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Sketch+BOQ‐SUM‐KR‐TBK‐0378 Tebing Karimun Timur‐XL‐RaftPile‐3A‐40M+3M‐FD 13/02/2018 / 18:23

SITE NAME : Tebing Karimun Timur

a) Kontur Site & Grid Dimension b) Kontur ditengah grid

5.000 5.000 2 10

‐0.020 ‐0.040 ‐0.020 5.000 ‐0.028 ‐0.028

K ‐0.030 ‐0.020 ‐0.030 5.000 K ‐0.023 ‐0.025

R ‐0.020 ‐0.020 ‐0.030 A

2 10

OGL Average site yg dipagar BRC ‐0.026 m
OGL Average pd posisi tower 0.000 m
Water Ground Level 1.2 m
Flood Elevation 0m
New Ground Level 0m
c) Volume Cut or Fill Soil masing2 Grid d) Volume Cut Soil e) Volume Fill Soil

‐0.688 ‐0.688 ‐0.688 ‐0.688

‐0.563 ‐0.625 ‐0.563 ‐0.625

Cut < Fill ‐2.563 m3 Cut 0.000 m3 Fill 2.563 m3

Cut&Fill for BoQ 0.000 m3
56.350 m3 Volume Galian Pondasi Tower
25.714 m3 Volume Back Fill Pondasi Tower
30.637 m3 Sisa galian pondasi tower
28.074 m3 buang tanah yg disebar disisa lahan
0.000 m3 Import soil for BoQ

f) Tinggi Stone Masonry yg diperlukan

5.000 5.000

0.70 0.70 0.70

5.000 5.000

0.70 0.70

5.000 5.000
K 0.70 0.70 0.70

5.000 5.000

g) Tinggi Stone Masonry yg dipasang

5.000 5.000 Panjang Grid

5.000 5.000 Panjang Stone Masonry

0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70

5.000 S 5.000 5.000 S 5.000

0.70 0.70
0.70 0.70

5.000 S 5.000 5.000 S 5.000

K 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70

5.000 5.000

5.000 5.000


Cut‐Fill‐Import Soil Report
BoQ Analysis Report 13/02/2018 / 18:23

SITE NAME : Tebing Karimun Timur
1 Perhitungan Panjang Fence PS
PS 10 m Panjang Sewa (Depan+Belakang)/2 I

LS 10 m Lebar Sewa (Kiri+Kanan)/2 R
PDB 10 m Panjang yg Dipagar BRC (Depan) I PDB
LDB 10 m Lebar yg Dipagar BRC (Samping) DEPAN
LG 1.5 m Lebar Gate
TPF = 38.5 m Total Panjang Fence
TPBWF = 0m Total Panjang Barbed Wire Fence
JTBWF = 0 pcs Jumlah Tiang Barbed Wire Fence

2 Perhitungan Luas Gravel di Site
LGG = LDB*PDB Luas Gravel Gross
LGG = 100.000 m2
LGN = LGG‐LA1‐LA2‐LA3‐LA4 Luas Gravel Netto
LGN = 91.810 m2

Perhitungan pengurang Luas Gravel di Site
a Sloof Pondasi Pagar BRC
P 39.4 m Panjang
L 0.15 m Lebar
LA1 5.91 m2 Luas Area
b Pedestal Pondasi Tower, Bak Kontrol & Pondasi Tiang KWH
P 0.5 0.8 0.3 m Panjang
L 0.5 0.8 0.3 m Lebar
J 3 1 1 pcs Jumlah
LA 0.75 0.64 0.09 m2 Luas Area
LA2 1.48 m2

c Pondasi Shelter Pakai Kolom
P 1 m Panjang
L 0.4 m Lebar
J 2 pcs N/A
LA3 0.8 m2 Luas Area

d Pondasi Shelter Batu Kali
LA4 0.000 m2 Luas Area Pondasi Stone Masonry

3A Stone Masonry (Terpasang)
Lebar Atas
Pot. 1 Pot. 2 Pot. 3 Pot. 4 Pot. 5
Part I Part II Part III Part IV dst

a Sisi Depan (dari kiri ke kanan) 2 JLH PART Aanstamping

Dimension Pot. 1 Pot. 2a Pot. 2b Pot. 3a Pot. 3b Pot. 4a Pot. 4b Pot. 5a Pot. 5b Pot. 6

Lebar Atas 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

Lebar Bawah 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Tinggi 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V

