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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (1994) 9:352-361 The bternational Journal of

9 1994 Springer-Verlag London Limited

A Dimensioning and Tolerancing Assistance Model for CAD/CAM
A. Desrochers* and A. C16mentt
*l~cole de Technologic Suprdeure, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; tDassault Systemes, Suresnes, France

A model called TTRS for technologically and topologically 1.1 Description of the Problem
related surfaces, has been developed and its application to
dimensioning and tolerancing is presented here. According to As we have mentioned earlier, actual C A D / C A M systems
this model, any part can be represented as a succession of are proving to be lacking regarding:
binary surfaces associations forming a tree. Additionally, each 1. A proper dimensioning and tolerancing assistance.
surfaces association, termed as a TTRS object, is represented Indeed, even though the modelling task itself has been
by a set of minimum geometric datum elements (MGDE). simplified, the dimensioning and tolerancing job still requires
Once established, each TTRS can be given appropriate geometric the experience and the knowledge of an expert. Typically,
dimensioning and tolerancing (GD & T) symbols through a the various tolerancing symbols are available to the designer
general procedure making use of GD & T tables and through a library, but the C A D / C A M system usually does
combination rules. Application examples are also presented. not provide any guidance for the user to select the
appropriate symbols.
Keywords: CAD/CAM; Dimensioning; Model; Standards;
2. The integration of tolerances within the model.
Surfaces; Tolerancing
Assuming the proper symbols and their values have been
chosen, there is still a problem for integrating these data
within the CAD model. Tolerancing information is usually
only a form of dressing for the model. There is little or no
1. Introduction connexion between the gometric data of the model and the
technological information conveyed by the tolerances.
Today's C A D / C A M systems allow a user to model any three- Consequently, in this paper, we will attempt to fill these
dimensional part. However, there is, most of the time, little gaps by presenting a model well suited for the integration of
or no provision to guide a user into choosing the appropriate geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD & T) information
geometric dimensioning and tolerancing symbols for the part. within CAD model. Moreover, we will also show how this
In view of this, we have developed a model which has proved model can be used as a basis for a dimensioning and
to be well suited for this task. tolerancing assistance system. Before that, however, we will
The model, called TTRS for technologically and topologi- proceed to a bibliographical review to get a good grasp of
cally related surfaces, is based on successive binary associations the state of the art in this particular field.
of elementary surfaces. Along with this association process,
we .have devised a method to generate partial or complete
1.2 Bibliographical Review
datum systems representing the various surfaces associations.
We call these partial or complete reference frames "minimum There are several fields in which a bibliographical review
geometric datum elements" or MGDE. Finally, the TI'RS would be in order in the scope of this article. Indeed, it could
concept, along with the notion of MGDE, prov!des a solid be appropriate both in the area of C A D / C A M representation
basis for establishing a general dimerisioning and tolerancing models and for the representation of dimensions and tolerances
assistance scheme. Thus, the main objective of this paper will within CAD~CAM systems. In this instance, we will concen-
be to deal with this particular issue. trate on the latter since our ultimate goal is to propose a
dimensioning and tolerancing assistance model. Moreover,
this topic can be further divided into even more specific
subjects relating to the various approaches undertaken.
Correspondence and offprint requests to'. A. Desrochers, l~cole de Therefore, let us examine some of these approaches and
Technologic Sup~deure, Montrral, Qurbec, Canada. subjects.
A Dimensioning and Tolerancing Assistance Model 353

