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Muscular System  Sarcoplasmic reticulum

- the endoplasmic
• Because flexing muscles look like mice scurrying reticulum of a muscle
beneath the skin, some scientist long ago fiber
dubbed them muscles, from the Latin mus
 Sarcomere - the
meaning “little mouse.” Indeed, we tend to
smallest unit of
think of the rippling muscles of professional
contraction within a
boxers or weight lifters when we hear the word
3 muscle types:
But muscle is also the dominant tissue in the heart
and in the walls of other hollow organs. In all its forms, • There are 3 types of muscle tissue- skeletal,
muscle tissue makes up nearly half the body’s mass. cardiac & smooth. These differ in their cell
structure, body location, & how they are
• Muscles are distinguished by their ability to
stimulated to contract. Some ways they are the
transform chemical energy (ATP) into directed
mechanical energy. In so doing, they become
capable of exerting force. • Skeletal & smooth muscle cells are elongated.
For these reason these type of muscle cells (but
The Muscular System
not cardiac) are called muscle fibers or muscle
 Muscles are responsible for all types of body cells.
movement – they contract or shorten
Skeletal Muscle Characteristics
 “machines” of the body
 Most are attached by tendons to bones
Muscles (650): more than 600
 Cells are multinucleate
❑ allow for movement and position
 Striated – have visible banding
❑ produce heat
 Voluntary – subject to conscious control
• The essential function of muscle is contraction
 Reflexes - without command
or shortening – a unique characteristic that sets
it apart from any other body tissue. As a result  Cells are surrounded and bundled by connective
of this ability, muscles are responsible for tissue
essentially all body movement and can be
viewed as the “machines” of the body.  Skeletal muscle fibers are packaged into the
organs called skeletal muscles that attach to the
Terminologies body’s skeleton. As the skeletal muscles cover
our bony “underpinnings,” they help form the
 All muscles share some terminology
much smoother contours of the body. Skeletal
 Prefix myo refers to muscle - muscle fibers are huge, cigar-shaped,
myometrium multinucleate cells. They are the largest of the
muscle fiber types – some raging from 30 cm
 Prefix mys refers to muscle - myalgia
(nearly 1 foot) in length. Indeed the fibers are
 Prefix sarco refers to flesh large , hardworking muscles, such as the
antigravity muscles if the hip, are so big &
 sarcoplasm - cytoplasm coarse that they can be seen with the naked
of a muscle fiber eye.
 Sarcolemma - cell  Skeletal muscle is known as striated muscle
membrane of muscle (because its fibers have obvious stripes) & the
fiber voluntary muscle because it is the only muscle
type subject to conscious control.) However it is • The epimysia blend either into strong, cordlike
important to recognize that skeletal muscles are tendons or into sheetlike aponeuroses (ex.
often activated by reflexes ( without our “willed Epicranial), which attach muscles indirectly to
command”) as well. When you think of skeletal bones, cartilages or connective tissue coverings
muscle tissue, the key words to remember are
• Besides simply acting to anchor muscles,
skeletal, striated, and voluntary.
tendons perform several other functions. The
 Skeletal muscle tissue can contract rapidly and most important are providing durability &
with great force, but tires easily & must rest conserving space. Tendons are mostly tough
after short periods of activity. collagenic fibers, so they can cross rough bony
projections, which would tear the more delicate
 Skeletal muscle fibers, like most cells are soft &
muscle tissues
surprisingly fragile. Yet skeletal muscles can
exert tremendous power – indeed, the force • Because of their relatively small size, more
they generate in, say lifting a weight, is often tendons than fleshy muscles can pass over a
much greater than that required to lift the joint.
weight.. The reason they are not ripped apart as
• Many people think of muscles as always having
they exert force is that thousands of their fibers
an enlarges “belly” that tapers down to a
are bundled together by connective tissue,
tendon at each end. However, muscles vary
which provides strength & support to the
considerably in the way their fibers are
muscle as a whole.
arranged. Many are spindle-shaped as just
Importance of Connective Tissue described, but in others, the fibers are arranged
in a fan shape or circle.
 Help support & bind muscle fibers
 Increase muscle strength  Epimysia blends into a connective tissue
 Provides a route (entry & exit) nerves & attachment
blood vessels
 Tendon – cord-like structure (collagen
Connective Tissue Wrappings of fibers)
Skeletal Muscle
 Aponeuroses – sheet-like structure
Endo (within; inner); peri (around); epi (on, above,
 Sites of muscle attachment
 Bones
 Endomysium – around single muscle fiber
 Cartilages
 Perimysium – around a fascicle (bundle) of
fibers  Connective tissue coverings
Connective Tissue Wrappings of Smooth Muscle Characteristics
Skeletal Muscle
 no striations
• Many fascicles are bound together by an even
tougher “overcoat” of connective tissue called  Spindle-shaped cells
an epimysium (= upon, over , beside), which  Single nucleus
covers the entire muscle.
 Involuntary
 Epimysium – covers the entire skeletal muscle
 mainly in the walls of hollow visceral organs
 Fascia – on the outside of the epimysium
 Contraction - slow, sustained and tireless
Skeletal Muscle Attachments
Smooth muscle has no striations & is involuntary,
which means that we cannot consciously control it.
Found mainly in the walls of hollow visceral organs such into the large arteries leaving the heart. Recall
as the stomach, urinary bladder, and respiratory that cardiac muscle fibers are branching cells
passages, smooth muscle propels substances along a joined by special junctions called intercalated
definite tract, or pathway, within the body. We can discs. These two structural features and the
best describe smooth muscle using the terms visceral, spiral arrangement of the muscle bundles in the
non striated & involuntary. heart allow heart activity to be closely
coordinated. Cardiac muscle usually contracts
 Smooth muscle cells are spindle-shaped, have a
at a fairly steady rate set by the heart’s “in
single nucleus, and are surrounded by a scant
house” pacemaker, (SA node) but the heart can
endomysium. They are arranged in layers &
also be stimulated by the nervous system to
most often there are 2 such layers, one running
shift into “high gear” for short periods, as when
circularly & the other longitudinally. As the 2
you run to catch a bus.
layers alternately contract & relax, they change
the size & shape of an organ. Moving food Function of Muscles
through the digestive tract & emptying the
 Produce movement
bowels & bladder are examples of
“housekeeping” activities normally handled by  Maintain posture
smooth muscles. Smooth muscles contraction
is slow & sustained.  Stabilize joints

