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Recent research has generated conflictingfindings regarding the role of employment

and earnings versus criminal justice sanctions in reducing crime. Further disagreement
exists over the relative eflectiveness of increased certainty versus increased severity of
punishment as deterrents to crime. This paper uses a large data set containing criminal
and labor market histories of a broad sample of young male arrestees to estimate an
economic model of crime. Deterrence, incapacitation, and criminal human capital ef-
fects are measured, and the effects of employment and earnings on criminal activity
are estimated. The results largely reconcile the conflicting findings from previous re-

I. INTRODUCTION tions led him to conclude that improved

In recent research, analyses of individ- labor market measures led to lower levels
ual-level data have led to conflicting con- of criminal activity than increased crimi-
clusions concerning the economic model nal sanctions. Further, while his results
of crime. Two points of contention have indicated that a decrease in crime was
arisen: first, whether increases in the se- associated with increasing severity of the
verity of punishment exert a stronger de- most recent sanction, he found an appar-
terrent effect than comparable increases in ently perverse positive effect associated
the certainty of punishment, and second, with increasing punishment certainty.
whether stronger criminal justice sanc- One is tempted to speculate that these
tions or better labor market performance results stem in some way from the charac-
more effectively reduces crime. Ann Witte teristics of the released prisoners, who on
[1980] concluded from her analysis of average had extensive criminal histories
North Carolina prison reIeasees that cer- prior to the observation period. Individu-
tainty of punishment carried a greater als with extensive prior imprisonment
deterrent effect than punishment severity, may simply be unable to find any but the
and that better labor market rewards had most menial jobs, leading them to prefer
relatively little effect on criminal activity. criminal activities in spite of apparently
In contrast, Samuel Myers’s [1983] analy- high risks of punishment. Further, the use
sis of the post-release experience of ex- of such specialized samples of individuals
prisoners in federal and Maryland institu- brings into question the extent to which
even corroborating findings could be gen-
eralized to inform policy.
* Assistant Professor, University of California, Phillips and Votey [1987] have recently
Santa Barbara. Earlier versions of this paper were cir- analyzed the effect of income and police
culated under the title “Further Evidence on the Eco-
nomic Model of Crime.” I would like to thank two contact measures on the proportion of
anonymous referees for very useful comments. Any income derived from illegitimate means.
remainingerrors are of course my own. Data collection They look at a broader population, exam-
was partially supported by a grant from the California
Department of Justice.The opinions and conclusions ining data from respondents to the 1980
expressed here are those of the author, and do not wave of the National Longitudinal Survey
represent the positions or policies of the California De-
partment of Justice or any other agency of the State Youth Cohort who admitted some contacts
of California. with police. While their results indicated

Economic Inquiry
Vol.XXIX, April 1991,297-309 @WesternEconomic Association International