Luas Pot I 0.35 0.35 m2
Luas Pot II 0.35 0.35 m2
Luas Penampang rata2 0.35 0.35 m2
Panjang 5.000 5.000 m
Volume 1.750 1.750 m3
VTSD 3.500 m3 Volume Total Sisi Depan

b Sisi Belakang (dari kiri ke kanan) 2 JLH PART

Dimension Pot. 1 Pot. 2a Pot. 2b Pot. 3a Pot. 3b Pot. 4a Pot. 4b Pot. 5a Pot. 5b Pot. 6

Lebar Atas 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3

Lebar Bawah 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70
Tinggi 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70

Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V

Luas Pot I 0.35 0.35 m2

Luas Pot II 0.35 0.35 m2
Luas Penampang rata2 0.35 0.35 m2
Panjang 5.000 5.000 m
Volume 1.750 1.750 m3
VTSD 3.500 m3 Volume Total Sisi Belakang

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c Sisi Kiri (dari belakang ke depan) 2 JLH PART
Dimension Pot. 1 Pot. 2a Pot. 2b Pot. 3a Pot. 3b Pot. 4a Pot. 4b Pot. 5a Pot. 5b Pot. 6
Lebar Atas 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Lebar Bawah 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70
Tinggi 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70

Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V

Luas Pot I 0.35 0.35 m2

Luas Pot II 0.35 0.35 m2
Luas Penampang rata2 0.35 0.35 m2
Panjang 5.000 5.000 m
Volume 1.750 1.750 m3
VTSD 3.500 m3 Volume Total Sisi Kiri

d Sisi Kanan (dari belakang ke depan) 2 JLH PART
Dimension Pot. 1 Pot. 2a Pot. 2b Pot. 3a Pot. 3b Pot. 4a Pot. 4b Pot. 5a Pot. 5b Pot. 6
Lebar Atas 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Lebar Bawah 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Tinggi 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V

Luas Pot I 0.35 0.35 m2
Luas Pot II 0.35 0.35 m2
Luas Penampang rata2 0.35 0.35 m2
Panjang 5.000 5.000 m
Volume 1.750 1.750 m3
VTSKa 3.500 m3 Volume Total Sisi Kanan

TVG = VTSD+VTSB+VTSKi+VTSKa = 14.000 m3 Total Volume Gross

Volume Pengurang utk Stone Masonry
Pojok Kiri Depan 0.184 dikurangkan karena dua kali hitung (utk sisi Depan & Kiri)
Pojok Kanan Depan 0.184 dikurangkan karena dua kali hitung (utk sisi Depan & Kanan)
Pojok Kiri Belakang 0.184 dikurangkan karena dua kali hitung (utk sisi Belakang & Kiri)
Pojok Kanan Belakang 0.184 dikurangkan karena dua kali hitung (utk sisi Belakang & Kanan)

TVP 0.737 m3 Total Volume Pengurang

Dimensi PKiD PKaD PKiB PKaB

Lebar Atas 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Lebar Bawah 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Tinggi 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Luas Atas 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09
Luas Bawah 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49
Jumlah 1 1 1 1
Volume 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184

TVN = TVG‐TVP = 13.263 m3 Total Volume Netto stone masonry

B Stone Masonry (Standard)
a Sisi Depan (dari kiri ke kanan) 0 JLH PART Aanstamping
Dimension Pot. 1 Pot. 2a Pot. 2b Pot. 3a Pot. 3b Pot. 4a Pot. 4b Pot. 5a Pot. 5b Pot. 6
Lebar Atas 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Lebar Bawah 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Tinggi 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V

Luas Pot I 0.35 0.35 m2
Luas Pot II 0.35 0.35 m2
Luas Penampang rata2 0.35 0.35 m2
Panjang 5.000 5.000 m
Volume 1.750 1.750 m3
VTSD 3.500 m3 Volume Total Sisi Depan

b Sisi Belakang (dari kiri ke kanan) 0 JLH PART
Dimension Pot. 1 Pot. 2a Pot. 2b Pot. 3a Pot. 3b Pot. 4a Pot. 4b Pot. 5a Pot. 5b Pot. 6
Lebar Atas 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Lebar Bawah 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Tinggi 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V

Luas Pot I 0.35 0.35 m2
Luas Pot II 0.35 0.35 m2
Luas Penampang rata2 0.35 0.35 m2
Panjang 5.000 5.000 m
Volume 1.750 1.750 m3
VTSD 3.500 m3 Volume Total Sisi Belakang