 If a skeletal muscle is like a sprinter, who runs  Generate heat

fast but tires quickly, the smooth muscle is like a Definitions:
marathoner, who runs more slowly but keeps
up the pace for many miles. Producing movement is a common function of all
muscle types, but skeletal muscle plays three other
Cardiac Muscle Characteristics important roles in the body as well: it maintains
 has striations posture, stabilizes joints, and generates heat.

 single nucleus  Producing Movement – just about all

movements of the human body result from
 branching cells joined by special junctions muscle contraction. Skeletal muscles are
called intercalated discs responsible for mobility of the body as a whole,
including all locomotion (walking, swimming &
 Involuntary
cross country skiing , for instance) and
 arranged in spiral figure 8-shaped bundles manipulation. They enable us to respond
quickly to changes in the external environment.
 Closely coordinated contraction & steady pace
For example, their speed and power enable us
Cardiac muscle is found in only one place of the to jump out of the way of a runaway car & then
body-the heart, where it forms the bulk of the heart follow its flight with our eyes. They also allow
walls. The heart serves as a pump, propelling blood into us to express our emotions with the silent
the blood vessels and to all tissues of the body. Cardiac language of smiles and frowns.
muscle is like skeletal muscle that is striated, and like
 Scientists have studied the muscles
smooth muscle in that it is involuntary and cannot be
needed for both facial expressions, and
consciously controlled by most of us. Important key
to do a small smile generally uses 10
words are cardiac, striated, and involuntary.
muscles; a small frown uses 6. ...
 The cardiac fibers are cushioned by small However, since humans tend to smile a
amount of soft connective tissue (endomysium) lot, these muscles are stronger.
and arranged in spiral figure 8-shaped bundles.
 They are distinct from the smooth
When the heart contracts, its internal
muscles of the blood vessel walls and
chambers become smaller, forcing the blood
cardiac muscle of the heart, which work
together to circulate blood and Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
maintain blood pressure, and the
 Myofibril
smooth muscle of other hollow organs,
which forces fluids (urine, bile) and  Complex organelle composed of
other substances ( food, a baby) bundles of myofilaments
through internal body channels.
 Myofibrils are aligned to give distinct
 Maintaining Posture & Body Position – We are bands
rarely aware of the workings of the skeletal
muscles that maintain body posture. Yet they  I band =
function almost continuously, making one tiny light band
adjustment after another so that we maintain  A band =
an erect or seated posture despite the never- dark band
ending downward pull of gravity
 Myofibril - a long filamentous organelle with a
 Stabilizing Joints – as the skeletal muscle pull on banded appearance found within a muscle cell
bones to cause movements, they also stabilize
the joints of the skeleton. Indeed, muscle  The nuclei are pushed aside by long ribbonlike
tendons are extremely important in reinforcing organelles, the myofibrils, which nearly fill the
and stabilizing joints that have poorly fitting cytoplasm. Alternating light (I) and dark (A)
articulating surface (ex, shoulder joint) bands align the length of the perfectly aligned
myofibrils give the muscle cell as a whole its
 Generating heat – body heat is generated as a striped appearance. A closer look at the
by-product of muscle activity. As ATP is used banding pattern revels that the light I band has
to power muscle contraction, nearly three a midline interruption, a darker area called the
quarters of its energy escapes as heat. This Z disc, and the dark A band has a lighter central
heat is vital in maintaining normal body area called the H zone. The M line in the
temperature. Skeletal muscle accounts for at center of the H zone contains tiny protein rods
least 40 % of body mass, so it is the muscle type that hold adjacent thick filaments together.
most responsible for body heat.
Each dark A band has a lighter region in its midsection
Additional functions – some other roles are usually left called the H zone (H for helle; “bright”).
off lists of major muscle functions: Skeletal muscles
protect fragile internal organs by enclosure. Smooth Each H zone is bisected vertically by a dark line called
muscles form valves to regulate the passage of the M line (M for middle) formed by molecules of the
substances through internal body openings, dilate and protein myomesin.
constrict the pupil of the eyes, and activate the arrector ■ Each light I band also has a midline interruption, a
pili muscles that cause our hairs to stand on end. darker area called the Z disc (or Z line).
Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle  Sarcomere
 Multiple nucleus beneath the sarcolemma  muscle segment; region of a myofibril
 Sarcolemma – specialized plasma membrane between 2 successive Z discs
or cell membrane of the muscle fiber.  Contractile unit of a muscle fiber
Skeletal muscle cells are multinucleate. Many The region of a myofibril between two successive Z discs
oval nuclei can be seen just beneath the plasma, is a sarcomere (sarko-mĕr; literally, “muscle
which is called the sarcolemma (“muscle husk”) in segment”).
muscle cells. The nuclei are pushed aside by long
ribbonlike organelles, the myofibrils, which nearly Averaging 2 μm long, a sarcomere is the of a muscle
fill the cytoplasm. smallest contractile unit fiber—the functional unit of skeletal muscle. It contains
an A band flanked by half an I band at each end. Within
each myofibril, the sarcomeres align end to end like  Composed of the protein actin + regulatory
boxcars in a train. If we examine the banding pattern of binding protein
a myofibril at the molecular
The thin filaments are composed of the
• So why are we bothering with all these terms – contractile protein called actin, plus some regulatory
dark this and light that? Because the banding proteins that play a role in allowing ( or preventing)
pattern reveals the working structure of the binding of myosin heads to actin. The thin filaments,