that both police contacts and higher earn- II. T H E DATA

ings were negatively associated with their The data analyzed in the next section
outcome measure, the significance of their are taken from a unique longitudinal data
findings was sensitive to the exclusion of set established by merging official arrest
the roughly 15 percent of their sample records maintained by the California De-
members who reported the greatest num- partment of Justice with official earnings
ber of police contacts. records on file at the California Employ-
Taken as a whole, these mixed results ment Development Department (EDD).
are troubling and offer little guidance as Initially, men from two birth cohorts were
to the optimal mix of criminal justice and sampled from the central arrest file, which
labor market measures to be used in re- contains complete adult arrest records of
ducing crime. In this paper, a variant of nearly all individuals whose first adult
the economic model of crime is estimated arrest in California occurred after 1972.
from a sample of male arrestees in Califor- This file contains extensive information on
nia. Their criminal records range from a each arrest for a retainable offense2, as
single misdemeanor arrest to repeated fel- well as information on prosecution and
ony convictions and impris0nments.l sentencing, and limited demographic
The size of the sample and detailed items such as sex, race, and age. Arrests
information contained in the data allow are matched to individuals on the basis of
one to examine a broader set of questions fingerprints, assuring the accuracy of the
than previous authors could. In addition arrest records.
to measuring responses to increased cer- Earnings records for the period 1980 to
tainty and severity of punishment, I esti- 1986 are contained in EDD's central wage
mate the incapacitative effect of prison, files, which are used to determine eligibil-
that is, of the amount of crime prevented ity for unemployment insurance benefits.
during the time that the offender is iso- Earnings information is obtained from
lated from society. Furthermore, I find mandatory quarterly reports filed by em-
evidence of a criminal human capital ef- ployers covered by the unemployment in-
fect, a finding which has serious implica- surance system; virtually all non-federal
tions about the optimal mix of certainty employers are required to file.
versus severity of punishment as strate- Random samples of men on the arrest
gies to deter crime. file born in the years 1960 and 1962 were
The model is estimated using a gener- matched to their corresponding earnings
alized Poisson regression model. In addi- records on the basis of Social Security
tion, a specification test for endogeneity of number and last name. Procedures were
the regressors in such models is developed used to assure the anonymity of ail sub-
in section IV. jects, including third-party matching and
the removal of all personal identifiers
from the merged sample. About 60 percent
of the original sample members were
1. The broader representativeness of this sample matched to earnings records. Of those
compared to prison releasee samples is clear, particu-
larly in light of a recent estimate by Tillman 11987
that roughly one-third of all men in California are ar-
rested at least once between the ages of eighteen and
thirty, for an offense of sufficient severity to have re- 2. Retainable offenses include all chargesfor which
sulted in a jail term upon conviction.Furthermore, the the offender could receive an incarcerative sentence if
inclusion criterionfor this sample is similar to that for convicted. They therefore include such serious crimes
Phillips and Votey's [1987]"desister/persister" sam- as murder, rape, assault, burglary, and robbery, as well
ple, except that whereas formal police contact was re- as lesser charges such as shoplifting, fraud, and receiv-
quired for inclusion into the current sample, only in- ing stolen goods. Traffic offenses and minor infractions
formal contacts were required for inclusion in theirs. such as vagrancy are not included.

who were not matched, roughly half cipal dependent variable, NARR86, is the
lacked Social Security numbers, while number of times the individual was ar-
earnings records were simply missing rested in 1986. About 27 percent of the
from the wage files for the rest. While the sample was arrested at least once in 1986.
final merged sample members tended to Conditional on arrest, the mean number
have slightly more arrests on average than of arrests was about 1.5. NFARR86 and
the original sample members, and there NPARR86 give the number of felony and
were proportionately fewer Hispanics, the property crime arrests in 1986, respec-
departure from randomness does not tively. Eighteen and 9 percent of the sam-
seem too severe. ple were charged with these types of
Forty-eight percent of the sample were crimes, respectively. Conditional means
arrested only once in the seven- to nine- for both types of arrest were the same at
year period between their eighteenth 1.3.
birthdays and the end of 1986, and 21 As in all studies of crime, we are re-
percent reported earnings well in excess of stricted to analyzing noisy indicators
national per capita income. On the other rather than a direct measure of criminal
hand, several individuals were arrested activity itself. Arrests, of course, are not a
more than thirty times and were fre- measure only of criminal activity, but also
quently incarcerated during that period. of the response of law enforcement agen-
The age-arrest profile of the sample, cies to prevent such behavior. In the dis-
shown in Table I, is similar to others cussion below, I will generally interpret
reported in the criminal justice literature, the arrest measures as proxies for the
rising sharply during the teens and declin- individual's true level of criminal activity,
ing thereafter. Age- earnings profiles, also although I do point out particular in-
given in Table I, exhibit the same steep stances where alternative interpretations
increase as is usually reported for this age would lead one to draw differing substan-
group in the labor economics literature. tive conclusions.
These univariate relationships, then, The variable PCNV is the proportion of
would seem to indicate a role for labor adult arrests prior to 1986 which resulted
market policies as a tool to reduce crime. in convictions, that is, the number of adult
To generate the sample used in this convictions divided by the number of
analysis, all individuals were excluded for adult arrests. This is the estimator of the
whom no arrest, court, or earnings activity individual's expected certainty of punish-
was recorded in any of the years 1984 to ment. The next measure, AVGSEN, esti-
1986. This criterion, which resulted in the mates the expected severity of punish-
exclusion of 951 of the 14929 original sam- m e n t ~Two
. ~ measures were initially exam-
ple members, is an admittedly coarse ined, the average length of prison senten-
means to account for migration of the ces served since age eighteen, in months,
sample members, which is unobservable and the length of the most recent sentence.
in the data. It should be noted, however, Since results were very similar, only equa-
that the erroneous inclusion of individuals tions containing the first measure are re-
who had in fact left California (hence
whose earnings and criminal activity are
unobserved) would lead to a bias of the
estimates reported below toward zero, 3. In the criminology literature, these variables are
said to provide measures of specific deterrence, that
weakening the reported results relative to is, of the effect of a given individual's criminal justice
the true magnitudes. history on his current behavior. An analysis of general
Table I1 presents summary statistics of deterrence, or the effect of community law enforcement
efforts on individuals' behavior, is provided by
the variables used in the study. The prin- Tauchen et al. [1988].