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c Sisi Kiri (dari belakang ke depan) 0 JLH PART
Dimension Pot. 1 Pot. 2a Pot. 2b Pot. 3a Pot. 3b Pot. 4a Pot. 4b Pot. 5a Pot. 5b Pot. 6
Lebar Atas 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Lebar Bawah 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Tinggi 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V

Luas Pot I 0.35 0.35 m2
Luas Pot II 0.35 0.35 m2
Luas Penampang rata2 0.35 0.35 m2
Panjang 5.000 5.000 m
Volume 1.750 1.750 m3
VTSD 3.500 m3 Volume Total Sisi Kiri

d Sisi Kanan (dari belakang ke depan) 0 JLH PART
Dimension Pot. 1 Pot. 2a Pot. 2b Pot. 3a Pot. 3b Pot. 4a Pot. 4b Pot. 5a Pot. 5b Pot. 6
Lebar Atas 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Lebar Bawah 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Tinggi 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V

Luas Pot I 0.35 0.35 m2
Luas Pot II 0.35 0.35 m2
Luas Penampang rata2 0.35 0.35 m2
Panjang 5.000 5.000 m
Volume 1.750 1.750 m3
VTSKa 3.500 m3 Volume Total Sisi Kanan

TVG = VTSD+VTSB+VTSKi+VTSKa = 14.000 m3 Total Volume Gross Stone Masonry Standard

Volume Pengurang utk Stone Masonry
Pojok Kiri Depan 0.184 dikurangkan karena dua kali hitung (utk sisi Depan & Kiri)
Pojok Kanan Depan 0.184 dikurangkan karena dua kali hitung (utk sisi Depan & Kanan)
Pojok Kiri Belakang 0.184 dikurangkan karena dua kali hitung (utk sisi Belakang & Kiri)
Pojok Kanan Belakang 0.184 dikurangkan karena dua kali hitung (utk sisi Belakang & Kanan)

TVP 0.737 m3 Total Volume Pengurang

Dimensi PKiD PKaD PKiB PKaB

Lebar Atas 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Lebar Bawah 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Tinggi 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
Luas Atas 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09
Luas Bawah 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.49
Jumlah 1 1 1 1
Volume 0.184 0.184 0.184 0.184

TVN = TVG‐TVP = 13.263 m3 Total Volume Netto stone masonry Standard

Volume Stone Masonry Non Standard 0.000 m3 Total Volume Netto stone masonry Non Standard

4 Perhitungan Panjang Wooden Pile Fence Foundation
Panjang 0 Panjang Wooden Pile
JWPPP N/A Jumlah Wooden Pile Per Potongan (dipasang zigzag)
JWPAP N/A Jarak Wooden Pile dlm arah Panjang yg segaris
PRW 40.000 Panjang Stone Masonry
a Wooden Pile  6 ~ 8 cm 0m
b Wooden Pile  8 ~ 10 cm 0m
c Wooden Pile  10 ~ 12 cm 0m
d Wooden Pile  12 ~ 15 cm 0m
e Bamboo Pile 0m

5 Access Road
a Concrete K‐175 (t=150mm)
LCAR 0m Lebar Concrete Access Road
PCAR 0m Panjang Concrete Access Road
LuCAR 0 m2 Luas Concrete Access Road

b Gravel (t=150mm)
LGAR 2m Lebar Gravel Access Road
PGAR 3m Panjang Gravel Access Road
LuGAR 6 m2 Luas Gravel Access Road

c Concrete Bridge K‐175
‐ Besi Beton kg
‐ Concrete K‐175 0.000 m3
Dimensi Mini Bridge Tulangan Stone Masonry
Lebar N/A m Dia. N/A m Lebar Atas N/A
Panjang N/A m Jarak N/A m Lebar Bawah N/A
Tebal N/A m BTpM N/A kg/m Tinggi N/A
Volume 0.000 m3 BTT 0.000 kg Volume 0.000 m3

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d Wooden Bridge 3x1 0 unit
Perhitungan panjang wooden pile pada access road jika ada
Panjang N/A Panjang Wooden Pile
JWPPP N/A Jumlah Wooden Pile Per Potongan (dipasang zigzag)
JWPAP N/A Jarak Wooden Pile dlm arah Panjang yg segaris
PRW 0 Panjang Stone Masonry Wall
e Wooden Pile  6 ~ 8 cm 0m a
f Wooden Pile  8 ~ 10 cm 0m b
g Wooden Pile  10 ~ 12 cm 0m c
h Wooden Pile  12 ~ 15 cm 0m d