myofibrils. First, we find that the myofibrils are also called actin filaments, are anchored to the Z disc ( a
actually chains of tiny contractile units called disclike membrane). Notice that the light I band
sarcomeres, which are aligned end to end like includes parts of two adjacent sarcomeres & contains
boxcars in a train along the length of the only the thin filaments. Although they overlap the ends
myofibrils. Second, it is the arrangement of of the thick filaments, the thin filaments do not extend
even smaller structures (myofilaments) within into the middle of a relaxed sarcomere, and thus the
sarcomeres that actually produces the banding central region (the H zone, which lacks actin filaments
pattern. and looks a bit lighter) is sometimes called the bare
Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
 Organization of the sarcomere
 Myosin filament heads
 Thick filaments = myosin filaments
 projections,or cross bridges
 Composed of the protein
These projections, or myosin heads, are called
cross bridges when they link the thick and thin filaments
 Has ATPase enzymes – split together during contraction
ATP to generate power for
When contraction occurs and the actin-
containing filaments slide toward each other into the
 Myofilaments - actin & myosin containing center of the sarcomeres, these light zones disappear
structure because the actin and myosin filaments are completely
overlapped. For now, however, just recognize that it is
 Let’s examine how the arrangement of the the precise arrangement of the myofilaments in the
myofilaments leads to the banding pattern. myofibrils that produces the banding pattern, or
There are two types of threadlike protein striations, in skeletal muscle cells.
myofilaments within each of our “boxcar”
sarcomere. The larger thick filaments, also Mechanism of Muscle Contraction: The Sliding
called myosin filaments, are made mostly of Filament Theory
bundled molecules of the protein myosin, but
▪ Activation by nerve causes myosin heads
they also contain ATPase enzymes, which split
(crossbridges) to attach to binding sites of the
ATP to generate the power for muscle
thin filament
contraction. Notice that the thick filaments
extend the entire length of the dark A band. ▪ Myosin heads then bind to the next site of the
Also, notice that the midparts of the thick thin filament
filaments are smooth, but their ends are
▪ This continued action causes a sliding of the
studded with small projections (3d). These
myosin along the actin
projections, or myosin heads, are called cross
bridges when they link the thick and thin ▪ The result is that the muscle is shortened
filaments together during contraction. (contracted)
Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle When muscle fibers are activated by the nervous
system, the myosin heads attach to binding sites of
 Organization of the sarcomere
the thin filaments, and the sliding begins.
 Thin filaments = actin filaments
Each cross bridge attaches and detaches several and the myosin heads immediately begin
times during a contraction, generating tension that seeking out binding sites.
helps to pull the thin filaments toward the center of the
• The free myosin heads are “cocked”, much like
sarcomere. As this event occurs simultaneously in
a set mousetrap. Myosin attachment to actin
sarcomeres throughout the muscle cell, the cell
“springs the trap,” causing the myosin heads to
snap (pivot) toward the center of the
This “walking” of the myosin cross bridges, or sarcomere. When this happens, the thin
heads, along the thin filaments during muscle filaments are slightly pulled toward the center
shortening is much like a centipede’s gait. Some myosin of the sarcomere (c). ATP provides the energy
heads (“legs”) are always in contact with actin (“the needed to release and recock each myosin head
ground”), so that the thin filaments cannot slide so that it is ready to attach to a binding site
backwards as this cycle repeats again and again during farther along the thin filament. When the AP
contraction. Notice that the myofilaments themselves ends and calcium ions are returned to SR
do not shorten during contraction; they simply slide storage areas, the regulatory proteins resume
past each other. their original shape and position, and again
block myosin binding to the thin filaments. As a
The attachment of the myosin cross bridges to actin
result, the muscle cell relaxes and settles back
requires calcium ions (Ca+). So where does calcium
to its original length.
come from? Action potentials pass deep into the
muscle cell along membranous tubules that fold inward The Cross Bridge Cycle
from the sarcolemma. Inside the cell, the action
 Sarcoplasmic reticulum – specialized smooth
potentials stimulate the sarcoplasmic reticulum to
release calcium ions into the cytoplasm. The calcium
ions trigger the binding of myosin to actin, initiating  store calcium; release it on demand when the
filament sliding. This sliding process and the role of muscle fiber is stimulated to contract
calcium are depicted in the next slide.
Another very important muscle fiber organelle the
The Sliding Filament Theory sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), a specialized smooth ER.
The interconnecting tubules and sacs of the SR surround
• When the action potential ends, calcium ions
each and every myofibril just as the sleeve of a loosely
are immediately reabsorbed into the SR storage
crocheted sweater surrounds your arm. The major role
areas, and the muscle cell relaxes and settles
of this elaborate system is to store calcium and to
back to its original length. This whole series of
release it on demand when the muscle fiber is
events takes a few thousandths of a second.
stimulated to contract. As you will see, calcium
• In a relaxed muscle cell, the regulatory proteins provides the final “go” signal for contraction.
forming part of the actin myofilaments prevent
Nerve Stimulus to Muscles
myosin binding (a). When an action potential
(AP) sweeps along its sarcolemma and a muscle  Motor unit
cell is excited, calcium ions (CA2+) are released
from intracellular storage areas (the sacs of the  One neuron & all the muscle cell it
sarcoplasmic reticulum). stimulates