Arrests and Earnings, by Age
Age 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Arrests per
100 persons 23 45 39 38 36 36 36 31 31

Earnings per
Capita 2656 3694 4538 5147 5714 6458 7079 8235 8475
11980 dollars)

ported below. Six percent of the sample leased from prison, whichever was more
spent some time in prison, among whom recent.
the average sentence served was about
thirteen months. The variable PTIME86
gives the number of months the individual I specify the conditional expectations of
spent in prison during 1986 and will pro- arrests as a (generally non-linear) function
vide an estimate of the incapacitative ef- of the explanatory variables described
fect of incarceration. TOTTIME measures above, as well as binary, mutually exclu-
the total amount of time the individual has sive race- ethnicity indicators BLACK and
spent in prison since age eighteen and can HISPANIC and a binary variable BORN60
be considered an indicator of criminal indicating 1960 birth. The simplest models
human capital as discussed by Myers of criminal activity, such as those of Becker
[1983] or Grogger [1989]. Among those [1968] or Ehrlich [1973], would yield the
with any prison time, the average time intuitive predictions that conviction prob-
served was eighteen months. abilities and expected sentences should
The next three variables are measures enter the equation with negative signs, as
of labor market opportunities. The first, should contemporaneous prison time for
QEMP86, is a measure of employment, obvious reasons. Total prison time is ex-
giving the number of quarters in 1986 pected to enter positively. Such simple
during which some positive earnings were theoretical models would also predict neg-
reported. INC86 is reported earnings for ative coefficients for the employment and
1986, expressed in hundreds of 1980 dol- earnings variables. Intuitively, one would
lars. It should be noted that only earnings expect the duration of the current jobless
from establishments which contribute to spell to enter the equation with positive
the unemployment insurance system are sign, indicating the greater attractiveness
included. For the time period covered, this of crime after longer periods of unemploy-
includes virtually all non-federal employ- ment.
ers. Not included, however, are cash or
any other under-the-table payments. DU- IV. ESTIMATION
RATION is a measure of the duration of The non-negative integer nature of the
the current spell of unemployment. For all dependent variable makes one of the so-
individuals who reported zero earnings in called count regression methods the natu-
the first quarter of 1986, DURATION gives ral choice in estimating the above model,
the number of quarters since the individ- as discussed by Hausman, Hall, and
ual last had positive earnings or was re- Griliches [1984]. Based on the Poisson