Perhitungan Stone Masonry pada Access Road (jika ada)
i Stone Masonry 0.000 m3
Stone Masonry Wall (jika ada pengurugan di access)
Pot 1 Pot 2 Pot 3 Pot 4 Pot 5 Pot 6 Pot 7 Pot 8 Pot 9 Pot 10
Lebar Atas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lebar Bawah 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tinggi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Luas Pot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Luas Penampang rata2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PAF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jumlah (kiri&kanan) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Volume 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Dimensi Tangga Type I
Lebar 0m
Panjang 0m
Tinggi 0m
Jumlah 0 pcs
Volume Masonry 0.000 m3

Dimensi Tangga Type II Bordes I Bordes II

Lebar 0 0 0m
Panjang 0 0 0m
Tinggi 0 0 0m
Jumlah 0 pcs
Volume Masonry 0.0000 0.000 0.000 m3

j Import Soil 0.000 m3
Perhitungan Volume Fill Soil
Volume Fill Soil dimasukkan sebagai import soil apabila tidak ada sisa galian pondasi tower
Apabila sisa galian pondasi tower masih cukup untuk fill soil maka volume fill soil dianggap nol.
Pot 1 Pot 2 Pot 3 Pot 4 Pot 5 Pot 6 Pot 7 Pot 8 Pot 9 Pot 10
Lebar Atas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lebar Bawah 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Tinggi Fill Soil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Luas Pot. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Luas Penampang rata2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Volume Fill Soil 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

k Cut & Fill 0.000 m3
OGLA = Original Ground Level Average Access yg di cut
0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0

5 Tower Foundation
Standard Works
a Excavation (VE) 56.350 m3 =VOL. GALIAN PAD + VOL. GALIAN TIE BEAM JIKA ADA
b Sand Layer (VSL) 4.761 m3 =(L PAD+0.1)*(P PAD+0.1)*TSL*JLH PAD+(L TIE BEAM+0.1)*P TIE BEAM*TSL*JLH TIE BEAM
c Back Fill (VBF) 25.714 m3 =VE‐VSL‐VLC‐(VC‐VCDOGL)
d Lean Concrete (VLC) 2.381 m3 =0.5*VSL
e Berat baja tulangan 2051.490 kg = BASED ON TOWER FOUNDATION DESIGN
f Concrete K‐225 (VC) 23.983 m3 = BASED ON TOWER FOUNDATION DESIGN

Sudut Galian () 0 deg
PG 0.1 m Pelebaran Galian
Dimensi Pad Column Tie Beam
Lebar 6.8 0.5 0m
Panjang 6.8 0.5 0m
Tebal / Tinggi 0.5 1.15 0m
Jumlah 1 3 0 pcs
TLC 0.05 N/A 0m Tebal Lean Concrete
TSL 0.1 N/A 0m Tebal Sand Layer
Volume Concrete 23.120 0.863 0.000 m3
VCDOGL 0.488 m3 Volume Concrete Diatas Original Ground Level

Panjang Pedestal diatas gravel 0.500 m
Gravel 0.150 m
KG 1.150 0 m Kedalaman Galian (dari OGL rata2 pd area pondasi sampai bottom sand layer)
LB 7.000 0 m Lebar Bawah =L Pad + 2*PG
PB 7.000 0 m Panjang Bawah =P Pad + 2*PG
LA 7.000 0 m Lebar Atas =LB + 2*KG*Tan()
PA 7.000 0 m Panjang Atas =PB + 2*KG*Tan()
LAB 49.000 0 m2 Luas Area Bawah =PB*LB
LAA 49.000 0 m2 Luas Area Atas =PA*LA
Volume Galian 56.350 0 m3 =1/3*KG*(LAB+LAA+SQRT(LAB*LAA))*JLH PAD

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Non Standard Works
JPD a Jenis Pile yang Digunakan
Panjang 3 m Panjang pile yg digunakan
Jlh Pile /Pad 9 pcs Jumlah pile per pad
a Bore Pile  40cm 27 m
b Bore Pile  60cm 0 m
c Well Foundation  80cm 0 m
d Well Foundation  100cm 0 m
e Driven Mini Pile  40cm 0 m
f Wooden Pile  6 ~ 8 cm 0 m
g Wooden Pile  8 ~ 10 cm 0 m
h Wooden Pile  10 ~ 12 cm 0 m
i Wooden Pile  12 ~ 15 cm 0 m
j Baamboo Pile 0 m