• The flood of calcium acts as the final trigger for  Skeletal muscles must be stimulated by a
contraction, because as calcium binds to the nerve cell (motor neuron) to contract
regulatory proteins on the actin filaments, the (Slide - branching axon to motor unit) The nerve
proteins undergo a change both in their shape Stimulus and the Action Potential
and their position on the thin filaments. This
action exposes myosin-binding sites on the To contract, skeletal muscle cells must be
actin, to which the myosin heads can attach (b), stimulated by nerve impulses. One motor neuron
(nerve cell) may stimulate a few muscle cells or
hundreds of them, depending on the particular muscle cell. However, more Na+ enters than K+ leaves.
and the work it does. One neuron and all the muscle This imbalance gives the cell interior an excess
cells it stimulates is called a motor unit. When a long, of positive ions, which reverses the electrical
threadlike extension of the neuron, called the nerve conditions of the sarcolemma, an event called
fiber or axon, reaches the muscle, it branches into a depolarization, and opens more channels that
number of axon terminals, each of which forms allow Na entry only……This “upset” generates
junctions with the sarcolemma of a different muscle cell an electrical impulse current called an action
(provide slides) potential. Once begun, the action potential is
unstoppable; it travels over the entire surface of
Neuromuscular junctions – association site of nerve
the sarcolemma, conducting the electrical
and muscle
impulse from one end of the cell to the other.
• These junctions, called neuromuscular (literally, The result is contraction of the muscle cell.
“nerve-muscle”) junctions, contain vesicles
 6. Note that while the action potential is
filled with chemical referred to as a
occurring, acetylcholine, which began the
neurotransmitter. The specific
process, is broken down to acetic acid and
neurotransmitter that stimulates skeletal
choline by enzymes (acetylcholinesterase, or
muscle cells is acetylcholine, or Ach.
AChE) present on the sarcolemma and in the
Synaptic cleft – gap between nerve & muscle synaptic cleft.