Summary Statistics
Variable Mean Variance Deviation Min Max
~~ ~

NARR86 0.40 0.70 0 13

NFARR86 0.23 0.34 0 7
NNFARR86 0.16 0.25 0 7
NPARR86 0.12 0.20 0 8
NNPARR86 0.28 0.42 0 9
PCNV 0.37 0.40 0 1
AVGSEN 0.70 3.61 0 59.2
TOTTIME 0.97 5.07 0 77.4
PTIME86 0.33 1.78 0 12
QEMP86 2.30 1.63 0 4
INC86 55.62 69.03 0 927.9
DURATION 2.25 4.59 0 25
BLACK 0.16 0 1
HISPANIC 0.21 0 1
BORN60 0.37 0 1
n - 13978
NARR =Number of 1986 arrests; NFARR86 = number of 1986 felony arrests; NNFARR86
= number of 1986 non-felony arrests; NPARR86 = number of 1986 property arrests; NNPARR86
= number of 1986 non-property arrests; PCNV = probability of conviction; AVGSEN = average
prison sentence length; TOTTIME = total prison time; PTIME86 = time in prison in 1986;
QEMP86 = quarters employed in 1986; INC86 = 1986 income; DURATION = duration of
current jobless spell; BLACK = 1 if black; HISPANIC = 1 if Hispanic; BORN60 = 1 if born in

probability distribution, which is defined hi= exp(X,p)

only over the set of non-negative integers,
these regression models achieve for count and p is the vector of regression coeffi-
variables what probit and logit do for cients to be estimated. The regression
binary data: they directly account for the function for the model is given as
important discreteness of the variable
being modelled and restrict predicted val- E(y,) = hi = var(yi).
ues to lie in the permissible range.
The basic Poisson regression model can The exponential functional form for E(yi)
be written as constrains predicted values to lie above
zero, which is clearly a desirable property
for a model of non-negative integers. The
p ( y i ) = hiyu e-’i/y, ! yi = OJ, ...; i = 1,..., n, mean-variance equality imposed by the
Poisson model has proven problematic in
where applied work, however, since most data

analyzed exhibit overdispersion, or vari- employment and conventional income. I

ance which exceeds the mean. Univariate therefore devised a specification test based
statistics exhibited in Table I1 provide ev- on Hausman's [1978] principle to test for
idence of considerable overdispersion the endogeneity of 1986 employment and
among the arrest measures to be analyzed earnings.
here. While overdispersion does not affect Assuming that the exponential func-
the consistency of the Poisson estimator, tional form of the regression function is
it does cause the standard errors to be bi- the correct specification, Gourieroux,
ased downward, inflating significance lev- Monfort, and Trognon [1984] have shown
els. that its parameters can be consistently
In these cases, the negative binomial estimated under the null of exogenous
model is often useful, since it is a model employment and earnings by maximizing
which generates overdispersion. It can be any (pseudo-) likelihood belonging to a
derived from the Poisson by assuming hi linear exponential family. This category
itself to be a random variable distributed includes the normal, Poisson, and nega-
according to a gamma distribution. It is tive binomial probability models. Of
written as course, if the model chosen is in fact the
correct model, the estimator is efficient as
well, achieving the Cramer-Rao lower
bound. Given the non- negative integer
and overdispersed nature of the data, the
negative binomial (NB) model was chosen
yi = 0,1, ...; i = 1,...,fl as the best candidate for the true model
from among the linear exponential family.
where hi is as above, r(.)is a gamma func- In addition to an estimator which is
tion, and a > 0 is a nuisance parameter es- consistent and efficient under the null
timated along with p. The regression func- hypothesis, Hausman's principle requires
tion is the same as for the Poisson model, an estimator which is consistent under the
while the variance is given by alternative as well. Amemiya's [1985] non-
linear instrumental variables (NLIV) esti-
mator meets this criterion. The instru-
var(yi) = h(l+ah,) ments used included the second and third
lagged values of employment and earn-
A specification test for the Poisson model ings, and interactions between the second
can be obtained as a test of H,: a = 0. Re- lag of arrests and of employment and
jection of the null hypothesis provides for- earnings. First lags were omitted due to
mal justification for the use of a model apparent first-order autocorrelation in the
which permits overdispersion such as the data.
negative binomial. Estimation is by the The test statistic is given by
method of maximum likelihood and is
simplified by the global concavity of both
the Poisson and negative binomial log-
In spite of their obvious appeal for the
problem at hand, one drawback of these A
count models is their inability to account where V jdznotes the estimated covariance
for endogeneity of the regressors, which matrix of Pi. Only the coefficients of the
must be considered due to the inclusion in 1986 employment and earnings variables
the model of contemporaneous values of were used in order to achieve the greatest

Estimates of Basic Model Parameters
Negative Binomial Non-Linear Instrumental
Variable Estimator Variables Estimator