1.2.1 Dimensioning 2. The TTRS Model

In the area of dimensioning, very little work has actually This model has already been the topic of previous articles
been done. We can mention the work of Bond [1] on [17-19]. However, some of the aspects we will present here
the automatic dimensioning of three-dimensional models in are new and its application as a basis for a general dimensioning
appropriate views. His rule-based approach, however, does and tolerancing procedure is definitely novel. Nevertheless,
not take tolerances into account. This has been done by before entering this subject we will begin by a review of the
Bernstein and Preiss [2] who proposed a representation model basic concept underlying the TTRS model.
for tolerances, integrating dimensions. Their model uses a
constraint propagation approach and is limited to dimensional
2.1 Definition
tolerances. In the general field of tolerances, the literature is
far richer, as we shall see.
As we mentioned earlier the letters TTRS stand for "techno-
logically and topologically related surfaces".
1.2.2 Tolerances Representation Moreover, in our concept, T'I'RS are seen as objects
representing sets of related surfaces on the same part. In this
respect, a part can thus be seen as a list of "Iq'RS, each one
Several avenues have been explored in this field and most
regrouping a subset of all the functional surfaces.
have been the topic of serious work. We will therefore present
More specifically, the definition given for a TTRS entity
the main approaches developed, along with their major
goes as follows: "Set composed of two surfaces (or TYRS)
belonging to the same solid and located on the same kinematic
The first of these approaches is the representation of
loop in a given mechanism".
tolerances using tolerance zones. These tolerance zones are
As we will show, this definition carries several important
constructed by offsetting the theoretical nominal surfaces. On
ideas that restrict and define the notion of surfaces associations.
this, Requicha [3, 4] has proposed such a model based on a
Let us list and explain these ideas.
modified CSG model completed by a variational graph. His
offsetting methods have, however, drawn criticism from, 1. The concept is based on the notion of surfaces.
among others, Weill [5] and Farmer [6]. Following a similar A surface is defined in Webster's Dictionary as being "the
approach, Srinivasan [7, 8] has devised a model based on exterior or upper boundary of an object or body" or again
virtual boundaries defining half spaces composing the part as "a plane or curved two-dimensional locus of points (as
and establishing bulk material regions. He also establishes the boundary of a three dimensional region)". These
tolerance zones accordingly. Both, Requicha and Srinivasan definitions certainly illustrate well the idea we have of
are currently engaged in a joint effort for a proposal on the what a surface is. However, they do not provide the
definition or redefinition of size tolerancing within the ANSI mathematical strictness needed to implement the notion of
Y14.5 M standard [9]. surface within a C A D / C A M system. For this reason, we
The second type of tolerance representation uses a vectorial have established our own definition of elementary surfaces
description of tolerances. More specifically, two researchers based on their degrees of freedom. We will examine this
have adopted this approach and developed it. Turner [10, 11] later.
proposes a model in which he introduces three types of 2. The association process is binary.
variable: design, model and tolerance. From this point on, In our model, associations are made two by two. They
the problem of tolerancing reduces to the establishment of involve either two surfaces, one surface and a T r R S or
relations between tolerance and design variables through the two TTRS. In each cases, however, we are associating
use of a vectorial space. In Europe, Wirst [12] adopted a only two entities (surface or "FIRS) at a time. Therefore
completely different approach to that of Turner. Indeed, the binary character of the association process will be one
Wirst defines the position, direction and dimension of an of the main feature of our model.
element or a surface by vectors established with respect to a 3. The association process is also recursive.
unique reference frame. Tolerance intervals are then associated The mere fact that a surface can be associated with a
with each component of these vectors. His method has TTRS to form a new TTRS, implies that the whole
been the basis of a proposal for a new Swiss coordinate association process is a recursive one. Consequently, when
measurements standard [13]. considering a part, we will start by associating isolated
surfaces together. Then we will proceed by relating isolated
surfaces to TTRS previously constructed. Finally, we will
1.2.3 ToleranceAnalysis and Synthesis most probably end up associating "FI'RS together to form
"bigger" TI'RS, that is T r R S involving a greater number
This is yet another very active area of research worth of elementary surfaces. Normally, at the end of the
mentioning. However, it is not specifically the topic of this association procedure, all functional surfaces and all TI'RS
article, so we will not get into details concerning it. The should be related in a hierarchical fashion to form an
interested reader could, however, consult [14-16] for a association tree or graph. Such a graph is presented in
significant, non-statistical approach to tolerance analysis and "Fig. 1. It shows both the binary and recursive character
synthesis. of the method.
354 A. Desrochers and A. Clement

TI'RS 4 that definition could be stated as: "Any surface can be defined
and classified by its degrees of invariance".
A degree of invariance can be seen as a translation or a
rotation under which a given geometry remains unchanged.

/rra~ ~ ~rRs~ For example, cylinders define a class of surfaces that remain
unchanged or identical under a translation and a rotation
about an axis. Similarly, planes define yet another class of
surfaces invariant under two translations and a rotation
perpendicular to the plane of the translations. Proceeding in
Fig. 1. A TTRS association tree or graph. this fashion, we end up with seven distinct classes of surfaces
which are presented in Table 1.
Therefore, according to the TTRS model, parts will be
4. Associations are guided by the kinematic loops in a
represented by successive surfaces associations forming a tree.
,J This method of representation for parts is quite different from
Mechanisms can be represented schematically by a binding
the traditional B. Rep. and CSG model. Indeed, none of
graph. In such a graph, all the parts and all the surfaces
these models uses the notion of surface; the B. Rep. model
participating in contacts are represented. These surfaces
starts from point (vertex) and lines whereas the CSG model
are said to be functional because they participate in the
deals directly with solid primitives. On the other hand, the
assembly and more often than not, their dimensions are
idea of successive binary associations forming a tree is similar
crucial to insure proper mating and functioning of the
to the notion of the CSG graph. Nevertheless, as we shall
mechanism. Contacts between functional surfaces are,
see later, the use of surfaces in our approach will give us a
moreover, represented by solid lines on the graph. Once
definite edge for dimensioning and tolerancing parts.
parts, surfaces and contacts are represented, it is then
possible to extract numerous closed loops or cycles on the
graph. These cycles are called kinematic loops and they 2.3 The MGDE Concept
are, in many ways, the three-dimensional equivalent of the
familiar tolerancing chains. In Table 1, presenting the seven classes of elementary surfaces,
The association process, or the generation of TTRS, will each surface is shown along with the geometric elements
then be made according to a given number of selected representing it. For instance, a cylinder is illustrated along
independent kinematic loops. We will therefore relate only with a line as its axis, a sphere, with a point for its centre
surfaces or TTRS belonging to the same kinematic loop
and the same solid or part. The complete process is Table I. The seven classes of elementary surfaces.
illustrated in Fig. 2. The mechanism is represented there
with the corresponding binding graph, choice of indepen-
dent loops and TTRS generation tree. O F INVAR ANCE
Finally, even though this part of our model is important,
3 Iranslalions
we will not be focusing on it in this article. Instead, we 6
will concentrate on a method for dimensioning and 3 rotaliOllS
General surface
tolerancing TI'RS regardless of how they were obtained.
2 Iranslatiolls
Now, in the following sections, we will describe several 5
3 rotations
aspects which are important for the comprehension of our Prismatic surface
dimensioning and tolerancing assistance system.
3 IrallS]alion$
2 rotations
Surface of rcvolulion
2.2 Classes of Elementary Surfaces 2 translations