6 Shelter Type IA
a Soil Excavation 0 m3
b Sand Layer 50mm 0 m3
c Lean Concrete 50mm 0 m3
d River Stone Masonry 0 m3
e Concrete K‐225
‐ Berat baja tulangan 225.813 kg
‐ Concrete K‐225 2.092 m3
f Wooden Pile 8~10cm 0m

Perhitungan Volume Stone Masonry untuk Tangga non standard
Dimensi Anak Tangga Tangga 1 Tangga 2 Tangga 3 Tangga 4 Tangga 5 Tangga 6 Tangga 7 Tangga 8
Lebar 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Panjang 1 1 1 1
Tinggi 1 0.75 0.5 0.25
Volume 0.300 0.225 0.15 0.075
Volume Masonry 0.000 m3 Non Standard

Non Standard
i. Soil Import 0.000 m3 0
k. Stone Masonry 0.000 m3

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Sketch+BOQ‐SUM‐KR‐TBK‐0378 Tebing Karimun Timur‐XL‐RaftPile‐3A‐40M+3M‐FD 13/02/2018 / 18:23

NO. UNIT SST-3A-40+3M-
- Site Acquisition (Inc. Documentation, accessories and complete ground lease, SSR, Admin of Lease Payment) Ls
- IMB Permit (Surat Izin Mendirikan Bangunan dan Izin Prinsip) Ls
- Local Community Permit (Community permit, RT+RW+Lurah+Camat recommendation) Ls
- Soil Test /Hammer Test Report (Present by University or representative consultant) Ls
- Pre Design Package (detailed proposed site layout and access as Protelindo Standard format approved by Engineering Dept.) Ls
- PLN (PLN Avaibility and application through AKLI certified company) Ls
Non Standard (if applicable)
- Retribution per m' height Ls
- Civil Aviation/Military Ls
- HO (Ijin gangguan) Ls

Sub Total I Pre-Implementation

A. Preparation work
- Site Clearing and Preparation (inc. Measurement of tower position, shelter & Landscape) Ls 1.000
- Establish water supply for site works Ls 1.000
- Mobilization and Demobilization Ls 1.000
- Mobilization from ground to rooftop for Poles Ls -
- Mobilization from ground to rooftop for SST Ls -
- Detailed Site Design
- Tower Foundation Design Ls -
- Construction Drawing and BoQ Ls -

Sub Total A Preparation Work

B. General Construction
B.1 Fence and Yard
a. Site Construction 10m x 10m
- Fence (Included stone masonry,sloof,post) m1 38.500
- Landscaping (gravel) thickness 15 cm m2 91.810
- Sliding door 1,5 m width Ls 1.000
- Yard Lamp Phillips mercury (includes material, labor, cabling and accessories) unit -
- Yard Lamp TL 2 x 36 (type GMS HG Artolite) + Box + Bracket (includes labor, cabling and accessories) set -
- Yard Lamp Philips LED 9watt + Fitting E27 KAP WD D33.5/38cm T10/10cm + Bracket (includes labor, cabling and accessories) set 1.000
Non Standard (if applicable)
a. Retaining wall m3 -
b. Excavation at rocky soil m3 -
c. Cut and fill (labor and material) m3 -
d. Import soil (inc. Transportation and compaction) m3 -
e. Gate 3 m unit -
f. Open drainage system 1/2 dia 20 cm m' -
g. Barbed wire fence for underdeveloped lease area m' -
h. concrete post for underdeveloped lease area (15x15x190 cm) pcs -
i. Wooden Pile Ø 6 - 8 cm (supply and installation) m' -
j. Wooden Pile Ø 8 - 10 cm (supply and installation) m' -
k. Wooden Pile Ø 10 - 12 cm (supply and installation) m' -
l. Wooden Pile Ø 12 - 15 cm (supply and installation) m' -
m. Stone Masonry m3 -