 filled with interstitial fluid For this reason, a single nerve impulse produces
only one contraction. This prevents continued
 nerve & muscle do not make contact contraction of the muscle cell in the absence of
Now that we have described the structure of the additional nerve impulses. The muscle cell relaxes until
neuromuscular junction, we are ready to examine what stimulated by the next round of acetylcholine release.
happens there. The events that return the cell to its resting state
• 1. When a nerve impulse reaches the axon include: 1. diffusion of Potassium ions (K+) out of the
terminals cell and 2. operation of the sodium-potassium pump,
the active transport mechanism that moves the sodium
• 2. calcium channels open and calcium (Ca2+) and potassium ions back to their initial positions.
enters the terminal
Events in the neuromuscular junction
• 3. calcium entry causes some of the synaptic
vesicles in the axon terminal to release ALS - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
acetylcholine ( Lou Gehrig’s disease)
• 4. which then diffuses across the synaptic cleft The disease that Stephen Hawking defied for
and attaches to receptors (membrane proteins) decades. “ brief history of time”. Theoretical physicist/
that are located in highly folded regions of the cosmologist..IQ - 162; diagnosed at age 21 (1942-2018)
In some cases, a motor nerve impulse is unable
Sarcolemma becomes permeable to sodium (Na+) to reach the muscle. In ALS, or amyotrophic lateral
Sodium rushing into the cell generates an action sclerosis ( Lou Gehrig’s disease), motor neuron
potential degenerate over time, resulting in paralysis that
gradually worsens. The cause of ALS is unknown, but
Once started, muscle contraction cannot be stopped command characteristics include malfunctioning
 5. if enough acetylcholine is released, the mitochondria, inflammation, and the generation of free
sarcolemma at that point becomes temporarily radicals that damage DNA & tissue much like intense UV
even more permeable to sodium ions (Na+), light. The prognosis for ALS patients is generally death
which rush into the muscle cells, and to within 3-5 years because the breathing muscles will
potassium ions (K+), which diffuses out of the eventually be affected, resulting in suffocation.
 By changing the number of muscle cells
Botox injections use various forms of botulinum toxin being stimulated
to temporarily paralyze muscle activity.
• Botulinum toxin in Botox injections for both STIMULATION
cosmetic and therapeutic reasons.
 Twitch -single, brief, jerky contractions
• The toxins affect the body at the neuromuscular  Tetanic Contraction
junctions called synapses. At this site, Botox o muscles are stimulated so rapidly that
prevents the release of the chemical no evidence of relaxation is seen
acetylcholine. o Completely smooth contractions &
• Toxin can be injected but not ingested.
hypochondriasis, migraines, and cerebral Although muscle twitches (single, brief, jerky
palsy–related uncontrolled movements. contractions) sometimes result from certain nervous
system problems, this is not the way our muscles
Properties of Skeletal Muscle Activity (single cells or
normally operate. In most types of muscle activity,
nerve impulses are delivered to the muscle at a very
 Contractility – ability to shorten when an rapid rate – so rapid that the muscle does not get a
adequate stimulus is received chance to relax completely between stimuli. As a result,
the effects of the successive contractions are “summed”
 Excitability (irritability)– ability to receive and ( added) together, and the contraction of the muscle get
respond to a stimulus stronger and smoother. When the muscle is stimulated
 Extensibility – ability to be stretched so rapidly that no evidence of relaxation is seen and the
contractions are completely smooth and sustained, the
 Elasticity – ability to recoil and resume resting muscle is said to be in fused, or complete, tetanus, or in
length after stretched tetanic contraction. Until this point is reached, the
CONTRACTION OF A SKELETAL MUSCLE muscle is said to be exhibiting unfused, or incomplete
 Muscle fiber contraction is “all or none”
 Muscle force depends upon the number of
 a muscle cell will contract to its fullest fibers stimulated
extent when it is stimulated
adequately; it never partially contracts  More fibers contracting results in greater
muscle tension
The “all-or-none” law of muscle physiology can be
likened to a light switch. It is either on or off—nothing  Muscles can continue to contract unless they
in between. This law applies to an individual muscle run out of energy
cell and not the whole muscle, thus providing a muscle A tetanic contraction (also called tetanized state,
with the ability to generate a graded response. tetanus, or physiologic tetanus, the latter to
A muscle is made up of thousands of muscle cells, differentiate from the disease called tetanus) is a
and if only a few of those cells contract to their full sustained muscle contraction evoked when the motor
capacity, the overall response is still going to be nerve that innervates a skeletal muscle emits action
minimal, such as a twitch. In contrast, if many cells potentials at a very high rate.
contract, objects can be moved or locomotion can ENERGY FOR MUSCLE CONTRACTION
 muscles used stored ATP for energy
 Graded responses – different degrees of
skeletal muscle shortening  Bonds of ATP are broken to release
 By changing the frequency of muscle
 Only 4-6 seconds worth of ATP is  Huge amounts of glucose are
stored by muscles needed