5 2 rotations
AS we said in the previous section, for our purpose we have (I coupling between
Hdical surface translation and rotation)
had to propose our own definition of surface. Furthermore,
2 translations
2 rotations
Cylindrical surface

I translation
2 I'Otal[OIl$
Plane surface

, l i
i!~, [
s, s2 s3
Spherical surface
3 3 translations

Fig. 2. A mechanism, its binding graph and "I'TRS association tree

or graph.
A Dimensioning and Tolerancing Assistance Model 355

Table 2. The elementary surfaces and their corresponding MGDE. For instance, the association of two parallel cylinders will
lead to the creation of a prismatic T r R S which in turn will
be suitably represented by an axis and a plane as M G D E .
Moreover, as in Fig. 3(a), if we now add a plane perpendicular
Spherical 9 Point
to this prismatic T r R S , we will get a general or complete
Plane ~7 Plane
T-I'RS for which no degrees of invariance are left. In this
Cylindrical Line
case, the corresponding M G D E will be obtained simply by
Helical "--41"--- Line and point
adding a point to the previous M G D E representing the
Of revolution -- 9 Line and point
prismatic surface. Therefore, the idea of recursivity can clearly
Prismatic ~ Line and point
be seen in the M G D E construction process along with the
General ~ Line, point and plane
generation of TTRS. The principle of recursivity shown in
this example is illustrated in Fig. 3(b).
Another important feature of the M G D E concept that can
and so on. These geometric elements characterising the surface be seen in this example (Fig. 3) deals with the flexibility of
are referred to in our model as: M G D E or "Minimum the M G D E construction procedure. The final M G D E is
geometric datum elements". composed, as recommended in Table 2, of a plane, a line
These M G D E are actually equivalent to theoretical reference and a point. However, as the example shows, this does not
frames meant to represent the real surfaces or TTRS. For mean that the composing surfaces must necessarily be a plane,
this reason, they are in no case optional and they are an a cylinder and a sphere. The M G D E , faithful to its name,
indissociable part of the TTRS model. Moreover, the M G D E proposes only the minimum amount of geometrical information
describe, visually, the degrees of invariance associated to a necessary to properly describe and position the surfaces
surface or TTRS. For instance, the line or axis of a cylindrical associations or even the part. Therefore, the M G D E is always
surface can only be translated along or rotated about itself a geometric subset of the actual surfaces.
which leaves four degrees of invariance; two in translation A classical example of this is the case of three mutually
and two in rotation. Finally, the various combinations of perpendicular datum planes, in order of precedence, forming
geometrical elements forming the M G D E for the seven classes a general or complete TTRS (see Fig. 4(a)). According to
of surfaces are shown in Table 2. Table 2, the corresponding M G D E would then be formed of
Moreover, one quick glance at that table will lead anyone a plane, a line and a point. Intuitively, however, most
to observe that all M G D E involve a point, a straight line, a designers would prefer considering a reference frame composed
plane or a combination of these elements. For this reason, of three orthogonal planes. Nevertheless, we shall demonstrate
we will consider the point, the straight line and the plane as that our proposed M G D E represents this "datum TTRS" best
being "basic M G D E " which means that all other M G D E will because it catches the designer's intent by integrating the
only be combination of these three. This statement is order of precedence which is crucial both for tolerancing and
summarised in Table 3.
The notion of basic M G D E is also interesting because it
reflects the fact that the surfaces they represent are those SI $2 $3
most commonly used in the majority of the parts being
manufactured. Indeed, most parts involved in a given mechan-
ism are composed solely of planes, cylinders and occasionally
spheres. Only exceptionally, will a designer use other types
of functional surfaces. Therefore the concept of basic M G D E (a)
is significant for current design and manufacturing practices.
"l'rRS2 A point ='+added IO the MGI)E
Additionally, the idea of basic M G D E also carries that of (general} of thc prc~ious qT'RS
evolution or recursivity in the surface association process. MGDE : The point comes from the
lnler~+~lion o1"the previous LMGDF+
Very few TTRS can be represented by basic M G D E alone; and the newly added plane
for most, they need a combination of them. This is the case,
in fact, for all TTRS except those composed of parallel planes,
coaxial cylinders or concentric spheres for which basic M G D E / I ~ ' I '/R S I
alone are appropriate. In all other cases, however, the proper (Pr~;';;;II;iE': _ A plane Is added to Ihc
axis of one of tire cyhnder~,
M G D E will involve a combination of basic M G D E . The plane is formed by III1' tv,o
h parallel axis
Table 3. The three basic MGDE.


