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by: Renante M. Avergonzado


The main thrust of this study was to determine the dimensionality of care among
the health and social care givers and their background to the subject-matters of Sociology
and Anthropology. Thus, the occurrence of the following features were considered: (1)
the profile variables of the respondents, (2) the respondents’ background in subject-
matters of Sociology and Anthropology, (3) the respondents’ dimensionality of care, and
(4) the significant relationship between the respondents’ dimensionality of care and their
background in subject-matters of Sociology and Anthropology.
This research has utilized the descriptive-correlation method to elicit responses on
aspects pertinent to the study. The main tool in the gathering of data was
through the use of an adapted questionnaire. Furthermore, the research respondents of
the study were the ten (10) health care providers and ten (10) social workers of the
municipality of Bilar, Bohol.
On the dimensionality of care, it was found out that empathy is the respondents’
dominating drive to care-giving with an overall weighted mean score of 3.92 describes as
Agree. The item, “I can understand my friend’s happiness when she/he does well at
something” has the highest weighted mean score. On the other hand, respondents’
altruism score was relative low with 1.90 overall weighted mean, described as More than
Once. With regards to the respondents’ background on the subject-matters of Sociology
and Anthropology, it was found out that they were minimally low with an overall weighted
mean score of 2.30 described as more than once. The subject-matter “religion and
modernity” has the highest weighted mean score of 2.73 described as often.
Though the respondents’ backgrounds to the two disciplines are minimal, it was
still ascertained in the study that the background in Sociology and Anthropology has a
positive correlation in both altruism and empathy dimensionality of care. Statistically, data
reveals that altruistic and emphatic behaviors increased when the background in the
subject-matters of Sociology and Anthropology increases. This result asserted the
importance of the knowledge and the study of Sociology and Anthropology subject-
matters in the caring and helping behaviors of people. Lastly, it was established that there
is no significant differences between the respondents’ field of work and their responses
to the following essential variables: altruism, empathy, and background on subject-
matters of Sociology and Anthropology.

Keywords: Dimensionality of Care, Altruism, Empathy, Background in subject-matter

of Sociology and Anthropology, Significant Relationship

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