Constant -0.718 -0.719

(-17.57) (-1.70)
PCNV -0.474 -0.474
(-9.76) (-4.84)
AVGSEN -0.008 -0.008
(-1.03) (-1.16)
PTIME86 -0.067 -0.067
(-5.76) (-1.89)
TOTIME 0.023 0.023
(4.18) (4.97)
QEMP86 -0.001 -0.003
(-0.03) (-0.01)
INC86 -0.007 -0.039
(-16.54) (-1.26)
DURATION 0.011 0.010
(3.08) (0.48)
BLACK 0.661 0.661
(16.55) (8.99)
HlSPA NZC 0.518 0.517
(13.31) (6.03)
BORN60 -0.144 -0.144
(-4.25) (-2.1 6)
a 0.966
Log L
n 13978

H-statistic for exogeneity of QEMP86, INC86 = 3.228.

Numbers in parentheses are asymptotic t-statistics.

PCNV = probability of conviction; AVGSEN = average prison sentence length; TOTTIME

total prison time; PTIME86 = time in prison in 1986; QEMP86 = quarters employed in
1986; INC86 = 1986 income; DURATION = duration of current jobless spell; BLACK 1 if
black; HISPANIC = 1 if Hispanic; BORN60 = 1 if born in 1960.

possible power. Under the null hypothe- cients of all other regressors are virtually
sis, H has an asymptotic 13 distribution. identical across estimation method. The
Table 111presents the results of negative coefficients of the two suspect variables do
binomial and non- linear instrumental vary somewhat, although by an amount
variables estimation and the Hausman test insufficient to warrant rejection of the null
statistic for the exogeneity of employment hypothesis. The results discussed in the
and earnings. Note first that the coeffi- next section are therefore based on the

negative binomial estimator. As a final The coefficient of the contemporaneous

note on the specification of the regression prison time variable measures the in-
model, one observes that the size and capacitative effect of prison. The point
significance of the nuisance parameter a estimate indicates that each month in
strongly reject the simpler Poisson model prison reduces the average individual’s
in favor of the negative binomial. criminal activity by about 7 percent. This
is slightly less than the 8.3 percent (= Vl2)
V. RESULTS reduction that would obtain if the effect of
We turn now to a discussion of the basic prison were to reduce arrests in exact
estimation results presented in Table 111. proportion to the time spent isolated from
The coefficients of the negative binomial society. The hypothesis that arrests are
regression model can be interpreted as the reduced in exact proportion to the time
average proportionate change in the de- spent in prison cannot be rejected at any
pendent variable arising from a one-unit customary significance level, however.
change in the corresponding explanatory The coefficient of the total prison time
variable, similar to the interpretation variable provides a measure of recidivism
given coefficients in a log-wage equation. on the part of released prisoners. The
It remains, however, difficult to interpret estimated coefficient indicates that each
the coefficient of the probability of convic- additional month spent in prison increases
tion as the expected proportionate change average arrests by about 2 percent. The
in the number of arrests that would result conclusions one draws from this result
if the probability of conviction were to depend crucially on one’s interpretation of
change from zero to unity. However, we the dependent variable. If arrests are a
can use the information in Table I to cal- valid proxy for crimes committed, this
culate that the expected decrease in the effect may indicate an increase in criminal
number of arrests stemming from a one- activity on the part of ex-prisoners, stem-
standard deviation increase in the convic- ming either from greater criminal human
tion rate is about 19 percent. In contrast, capital or from negative labor market sig-
we see that an increase of one month to nals acquired while in prison. On the other
the expected prison sentence (insignifi- hand, this result may simply be due to
cantly) reduces criminal activity, as pro- increased surveillance by police of indi-
xied by arrests, by less than 1 percent. A viduals released from prison.
one-standard deviation increase of over Under the former interpretation, the
three months brings an expected reduc- magnitude of this effect provides further
tion of only about 3 percent. This evidence impetus against reliance on a criminal
suggests that increased certainty of pun- justice policy based on lengthy but rela-
ishment provides a much more effective tively infrequently imposed incarcerative
deterrent than increased severity and calls sentences. Focusing only on the point es-
into question the wisdom of relying on timates, note that increased average sen-
lengthier prison sentences as a means to tence length exerts a gross deterrent effect.
decrease crime. A six percentage point However, the criminogenic effect of im-
increase in average conviction rates would prisonment is nearly three times as great
deter as many arrests as a 3.6 month as the deterrent effect. The net effect of a
increase in average prison sentences. prison sentence apparently is to increase
Given annual per-offender incarceration criminal activity on average once the of-
cost estimates of $15,000-30,000, it seems fender is released into the general popula-
unlikely that imprisonment is the least- tion.
cost policy tool to achieve a given reduc- The next three variables measure the
tion in crime. responsiveness of my measure of criminal

