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EASY START GUIDE (5/3/1 and Beyond 5/3/1 pdf manuals

attached (for more in depth info)

i made this so you can simply print it and go

heavy 5/3/1 sets:

Week 1: 3 x 5

Week 2: 3 x 3

Week 3: 3 x 5, 3, 1

Week 4: deloading 40 50 60%

0) warm up stretches recommended in article(5-10 mins)

1) explosive excercise choose 1:

squat jumps

jumps up on to a box bench

jumps off a box /bench for height(high jump) or distance(long jump)

2)heavy stuff(couple of warm up sets before going heavy)

deadlif heavy 5-3-1 x 3 sets

add an extra heavier set when you feel like it afer your normal 5/3/1 sets (called a joker set)

squat 5x5 speed/ technique

3)assistance : (3x5 on all assistance) choose 1 for each muscle group

QUADS: front squat/leg press/leg extension 3x5

HAMSTRINGS :stiff leg goodmorning/stiff leg deadlif/leg curl 3x5


6) CALVES: calves seated/standing/donkey 3x5

Shoulder press
0 )warm up stretches recommended in article(5-10 mins)

1)Explosive excercise choose 1 :

kettlbell/dumbbell/barbell(when tehcnique mastered) clean and press

dumbell/kettlebell/barbell snatch

kettlebell /dumbell swing

2)heavy stuff(couple of warm up sets before going heavy)

barbell shoulder press heavy 5/3/1 x 3sets

add an extra heavier set when you feel like it afer your normal 5/3/1 sets (called a joker set)

barbell bench press 5x5 speed technique

3)assistance : (3x5 on all assistance) choose 1 for each muscle group

BACK: barbell row/dumbell row/ pullup 3x5

ABS: weighted decline crunches /weighted leg raises/ turkish get up(this is beast) 3x5


5)BICEPS: underhand pullup/any curl variation (optional) 3x5

6) TRICEPS: close grip bench press/close bar dips (optional) 3x5

0) warm up stretches recommended in article(5-10 mins)

1) explosive excercise choose 1:

squat jumps

jumps up on to a box bench/jumps off a box

bench for height(high jump) or distance(long jump)

heavy stuff (couple of warm up sets before going heavy)

2) squat heavy 5-3-1 x 3 sets

add an extra heavier set when you feel like it afer your normal 5/3/1 sets (joker set)

3) deadlif 5x5 speed technique

assistance (3x5 on all assistance) choose 1 for each muscle group

4) QUADS: front squat/leg press/leg extension 3x5

5) HAMSTRINGS: stiff leg goodmorning/stiff leg deadlif/leg curl 3x5


6) CALVES: seated/standing/donkey 3x5

Bench press
0 )warm up stretches recommended in article(5-10 mins)

1) explosive excercise
choose 1 from my list below eg:

kettlbell/dumbbell/barbell(when technique mastered) clean and press

kettlebell/dumbell /barbell(when technique mastered) snatch

kettlebell/dumbell swing 2hands/( 1hand when weight gets to easy)

heavy stuff (couple of warm up sets before going heavy)

2)barbell bench press heavy 5/3/1 x 3sets

add an extra heavier set when you feel like it afer your normal 5/3/1 sets (joker set)

3)barbell shoulder press 5x5 speed technique

assistance (3x5 on all assistance) choose 1 for each muscle group

4)BACK: barbell row/dumbell row/ pullup 3x5

5)ABS: turkish get up(this is beast) /weighted decline crunches /weighted leg raises 3x5

6)BICEPS: underhand pullup/any curl variation (optional) 3x5

7)TRICEPS: close grip benc h press/close bar dips (optional) 3x5

workouts last +- 60-75mins

extras for variation :

you can adjust your assistance excercises each 3 week cycle for variation on
deadlift squat days: choosing 1 from each:
QUADS-front squat /leg press / leg extension/hack squat/ (quads)

HAMSTRINGS-leg curl/stiff leg good morning/ stiff leg deadlif (hamstrings)

CALVES-seated/ standing/ stretch (donkey )

you can adjust your assistance excercises each 3 week cycle for shoulder
press bench days choose 1 from each:
CHEST:-close bench / wide bench press / dips/dumbell bench / incline bench etc (wide
for chest closer for more triceps )

SHOULDERS:-upright rows /dumbell shoulder press

BACK: barbell rows / pullups /dumbell rows /cable rows

ABS : do weighted crunches or leg raises (weighted) (remember train abs like another
bodypart same reps (5x5) and add weight for strength / try out a turkish get up if you
aren't dead already, BEWARE ITS INTENSE on a day when you feel like a beast

Biceps : any curl if you really want to but NOT NECCESSARY

back does biceps anyways (not necessary)

Triceps: any overhead extension or dip if you want to BUT NOT NECESSARY

chest does triceps anyways (not necessary)

-you can change your assistance excercises as needed afer each 3 week cycle, if you feel
you are weak in a certain area or on a certain excercise or if going wider or closer than
shoulder width on any particular excercise is harder stick with it for a few 3 week cycles
for your 3x5 assistance sets

-when in doubt choose the hardest and work at it

(google excercises for video examples if needed )

basic strength template(click links below)


the original brief overview of the strength program

1.2 strength + explosive excercises added(click

links below)

- 1.2 strength program with explosive work added

- you can do a single day where you do all explosive excercises together or start each workout
with 1 explosive excercise folowed by your normal 531 +assistance strength training

explosive excercise choices I recommend: below

tips-legs (ass(hip flexors + core) must lead 1st then upper comes in to finish
sacrifice weight to get the coordination/ technique right at 1st

(upper body explosive)

-over head backwards or 4wards

-rugby line out throw

-smash in to floor in front of you

-side to side rotatation

(lower body explosive)

-jumps up on to box/bench - once mastered 1 leg

-jumps down off box/bench for distance (length) or height - once mastered 1 leg

-jump squats -once mastered 1 leg an option

(whole body explosive)

-kettle bell swings 2hands - 1hand when weight gets too light

-kettle bell/dumbell / snatch - once mastered barbell snatch ( more dangerous)

-kettlebell /dumbell clean once mastered barbell clean ( more dangerous)

-kettlebell/dumbell clean + press - once mastered barbell clean + press (more dangerous)

(use dumbells if kettlebell weight gets to light)

plus others suggested in articles above are good too

(google excercises for video examples if needed )

1.3 joker sets added as a progression to increase intensity

(click links below)

-basically heavier sets added on to your 5+3+1+sets for those days when you feel like you can
go even heavier

-some extra info on how to use joker sets to add intensity

1.4 the ultimate even more intensity techniques

added(click links below)

some other intensity boosters i've used are for explosiveness are:
*- using heavier medicine ball 10kg 12kg or 15kg during medicine ball throws

*-increase height of boxes jumping up to or down off during explosive jumps

-choping wood(rocky style) -sledge hammer on tyre -or pik in to ground

-you could add your mma training in here

(core co ordination explosiveness overall body strength )

*- 2leg / 1 leg hopping up bank / stairs or sand dune

-sand dune sprints flat / then up hill

-sand dune hill jumps 2 leg then 1 leg and weighted if you get that strong

-crawling (upper body emphasis)on beach + up hill pretty beast too

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