 After this initial time, other pathways must be  Lactic acid produces muscle
utilized to produce ATP fatigue (sore muscles)


1. Direct phosphorylation of ADP Oxygen - get rid of lactic acid

2. Aerobic Pathway Fatigued muscle - unable to contract

3. Anaerobic glycolysis  When a muscle is fatigued, it is unable to

Energy for Muscle Contraction
 The common reason for muscle fatigue is
 Direct phosphorylation
oxygen debt
 Muscle cells contain creatine
 Oxygen must be “repaid” to tissue to
phosphate (CP)
remove oxygen debt
 CP is a high-energy molecule
 Oxygen is required to get rid of
 After ATP is depleted, ADP is left accumulated lactic acid

 CP transfers energy to ADP, to  Increasing acidity (from lactic acid) and lack of
regenerate ATP ATP causes the muscle to contract less

 CP supplies are exhausted in < 15 sec TYPES OF MUSCLE CONTRACTIONS

 Aerobic Respiration  Isotonic contractions

 Supplies ATP at rest & during light /  Myofilaments are able to slide past
moderate exercise each other during contractions

 Series of metabolic pathways that occur  The muscle shortens, movement

in the mitochondria occurs

 Glucose is broken down to Carbon  Isometric contractions

dioxide and water, releasing energy (32-
 Muscle filaments are trying to slide,
36 ATP)
but the muscle is pitted against an
 This is a slower reaction that requires immovable object
continuous oxygen
 Tension in the muscles increases, but
 Anaerobic glycolysis & lactic acid formation do not shorten