B.2 Access Road

Non Standard (if applicable)
a. Concrete access road K-175 (thickness 150mm) m2 -
b. Gravel access road (thickness 150mm) m2 6.000
c. Concrete bridge K-175
- Weight of steel (WoS) with SNI 07.2052 1990/JIS G-3112 Standard kg
- Concrete K-175 with SK SNI 03.2002 Standard m3 -
d. Wooden Bridge (LxW = 3x1) unit -
e. Wooden Pile Ø 6 - 8 cm (supply and installation) m' -
f. Wooden Pile Ø 8 - 10 cm (supply and installation) m' -
g. Wooden Pile Ø 10 - 12 cm (supply and installation) m' -
h. Wooden Pile Ø 12 - 15 cm (supply and installation) m' -
i. Stone Masonry m3 -
j. Import Soil (inc. Transportation and compaction) m3 -
k. Cut and fill (labor and material) m3 -
B.3 PLN Connection
Standard Works
PLN Connection 7.7 kVA (inc. Pole 2 unit & Foundation + cable power 100m) by AKLI Certified Company Ls -
Non Standard (if applicable)
a. PLN Connection 4.40 kVA (inc. Pole 2 unit & Foundation + cable power 100m) by AKLI Certified Company Ls -
b. PLN Connection 5.50 kVA (inc. Pole 2 unit & Foundation + cable power 100m) by AKLI Certified Company Ls -
c. PLN Connection 6.60 kVA (inc. Pole 2 unit & Foundation + cable power 100m) by AKLI Certified Company Ls -
d. PLN Connection 10.6 kVA (inc. Pole 2 unit & Foundation + cable power 100m) by AKLI Certified Company Ls -
e. PLN Connection 11.0 kVA (inc. Pole 2 unit & Foundation + cable power 100m) by AKLI Certified Company Ls -
f. PLN Connection 13.2 kVA (inc. Pole 2 unit & Foundation + cable power 100m) by AKLI Certified Company Ls -
g. PLN Connection 13.9 kVA (inc. Pole 2 unit & Foundation + cable power 100m) by AKLI Certified Company Ls -
h. PLN Connection 16.5 kVA (inc. Pole 2 unit & Foundation + cable power 100m) by AKLI Certified Company Ls -
i. PLN Connection 23.0 kVA (inc. Pole 2 unit & Foundation + cable power 100m) by AKLI Certified Company Ls -
j. PLN Steel Pole (inc. Foundation) + Accessories unit -
k. PLN Concrete Pole (inc. Foundation) + Accessories unit -
l. Power Cable as per PLN Connection -
- NYY 4x16mm2 m' -
- NYY 4x25mm2 m' -
- NYFGBY 4x16mm2 m' 15.000
- NYFGBY 4x25mm2 m' -
m. Laying cable under ground (inc. Excavation, sand layer and filing) m' -
n. Transformer
- 20 kVA (inc. Accessories: Cable, Cage, Clamp, Bracket, Scoon, Box, Bolt & Nut, Etc) unit -
- 25 kVA (inc. Accessories: Cable, Cage, Clamp, Bracket, Scoon, Box, Bolt & Nut, Etc) unit -
- 50 kVA (inc. Accessories: Cable, Cage, Clamp, Bracket, Scoon, Box, Bolt & Nut, Etc) unit -

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NO. UNIT SST-3A-40+3M-
- 60 kVA (inc. Accessories: Cable, Cage, Clamp, Bracket, Scoon, Box, Bolt & Nut, Etc) unit -
- 80 kVA (inc. Accessories: Cable, Cage, Clamp, Bracket, Scoon, Box, Bolt & Nut, Etc) unit -
- 100 kVA (inc. Accessories: Cable, Cage, Clamp, Bracket, Scoon, Box, Bolt & Nut, Etc) unit -
o. Cable ducting for Rooftop sites (Legrand) m' -

Sub Total B General Construction

C. Tower Foundation
C.1 Standard Works
Soil work
a. Excavation of soil for foundation m3 56.350
b. Sand layer under the foundation t=10cm m3 4.761
c. Backfilling foundation soil and compaction per 300mm m3 25.714
Concrete work
d. Concrete work floor (lean concrete 5cm) m3 2.381
e. Concrete K-225
- Weight of steel (WoS) with SNI 07.2052 1990/JIS G-3112 Standard kg 2,051.490
- Concrete K-225 with SK SNI 03.2002 Standard m3 23.983
C.2 Non Standard (if applicable)
a. Bored Pile Ø 40cm (supply and installation) logitudinal bar 8 pcs m' 27.000
b. Bored Pile Ø 60cm (supply and installation) logitudinal bar 12 pcs m' -
c. Well Foundation Ø 80cm (supply and installation) logitudinal Bar 16 pcs (Cassion Foundation) m' -
d. Well Foundation Ø 100cm (supply and installation) logitudinal Bar 20 pcs (Cassion Foundation) m' -
e. Mini Pile Ø 40cm (supply and installation) m' -
f. Wooden Pile Ø 6 - 8 cm (supply and installation) m' -
g. Wooden Pile Ø 8 - 10 cm (supply and installation) m' -
h. Wooden Pile Ø 10 - 12 cm (supply and installation) m' -
i. Wooden Pile Ø 12 - 15 cm (supply and installation) m' -
j. Excavation at rocky soil (Labor and Equipment) m3 -