activity to employment and earnings. The arrests, and arrests for property and non-
point estimate of the coefficient of the property crime^.^ Consider first the felony
employment variable is negative, but not and non-felony arrests. Comparing esti-
at all significant. The income coefficient, mation results for these models with each
however, is negative and highly signifi- other and with the estimates for all arrests
cant, indicating that a $100 increase in presented in Table 111, we see that in-
earnings reduces arrests by just under 1 creases in the probability of conviction
percent, on average. This effect is very seem to be more effective in deterring
large; a one-standard deviation rise in serious felony crimes than less serious
income is associated with an average de- crimes. Sanction severity, on the other
crease in arrests of 48 percent. The non- hand, is about equally (in)effective in de-
employment duration coefficient indicates terring both types of criminal activity. One
that increasing the length of a current also sees, by comparing the estimates of
jobless spell by one calendar quarter in- the coefficients of PTIME, that most of the
creases arrests on average by about 2 per- crimes prevented by the incapacitative ef-
cent. A one- standard deviation increase of fects of prison are of the less serious non-
4.6 quarters results in an average increase felony type. The estimates of criminal
of about 7 percent. human capital effects are roughly the
Finally, the demographic indicator vari- same for both models.
ables indicate that blacks and Hispanics The estimates of employment effects are
on average were arrested 66 and 52 per- quite different for these two types of
cent more often than whites, respectively, crimes. An additional quarter of employ-
and that members of the older cohort were ment is associated with a 4 percent de-
arrested about 14 percent fewer times on
average. These numbers therefore reflect
race and age effects very commonly found 4. Note that the conviction probability and aver-
in studies of crime. agy sentence variables are still computed from
These estimates provide evidence that individuals' entire criminal history, rather than felony
or property arrests, convictions, and sentences only.
both criminal justice sanctions and eco- This was done for a number of reasons. First, data
nomic factors play a considerable role in limitations preclude one from ascribing prison terms
to the arrest or conviction from which they resulted.
determining the extent of an individual's Next, when a felony conviction probability variable,
criminal activity, at least as proxied by constructed from felony arrests and felony convic-
official arrest statistics. While these results tions, was used in the felony arrest equations, quali-
tative results were similar to those shown, but the co-
are quite useful in resolving some of the efficient was less significant. This might indicate that
conflicting evidence stemming from previ- felony conviction rates are an inefficient estimator of
the individuals' expected probability of conviction, ex-
ous research, the size of the data set lets cluding important information known to the offender
me examine these effects in yet more de- about the likelihood of conviction. When a property-
tail. In particular, it is of interest to deter- crime conviction probability variable, constructed
from property arrests and property convictions, was
mine whether different types of criminal used in the equation for property arrests, it entered
activity are influenced differently by crim- with a perverse positive sign. Again, this brings into
question the validity of using only a part of the avail-
inal justice and economic factors, and able information set in attempting to estimate
whether the responsiveness of criminal individuals' expected conviction probabilities. Fur-
thermore, mandatory prison terms for burglary were
activity in general differs among different introduced in California in the early 1980s. This is
demographic groups. I therefore turn first likely to have led police to "overcharge" lesser of-
to an analysis of felony and property ar- fenses, and there is evidence that such mandatory sen-
tencing schemes lead prosecutors to reduce conviction
rests, followed by estimates of the general charges to avoid overly harsh sentences for many rel-
model disaggregated by race. atively minor crimes (see, e.g, Blumstein et al. [1983,
24-30]). In this case, restricting an estimator of convic-
Table IV presents parameter estimates tion probabilities to property offenses may well lead
for models of felony arrests, non-felony to inconsistent and misleading results.

