\.ill look like the giant And there are t\vo studies that contradict etiology ofADHD ( 5 ) .Indeed its heritabili-
planets of our solar system when they be- Breggin's statement: one by Hechtman ( 2 ) . ty. about 70O.n. is similar to that seen for
come as old as Jupiter is. The definition of \vho found no evidence that stimulant expo- other complex genetic conditions ( 5 ) .
the lvord "planet" has been modified se\.eral sure predicted substance abuse, and another In another letter in the same issue. Fred
times in the last three millennia on the basis by Bieclei-?iiuiret al. ( 3 ) . in Lvhich we found Baughnlan argues that ADHD, rather than be-
o f an increasing scientific insight. O u r that phannacotherapy predicted an 84O.n re- ing a disorder. is simply the extreme of nor-
kno\vledge of the solar sqstem. other extra- duction in risk for substance abuse. Breggin mal beha~ioralvariation. There are many ex-
solar systems. and the substellar population also cites tn.o animal amples of extreme \.aria-
of the galaxy continues to expand. and thus studies ( I )as sho~ving tion being medic a 11.\.. ur-
lve can expect such kno~vledgeto be used to that stin~ulantsperma- gent. Hypertension and
refine definitions of terms such :is "planet" nently change the brain. hypercholesterolen~iaare
and to re\.eal the need for nelv terms. Hon-e1.c.r. these s t ~ ~ d i e s two such examples.
ed schedules Medicine treats extremes
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, that are not comparable of \.ariation if they are
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA ~viththerapeutic practice. associated ~vithdistress
91 125, USA. E-mail: And the authors of these or disability ADHD can
studies concluded that lead to antisocial beha\.-
the brain changes ob- ior. substance abuse.
ADHD: Disorder or
ser\.ed &ere re\.ersible. poor school functioning,
not pennanent. Breggin's traffic accidents. poor
Discipline Problem?
letter misses the point. It \.ocational functioning.
is the disorder. not its treatmtnt. lvhich is the and difficult marriages. It easily meets the
TREATING CHILDREN FOR ATTENTION DEFICIT public health problem. distress and disabilih criteria defined in psy-
hyperacti~itydisorder (ADHD) with stimu- Breggin also says that ADHD symptoms chiatr).'~diagnostic manual.
lant medications predisposes them to sub- "can be caused by anything from normal Stimulant medication. used for decades
stance abuse. according to Peter Breggin In childhood energy to boring classrooms or to treat ADHD symptoms. is safe and effi-
his letter to Sc,ietzcr ("Questioning the treat- overstressed parents and teachers." Blaming cacious Lvhen prescribed appropriately, The
ment for ADHD:' 26 Jan.. p. 595). In suppoit, parents and teachers is stigmatizing and idea that parent and teacher training can
he cites one article. 1 ~does
t not mention that counterproductive. It also ignores data duplicate this efficacy is Lvrong. That was

Pttcon Booth ~ 2 3 2
','.",'.",'! otiaus corn
Circle No. 6 on Readers' Service Card
shown by a National Institutes of Health the bureau's acting director must soon (in campaign, Daley delegated his authority
multisite trial (6). Denying children diag- late February) provide a recommendation to over the census to the bureau director, but
nosed with ADHD safe and effective treat- the current administration regarding the re- without the prospect of review for the deci-
ments is also wrong. Physicians should use lease of census data adjusted with results of sions taken. The binding status of such a rule
data, not dogma, when planning the treat- the Accuracy and Coverage Evaluation sur- is likewise unsettled legally .
ment of children afflicted with ADHD. vey, making clear the exact terms thereof is Finally, Prewitt warns against the intru-
STEPHEN V. FARAONE,'JOSEPH BIEDERMAN timely and necessary. sion of politics into census decisions. If, he
Department of Psychiatry, Haward Medical School First, in regard to the use of sarnple-ad- says, the decision to use adjusted data "is
and Massachusetts General Hospital, ACC 725, 15 justed data for "block level counts used for then overturned politically...[PIolitics will
Parkman Street, Boston, MA 02114-3139, USA drawing congressional district boundaries," have trumped science." High-minded as this
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Prewitt says that it is allowed "under current may sound an alternative formulation de-
E-mail: legal interpretation." But this matter is by no serves consideration. At the Brookings Insti-
References and Notes means settled as a legal issue. In the tution in March 2000, a speaker commended
1. E. Mick, j. Biederman, S. V. Faraone, J. Learn. Disabil. Supreme Court's January 1999 decision ( I ) , a recent book (2) by Peter Skeny about cen-
33,314 (2000).
2. L. Hechtman, Psychopharmacol. Bull. 21,178 (1985).
referring to the argument that 1976 census sus-related controversies in the following
3. j. Biederman, T. Wilens, E. Mick, T. Spencer, S. V. law intended to allow statistical estimation to terms: "I agree with Peter's book, and I quote
Faraone, Pediatrics 104 (no. 2), e2O (1999). alter district lines. the Court states. "Indeed
4. W. P. Melega, M.]. Raleigh, D. B. Stout, S. C. Huang, M.
E. Phelps, Behav. Brain Res. 84, 259 (1997);W. P. Mel-
it tests the limits of reason to suggest
ega etal.,Brain Res. 766, 113 (1997). that ...Members of Congress...intended to en- Letters to the Editor
5. S. V. Faraone and J. Biederman, Biol. Psychiatry 44, act what would arguably be the single most Letters (-300 words) discuss material published
951 (1998). in Science in the previous 6 months or issues
6. The MTA Cooperative Group, Arch. Cen. Psychiatry
significant change in the method of conduct-
ing the decennial census since its inception." of general interest. They can be submitted by
56, 1073 (1999).
e-mail (, the Web
Second, regarding the authority to release
(, or regular mail
adjusted data, Prewitt says that "federal regu- (1200 New York Ave., NW, Washington, DC
Politics of the Census lation specifies that...the final decision [will 20005, USA). Letters are not acknowledged
be] made by the director of the bureau" upon receipt, nor are authors generally con-
FORMER CENSUS BUREAU DIRECTOR KENNETH (rather than by the secretary of commerce). sulted before publication. Whether published
Prewitt makes three assertions in his Edito- Prewitt is referring to a rule issued by former in full or in part, letters are subject t o editing
rial "U.S. Census 2000: an update" (12 Jan., commerce secretary William Daley. Upon for clarity and space.
p. 209) that are subject to debate. Whereas assuming the chairmanship of a presidential

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