 Reaction that breaks down glucose Muscle Tone

without oxygen
 State of continuous partial contractions
 Glucose is broken down to pyruvic acid
 Some fibers are contracted even in a relaxed
to produce about 2 ATP
 Pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid
 Result of different motor units being
 This reaction is not as efficient, but is stimulated in a systemic way
 Muscle remains firm, healthy, and constantly
ready for action
HOMEOSTATIC IMBALANCE brings two bones closer together (13a & b).
Flexion is typical of hinge joints (bending of
 If a nerve supply to a muscle is destroyed (as in
knee or elbow), but it is also common at all ball-
accident), the muscle is no longer stimulated in
and socket joints (ex. Bending forward of the
this manner, and it loses tone and becomes
paralyzed. Soon after, it becomes flaccid, or
soft and flabby, and it begins to atrophy (waste • Extension. Is the opposite of flexion, so it is a
away). movement that increases the angle, or the
distance, between two bones or parts of the
Effects of Exercise on Muscle
body (straightening the knee or elbow). If
 Results of increased muscle use extension is greater than 180° (as when you
move your arm posteriorly beyond its normal
 Increase in muscle size anatomical position, or tip your head (so that
 Increase in muscle strength your chin points toward the ceiling), it is
hyperextension (13a & b).
 Increase in muscle efficiency
• Rotation. Is movement of the bone around its
 Muscle becomes more fatigue resistant longitudinal axis (13c). Rotation is a common
MUSCLES AND BODY MOVEMENTS movement of the ball-and-socket joints and
describes the movement of the atlas around the
Movement is attained due to a muscle moving an dens of the axis ( as in shaking your head “no”).
attached bone
• Abduction. Is moving a limb away (generally on
• There are five very basic understandings about the frontal pane) from the midline or median
gross muscle activity: plane, of the body (13d). The terminology also
applies to the fanning movement of the fingers
1. With a few exceptions, all skeletal
or toes when they are spread apart.
muscles cross at least one joint
• Adduction. Is the opposite of abduction, so it is
2. Typically, the bulk of skeletal muscle lies
the movement of the limb toward the body
proximal to the joint crossed.
midline (13d)
3. All skeletal muscles have at least two
• Circumduction. Is a combination of flexion,
attachments: the origin and the
extension abduction, and adduction commonly
seen in ball-and-socket joints such as the
4. Skeletal muscles can only pull; they shoulder. The proximal end of the limb is
never push stationary, and its distal end moves in a circle.
The limb as a whole outlines a cone. (13d)
5. During contraction, a skeletal muscle
insertion moves toward the origin. Body Movements

Muscles and Body Movements • Special Movements. Certain movements do not

fit into previous categories and occur only in
 Muscles are attached to at least two points
few joints: Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion. Up
 Origin – attachment to an immovable and down movements of the foot at the ankle
bone are given special names. Lifting the foot so that
its superior surface approaches the shin
 Insertion – attachment to an movable (standing on your heels) is called dorsiflexion,
bone whereas depressing the foot (pointing the toes)
Types of Ordinary Body Movements is called plantar flexion (13e). Dorsiflexion of
the foot corresponds to extension of the hand
• Flexion. Is a movement, generally in the sagittal
plane, that decreases the angle of the joint and
and the wrist, whereas plantar flexion of the When a muscle’s name includes the term rectus
foot corresponds to flexion of the hand. (straight), its fibers run parallel to that imaginary line.
For example, the rectus femoris is the straight muscle of
• Inversion and eversion. Are also special
the thigh, or femur. Similarly, the term oblique as part
movements of the foot (13f). To invert the foot,
of a muscle’s name tells you that the muscle fibers run
turn the sole medially. To evert the foot, turn
obliquely (at a slant) to the imaginary line.
the sole laterally.
Naming of Skeletal Muscles
• Supination and pronation. The terms
supination “turning backward”) and pronation Relative size of the muscle
(“turning forward”) refer to the movements of
 Example: maximus (largest); longus
the radius around the ulna (13g). Supination
occurs when the forearm rotates laterally so
that the palm faces anteriorly, and the radius Location of the muscle
and ulna are parallel. Pronation occurs when
the forearm rotates medially so that the palm  Named for the bone with which they
faces posteriorly. Pronation brings the radius are associated.
across the ulna so that the two bones form an  ex. frontalis, temporalis, occipitalis
X. A helpful memory trick: if you lift a cup of
soup up to your mouth on your palm, you are Number of origins
supinating (“soup”-inating)  Example: triceps (three heads)
TYPES OF MUSCLES Location of the muscles origin and insertion
 Prime mover – muscle with the major  Example: sterno (on the sternum)
responsibility for producing a certain
movement Shape of the muscle