Negative Binomial Estimates for Models of Felony and Property Arrests
Felony Non-Felony Property Non-Property
Variable Arrests Arrests Arrests Arrests

Constant -1.194 -1.695 -1.88 -1.110

(-23.39) (-26.71) (-24.68) (-23.11)
PCNV -0.495 -0.420 -0.277 -0.541
(-8.12) (-5.56) (-2.95) (-9.82)
AVGSEN -0.009 -0.008 -0.023 -0.003
(-1.01) (-0.60) (-1.51) (-0.30)
PTIME86 -0.038 -0.134 -0.025 -0.092
(-2.85) (-5.35) (-1.36) (-5.55)
TOTTIME 0.025 0.020 0.029 0.022
(3.94) (2.11) (3.10) (2.93)
QEMP86 -0.038 0.057 0.072 -0.012
(-1.93) (2.41) (2.31) (-0.66)
INC86 -0.007 -0.008 -0.015 -0.005
(-12.34) (-12.17) (-13.34) (-11.36)
DURATION 0.015 0.005 0.010 0.011
(3.43) (0.91) (1.74) (2.78)
BLACK 0.747 0.508 0.736 0.620
(15.18) (8.07) (10.19) (13.16)
HISPANIC 0.321 0.751 0.220 0.627
(6.18) (13.15) (2.83) (14.29)
BORN60 -0.147 -0.134 -0.118 -0.154
(-3.42) (-2.60) (-1.88) (-3.91)
a 1.068 1.867 3.038 1.013
(13.50) (14.49) (13.83) (16.07)
-7853.7 -6250.4 -5142.0 -8891.4
n 13978
Numbers in parentheses are asymptotic t-statistics.

-- - -
PCNV = probability of conviction; AVGSEN = average prison sentence length; TOTTIME total

- -
prison time; PTIME86 time in prison in 1986; QEMP86 quarters employed in 1986; INC86 =
1986 income; DURATION duration of current jobless spell; BLACK 1 if black; HISPANIC = 1
if Hispanic; BORN60 1 if born in 1960.

crease in felonies, but a 6 percent increase two crime types are pooled, one erron-
in non-felonies. Both effects are at least eously concludes that employment has no
marginally significant as well. This differ- effect on criminal activity.
ence in employment effects explains the Income effects, in contrast, are roughly
small and insignificant coefficient in the the same across crime types, while felony
aggregate model; apparently, relatively crimes are more sensitive to the duration
minor criminal activity complements em- of a spell of joblessness. The coefficients of
ployment, while employment and serious BLACK and HISPANIC indicate that blacks
crime are substitute activities. When these are even more overrepresented in the se-

rious crime category than is generally eral, the results for blacks accord most
true, while more arrests of Hispanics are closely with the intuitive predictions of
for non-felony offenses. simple economic models of criminal activ-
Turning now to the results for property ity, whites accord the least, and Hispanics
and non-property crimes, we see that non- lie in between.
property arrests are much more respon- The certainty of punishment measure is
sive to higher conviction probabilities negative and significant across all three
than property arrests, but that sanction groups, but is strongest among whites,
severity matters much more for the prop- and weakest among Hispanics. In con-
erty offenses than the non-property cate- trast, the severity of punishment measure
gory. Incapacitative effects are larger for is negative for both blacks and Hispanics,
non-property offenses as well, while in- and significant for blacks, but is positive
creases in criminal human capital lead to and marginally significant for whites. The
slightly greater increases in property of- incapacitative effects of prison are at best
fenses. marginally significant among whites, but
Again we see mixed results for the for blacks indicate a proportionate reduc-
effect of employment. The results for tion in arrests in excess of the proportion
property crimes indicate that property of time excluded from the general popu-
crimes and employment are complemen- lation. The positive effect of past prison
tary, as was seen for non-felony arrests time on current arrests is strongest among
above. Together, these findings suggest blacks, and weakest among whites.
that relatively minor property crimes are For whites and Hispanics, we again see
undertaken to supplement income from evidence of complementarity between my
conventional employment. Another possi- measure of crime and conventional em-
bility is that these positive relationships ployment, although for Hispanics this ef-
reflect employee theft from the workplace, fect is insignificant. Earnings effects are
although the data do not allow this hy- negative and significant for all groups,
pothesis to be tested directly. Property and slightly greater in absolute value
arrests are seen to be roughly twice as among Hispanics than among whites and
responsive to changes in income as are blacks. The effect of longer spells of job-
arrests overall, and three times as respon- lessness is greatest among whites, but neg-
sive as non-property arrests. The coeffi- ative and marginally significant among
cients of the demographic variables indi- Hispanics. Finally, negative age effects
cate that blacks are arrested much more vary by race, being strongest among
often for property crimes than whites or whites, and weakest among blacks.
Hispanics, and that Hispanics are much
more likely to be arrested for a non-prop-
erty crime than for a property offense. The VI. CONCLUSIONS