C.3 Steel Outdoor Base Frame (2G+3G)

a. IWF Steel (hot-dip galvanized) kg -
b. Anchor HILTI M20 - 25cm (Include HILTI Chemicals) pcs -
c. Concrete for counterweight K-225 (include rebar)
- Weight of steel (WoS) with SNI 07.2052 1990/JIS G-3112 Standard kg -
- Concrete K-225 with SK SNI 03.2002 Standard m3 -
d. Pole 6m (Installation only) unit -
e. Pole 9m (Installation only) unit -
f. Pole 12m (Installation only) unit -
g. Base Frame Equipment, H beam 200x100x5.5 - (3500 mm for Siemens or 3000 mm for Nokia) HDG (70 mikron) complete with accessories (moor,
bolt, spring ring, plate ring HTB 8.8, dynabolt & grouting) set

Non Standard (if applicable)

Building Strengthening
a. Steel Beam Reinforcement kg -
b. Concrete K-225
- Weight of steel (WoS) with SNI 07.2052 1990/JIS G-3112 Standard kg -
- Concrete K-225 with SK SNI 03.2002 Standard m3 -
c. Anchor + Chemicals for Reinforcement
- M20 pcs -
- M… pcs -
d. Sika Injection
e. Steel access stair m' -
f. Wall demolition m2 -

Sub Total C Tower Foundation

D. Tower Work (Tower material supply by Protelindo)

- Delivery of material to site kg 6,464.050
- Tower erection works including installation of antenna mounting and any Accessories kg 6,464.050
- Installation of Antenna Mounts
- Tower painting (Aviation permit required only)
Trianggular Tower
a. SST 20m Ls -
b. SST 25m Ls -
c. SST 30m Ls -
d. SST 43m Ls
e. SST 53m Ls -
f. SST 63m Ls -
g. SST 70m Ls -
h. SST 80m Ls -
i. SST 100m Ls -
Four Legs Tower
a. SST 20m Ls -
b. SST 25m Ls -
c. SST 30m Ls -
d. SST 43m Ls -
e. SST 53m Ls -
f. SST 63m Ls -
g. SST 70m Ls -
h. SST 80m Ls -
i. SST 100m Ls -
- Tower Name Plate (allumunium 2.2mm thk x 200 x 300mm) Unit 1.000
- Support pole for horizontal cable tray installation Unit 2.000
- Supply and Install Cable Tray m' 5.000

Sub Total D Packing + Delivery, erection and painting work

E. Shelter / BTS
E.1 Shelter / BTS Foundation for Outdoor (XL)
- Soil Excavation m3 -
- Sand Layering 50mm m3 -
- Lean Concrete 50mm m3 -

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NO. UNIT SST-3A-40+3M-
- River Stone Masonry m3 -
- Concrete K-225
- Weight of steel (WoS) with SNI 07.2052 1990/JIS G-3112 Standard kg 225.813
- Concrete K-225 with SK SNI 03.2002 Standard m3 2.092

Non Standard (If applicable)

a. Bored Pile Ø 40cm (supply and installation) logitudinal bar 8 pcs m' -
b. Bored Pile Ø 60cm (supply and installation) logitudinal bar 12 pcs m' -
c. Mini Pile Ø 40cm (supply and installation) m' -
d. Wooden Pile Ø 6 - 8 cm (supply and installation) m' -
e. Wooden Pile Ø 8 - 10 cm (supply and installation) m' -
f. Wooden Pile Ø 10 - 12 cm (supply and installation) m' -
g. Wooden Pile Ø 12 - 15 cm (supply and installation) m' -
h. Cut and fill (labor and material) m3
i. Soil Import m3 -
j. Concrete K-225
- Weight of steel (WoS) with SNI 07.2052 1990/JIS G-3112 Standard kg -
- Concrete K-225 with SK SNI 03.2002 Standard m3 -
k. Stone Masonry m3 -