\ (.'ylindcr S I
,M(d)li : M(il)l: : M(iDI: :
Plane ~
9 Sphere
(b) / /
Line , -- 9 Lme Fig. 3. (a) The part: a block with a milled surface $3 and two parallel
bores S1 and $2. (b) The corresponding TTRS and MGDE generation
356 A. Desrochers and A. Clt~ment

Tertiary datum
that they are involved in the association process right
from the beginning. Consequently, every TTRS constructed
Secondarydatumk ~ / r ~
afterwards will inevitably involve one of the data. This will
prove to be useful when we consider dimensioning and
Additionally, some rules were also established concerning
the choice of an appropriate M G D E in three typical cases.
" '>< rimaryda,am [] These rules can be stated as follows:
(a) Mutaall), perpendicularplanes

Rule 1
DATUM [ ORDEROF ] CORRESPONDING [ ORIGIN Condition: The resulting TTRS can be classified in the same
primary Plane Plane [ ]
class as both of its original components (surfaces or "VI'RS).
c 27 datum ~ Rule: The resulting M G D E is the M G D E of one of its
original components or a new one. No preference is given in
secondary Line Intersection this case.
datum of planes
_y," Example: Two parallel planes forming a planar TI'RS. The
resulting M G D E will be either chosen between the M G D E
of its original components or will be the median plane of the
[] tertiary Point / Intersectionof association.
/ ,4 planes[ ]

K.___j J
f~' s/ [ ] aud[ ] Rule 2
Condition: The TTRS product is classified into the same class
(b) as one of its original components.
Fig. 4. (a)Typical datum reference frame. (b) Construction of MGDE
according to the order of precedence. Rule: The new M G D E is the M G D E of the component
sharing the same class.
manufacturing. This is shown in Fig. 4(b). Using this approach, Example: A prismatic surface or TTRS parallel to a cylinder
we can therefore integrate the order of precedence within or cylinder TTRS yielding a new prismatic TTRS. The
our model along with the real plane surfaces composing the resulting M G D E in this case, will be the M G D E of the
datum TI'RS. original prismatic surface or TI'RS.
Finally, the idea of representing a complete reference frame
by a theoretical plane, line and point is also interesting
because it allows a model or TI'RS to evolve from either a Rule 3
prismatic or revolution TTRS to a general or complete one.
Condition: The TTRS product is classified in a class of higher
This would not be possible using other combinations of basic
rank or invariance degree than any of its original components.
Rule: Both original M G D E will participate in the determi-
2.4 Generation Rules for MGDE nation of the resulting M G D E .
Example: A cylinder parallel to a plane and forming a
Thus far, we have seen which theoretical elements or prismatic TTRS. The rank or the invariance degree of the
M G D E should represent which "Iq'RS. However, we have prismatic q'TRS is higher than that of the cylinder or the
not yet seen how those theoretical elements are chosen on plane; both have more degrees of freedom. Consequently,
the real surfaces. Consequently, we will establish, in this the prismatic M G D E will use the cylinder's axis or M G D E
section, guidelines regarding this. as well as the plane itself to define the prismatic TTRS
The first and most important issue to consider when completely.
choosing an M G D E , is reflection of the designer's intent.
This can be done by selecting, as M G D E , a theoretical As can be seen, these rules constrain the choice of a proper
element that corresponds to a datum surface on the actual M G D E . However, they still leave plenty of freedom for the
part. For instance, in the case of parallel planes, the proposed designer in many situations. Consequently, other rules, based
M G D E is a theoretical plane. Such a plane can either be on technological requirements, have been established to
chosen coincident to one of the real planes or the median constrain the choice of the M D G E even further. These
plane between them. All these options are thereotically additional rules relate to the automatic generation of TTRS
equivalent, but, in practice, priority should be given to a through the use of binding graphs [17, 18]. They will not,
plane that coincides with a real surface or TTRS which has however, be presented in this article. Nevertheless, it should
already been selected as datum. be understood that the primary goal of the M D G E , is to
Following this idea, one should always start by creating reflect, as much as possible, the choice of datum made by
TI'RS involving the chosen datum. In this way, we make sure the designer.
A Dimensioning and Tolerancing Assistance Model 357

3. D i m e n s i o n i n g a n d T o l e r a n c i n g "l'rRS Table 5. Dimensioning and toleraneing of elementary surfaces.