 Antagonist – muscle that opposes or reverses a  Example: deltoid (triangular)

prime mover
Action of the muscle
 Synergist – muscle that aids the action of the
 Example: flexor and extensor (flexes or
prime mover or by reducing undesirable
extends a bone)
Arrangement of FASCICLES
When a prime mover is active, its antagonist is
stretched and relaxed.  circular - concentric rings; close by contracting;
sphincters (orbicularis muscles)
Synergists (syn=together, erg=work)
 convergent - converge toward a single insertion
Fixators (specialized synergists) hold a bone still or tendon; triangular or fan-shaped (pectoralis
stabilizes the origin of a prime mover major)
 parallel - parallel to the long axis of the muscle;
Direction of muscle fibers  fusiform - spindle-shaped with an expanded
belly (biceps brachii)
 named in reference to some imaginary  pennate - (“feather”); a short fascicle attach
line; usually the midline of the body or obliquely to a central tendon
the long axis of a limb bone
 Example: rectus (straight); transverses
2 categories:
Direction of the muscle fibers. Some muscles
are named in reference to some imaginary line, usually 1. Facial
the midline of the body or the long axis of a limb bone.
Inserted into soft tissue; muscle or skin • flex the vertebral column

1. Chewing • rotate trunk and bend it laterally

Break down food in the body Internal oblique

Paired except: • iliac crest to last three ribs

platysma, orbicularis oris, frontalis, occipitalis. Transversus abdominis

FACIAL MUSCLES • from lower ribs & iliac crest to pubis

 Frontalis. raise eyebrows; wrinkle forehead • compresses abdominal contents

 Occipitallis. pulls scalp posteriorly
 Orbicularis oculi. close eyes, squint, blink, wink.
 Orbicularis oris. closes mouth; protrudes lips Trapezius
 Buccinator. flattens the cheek; whistle  extend the head
 Zygomaticus. raises corners of the mouth  elevate, depress, adduct, & stabilize scapula
upward; grin Latissimus dorsi
NECK MUSCLES  Pulling arm posteriorly
 Platysma  extends & adducts humerus power stroke
 pull the corners of the mouth inferiorly (“sad
clown” face); tenses neck Erector spinae
 Sternocleidomastoid
 both muscles contract – neck flexion; “prayer”  composite muscle – 3 muscle columns
muscles (longissimus, iliocostalis, and spinalis)
 one muscle contracts - rotate head towards  Head & back extension (prime mover)
shoulder on ; tilts the head to side  control the action of bending over at the waist
 Torticollis – twisting of the neck in one side  common source of lower back pain

TRUNK MUSCLES Quadratus Lumborum

 ANTERIOR MUSCLES  iliac crest to upper lumbar vertebrae

o Pectoralis Major forms anterior wall of  flexes the spine laterally
the axilla and adduct & flex arm  Both - extend the lumbar spine
o Intercostal muscles Deep muscles ARM MUSCLES
found between the ribs.
 winds across the shoulder girdle from spine of
Rectus abdominis the scapula to the clavicle; inserts to proximal
• pubis to rib cage humerus
 arm abduction (prime movers )
• flex vertebral column
• compress the abdominal contents (defecation ;
childbirth) Biceps brachii.

• involved in forced breathing  bulges when elbow is flexed

 lifts radius
External oblique  forearm flexion (prime mover); supinate the
• 8th rib to ilium
Brachialis ADDUCTOR GROUP (Groin muscle)

 elbow flexion  adduct thigh

 lifts ulna
Brachioradialis FOOT

 weak muscle from humerus to distal forearm Tibialis Anterior

Triceps brachii  Ankle dorsiflexion (prime mover)

 posterior humerus Tibialis Posterior

 elbow extension (prime mover)
 Foot inversion (prime mover)
 “boxer’s” muscle
Extensor digitorum longus
 toe extension (prime mover)
Gluteus Maximus
Fibularis (peroneus) muscle
• hip extensor
 (longus, brevis, & tertius)
• climbing stairs, jumping
 plantar flexes & everts the foot
Gluteus medius
• hip abductor ; stabilizes pelvis (walking)
 Ankle plantar flexion (prime mover)
• IM injections  “ toe dancer’s” muscle

Iliopsoas Soleus

• fused muscle  arises on the tibia & fibula = does not affect
knee movement
• hip flexion (prime mover)
 strong plantar flexor
• Keep body from falling backward
Developmental Aspects
16th week of pregnancy - movements of the fetus
Hamstring Group
after birth- gross reflex
(Biceps femoris, semimembranosus,
 cephalic/caudal direction
 proximal /distal direction
 thigh extension & knee flexion (prime movers)
Midadolescence – developed muscle

 weak thigh flexor

 “tailor’s” muscle

Quadriceps group.

As a whole acts to extend the knee powerfully

(kicking a football.)

 rectus femoris - extends knee; flex thigh at hip

Insertion: patella; tibial tuberosity

 vastus lateralis & rectus – IM (infants)

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