age coefficients indicate a slightly slower ‘This paper provides estimates of deter-
”ageing-out” effect for property offenses rent, incapacitative, and criminal human
than for other crimes. capital effects, as well as measures of the
The distribution of arrests is well responsiveness of one indicator of crimi-
known to differ widely by race; it is there- nal activity, arrests, to employment and
fore of interest to examine whether the earnings variables. The estimates were de-
response of this measure of criminal activ- rived from a large sample of arrestees for
ity to criminal justice and labor market whom matching earnings records could be
factors varies according to race as well. located. Sample members’ criminal histo-
Table V presents estimates for models of ries range from slight to severe.
all arrests disaggregated by race. In gen- In contrast to several previous studies,

Negative Binomial Estimates of Model of All Arrests, by Race
Variable White Black Hispanic
~~ ~

Constant -0.811 0.101 -0.159

(-15.33) (1.42) (-1.82)

PCNV -0.562 -0.425 -0.331

(-8.52) (-3.97) (-3.30)

AVGSEN 0.017 -0.040 -0.017

(1.65) (-2.39) (-0.82)

PTiME86 -0.028 -0.119 -0.065

(-1.45) (-5.64) (-3.25)

TOTTIME 0.015 0.037 0.025

(2.08) (3.54) (1.83)

QEMP86 0.036 -0.114 0.026

(1.60) (-3.41) (0.83)

INC86 -0.007 -0.006 -0.010

(-12.31) (-5.25) (-9.95)

DURATlON 0.022 0.005 -0.016

(4.43) (0.79) (-1.69)

BORN60 -0.187 -0.075 -0.130

(-3.84) (-1.10) (-1.92)

a 1.104 0.789 0.903

(14.16) (10.52) (9.80)

Log L -5768.6 -2468.5 -2711.9

n 8743 2271 2964

Numbers in parentheses are asymptotic t-statistics.

- - - -
PCNV = probability of conviction; AVGSEN = average prison sentence length; TOTjrIME

total prison time; PTIME86 = time in prison in 1986; QEMP86 quarters employed in 1986;
INC86 1986 income; DURATION duration of current jobless spell; BLACK 1 if black;
HISPANIC 1 if Hispanic; BORNGO = 1 if born in 1960.

I found consistent evidence indicating the These findings, I believe, call into question
importance of both criminal justice sanc- the economic rationality of a sanctioning
tions and labor market activity in deter- strategy based on increasingly lengthy
mining the individual's level of criminal prison terms as a means of reducing crime.
activity. The results point to large deter- Results on the effect of contemporane-
rent effects emanating from increased cer- ous employment on the individual's crim-
tainty of punishment, and much smaller, inal activities are mixed, but among
and generally insignificant effects, stem- blacks, at least, there is evidence that
ming from increased severity of sanction. greater employment is associated with
Additionally, I found evidence of a size- lower levels of arrest. Income is seen to
able criminogenic effect of imprisonment. have a strong negative effect, and longer

spells of joblessness are also associated REFERENCES

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