Now that we have seen the basics of the TTRS model, we Sure'ate Dimensions Tolerances
will present its application to dimensioning and tolerancing. Sphe.~ r 0
As we shall see, the concept of surfaces associations is Planar N.A.
particularly well suited for that task. Cylindrical r . 9, o,m.
Helical ~ , Pitch or thread tel ANSI YI4.6
or revolution oR ~, C'~, 0 .
3.1 A General Procedure Prismatic ~q , R ~ ,~ , I,

General , R ,c-~.~.L~
Here we will propose a general procedure that will generate
a dimensioning and tolerancing scheme representative of the
TI'RS created. The suggested method is fairly simple and
consists basically of two steps:
3.3 Dimensioning and Toleranclng MGDE
1. Dimensioning and tolerancing elementary surfaces. Assocations
This first step concerns the dimensioning and tolerancing
of the elementary surfaces involved in a given TTRS. In this last stage, the designer will concentrate on establishing
Indeed, in most cases, dimensions and tolerances of form the relative position of the M G D E of the two surfaces or
or profile can be assigned to individual surfaces (see Table TI'RS forming the new TTRS. Following Table 6, this will
4). be done using linear and angular dimensions as well as
2. Dimensioning and tolerancing M G D E associations. location, orientation and possibly runout tolerances. Moreover,
Once elementary surfaces have been dealt with, it is the choice of dimensions and tolerances will depend not only
necessary to characterise their associations by positioning on the class of surfaces or TI'RS involved but also on their
their M G D E with respect to one another. This can be done topological relations. For instance, the dimensioning and
using dimensions (distances and angles) as well as tolerances tolerancing of two cylinders will not be the same if they are
of location, orientation and/or runout in certain cases. As perpendicular or parallel. This will be an important issue in
we know, those tolerances always relate surfaces using the development that will follow.
specific symbols and, most often, data. This is summarized However, before going any further, we will explain why,
in Table 4. in this second stage, M G D E were preferred to surfaces for
the relative positioning of the two surfaces or "FI'RS. The
We will now examine, in the following sections, the details first and most important reason concerns the fact that, in
of these two basic stages and we will finally illustrate them practice, designers are doing just that. When considering the
with a complete example.
Table 6. Basic MGDE associations. (a) Point based associations. (b)
Plane based associations. (c) Line based associations.
3.2 Dimensioning and Tolerancing Elementary
PO~T I Merged Separated
Point ~ i~I ' -I~
As we explained earlier, in the first stage, when the designer
selects the surfaces involved in a T r R S , he must specify u., § /.§
dimensions and tolerances according to the type of surfaces
involved. Depending on the type he will have to choose
among a specific subset of dimensions and form tolerances.
These dimensions and tolerances, taken in the ANSI Y14.5M
PLANE I Merged I Parallel ~,~adicoznrls~ot
standard, are presented in Table 5. Of course, the proposed
Point ~3" I~, " ~ N.A. N.A.
tolerances are not compulsory. It will be left to the designer
to select only those that suit him best or that are most Pla.~ ~.o,D t,~,'=orh "-" . _ k ~,.~.z

appropriate for the part, given its application. (b) u~ e'. "" ,f .r // Uo~ f or 2_ 'h,. 1--

Table 4. Types of dimensions and tolerances according to their

I Concurrent Coneurrenl
LINE Merged Parallel Perpendicular converging ,ioll
Dimensions Tolerances I
Elemenlary snrraee Diameters. distances Form. profile
Pain! ~" t. ~ N.A. N.A. N.A..
; Plane 9@ . ,~, ~-~r. I I ~l._~lor ~lor_k ~. /~. N.~.
Sitrface association Distances.angles Location. orientation and
runout (c) u.* ~r ! or@or- r .~.// / %. /-- I .~.%.L
358 A. Desrochers and A. Cldment