Sub Total E Shelter / BTS Foundation

F. Obstruction light work

- Lamp Compatible Protelindo Specification (with junction box & fotocell) (AC/DC) unit -
- Lamp LED 220 - 240V Compatible Protelindo Specification unit -
- Obstruction Light Work Type AC/DC set 2.000
- NYY 2x2.5mm (taken from ACPDB in Shelter) m' 55.000

Sub Total F Obstruction light work

G. Earthing system
G.1 Upper Earthing System
Grounding system (Max : 1 ohm) as per drawing CME -11
- Spitzen steel 3/4" x 150 cm + connection pipe 2" x 2 m+isolator unit 1.000
- BC 50 mm2 from spitzen to copper rod m' -
- Steel Cable min 80 mm2 from tower/pole to copper rod m'
- Steel Cable min 80 mm2 (tower leg, fence, EGB) m' 80.000
- Steel Busbar 10x30x0,8 cm 16 holes with isolator unit 2.000

Sub Total G.1 Upper Earthing System

G.2 Lower Earthing System

Grounding system (Max : 1 ohm) as per drawing CME -10
- Copper Rod 5/8" L=4m unit 1.000
- Grounding Well, 200x150x50 with copper plate unit -
- Grounding control Pit 50x50x50cm unit 1.000
- BC 50 mm2 for ring grounding tower and integration m' 70.000
- EGB & IGB terminal, steel 10x30x0.8cm+isolator+14holes, diameter 12mm pcs 2.000
- BCC 50mm2 for equipment m' -
- BCC 50mm2 for bonding m' -
- Exothermic Welding point 25.000

Sub Total G.2 Lower Earthing System

H. Mechanical Electrical
H.2.8 M/E for Outdoor (XL)
Supply, delivery and install ACPDB+KWH Box as drawing (3 Phase ) - FULL SAFETY unit 1.000
- Box panel W600 x H750 x D300 + Canopy, Steel Plate Thickness 2 mm, Powder Coating Grey Colour RAL 7032
- Acrylic Clear
- Phase Indicator Lamp RST + Fuse
- Keylock System (Pushkey)
- Unistrout
- Cable Glandand for; Alarm & Status, RBS Connection, Outgoing load, PLN Incoming Power, Genset Incoming Power, Grounding Wire
- Arrester for DC Alarm (OBO, Scheneider, Phoenix)
- MCB for Load (MGNC45a)
- Lightning Arrester (VAL-MS 230 ST+BE/FMx4)
- Fuse's for Phase Indicator Lamp
- Space for Main MCB
- Neutral Bar
- COS (4 Pole, 63 AMP)
- Grounding Bushbar
- Terminal Connection to DDF for Arrester Fail Grounding
- Terminal Connection for Grounding Cut
- Phase Terminal connection for Load's
- Terminal Connection for RBS (R/S/T/N)
- Terminal Connection for Incoming Power PLN
- Padlock Master Lock D70/D175
Supply, Delivery and Install (Pole Galvanized dia 3''- 5 meter) Included Foundation and Accessories Ls 1.000

Sub Total H Mechanical Electrical

I. Documentation
- Site Binder (2 hardcopies and softcopies) Ls 1.000
Refer to Site Binder Check list

Sub Total I Documentation

J. Material Handling
Manual Material Handling to Site (Valid for distance more than 30 m only)
- Sand, Splite, Steel Rebar and Potland Cement (Concrete Foundation) m3
- Steel Tower Material Kg
- Fance (Included Stone Masonry, Concrete sloof, Panel BRC, Post BRC and Gate) m1

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NO. UNIT SST-3A-40+3M-
Sub Total J Material Handling

K. Miscellaneous
Additional transportation for outer and remote area (see case by case) consist of :
- Mobilization and demobilization of all materials and man power to site (Supported by complete documents e.g. photos, Letter of
Agrements, Route, etc.)
Additional for grounding (New Specification)
- PVC dia. 0.5" m' 10.000
- AAC 80 mm2 from splitzen to control box m' 53.000
- Bimetal pcs 1.000
- Cadweld / Exothermic Welding tambahan utk cooper rod point 1.000
- Clamp for AAC 80 mm2 pcs 23.000

Sub Total K Miscellaneous


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