relative positioning of two cylinders, for example, one attaches concerning their combination when dealing with the association
dimensions and tolerances to their axes rather than their of two M G D E of higher complexity. We will start by stating
surfaces. Indeed, the distance between two parallel cylinders these rules and then, we will proceed briefly to justify them.
will be measured from one axis to the other. Additionally,
M G D E provide a practical and efficient tool when dealing Rule 1
with higher classes of surfaces such as revolution, prismatic
Basic M G D E issued from the same original M G D E (also
and general surfaces. In these instances, the shape of the
called M G D E product) are not dimensioned or toleranced
surface may vary widely from one case to the next. Therefore,
with respect to one another.
the M G D E provides a standard means for representing and
thus positioning such surfaces. This is both handy and well
Rule 2
suited for C A D / C A M implementation. Consequently, for
these reasons and possibly others, we will consider the The number of elementary association cases to be considered
relations between M G D E rather than surfaces or even T'FRS. shall never exceed the number given in the following formula:
Furth~more, as we shall see, the relation between two
Number of cases to be considered = E M G D E involved
M G D E will he simplified as a set of relations between their
respective basic M G D E . Following this approach, we will
establish a list of all the possible topological relations between
Rule 3
basic M G D E , specifying for each the required dimensions
and suggested tolerance symbols. Then, we will establish Each basic M G D E involved must be implicated in at least
the rules controlling the combination of these elementary one of the association cases considered.
associations of basic M G D E . This method will guide any
designer toward a complete and non-redundant dimensioning Rule 4
and tolerancing scheme while leaving him some freedom of
Whenever possible, we shall give priority to association cases
choice whenever possible. Now, before going any further, let
involving at least one line.
us examine all three possible combinations of basic M G D E
and their proposed dimensions and tolerances. As we should remember, M G D E products represent surfaces
or TTRS which should already have their own dimensions
3.3.1 Basic MGDE Associations and tolerances from previous stages. Consequently, there is
The survey we will present here is composed of three tables no need to consider here the combination of basic M G D E
illustrating, for each basic M G D E , the linear and angular belonging to a particular M G D E product representing a
distances as well as the proper tolerance symbols needed in surface or TTRS. This is the foundation of rule 1 and the
order to position it with respect to any other basic M G D E . starting point for rule 2.
Of course, every combination shown will be based on a Rule 2 can be proved in a strict fashion using combinational
specific topological relation between a pair of basic M G D E . rules and set algebra. However, it can also be justified in a
These basic M G D E associations are presented in Table 6 and more empirical way. Let us consider the case of two M G D E
are subject to the following comments: products, each being composed of up to three basic M G D E .
To completely specify the relative position of both M G D E
The reader will have recognised the usual tolerance symbols products, one must first indicate the position of one basic
as presented in the ANSI Y14.5M standard. In addition to M G D E with respect to every other basic M G D E from the
these symbols we have defined, for the purpose of the table, second M G D E product. Then, the designer must specify the
two new symbols corresponding to the linear and angular position of all remaining basic M G D E from the first M G D E
distances to be specified on the drawing or model. These are: product with any basic M G D E from the second one. This is
Linear distance: ~r illustrated in Fig. 5, each link representing a relation between
Angular distance: two basic M G D E belonging to a different M G D E product.
Finally, all this can be translated into the equation presented
The inscription of these prescribed distances or angles on the in rule 2.
dra~,ing is, of course, compulsory, in order to obtain a Concerning the justification of rule 3, it is indirectly included
complete dimensioning and tolerancing scheme. in the explanations for rule 2. In any case, it makes sense
When several tolerance symbols are proposed, these are that all basic M G D E be considered at least once in an
placed in decreasing order of importance reflecting also the
relative values of their tolerance zones. Finally, mutually MGDE product I MGDE product
exclusive tolerances are separated by commas.
The three tables present, as can be seen, some redundancies
with respect to one another. As a result, there are actually
only 19 distinct cases of basic M G D E associations.

3.3.2 Basic MGDE Combination Rules

bu~ic MGDE - I = 5 - I = 4 relations Io consider
Now that we have seen the directory of all possible dimen-
sioning and tolerancing schemes, we will establish four rules Fig. 5.
A Dimensioning and Tolerancing Assistance Model 359

association case. This is necessary in order for the dimensioning M.G.D.E. I M.G.D.E. 2 ~ssoc;ation
and tolerancing to be complete and non-redundant. Case no ~ / r Choice
Rule 4 does not need to be as strictly enforced as the l / / ~,./-- x
previous one. However, we strongly recommend that it be 2 9 / •
followed and we will demonstrate why. Indeed, as basic 3 [i / "%./_. X
M G D E the line is somewhat different to the other basic
M G D E since it has four degrees of invariance whereas the 5 9 9 / ,~
point and the plane each have three. Consequently, the line r ,r
is more constrained than the point or the plane which, in (a)
turn, means that it may, in some cases, require a higher
number of parameters to set its position. This is actually the
case for the positioning of two concurrent but not converging
lines for which both a distance and an angle are necessary.
Moreover, current drawing practice shows that very often,
distances and angles are indicated between lines, or axes. |
Finally, we may also mention that the line is the only basic
M G D E which is implicated in every complex M G D E or i| |
M G D E product. Therefore, for all these reasons, we have
decided that rule 4 should, indeed, be a rule.
9 |
This concludes our demonstration of the combination rules
pertaining to the dimensioning and tolerancing process of
M G D E associations. We will now proceed to apply this
method on a simple, representative example.
Fig. 6. General TTRS/revolution TTRS association. (a) Potential
association cases. (b) Resulting dimensioning and tolerancing.
3.3.3 Example
The example we will develop to illustrate this method will be 4. R e a l i s a t i o n of a P r o t o t y p e
that of a complete or general TTRS associated to a TTRS or
In this section, we shall present the outlines of the prototype
surface of revolution. The relation between these two TTRS
that was constructed to validate our concept. The software
or surfaces will be such that their axis will be concurrent and
we developed was built upon the C A T I A C A D / C A M system
According to rule 2, the number of association cases to and the K E E expert-system generator. We will give a brief
overview of the main feature of this system in the following
consider is given by the formula:
Number of cases to consider = E basic M G D E - 1 On the C A D / C A M side of the prototype, we may signal
Number of cases to consider = 5 - 1 = 4 these characteristics:

In this instance, the list of potential association cases are The $imu/taneous Use of Both B.Rep and C.S.G.
shown in Fig. 6(a) along with the selected ones according to Models
rules 2, 3 and 4. The corresponding dimensioning and
tolerancing is taken from Table 6 for each one of the possible Indeed, the geometrical description of planes is extracted
cases. Finally, the resulting dimensioning and tolerancing on from the B.Rep model whereas the equations for the other
the drawing is shown in Fig. 6(b). On this drawing, the classes of surfaces were obtained from the C.S.G. model. On
number besides each tolerance symbol or basic dimension this, we may also add that, for simplicity's sake, we have
refers to an association case indicated in Fig. 6(a). As it can only considered, as elementary surfaces: plane, sphere,
be seen on that drawing, the relative positioning of both cylinder, cone and toms, the latter two being considered as
M G D E is complete and non-redundant. surfaces of revolution.
Moreover, some freedom is left to the designer when it
comes to the inscription of basic dimensions and tolerance The Description of the Mechanism
symbols. For example, for association case 3 a plane con- In our prototype, the mechanism is taken into account. This
structed from the two axes was chosen rather than using the is done by including the various models describing the parts
axis of M G D E 2 directly, as the association case would have of an assembly into yet another model integrating them
prescribed. These initiatives are certainly not to be discouraged altogether. Using special functions developed for that purpose,
or forbidden since no system can replace the designer when the designer can then specify all the contacts between the
it comes to indicating a dimension or tolerance in a way that functional surfaces for all the parts. These contacts have,
is most significant from a technological point of view. moreover, their own geometric descriptions, including a vector
Consequently, our system only guides the user, making sure indicating their direction which is necessary when using them
that all necessary information will indeed be on the drawing in tglerance chains to generate TTRS.
or model. Furthermore, as we mentioned earlier, most of the Additionally, the expert-system side of our .prototype
tolerances suggested in Table 6 are not compulsory. features the following characteristics:
360 A. Desrochers and A. CIt~ment

An Object Oriented Approach and using the same probe, whenever possible. This would
provide a sensible way for measurements planning.
This is somehow natural since KEE, the expert-system
4. The generation of process oriented TTRS.
generator we used, is itself object oriented. Nevertheless, this
Again as machining produces surfaces, this gives an advan-
proved to be particularly well suited for our task. T'FRS
tage to our model in a process-oriented context. Therefore,
were considered as objects within our system. Moreover,
we could generate "I'TRS representing machining operations
programming was done in LISP, a language working on lists
and their associated dimensions and tolerances. In view of
of objects.
this, the whole machining process could translate into a
corresponding TTRS tree. Moreover, the problem of
The Construction of TTRS and MGDE Trees tolerance transfer or stack-up could "boil down" to the
As we showed earlier on, from a functional point of view, a translation from a design TTRS tree to a process "I~RS
part can be represented by its TFRS and M G D E tree, also tree.
relating" to a corresponding dimensioning and tolerancing
Of course, the implementation of these ideas would certainly
scheme:Such trees are represented within our system as well
not be straightforward and would therefore require much
as the database, itself arranged as a set of trees, each one
development. However, some of them are already under
regrouping a Class of objects.
scrutiny and seem quite promising. In any case, work in this
This concludes our rather brief description of the prototype
field is far from over and we hope our approach will be of
we have developed. The objective was to present an implemen-
use in the future.
tation of our model to show its possible integration within
actual C A D systems.

5. Conclusion 1. A. H. Bond and S. Z. Ahmed, "Knowledge-based automatic
dimensioning", Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Compu-
Our model proposes a systematic dimensioning and tolerancing tational Mechanics Publications, 4(1), pp. 32-40, 1989.
assistance to the designer. Moreover, TFRS and their corre- 2. N. S. Bernstein, K. Preiss, "Representation of tolerance infor-
mation in solid models", in International Conference on CAD/
sponding M G D E also constitute a sensible way to integrate CAM and A M T in lsra#l, CIRP Sessions on tolerancing for
dimensions and tolerances within C A D systems. Consequently, function in a CAD/CAM environment, Proceedings, vol. 2,
it is reasonable to say that our model and its dimensioning Jerusalem, Israel. 11-14 December 1989, pp.37-48.
and tolerancing procedure, fulfils the requirements we had 3. A. A. G. Requicha, "Toward a theory of geometric tolerancing",
set at the beginning of this paper. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 2(4), pp.45-60,
Winter 1983.
Additionally, we found that our model was promising in 4. A. A. G. Requicha and S. C. Chan, "Representation of geometric
several related areas. These areas and the potential develop- features, tolerances, and attributes in solid modelers based
ment of our concept were the following: on constructive geometry", IEEE Journal of Robotics and
Automation, RA-2(3), pp. 156-166, September 1986.
5. R. Weill, "Integrating dimensioning and tolerancing in computer-
1. The mathematical formulation of tolerance zones. aided process planning", Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manu-
It seems that our model provides a solid basis for the facturing, 4(1/2), pp.41-48, 1988.
representation of tolerance zones by matrices or screws. 6. L. E. Farmer and C. A. Gladman, "Tolerance technology -
Indeed, these two mathematical tools require the definition Computer-based analysis", Annals of the CIRP, 35(1), pp. 7-10,
of reference frames which can be regarded as our MGDE. 7. R. Jayaraman and V. Srinivasan, "Geometric tolerancing: I.
From here, this would open the way for the resolution of Virtual boundary requirements", IBM Journal of Research and
tolerance analysis and the synthesis problem. Development, 33(2), pp. 90-104, March 1989.
2. The modelling of clearances and spaces. 8. R. Jayaraman and V. Srinivasan, "Virtual boundary requirements
and conditional tolerances in mechanical design", IBM Research
If our model is suited for the representation of parts, it Report, RC 12942, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, 1987.
could also very well be adapted to the representation of 9. V. Srinivasan and A. A. G. Requicha, "A proposal for the
clearances and spaces within a mechanism. A clearance or definition of size tolerancing", A N S I Y14.5.1 Meeting, Chicago,
gap could then be considered as a fictitious solid for which 25-26 April 1991.
10. J. U. Turner, "A vector space approach to the mathematical
TTRS and related dimensions could be defined. This could representation of tolerances on mechanical parts", IBM Technical
he quite useful when handling tolerance allocation or Report, T R 00.3383, 13 May 1986.
synthesis problems. 11. J. U. Turner and M. J. Wozny, "Tolerances in computer-aided
3. The generation of measurement sequences. geometric design", The Visual Computer, Springer, vol. 3, 1987,
pp. 214-226.
With the increasing use of coordinate measuring machines 12. A. Wirtz, "Vectorial tolerancing for production quality control
(CMM), there is a growing need for measurement sequence and functional analysis in design", CIRP International Working
planning software. On this, our model can be used, since Seminar on Computer-Aided Tolerancing, Penn State University,
CMM measure surfaces, which is what our model is all 16-17 May 1991, pp.77-84.
13. "Technique de mesure en coordonn~es; Principes g~om~triques
about. Therefore, our concept could serve as a basis for a fondamentaux et d6finitions', Norme provisoire 257 800, Norme
system in which T'FRS, and therefore surfaces related by enregistr6e de I'Association Suisse de Normalisation, Soci~t~
dimensions, would have to be measured in the same setting Suisse des Constructeurs de Machines, 1988.
A Dimensioning and Tolerancing Assistance Model 361

14. F. Kimura and H. Suzuki, "Treatment of tolerances in product based system", Computer Integrated Quality System in CIM, IFIP
modeling environment", International Conference on CAD~CAM T.C.5/W.G.5.3. Working Conference, Belgrade, Yugoslavia,
and AMT in Israel, CIRP Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, 11-14 20-23 June 1989, pp. 201-214.
December 1989. 18. B. Charles, A. CI6ment, A. Desrochers, P. Pelissou and A.
15. S. A. Irani, R. O. Mittal and E. A. Lehtihet, "Tolerance chart Riviere, "Toward a computer aided functional tolerancing model",
optimization", InternationalJournal of Production Resarch, 27(9), International Conference on CAD/CAM and AMT in Israel, CIRP
pp. 1531-1552, 1989. Sessions on tolerancingfor function in a CAD~CAM environment,
16. P. H. Gu and H. A. Eimaraghy, "Expert tolerancing consultant for Proceedings, vol. 2, Jerusalem, Israel, 11-14 December 1989,
goemetric modelling", Proceedings of Manufacturing International section C-2-4, pp. !-7.
'88, Symposium on Product and Process Design, ASME, vol. 1, 19. A. CI6ment, A Desrochers and A. Riviere, "Theory and practice
April 1988, pp. 17-22. of 3-D tolerancing for assembly", CIRP International Working
17. B. Charles, A. CI6ment, A. Desrochers, P. Pelissou and A. Seminar on Computer-Aided Tolerancing, Penn State University,
Rivi/:re, "Controlling a mechanical part designed with a feature 16-17 May 1991, pp. 25-55.

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